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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 321 KB, 800x1000, 2hu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11391239 No.11391239[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /jp/!

I just wanted to tell you that I hope you have a good day! No matter what anyone does or says to you, just remember that you're always loved by Gensokyo, and that you should do your best to take it easy!

You don't need to do anything more than that!


>> No.11391252


>tfw this only makes you more depressed

>> No.11391256

>by Gensokyo
You messed it up.

>> No.11391260


S-shut up. I want all of Gensokyo to love me.

>> No.11391268

I want you to love me.

>> No.11391271


I probably do, anon. I probably do. I try my hardest to love everyone. Even Sakuya fans.

>> No.11391276


>> No.11391279

That's not how you play the game.

>> No.11391280

wow this thread is GAY

>> No.11391284


I understand your cries for help. It's okay. Even your lives are beautiful to me. There's nothing gay about positivity, anon.

>> No.11391288

You seem to be the one crying for help though, don't project.

>> No.11391290


No projecting, and no help requested!

Everything I give, I give freely. I accept things in the same light. I'm glad that you're alive.

>> No.11391295
File: 619 KB, 1200x1200, Stupid bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You forgot your -ze you dumb bitch.

>> No.11391297

Don't encourage laziness and unproductive attitudes.

>> No.11391299


I didn't forget it anon.

You were holding it for me all along.

>> No.11391302


Take it easy!

>> No.11391308

Dogma that does not require personal improvement and acceptance of negative qualities are the worst.

>> No.11391306
File: 1.81 MB, 320x240, ice nigga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn, that's smooth.

>> No.11391309


It's not dogma, anon. The notion of improvement is subjective, much as are negative qualities!

But that's okay!

>> No.11391318

Subjective concepts are important to daily life and individual happiness.

>> No.11391331

Personal improvement is the rejection of negative qualities. Accepting your negative qualities is the highest error anybody could ever do.

You were born to be better, each day, a little more than you were previously. No to drown in your own shit while smiling and saying "it smells wonderfully!".

>> No.11391333


Of course they are! But that doesn't mean you need to abide by the same definitions or goals of other people to obtain happiness or inner peace.

For example, if I were to stop worrying about things and take it easy, I would consider that to be an improvement (taking it easy) and acknowledging my negative quality (that I was worrying!)

It's as easy as you want it to be.

You are a beautiful person.

>> No.11391338


Technically you were born to bell curve; to improve for so long, and then to deteriorate and die.

>> No.11391341

If growth requires acceptance?

A positive outlook may improve moral in a way that leads to advance in personal improvement.

>> No.11391339

Is there a specific name for this type of image? I'm not sure what there is about it that makes it distinctive.

>> No.11391345


I believe that bared-tooth grimace is called a "Smile"

You find lots when you look for "*insert Touhou name here* Smile" or "Smiling".

>> No.11391350

Are you really happy, anon?

>> No.11391353



>> No.11391355
File: 84 KB, 420x248, 1374922419157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you guys need to need to be like a shooting star!

>> No.11391356


If Yes :
>Why are you here

If No :

>> No.11391367


Maybe he's some kind of Touhou bodhisattva that decide to remain in the lower Hell Realm of /jp/ to help others become happy.

>> No.11391370

Slowly disintegrate as I hurdle toward non existence?

>> No.11391378

Shiiit, we got some Marisa Bodhicitta going on.

>bodhicitta is a sudden and lasting compassion for all beings, accompanied by a falling away of the attachment to the illusion of an inherently-existing self.

>> No.11391385
File: 117 KB, 850x850, sample-97b7018303ea910947a7684d68798cbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Doh, anon you know what I mean!

>> No.11391383

If desire is the root of suffering then why do you desire to change me?

Checkmate, बोधिसत्त्व s

>> No.11391400


The origin of suffering is not desire, but attachment to transient things and the ignorance of said attachment.

I doubt he has any 'desire' to change you, regardless, but instead is expression 'compassion'.

>> No.11391410

What drives attachment? What is the root of all emotion?

I'm sure you can't believe we are born attached to the transient.

In the same way, compassion is born to desire.

>> No.11391421


Ah, but of course we are, for we ourselves are transient. To have an attachment to the transient is natural; it is the ignorance that this connection is the origin of suffering that must be understood.

Understanding is not a learned behavior. Compassion is not born to desire per se, but rather acknowledgment of suffering in one's self, which will carry to others.

>> No.11391431
File: 118 KB, 350x350, Buddhism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Byakuren is that you?

>> No.11391440

Attachment is not desire. Desire beckons attachment. Awareness of attachment doesn't grant any sort of understanding. Ask anyone who isn't mad, they know full well they're attached to their lives.

If you act on part of a 'self' you are no buddha.

>> No.11391448


I've never claimed to be a Buddha, but I'd like to state that true understanding that attachment to the transient being the source of suffering is in and of itself sufficient enough to remove said desires.

The desires alone will not cause suffering, but attachment. The awareness indeed grants that understanding. This is not an act on behalf of the self.

>> No.11391463
File: 489 KB, 420x315, Popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread went from typical Touhou to /phil/ fast. This is why we need a philosophy board.

>> No.11391478


/phil/ - Dr.Phil

>> No.11392572

Thanks, Marisa!

>> No.11392595


>> No.11392607

Pseudoscience goes on >>>/x/.

>> No.11392747



There's no science to being alive, anon!

I love you.

>> No.11392774

Science can't tell you how to live a life.

Ofc desire causes attachment. We come out of the womb in desire of sustenance. Attachment to life will naturally evolve from that, and into attachment of to all things.

>true understanding
What is "true" understanding? You can't know truth. This is hippie vomit.

Buddhism is contradictory at its core. The only thing they've got right is the fact that categories are constructed.

>> No.11392802
File: 944 KB, 1000x794, anonlove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon will always love you.

>> No.11393335


Nobody mentioned Buddhism, anon. You seem upset.

Also, the very statement that you can't know truth is far more contradictory than anything you are having difficulty with - in order for "you can't know truth" to be correct, that would make it true in and of itself, which is a truth, which apparently cannot be known.

True understanding is nothing more than a complete and full understanding of something. If you don't believe that's possible, then unfortunately no one will be able to help you.

And if you don't need help, then you shouldn't be trying to drag others down!

Take it easy!

>> No.11393344

>Nobody mentioned Buddhism
>Touhou bodhisattva
I think you'll find that half the posters in this thread are talking about Buddhism.

> the very statement that you can't know truth is far more contradictory
That's what I said, it's contradictory. Can you not read?

>> No.11393382

>Thread to throw out positivisty to balance out natural /jp/ negativity
>Devolves into Buddhism vs anti-Buddhism

I'm quoting this thread dweeb.

>> No.11393546

yo marisa where is Gensou Mangekyou red mist incident part 2?

>> No.11393814


Anon, he's saying that you saying you can't know truth is contradictory, not that knowing truth is contradictory.

People get themselves so twisted up in semantics that they doubt everything, even the existence of something such as truth.

If there's no truth, there's no doubt. Your doubt clearly exists. If there's no truth, what are you doubting?

>> No.11393817


This pairing of posts actually made me feel good.

>> No.11393837

Man... Exclamation points really are cute. I wonder why?

>> No.11393841


Because they're showing GUTS!

>> No.11393844


Why is that?

>> No.11393860


Because I believe him

>> No.11393868

They're both contradictory. It doesn't make either less illogical. When you pass some stance off as meaningful it will be questioned.

Doubt does not imply truth being it isn't concrete. Read a book instead of following trendy religions mouthed by dimwits.

>> No.11393937

>You don't need to do anything

Was originally a thinly veiled NEET thread

>> No.11393945


1) (Proper) Buddhism is not a religion.
2) Doubt in and of itself implicitly requires truth to exist. I've read plenty of books. All you're doing is getting ad hominem here.

>Prove to me that truth exists.
>Prove to me it doesnt.

It just seems like you want to be argumentative for the sake of being argumentative. I'm not here to argue the base existence of reality with you. If you want to define truth, reality, and the very notion of contradictory and uncontradictory, that's up to you. We're bound to the logic of language alone when trying to understand one another.

Even the term contradiction bears no meaning if there is no truth. If something is not true, how can a statement be in contradiction of it?

How can you disagree with something (ie, claiming something is wrong, such as the notion of truth), if there is no such things as truth, or "right"?

Even if that were the case, and EVERYTHING was wrong, then that statement "Everything is wrong", becomes true.

I'll not argue against that concept with you, because truth is indefinitely "true" in and of itself.

>> No.11393952


I don't think there's any veil at all. It's posted in /jp/ with a Touhou image as the OP.

>> No.11393976


>call out something as contradiction
>something cannot be contrary if tautology is nonexistent, elsewise there would be nothing to be in contradiction of in the first place

/jp/ pls

>> No.11393983
File: 35 KB, 460x276, Keanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11393986


Great showing why
>true understanding
is loaded hippie vomit just like I stated.

Clap clap, you've explain that the world is subjective, so why do you follow Buddhism? It's no less a leap of faith than any other religion and it is a religion when you're spreading it in order to "guide" other people, as those in this thread are.

I don't need truth to have doubt. I could doubtlessly believe something is true without it being true or there being any possible truth. The reverse is also sound.

>> No.11393996


You're just using a different word but holding it to the same definition. Doubt is truth to you. Why are you even arguing with him?

>> No.11394009

>Why are you even arguing with him?
Same reason I argue with everyone else.

>> No.11394014


True understanding has nothing to do with hippies, nor vomit. No one is guiding anyone. If someone sees someone else do something, and learns to do it themselves, were they guided or were they learning?

I don't follow Buddhism. I follow logic, much like you attempt to do so in your own way. I don't believe in reincarnation. I don't believe in reciting sutras. I do not believe that anything exists beyond reality.

The world is also not subjective. Only our views and ourselves are capable of subjectivity, as it is a man-made notion. This is the trap of language and linguistics.

>I don't need truth to have doubt. I could doubtlessly believe something is true without it being true or there being any possible truth. The reverse is also sound.

This statement is incorrect however. How do you know that you have doubt? If you have doubt, do you possess it? Is it real? Is it true? As you've stated, you could "doubtlessly believe" something, but that does not make it true. Likewise, you could doubt something that is true, and it would still be true. You can doubt truths or constants all you want, but that's nothing but solipsism at that point.

The notion of "true understanding" is based on logic and not rhetoric. You are claiming that someone's understanding of something is incorrect - that would be false understanding.

I'm saying that if someone properly understands and grasps an actual matter, it is true understanding.

>> No.11394083

>No one is guiding anyone
>Dogma that does not require personal improvement and acceptance of negative qualities are the worst.
>Accepting your negative qualities is the highest error anybody could ever do.
Etc etc I won't highlight the whole thread. All trying to prove some moral something orother.

I don't know why you're so inclined to believe you've touched truth as someone who "follows logic", even after showing that logic is only sound within context.

>How do you know that you have doubt? If you have doubt, do you possess it? Is it real? Is it true?
It's not relevant to anything.

Oh no, solipsism, that bogey man! Is it bad because you say so or because you can't handle the thought that your guiding light is false?

>I'm saying that if someone properly understands and grasps an actual matter, it is true understanding.

No, if you're the anon who said that originally then you are saying that it leads to "enlightenment" in the Buddhist sense. This is the hocus pocus that I view as invalid being based on the argument that you've shown cannot be defined as true.

>> No.11394125


For starters, this has nothing to do with any form of morality, and as you yourself mentioned, a large majority of this thread is not myself; I've made no mention of dogma nor "positive" or "negative" aspects of personality.

I don't follow a guiding light, as already stated (unless you consider logic to be a guide or light, in which case, sure), and solipsism isn't a bogeyman, it's merely insubstantial. Solipsism would mean that you fabricated this entire exchange for yourself, as you are the sole master of reality. However, you continue to only respond to tone or in terms of ad hominem, refusing to refute any of my statements within the terms you yourself positioned (apparently logic, and using terms without defining them first).

Also, claiming that doubt's existence isn't relevant to anything seems like you refuse to define something because that would implicate that truth exists, which you apparently have an issue with.

Also, enlightenment is real, and again, has nothing to do with Buddhism. Enlightenment is virtually the same thing as true understanding. You will not float, gain powers, reincarnate, or anything of that sort. You'll simply understand. There's no hocus pocus there. There's no shying away from anything.

>I view as invalid being based on the argument that you've shown cannot be defined as true.

Something is only invalid because it is not valid. Again, you attempt to unpin things by claiming there's no such thing as truth but the only tool at your disposal relies entirely on the existence of truth.

>> No.11394129

Is this the blog thread?

>> No.11394188

If it's on /jp/
It's a blog thread

>> No.11394202
File: 355 KB, 618x599, Based Byakuren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man Byakuren completely fucked whoever was challenging them in this thread.

>> No.11394207

>I'd like to state that true understanding that attachment to the transient being the source of suffering
Was the address of my claim.

There are many forms of solipsism, not all of them are insubstantial. They're hard to deal with so mostly ignored. Buddhism itself can be seen as solipsistic.

>you refuse to define something because that would implicate that truth exists, which you apparently have an issue with.
It is you who are playing semantic games, alongside contextual ones.

>You'll simply understand.
This is where I take issue. Understanding is contradiction.

>Something is only invalid because it is not valid. Again, you attempt to unpin things by claiming there's no such thing as truth but the only tool at your disposal relies entirely on the existence of truth.
Understanding requires truth.

>> No.11394248


>Understanding requires truth

I'm glad you two finally agree.

If truth ain't real, then you don't understand shit, so you apparently don't understand shit.

10/10 Byakuren, flawless victory

>> No.11394676

T-thanks, Marisa.

>> No.11397938

Every day until I like it.

>> No.11397959
File: 476 KB, 896x1298, 1371474475790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11397972

All this philosophy is crazy as shit

I just live the swag life and fuk bitches

>> No.11397988


Being Based is the same as acquiring True Knowledge, anon.

You've become enlightened without slogging through the details.


>> No.11398088
File: 32 KB, 400x391, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was that stuff about the tr00 monk being a crazy hobo who lives in the woods and shits himself and not a stoic who lives a measured life of austerity?

Cuz dat's true, except the part about living in the woods and shittin youtrself

>> No.11398111

Get out of here normies and niggers.

>> No.11398157

Because you act and argue like the kind of man who unironically owns several fedoras?

The concept of doubt as the sole defining concept of your philosophical thought is a "truth". You have to believe in the veracity of something to have the ability to believe in its opposite.

Not only are you needlessly argumentative, you're caught up in the most odious of self-delusions; the one where dogmatic belief in nothing is the only belief you have. It's like you don't have the balls to be a solipsist or a true nihilist.

>> No.11398191

>dogmatic belief in nothing

really both sides of this argument were dumb

>> No.11398267


Except Byakuren's.

>> No.11398279

>40 posts begging the question on both sides

>> No.11399394

Thanks Marisa

>> No.11400489

Today was pretty shit, you lied to me Marisa, fuck you I hope you get your face eaten by Rumia

>> No.11401060


What lie did she tell?

>> No.11401080
File: 100 KB, 456x366, 1370960084653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just wished you a good day anon.
Maybe you should stop having shitty days?

>> No.11401099

why do people draw her with that shit eating grin.

she's the complete opposite of what that grin suggests, goddammit.

>> No.11401100

I had a shitty day too, and probably a worse one than that guy.

I fucking hate you, you stupid useless witch!

>> No.11401115
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 1372891714826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you feel the need to blame your problems on fictional women?

>> No.11401128


>says hope you have a good day
>not you will have a good day
>you should do your best to take it easy
>you don't take it easy

Get wrekt niggas she ain't doin' shit wrong.

>> No.11401224 [DELETED] 

I'm try to have a good day but it was completely ruined earlier.
I'm so afraid of losing him /jp/. This is turning out to be just like another relationship I had a few years ago... If you ever get a partner, make sure they don't play video games okay? Or at least not very often. They'll more than likely get bored of you after a while and turn to those and disregard your feelings and needs.

Sorry for the blog post.

>> No.11401225 [DELETED] 


>> No.11401624

Are you hitting on me

>> No.11401627

'Cause the fictional women don't mind and the fictional women don't care.

>> No.11403490

Everyone here is so fucking retarded. This place is like a 6th grade philosophy class. No one here is practical.

>> No.11403726

Today I walked down the street and though as hard as I've ever though "I want to live in gensokyo" and I got really sad.

>> No.11403732

They have philosophy classes in middle school?

>> No.11404112

I don't know about you but I was a certified grade A solopsist by age of 10.

>> No.11404585

Wittgenstein's On Certainty is a great attack on solipsism.

>> No.11404593

>Implying philosophy is practical

>> No.11404598

positivity is for gays

>> No.11404608

Is this roleplaying?

>> No.11404627

No. We are just being ourselves.

Do you like tofu?

>> No.11404661

My computers fan suddenly got louder. Usually it goes away but its been going on for 5 hours. I cleaned all the dust and it didnt go away. I havent felt this anxious in years I feel like I could throw up. If my computer fails I have no way of replacing any parts of it.

>> No.11404810

Have you tried asking on a tech support board? Maybe there are like diagnostic programs that could tell you what's wrong.

>> No.11405025

Why is my heart melting

>> No.11405049

Somebody rang my doorbell three days straight.

I.. is this b.. bullying? Or are those master criminals who want to see if I'm at home? I'm scared now.

>> No.11405072
File: 60 KB, 241x273, 1368979926280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They probably want your neetbux. Stash them away, and hide under your bed until you're absolutely sure that you're safe.

>> No.11405089

Thanks to you OP, today was pretty good. A little girl sat in my lap and we watched movies and stuff together. She intertwined her fingers with mine and rested her head against mine while we watched Cry Baby Lane and My Haunted House. When she reached for my hand and put her fingers between mine and squeezed I got a boner. I smelled her hair a lot, is that weird?

>> No.11405093

Yeah, it is. Why would you watch Cry Baby Lane?
You need to show that girl some real movies, like Silence of the Lambs.

>> No.11405100

She got really excited and curious when I told her Nickelodeon banned it.

>> No.11406259

Shooting stars, or meteoroids, do not slowly disintegrate. They wander around the universe, come at Earth from an unknown time and place and hit our tiny planet - an impossibly small target from that distance. Then, they hug the air so hard, they burn up completely and become a gassy cloud whose elements, over time, become part of Earth's biosphere. Each might be the last remaining fragment from an ancient alien civilisation, now finding new life as part of a tree.

So... I guess what >>11391355 meant is that you need to find out what you love the most, then press yourself inside it so hard you burn up and become part of it.
