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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11390312 No.11390312 [Reply] [Original]

In your opinion, how does this piece compare to your average visual novel?

>> No.11390316

Too many words on the screen at once. It's too tiring to read.

>> No.11390320

What the fuck is this

>> No.11390333
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What about this?

>> No.11390330
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How about this?

>> No.11390339

B-but books are for smart people, that's what muh TV told me

>> No.11390341

No more than two sentences at a one.

>> No.11390336

I think some negros gained access to a printing press.

>> No.11390346

>as I walked in, the line was out the door

my mind is full of fuck

>> No.11390347

I usually have problems with reading text on a monitor and I can read it just fine.

This, on the other hand, kills my eyes.

>> No.11390360
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Step your game up OP

>> No.11390364
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>> No.11390368

what. The fuck did I just read?

>> No.11390373


Books written by white people for white people.

>> No.11390376

Harlequin novel generally are done by white people, but in this case the author really is a black woman.

>> No.11390377

Fuck, I'm crying. For some reason bad writing makes me laugh a lot.

>> No.11390386

You must make yourself laugh a lot.

>> No.11390388
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Step aside Nasu

>> No.11390391

You are correct, friend. Also, #rektburnice

>> No.11390392

You don't need to be smart. You don't even need reading comprehension to read a book, you'll just misinterpret what happens, which doesn't matter if you aren't quizzed after the fact.

>> No.11390413
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>> No.11390407

This is the fucking best-seller? With the "oh jeez", "oh my", the clichés and all the fucking ellipses?

>> No.11390408
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>> No.11390415

What's wrong with this one?

>> No.11390416

The end of that played out like an old spice commercial. What the fuck did I just read?

>> No.11390418
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>> No.11390432

In comparison to the average eroge, it's shit.

>> No.11390425

Sex starved white women love 'raunchy' books.

>> No.11390426


>"I'm obsessed with everything English."

She has a major case of the weebs as seen >>11390413 and >>11390418

"Black Raven" is her dark, edgy weeb friend

>> No.11390443

Compared to the rest of the stuff in this thread that's pretty tame.

>> No.11390441

Speaking of which, I was watching Watamote the other day, and the protagonist said something along the lines of "they don't show THAT in otome games!"

What are sex scenes like in otome games, /jp/? I don't have much experience in that field

>> No.11390447
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>That's because you're blind now, Mildred.

>> No.11390449

The way mass market fiction works is that you sign up for a romance book club and they send you out one each month. That's how they inflate the sales so much.

>> No.11390453

>Her eyes were round, like two nipples.

10/10 simile

>> No.11390464

It also helps when you have mass media hyping the shit out of the book for being "so risque" or something.

>> No.11390470

That one is supposed to be funny.

>> No.11390475

Is this fanfiction?

>> No.11390485

Don't talk shit about Sailor Moon.

>> No.11390492

This bitch trashing Sailor Moon is the worst thing in this entire thread.

>> No.11390498


>The Fifty Shades trilogy was developed from a Twilight fan fiction series originally titled Master of the Universe and published episodically on fan-fiction websites under the pen name "Snowqueen's Icedragon". The piece featured characters named after Stephenie Meyer's characters in Twilight, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. After comments concerning the sexual nature of the material, James removed the story from the fan-fiction websites and published it on her own website, FiftyShades.com. Later she rewrote Master of the Universe as an original piece, with the principal characters renamed Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele and removed it from her website prior to publication.

>> No.11390504

Master of the Universe makes me think of He-Man.

>> No.11390500


Well, yes, that's the kind of thing I was poking fun at. How many people do you hear bash video games or visual novels or TV and somesuch, saying "why don't you go read a book"?

After all, 90% of everything is garbage, and books are no exception

>> No.11390508

Most visual novel writers can't create prose that well, OP.

For reference, check out something like "My first novel" 3rd grade level or something.

>> No.11390574

How are they masters of the universe if they never leave their planet?

>> No.11390593

The Universe is uninhabited apart from that one planet.

>> No.11390615

Books get their reputation for being for smart people because the best literature is far better than anything you'll find in other storytelling mediums.

I think you mean most VN fan translators.

>> No.11390632

>Books get their reputation for being for smart people because the best literature is far better than anything you'll find in other storytelling mediums.

By what standards? Contribution to history/culture/whatever? That's inherently biased because books have had a good few thousand fucking years on movies, television, video games, and visual novels.

>> No.11390645

If you go by which is the oldest, then that would be oratory storytelling - plays, operas, etc. Books didn't really become popular until after the printing press.

>> No.11390678

By the standard of their ability to enrich our lives, encourage us to examine the world around us as well as look inward, and explore what it means to live as a human being.

>> No.11390708
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Also true.


That is far too subjective to be quantified. Many people found The Sopranos to be an excellent series that deals with very human issues in an entertaining and relateable way, but can you say that it is better or worse than great works of literature?

/lit/, I know you hate hearing this, but no, great books aren't better than other great works in other mediums simply because they're books.

>> No.11390729
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Wrong image

>> No.11390790

You're right. They aren't better "because they're books" but they are better.

>too subjective to be quantified
Well no shit, you can't come up with a scientific measure for art and you don't need to. Not everything in the world needs to be quantified; maybe you'd realize this if you read books. There's a reason why most people think of books as being for smart people (remember, the reason why this line of conversation started in the first place?).

Also I've never heard of someone whose mind and worldview were expanded from watching TV shows (even great ones like the Sopranos or the Wire). Those shows address human issues on a more surface level. Doesn't mean they aren't useful, but they simply don't encourage as advanced of an understanding.

>> No.11390801

Text is a magical medium. It forces your mind to create and destroy concepts. It expands the way you think. It let's you stand in roles you otherwise would not, in a way that other mediums can't, because we think in concepts that are described by words. Your inner monologue? That is what a book is. They are closer than anything else to a brain.

Maybe they'll be replaced when a computer program can generate content on-the-fly in response to our brains - kind of like 4chan. We are communicating now on the only thing that can replace books.

>> No.11390803

>mind and worldview were expanded
What kind of books are you reading anyway? Philosophy?

>> No.11390806


So you acknowledge that the measure that they're considered "better" by is too subjective to be useful, which naturally implies you can't really call one thing better than the other thing as they can't be objectively measured, but they're better anyway because you say so and because a bunch of old people say so as well.

Well, glad we've cleared that up /lit/.

>> No.11390820

Literature objectively has more influence how the world and society evolve[s/d] than any other medium.

>> No.11390824


Samefag from >>11390708 here. Now this is a better argument; books are more mentally stimulating because text mediums naturally stimulate your mind in ways that more visual mediums cannot by forcing your brain to think up the situation that's being described to you. That's an actual point, and I applaud you for making it as opposed to >>11390790 's vague unquantifiable bullshit

I do not believe, however, it strictly relates to the comment I was replying to, which was that books have the ability to enrich our lives, encourage us to examine the world around us and ourselves, and explore the nature of humanity. I feel quite confident in saying all of these are equally valid goals capable of being achieved in practically any medium. That said, it is true that when your brain is forced to be your video card instead of your computer, as in the case of video games, there is more mental stimulation there

>> No.11390827


It has done so, that is true, but as mentioned >>11390632 , that is a fallacy because books have simply been around longer than other mediums by entertainment

>> No.11390828

So much autism in this thread. You guys should get laid.

>> No.11390849

If the internet is considered literary (and it is more literary than anything else), then literature still holds the most influence. In addition, books continue to drive education, proving to have had more influence in the time since the development of other media forms than anything else. Video and audio lectures have been proven less effective. Video games can be debated as nearing/more/less effective but being that they have not been largely adopted into education it can't be said that they are "for smart people" - smart people are educated by books.

I'll suck your cock.

>> No.11390862

I read a pretty big range of books, though little pure philosophy. I like reading fiction that addresses similar questions as philosophy, but in a different format.

It's subjective but not "too subjective to be useful." This is just another example of your autistic fetishization of objectivity. If you think subjective things aren't useful you're going to miss out on the vast majority of the world.

>> No.11390866


When did a discussion on the merits of books as a medium of entertainment compared to their peers start to involve education? What point are you trying to make here?

>> No.11390871

>It's subjective but not "too subjective to be useful." This is just another example of your autistic fetishization of objectivity. If you think subjective things aren't useful you're going to miss out on the vast majority of the world.

You're still not making an actual argument. You're saying "Books are higher forms of entertainment because I say so." Making assertions with no logical argument behind them does not fly in the real world.

>> No.11390870

Nothing is objective anyway and anybody who's read enough books knows that. It's why it's so effective bait.

That books are for smart people.

Are you going to start pettifogging the definition of smart?

>> No.11390874



Have we entered that phase of the conversation where we see who has the bigger thesaurus?

I'll suck your thesaurus dood.

>> No.11390877

Bro I don't need a thesaurus since I done read enough books and I think that's a hilarious sounding word. It's like petting froges.

>> No.11390886
File: 51 KB, 410x478, frog relaxing_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How cute! I'd like to pet a frog sometime

>> No.11390885 [DELETED] 

The only time pettifogging as a verb was used was in the 1640s.

You read books from the Renaissance era?

>> No.11390892

That's right. Delete your post cause you're wrong.

>> No.11390894

Dude, it's short for petty fugger. It's not exactly cute.

>> No.11390899
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>I was like, Whoa! I touch her titties. They felt like titties.

>> No.11390918

>Suddenly my crotch got harder than my son's rigor mortis set body. I felt into her pants; she was as wet as the river the Russians are probably going to throw my son's dead body into.

>> No.11390922

You still hardly see that term outside of newspapers.

>> No.11390950

>Also I've never heard of someone whose mind and worldview were expanded from watching TV shows (even great ones like the Sopranos or the Wire). Those shows address human issues on a more surface level. Doesn't mean they aren't useful, but they simply don't encourage as advanced of an understanding.

You wrote this blurb, didn't you?

Very rarely, a few times in a lifetime, you open a book and when you close it again nothing can ever be the same. Walls have been pulled down, barriers broken, a dimension of feeling, of existence itself, has opened in you that was not there before. "To the End of the Land" is a book of this magnitude. David Grossman may be the most gifted writer I've ever read; gifted not just because of his imagination, his energy, his originality, but because he has access to the unutterable, because he can look inside a person and discover the unique essence of her humanity. For twenty-six years he has been writing novels about what it means to defend this essence, this unique light, against a world designed to extinguish it. "To the End of the Land" is his most powerful, shattering, and unflinching story of this defense. To read it is to have yourself taken apart, undone, touched at the place of your own essence; it is to be turned back, as if after a long absence, into a human being.[

>> No.11390976

I remember reading brother karmazov and Lises' confession and scene with Aloysha made me feel all giddy. Lise is a wheelchair girl

>> No.11390985

i stopped reading books because i found it difficult to maintain an erection from serifs alone

>> No.11390997

Sans serif forever

>> No.11391054

>David Grossman

Jews and "fictitious" go together like ham and eggs, so no surprise there

>> No.11391145
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>My dick was as motionless as my son's dead body.

>she was as wet as the river the Russians are probably going to throw my son's dead body into.


>> No.11391149
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>> No.11391177

Purple Panties is better nigga
