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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 659 KB, 1280x720, capture_025_15082013_002656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11372563 No.11372563 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>11356228

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.11372571 [DELETED] 


>> No.11372575

What's this game called?

>> No.11372578

Look at the text box

>> No.11372579

Witch's Garden

>> No.11372581


>> No.11372585


>> No.11372589

I'm very ashamed for not having anything interesting to say when it appears I have come across a new general thread, and I'm just passing by 4chan weekly.

Hmm... let's say during late summer I figured I was way behind on VN'ing so I decided to hit up lists of recommended titles. ~120 hours isn't near enough... *cries* I'm such a noob.

(11372571 yeah way to go, pfft)

>> No.11372590 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 200x200, spoon feeding (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11372597 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 300x300, hot anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11372648

Where can I download this game with english translation?

>> No.11372702

In 2022

>> No.11372718

WHERE idiot

>> No.11372723

you can only play VNs in japan. Didnt you read the disclaimer?

>> No.11372741

Anyone? Help please

>> No.11372745

Here you go. The translation is only 80% completed though.

>> No.11372745,1 [INTERNAL] 

Dude please, these threads are sacred /jp/ heritage.

>> No.11372813

%%I loved when you fuck her nee-san for the first time. She then sits staring at blood and sperm coming out of her vag%%

>> No.11372829

Please don't spoonfeed him

>> No.11373019
File: 33 KB, 256x368, 13983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I download noDVD patch for ないしょのないしょ!Please I want to play this game so bad

>> No.11373019,1 [INTERNAL] 

You have been banned from /jp/ for posting >>11372571, a violation of Global Rule 6:

The quality of posts is extremely important to the community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

Your ban was filed on September 2nd, 2013 and expires on September 3rd, 2013, which is 1 day from now.

>> No.11373019,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11373083


google man, first hit was this. It's siglusengine so you'll have to do the whole alpharom signup tool thing

>> No.11373088

I just wanted to live happily with 2 loving imoutos, boy I was wrong.

Voicing was shit too.

>> No.11373130

Isn't that what it was about?

>> No.11373143

Probably, I just have a habit of picking VNs just by looking at their covers.

And also a habbit of dropping them that fast too.

>> No.11373305

Playing Chusingura.
Based on the lewd chara designs I thought it was a nukige like Kouhime Musou.

Didn't expect a serious story. I'm still at the second route but I'm hooked.
Wasn't expecting it to be something like MLA.

>> No.11373352

Could anyone please upload the 大図書館 nodvd crack? The old one has been taken down.

>> No.11373350


>> No.11373366

I finished it a while back. The first three routes are quite good. The fourth route was still so-so but the last route was just embarrassingly bad, especially towards the end. Also why would they give last route for pretty much the worst character in the game. Why did they even make her a heroine. The whole thing should've just ended after the third route in my opinion.

It also saddened me that all my favorite VAs voiced side characters.

Well at least in the end it was a moderately entertaining read.

>> No.11373410

I technically finished Introductory Chapter, but it seems that if I read through it again bonus scenes involving Setsuna and Kazusa will unlock?

>> No.11373613

I don't remember anything like that. What makes you think so?

>> No.11373648

play through again to see bonus scenes (basically clarifies some stuff Haruki didn't see)

After CC's Chiaki normal end, play through IC one more time

>> No.11374329


How does /jp/ deal with this?

Personally, I play the good route(s) first, and then treat this as a non-canon rape-themed erodoujin.

>> No.11374347


Canon doesn't exist unless there is a true route.

>> No.11374352

Depends on what kind of mood I'm in I guess. I've only played a couple of games that had that anyway.

>> No.11374364

A VN's content is canon, doujinshi are not.

>> No.11374392

Official works can have non-canon routes. Sequels generally assume one ending was canon and the others weren't. Or sometimes you get something like Daggerfall where every ending was canon because magic.

>> No.11374401

Anon pls. Canon content=/=canon ending.

>> No.11374434

Depends on game but I usually try to get those routes out first and finish with good routes so it doesn't make my heart break to see bad shit to happen to characters I grew to like in the good routes.

>> No.11374437

Debating what is canon and what isn't for a medium based around making choices and branching paths is stupid.

>> No.11374445

Western RPG series have even more choices. Think Baldur's Gate, Knights of the Old Republic, Neverwinter Nights.

>> No.11374455

I understand what you mean. The reason I do the opposite is that while I hate canon rape of characters I like, for some reason I like it in pure ero-settings, such as nukige or doujins. By considering the evil route one of the above, I can enjoy it. I don't know if others feel the same, maybe I'm odd.

It was never a debate.

>> No.11374458

Your point?

>> No.11374469

They have sequels based on canon routes. So in that case it is not silly to debate what is canon and what isn't for a medium based around making choices and branching paths.

>> No.11374476

I see where are you coming from too, atleast on more ero-focused titles it can be much more hot that way. Although I can't just dumb it on not-canon rape which would be demeaning so it's always just another possible outcome for me.

>> No.11374538

At least I couldn't bring myself to play through the evil route in Itazurakko. For a game I originally downloaded for pure fapping purposes the twins proved to be way too fatherly instinct ticklingly adorable for being defiled. Though the shitty system and horrible frame rate could also have further cemented my disregard for H scenes.

But for some reason that gave me an idea about a grimdark rape filled spin-off of Twinkle Crusaders and strangely my dick also agrees even though I really liked the heroines. I guess it's sort of a double edged thing and the "non-canon rape-themed erodoujin" comparison may be pretty spot on. If you're just playing a straight-out rape game then you're already wary of forming any emotional bonds with the heroine but if you actually like the characters then the rape scenes are also going to feel more kinky. Though if one likes them too much then seeing them get raped will just cause a lot of rage, as was my experience with Baldr Sky in the optional scenes when you fail the time limit.

I just don't know man.

>> No.11374600

>If you're just playing a straight-out rape game then you're already wary of forming any emotional bonds with the heroine
I don't know, when I played Gyakushuu 4 for instance I instantly liked one of the heroines (Myria) and raged whenever her mother treated her like shit, but I still fapped to even the most extreme rape scenes she got. Like the giant crawfish. And the manko dance.

>> No.11374708
File: 369 KB, 1280x720, Next up, HOOKSOFT's Moe Moe Onee-san Paradise~ Fandisc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senri's route in PriministAr was an unexpected rollercoaster, certainly not the super happy pure love I was expecting. Every time things lightened up, Senri's eyesight problems hit you like a sack of bricks right up until the end where her condition reaches it's worst point. This being a HOOKSOFT game and the final CG in the epilogue being inconsistent with the CG right before the credits made me think that they were doing an asspull for a moment there, but they didn't. Nothing exceptional, but the cute and touching parts were more than enough to make up for the more dramatic parts, which were basically repeats of each other and overall bland.

Ghost girl's bonus route was pretty awful. On another note, the more I play, the more I wish Ruruko and Misumi switched places.

I'm planning on doing Ruruko's and Tsubasa's route next, though I expect to be hit with a slight case of route guilt now that I've done Senri's.

>> No.11374866

i'm in shanghai right now and will be here for a couple of weeks, cant get on to EGS, anyone can help?

>> No.11374873

I think the reason you're not able to access EGS is because you're in China.
Probably, I'm not an expert on this stuff.

>> No.11374893

I'm sitting in Germany and can't access it. EGS just happens to hate gajin no matter where they dwell. The only solution are proxies. Anonymox (firefox extension) works fine for me.

>> No.11374896

Try Tsunagarumon. It works perfectly for me.

>> No.11374918

i'll give it a try

>> No.11374999

What's that VN that was about people playing russian roulette that could grant your wish or something? Its a couple years old by now at least, just wondering if it ever got translated.

>> No.11375011


>> No.11375064

I've tried playing it today and it asked me for a license ID. Help , /jp/ ;_;

>> No.11375087


>> No.11375109

It's terrible, please don't force yourself through it.

The Russian roulette aspect more or less means nothing anyway considering if someone wishes so then the dead can easily be brought back to life.

>> No.11375113

Then why is it rated mostly ~8?

>> No.11375116

>66 votes total, average 7.38 (good)

>> No.11375128

Still, 7 is not terrible.

>> No.11375152

>3119 votes total, average 7.94 (good)
vndb.org ratings are kind of meaningless.

>> No.11375165

Never follow vndb's ratings. It's an excellent database, but its ratings are shit. EGS is a better choice, or just read the plot summary + sample CGs and make your own decision.

>> No.11375173

VNDB needs to add writers and artists. To this day I'll never understand why they have a character DB but not that.

>> No.11375190

I see. Thanks. I already know some Japanese but I'm new to VNs so I don't much about the medium.

So this works with 0-100. What medium/average score would you say is decent to good?

I laughed. This might be useful.

>> No.11375236

I started playing Forest some days ago. I suppose I was near the end and all of a sudden a bad end happens, I have no idea why was it a bad ending nor why did it happen, and it sent me back to chapter IV.What the actual fuck?

>> No.11375306

Anything around 79-80 is decent.

And that tag is insanely useful. What's the point of eroge if it doesn't make you want to whip out your dick?

>> No.11375887
File: 84 KB, 590x713, egs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems the EGS admin is not against unblocking IPs if you PM him on twitter. (E-mailing him might work too)

>> No.11376084

I wonder what qualifies as おかしな for him ( basically everything that doesn't read "I'm a a japanese on foreign soil help me" on the IP address?) considering a lot of private addresses got blocked

>> No.11376114


Kageaki is amazing

>> No.11376393

I'm from South America and for some reason I can use EGS. I wonder why?

>> No.11376418

Could have something to do with having a dynamic IP. Right now I can access the site from here just fine even though I couldn't get in a few months ago. Though they also seem to be randomly un/banning IPs since I also have had to keep shuffling through proxies in order to get in. Some anon suggested that running the site through google translate and then reverting it back to Japanese seems to consistently work, though it's slow as hell and in my case it couldn't load up any images.

>> No.11376471

I have a static IP and I'm from a pretty nondescript country in Central America and never had problems logging into EGS. I think I browse it enough, but I have no idea. Maybe because I don't have an easily identifiable domain name/hostname from my ISP.

>> No.11376592

That maybe it. When I am at my house I can't get into EGS but at uni I can. In the USA btw.

Some games sell well, have a shitty story, and excellent ero. プリズム◇リコレクション! comes to mind.

>> No.11376633

Also about this. Is that game ever going to be translated? I can't be assed to learn.

>> No.11376655

im working on it now.

>> No.11376674

Thanks, can't wait.

>> No.11376978

anyone check out Love&Piss ~少女のガマンが世界を救う~?

>> No.11377146

I wouldn't call it straight-out terrible, since it did have some good aspects, but yeah, the overall package is pretty mediocre. Which is a damn shame, since the OST, the overall style and Noko are great.

>> No.11377481
File: 19 KB, 256x369, 10584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have this? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

RISE 〜ライズ〜

>> No.11377509

Noko and Nitori were my least favorite characters, Sakura and Chiaki were my favorite.

The game was pretty funny and had some good characters but since all the tension was taken out by wishing someone back to life. There needs to be consequences for a life and death story to be engaging, once the tension was gone it was essentially a story about "lolcrazyshit happening on New Year's Eve ". The game was pretty good for the first 2/3's but man did it fall apart at the end.

>> No.11377618


>> No.11377624



>> No.11377649

Thanks a million. I've been looking for this for months.

May I ask what search term you used to find these pages? Or any tips at all?

>> No.11377667

name of the game in Japanese + release date in yymmdd format + zip/rar

if google fails you read up on clubbox and use the search box on their main website

>> No.11378130

Muramasa is probably the funniest eroge I've played.

>> No.11378166
File: 15 KB, 395x92, too silly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muramasa is too silly for me.

>> No.11378251
File: 243 KB, 890x620, masterup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11378247

辻堂さんのバージンロード still not uploaded yet

>> No.11378254

I thought it was just me. I could keep fapping to the ero-scenes forever. I don't think I'll ever uninstall it.

>> No.11378278

Playing 恋騎士Purely☆Kiss currently, Yuu is easily the best little sister i have seen in all the Vn's I've played sofar

>> No.11378509

Any news about Bradyon Veda? I starting to doubt that is going to be released this year. I mean..light is acaparating this fall with 2 chuuniges and Akatsuki works is still silent about BV.

>> No.11378807
File: 145 KB, 600x700, c775319table6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat the fuck

A spaghetti monster with meatball titties

>> No.11378828

Oh baby.

>> No.11379522
File: 828 KB, 1284x724, 0062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got around to finishing Sakura's route in hitoren after getting distracted by a bunch of other things. All I can really say about it was that she was adorably as fuck the entire time.
Overall, her route was pretty fun, but somehow it felt like it ended a little suddenly. That might just be because I spent a lot of time rereading other games though and I left off near the end.
Aside from Risa's, are any of the other routes worthwhile?

>> No.11379537

Pastafarian VN?

>> No.11379711


>> No.11379733

What is a good VN targetted towards a female audience? Most tend to be male-focused that I've played.

>> No.11379736

There aren't any. Sorry.

>> No.11379738

Hakuouki, on the verge of fujoshi-tier though.

>> No.11379741

you want the otome games general on vg, they can help you

>> No.11379749

Liar-soft's steampunk series.

>> No.11379782

Could anyone recommend incest VNs? I'm obsessed with it. I've already played ヨスガノソラ, イモウトノカタチ, プリズム リコレクション. I want to give 運命予報, ずっとすきして and ゆめこい a go but I'd like to know if you have anything with an especially good imouto character and/or route in mind.

>> No.11379787


>> No.11379791

This game was shit except for the loli's route, which was pretty cool.

Anyway, we just had a discussion on incest games in the previous thread.

>> No.11379873


I see, sorry, I'll read the previous thread.

>> No.11379926

ハピメア had a great imouto, but sadly she kind of got shafted as far as her route goes.

Speaking of which, didn't someone say they were planning a fandisc? I can't find any mention of it on their site or Twitter feed.

>> No.11380127

I misread that as "I pee, sorry", and referring to loli that could come out cute.

>> No.11380212

WOW thanks!
I feared a delay for a moment.

>> No.11380443
File: 1.01 MB, 640x860, Slutmika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Muv Luv Alternative a few hours ago. I've been reading it since November last year so I'm glad to be finally done with it.

It was a pretty fun read, but nowhere near as good as I was led to believe before starting it (especially Extra, holy shit, that was garbage). The problems I had with Alternative were mostly pacing issues, which is why I took so long to finish it, there was just way too much starting and stopping with the storyline, and those massive info-dumps were so tedious to sit through. I would just make a save and then be so reluctant to pick it back up because I knew one of those parts was waiting for me, so I'd put it off for weeks at a time before making any more progress.

>> No.11380546

It sounds like you've never red a book...

>> No.11380555

This hobby isn't for you. Go watch tv or something.

>> No.11380560

Meh, I've read a couple. Books don't do a great deal for me honestly. Or maybe I've just been reading the wrong ones.

>> No.11380567
File: 50 KB, 500x129, 1371626281733[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ride in da feels man

>> No.11380570

I can understand his complaints, it was a great story but sometimes they just dumped a lot of repeating info on you constantly. I'm just glad there was a few times when Yuuko asked me if I remembered all that crap from the last time she told me.

I actually enjoyed a lot of the details, but I can see why it'd be annoying to others.

>> No.11380574

I once read a book, there was a lot of words, I can understand why it would be annoying to others.

>> No.11380576

My point is that you can't have a solid plot without exposition. There are a lot of issue with Alternative that I could list here, but the info dumps isn't one of them. It handles it pretty well.

>> No.11380584

Would you like me to explain the quantum causality theory to you for the 12th time?

>> No.11380591

Yeah, repeating info was another major source of annoyance for me. They'd reiterate the same thing a dozen times over and repeatedly use the same flash-backs like the reader was too retarded to remember anything or understand the references if they didn't constantly remind them.

Show don't tell, ya know?

I know they were necessary, but I wish they'd come up with a more involving way of delivering them. The classroom lectures actually felt like classroom lectures.

>> No.11380593

No, I got it the first time, thanks.

>> No.11380597

So you are saying you understand that some people wouldn't like a detailed well written story that covers all its possible plot holes and does not rely on "It's magic/science/not as important so we ain't gonna explain shit"? Well I understand too, the fact they should not even try reading in the first place. Let those guys go to the theater and watch some summer blockbuster, I promise you there wont be any exposition and sure as hell wouldn't have to read anything longer than the title.

>> No.11380602

Wow you sure are taking massive offense to someone expressing a mild complaint. You must be a Sumika fan.

>> No.11380605

>The classroom lectures actually felt like classroom lectures

I really don't get you. What made Alternative work well as a SCFI for me, is the well established settings and universe. And those well established through those info dumps. If they bore you, you came to the wrong genre. Maybe you just dont like SCFI/politics/war dramas? Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.11380612

Please don't badmouth Sumika.

>> No.11380616

No offense there, really. I'm just puzzled that people come to read plot heavy novel, thinking "I bet there will be tons of action and things happening and no exposition at all!". I mean come on, it's a 60 hour novel, again heavy on plot... What did you expect? The exposition is about war aliens and politics. If this bores you you should have not been reading a SCFI novel in the first place....

And no I'm not a Sumika fan. She is okey though.

>> No.11380619


>> No.11380622


>> No.11380624

>Maybe you just dont like SCFI/politics/war dramas?
That might be what it boils down to, I've never been a big sci-fi fan to be honest. I enjoyed the story and premise, but the amount of exposition seemed really excessive (although, as someone else mentioned, that could well be because they repeated themselves over and over as if their readers were only in possession of double digit IQs).

I would've liked to have seen less focus on space-time jargon, and more about what the BETA were, where they came from, what they wanted, and so on, and those questions were only tackled in a very vague and brief way right at the very end, and you never got any sort of closure on the whole issue either. I guess I was more interested in the mystery aspect than the science aspect, and that was the part of the story they didn't dedicate a great deal of attention to.

>> No.11380653

>as if their readers were only in possession of double digit IQs
MLA is translated now so that might actually be the case.

>> No.11380655

>english speakers are dumb XD

>> No.11380658 [DELETED] 

just ebin XD

>> No.11380660
File: 1 KB, 160x144, burn_heal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11380664

Don't mock, he's right.

>> No.11380669

Elitism that's directed against marauding peasants is fine, but when it's trotted out out of nowhere and has fucking nothing to do with the conversation up to that point it's just masturbation.

>> No.11380695

They have no clue except and MLA was ultimately Takeru's story. age still visits the universe so maybe you're better off reading h oher games.

>> No.11380713

Aren't masturbation and funposting /jp/'s two favorite past times?

>> No.11380719

The janitor is a piece of shit fucking loser.

He's delusional. No one in real life, or online, can stand his autistic bullshit. No one likes it. Do you hear that janitor? Everyone fucking hates you, it is not a select few people, it is the majority of this board. There is a huge problem with that and guess whose fault is? It's yours you fucking dipshit, stop blaming everyone else.

The mods even hate you. You think they like dealing with your 70 stupid ass ban requests everyday? No, they don't. Why don't you just fucking leave already.


>> No.11380723

It's fun to do, but nobody actually wants to see you do it.

>> No.11380731 [DELETED] 

Thanks for asking! My favorite occupation is actually cuteposting! Te-he~★!

>> No.11380740
File: 306 KB, 830x974, 1371111928657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11380763

Are you okay?

>> No.11380794

It looks like that Innocent Bullet game is on nyaa now. Is it worth trying?

>> No.11381087

Any nice visual novel with good plot and happy ending to be recommended? Just finished shin koihime and Karin's ending just made me so sad. Need emergency healing.

>> No.11381107
File: 313 KB, 800x600, capture_006_22082012_142653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Asairo if you haven't done so already.

>> No.11381141

>why is /jp/ SFW when no one has a job?

I forgot how funny this was.

>> No.11381143

guys does anybody know where can i get a no dvd patch for 真・燐月 PREMIUM EDITION? i found one from google which have 2 exe named SRG_01.exe and SRG_02.exe but whatever i do i just cant open the fucking game. im not sure if the patch is broken or i just cant use those two right.sending them to the folder doesnt help.

>> No.11381182

is there any vn as good in plot as mgs2?

>> No.11381185

I already read that. Thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.11381226

>does not rely on "It's magic/science/not as important so we ain't gonna explain shit"
Wait, are we talking about the same MLA? The one that explains everything with "lol quantum physics"? I mean, I guess it would be okay for someone who doesn't have any understanding of what quantum physics actually is or how it works, because unless you've studied it it seems like magic.

I enjoyed MLA for its production values and action sequences, and Takeru's characterization was pretty good, but you can't compare it to an actual well-written sci-fi novel in terms of infodumps. If anything, MLA felt like watching a summer blockbuster to me. Lots of flashy special effects, decent acting, great fun as long as you can turn your brain off for the duration and just enjoy the ride.

>> No.11381269

>Takeru's characterization was pretty good


>> No.11381278

How so? I've read VNs for years and I remember finding Alternative quite boring some times but it's probably because I hate mecha shit.

They're just more people. Of course you'll have more idiots too.

>> No.11381286

Well, other than being kinda whiny, I thought his reaction to the whole situation was fairly realistic and I found myself empathizing with him.

>> No.11381435

I want to play a galge with amateurish, poorly-drawn character designs, preferably on PSP (or any other console). Anyone have suggestions?

>> No.11381461

If you have an Android phone there's a good selection, including a number of free ones. Probably iPhone too. They're all quite bad, but if bad is what you're looking for, then they're perfect.

>> No.11381462

key games?

>> No.11381528

I don't have a smartphone... thanks though.
Thanks, but I've already gone through Kanon and Air. Little Busters has decent illustrations so it's not really what I'm looking for. Clannad doesn't look that bad either.

>> No.11381558

You might be stuck with PC games, then, because actual console releases tend to have a reasonably high standard of quality. Plenty of doujin games have awful art, though. Maybe look through Comiket catalogs or DLsite?

>> No.11381696

>Little Busters has decent illustrations so it's not really what I'm looking for. Clannad doesn't look that bad either.
Are you blind? No matter how shiny and overpolished the art is, it's still awful.

>> No.11381750

On the contrary, I hate mecha too but I found Alternative most absorbing. Unlike most mechashit series Muv-Luv has more than giant robots going for it though.

>> No.11381828

Where can I download Asairo?
The torrents on nyaa are pretty much dead.

>> No.11381857

Just noticed Innocent Bullet is out. 1.7 GB seems kinda small for a new game, though.

>> No.11381881


Tell us if it's decent. I like girls with guns, but if it's complete shit I won't bother.

>> No.11381965

One of them looks like it has 2 seeders, which might be decent considering it's from a few years back and Japan has terrible taste.

>> No.11381967

I'm not expecting much, but if it's got cute girls and guns and it's not offensively bad, that's all I need.

>> No.11382043

The characters drawn by Na-Ga were all pretty well done.

>> No.11382206 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 814x636, did_anyone_else_notice_this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who noticed this?

>> No.11382229

Does it say >domg/1:2hrs near the bottom? The fuck is that?

>> No.11382246

No, it's 200mg/12hrs. The letters from other words are overlapping it.

>> No.11382250

It says 2θθ, not 200.

>> No.11382255

4 theta? I this was arrhythmia, not trigonometry!

>> No.11382256

Fukken hell, 2 theta squared.

>> No.11382265

pretty epic

>> No.11382598

Where is 辻堂さんのバージンロード? Is it not uploaded yet? It didn't get delayed or something did it?

>> No.11382605

It's just not uploaded yet. Give it time, it took until today for Innocent Bullet to get uploaded, and that came out a week earlier.

>> No.11382697

According to the request thread on AS, it's been uploaded on share by the same guy who uploaded the original.


I can't confirm anything as I don't use share

>> No.11383048

Damn, so I started Asairo and the soundtrack is excellent.
Where can I download it?

>> No.11383059

Don't know the full name of what you're talking about so I can't help, but try googling "[Visual Novel] OST download"

>> No.11383066

oh, nevermind, found links in the archive.

>> No.11383398

Is there a reason why stuff has been taking longer to get released recently? I remember hearing about some distributor getting arrested like 2 months ago.

>> No.11383411

That's basically it. It scared off some uploaders and others moved to Freenet, which is like molasses compared to Share/PD but a lot more secure.

>> No.11383809

That one is fake, both files have the same hashes if you didn't notice.

>> No.11383827

Oh wait, looks like it's out on Freenet now

>> No.11383829


>> No.11383849
File: 659 KB, 809x505, Screenshot - 09052013 - 01:11:54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man it took almost two weeks for me to finish one (Miyako's) route on Ore to Kanojo Ga Mystery na Ken ni Tsuite. Reading on Japanese is very slow and quite exhausting.

>> No.11383854

It took me a month reading more than two hours everyday to finish the common route and asuho route in hoshimemo since it was my first VN in japanese.

>> No.11383876

I need 1/2 summer to finish 1/2 Summer last year

>> No.11383881

Even if it took you a while, good job finishing it.

>> No.11384233

Tsujidou fd out at sukebe guys.i dont really care about after stories but have to play for azusa & yoiko.

>> No.11384234

Do you ever have the problem where you read a route, pretty much fall in love with the heroine.
And then have trouble picking up another route due to feeling it would cheapen the experience of the previous route? Even though you have more than half the VN left?

>> No.11384239

Best part of the month just arrived

>> No.11384241

The best games don't have individual routes, so I don't have that problem.

>> No.11384243

No, but I do get annoyed if the heroine of the next route defeats, humiliates, or otherwise one-ups the one I like. That's one of the reasons I like it when the girls are bros between them.

>> No.11384244

You're not the only one who has that issue don't worry

>> No.11384246

That's what people call "route guilt". For some people it can flatout stop them from doing any other route if it's a bad enough case of it, even if they also like any of the other heroines.

>> No.11384248

every time

>> No.11384249

Nope. Personally I find it pretty hard to fall in love with most heroines these days anyway.

>> No.11384263
File: 47 KB, 210x209, base.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sengoku Koihime's characters are out.it seems like baseson improved their art, we have a bunch of cute heroines again.But the villains seems like monsters,i hope there wont be any rape scenes since it would destroy all of baseson mood,well most likely there wont be any though.

>> No.11384272

I'm more interested in the interactions between the characters than my own emotions on the matter. Situations like >>11384243 can be top notch reading. A change of perspective and switch of rank (of sorts).
Caring about my ``love'' would require self inserting, and that's just not as fun.

>> No.11384273


WHAT? does it mean there wont be any h-scene in this game or did i misunderstand?

>> No.11384282

an all ages game with more than 40 heroines? good job baseson, you lost me.

>> No.11384287
File: 14 KB, 250x300, Mia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, but I do get annoyed if the heroine of the next route defeats, humiliates, or otherwise one-ups the one I like
I can never forget Duel Savior. With it's enforced route order and everything.
Lily was the best girl hands down, or so I felt either way. But then came this little bitch. The incest route that followed Lily's route.
And fuck. That route shat over characterization of over half the cast, showcasing some truly ugly sides of the characters, the protagonist included. And beyond that the entire route decided screw over Lily something immense.
Lily being one of if not the character who stayed admirable and supporting, in the midst of the relatively far uglier route that it was. And then despite all that, she pretty much got shat on the most. The protagonist left Lily, and stayed with his sister fucking like bunnies. And Lily was left with nothing but his bastard child.

I always liked Dual Savior, I still do. And replayed the thing for the remake.
But that transition between their routes always left me sick.

>> No.11384290

i feel like crying, i was seriously looking foward for this game...

>> No.11384380

I'm the second guy you quoted, and I don't need to self-insert to feel annoyed when a noble, awesome, cute and/or loveable character is humiliated by someone who's not.

>> No.11384399

In the case that the second character sucks, I agree. But I wouldn't read routes for such characters.
But in the case that both of them are nice, it can lead to amusing conflict. Even if the conflict brings nothing but negativity, it can still be fun to read.

>> No.11384433

Personally, I can't allow myself to not read everything, so I'll inevitably see it if it exists.

>But in the case that both of them are nice, it can lead to amusing conflict.
I agree, especially if both characters are okay with the results, as happened to me in Aku no Onna Kanbu when Oboro steals Lunarverse's power and throne, and Lunarverse goes "yay, queen time's over, now I can (literally) fuck around all I want".

>> No.11384452

>Caring about my ``love'' would require self inserting, and that's just not as fun.
You don't need to self insert to fall in love.

>> No.11384463


So you get NTR'd every time?

>> No.11384471

Not happy when you see your loved ones fall in love, What?

>> No.11384488

Well that is true I guess.
Still, heavy emotional frustration from humiliation of a loved one can be amusing. Is that considered masochistic?

>> No.11384491


I don't fall in love so the problem doesn't exist, but it sounds harsh.

>> No.11384500

If the feeling were reciprocated, you would be guilty of cheating on her when you move onto the next game.

>> No.11384503

Not really, it takes a lot for me to fall in love with a heroine. I find that some heroines have their own cute quirks and such, but I don't feel bad about moving on to other girls.

>> No.11384507

This is what Totono's message was about, huh?

>> No.11384513

I guess. What's so bad about wanting to interact with cute girls anyway?
It's not even like it matters since most heroines archetypes are copied throughout a lot of games. They're pretty much all the same characters (except from the VA).

>> No.11384515


Considering VN's tend to be so boring, whenever i do feel strong emotions, i always find it to be welcome, even if they're negative.

Dem feels.

>> No.11384527
File: 311 KB, 800x600, Baldr.Sky.full.207603[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's twist the knife a bit more by heroines also having big life impacting problems that don't get solved or at worst even mentioned in the other routes.

Perhaps Baldr Sky didn't really venture that far but after pairing Kou and Chinatsu so much in the school flashbacks and how much she went through after Gray Christmas I sort of understand her feeling of being cheated. They were so all over each other it's not even funny.

>> No.11384584

I don't consider most VNs boring. The fact that they take so little effort generally helps built focus, attention, and emotional attachment in the first place.
It is natural to welcome emotion though. To feel is human. And most people tend to like it.

>> No.11384595

Lots of the girls got pretty fucked over outside of their routes until the last few though.

>> No.11384598

>They were so all over each other it's not even funny.
To me, it seemed that Chinatsu just pushed herself over him.
I don't recall a single happening of high school Kou going for her instead of just standing there taking her attacks.

>> No.11384628


Sometimes it's just that i feel there's so many words and unnecessary repetition (or unnecessary main character "thoughts") that i have enough time to disconnect myself from the actual plot.

Might just be my turtle-pace reading skills tho.

>> No.11384764

Why are there vn-threads on /a/, on /jp/ and two different variants on /vg/?

>> No.11384768

Because people from all three boards enjoy reading and discussing VNs.

>> No.11384771

Do they enjoy different vns or do they enjoy them in a distinctly different way?

>> No.11384776

>Why are there vn-threads

>on /a/
Because they have always been tsundere towards /jp/ and /jp/'s content.
>on /jp/
Because VNs are neither anime or manga, and aren't games despite being executable programs. VNs are /jp/ content.
>and two different variants on /vg/
Because outsiders view /jp/ with some kind of stigma, and /vg/ is practically an all purpose dump board that accepts all kinds of content that doesn't even go into /v/. And the administration somehow thought it was a good idea to split the community between 3 different boards.

>> No.11384778

/a/ and /vg/ deal mostly in translated VNs. /jp/ deals mostly in untranslated VNs. /vg/ discusses otome and BL games whereas /a/ and /jp/ mostly don't.

That's about it.

>> No.11384783

Why not have /vn/

>> No.11384786 [DELETED] 

Most people are happy where they are.

I forgot to mention that all three boards will discuss new releases.

>> No.11384790

Most people are happy where they are.

Also discussion of freshly translated works occurs in all three.

>> No.11384787

Because moot doesn't care about VNs.

>> No.11384788

From what I can tell, /a/ and /vg/ tend to overrate certain visual novels such as Katawa Shoujo, G-Senjou no Maou, and Yume Miru Kusuri.

/jp/'s taste is a lot better.

>> No.11384792

I don't think you'd like that.
We'd get drowned over KS and other OELVNs.

>> No.11384796

I have a follow-up. Between the vngs o /vg/ and /jp/, which group likes Chinami better? Because that's gonna be the one I'll frequent from now on.

>> No.11384809

here we like ur mom the best

>> No.11384816

They both like her equally much. If you like her more than average, the board you frequent will be the one to like her more.

>> No.11384817

>Why not have /vn/
Because the community, all boards combined, is still relatively small and comparably niche.

And beyond that, /jp/ was always /vn/. Which has been brought up in pretty much any meta discussion on the topic.
People just need to accept it.

>> No.11384822

I want /vn/ because I don't like touhou or idols and /jp/ is pretty much one VN general thread, one VNTS thread, touhou and idols.

>> No.11384824

Hey VNbros, what should I eat for dinner?

>> No.11384830

Then we wouldn't be able to discuss non-VN eroge.

>> No.11384835

Or non-Touhou doujinsoft

>> No.11384847

A lot of VNs are published as doujins.
Even recognized brands like Akabei Soft and the likes publishes a lot of titles as doujins.

/jp/ being the doujin and VN board makes perfect sense. Especially given how galge and eroge in general goes here as well.

>> No.11384853


Have you noticed that someone usually links to the next general once the current one is full? You never actually have to go to jp.

>> No.11384878
File: 972 KB, 1280x720, toolewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like the 30th line and this has already kicked into way too lewd territory.
I don't think my dick can handle this.

>> No.11384894

What is this

>> No.11384896

a girl i guess

>> No.11384899


>> No.11384901


>> No.11384903

Why is she so fat though?

>> No.11384907

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.11384909

This. I rarely leave this thread anymore. Not because I don't like /jp/ or anything, but you can only discuss which 2hu you'd fuck so many times before it gets stale.

>> No.11384911

It is if her purpose is to arouse me.

>> No.11384924

She isn't. Only grills think that anything slightly thicker than a stick is fat.

>> No.11384927

I rarely read this thread because I feel like it's a Japanese-speakers only club. I also am bored with Touhou, though so I avoid those threads, too. Plus I hate idols, so I avoid those threads.

>> No.11385042

>Japanese-speakers only club

It's more the incredible large time gap between a Jap. release and the Eng. translation which defines this thread. People here had read Grisaia no Kajitsu years ago and discussed it to death, so there isn't much more to talk about while the rest of /jp/ is still thrilled. It almost feels like hearing kids talking excitedly on a playground of some ex-soviet republic about 80s tv shows which are brand new in their country.

>> No.11385122

Speaking of Grisaia, is it actually good? I remember playing the fake tsundere's route and then not being convinced enough to play any other routes or the other titles.

>> No.11385132

That's easily the most bullshit route of the entire game. Amane and Makina route are definitely worth playing, and personally I liked Sachi's too. It's a good series, even though Rakuen is batshit insane.

>> No.11385221

Do you guys ever go on VN breaks where you just do other things for a while before touching another VN?

Lately I've just been reading nothing but LNs and Novels just because they're a lot easier to read when you've only got10 minutes here or 20 minutes there.

>> No.11385251


The problem of Grisaia is the big quality difference between the routes. Like >>11385132 said, Amane and Makina are easily the best, while Michiru (despite being the most entertaining character) had a pretty weak route. I think you should continue.

>> No.11385284

I barely read any VNs during the last 2 months, mostly because I was busy with real life.
But I've been mostly playing Rayman Legend and hyping myself for Sen no Kiseki in the past few days

I really need to go through Otome Riron though, and the Gakhthun fd whenever it gets released.

>> No.11385290

Yes, because I can't focus on multiple things at once.
For example, if I read VNs, I can't bring myself to watch anime. If I somehow do that, I stall my VNs and just watch hours of it.
That applies to everything I do.

>> No.11385292

Yes, I usually go on insane eroge binges where I do nothing but play them in my free time, whether that be 2 or 14 hours a day. After a few months I have to take a couple of weeks off because nothing manages to grab my interest for longer than 20 minutes or so. I usually spend those times playing normal video games or reading books.

Also the size of Japanese paperbacks lends itself to on-the-go reading so perfectly I don't ever bother taking my PSP with me to read some all-ages version on it.

>> No.11385432

bump for answer, does it really means that guys? until now i just get a torrent when game is out never looked at their website or something so im not really sure about this. why the hell would they make an all ages game, its fucking baseson. you have fucking 42 heroines and no h-scene? oh god.

>> No.11385447
File: 293 KB, 1366x768, uzt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, they got proper sprites this time.

>> No.11385493

The position of the left guy's other head is...amusing.

>> No.11385736

>Do you guys ever go on VN breaks where you just do other things for a while before touching another VN?
I'm a bit similar to >>11385292
I've played nothing but Dwarf Fortress the past few weeks since I haven't really found anything that would hold my interest long enough. I hear Witch's Garden gets more intriguing later on after unlocking more routes but so far I've only been able to get through some of Ririko's with alcohol's help. Which isn't much at all since I started the the game almost a month ago. My backlog will never end.

On the other hand when I'm really hyped for a game I'll plow through it in an instant as was the case with Rakuen, which I marathoned as soon as it was done downloading (much to my regret). I still actively follow this thread, happily discuss games I've read and I'm probably going to get at least some fun out of upcoming Baldr Sky Zero. Expectations aren't very high but I'm currently treating it as a milestone towards later big releases.

>> No.11385854

Haven't read it yet but I will because imouto. How is it?

>> No.11386034

Getchu has it labeled PCゲーム・一般 so yeah, it's all-ages.

>> No.11386125

So how was World End Economica, anyway? In English or Japanese.

>> No.11386126

It's been pretty entertaining so far at the very least. The few CGs that have appeared have all been pretty lewd. It seemed like the game would force the main heroine pretty hard at first which I know can be grating to some, but it really hasn't been that way so far.
Seems like the game is pretty short though as I think I've just moved onto a character route but not quite sure.

>> No.11387486

Is that new Propeller game any good? I'm a little curious about it, but the fact that it's 15+ is making me reluctant to try it.

>> No.11387725

Tokyo Babel was 15+ too, I don't see why that factor would stop you.

>> No.11387733

god im gonna fuggin cum jp fuggin cum right now

>> No.11387742

I never actually played Tokyo Babel. To be honest, the only Propeller game I've played was asairo.

>> No.11387750

I enjoyed it immensely, and even though it's a matter of taste, it's a fact that its being 15+ didn't hold it back at all. In fact, it's how they got the all-star cast for it.

Though I did want a Samael eroscene.

>> No.11387753

Then start with something like ayakashibito, you'll probably enjoy it more.

>> No.11387852
File: 193 KB, 814x640, tsuinosora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished subahibi. The fact that they play credits and throw you back to the title screen between chapters almost threw me. Decisions do carry over.
If all I got would have been the little sister end I'd be pretty unsatisfied.

Still, I liked the first two stories more than everything that came after. Especially the true route of Looking Glass Insect was a low point for me. Zakuro just isn't all that interesting and knowing the outcome made it all the more of a chore to read.
The later chapters were all entertaining but never quite managed to recapture the sense of mystery the first ones had. The final end also could have done with a bit more content instead of mostly being Ayana restating the "how many souls does the world need?" question from the prolouge.

That sounds a lot more negative than it should. Subahibi was still one of the best VNs I read all year.

>> No.11387862

Now go read tractatus and reread tns2

>> No.11387892

People tend to unanimously agree that Down the Rabbit Hole 1&2 and It's My Own Invention were the best chapters. I also disliked Looking Glass Insects and the stories after that were just shorter answer arcs explaining the rest of the unsolved mysteries.

And yeah, the final ending was bit of a letdown. Not even a new CG, though at least we got an awesome credits song.

>> No.11387907

Are there any effective horror VN's? I've yet to find an effective one.

>> No.11387915

So was it really that weird that I liked the Jabberwocky ones the most?

>> No.11388084

What's a good choice for my first untranslated VN? Preferably something without a too wide vocabulary and one I can copy text out of for translation.

>> No.11388085


>> No.11388089

Flyable Heart or 俺と彼女がミステリーな件について.

>> No.11388123

Have you ever fapped to a VN so hard

You came all over your face

>> No.11388128

Stop staring at your dick when you masturbate, faggot.

>> No.11388157

This. You should only be looking at the protagonist's positively pulchritudinous, perpetually pixelated penile pelvic pulverizer. Anything else is gay.

>> No.11388180

Do you realize when you masturbate you're stroking a man's penis?
Super gay, dude.

>> No.11388221

Hanahira is the easiest vn ever.

>> No.11388228

I try not to think about it until they ever come up with robot gynoids to do it for you.

>> No.11388258

h2o was pretty easy from what I remember.

>> No.11388279

I found 翠の海 and 時計仕掛けのレイライン -黄昏時の境界線- pretty easy.

>> No.11388289

Heh. I readily admit that my summery for TnS2 wasn't particularly accurate. I'll even recognize that it followed nicely from everything preceding it. I doubt that reading more of Widgenstein would change my opinion since I have no qualms with the actual substance of the scene.

>> No.11388479

As a Subahibi guru, ask me anything about TnS2.

>> No.11388488

So, what the fuck was she blabbering about?

>> No.11388489

Was the graduation thing also brought up in the original tns?

>> No.11388502

What's the visual novel of the year so far, according to this thread?
For me it's KnS2.

>> No.11388512

This year hasn't really had that many that were particularly strong, but I liked himanatsu quite a bit.

>> No.11388517

I'm reserving my first place for senshinkan

>> No.11388518

Nothing I'd put up there yet, well Senshinkan will easily takes the crown at the end.

>> No.11388561

The second Ley Line was pretty damn great and easily my favorite 2013 title so far.
Though I'm also waiting for Senshinkan (assuming it gets uploaded before the end of the year). The hype train has no brakes.

>> No.11388587

For all its faults I did enjoy the shit out of Rakuen so thats for me so far. Although Senshinkan probably will end up hoggin the best release of year once its released. But besides that I have modarate expectations for VBG too as fan of VB series. With that those three will most likely stand for best releases for me to this year.

>> No.11388590


Just trolling, なつくる, ChuSingura, or Rakuen. Honestly ask me again in January when I have read everything in this year. カルマルカサークル might rend up as my favorite.

>> No.11388595

2013 kicks the shit out of 2012 easily. Not as good as 2011 but comparable to 2010.

>> No.11388620

I haven't read too many released this year but so far:
1) himanatsu 2) rakuen 3) otome riron

I'll probably read Natsukuru later. By the way is it connected to harukuru in some way, as in do I need to read it first?

>> No.11388624

Seriously? What is so good about it? Care to give a mini review?

>> No.11388625

Graduation? Do you mean 遍在転生説?

She blabbered about various things, specify. About what‘s tsui no sora? About Watanabe Natsuo's ornated solipsism?

>> No.11388628

Daitoshokan, Himanatsu, Reminiscence.
Looking forward to VBG.

>> No.11388650 [SPOILER] 
File: 643 KB, 1024x768, ev_ryu_t05_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, Thank You!!! easily imo.

>> No.11388663


I think he means the end of school ceremony. I don't think there was any mention of graduations.

>> No.11388674

Daitoshokan, Himanatsu, Lovesick Puppies, Gleamgarden no Shoujo, Rakuen, Totono, ChuSingura46+1, Lovely×Cation2, Hapymaher, Natsukumo Yururu all were pretty good imo. But most likely "the best" one will go to Senshinkan

>> No.11388685

Yomi route was good. However it's the Hina route that makes it stand out. It was just something you don't normally see in eroge and I feel it was really well done.

>> No.11388821

does all heroines have happy ending?

>> No.11388885

>About what‘s tsui no sora?

That might actually be of interest. If you have a good definition I'd be interested.

>> No.11388937 [SPOILER] 
File: 111 KB, 790x590, BITCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh jesus what the fuck was up with this shit. Asairo by the way.
Why the fuck would protag let the crime be pinned on him. Why the hell is he covering for Aomai. What the fuck.

>> No.11388947

They both had their reasons.

>> No.11388953

I think almost everyone had the exact same reaction to that line. Don't worry, luckily the game doesn't drag out that crime pinning stuff for long.

>> No.11388958

Yeah, Aomai wanted to be of help to her sister. And protag could empathize with that That's understandable. However, being pinned for the sabotage would only hurt his own team, ruining what he was working for. I just can't see why protag would go that far to cover for her. Plus, she should be taking responsibility for her own actions no matter what her reasons are. Suu's reponse is just plain wrong. From what I know so far, anyways.

>> No.11388965

This chapter (not a spoiler) delves into his past and childhood quite deeply, it makes sense when you know where he's coming from. Most things from chapter one make more sense too, like the real reason Harutsuge was so mad at him.

>> No.11389153

Well, if you want a philosophical definition: A point beetween a process and its end/life and death/consciousness and unconsciousness/your world and the outside/ground and sky. I.e. dualism.
It's like a rooftop, and were Ayana stands.
It's impossible to you cross it, as it's impossible to experience a absolute end/death/unconsciousness/outside/sky.
A certain english review says Subahibi emphatizes that "all good things must come to an end", and it's funny because it's just the inverse. As Tomosane and Hasaki didn't die of the fall in the end, Yuki didn't disappear, etc.

>> No.11389213

How are the character routes in the later 2 games? Nobody ever really mentions them.

>> No.11389227

Yeah, that'd be my pick. I still haven't read Rakuen or finished Leyline 2 yet (although that's really fun).

I also need to start Shining Night.

>> No.11389230

Oh yay, this is good? It looked like fun.

>> No.11389243

It's gay. Stay away.

>> No.11389263

Meikyuu only has the relatively short heroine After Stories (taking place after their good ends). They're more of an extra and don't really add anything to the main plot which is continued/replaced by the Grand Route, taking all the Kajitsu routes as canon (so yes, Yuuji canonically fucked all of them).
The whole game's more of a fan disc with the Grand Route being a big sequel hook to Rakuen.

Rakuen itself doesn't have specific heroine routes, just one action packed main route and some other extra scenarios.

>> No.11389363


Poor Anon, letting your fear of the homogerms scare you off an enjoyable game.

>> No.11389380

>バルドスカイゼロ マスターアップしました!
Holy shit I guess they're finally going to stop delaying it.

>> No.11389618

When will these games start being 64bit?

>> No.11389636

Are you saying you can't play VNs on a 64bit?

>> No.11389642

Actual games still aren't, so why would these be?

>> No.11389654


No, I’m just wondering when they’re going to drop 32bit. Not saying I want them to, but eventually things will move to be pure 64bit right?

>> No.11389660

As long as people still have 32 bit? No.

>> No.11389664

The only reason anyone would ever want a 64bit program is for insane amounts of memory allocation, something which no vn will ever need. Don't expect to see any 64bit exclusif programs untill 32 bit dissapears entirely.

>> No.11389694

There are a few already. IIRC Hapymaher could be run in 64-bit mode.

>> No.11389784


It's very good. All the characters are extremely likable and the story's really engaging. Make sure you get the latest patch before playing, it'll wipe any saves if you apply it later.

>> No.11389825

Subahibi was about the highest level of homo cooties I can handle.

>> No.11389950

What can a VN possibly do that it'll require more than 4gb of memory?

>> No.11390107

leak memory

>> No.11391588

New thread
