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File: 37 KB, 360x480, 360px-Yasushannon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11340923 No.11340923 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone willing to explain the story of Umineko as simply put as possible?

>> No.11340927

It was the witch

>> No.11340936

jews did rokkenjima

>> No.11340937

No witches, is an undetonated bomb from the war.
Insane aunt wants all the gold so she attacks the one who didn't go on the trip.

>> No.11341009

So who was on the phone in EP5?
I was thinking Kanon, but he knocked on the door while Natsuhi was on the phone.

>> No.11341049


>> No.11341051
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Here you go, this should help

>> No.11341069

Everyone was crazy and Yasu made plans to kill everyone. The siblings solved the epitaph, which meant Yasu didn't kill anyone, but then got into a fight over the money which resulted in a number of deaths. Kyrie was probably the one who started it, which would explain Eva's refusal to ever tell Ange the truth and the contents of her diary pushing Ange to seriously consider suicide. Either way, someone also turned on the bomb - probably Yasu in despair at how the situation had turned out. Eva fled to the second mansion after somehow discovering its existence to escape the murderer, presumably after already confirming the deaths of her son and husband. Battler also escaped the onslaught but couldn't handle what happened attempted to drown himself. The bomb went off and killed everyone but Battler and Eva, although Eva was unaware that Battler had survived.
And then Ange's story which is simple enough.

>> No.11341079

Everything was magic.
The truth doesn't matter.
Plot holes don't need to be explained.
Not being taken off an island on a white horse is reason enough to kill people.
Criticizing the story means you are a mindless goat.

>> No.11341080

>Battler returns to family, comes to conference with everyone else
>Makes amends with Shannon/Yasu
>Battler gets bored and solves the epitaph on his own, but decides not to tell anyone because he knows it would cause trouble
>Sees a cool clock with a switch, flicks it on and nothing happens, so he leaves and forgets about it
>Eva learns about the second mansion and heads over there thinking the gold might be there
>Battler also learns about it and goes out of interest
>Midnight arrives and the main mansion explodes, killing everyone but Battler and Eva
>Battler realises he caused it, explains this to Eva and tries to drown himself in guilt
>Eva adopts Ange and decides never to tell her the truth that her brother was an idiot
The end

>> No.11341107


>> No.11341124

Isn't it explicitly shown to be Lambadelta?

>> No.11341155

Did you not read the story at all? Believing exactly what the witches show you is as goat as it gets

>> No.11341164


>who was phone

The weather forecast for my sides today: light rain and epic lel

>> No.11341175


>> No.11341203


>> No.11341205
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I like it.

>> No.11341359
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Battler was a roided faggot who killed everyone on the island and lost his memory after a car crash.
Battler never really understood Mysteries.
Shannon was just hyped up and easily impressionable.
Battler is just good with words and a good flirt.
Battler is a player like his dad.

>> No.11341450 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 153x165, 1375712927922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is what it is.

Only crossboarders who think they're high society for being on /jp/ tell me to gb2/b/

Videogame ARE art ;)

>> No.11344042

This is close to my own solution. But I am trying to think of another reason than bat cave for Eva to be on the other end.

>> No.11346040
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>> No.11346057

Stay in Finland.

>> No.11348528

Maria did it with magic.

>> No.11348693

Kinzo fucked an Italian chick, then fucked his daughter. Their mongoloid offspring was Beatrice.

>> No.11348727

ugh that art.

>> No.11349694
File: 30 KB, 575x329, 1376784070274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking that art

>> No.11349723

white text scares me, what of it can i believe and what should i ignore

>> No.11350127

What if the Red is actually all lies? It could be the opposite of the truth!

>> No.11350314

There's an anon who pretty much believe that. He did a 9 hours long video about its ranting and how Rosa was a mastermind and masterfully played everyone because she was in fact an evil witch. And then she kills everyone except she doesn't kill everyone and she kills herself or maybe she dies.

Pretty fun theory. I like these kind of joke theories.

>> No.11350324

Kill yourself.

>> No.11350377

Rena's red did get pretty ridiculous at times....

>> No.11350398

>There's an anon
KnownNoMore posts here?

>> No.11351331

You can believe everything the detective sees in each episode so long as the detective is narrating at that point and they're not guessing/making an assumption or anything like that.
You can also believe the white in most other places on the gameboard provided you assume everything magical is a metaphor of some kind.

>> No.11351401

So basically Umineko is a harsh tragedy about not properly disposing of large explosives covered up with a murder mystery involving magic and witches?

That just seems sort of disappointing.

I guess that was why the shitstorm was so bad.

What was it like when Higurashi finished and it was found out to be a brain parasite and lots of devious behind backdoors scheming?

>> No.11351423

Then who was Beatrice?

>> No.11351613

I don't remember a shitstorm when Higurashi concluded.


>> No.11351691



>> No.11351718

Who was actually Yasu/Leon who went nuts after having their dicknballs mutilated being thrown off a cliff by their stepmom and being a maid for their messed up incest family so created Shannon/Kanon/Stakes/Dead Kinzo/etc as imaginary friends and set up the bomb to explode because his love for battler would never be accepted unless he solved the epitaph and became the heir and loved mystery novels and knew her mother's history so made a fuckhueg long supernatural mystery to impress battler and show her hate for the family.

Gohda = Goat

>> No.11351772

What did Sakutaro do to atone for the sin of lust?

>> No.11351781

Kumasawa (Who is actually a personality of Gohda).

>> No.11351843

How do we know that EP8 showed Rokkenjima Prime?

>> No.11352988



>> No.11352992

What game are you playing?

>> No.11353009

Eva and Battler surviving is only one possible fragment, the fact is that Umineko has 3 truths;

Blue - Multiple alternatives (fragments) within the catbox. Pretty much anything you can reasonably assume happening, happened.

Gold - A truth believed to have happened, seen with "love" that absolves the family and servants of responsibility (Beatrice did it, but not in a magical way). This is the "official" believed truth.

Red - The unhappy guts of what truly happened to create the catbox, where Ange commits suicide and neither Battler or Eva returned. It has been said many times in the meta-world in RED that no one survives and that it is NOT a happy ending.

My theory is somewhat inspired by KnownNoMore in that I think all of the original 4 games can be explained with Rosa as a main culprit, but I don't know if I agree 100% with all his assumptions. I do definitely think that Yasu is just as illogical as Beatrice and is simply what people want to believe to avoid the RED.

>> No.11353035


>> No.11353048

Haha, I am not sure if this is how Ryukishi07 actually feels, or if he's is just fucking with us. He sure did spend a lot of time telling not to "stop thinking" and to use the rules of game presented to us only to do a 180 and say that the real truth doesn't matter and we are intellectual rapists if we care about truth for truth's sake.

>Not sure if serious.

>> No.11353719
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What are you talking about?

>> No.11353720
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>(Who is actually a personality of Gohda).
don't forget that Ronove is father figure to both

>> No.11354175

I thought Yasu/Lion was female.

>People pair Shannon/Kanon together.
>They're the same person.

>> No.11354191

Rosa is Beatrice. She is the daughter of Bice and Kinzo, the scene in which Beatrice falls off a cliff and smashes her head symbolizes when Kinzo forced himself on poor Rosa.

Maria is also Kinzo's daughter, making her the third Beatrice. She was scorned by Battler, so conspired with her mother to get back at him. That's why she's in the Golden Land, and why she gets so excited when Battler talks about sexing her and rubbing her chest. After Ange turned out to be a bitch, Maria decided that she had had enough of the Ushiromiya's, and turned her bunnies into guns. She enlisted George's help by seducing him with her loli body, which he couldn't refuse because he's such a loser (I bet his life would have been different if 2ch were around back then). Maria made Bern from Rika's image, because Rosa was fucking the guy that Rena's mom was fucking, then she met Rena's dad and decided to fuck him too, and they visited Hinamizawa. Lambda is a cake filled with candy.

>> No.11354212

The plot was intentionally contrived so that it couldn't be explained easily with a short post (so it couldn't be spoiled easily). Ryu07 said that himself.

>> No.11354222

>The plot was intentionally contrived
>Ryu07 said that himself

Sounds like R07 wrote himself into a corner and is trying to pretend Umineko didn't descend into a cluster-train-fuck.

>> No.11354238

What does the Gohdatrice theory say?

>> No.11354267
File: 86 KB, 1240x336, 136259580533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copyright Renall@Animesuki do not copy without permission.

>> No.11354385

Pretty much all evidence points to male, which would explain why Yasu is so crazy about the gender problem. She sees herself as female, hence why finding out she's male is so traumatizing.

>> No.11354520

This started out as a really likely truth of Umineko and ended being completely nuts.

I also agree that Rosa is probably Beatrice's daughter (she was similar age of Kuwadorian Beatrice and "encountered" her), and Maria is the 3rd. She's inbred which explains for her mental development issues. Its also why she is chosen as the successor by "Kinzo" in the 4th game.

There is a strong parallel between Rosa's love interest who went abroad and "promised to return but didn't" and Battler's promise. I doubt they are the same person, but Rosa might go on a psychotic revenge spree triggered by him returning after learning his promise to Shannon.

It also has to be significant that the bottle fragments are signed "Ushiromiya Maria", whether by her hand or otherwise.

>> No.11354966

That's also retarded, but it would explain why everyone who knows, even Nanjo, is so nice to Maria.

>> No.11354983

Umineko cannot be explained from a pure Gohda perspective, but my GohdaBattlerTrice theory can flawlessly explain everything, even the inconsistencies in behavior of those who would be accomplishes in Shkanon theory. I figured it out when Ryu said that the answer was impossible to simply copy-paste, and indeed it is. I'm currently writing the solution and it now far exceeds that of Umineko itself.

I'm also going to have to write an appendix to explain the links between Umineko, Higurashi, Ten Little Niggers, Portopia, and many other works that help explain the theory. I plan on hiring a team of philosophy PhDs (at minimum wage, the best they could possibly hope for) to verify my answer independently and check for internal consistency. When it's done, I'll probably need to release it in a torrent due to size.

>> No.11355149
File: 398 KB, 636x478, Did Genji just hit Maria? What the fuck?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genji slapped Maria once though.

>> No.11355408

You're stupid Gohdabattler theory is no match for my superior Tohyasu theory. Battler himself pretty much admitted it in meta.

>> No.11355418

Bern is a cat.
Lambda is a cake.
And Battler is a Umineko.

>> No.11355423

But if Bern is a cat then how can she talk? If Lambda is a cake, then how can she be a thousand years old? Cakes do not last that long. And if Battler is an umineko, then how does he cry and point?

This theory makes no sense.

>> No.11355426

When Satoshi ran away to Tokyo, he met Rosa and was given to Maria as a toy. Shion killed everyone because Rosa killed Sakutaro.

>> No.11355435

They can because Yasu is a Wiccan.

>> No.11355437

Magic is real, witches exist and killed everyone. The rest of the story is simply the witches/author trying to fool Battler/the reader into finding something that doesn't exist i.e. the mystery answer.

>> No.11355439

A hoard of goats have eaten this thread and fallen into the abyss because of their own stupidity.

>> No.11355442

Let's get the Rosatrice guy to analyze Higurashi!

>> No.11355448

But Maria was watching a chapter of Higurashi in the animated version of Umineko!!

>> No.11355467

Just another layer of meta. In WTC5, they will be watching Maria watch Higurashi while Urika gives small children acid baths while masturbating to the antagonist's sob story.

>> No.11355470

( ゚д゚) The good old days are finally back !!

>> No.11355475
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>> No.11355485

Hanyuu didn't have her horns, so it wasn't true Higurashi.

>> No.11355530

But Tohya didn't had horns in her human form!

>> No.11355547

She did, they were just invisible. Hanyuu's were visible in her human form in Higurashi though, and even Takano and Keiichi comment on them.

>> No.11355549

Bern is a witch.
Lambda is a witch.
Battler is a stupid.

Do you have like any love at all?

>> No.11355577
File: 88 KB, 650x645, 10_1224nakanai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else still waiting for the Umineko Motion Graphic Vol.9?


With You Who Doesn't Cry in this Redemptive Illusion ;_;

>> No.11355583

Are they even making it?

Maybe episode 8 was too shitty for them.

>> No.11355586

I do so much and so hard. Years ago I would fucking stalk all informations I could find about it. But nowadays I've given up. There will never be an Umineko Motion Graphic 9. It is the sad truth of our times.

>> No.11355626
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>> No.11355636

Personally, I think something happened to least part of the group after the earthquake. Last info I found about it was that they were present at a Comiket and said it'd be delayed until the next one, but that was last year or so. I'm not keeping my hopes up

Plus the main artist deleted their Pixiv iirc (it was ico?)

>> No.11355642
File: 107 KB, 650x650, 12465249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artist for that (ico) seems to have completely dropped off the face of the internet, too. ;_;

>> No.11355647

ico's account is still online

I wonder if they have a twitter...

>> No.11355812
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>> No.11355829

oh, fuck
are you going to take that shit?

>> No.11355890
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The proof that Battler was an Umineko.

>> No.11355925

It's strongly implied that Kanon told Jessica about his lack of dick in EP2.

>> No.11355926

I can do it, but I don't want to be bullied by those goats.

>> No.11355935

>Everyone was crazy

>Not being taken off an island on a white horse is reason enough to kill people.
That's not what we are expected to believe. You are wrong.

You don't know anything about Higurashi. Stop talking about it.

Only a goat that doesn't even try to understand Shkanontrice would like such a stupid theory.

>because Rosa was fucking the guy that Rena's mom was fucking
Do you expect anyone to know what you are talking about? Most people here never read Higurashi.

>watch Higurashi
There is no Higurashi anime.

>> No.11355949
File: 164 KB, 640x480, goddamn battler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't know anything
>No Higurashi anime

Wow, don't be so edgy man, it can be bad for your health

>> No.11355954

I want to murder human beings...

>> No.11355957

I'd fuck the spergs out of Maria.

What part of Maria would taste better?

>> No.11355962

Would a little girl like it if a 20 something year old man with good looks molested her?

>> No.11355963

Hair, Rosa probably shampoos it for her and some shampoos have sugar.

>> No.11355965

At the time maybe. But later she will get him in prison.

>> No.11355969 [SPOILER] 
File: 401 KB, 842x1100, breeding power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her breeding power

>> No.11355973

Only if she is 8 or older. 7 year olds still think boys have cooties and believe in Santa Claus.

>> No.11355974

Do the normals that send him to prison deserve to die?

>> No.11355978

Only a fucking autisic retard like Maria would believe in that crap. She is probably forcing herself to believe in magic, though.

>> No.11355980

Nice arguments there, I can feel your autism. Anyhow, fuck off.

>> No.11355981

I don't think so. They're just doing what's right by them.

>> No.11355986
File: 631 KB, 800x600, Japanesebirdcookingspaghettifortheushiromiyafamily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small bombs all over the island

>> No.11356001

Yasu wants to kill everyone and herself with the bomb because she is a freak and nobody will ever love her. What's so hard to understand?

George will die without realizing that his girlfriend was born as a man, Battler will suffer for two days because he is a prick and Maria will enjoy the show that Beatrice promised to her. Maria is very important for Beatrice.

To accomplish this, Yasu bribes one of the siblings and threatens his/her family with the bomb. The servants don't know people will actually die, though.

It's basically a forced mass suicide.

How is any of this retarded or illogical? Why do you need to believe in that Rosatrice bullshit instead?

>> No.11356002

They are not even thinking. You can't be sure of what's right or wrong if you aren't willing to listen to what the "evil guys" have to say.

Normals don't even consider the possibility of being wrong.

>> No.11356005

My autism has nothing to do with it. Everything I said is correct. Fuck off.

>> No.11356006

It's because that Rosatrice guy is an autistic atheist philosopher who can't get comprehend the idea that the red truth isn't intended to be taken as statements of formal logic.

>> No.11356017

>the red truth isn't intended to be taken as statements of formal logic
I'm also against that autistic prick, but what do you mean?

>> No.11356024
File: 686 KB, 1112x864, b5cfbb7aaa71e3bfda7db1ac5e665a6c-d5i5lxv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill down man. This is, actually, the first non-retarded Umineko thread on /jp/ in months. The others quickly degenerate into Rosatrice ridiculous fanwank or Ryukishi hate thread. This one is cool. Sit down and enjoy it, because the next will be in two or three months.

>> No.11356037

The how dunnit is oftend ridiculed by goats, too.

It isn't that difficult to create the illusion of Kanon and maintain it for two whole years when you are secretly the true master of the island.

It only requires a bit of luck, which isn't a problem for Yasu because her entire backstory since the day she solved the epitaph is most likely fictional. It probably didn't happen in Prime.

>> No.11356036

I mean that you can't lay out pieces of red as if they are premises from which you can logically deduce conclusions from.

He starts with the idea that he can prove without a doubt that Shannon and Kanon are not the same person, by using red in this manner. Then uses that as a starting point for his theory, discarding half the story in the process.

Really I wish he was right about how the red works, but he can't grasp the fact that he isn't when half the series shows it. Instead, he dismisses the overwhelming evidence by saying it's all a lie by the author.

>> No.11356044

I just don't like it when people criticize or underestimate Higurashi because they believe the anime adaptation to be somewhat representative of the original work.

It's truly annoying and happens all the time.

>> No.11356051

Why would ANYONE want to prove that Shannon and Kanon are separate people anyways? That would erase Yasu as a character.

His entire theory is based on how much he hates Shkanontrice.

>> No.11356054

Either he thinks the entire Yasu character is a lie or he tried to fit it with Rosa in some way, I don't remember.

>> No.11356058


>QR code for Siesta Sister 410’s outfit (Yonichimaru) from the visual novel Umineko no Naku Koro ni!

>Also an anime. But the anime is terrible if you read the visual novel first. Watch the anime and then read the visual novel.
What the hell? Why should I spoil the VN for myself just so I can enjoy a shitty anime?

This bitch makes no sense. I hope no one follows her advice.

>> No.11356064

Somebody probably will.

>> No.11356065

Hate is based on ignorance.

>> No.11356077

Only an obnoxious autist like you would worry about not enjoying something at 100% nerd.

>> No.11356100

I heard a goat say something among the lines of "why would anyone run from an explosion" in one of the last threads. Why are they so stupid?

It's obvious that the goats at the end of EP2 represent the TIME LIMIT, not the explosion itself.

When she goes to the chapel and find it empty, Rosa realizes that Yasu has betrayed her and was actually dead in Natsuhi's room. She can't escape to Kuwadorian. That's why she freaks out and runs towards the beach. When the goats devour her, it means that she can't do it in time because she broke her ankle.

>> No.11356122

I like to imagine Maria swimming to Niijima while a shark chases her.

>> No.11356131

You're the obnoxious one here.

>> No.11356133
File: 53 KB, 800x450, 1250095222573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't bully poor Maria.

>> No.11356140

She needs the pressure of bullying she can mature into someone fit for society.

A nine year old acting in the way she does is not okay.

>> No.11356142

She's acting like that exactly because she's bullied. Bullying her more will only break her more.

>> No.11356144

No, she's acting like that because she's had a highly disturbed and controlling individual as a role model. She needs to be broken so she can be rebuilt.

>> No.11356159

Don't use the truth to insult people, nerd. That's what intellectual molesters do.

>> No.11356160

She needs bullying from her peers, not her parent.

>> No.11356162

She's acting like that because she is fucking autistic.

>> No.11356170

Japanese bullying is pretty damn hardcore, though. That would break her.

Imagine a bunch of 9 year old kids surrounding Maria and asking her if she masturbates or something, when they obviously know that she does it. That's cruel. Asuka-ass tier.

I've seen something like that IRL. The victim was a boy, though.

>> No.11356172

I think it's Aspergers gone wrong.

>> No.11356173

It's worse when a parent does it because home is supposed to be a safe place.

>> No.11356174

Maria is only 9, why is it obvious that she masturbates?

I didn't masturbate until I was 13, and I didn't get bullied by having people surround me and ask me if I masturbate until I was 15.

>> No.11356175

Asperger's already is wrong, and is literally autism lite. So it's much the same.

>> No.11356177

I thought Japanese bullying was more violent, not more humiliating.

>> No.11356178

You're not Japanese, you're likely a westerner who is prude on a genetic level. The Japanese are a highly sexual race.

>> No.11356185

I masturbated clumsily at 8. I would dry cum every single night and it was amazing. A normal girl would probably masturbate at 9, I guess.

The premise here is that I was a normal kid, though, which is doubtful.

>> No.11356192
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A hack who got too famous for his own good grows egotistical and spiteful, punishes the fans that he feels wronged them by not giving an ending.

That's really all there is to it. If you want a mystery just read Agatha Christie, everything in Umineko is a derivate or stolen outright from a Christie work. Pondering the "meta mystery" is just laughable because it has no answer. It's nothing more than naval gazing.

>> No.11356193

I'm diagnosed with that and I feel it's the opposite.

Autism supposedly traps you inside your own world. Asperger's makes you NEED to stay inside that world very often but it's difficult because every little sound distracts you.

That's what I feel. I'm too aware of my surroundings all the time, even when I need to ignore everything. It's stressful.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something.

>> No.11356196

Damn man, they are fucked up. Even elementary school bullying has to be sexual and perverted.

>> No.11356198

That's not true, plenty of what's in Umineko is actually stolen from Forest.

>> No.11356201

This is probably true. She is always wearing a sour expression and shit.

>> No.11356202

>Imagine a bunch of 9 year old kids surrounding Maria and asking her if she masturbates or something, when they obviously know that she does it. That's cruel. Asuka-ass tier.
I'm hard.

>> No.11356205

>punishes the fans
What fans? Goats that don't care about the HEART? The Higurashi "fans"? Don't make me laugh.

>> No.11356206


Oh, you're right. The creator of forest invented the "everyone is a culprit" ending and the "someone pretends to be dead and someone else pretends to confirm their death", not agatha christie an entire century earlier.

>> No.11356207

>I've seen something like that IRL. The victim was a boy, though.
Please, elaborate. I beg you.

>> No.11356209

I didn't say he stole nothing from Christie. You said he stole everything from her, I disagree. I think he stole from multiple sources.

>> No.11356210


Are you making a joke or are you actually this new? no one cared when BT died and everyone complained when R07 added emo shit to the story. Everyone was outraged and called out R07 for lying about the epitath being solvable.

How can you go on the internet and discuss a visual novel without knowing basic facts?

>> No.11356211

How is everyone in Umineko a culprit and how the fuck is Ryukishi a thief for using mystery cliches that obviously were invented by someone because they wouldn't exist otherwise?

>> No.11356215

>an entire century earlier
Forest came out 2004, not 2045.

>> No.11356219

Is Asuka's ass a meme yet?

>> No.11356216

Have you ever bullied a CUTE loli, /jp/? Is it even possible? Why would she get bullied?

>> No.11356218


I have never read Forest but every single one of the first 4 "mysteries" is just a re-imagining of ATTWN and MotOE with the abstraction of magic added.

>> No.11356225

What about making fart sounds every time she bends over?

>> No.11356234
File: 101 KB, 420x544, Umineko_characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>How is everyone in Umineko a culprit

According to this picture 2/3rds of the cast is the culprit/is in on it. Yes I know that one of them doesn't exist and two of them are one person but they are still characters who give testimony.

>Ryukishi a thief for using mystery cliches that obviously were invented by someone

You might have a point if it weren't for the fact that every single cliche he uses comes from the same woman. What's worse that every one of the cliches comes from only 2 of her stories, and her two most popular works at that.

Did Umineko actually give you the impression that R07 is well-read in mysteries and draws his inspiration from a variety of sources? Don't make me laugh.

>> No.11356242

Ryukishi didn't write those mysteries, it was Yasu.

>> No.11356253

Maybe he just really likes those cliches, I don't know. I doubt he did it out of laziness.

He is still a great storyteller. The mystery isn't that important, even if it's too simple for your taste.

>> No.11356260

How many baby teeth does Maria have left?

>> No.11356266

What part about him is great?

>> No.11356271


God damn, she is brave.

>> No.11356273

Everything. What part about him is not great?

>> No.11356274

Do people really do THIS to their kids?

>> No.11356284

Good ol' lolis don't feel pain

>> No.11356625

As long as we don't let him read Rei, otherwise he'll cheat and just go straight to antifantasy.

I imagine he'll blame Chie-sensei because she ran out of curry or something, then claim that Ryukishi was lying because the official answer is dumb.

>> No.11356654

And then a perfectly decent thread has been raped, again.

The thirteenth time, you would think nobody will take the bait. But it works. Every fucking time. Some faggots boasts ridiculous nonsense and everybody lose his shits.

That's disgusting. I'm out.

>> No.11356659

Oh great, this cunt showed up. Lets stop inviting him, all he wants to do is talk about stuff he hates and scream insults.

>> No.11356664

Relax! We don't get 5000+ threads on a single subject without stuff like that. It's impossible to go this long without a troll showing up. Just calm down and keep advancing your theories, fellow goat.

>> No.11357135
File: 603 KB, 637x481, There will NEVER be a white horse in WTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being taken off an island on a white horse is reason enough to kill people.
That's true. That's why Rena went L5 as well.

>> No.11357139

>Do you expect anyone to know what you are talking about?

>Most people here never read Higurashi
Bullshit, /jp/ loves Higurashi. We used to have threads about it (or Rika at the very least) that lasted for months.

>> No.11357183

What is Forest? Can anyone enlighten me?

>> No.11357201


>> No.11357224

Thank you, I appreciate it.

>> No.11357493

What is the meaning of the colors of the lines on the person table?

>> No.11357503

red is used to trace a family tree, purple is used to trace a general servant hierarchy

>> No.11357522

It is not good, though. It's mostly hipster shit. You know the story. People liked Umineko so some other people, mostly anons, found a VN nobody knew and then proudly proclaimed that it did everything Umineko does but better.

It's false. Try it for yourself, you'll see. Forest is... shitty is a word too powerful. Not good, that is true, and certainly deeply flawed. Far more flawed than Umineko never was.

>> No.11357686

So from what I understand, this is a game about a ridiculously complicated murder mystery, except the people who are murdered are arguing in some supernatural world about whether a witch killed them or not?

Why do they give a fuck how they were murdered? They're dead anyway.

If they're in a supernatural world arguing with a witch, why wouldn't they believe in supernatural things?

Apparently the murders are played out in many different ways by different people over multiple episodes? How can the reader give a shit about these characters when they're being used as props whose motivations shift randomly from episode to episode?

What the hell is the appeal of this shit?

>> No.11357746
File: 332 KB, 600x830, dbb0518f9f2aab38861b33daf6219728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of love

>> No.11357776
File: 401 KB, 416x396, beatrice_desire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They care because they give a shit about OH DESIRE, unlike you.

>> No.11357840

Would this picture spoil things for me if I thought too hard on it?

>> No.11357857

its over
you've already seen the end

>> No.11357921

It would only spoil the entire plot and the culprit, don't worry about it

>> No.11357980

not really, it spoils if you look at it without thinking too hard

enjoy not enjoying the whodunit of umineko and look for love, friend

>> No.11358878

Do you really need to read (or watch) Umineko to argue about it?

>> No.11358945

By watch you mean the PS3 version, right?
'Cause as I know, there's no Umineko anime out there.

>> No.11359166

If you wanted a real answer, you shouldn't have taken the troll tone of voice. If you didn't want a real answer, well, it's cool, because you won't anyway.

>> No.11359718

What about the one by DEEN that Ryukishi claims to have paid a super amount of attention to?

>> No.11359769

>Why do they give a fuck how they were murdered? They're dead anyway.

Think about it as a group of movie actors arguing about the characters they were playing as and their motivations.

That's the way it worked in Higurashi and it's basically the same thing in Umineko's metaworld.

>> No.11359855

Because there wouldn't be a story otherwise.

>> No.11360113

If it hurt Toyha so much to think about it, then why did he write all that fanfiction about the incident?

>> No.11360129


Same reason why anybody writes about their traumatic pasts; they make for a great story.

>> No.11360157

While there are many stories that frame a conflict between fate (Certainty) and luck (Miracles), Umineko is the only one that comes to mind that has fate be on the good side and luck be extremely cruel. Why did Ryu play with my heart like this and make me so confused?

>> No.11360258

On the topic of which gender Yasu is, I always felt inclined to go with female based on falling in love with Battler and the whole deal with "hide him from the master so he doesn't think it is Beatrice reincarnated".

But I guess that if Yasu were male, thinking he was female due to what he has been told while growing up, then maybe it is more believable that he'd be a male.

I guess in the end you may just ask yourself why R07 would even bother not mentioning gender unless it was supposed to be the opposite of your first impression.

>> No.11360261

More importantly, how did Yasu know that Natsuhi pushed her off the cliff? How did anyone know?

Did Toyha just make it up?

>> No.11360274

A witch said it in red.

>> No.11360668

Only three people in /jp/ care about the Higurashi sound novel.

>> No.11360967


>> No.11361004

Didn't Genji tell him/her?

>> No.11361023

How did Genji know if Natsuhi never told anyone that it was murder? The only time she ever confessed was in an empty graveyard, to the servant's husband's grave.

>> No.11361174

She only knows about that in EP5.

EP5 is the only episode where she actually tries to take revenge against Natsuhi. But that game was described as "Bern and Lambda throwing pieces at each other and scribbling on the gameboard".

Yasu/Genji was probably suspicious of Natsuhi and thought it was the truth. Alternatively, Yasu simply resented Natsuhi for not being a good mother. If she had taken proper care of the baby, nothing would have happened.

>> No.11361185

>The only time she ever confessed was in an empty graveyard, to the servant's husband's grave.
I like those little details that everyone tends to forget about. Higurashi is full of them.

>> No.11361190

umiunko a shit

>> No.11361242

I'm thinking about the meta-meta(-meta?), where all the later worlds are forgeries by Battler and the one that's supposed to be Hanyuu apparently. How would they know if Yasu couldn't have told Battler, or didn't have enough proof?

Then again, Tohya did shit all over Erika Furudo, a drowned middle school girl who he never met, for no apparent reason. I wonder what she was like in real life. Anyway, it seems he didn't really care too much for the truth.

>If she had taken proper care of the baby, nothing would have happened.
Lion's status: still dead.

>> No.11361335

Did the author ever released the solution?
All its certain is:
Hamburger dodged the bullet by having flu
Batwoman Eva was victorious
Batora and whatever Natsuhi's child is survived and lived happy ever after.

>> No.11361598

>middle school girl
People make this mistake very often. She looks like a middle school girl, but she was in high school.

>> No.11361602

Erika is one of the many girls that Battler fucked over. He was the one who was cheating on her and dumped her when she started to get neurotic. He forgot ll about her because he has a 10 second attention span. This is why she reveals in tormenting the family so much and has an inferiority complex to Battler; she is desperate to put him in his place.

Then she started liking girls.

>> No.11361652

Hmmm.... It is sometimes hard to tell if she hates his guts or wants his cock. I'll add the wedding to the collection of evidence and call it a good theory.

>> No.11362636

This comment scares me, I thought the red was the only basis that i could believe without a doubt.
I know that all of the regular text cant be true, but i don't see a way that i can believe things that weren't in battler's narraration. How much of Yasu is even true?
<-- pic quite related

>> No.11362642 [DELETED] 

This pic by the way, used just before the red truth was placed

>> No.11362643
File: 142 KB, 641x483, REV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the pic, used just before the red truth rule was made

>> No.11362930
File: 61 KB, 600x600, 1376242362950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was R07 drunk when he ok'd that or something?

>> No.11363032

Ryukishi said he was very, very excited when DEEN approached him to do an Higurashi. Unfortunately, I think he was far too kind and easily impressionable, unable to say no and speak his mind.

First DEEN approaches him for Higurashi. Ryukishi feels happy for the first time of his life. Someone noticed him! Of course then, DEEN rapes a little Higurashi, nothing too bad, just a small eldritch abomination between friend. At this moment, Ryukishi begins to have some doubt when he sees the adaptation. Maybe he cried. Maybe he drank his sorrow until nothing remained. But the important thing is, even raped, DEEN introduced Higurashi to the mass and made him very famous.

So here's Ryukishi. From happy to mixed feelings. He doesn't know, okay? The adaptation was shitty, but DEEN gave him his chance, isn't it? He should be grateful! So, why exactly does he feel like he should be crying?

Then DEEN comes and says something like "We'll adapt Umineko too! You're a lucky man!". Ryukishi doesn't know, but there's these DEEN guys, they are counting on him. He can't say no. So he doesn't.

>> No.11363289

They are good anime for their target audience: normals to otaku-lite. It's simplified enough that you can understand it without thinking too much, at the expense of all loss of subtly, so it's good enough to sell.

I didn't care for them (except Kira, which I found cute), but at he very least, it drastically increased the amount of art available.

>> No.11363290

The red truth is definitely objective, but it relies on qualifiers and context.

>> No.11364136

DEEN is the devil.

>> No.11364166

Man, I really liked the way they handled a lot of things with the umineko adaption like the red text and intro/outro, along with the voice acting and some other things.

The problem was when they left out large chunks of the story and the tiny things that made it enjoyable, the people who watched it without reading the VN were probably confused as fuck since they had to fit everything into 26 episodes.
They even left out a lot of red text. Also they barely even used the sound track, except for suspicion.

It could have been something great if it went for something like 30-35 episodes. I can't see how a chiru adaption would work since it has a lot to do with the narration and naturally an anime wouldn't have that. I would like to see EP5 animated though, even if it's butchered by DEEN.

>> No.11364197

>along with the voice acting
I hate the voice acting in Umineko (both anime and PS3 version). Erika is just awful.

>I would like to see EP5 animated though, even if it's butchered by DEEN
I want a Chiru anime too. If Umineko becomes popular with normals again, we'll get lots of porn.

>> No.11364572

>I want a Chiru anime too.
I want to see the Lambda and Bern fight.

And also to see them stumble on how to handle multiple layers of meta, but that's just a bonus.

>> No.11364626

I want to see Ange's naked body being licked by goats after she opens the diary.

>> No.11364907

I don't think it worked too good. Please forgive my rather pathetic tale: once upon a time, I was in a Japanese class, which, obviously, was populated mostly by weeaboos. I overheard one of the groups talking about an anime that they were all confused about. They didn't understand why people who were being killed kept coming back, didn't like the twins, thought it was sad that the girl never saved the village.... When some black girl who was poorly trying to explain it mentioned that "the blue haired girl was really important." I realized that it was Higurashi. None of the normals really understood it except the black girl, who had the manga with her for some reason, and was the only one who seemed to like it. So if normals were the demographic, I'd say it was pretty poorly received.

I don't think that more episodes would have fixed it. They went too far with making Maria creepy and stuff like Beato stomping on Virgilia's face after the fight in the garden. It was kinda forgivable in Higurashi, because Keiichi was working on hitting L5 a lot of the time, but there was no excuse for that crap. Also, Eva acted less bitchy and more slutty than she should have.

>I would like to see EP5 animated though, even if it's butchered by DEEN.
I'll agree to that! We can always use more Erika.

>> No.11365076

>We can always use more Erika.
Fuck Erika.

>> No.11365294

Higurashi anime was bad. Not catastrophic, not terrible, not unwatchable. Just plain bad. If you read the visual novel before watching the anime (unfortunately western people don't), it's very obvious, and you understand quickly the numerous pitfall of DEEN's adaptation.

The story was good enough to be able to suffer a butchering and still remain interesting. That's a testament to Ryukishi's abilities as a writer, not to DEEN.

>> No.11365324

Creator of Higurashi goes off the deep end and makes a million characters we don't give a shit about. They die because witches and stuff like in Higurashi, but nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.11366961

Genji was Beatrice. He used Kinzo's lost love to get close to the master he so loved. Shkanon is the abomination that was born of this unholy union, which is why it decided to kill everyone.

>> No.11367032

>They went too far with making Maria creepy and stuff like Beato stomping on Virgilia's face after the fight in the garden.
Oh, forgot about that.
Yeah I agree they did put too much DEEN spice into scenes like that.

>> No.11367053

Lambda is better than Bern.

>> No.11367059
File: 49 KB, 960x583, 419576_338155122889043_150345185003372_892598_350807165_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

death, witches, ass holes, and chess.

>> No.11367060

When will Umineko get a live action movie?

>> No.11367075

bern was hilarious
lambda didn't really do much

>> No.11367083

Hopefully never.

Lambda was way cooler and cuter than smelly Bern. Notice that at no point did Bern ever actually succeed. Even worse hen you consider that she was beaten by Battler of all people.

>> No.11367084
File: 42 KB, 500x296, phoenix-wright-live-action-promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already did

>> No.11367097

I just thought her shenanigans with erika and natsuhi were great, one of the high points of the series.

>> No.11367207

I don't think getting beaten by Meta-Battler is something to get too depressed about - he WAS kind of a genius.

>> No.11367315

Good end is Battler winning the fight over the hamburger.

<Good> end is Bern winning.

So their fight can go either way depending on what you choose.

>> No.11367633

Lambda is better because she is made of fucking sweets. She actually poops candy and her sweat is sweet.

>> No.11367678

A cat is better than a dumb drawing of a cake.

>> No.11367913

But anon Lambda smells.

>> No.11368352
File: 184 KB, 650x800, 241248885749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, please. Can't we just love them both, like they love each other?

>> No.11368453

No, it simple doesn't work like that. If we all just agreed to disagree, we'd have no reason to even be here. We might as well just all become relativists and pick our own truth instead of forcing ours on others. Next you'll say we should stop calling each other dumb goats too.

>> No.11368462

buzz off man

>> No.11368470

Erika and Bern is the only real match. Lambda can fuck off and have George or Gohda or something.

>> No.11368496
File: 190 KB, 869x623, 1376779200284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to spread the love

>denying canon lesbians

>> No.11368513

If Yasu and Battler get to have their faggot relationship forever in hell, then we need a couple of lesbians to balance it out. Also, Erika's got Dlanor to fuggle with.

>> No.11369399

i'm thinking about replaying this since i've forgotten most of it already but before i begin, there's still something i'm wondering about. is the culprit consistent throughout all the episodes? for all its variance in circumstances/possibilities, is it at least safe to say that the culprit and rules regarding the culprit for ep1 also apply for the rest of the episodes?

>> No.11369406

Why does every umineko thread makes it even more convulated than it was before?

>> No.11370148

The culprit and their power over the island is the same in the first 4 episodes. I'm not sure about EP5 and EP6, but I assume that the setting is the same, it's just that something went wrong and the culprit had to change their plans.

Keep in mind that EP3 is slightly different because Eva finds the gold. The culprit is still the same person, but Eva accidentally kills Rosa and everything goes wrong.

Eva and Hideyoshi are bribed accomplices in EP1. It explains their calm behavior after 6 people have just been brutally killed. They are killed pretty early and are really surprised when the six (actually five) bodies are found, because they were told that it would be a "fake murder mystery" and those corpses look a bit too realistic. They still believe they are not really dead, though.

The accomplice in EP2 is Rosa. She probably knew that people were gonna die for real, but Rosa hates her family anyway. Add a few gold ingots plus the threat of the bomb and she'll go along with the any "gold truth" (the chapel door being locked) invented by the culprit.

The accomplices in EP3 seem to be Krauss and Natsuhi, threatened with the bomb. "If you do what I say, I'll give you the key to the underground tunnels. Krauss, Natsuhi and Jessica will survive". This explains why they made sure to discover Shannon first instead of trying something else. Eva probably killed them because they were suspicious. Oh, and Eva was never sleeping in a bed. That Eva was an illusion, just like Kinzo. Hideyoshi hid the fact that Eva went to examine the gold.

EP4 is a mess, but the accomplices were probably the entire family. They were promised a lot of gold and had to go along with the culprit's script. Some were threatened with guns, though. "Silent corpses, adorned by fiction."

>> No.11370177

The gold truth is a lie that everyone believes in. That's my interpretation. It's called gold truth because it's created by the "golden magic" that can make everyone do as the culprit says.

First twilight in EP4: "tales woven by the gold truth return to illusions". Gohda and Kumasawa had to tell the cousins about that silly magical massacre.

"I guarantee that this is Kinzo's corpse!". Everyone in the island will believe that a corpse with six toes is Kinzo's corpse. There is no need to "prove" it.

>> No.11370219

The gold truth can be used to state things that are "accepted as the truth" even if they aren't objectively known or believed to be true.

>> No.11370312

isn't golden truth statements made by the author? for example, when riukishi says in an interview:
>Or even if Battler had actually squeezed Shannon’s breasts, he might have noticed that they are fake
That statement is considered worthy just because was ryukishi who said it even if it's not stated in red. Then, some people consider that interview is more worthy that the red truth an other people thinks that is just bullshit (a red herring). So, that can be considered golden truth.

When it says that "tales woven by the gold truth return to illusions" is because that information belongs to the history itself, i mean, because it is definitely included in that chapter and its not a history made by a fan, even if its a lie made by the author.

>> No.11370369
File: 93 KB, 599x500, tldr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "goats" thing is not necessary meant to be interpreted in a bad way. It represents the people that doesn't care much about the history and/or are not enough motivated to play the game by itself.

It also represents that if you consider that the history is boring, you think that ryukishi is retarded or you just want to drop the history, you are free to do it.

I think that this history follows at least the knox decalogue just because if not, then the mystery would be cheap and boring. Also there is a lot of emphasis in the chapter 5 about this:

>> No.11370419

If the Ushiromiya's are so rich, then why do they each only have one change of clothing? It's bad enough that Maria has to wear the same outfit day after day (no wonder she got bullied) (especially bad when you consider that Rosa is supposed to be a clothing designer), but Natsuhi is wearing her conference dress for ten years straight, and Eva wears her dress for years after she escapes the island. The only one who seems to have a second outfit is Jessica, and she gives that to Erika, and George, who should probably just stick to his ugly yellow suit.

It's just pitiful that even the lowest servant has a much larger wardrobe than these supposed multi-millionares.

>> No.11370420


>> No.11370462

EP6 killed Umineko
I had such high hopes because of EP5's ending and all we got was incompetence and reviving beato right after her tragic death was a huge slap in the face. Really, R07? You just killed her off for fucks sake.

>> No.11370547

You didn't understand anything about Umineko then, unsurprisingly. Why Battler revived Beatrice and how he did it is actually a big part of the answer to the mystery. It is supremely important. As such episode six is a big, big hint toward the truth.

Beatrice's resuscitation is surprising, but not uncalled for, and the farthest from random you can imagine. It has actually a very defined meaning on the narrative.

Now, I won't explain why it is important. Either you're able to understand it, or you're able to find the information on the web. This episode is almost three years old. Discussing about things solved three years ago is pointless.

>> No.11370576


holy shit this kid is mad

>> No.11370638

>Now, I won't explain why it is important.
Then I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.11370685

Maria needs the long sleeves to hide all the bruises.

>> No.11370716
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>Now, I won't explain why it is important.
Then why even bother berating someone for their ignorance?

>> No.11371414

>I won't explain why it is important.
It's like you want people to call bullshit

>> No.11371668
File: 493 KB, 1685x800, 517707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Maria and Satoko switched places? Satoko's abuse is much worse but is sporatic, while Maria's abuse lasts far longer but is less intense. Would Satoko be able to withstand Rosa without telling Beato she wants make her mother pay, thus contributing to the tragedy? Would Maria be able to withstand Teppei's wrath without hitting L5?

>> No.11372506

Discussing about things solved three years ago is pointless. This episode is almost three years old. Either you're able to understand it, or you're able to find the information on the web. Now, I won't explain why it is important.

I don't know if I should be surprised or disgusted that there is still at least three anons who still don't know what the resuscitation of Beatrice stands for. That was solved three fucking years ago. Let me guess, you're one of the Rosatrice believers?

Before people ask, I'm wondering that because only a person who didn't understand Umineko could be a Rosatrice fan. And only a person who didn't understand Umineko could ask what the resuscitation of Beatrice stands for. Thus, logically, the two sets intercept somewhere.

>> No.11372863

If it was solved then what's so hard about stating the solution?

>> No.11373059

One thing about EP1 that I'm trying to wrap around is Natsuhi.
It's obvious that Natsuhi was supposed to be killed as part of First Twilight rather than Shannon, so Yasu could've died as Shannon for Second Twilight.
But Natsuhi manages to escape this by locking herself in her room on the night of the murder (Bloody door). What I don't get that after Eva Hideyoshi are killed Natsuhi has to become the accomplice for the rest to make sense.
But why would she agree? Is the thing about 'representing the Family' really enough for her to take a sense of duty and protect the children? Or was she just forcefully threatened by Yasu and servants?

>> No.11373195

Natsuhi doesn't have to become the accomplice for the rest to work. She doesn't know anything. The servants on the other hand...

>> No.11373252

That wasn't incompetence, it was god-tier EP3-style trolling. Battler pretty much confessed to it in EP8.

>> No.11373315

>Natsuhi has to become the accomplice for the rest to make sense.
Why? It makes sense without Natsuhi being an accomplice.

Also, I think Shannon would have died anyways. Someone else was killed instead of Natsuhi. Maybe Gohda.

>> No.11373694

Sakutaro is even less effective at defending against that fat brute. Maria is totally fucked, possibly literally. But of course, she would be very devoted to Oyashiro-sama, so Rika, Oreo, and the rest of the village would love her and she would fit right in.

Satoko isn't autistic, so she would be okay as long as she didn't make traps that would embarrass Rosa. Luckily, she's even better at killing people through falling than Rosa, so she'll probably be fine.

>> No.11373717

If Hanyuu and Featherine were to switch, both stories would become more interesting.

>> No.11373745

If featherine had a less shit design, umineko would be interesting.

>> No.11373762

Batora and Hanyuu, no wonder Bern hates him so much. We need some porn of this. Make it happen, pixiv.

>> No.11373799

What was wrong with her design? Other than being an old woman, of course, but that really couldn't be helped.

>> No.11373799,1 [INTERNAL] 

That would be fucking LEWD AND HUMILIATING AS HELL.

>> No.11373799,2 [INTERNAL] 

man rosatrice is the most retarded thing i've ever seen
