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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 156 KB, 1440x810, 130228-0103180895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11342838 No.11342838 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>11322960

SKE48 Tour scheduled for Kobe World Kinen Hall (October 26th), Yokohama Arena (December 6th) and Nagoya Dome (February 2nd).
Tomochin and Sayaka are going to have their graduation stage show streamed on niconico:

>> No.11342863
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>> No.11342870
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>> No.11342903
File: 193 KB, 697x935, AkimotoSayaka066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to miss her. She really did try her best at everything. I still remembered when she cried for Sae when she came back to Team K.

>> No.11343083
File: 282 KB, 860x1280, photo02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>remembered when she cried for Sae when she came back to Team K.

same but mostly because they wont be the TWIN TOWERS any more

i liked that she had the gorilla joke but they bullied her with it and they should have used her for other things

>> No.11343133 [DELETED] 

I think it's because she wasn't considered as cute as the other girls so she had to use that gorilla joke as a way to get fans. She even sort of talked about it on that AKBingo episode where they had real talks with normies and that fat chick kept going on and on about wanting to be an idol even though she's fat and not cute.

>> No.11343134

I think it's because she wasn't considered as cute as the other girls so she had to use that gorilla joke as a way to get fans. She even sort of talked about it on that AKBingo episode where they had real talks with normies and that fat chick kept going on and on about wanting to be a talent even though she's fat and not cute.

>> No.11343169
File: 215 KB, 860x1280, photo09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can agree to that but they had such a better talent then what they realized they had

they are going to be super pissed they lost her because post-akb shes going to do amazing stuff and theyll regret it every time they see her for a new movie or fashion show

>> No.11343173

She's still signed to Office48

>> No.11343181

Still in DiVA too as I recall.

>> No.11343243

itano is probably going to get married not long after graduating and having a worse career

or go purely into fashion industry

>> No.11343364
File: 398 KB, 768x1024, 24 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday to funny girl, Ripopo.

>> No.11343439


Goddamnit, why does the filthy Korean Dogs have to bring back the painful memories of SDN48?

>> No.11343454

>implying I want to give a K-pop vid some views

>> No.11343460

Get your filthy kpop shit out of this thread

>> No.11343465


Technically you are funding avex's views. But on the serious side, this is just like Abazure from SDN48. Proof that KPOP rips everything off super 48.

>> No.11343466

He's been advertising it in a few threads already.

>> No.11343470


Thanks for the title. Now I don't have to watch the Corean version.

>> No.11343469


Different guy.

And I am more pissed on how they shamelessly rip off SDN48's superior version.

>> No.11343481


Pleasure, I can see why those AVEX dogs disabled their comments. They know they will rouse the AKB48 and SDN48 Oshimen on how Korea has ripped another track and MV as their own inferior version

>> No.11343619

How's that Mariko anon holding up? Since you've been making threads with her in the image it makes me think you're still not over it

It's been one month man

>> No.11343645
File: 181 KB, 960x640, 99199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nothing. Some still haven't gotten over Acchan.

>> No.11343672



Get your filthy kpop shit out of jp forever

>korea and china hate japan all the time yet always ask for help when disaster strikes
>yfw japan master tier helps these scumbags

japan is OC when everyone rips them off because they are all plebtier

>> No.11343724 [DELETED] 

Go buy more 10,000 copies of your shitty idol group.

>> No.11343733

>in /jp/
>liking Coreans


>> No.11343745 [DELETED] 

>taiwan nigger
Go away.

>> No.11343751
File: 43 KB, 500x444, youmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mad out of rage


>morning musume being this korean

>> No.11343757 [DELETED] 

They already did but Coreans and their single eyelids couldn't see them leave.

>> No.11343778 [DELETED] 

Now post them without make-up.
>Single eyelid

>> No.11343781 [DELETED] 


dailymail dot co dot uk website
has article title called

South Korean girls obsession with double eyelid surgery as they strive to look like
>pretty western celebrities


>> No.11343785 [DELETED] 

How is that ironic? Most Chinese have double eyelids.

>> No.11343790 [DELETED] 

The ironyyyyyy

>> No.11343799
File: 107 KB, 595x708, 20120428_WOC079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11343811
File: 17 KB, 394x354, maki goto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't hide the truth, fucker.

>> No.11343822

Not him, but I can't forget about her either

>> No.11343876

just remember the japanese call korea
for a reason

mari yaguchi
so little cares she is homewrecker

>> No.11343902


Why are you doing this to me?

>> No.11343913

i feel the same feels
you can never replace acchan she could do the impossible
not many people can pull the stuff she can flawlessly

>> No.11343920

Which Mariko anon? There's many of us.

Graduation escapism Mariko anon here, I haven't been to the threads a lot lately (mostly due to being extremely busy), but I'm still not in terms with her graduation. I can't even bring myself to watch the AKBINGO Mariko graduation special...

Watching exclusively HKT & Nogi shows, since seeing post-Mariko AKB might make me feel that she really is gone, which I am not ready for.

>> No.11343935

cheer up anon-kun !
just because she is not in any songs does not mean she wont be at any akb events!

she will be all over tv now i hear she was in a toyota commerical and she was in those horror movies

she wont be going anywhere anytime soon youll see her lots

>> No.11343941

i love maririn ;-;

>> No.11343954

Isn't the Toyota CM and horror movies Acchan? Mariko will probably lead a normal life as a fashion designer, which means we won't hear much of her anymore.

>> No.11343991

>Isn't the Toyota CM and horror movies Acchan?
that was what i said

mariko will probably do some love movies mixed with fashion, maybe team up with itano now that shes graduating and start a clothing brand or something

her fans will suffer not seeing her as much but at least she will be happy and that is what we all want for her

>> No.11343996

Just ignore his posts. Seems like he is confusing himself.

>> No.11345476
File: 1.86 MB, 384x216, f3725815.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11345581

Yukirin being cute aside, why is Paruru crying?

>> No.11345584

Because it's a terrible song.

>> No.11345591
File: 50 KB, 600x338, 1258f688-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Tomochin's graduation SP

>> No.11345595

Is Takamina really a godly, ultra caring person?

I always thought it was just the character that management wants to create for her because of her position in the group, but it seems like its too much. Especially the documentaries.

Or is it just part of her personality, and she's also like super egotistical at the same time?

She seems too perfect, just being a midget isn't enough divine punishment.

>> No.11345623

I think that Takamina is really a kind-hearted person, that's why most of the members like her, and also the fans.

>> No.11345626

Is Ryomaden worth watching?

>> No.11345630
File: 119 KB, 960x952, 1157413_513338575413156_663193385_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there more like this for other members?

>> No.11345637

a literal manface

>> No.11345639
File: 515 KB, 1220x1220, qpnti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a really good person, but that doesn't mean she's a saint. I remember Acchan talking about how she loses her temper and gets annoyed sometimes. Seems like her long talks can get annoying sometimes, just watch the faces of the girls when she does her "tough" speeches.
But yeah, she's mostly genuinely kind.
I've seen a few different types for Jurina, so I'd assume everyone has a complete set.

>> No.11345644

>But yeah, she's mostly genuinely kind
You can't really know that, don't be so delusional. None of these idols are what they appear.

>> No.11345647

Thanks, I can't seem to find individual ones for them. A pity, considering how nice it looks.

>> No.11345657
File: 584 KB, 750x1000, 1830m_PB (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seems like her long talks can get annoying sometimes, just watch the faces of the girls when she does her "tough" speeches.
This is pretty much the only "bad" thing I can say about her. I think there are girls who don't want to work as hard as her and that has probably soured them on her. And vice-versa. She has no tolerance for half-asses.

In general she's seems really sweet and, of course, an absolutely first-rate idol.

You're right, though. Everything is just how it "seems." No one knows but those closest to her, I'm sure.

>> No.11345663

Period comes after the quotation mark.

>> No.11345660
File: 157 KB, 955x960, 234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true, I just prefer to think as long as they're consistent in their image through everything (which Takamina is) it must have some resemblance to their natural personality.
Looking at this image, I think they might be from the CD booklet (but I don't have my copy to confirm).
Maybe someone has scanned them?

>> No.11345666

It doesn't need a period at all.

>> No.11345670

Not in Murrica.
>When it comes to commas and periods, though, logic doesn't enter into the equation, at least not in the United States. Universal American usage places commas and periods inside the quotation marks, regardless of logic.

Nice try, though.

>> No.11345678
File: 532 KB, 960x1280, 29 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I appreciate how Harugon is probably the only member who took the overseas program as a growing experience and has grown fond of the host country, but sometimes the level of acclimatization gets me worried.

Taking bets for how long it'll be until:
1. She decides to stay in JKT forever, causing Watarirouka to disband
2. Converts to Islam
3. Graduates and ends up marrying a rich Indonesian guy, Dewi Sukarno-style

>> No.11345683
File: 173 KB, 768x1024, 407138450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the world is sdn48? some disbanded group that couldn't cut the mustard?


>> No.11345684

Graduated members and sluts.

They had some good tunes, though.

>> No.11345688

That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.11345695

If you grew up speaking proper British English I'm sure it doesn't. I used to do it the other way but I had to switch to American rules when I started editing professionally.

>> No.11345705

I don't grow up speaking proper British English because English isn't even my first language, it just doesn't make sense, regardless of the language.

>> No.11345703

So it's from the booklet, thanks for telling me. Now to wait for a kind soul to scan all of them

>> No.11345710



And what kind of editing?

>> No.11345715
File: 655 KB, 750x1000, 1830m_PB (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's arguing with you.

I edit news articles for an online media entity.

Posting Mayu because grammar is boring.

>> No.11345723
File: 206 KB, 960x960, mrrwfun_GQe1rmz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Provided you can access the Gallery section, many of them are available on Stage48

>> No.11346051

no, its boring

>> No.11346060
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 1377133646159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11346062

My hard drive failed this morning, almost a terabyte of shows, concerts, photos and music neatly organised and gathered over a period of years. All gone in the click of the fingers.

I think i might cry /jp/

>> No.11346063
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, 13773009765597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11346078

We've probably all felt this at least once, I feel your pain. Anal as it sounds I now keep everything AKB related on 2 separate hard drives, so when one next fails I can just buy a new one and copy from the working drive.

>> No.11346080

Sorry to hear that anon, finding some of their older stuff again is going to be a pain.
Have you tried to recover it somehow?

>> No.11346090

Don't fall into the trap of thinking that you really cared about most of that shit. 99% of it you were never going to watch/look at/listen to ever again. It hurt my perfectionist tendencies to try and rebuild my collection when that happened to me but realising most of it was junk helped a lot. Think really hard about the parts of that collection you really cared about and start again from there.

>> No.11346098

It's probably not worth paying for to be honest, my ratios on the two main trackers I use is good and >>11346090 is probably right. Whilst it might be more less than 99% junk I most likely don't need the bulk of the stuff on there again. Just depressing to see so much of my own life wasted in the creation of that directory.

>> No.11346109

I wonder if they're going to be some announcement today.

>> No.11346119

Undestandable, the only thing I'd be upset losing is my image collection. I find organising images really soothing for the some reason. I think I do it in order to stop myself from spending hundreds on photos.
Everything is out there anyway, so you might enjoy creating a perfect system with the stuff you really want.

>> No.11346159

Announcement for?

>> No.11346185

>I find organising images really soothing for the some reason

I know the feeling, my flat is an utter tip but my computer files can't be anything but meticulously ordered. I can spend hours renaming files and moving things around to make it how I want and derive some sort of weird pleasure from it.

Maybe I'm autistic, don't think so though.

>> No.11346221

>MC (+ Shinoda Mariko, Maeda Atsuko)

>> No.11346233
File: 104 KB, 500x251, ms311wD5z11rjcqspo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11346268

what is this?

>> No.11346321

That is so cool. Do you know what were those paper they were raising?

>> No.11346336

Is somebody broadcasting this?

>> No.11346745

niconico is but dont know when or link

>> No.11346758

I really like Takamina, but I find her hard work speeches a little tiring.
The biggest factors in a girl's popularity are exposure and management push. Despite everyone saying oshihen is a huge taboo it seems like a lot of fans instantly drop girls for the new pushed favourite.
Takamina does work hard, but she's always been a favoured and privileged member, constantly in the spotlight. When you compare her situation to someone like Chikarina and her 600+ theater shows and constant positivity, who is less popular than a lot of KKS, I find her speeches to ring kind of hollow.

>> No.11346777

i like takamina's role as team manager i think it suits her well

>still in akb
>she can still go on tv
>still in top 10
>purpose to keep all girls unified / mentor role

the life of being takamina and shes a great nice person too, sucks her mom slept with her brothers friend who was underage....

fans who leave one girl for the next pushed girl are the worst people, i stay loyal no matter what good and bad!

>> No.11346837

I want to fuck Takamina.

>> No.11347091


Yukirin "exercising" again.

>> No.11347099


Oh, Yuko.

>> No.11347322

Fans have stated that they saw a lot of the former Team 4 members cry when the new Team 4 was announced...

>> No.11347464
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, yukirin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one plate, lel

>> No.11347467

everytime yuko cries it reminds me of a 5 year old child just bawling their eyes out with snot running down its face in utter horror but then she does something funny soon after its total bipolar'ism

i wonder if its good or bad

these videos only make me not happy with her more and more i know why she does it but i do not enjoy them what so ever

>> No.11347472

what's she doing with it?

>> No.11347486

Typical Yuko, hogging the spotlight whenever she can

>> No.11347613

Her YouTube videos are the best :3

>> No.11347626
File: 713 KB, 1500x2101, 93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11347629

and by best you mean the worst kind then yes

>suggestive videos because she is hentai

>> No.11347656

Her nose is so ugly, why doesn't she fix it, she could easily do it?

>> No.11347683


Keep posting the FAQ, it's not hard.

>> No.11347684
File: 422 KB, 1440x810, 130825-1236020024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 hour TV 13-08-25



>> No.11347693

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.11347697 [DELETED] 

true akb faq

>> No.11347708


>> No.11347711

just saw a video of that, sounded on par with a typical live akb performance

>> No.11347731

What are you talking about you fucking retard, the two videos don't have a single thing in common. Are you fucking blind or what?

Also Avex almost always disables views, kill yourself newshit.

>> No.11347767

I think the previous threads have proven that the newfag quality aren't up to par therefore no need to do any spoonfeeding.

>> No.11347777
File: 942 KB, 2369x3511, 029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why OP?
Why did you use that image...
I miss Maristel

>> No.11347804

Miichan's family all look very similar.

>> No.11347835

Those weren't tears of joy. More like their minds were filled with swear words for the management.

>> No.11347907

i would love to drink those tears

>> No.11347928


>> No.11348234
File: 111 KB, 1024x768, tomochin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There goes Itano

>> No.11348256

don't ever mention her in these threads again

>> No.11348264

I..I...Is that Mariko?

>> No.11348301

Yes, actually pic she tweeted that picture

Im not a fan of Tomochin, physically, its not my type, but I understand her appeal; what I dont like is the personality, acting like she is not interested on whatever is happening and bored, whether is faked or not.
However, I had to post that, we are here to discuss, right?

>> No.11348302

acchan was there too

itano itano itano itano itano itano itano

>> No.11348327

She's still around til the 27th.

>> No.11348368

Itano is a genuinely good person.

>> No.11348373 [SPOILER] 
File: 155 KB, 800x538, 12val031rpl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be the only one hoping that she goes broke and has to resort to doing AVs.

>> No.11348385
File: 372 KB, 1144x1616, Mayu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which AKB girls would you love to see do AVs?

>> No.11348410
File: 51 KB, 500x410, Itano Tomomi, Shimazaki Haruka-396474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11348413

So I just made an account to access Nihongogo's image gallery. Fucking jackpot! 35 pages of scans with 50 pictures per page that i've seen so far.

>> No.11348441

Yui and Paruru, too bad it's never going to happen.

>> No.11348443

isnt that rena? or is that miyuki watanabe?

>> No.11348454

That's funny, I used to think Milky was Rena's nickname because she has such milky colored skin and I had no idea who Miyuki was at the time, but naw that's Rena

>> No.11348460

i see the file name and instantly its not mayu, you can tell in the smile and her face is round not long like rena's

>> No.11348481

is image gallery members only?

>> No.11348485

I believe so. Least there is no post requirement for access.

>> No.11348494

I want to see a Kintaro AV.

>> No.11348619 [DELETED] 

You're mum

#rekt #lel #prayfortrayvon

>> No.11348623 [DELETED] 

Go back to whichever shit board you came from.

>> No.11348628 [DELETED] 

I made a harmless joke, why so mean?

>> No.11348660

fuck off >>>/sp/

>> No.11348722
File: 282 KB, 1163x1587, Magazine, Shimazaki Haruka-397874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are looking at perfection.

>> No.11348820
File: 70 KB, 624x832, 1377042310106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean NOW you are

those eyes that smile that personality
>god / 10

>> No.11348842 [DELETED] 

she looks like a korean idol

>> No.11348851
File: 35 KB, 640x480, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like rena doesnt?

>> No.11348863 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 960x1280, 07719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, Korean idols look unnatural.

>> No.11348871 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 1920x1200, new2down.com_Asian_Girls_Generation_ 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is girls generation
like 9 or 12 of them

not a single 1 of these girls are at a minimum cute

-500 / 10

this is jurina matsui , she cant drive a car yet, and she is hotter than all of those GG girls combined

kpop is pitiful

>> No.11348893 [DELETED] 
File: 427 KB, 800x1204, tumblr_m3hy7fvfsp1qhzuv8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of Girl's Generations are ugly, weird looking or plastic, or all three of those.

A Pink are one of the more cuter groups, but they'll never be as cute as Japanese. And it's such a turn off as soon as they open their mouths, Korean is such a nasty and abrasive language.

This is pretty cool though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWpl2CaCnVA

>> No.11348894 [DELETED] 


>jpop girls hotter than kpop

your delusion is delicious. i love akb but i have to admit that even the ugliest broad in girls generation is prettier than kojiharu or mayuyu

>> No.11348898

Take all this kpop shit to tumblr.

>> No.11348900

mayuyu is a princess she is not even close to being ugly she is damn near

i can agree on kojiharu's ears being too large but mayuyu is perfect / 10

this anon figured out life and won the game
>Korean is such a nasty and abrasive language.
this times infinity

koreanspeak is torture just like chinese, its not even words its just "sounds" that dont sound like words

japanese actually has words that sound like words but they could use a new way to write the words the whole 3 forms of writing is outdated they should do something about it soon

>> No.11348901
File: 629 KB, 1500x2091, 117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nida pls go.

Everyone in SNSD is ugly, at least pick a pretty group.

This is what true beauty is.

>> No.11348912 [DELETED] 

>its not even words its just "sounds" that dont sound like words
Yeah this. Whenever I tried to repeat something someone in dramas said I couldn't. It's just weird noises, that it makes me hard to believe they're communicating in those. They just make random sounds, how do they talk to each other? Is it possible to be eloquent in Korean?


>> No.11348918 [DELETED] 
File: 1.95 MB, 320x293, 1376915852049.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you shitpost in multiple generals now?

>> No.11348922 [DELETED] 


> Is it possible to be eloquent in Korean?

only if you speak in japanese!

they got owned

have you SEEN the way koreans write their words? they have the ugliest characters for words i have ever seen it looks like ufo language !

when they talk it sounds like a cat dying no joke i
>ugly people, ugly language, ugly letters

>> No.11348925

Kill yourself soshitter autist.

Everyone be sure to report this post. Stop plaguing AKB threads with your Korean bullshit.

>> No.11348928

Dokdo is Korea.

>> No.11348929 [DELETED] 

now you're just being a racist -_-

it's not that bad

>> No.11348945


>> No.11348985 [DELETED] 

stop plaguing multiple threads with your shitposting. everyone knows its you u flaming faggot

>> No.11349113

Just a reminder, tomorrow at 18:00(PST) is Tomochin's final theather performace.

>> No.11349132

Where can I watch it?

>> No.11349133


>> No.11349142
File: 179 KB, 854x960, ikuta, ikoma, hoshimina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11349144 [DELETED] 

Koreans make better dramas though. That's one of the things they're better at than Japanese. I also heard about their food, but I never tried it, idk.

>> No.11349152

What's the lyrics for SKE48's overture?
There's this line that I can't catch.
"Here in world famous Sakae, Nagoya"
based other sites.

What i hear is
"Hearing from 'Planet' Sakae Nagoya"

Can someone verify for me?

>> No.11349157


The 1st link is Tomochin's and the 2nd is Sayaka's. It opens at 5:50 arrive early so you can get in.

>> No.11349159 [DELETED] 


no one gives a SHIT about that ugly whore tomochin

>> No.11349252
File: 29 KB, 240x320, 45342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many cute pictures of Jurina anon, why do you keep posting the same one every thread?

>> No.11349259
File: 23 KB, 480x320, kuumin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. This is what true beauty is

>> No.11349267

Pic so small, can't even masturbate to it.

>> No.11349270

Eizo center is up.
I'm gonna miss Tomochin so much. T^T

>> No.11349295

Aidol is having a contest.

>> No.11349348

Holy fuck. Got enough commas going on there?

>> No.11349374

I wish I knew how to use this thing. ;

>> No.11349396

I use semi colon quite often in Spanish, my mother tongue; but I rarely see people using it on written English. I dont really know if I use it the right way, just to mark a stop not as intense as the period.
Excuse me for writing properly.

>> No.11349408
File: 70 KB, 612x612, 810d51b40d8811e3957d22000a1fa40f_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Maeda's Instagram

>> No.11349414
File: 65 KB, 612x612, 6b0100f20d8611e3a65322000a1f935c_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best AKBs

>> No.11349417
File: 2.93 MB, 267x150, hurr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a fellow native spanish speaker: fuck you.

You ate apostrophes, are using some strange grammar that seems kinda like chinglish, are fucking up pronouns and aren't using punctuation signs correctly - what's more, your use of punctuation signs would be fucked up even in spanish. Your post would've been correctly written this way:

>I'm not a fan of Tomochin. Physically, she's not my type. But I understand her appeal.
>What I dont like is her personality. Acting like she is not interested on whatever is happening and bored, whether it's faked or not.
>However, I had to post that. We are here to discuss, right?

So do us all a favor and don't act so high and mighty when your english is middle school-tier at best. And to improve on your punctuation, seeing as how you apparently know spanish, go read some Garcia Marquez, Asturias, Allende... you know, the big latin american magical realism names. Maybe you'll be able to rightfully say you're writing properly after coming out of it.

>> No.11349428

Made a fb account just to vote for SKE. God I hope they win. Magical radio S2-3 should be subbed. It deserves to be subbed. NMB wouldn't be bad either as they have virtually nothing subbed. Makes me sad to think people will vote for HKT knowing that the half ass subs guy will be heading the subbing for them.

>> No.11349429

I'm Spanish but I think I've never used the semicolon in my entire life, and I do like to use a lot of punctuation marks, when necessary. I've always been told that a lot of punctuation marks make the text hard to read.

You really took your writing lessons seriously in school anon!

Don't be so hard.

>> No.11349465

lol why so butthurt. The only one I agree with you is
>Im not a fan of Tomochin, physically, its not my type,
I should have used a full stop there, but in the rest I think commas were enough to keep the sentences separated and at the same time not making it too hard to read, as >>11349429 has said.
About apostrophes, it was 3am and I thought they were dispensable to make a text understandable.

>> No.11349468


>> No.11349476
File: 2.96 MB, 267x150, durr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you're wrong.

And unlike apostrophes, semicolons ARE dispensable.

>> No.11349495 [DELETED] 

Punctuations marks arent dispensable, why are you treating semicolon like it's something else?

>> No.11349498

Punctuation marks arent dispensable, why are you treating semicolon like it's something else?

>> No.11349517

When he's not trying to be overly funny Half assed subs is decent enough. I hope HKT wins so they can sort out the mess that was Guild48 attempting to sub Hakata Hyakkaten S2.

>> No.11349527
File: 1.32 MB, 250x292, 1372222542972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The semicolon IS dispensable in modern english - no, in most modern languages. It can, in almost every single case, be replaced by either commas or periods. The only use it has left is in particular lists with elements that have commas already, and even in those the semicolon is being phased out by the period.

Only hipsters (and well, programmers, but we're talking human linguistics) use semicolons anymore. Not even writers, other than maybe 1%, use the semicolon since, like, a quarter of a century ago.

>> No.11349543

this means minegishi is the next to get the fuck out, right?

>> No.11349552

dont even talk about guild48, their subs are just plain bad

>> No.11349576

Talking about the reliability of subs, any Japanese speaker know how reliable these guys are?

>> No.11349578

guild48 it is good yes being it was yes buy from our shop plz

>> No.11349582

So, I shouldn't be using something because only hipsters do it?
There were commas, I needed a stronger separation, I used semicolon.

>> No.11349610
File: 2.92 MB, 267x150, tkym.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow the quote thread.

I never said you shouldn't use semicolons. I said, however, that going on about how you write properly when you clearly don't is an embarrassment.

I said semicolons are dispensable, not that they should never be used. That other punctuation marks have made it obsolete as the language evolved over the centuries. That using a semicolon instead of a period for the stronger separation you mention is hipster shit.

But I'm dropping the subject. The only way this shit is thread-related is my small collection of Nogizaka gifs.

But at least you're using apostrophes now.

>> No.11349613
File: 530 KB, 996x1400, ngzk320939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This punctuation discussion is cracking me up. Comma-kun is my new favorite troll.

>> No.11349656

>a semicolon instead of a [cross]period[/cross] comma for the stronger separation you mention is hipster shit.
But, that's what they are for.
By the way, could you explain further how hipsters write, anon-sensei? I don't want to make similar mistakes in the future.

>> No.11349668

When in doubt use a comma. Don't even fucking try to use a semicolon because that makes you a hipster. I'm glad I practice my English on 4chan.

>> No.11349672

I'm trying to troll anyone, this guy is saying his opinion about semicolon usage is a fact.
Thank you. I will never use a semicolon again. I don't want to look like those things called hipsters

>> No.11349680


>> No.11349701
File: 64 KB, 672x378, 56re5tbjtkyl88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11349705

she is ugly before and after

>> No.11349720

so thats what takamina looks like without makeup

>> No.11349732

Objection! You can't start a sentence with the word 'but'!

>> No.11349771

>Starting a sentence with a conjunction

>You might have been taught that it’s not good English to start a sentence with a conjunction such as and or but. It’s not grammatically incorrect to do so, however, and many respected writers use conjunctions at the start of a sentence to create a dramatic or forceful effect. For example:

>What are the government’s chances of winning in court? And what are the consequences?

>Beginning a sentence with a conjunction can also be a useful way of conveying surprise:

>And are you really going?
But didn’t she tell you?

>It’s best not to overdo it, but there is no reason for completely avoiding the use of conjunctions at the start of sentences.

>> No.11349775

No idea who to message especially since my shit is in piratetalk. Just casted a bottle saying SGayE. Here's hoping we win!

>> No.11349784

My teacher once told me while speaking starting a sentence with and or but is fine but not when writing.

>> No.11349788

Your teacher was wrong.

>> No.11349793

I doubt it. He is a teacher and this is the internet.

>> No.11349794

>You could also refer to the fact that you’re in very good company (examples can be found in the work of writers such as Susan Sontag, Vladimir Nabokov, Kingsley Amis, P.G. Wodehouse, and Albert Einstein) and that highly respected grammar and usage guides (such as Fowler and Garner) all agree that it’s a perfectly acceptable practice.

>> No.11349820

Crossing fingers for NMB, SKE is my favourite group but I'd much rather see some more Geinen! Their shows are subbed so rarely too
The episodes that have already been subbed of magical radio 2-3 weren't very good at all.

>> No.11349826

If someone here want to have one extra vote..

>> No.11349834

Vote SKE.

>> No.11349849

The subs out already for Magical Radio were by a different group anyway. there are subs out for SKE but after one release we don't get another one for ages

>> No.11349854

I don't even watch SKE or anything Aidol subs, so convince me.
Why should I?

>> No.11349857

I started watching Magical Radio S2 without subs, it's not that hard given the context but I get lost too often sadly.

>> No.11349866

Subs bring in new fans and keep them following the group.
SKE fans can be annoying, and HKT fans can be just in it for the lolis. Why not vote for the group that can bring in cooler fans? So vote for NMB, I've never seen an annoying NMB fan in this thread.

>> No.11349902
File: 867 KB, 500x280, GIF Churi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SKEs are cute. NMB reminds me of a lews Nogizaka and HKT is too new.
WMatsui is a strong force but they are not the only ones out there.

>> No.11349909
File: 175 KB, 1680x1050, Screenshot (38).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NMB reminds me of a lews Nogizaka
NMB it is then

>> No.11349916
File: 895 KB, 1118x1600, Sayanee (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11349938
File: 471 KB, 1152x1554, 342352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon.
I'm expecting the outcome to be SKE, but it doesn't hurt to try. It'd be nice to see some more subbed stuff with Yui.

>> No.11350063

Yuihan is in NMB?

>> No.11350070

Was in NMB.

>> No.11350072

Do you think your oshi is still a virgin?

>> No.11350073

Okay, then NMB gets my vote, more Yuihan is always welcome

>> No.11350090
File: 1016 KB, 1366x1839, 1377344574527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i cannot think of the words exactly
but yui has this persona about herself that excites a fire in me

i believe she is extremely smart with a touch of too smart for her own good which makes her hilarious i like to dub this as
she is super smart and will say anything anytime to get a laugh

bimyo episode yui consults paruru into being the only openly farting idol

>> No.11350144
File: 41 KB, 480x800, Yuihan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuihan for best 9th gen!

>> No.11350147

Preliminary results are out.
SKE 191
NMB 83
HKT 203
Total: 477

>> No.11350152

I feel bad for NMB even though I prefer the other two anyway.

>> No.11350186
File: 610 KB, 1280x1850, Haruppi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only interested in Harupii but only because she's team A. My HKT boat does not float.

>> No.11350207

you got my full vote
>i like yui AND paruru
you do realize the pre-vote at the last senbatsu both girls were ranked like 7 or 8 or 8 or 9 i forget how it was but they WERE IN the top 10
but some of the older/longer girls got last minute votes and got bumped to 11 and 12 or 12 and 13

>> No.11350231

Miss her :(

>> No.11350235

I'm the fella rooting for SKE but it's fine. NMB is my second choice. I hope the work on stuff that includes Yuihan if NMB wins.

>> No.11350262
File: 191 KB, 761x1087, 1377145192468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im more about individual members not as much as "teams" but it would be akb and barely ske the others really arent my time and i dont have the energy to care about 40 more girls i have to start back at stage 1 to learn about

best part of yui is from hometown!

>> No.11350270

Do they change the lyrics of "Team B oshi" every time Team B changes? I haven't find a live version of it after the shuffle in 2012 Tokyo Dome.

>> No.11350277

>Do they change the lyrics of "Team B oshi" every time Team B changes?

>> No.11350288
File: 145 KB, 600x800, Yukirin (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one day we will no longer be sasechauzo'd.
I hope Yukirin is never changed to a different team. Same with Takamina and Yuko.

>> No.11350292


ok true or false
i need 100% accuracy on this answer

>DOES akb48 truely sing live or is it all lip sync'd

all i want to know is if its real singing live or if it is just an act

>> No.11350301

It's whatever you want it to be. No need to ruin any illusions you already know the answer to.

>> No.11350313

What kind of cute dress is that? I want it too!

>> No.11350322

Is there a live version with Umechan, Paruru, Kojiharu or Takeuchi?
I'd love to see one of those performing that song.

>> No.11350323


no! no! no! no! no! no! no!
thats not what i asked!
dont do this to me anon-kun~

>unfair! unfair!

youtube - watch?v=vhp1tyx-XAs
yui singing like a boss, its not like they cant sing! but why fake it live? hiding their true powerlevel is an act of mutiny

>> No.11350327
File: 72 KB, 480x854, 4oPjkJn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look for theatre performance of B5 after shuffle

>> No.11350386

What about the guy who spammed the thread with Riichan's G+.

>> No.11350400

Why would you ever want this?

On another note, I really need to hear their Kinjirareta Futari.

>> No.11350407

I'll let you in on one thing. The girls that have releases singles sing live.

>> No.11350414
File: 2.17 MB, 3264x2448, 20130826_100909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My package just arrived.

>> No.11350421

sweet now let me borrow them

... your teasing is the most evil'est answer you could have given i rather you have said "they lip sync" but instead you said "let your imagination be as it may"

>my heart is unrepairable

>> No.11350425

Dunno if she's really that smart. But she can study, passing that U-can thing is pretty impressive. I do know her admitting she was the sport-y type and would prefer to sleep in class so she could play after school. And apparently she loved playing basketball.

Girl is so endearing that way though.

>> No.11350427

This is AFAIK
1. Why bother wasting your energy singing live when you can lipsync?
2. AKB is, in case you haven't noticed, composed of a lot of people. 1 song can be performed by more than 20 girls, and I believe TV shows won't bother setting up 20/something mics just for a 5 minute performance. That's why they only go live for important shows (graduation stuff, new songs, etc).

>> No.11350470

i am not arguing that lip syncing is bad because if you sing pop music you basically have to lip sync

the question was on the basic principal of " yes or no do they really sing or not" that is all i wanted

not to mention japan's theater production is over the top so literally anything is possible

if this is the case, it might be that yui is so smart she is bored with school and sports excite her

i did not hear about u-can if you want to gist it for us/me would be great

she definately is endearing like that feeling you get when you see a girl who has a secret but you do not know what it is and you would do anything to unlock that secret

>> No.11350484

I basically implicated that they lipsync most of the times. Also if you can't discern lipsync and live you must be deaf or something.

>> No.11350494


i can
because they sing notes when they lip sync that if sung live they would most likely mess up and the audio sounds like a pure cd not grainy and live-like

not to mention most girls just dont sing in the background because they know they can get away with it

but the trickery is they turn the mics on and say random stuff during the song like YEAHYEAHYEAH and words like those

i am old enough to not be lied to like a child i just want to know the real deal

>> No.11350495

U-can is an educational company. There was a challenge that was themed "can someone as busy as an idol get a qualification of a registered pharmacist?" and that if she passes, anyone can do it. Yui stepped up to take this on and was able to prove so.

Here are related links for it if you're interested to know more about it:

>> No.11350512

oh i believe you i was just fascinated by what the story was

yui is a registered pharmacist she is a champion
see! she is a genius who is bored

>kyoto does it best

>> No.11350521

Well there you have it, they most of the time do lipsyncs because of a lot of factors: their numbers when performing, the amount of sound equipment needed for a performance, their choreography (like you can't really expect yourself to sing that well when you dance to Shuumatsu Not Yet which is dance heavy for example). When they do sing live, it's mostly when they are solo or there isn't much dancing involved in their song. In fact, there's only a number for AKB members that are recognised for their singing voice, the most notable are Iwasa Misaki, Sato Natsuki and Masuda Yuka who weren't even in senbatsu and two are out of the group already. Are some girls in senbatsu decent in singing? Yes, I'd say Takamina, Kojiharu and Yui are of the better sounding people in senbatsu.

>> No.11350537
File: 1.80 MB, 200x267, nagoya_has_no_food.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11350550

> their choreography (like you can't really expect yourself to sing that well when you dance to Shuumatsu Not Yet which is dance heavy for example)

fully agree with that, that is why i posed the question if its real or not to see if they really are super athletes to sing like that while dancing

its the risk of : great dance routines vs accurate vocal lyricals

i am not mad or upset or anything i just wanted to know what the deal is

have you heard atsuka kuramochi singing? so soft and seemless she would make great for singing adult songs

>> No.11350584

Can you people show me good moments of Oshima Yuko being funny and showcasing her personality? I want to learn more of her

>> No.11350588


i love yuko and my heart sank for her when this happened but it is still hilarious but i was angry they made her do it even after admitting to it

>> No.11350611
File: 90 KB, 768x1024, 2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here love her?

>> No.11350624
File: 252 KB, 1200x1600, C360_2013-08-12-23-40-01-791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miorin is kinda cute when she's not showing her teeth

>> No.11350676


>> No.11350714

don't care

>> No.11350732

Where did you order from? Just want to know if those are the cards i'll get from cdjapan with koisuru.

>> No.11350779

what's with that shit on her nose

>> No.11350934

I ordered it from CDjapan.

>> No.11351082
File: 766 KB, 1389x2000, Acchan (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the name of Acchan's new drama?

>> No.11351120

So, should I watch Ryomaden or not, did anyone here even watch it?

>> No.11351124

I watch anything with idols but one fella already said it's boring so don't watch. I don't think I'll watch it.

>> No.11351135

>Why would you ever want this?
Why not? Are you gay?

>> No.11351136

What's the name of that on AKB girl who always has lewd videos on AKB's official YT channel?

>> No.11351140

Because Yuihan would destroy Paruru if you put them together.

How about a vid as an example. I rarely check youtube.

>> No.11351162

blatant double eyelid surgery

>> No.11351167

Maybe she's a 在日.

>> No.11351174


>> No.11351175
File: 194 KB, 590x521, o0590052112217110711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may be on to something

>> No.11351179

Almost everyone in AKB got it anyway, why care?

>> No.11351182

Koreans are good people, be nice.

>> No.11351184
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, 100421akbingoavisnapsho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing my oshi didn't

>> No.11351192

those are double eyelids arent they? she has a crease O_O

>> No.11351194

unless she was born with them ofc

>> No.11351207
File: 2.65 MB, 358x220, 1359572090214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you be the judge

>> No.11351214

I see double eyelids still. Of course she might have gotten eye enlargement or it could just be something as simple as eyelid glue.

>> No.11351221


>> No.11351222

was tomochin the most plastic akb member

thank god that ugly bitch left, not even surgeries can make her pretty

>> No.11351233

Koreans get more plastic surgery. I'm Korean and I hate to admit it, but its the truth.

>> No.11351235
File: 16 KB, 305x450, 497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11351237

spoiler that shit

>> No.11351242
File: 25 KB, 425x600, 501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11351358
File: 89 KB, 537x749, 76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon kun is just jelly

>> No.11351473

New Team 4, what the fuck? This seems like a bad idea.

>> No.11351483

Oh, and Mii-chan is the captain.

>> No.11351550

Tomochin in an hour, folks.


>> No.11351576

Why'd they have to postpone it? It's already 3am in Europe and I want to go to bed ;_;

>> No.11351628

Mee too anon ;__;

>> No.11351647

Actually it starts at 7PM JST, I have no idea why the website is saying it starts in one hour.

>> No.11351774

So, what's going to happen for the stream? Will it just be nothing?

>> No.11351780

It looks like what's starting in a bit is this 2009-2012 Seitansai Digest thing?

>> No.11351795

Someone will probably stream her graduation, right? Right guys?

>> No.11351818

who gives a shit about that ugly plastic whore?

>> No.11351841

I do, but you don't have to. You should just be glad she's graduating instead of bashing people for the idols they like.

>> No.11351842

はい、I do!

>> No.11351846

>Replying to caps guy
Who am I quoting?

>> No.11351854

Oh, it's him. What a faggot.

>> No.11351863

>Tell me the name of this AV actress!

>> No.11351874

i'm not the caps guy, stop being such a paranoid retard

>> No.11351964 [DELETED] 

I fell asleep while waiting. Its encore now.

>> No.11351966

delusional is thinking akb girls are pure virgins/never had boyfriends, thinking a person is nice isnt

>> No.11351972

dat porn music

>> No.11351977

I'm pretty sure Paruru is still a virgin, I doubt she even had a boyfriend.

>> No.11351981

they were lacking as a team, and the management decided to make sourface paruru the face of it who had the personality of a dead fish. the first team 4 were destined to fail,

>> No.11351987

it must suck being a fat down syndrome girl in a country full of kawaii idols

>> No.11351995

yeah normal dudes wouldn't go near that thing

>> No.11351997

why are people so mad over the new team 4?

>> No.11352003

Now this is what means to be delusional.

>> No.11352004

cause miichan is the captain, honestly i think they are going to do good, miichan is good at variety shows and most of the other girls promoted are pretty talented and charming.

>> No.11352006

They disbanded a team which some people were fond of and now replace it with a bunch of KKS lead by a rule breaking captain.
I don't mind Miichan really, but she's never shown any capacity for leadership even though she's a first gen and would have had plenty of chances.

>> No.11352012

>19 years old
that would be pretty sad if it were true, she seems like the girl that gets rejected by guys she likes and only gets approached by creeps

>> No.11352013

that's what people said about sasshi when she moved to hkt look where she and hkt are now, dont judge just yet

>> No.11352019

Sashii didn't have as many chances to lead (being a later gen). Miichan gets the magical "FIrst gen" label and never did anything good with it.

>> No.11352030

>rule breaking

>> No.11352036
File: 80 KB, 1024x576, e88084bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right? She was just a fan of Sinéad O'Connor.

>> No.11352037

Did any of you catch Tomochin's last performace?

>> No.11352041

so are they really lesbian, or just for show?
I've learn not to trust anything I see

>> No.11352043

Catch it? It hasn't even happened yet. They're just showing clips from past birthday shows, Tomochin's graduation isn't for a few hours.

>> No.11352045

80% of SKE are lesbians.

>> No.11352051

Anyone know how longer it is going to be until her last performance?

>> No.11352068

Well fuck. I thought it has started already.

>> No.11352072

fuck off, my waifu did nothing wrong

>> No.11352073

Well, they're showing MVs too so it's fun to watch with other fans.

>> No.11352085

Approximately 6 and a half hours from now on

>> No.11352124

Okay, then you're the retarded troll from /sp/.

>> No.11352135

i know most of you don't interact with girls irl, but but most females are touchy/affectionate to each other especially if they are close. the akb girls that are lesbo probably hide it the most because a gay idol would never be accepted in japan

>> No.11352136

i don't even browse /sp/, got any more guesses?

>> No.11352174

Do you browse tumblr?

>> No.11352182

no, im not on any websites like that

>> No.11352220

What's with the angry gaijin on niconico? So damn embarrassing.

>> No.11352260

I just received a message saying my seat has been given to a premium member, what exactly does that mean?

>> No.11352288

That's niconico's way of forcing you to pay a monthly fee to become a premium member if you want to keep watching popular streams.

>> No.11352290

Means exactly what it says. Just put the url for the stream in again until you get a spot.

>> No.11352327

I wish somebody streams it on JTV or some other outlet for the others who can't watch it.

>> No.11352338

I got kicked out again.

>> No.11352374

If I were to buy a membership, will I be able to watch it without the danger of getting kicked?

>> No.11352412

Of course you idiot.

>> No.11352436

So mean. Thanks btw.

>> No.11352455
File: 174 KB, 720x404, roritebasaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2 of Kawago giving nicknames to members:

Also today is Ringo's birthday.

>> No.11352480

>acting like she is not interested on whatever is happening and bored, whether is faked or not
Tomochin is really slow

>> No.11352488

AKB bar has more

>> No.11352511

Go to Aidol's facebook page
Message them
Just write SKE48 on the body of the message

>> No.11352534

smilodon from projectsub said he will translate the rest of geinin
I think only he can understand and explain geinin fully, so I think we should just leave Geinin to him & project sub.
In my opinion, Majiraji is pretty bad, but Ittekoi48 is very entertaining

>> No.11352550

I also thought the same

>> No.11352568

Is anyone else watching the stream now?

>> No.11352580

Is he the guy who was doing the translator notes? Those were pretty neat.

>> No.11352707

Is that what the website is called? Google isn't finding it for me. Directs me to some website for a filipino bar called AKB 48 KTV bar.
Just what exactly is this anyways? Shouldn't AKB 48's name be under copyright?

>> No.11352743

Nevermind this, I got it. I do appreciate the recommendation.
Being a tad bit more specific would be nice next time. Just sayin.

>> No.11352754

So what's the website called?

>> No.11352767

Needs to make an account at jphip's forum then you use it to access the picroda. There is quite a large gallery in there.

>> No.11352779

Wow. I just checked out the video. Nowhere near AKB.

>> No.11352804

what time does the graduation concert really start? Because im inside it, and all I see is a brick wall

>> No.11352805

Inside the livestream, I mean

>> No.11352819


>> No.11352842

I am. So many Indonesian shits.

>> No.11352845

Are they even going to show her graduation?

>> No.11352851

Probably in another hour.

>> No.11352872

revere the emperor, expel the barbarians

>> No.11352877


>> No.11352881

Welp, im kicked out since im not Premium.

Hopefully someone will upload this and Sayaka's somewhere

Seeing this is for Itano, I can only imagine more for Sayaka.

>Idols eressoo

>> No.11352885

Re-enter it again

>> No.11352890

I was, and it kept bringing me back to the BUYPREMIUM.
(tax Included)

Im back in again, but Im tired, so Im going to bed.

>> No.11352893

I got kicked out earlier too, stream was practically unwatchable for me anyway with all the indoshits

>> No.11352913

I hope the next thing I'm a fan of Indonesians aren't.

>> No.11352947

Graduation show in 10 minutes.

>> No.11352953

About time.

>> No.11352964

For those who are getting kicked out of the nico stream, there are probably a hundred re-streams on Justin.tv and such sites, just search a little.

ja justin tv/qwe0401#/

>> No.11352998
File: 248 KB, 1054x1456, f24FT71sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>400 Taiwanese viewers spamming comments ceaselessly


>> No.11353011

tough luck, Indonesians are fans of everything.

>> No.11353031

What about bacon?

>> No.11353036

I love bacon and pork.

>> No.11353054

There are lots of Japanese exchange students in the city that I live in. You always see the girls linking arms or holding hands with each other. I guess it's just more common for girls to be close like that there.
Or maybe they are all just super gay.

>> No.11353106
File: 412 KB, 1430x2186, 9b2ee1dde71190ef5515e264cf1b9d16fcfa60bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how she's not even looking at the ball. Wonder what she's looking at such a crucial time.

>> No.11353209

Am I the only one watching Tomochin's graduation concert? Granted, living in Japan makes it easier to watch (it's on tv right now), but still.

>> No.11353214

I'm watching it on Nico too. Never really cared for Tomochin, but happy graduation!

>> No.11353276

Its raining inside my house.

>> No.11353280

>watching on Japanese tv
>no commercials for 25 minutes or so, home free right?
>Sakura no Hanabiratachi playing, one of my favorite AKB songs
>cuts to commercial right in the middle


>> No.11353357

Here, I watched it too. Thank you Itano Tomomi, you will be missed ;_;

>> No.11353358

I had uni stuff to do sadly, but get ready for tears during Sayaka's performance.
I'm not ready ;_;

>> No.11353367

Oh no, I need to refill my tears again.

>> No.11353370

For those who weren't able to watch it.

>> No.11353387
File: 452 KB, 1152x1631, 4534324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't felt this gutted about a graduation since Acchan.

>> No.11353389


>Teens held in mugging need cash for AKB garb

Cover story on the Japan Times website. They really hate AKB over at that site, don't they? Not the first time I've seen a negative AKB article on the front page.

>> No.11353417

They generally have an anti-Japanese stance on everything, you should seriously read the rest of the site if you don't believe me. One of their pop culture columnists was also an evident K-pop shill whose knowledge of anything Japanese didn't extend past a few dubious tabloid articles, and I think the infamous "idols should form a labor union" article is also from there.
I hope they didn't get any of my money when I bought Genki I & II, since it turns out they're the publishers of those books. What a bunch of clown.

>> No.11353616

exelent PR

>> No.11353646

you happen to have sayaka's instead?

>> No.11353691

Sayaka's final theater performance is today.

>> No.11353698

oh i thought she already had it my bad!
if you happen to see anyone upload it like they did for tomo can you be sure to post links?

>> No.11353707

I'm not sure if I'll be able to but I'll try. Check out twitter that is where I found the caster.

>> No.11353726
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>> No.11353732

how did
know that is how i type my replies on here?

>> No.11354261
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Too bad about SKE losing. I wanted to see more Magical Radio.

>> No.11354300

Its just the prelim.

>> No.11354333

not going to lie
i saw a few episodes of magicradio
and it wasnt bad
i would watch more but couldnt find any with subtitles only saw the first 3 or so

>> No.11354485
File: 26 KB, 449x679, namba_v12-thumb-autox679-4395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's your favorite Nogizaka-chan?

>> No.11354509

and keeping it that way

>> No.11354554

The one with the weird voice.

>> No.11354556
File: 177 KB, 959x1280, yukata2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you dislike the best AKB sister group?

>> No.11354675

I didn't see anything negative about AKB in that article. Why are you insecure about your love for AKB?

>> No.11354733
File: 39 KB, 468x470, tumblr_ms711boo731qia9t1o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the cutest living being on earth... I rest my case.

>> No.11354738 [DELETED] 

i started saving picutres of kpop idols today

>> No.11354761

Sayurin, Ikomachan, Ikuchan, HoshiMina, Maiyan and Kazumin. I just realize thatall of them are front members.

>> No.11354786

I like them all pretty much equally, but I've started to like Kawamura more lately. That karaoke episode of NOGIBINGO made me like her alot , I love members with good voices.

>> No.11354800

Nanamin for making Kendo cry.

>> No.11354821
File: 64 KB, 960x540, Kazumin_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11354823

my dick

>> No.11354830

I just saw this on stage48 and figured it was interesting.
List of number of units members got in the tour:
2. Oshima Yuko (2) 18
3. Watanabe Mayu (3) 20
4. Kashiwagi Yuki (3) 18
8. Takahashi Minami (1) 28
9. Kojima Haruna (1) 28
10. Miyazawa Sae (2) 15
12. Shimazaki Haruka (9) 12
13. Yokoyama Yui (9) 12
18. Minegishi Minami (1) 16
19. Umeda Ayaka (2) 9
20. Takajo Aki (6) 1
21. Kitahara Rie (5) 6
25. Kawaei Rina (11) 4
30. Iriyama Anna (10) 4
32. Fujie Reina (4) 1
33. Sato Amina (4) 1
34. Katayama Haruka (3) 7
35. Nagao Mariya (9) 1
36. Kuramochi Asuka (4) 1
43. Ota Aika (3) 8
52. Sato Sumire (7) 1
60. Matsui Sakiko (7) 1
61. Yamauchi Sazuran (9) 1
---. Tanabe Miku (3) 7
---. Nakagawa Haruka (3) 1
---. Oya Shizuka (4) 2
Does it work out the way you expect? It really makes it look like Akicha has been completely dumped now.
---. Miyazako Miho (5) 1
---. Chikano Rina (5) 1
---. Kato Rena (10) 1

>> No.11354843

>12. Shimazaki Haruka (9) 12

>> No.11354914

When exactly did she start with the funny accent?

She said that the accent is fake and everybody was congratulating her because of that in an old Nogizakatte Doko episode.


Why did she cry when Nogibingo's ep06 "lie detector" game found out the accent is not natural?

>> No.11354953
File: 73 KB, 713x401, shig1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Murashige doing idol things

>> No.11354957
File: 100 KB, 715x404, shig2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11354985


>List of number of units members got in the tour:

what does this even mean


>> No.11354987

What exactly does this mean?

>> No.11355010

Okaro's graduation stream is open. They'll be doing birthday recaps and probably MV's like yesterday, and the actual graduation show will start in about 8 hours.

>> No.11355011

Ringo hime

Since before she entered Nogizaka? She said that in the complex quiz in Nogidoko. idk man, maybe because actually she know that everyone (including fans) know that her voice is fake, and in nogibingo she said maybe the other member hate it because she "made" a fake voice. Or maybe it's just an act, who knows?

>> No.11355039

In your opinion, who is the hottest girl in all of AKB right now?

>> No.11355047


is the key word people

jurina or mayu
on the bias of perfect perfection

>> No.11355069

How do I pick ONE?

It's Paruru, Miyuki, Mayuyu, Rena, Yukirin and Yui.

This is objectively true.

>> No.11355093

I saw this posted by a Takajofag who listed the number of units a member got to perform in the entire duration of the dome tour (i.e. Shimazaki performed Ookami to Pride, Kinjirareta Futari, Glass no I love you etc) . And trying to prove that she's being discriminated as apparently Oya got to perform more unit songs than her despite being former senbatsu and still a lot more popular. Then there's Hirajima and Nakagawa being able to perform in a unit whereas Takajo didn't.

>> No.11355095


anon said WHOS HOTTEST
not cutest
paruru rena kashawagi yui do not count

>> No.11355103

Ikuta Erika. She is so damn beautiful. I prefer black hair over dyed stuff anyday of the week.

>> No.11355105

Rena and Mayuyu are borderline ugly and have shit bodies, Miyuki and Yuihan are plain-faced and their bodies are meh, Paruru's body is shit but she's pretty.

Yukirin is perfection/10 though. Best body, best face.

>> No.11355109

Also for the other numbers: 20. Akicha (6)= Akicha is 6th gen, ranked 20th las t election, Sakiko is 7th genranked 60th last election, Yuuko is 2nd gen, etc FYI.

>> No.11355110

now if she'd only fix her jacked up teeth

>> No.11355115

oh so the list is the number of songs the girls sang?

i think aki is sexier than alot of most girls her yankee character is one of my favorites of akb

and i am proud of paruru she is doing "gods work"

>> No.11355119

>yukrin reminds me of a tiny dog that gets excited by cars honking their horns like WHO WAS THAT WHAT IS GOING ON etc

her big expressions are obnoxious and her youtube videos are unappealing

>desperation is a stinky cologne

>> No.11355122

Sup ban evader, reported.

>> No.11355131

easy kim jung

didnt you just get off ban for false banning after mods realized you are a liar

>paranoia on maximum

>> No.11355142

Sounds to me like you enjoy boobs too much.

>> No.11355148

push up bras*


>> No.11355171
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>because laura croft

>> No.11355214

Oh boy, not only are you a liar but now you've copied the words of the other guy. Just how lame are you?

>> No.11355245
File: 323 KB, 1152x1646, Yukirin (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>yukrin reminds me of a tiny dog that gets excited by cars honking their horns like WHO WAS THAT WHAT IS GOING ON etc
That sounds incredibly cute.

>> No.11355274

Watching Sayaka's theater performances on Niconico makes me realize what an amazing person she actually is. True to herself, a good teacher, a person you can look up to, like an actual idol.
I really regret not being able to get tickets for a performance these last two years.

>> No.11355306

>makes me realize what an amazing person she actually is. True to herself, a good teacher, a person you can look up to, like an actual idol
just lol

>> No.11355310

I want to lick her tits.

>> No.11355312

I agree with you. What a gal!

>> No.11355358

The more I watch Nogizaka...the more I lose interest in them. Anyone with me?

>> No.11355390

I'm the opposite. The more I watch, theI more I like Nogi. Maybe because NogiBingo really does remind me of the old AKB days when everybody was trying hard to gain fans; before everybody was "polished" and was more natural.

>> No.11355401
File: 40 KB, 342x470, 2027994_201308270655286001377568292c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if she has called anybody a jerk lately.

>> No.11355419

Same for me. I only watch Nogibingo. It's really a great show and all, but for some reason I feel a need to distance myself from NGZ46. I just don't have time to be getting into another group right now.

>> No.11355486

Morning Musume is about to wreck you guys in sales this week. How does it feel?

>> No.11355489

Like the early 2000s. ┐(´ー`)┌

>> No.11355496

if it literally took you RIGHT NOW to this moment you have issues

i was well aware of her amazingness a long time ago because she had announced her graduation

lol MM has nothing on akb

>> No.11355533

I just feel the same. Not only nogibingo but nogizakatte doko as well. NGZ46 girls look somehow different to AKB48 girls; it is like a different feeling I cannot explain, slender bodies maybe?

>> No.11355546

A princess feel?

>> No.11355550
File: 1.19 MB, 2048x1152, f5ac4ba9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like you have no idea what "wrecking in sales" mean.

>> No.11355567

Yeah, maybe that's the feeling. NGZ46 was meant to be like that on purpose?

>> No.11355595

The only reason it'll sell well is because wota will buy all 7 versions. Tsunku knows how to milk the wota almost as well as AkiP does!

>> No.11355613

It could be. I've seen some of the guys here refer to them as a princess group before.

>> No.11355645
File: 393 KB, 680x382, ngz46_america-jin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you do if a group of idols stop you in the middle of the street and ask for a picture with you?
I might behave like the guy in picture, acting cool and pretending not to know them. I know this guy is one of you.
Jealous about the Peruvian guy they found at the beginning (I'm Peruvian myself but don't speak nihongo)

>> No.11355659

Asaki Yumemishi ~Yaoya Oshichi Ibun

Starts next month.

>> No.11355757

Too bad she had sex with that disgusting old man. No respect.

>> No.11355771

What the fuck did you just say?

Wheres your proof?

Are you talking shit?

>> No.11355788

Woo Woo Woo you know it!
Just ignore.

>> No.11355793

That guy is pretty cool

>> No.11355859

I'd love them to, I want Morning Musume to do really well before Michishige eventually graduates.
Man, if she joined AKB I'd spend hundreds voting for her in the elections.
Anyone have an old or current Hello!Pro member they wished were in AKB?

>> No.11355867

Is anybody watching the Sayaka's?

>> No.11355868

I have a special love for Abe Natsumi, but she's long gone.

>> No.11355907

im watching it

>> No.11355913

What made Anna cry on ep 4 of Mahou Shoujo?

>> No.11355941

Ikuta was my favorite current H!P before I switched to AKB
Airi could be very popular with a decent push

>> No.11355977

THIS. Why I avoid the sensationalist junk.

Also no free live stream tonight.

>> No.11356010
File: 67 KB, 645x389, sae_sayaka_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stream is starting

>> No.11356016

Thanks. I thought I was going to miss it.

>> No.11356043

Yuko is crying already. ;_;

>> No.11356094

Never realised how stunning Mariyagi is before.
Is no one else watching this? ;_;

>> No.11356107

all versions preordered

>> No.11356110

Is Yuko like Sayaka's best friend or something? Because she cried very hard during the Tokyo Dome Tour.

>> No.11356112

I am

>> No.11356114

Yuko has said before that Sayaka is one of her best friends so yes.

>> No.11356117

They're really close, their same generation and go out together in their private lives.
God, Abe really shouldn't have cut her hair.

>> No.11356118

Nico seems to be working now.

>> No.11356120
File: 109 KB, 612x612, maeda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting superior version

>> No.11356135

me too ;_;

>> No.11356145

I'm ready for the tears.
I hope they sing uhho uhhoho.

>> No.11356261

Why arent they showing the vtr?
Thanks cameraman.

>> No.11356277
File: 129 KB, 795x1200, img9310232578175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just butting in to ask if anyone knows what was the URL of that AKB custom Wiki that Japanese wota created. I think it was hosted on Atwiki or something.

>> No.11356290

There's something in my eye.

>> No.11356297

Holy shit. A DiVA reunion!

>> No.11356300

i can't take this....

>> No.11356366

Oh man.

I just forced myself awake a few minutes ago and caught the end.


>> No.11356368

It was pretty depressing, at least I know she'll do really well after AKB.
I'll really miss her. I wonder if she'll come back for Request Hour if Mushi no Ballad got power voted again.

>> No.11356395

They did the same for Tomochin. I have no idea why.

>> No.11356408

Yesterday's akbingo was AKB vs HKT muchaburi dodgeball and no one said anything about it?

>> No.11356419

Someone on stage48 proposed that it was due to a weird copyright issue, like they didn't have the permission to put the footage on the stream seeming as it's not "owned" by niconico.
Not sure if it's true though, it kind of makes sense.

>> No.11356612

I was thinking something similar. Maybe there's people in that video who would have needed to give their permission to be shown. And it's not like you can just censor their faces on the fly in a livestream.

>> No.11356849

Hopefully Itano stream will be able as a torrent. I need to see it.

>> No.11356851

anon is right >>11355771
sayaka is known for hooking up with one of the older staff members

im waiting for it to finish so i can watch it without lag

>sayaka, today was a sad day, you shall be forever missed

>> No.11356874

oi, newfriend did you read

go there click on 2nd previous vid and profits first one is sayaka

>> No.11356986

A newfag calling others newfriend. How hilarious.

>> No.11357008


that is what happens when you do not read thread

>> No.11357028
File: 61 KB, 640x757, 18596444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read plenty.

>> No.11357128
File: 2.34 MB, 2250x1500, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh oku~
you are not small enough for that box

>> No.11357486

why is caps-kun back
why can't we have nice things

>> No.11357528

report him

>> No.11358378
File: 86 KB, 480x640, 130824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11358712


>> No.11358730

lel her boobs are so fake

>> No.11358740


>> No.11358766

such a qt pie.

>> No.11358773

was watching yuihan on akbingo and she was playing the trumpet she was doing good til she messed up then said she was nervous

>i fainted

>> No.11358799

She did it thrice, nailed the third one. She was so adorable.

I wonder what happened to their Light Music Club. Was it just Baby Blosson after all?

Well they are now #1 in for first day sales, 90k or something. But wreck AKB in sales? Hah. KFC first day sales was a million.

>> No.11358916

New NMB single October 2.

>> No.11358953
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>> No.11359053
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>> No.11359059

Oh god. My heart. And right next to the Team K title too.

>> No.11359072 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 1517x637, dii2ynd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It might be weird for me to say this even if I'm the one who leaked the pictures, but Miyata-kun was very cautious with his surroundings; we didn't exit the karaoke nor the hotel together so that no tabloid will write about him.

Miyata's voice

Why don't they just have a tie-up with AKB so both sides can deal with their sexual desires together?

>> No.11359086

She should take that too! ;_;

>> No.11359089

>Why don't they just have a tie-up with AKB so both sides can deal with their sexual desires together?

2ch comments are funny.

>> No.11359091

What's going on here?

>> No.11359097

Gonna miss Tomo heaps, when the girls started crying i couldn't help tear up as well.

>> No.11359099

Funnier than 4chan posts.

>> No.11359101

It sure is. It sure is.

>> No.11359107

Did anyone else notice that Paruru looks really different than before? It's like she changed something on her face via surgery. Maybe I'm wrong, but she just looks different and not as cute as before.

>> No.11359141
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>> No.11359162
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>> No.11359360

Right in the feels.

>> No.11359508



Anyone know of any other remixes of AKB songs that actually sound decent? That Team b oshi remix has a pretty sweet drop.

>> No.11359525

His best remix

>> No.11359681

New Thread: >>11359679

>> No.11359881

> Acchan (38).jpg
Yuko's hotness (38).jpg
