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[SPOILER] No.11353122[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11353146 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.11353167

I like grimdark touhou so much. More suffering please.

>> No.11353177
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No seriously more suffering would be cool. What's the last time we had a grimdark touhou thread? Now it's all bitches and boobs.

>> No.11353178

What game is this? :D`

>> No.11353185
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>> No.11353195

It's Touhou A Live

Many characters die in this game. The entirety of Gensokyo is wiped out in the Final chapter, and only demons and Replicants (Copies of characters only meant for combat) remain.

>> No.11353211

Also Soylent base. The YagoCo Rapidrugs you find in each chapter are actually made from the dried flesh of humans. Other humans who are not to be turned into drugs are to be liquified or turned into monsters.

>> No.11353220

Koishi Komeiji's Heart-Throbbing Adventure game when?

>> No.11353225

i dont see how that would work

>> No.11353241
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That's a looot of suffering. Isn't it a little too much? Suffering is like whipped cream. Too much is unhealthy.

>> No.11353246
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I thought marisa referred to herself as ordinary human and used the hakkero magic to avoid becoming something like Patchy/Marisa/Byakuren.

>> No.11353260
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Suffering is unhinged from canon, anon.

>> No.11353274

Whoa, that's even too much grimdarky.
downleading now.
anyhow, is this a parody of which game? I don't know what should I expect from the gameplay part

>> No.11353284

Live A Live

It uses a grid based battle system, you move your characters around and your attacks have a range.

>> No.11353384

Nope. Read her old profiles. Marisa is actively trying to gain immortality. Even in TD she tries to become a hermit in one if the endings.

>> No.11353410

Never seen this game. actually seems pretty interesting. guess I'll play the original before the 2hu version

>> No.11353423


She wants immortality as a human.
Becoming a youkai holds no interest to her.

She previously held an interest in the Hourai Elixir, but its consequences (complete and absolute) were apparently too much.

>> No.11353456

Exactly, becoming a youkai is appearently pretty easy as a magican

>> No.11353543

Grimdark is so cool, only for mature people.
14 or lower years old kids aren't allowed. >;)

>> No.11353561

I don't think Marisa has ever said that she doesn't want to become a youkai though? I always interpreted her interest in the alternative methods as her being keen on finding easier ways to prolong her life. We don't know explicitly how long it takes to become a youkai magician. Alice is around 60 years old right, and Patchy at least 200. Maybe Marisa isn't intent on waiting that long.

>> No.11354284

>Alice is around 60 years old right
The only info we have on Alice's age is Akyuu's description that she is still human-like in her mannerisms and thus not very old yet.

>> No.11354338

Seija initially believes Marisa to be a youkai in the new game, but she doesn't make this mistake with the other two. It takes a moment, but Marisa does insist she is wrong, though.

>> No.11356176

But Alice was also unaware of the flower blooming cycle. And Patchy was.
Thus Alice cannot be much older than 60, though she could be younger.

>> No.11356194

That's what I had in mind, she's rather young, probably.

Also which source has that Patchouli knowing about the flower cycle? It sounds interesting considering Patchouli hasn't been in Gensokyo for very long, SDM only arrived some time before the incident in 2002. Technically she shouldn't know about the cycle either.

>> No.11356204

Its controversial, but there are interpretations that Alice became immortal without intending to. She used spells from her Grimoire to survive without food (so she didn't have to visit the village), to go without sleep (to give her more time to study and work on the dolls), and to maintain her appearance from the ravages of not eating and sleeping.
Apparently if you do this you reach the point where you can survive on magic alone without having to eat or sleep or even breathe- and that's the point you become immortal in the sense of being ageless and undying. Only the Hourai elixir victims are truly immortal in the sense they cannot be killed. Burned to ashes or splattered all over the countryside Mokou and Kaguya will still come back, the more you scatter them just increases the time it takes.

>> No.11356212

Forgot to add. This is how Patchouli also became immortal. But Patchouli apparently was from a family of wizards, and knew this could be done and what the costs were. In her case it was her bad health, especially her asthma, that prodded her to follow the path to immortality. Now when she has a severe asthma attack and stops breathing, she just passes out instead of dying.

>> No.11358142 [DELETED] 
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I really like the original Live a live game and This game sounded pretty fun so I downloaded it and got to the Shanghai chapter; however, it seems to be broken. Reisen tells me to go find Alice and ask her for help but she's not in any of the rooms I can get to. Youtube plays of the game show that it just cuts to Alice in a bed. Did I make a mistake or is it glitching for no Reisen?

>> No.11358550

I'm in the middle of playing Live-A-Live and I just read these 2 posts
Did I just get completely spoiled?

>> No.11358661

This is pretty cool, but it would probably just end up like all the rest of my doujinshi.. unplayed, in an iddly named folder.

>> No.11361615


Not majorly, those are exclusive to Touhou-A-Live for the most part

>> No.11361702

Being the most hardworking human in Gensokyo is suffering.

>> No.11361988

PMiSS states that Alice is a young magician and so is still around the age she looks to be.
Patchouli is said to be at least 100.

What no. Magicians are not immortal, they're just long-lived. Alice isn't said to be immortal and neither is Patchouli. To become a magician as a human you need to use magic to survive without eating. To become a whole magician you need to use magic to stop aging. Not aging doesn't mean immortal even in lifespan, it just means your body stops getting older.

Even if Patchouli was immortal in lifespan she wouldn't be immune to sickness and death; they are still physically human even if they're born a magician. Her sickliness is due to a lot of magic requiring toxic substances like mercury, not necessarily due to a personal condition.

Alice also isn't some recluse as people like to imagine, and she's very friendly. She's explicitly said to eat and sleep even though she doesn't have to, and she has bought the butterfly-dream pills for nice dreams. Using magic in order to survive without food and sleep doesn't make any sense if she still does anyways.

>> No.11362021
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D-do you have to hurt Marisa?!

>> No.11362689

Just when was this game made? It says 2008 on the title screen but Miko's body was woven into the background during the last boss.
It was a really good game, though.

>> No.11362747

You call this grimdark? Pay a visit to /tg/ some time and ask to have Warhammer 40,000 explained to you. Imagine this happening a billion times, across a trillion worlds and no matter who, what or how tries, to avert it, a Bad End is always inevitable.

There's a reason I got out of the fandom.

>> No.11362801
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Elegan/tg/entleman here. Get out of /jp/ and kill yourself. You're staining the entire human race by your existence. I'm not joking. I'm not trolling. You should kill yourself before it's too late. Do something good with your life. End it.

"MUH Warhammer 40k is grimdarker xD lol ;)". That was the most retarded comment I've read this entire week. It proves not only your stupidity but also your newfaggotry. It made me sad to believe somebody as clearly unfitting to live than you has been given life. I'm afraid it gave me cancer. I'm really afraid. I will do a cancer screening tomorrow morning. It's how your fucking post was cancerous.

Please. Stop it. Your life. Now.

I'm not even mad: I pity you.

>> No.11364308
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Ran Yakumo is

The Fox Kid!

>> No.11364654
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Ran makes a pretty good gunslinger.

>> No.11364671

Proof that all but/tg/ays are horrible shitposters that need to get out of /jp/.

>> No.11365373


I agree the warhammer faggot should leave, but you really should have just shortened it to the standard get the fuck out instead of making yourself look like a dramatic douchebag. Take him with you on your way out.
