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File: 395 KB, 1057x1524, 1377356756358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11343036 No.11343036 [Reply] [Original]

This month: plenty of cameos.

>> No.11343044
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Reading 2hu manga, such secondary lifestyle.

>> No.11343049

This month: no plot again

>> No.11343052

I only see Yuyuko and Momiji...

>> No.11343054

whats the point of being a youkai if you still have to hang around humans

>> No.11343056

>official manga
this is the weakest trolling ive seen on /jp/. I give you no points and god may have mercy on your soul

>> No.11343057

Why are those people not afraid? (tengu, oni, ghosts, etc.)

>> No.11343061
File: 398 KB, 1057x1524, 1377357449165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed at least one.

>> No.11343060

Yukari's got some big nipples

>> No.11343062

Got anymore leaks?

>> No.11343064

still better than the cameos from SSiB & OSP, the 2hus are blending with the villagers, rather than some 'VIP 2hu club'

>> No.11343071

Did SSiB have any cameos other than at Remilia's party?

>> No.11343072
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>> No.11343074

Yeah took me a second glance to see Suika.

Oh yes please ;_;

>> No.11343070

woah, Ichirin & Unzan, they look good in Moe Harukawa's drawing

>> No.11343077
File: 404 KB, 1057x1524, 1377358457306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fuckload of cameos.

>> No.11343081

Unzan a badass

>> No.11343085

i don't see any camels

>> No.11343088

Well at least both WAHH and FS actually are connected to the games for once instead of random stories that have nothing to do with any of the games.

>> No.11343093

I like the cameos in this manga, they feel...... natural
In this festival, the characters are blending with villagers. And the villagers are not just some faceless men/women
Really this is the best touhou manga (in SoL sense)
plot? not so much....

>> No.11343096

Tojiko is unimpressed.
Chen is tiny.
I want to see Yukari and Kasen in more detail ;_;
Yuuka and Seiga does not seem like an innocuous combination.

Man though I love her artwork so much

>> No.11343101

Who cares about plot? ZUN can't write plot and it's bad when he tries (see SSIB).

>> No.11343103

oops, I mean some of the villagers are faceless, some are with the faces

>> No.11343105

who are you qouting? and reading a manga doesn't make you any better in danmaku or does it?

>> No.11343109
File: 144 KB, 675x900, kokoro what the fuck are you doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh damn she even noted the holes in Kokoro's dress. What a silly outfit.

>> No.11343110

for SSiB, i think the story has potential, the real downside is the art
actually I prefer the touhou with their everyday life

>> No.11343113

why people don't like Ichirin again?

>> No.11343114
File: 29 KB, 360x256, reimu pile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ichirin looks so pretty.

>> No.11343121

Because she was Muslim before her redesign.

>> No.11343125

moe shit, why doesn't ZUN make a grimdark 2hu manga with nakige, guro and crazy youkai

>> No.11343138

because ZUN is not an edgy bastard like you

why can't you enjoy cute things

>> No.11343142
File: 398 KB, 1057x1524, 1377359160397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people thought being cold and uncaring towards less-known Touhous makes them so cool, it's a kind of reverse hipsterism. But then she got playable and they stopped.

>> No.11343150

if you're trying to interpret ZUN's written works as some kind of grimdark story with intricate plot, you sure are lost

i thought SSiB was an amazing slice-of-life story

hell, gensokyo is that, a huge slice-of-life with magical girls

>> No.11343161

SSIB does not feel like slice of life at all.

>> No.11343165

powerful girls playing tricks on other powerful girls does not count as daily touhou fun for you?

do you also think airsoft and paintball constitute a serious form of warfare?

>> No.11343172

>if you're trying to interpret ZUN's written works as some kind of grimdark story with intricate plot, you sure are lost
I just said I don't care about plot.
Going to the moon doesn't count as daily Touhou fun for me.

>> No.11343184

I wonder if tewi is collecting more donations than reimu again.

>> No.11343186

I think Harukawa's cameos feels more natural because of how she draws backgrounds. WaHH has some nice cameos too but Azumaya generally puts less effort into backgrounds so they stand out a lot more.

>> No.11343191
File: 172 KB, 500x431, tumblr_mruun0wO7n1sprnr6o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the weakest trolling ive seen on /jp/.

True. Some people are secondary at touhou. That faggot is secondary at /jp/. And still posting, such a sad life.

Look at him. Not even noted 0/10, because giving him a note would be acknowledging him. *sigh*

>Being this plebs at trolling.

>> No.11343195

>Tojiko is unimpressed
Seriously could you look anymore unimpressed? I don't think so.

>> No.11343208

jesus christ what a weeb

>> No.11343212
File: 393 KB, 585x1000, 4c8147b7b32592109dacc212ad7e7681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, she has arrived!

>> No.11343216

>Touhou VIP party
If you're talking about the ballroom scene in SSiB, then it wouldn't make any sense for Remilia to invite a bunch of village humans.

Then again some of the Touhous that are there don't make much sense either. Like Hina.

>> No.11343223

Sorry for the rant, but you've activated my autism. Despite what anime fans and their insistence on applying the term to sitcoms can mislead people into believing, "slice of life" refers exclusively to realism. It can't be put together with magical girls, they contradict each other.

And for the record, "primary" originally referred exclusively to STG players. The original pasta excludes even the fighting games.

>> No.11343226
File: 167 KB, 888x1123, ゆかりん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading the 2hu manga makes me cool because i can show off my gigantic 2hu knowledge to my friends

>> No.11343227

Am I the only one who think Tenshi's proportion is fucked up?

>> No.11343229

Oh shit cool.
Iku and Tenshi coming together like that looks so sweet ;_;

>you will never be a Touhou attending busy festivals with other Touhous

>> No.11343232

well, yes. Is this supposed to be some kind of weakass attempt at trolling? Stop embarrasing yourself.

>> No.11343231
File: 5 KB, 102x152, Kokoro EPIC trole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic use of green text.

>> No.11343235

Are the peach edible?

>> No.11343242
File: 411 KB, 1000x1414, 5d31f4b63139068b25a93364f7a49296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it really does look weird.
Also, where the hell are her boots?!

Of course. And they are fucking delicious.

>> No.11343249
File: 31 KB, 450x600, u wot mang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing true /jp/ier mastered all lunatics while get extremely hooked with the lore and know everything about 2hu

You can't be serious being this pleb on this board

>> No.11343252
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>> No.11343253

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11343256
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>> No.11343259

If one violently rapes Akyuu will she vividly remember every second of it for her entire life?

>> No.11343262

And all her subsequent lives.

>> No.11343260
File: 396 KB, 1057x1524, 1377361035775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11343267

pls dont sexualize little aqn

>> No.11343272

What's with that frame for the top panel? AQN x Kosuzu OTP true love?

>> No.11343273
File: 401 KB, 1057x1524, 1377361588605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11343277

still no doujins about aqn x kosuzu. truly this world is corrupt

>> No.11343276

Well I'm off to Gensokyo now.. bye dude..

fug OFF I do what I want

>> No.11343279
File: 710 KB, 331x349, OTP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still on their date

>> No.11343283

Undercover Kosuzu so cute

>> No.11343284 [DELETED] 

If one violently rapes tenderly pleasures Akyuu will she vividly remember every second of it for her entire life?

>> No.11343294
File: 249 KB, 595x841, kosuzu01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11343296
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>> No.11343298
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>> No.11343297

The title is "How to: Make your own worm colony in a tank"
The then proceed to dig some earth and occassionally throw some food inside for them to eat.

>> No.11343312
File: 400 KB, 1057x1524, 1377362448056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so Kosuzu figured out the main plot point of Hopeless Masquerade.

>> No.11343313

She only remembers things related to the Gensokyo Chronicles from life to life so no.

There are some but I idk if they are scanned. I prefer the idea of mamisuzu myself though.

>> No.11343315
File: 73 KB, 360x360, 1317564151249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which manga is featuring koishi's background?

>> No.11343331

No official ones. Read SoPM instead.

>> No.11343335

I fully support the "Kosuzu and Akyuu summon something weird and get [raped / tenderly loved]" plot and hope it will be a mainstay of their doujinshi porn.

>> No.11343344

Why all those humans are alive? I though almost all touhou are evil maneaters, who're supposed to scare and mutilate humans all the time? What the fuck, is this some moeshit doujinshi? Yuuka's not killing anyone with a laughter? Seiga talking calmly? Hell, we all know that Iku and Tenshi are complete strangers and that Yukari is feeding youkais with human meat daily. What is she doing here in the crowd? Also Yuyuko, seriously?

>> No.11343346

Symposium of Post-mysticism? Translation where?

>> No.11343349

Yuuka is canonically very nice if you don't anger her, anon.

>> No.11343360

In such a crowd she will be angered in a seconds. Meddlesome people everywhere, noise etc.

>> No.11343366

Touhou wiki...?

>> No.11343367

Remember when Yuuka killed everyone in POFV and only a big retcon saved the lifes of everyone involved?

>> No.11343370

Yukari feeds humans from the outside world to youkai but leaves the ones from Gensokyo alone, though instances happen where a feral youkai attacks one. Tenshi and Iku aren't complete strangers but rather faint acquaintances. I don't see anything weird with Seiga talking calmly and what would stop Yuyuko from going there and having some fun?

>> No.11343371
File: 114 KB, 1510x968, canno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention, cannon incoming.

Yuuka is nice if you're polite and like to stroll around the human village time to time.

Ditto Yukari. She's seen from time to time in the human village. She only feeds youkai with human from Gensokyo exterior, which mean subhuman neets. Nobody gives a fuck.

Yuyuko goes where she wants, and is probably here because Yukari is here.

Why would Seiga not talk calmly?

>> No.11343381

I don't know, most them aren't that bad. I mostly have a problem with Tojiko since her entire existence is more or less a direct threat to any mortal. Yuuka might be questionable too, but it's not like she's incapable of being civil. And it's not like it says anywhere that Seiga can't hold a normal conversation occasionally either.

Basically even if they are technically very dangerous they are not mindless killers.

>> No.11343393

>Hell, we all know that Iku and Tenshi are complete strangers
It's not like they met and got a chance to get to know each other in SWR or anything

>> No.11343410

Plus here everyone is caught by Kokoro's atmosphere, that's why even Oni could go to the human village during HM, in other cases humans and youkai don't mix that much like here.

>> No.11343413

There's yet another one. Hidden in plain sight. And I'm not talking about Marisa.

>> No.11343416

>Hell, we all know that Iku and Tenshi are complete strangers

Actually after SWR celestials became pretty popular because the new fashion for them was coming to the earth, marry someone and NTR him after getting bored.

>> No.11343488

Enlighten me please. Unless you mean the woman with the straw hat, because I don't think that's Hijiri.

>> No.11343500

I spy a medicine

>> No.11343518

Look at the umbrella. It has a tongue.

>> No.11343568

Oh yeah you're right. I even went over it a few times but I still managed to miss it.

>> No.11343602

>Yuuka's not killing anyone with a laughter?
You can't be more sounding like a secondary than this.

>> No.11343613

Genocide is just another game, Anon.

>> No.11343617

proving his point

>> No.11343622
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Oh wait, there's more.

>> No.11343625
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>> No.11343629
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>> No.11343632
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>> No.11343634
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>> No.11343638
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>> No.11343642
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>> No.11343648

That's one of her lines from the actual game "primaries."

>> No.11343651
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>> No.11343656
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>> No.11343661

1) the secondaries' favourite quote
2) anyone who's read Yuuka's article wouldn't use that quote in this context. >>11343602

>> No.11343668

You need to give me the source of this right now.

>> No.11343671

Jumanji : The Manga

>> No.11343678

Her article? You mean the one that says threat level very high, friendship level very poor?

>> No.11343686

Have you read it? I doesn't seem like you did.

>> No.11343691

akyuu is so cute

>> No.11343696

The only time she's peaceful is when she's buying seeds, that's what it says.

>> No.11343701

Sry, nope

>> No.11343703

Did you read the article?

>> No.11343706

she's being nice because the other touhous will kick her ass if she tries to cause any trouble

>> No.11343709

She can buy my seed.

>> No.11343728

[citation needed]

>> No.11343739

No, it doesn't.

That article is so damn contradictory. Opens with talking about how aggressive and merciless she is, then spends the rest of it's time exemplifying the opposite.

>> No.11343756
File: 182 KB, 720x951, 1350146709821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The stronger the youkai, the more polite they normally are

>Luckily, she isn't interested in boring battles, so as long as you don't attack, set up a trap, or set her field of flowers on fire, you should be fine.
>If you come across this youkai battling with someone else, do not get yourself involved.
>However, these fights are based on certain rules, so as long as you do not disturb the fight, she'll be polite.
tl;dr Don't step on her toe, or you'll get mauled. Nothing contradictory

>> No.11343769

I meant the tone.

>> No.11343777

>1) the secondaries' favourite quote
I tend to disagree. How about That One So Dark&Edgy Alice Line from PCB?

>> No.11343849

Look at that from her point of view. If you cannot yet, you are only a primary, and you should definitely read more secondary portrayal of her until you can understand her.

Yuuka is the perfect, ultimate predator. But she's so damn powerful than there is simply no prey good enough for her. Without prey, the predator is useless. Sure, she could hunt every damn human of the village if she wanted, but why do that? There's simply no fun to find in such thing.

So nowadays, she settles for being territorial, proud and protective of her people and flowers (which is only an extension of the "territorial" thing). She thinks about human - and everything, really - as funny little pets she could kill at any moment, but simply doesn't feel any need to do so.

When you're polite to her, really, she simply feels it touching, like we feel touching monkey who can do simple calculus with rocks after several months of human teaching. Awww. Look at that monkey. He's so cute! He's so cute and so clever! Is the monkey afraid? Awww, he's so cute when he's afraid!

Additionally, that's why she likes to go to the human village time to time. The humans are so cute with their little houses and their pathetic lives.

If you meet Yuuka, be polite, she'll smile and you'll survive. Simple as that. Of course, you shouldn't take her leniency for granted. She's amusing you because you're kind of cute, incredibly weak and clueless. But threaten her or simply be impolite, and she'll take it exactly the same way you would take a monkey who'd try to rape your wife. She'll torture you, then break you, then kill you, because that's what she is deep down. A murderous, man-eating predator.

Who simply happens to humor your antics.

>> No.11343856

>If you cannot yet, you are only a primary, and you should definitely read more secondary portrayal of her until you can understand her.
I stopped reading there.

>> No.11343872
File: 207 KB, 500x500, mikoquestion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. What the fuck?

>> No.11343879

Awww. Anon can't into the truth.

Going by the games alone, what is called being "primary" somewhat jokingly (and ridiculously, but jokingly because it's a very ridiculous notion) in /jp/, you simply can't understand the full depth of a character, because, you know. Four sentences talks, including three sentences of boasting.

You need official canon to do some work. That's the manga, that's PMSS and BAJR. If you read that, you're not a primary anymore, you're a fucking secondary for /jp/. That's ridiculous, but, he, I'm not making the rules. You are, my littles anons.

Then, of course, to have different takes on the same characters, reading fanon is obligatory. That's called dedication, something you pathetic primary who only played the games can't understand.

Though, I'll let it pass. You're kind of cute too in your stupidity.

>> No.11343906
File: 94 KB, 590x590, f1f5a33fc7e33843b0a56ec9847e29b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading fanon

>> No.11343909
File: 27 KB, 329x321, waa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you read that, you're not a primary anymore, you're a fucking secondary for /jp/

Are you drunk? There are only like 5 people who pop up sometimes and make claims like that.

>> No.11343911

We are nearing critical levels of autism here.

>> No.11343912

Official works are still primary, I thought you knew this.

>> No.11343915

>Then, of course, to have different takes on the same characters, reading fanon is obligatory.
I truly feel sorry for all the primaries out there who have never been exposed to ultramasochist Tenshi and super slut Sanae. They don't know what they're missing out on.

>> No.11343926

This month: plenty of drama.

>> No.11343931
File: 79 KB, 300x300, 1370386474448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reimu and Kosuzu holding hands

>> No.11343942

Also Akyuu and Koszu holding hands.

>> No.11343948

The touhous trashtalk all the time anyway. And then they shoot pretty lasers at eachother and no-one gets hurt in the process.

Even Yukari's "abducts humans from the outside world for food" gimmic could be just a rumour she doesn't debunk, because it's a good way to milk fear tokens out of villager plebs without rocking the boat.

>> No.11343958

Do you really think most humans even know about the abducting?

>> No.11343955

Also Kosuzu leaning on Mamizou while napping

man, she gets around

>> No.11343979

What's this anyway? Looks like a bunch of summaries about the different characters or something. Will it be included in a tankobon or is it just a way to fill pages in the magazine?

Anyway it looks nice so I want to know.

>> No.11344015

By the same guy who did the SDM Mindbreak with Goblins. Cant say more than this

>> No.11344040


>> No.11344093
File: 263 KB, 600x584, a2df814f8ca9b77658ef9aeac4538d7e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spy Kasen-chan!

And Mamizou balls deep into Kosuzu doujinshi when.

>> No.11344096

Pretty cool that Tenshi made a cameo, but I thought she only had peaches in one side of her hat.

>> No.11344107

Special occasions require more peaches.

>> No.11344126
File: 829 KB, 800x640, 1268693406380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many peaches she'd wear to a truly special occasion then? Picture related?

>> No.11344142

She put on more because she thought people would pay her more attention.

>> No.11344332

>no-one gets hurt in the process

>> No.11344416


>> No.11344430

Wow, there's Reisen and Rinnosuke?

>> No.11344460

What is this, another HoMo tie-in?

>> No.11345353

It's an artbook distributed along with the magazine (there was one for the fairies too, a while ago, though I've never seen it scanned; or rather, never seen it period).

Except for the first one, which is the cover of the magazine itself, of course.

>> No.11346255

Thanks. Would be interesting to see the Sangetsusei book too.

Ha, I wonder how much something like that would cost at the secondhand market.

>> No.11352647 [DELETED] 

