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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11285428 No.11285428 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of otaku are you /jp/?

What kind of hobbies do you fill your days with?

>> No.11285445

I'm a /jp/ otaku, I do nothing but browse /jp/ all day.

>> No.11285447

I'm not obsessive, I'm just a NEET lurking here all day long.

>> No.11285459


Boy, I would think with all that free time you would do what you've always wanted to.

I myself am a study otaku. I've wanted to know how everything works. I can't go more than two days without spending at least 4 hours studying and learning something new. It's an addition where I feel withdrawal if I don't study.

I love steam engines. Absolutely how amazingly simple they can be. Thinking about how all the parts interactive with each other is fun.

>> No.11285460

Milk and other dairy products otaku

>> No.11285462

Kung Fu Otaku

Every day I go out to the boulderfield on the mountain and punch rocks

Admittedly, it is only a rubblefield by now

>> No.11285474

You must be a strong jaypee.

>> No.11285471
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As if you have to ask
Drive otaku here

>> No.11285472

You'll be a diabetes and heart disease otaku.

>> No.11285475

>I've wanted to know how everything works. I can't go more than two days without spending at least 4 hours studying and learning something new.

Doesn't it get boring to constantly learn about things you don't necessarily need to know about? Knowledge is cool and all, but there is such a thing as too much knowledge, and even your withdrawal effects don't really justify it.

Nevertheless, what do you like to study about?

>> No.11285476

true strength is in the heart

by which I mean cardio workouts

>> No.11285477

No, she is really skinny.

>> No.11285482

I'm apathetic and don't have any particular goals or interests outside of posting on /jp/.

>> No.11285495

I remember when I was 12 I wanted to know how the mind works. At first I was interested in psychology, but then my interest turned to robots. Now it's culminated in a passion for Artificial Intelligence.

That's mostly what I study that isn't moonrunes. Sometimes I read a book on chemistry or physics, usually nothing higher than highschool level just to get a general understanding.

>> No.11285504

I am an island otaku.

The seclusion of them interests me. I should play windwaker again or something.

>> No.11285517

>usually nothing higher than highschool level just to get a general understanding.

But doesn't that general understanding usually go to waste? It's not going to help you extend a proper conversation with someone who's into that kind of stuff, since they still know far more than you do, and it's not going to seem interesting to someone who doesn't know about those things either (unless they're knowledge-hungry like yourself, and I imagine some of your better friends are like that).

>At first I was interested in psychology, but then my interest turned to robots. Now it's culminated in a passion for Artificial Intelligence.

As someone who's into computer science but has a deep-rooted love for psychology, this sounds very interesting. Why did you give up on psychology though? I understand the appeal of AI, but aren't most people more interesting than that? Our options in the domain of robotics are still pretty limited, and will probably remain like that for a while.

>> No.11285512
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>> No.11285527


This really fired up my imagination when I saw it some years ago.

>> No.11285530
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The word otaku rubs me in wrong way, but I love trains, especially '60-'80 maneuver locomotives. I can endlessly watch them moving heavy cargo around the station and not giving a single shit about it's weight. They look like the strongest things created by humans, their look just screams power, they're invincible and ave-inspiring. They're the closest real life thing to old "super" robots, and I love old "super" robots.

>> No.11285537

I used to be a big fan of history, economics, politics, physics, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Touhou Project.

Now I play video games all day.

>> No.11285566

>But doesn't that general understanding usually go to waste?

My motivation to learn about these things is so I can have a much better idea of how things work when I look at them. The process of how things interact is more important than what is interacting. Having knowledge of the abstract only requires you to fill in the blanks with the specifics as you find necessary. These specifics are readily available anywhere (internet). I read a quote once that I really liked. "There are two types of smart people. People who know information, and People who know where to find that same information". Personally, I find people who simply remember trivial facts are often the less intelligent ones, and only appear to be in the beginning. I think real genius is understanding the interactions, and being able to reapply them elsewhere.

>Why did you give up on psychology though?
I never liked the academic approach to psychology in the way it is taught at schools. Since it isn't a hard science, it can't even be taught abstractly, but through a poor attempt at trying to cover a whole bunch of areas very poorly. I think it is very useful for AI, and for its applications in there should be learned by studying specific topics in psychology, mainly those dealing with development and input/output of information form the environment. I still read an occasional paper on a topic I may find useful in approaching an AI-related topic.

>Our options in the domain of robotics are still pretty limited
For now, sure. However, I don't want to limit myself to what currently exists, because doing that is silly, and is like limiting yourself and what you are open to thinking about/imagining. It's a pioneering field that demands imagination and removing all constraints. Part of why we're still stuck with our current tech I think can be attributed to what this man covers in his talk here:http://worrydream.com/dbx/ Watching it makes me think we're in a 'dark ages' of computing.

>> No.11285573

I can't seem to find it, but there is also a blog somewhere that has the second half of the talk from http://worrydream.com/dbx/ that has been cut out.

>> No.11285576

I pretty much just pirate, archive, listen, and make music. With anime, vidya, and literature/psychology inbetween. It makes me sad I'll never be able to make a decent living off of music since I have no interest in making marketable pop/rock/metal shit.

>> No.11285587

There are all sorts of independent music scenes out there, and these days there are a whole bunch of new commercialization options available. I suggest you try making a youtube/vimeo/soundcloud channel and sharing links on related forums. Once you get a following, you can try selling your music as a "pay what you want" option and see where that goes.

>> No.11285600

>Personally, I find people who simply remember trivial facts are often the less intelligent ones, and only appear to be in the beginning.

I get the idea you're trying to convey, but it's wrong. In many cases, what you just said is actually a result of laziness and/or apathy and not lack of intelligence. I can understand if you dislike those two things, since you seem like the kind of person who dislikes wasting away their free time, but don't confuse something subjectively bad with something objectively bad.

>However, I don't want to limit myself to what currently exists, because doing that is silly, and is like limiting yourself and what you are open to thinking about/imagining.

This is not something that is within your reach though. More people need to get into the research part of this domain - you yourself won't really be able to accomplish much, unless you already have a high-ranking job in the domain.

>Since it isn't a hard science, it can't even be taught abstractly, but through a poor attempt at trying to cover a whole bunch of areas very poorly.

I don't get this. I absolutely despise the academic approach as well, but are you trying to say that you actually value it less just because it's not a hard science? I don't understand this line of thought, but then I naturally dislike the concrete elements of science and the people who appreciate them too much.

Your mentality is even more puzzling than it was before you explained it.

>> No.11285606

And this brings me back to my main idea.

>My motivation to learn about these things is so I can have a much better idea of how things work when I look at them.

That's a strange thing to feel motivated by, since, just like I said before, I feel it's absolutely pointless unless you put it to use in some way, shape or form.

>> No.11285609
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Any wabi-sabi otaku here?

>> No.11285613

My friend in Michigan wants me to move down there so we can work on our music more efficiently and such. I might go since I got absolutely nothing going for me here.
Unfortunately I don't think spazzy pop-midigrind about anime is going to be very marketable. He wants to try and make a technical j-pop band though.

>> No.11285616

Physics, math, computer, fitness (weightlifting), military, Touhou. That is pretty much it.

>> No.11285632

It may be a mix of it being late and the character limit.

Psychology when it was taught in an academic setting tried to cover too much, and thus explained too little. There were especially few topics you can take away abstractly. My approach to psychology as a subject is picking out what I need/find interesting from the field, and studying that.

I appreciate the fact that it is very open (possibly due to its nature, or maybe we just don't understand ourselves well enough to quantify our behaviour in any meaningful way) unlike other hard sciences.

I too dislike the people to convince themselves the hard sciences are the only sciences. They tend to be ignorant to open approaches to new ideas. This is why I dislike /sci/ for the most part. It feels like it's a bunch of angry nerds who hate the people who study liberal arts because those are the kind of people who were the opposite of them in high school, and as a result hate the subjects as well.

In regards to not being able to do anything solo, I would argue against it. I think there is a renaissance going on in a lot of fields, especially computing where the coolest things are being coming out of someone's basement.

>> No.11285630

Unless you're obsessively into all of those things, I'm not sure it counts, anon.

>> No.11285636

Curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought him back.

It's fun having one's questions answered.

>> No.11285637

You're a fun and interesting guy to chat with, so thanks for that.

>> No.11285641

I just watched an episode of King of the Hill that revolved around this. You learn the strangest things in the strangest places.

>> No.11285646

You're right I'm not obsessive about those things. Usually, I get interested in something, and start studying it obsessively. Then, I get bored move on to something else.

>> No.11285650

Catgirl otaku.

>> No.11285652

>My approach to psychology as a subject is picking out what I need/find interesting from the field, and studying that.

That's a hell of a lot better. Since I won't be able to properly study psychology until my college years are over (I'm still pretty young), the most I can do is to take a look at MIT's psychology notebook, and so far it's definitely proving you right. But then you said
>My approach to psychology as a subject is picking out what I need/find interesting from the field, and studying that.
Isn't that the most essential part?

>or maybe we just don't understand ourselves well enough to quantify our behaviour in any meaningful way

That's how I see it at least, and it is the second biggest reason why I'm diving deeper and deeper into the domain of psychology. I feel that if I can fully understand those basics, I can have a much easier time understanding how the human mind works.

>This is why I dislike /sci/ for the most part. It feels like it's a bunch of angry nerds who hate the people who study liberal arts because those are the kind of people who were the opposite of them in high school, and as a result hate the subjects as well.

That board was an instant no-no to me. I've been around such people for most of my life, I don't need to see even more of their kind unless it's for the simple purpose of analyzing their mentalities, and even then my largely subjective way of thinking rather puts me off of that.

>> No.11285659

I suppose art. It's really my only hobby although I am not very great at it yet. I am self taught though.

>> No.11285663

>I think there is a renaissance going on in a lot of fields, especially computing where the coolest things are being coming out of someone's basement.

Precisely, but I feel that those fields need a bit more of a push in popularity before we can really start making some significant advances in them. Every person counts, of course, but if you're mostly by yourself you'll be making progress at a much slower rate, since you'll have far fewer ideas to compare your own with.

>> No.11285667

>Isn't that the most essential part?
I understand what you are asking.

>I've been around such people for most of my life...
You usually realize if a person is motivational to be around, or just a negative black hole of shit, piss, and vomit that's waiting to bring you down. Misery loves company. If they themselves don't show a desire to change, they won't. Don't associate with people like that.

>> No.11285670

I'm a loli otaku. My life is filled with lolis.

>> No.11285672

I agree I need to find more forums and people to interact with and bounce ideas off of. Every historical turning point in every medium was conceived in gathering locations where like-minded individuals could exchange ideas.

>> No.11285677

music producer otaku

>> No.11285680

Same, it's the only thing I'm passionate about and can look for hours without getting tired or bored.

>> No.11285693

Precisely, and I think that's the middle point between our ideas.

>Don't associate with people like that.

Was forced to for the most part, as that was how most of my classmates or other RL associates were. Couldn't really get away from it without intentionally dragging myself down by going to a worse place.

I'm still largely lazy and apathetic though, so overly motivational people can be very exhausting to be around, and from past experience those types of people seem to feel the same about me. I don't think it's necessarily something that's easy to change either, since while, say, you seem to be the kind of person who gains a lot of energy from studying things and feel various withdrawal effects when not doing so, I'm precisely the opposite, as the process is severely exhausting to me.

>> No.11285695


>> No.11285697

programming NEET otaku

>> No.11285699

Every time I feel tired I think of Nikola Tesla. Reading any biography on him always leaves me asking myself, "Why aren't I doing that?"

I then get back to my studies, or go to sleep because nothing is actually being learned.

What language(s)? What do you program?

>> No.11285703

I program NEET otaku

>> No.11285709

>Reading any biography on him always leaves me asking myself, "Why aren't I doing that?"

I just skimmed through one such biography, and he does not resonate with me at all. I'm generally not fond of productivity, so it's almost natural for me to not feel attracted to a person who's spent many many decades of his life being productive as all hell.

>> No.11285715

NEETlang. There's only one keyword in it and when compiled, it produces a program that prints the string "Hello, World!" without the quotes, followed by a linefeed character to stdout.

>> No.11285723

digital signal processing with C otaku

>> No.11285727

Maybe you can remake the NEET Simulator into a 2013 edition. My proudest moment is finding a schedule that yielded positive money and never going outside.

>> No.11285725

Did you go to university or are you just some retard learning random facts?

>> No.11285729

>some retard

Easy, anon. No need to be a dick for no reason.

>> No.11285733

I don't have to take it easy around subhumans, they're below me.

>> No.11285734


Why do you consider him to be subhuman?

>> No.11285736

I cook, I ride, and I take pictures.

>> No.11285744

Does giving all your money away to a university make you feel like a superman?

>> No.11285745

What kind of pictures do you take?

>> No.11285760


Military, Photography, Clothing(particularly denim, though im not /fa/ enough to have all designer wardrobe), and Audio.
yeah yeah i go out im not a neet dont bully me

>> No.11285767 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11285770

Food, landscape, still life, that sort of thing. Of course I'm the family photographer.

>> No.11285774

It did when it payed off many times over, making me extremely successful in my field.

>> No.11285784

I'm a local fine arts photographer.

>> No.11285782

What kind of fantasy are you spouting?

>> No.11285788

What kind of cock do you slurp?

>> No.11285789

My reality, clearly.

>> No.11285791

You are a /jp/ secondary.

>> No.11285793

I'm a literature and eroge otaku. I also spend a lot of time reading random stuff on the internet, probably like most people here. Recently I'm becoming somewhat interested in fitness.

>> No.11285797

>It did when it payed off many times over,
Why would you do something so retarded?

>> No.11285804

How does it feel to be a bitter unsuccessful NEET?

>> No.11285802

My bf's ;)

>> No.11285810

Any leg shaving otaku here?

>> No.11285814

it feels really good.

>> No.11285820

When you think about it NEETs are the only truly successful people

>> No.11285828

Nice, though I'm not bitter. I wonder why people think that you need success to enjoy your life. Woe, misery, depression, despair in the end it's the same thing as success, happiness, joy, hope.

>> No.11285830

>successful people
Maybe in your dictionary.

>> No.11285837

> Woe, misery, depression, despair in the end it's the same thing as success, happiness, joy, hope.

>> No.11285834

To the typical normal success is defined by how much money you make your jew boss and how many kids your wife squirts out

>> No.11285841

Yes and that's what a successful life means, nobody gives a shit if you don't like it, create your own word but please don't say you are successful.

>> No.11285843
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Photography, trains, waifus and games.

>> No.11285844

You feel exactly the same thing.

>> No.11285848

suc·cess (sk-ss)
1. The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted

I'd rather enjoy my life than spend it working myself to the bone for nothing more than bragging rights.

>> No.11285849

They're fucking antonyms you retard.

>> No.11285856

You forgot:
a. The gaining of fame or prosperity

When you use success with life that one applies.

>> No.11285868

The point of gaining prosperity is to be able to take it easy all the time.

>> No.11285869

My number 1 otaku hobby is crying and being sad all the time. That's all I'm good at, ha ha ha...

>> No.11285873

thats why you become a tripfag

>> No.11285871

They are the names of a feeling humans have. Depression is joy for some. Do not limit the world and it endless probabilities to fit your shallow, low standards.

>> No.11285875

the condition of prospering; success or wealth


>> No.11285876

Ranked from greatest to least.

1) I study and practise. Just like the other Anon in this thread, if I'm not learning something or improving a skill every day then I start to go crazy and get really, really bored.

2) Anime and manga. This speaks for itself.

3) Music. Again, it speaks for itself. I also play the piano.

4) Rhythm games of all sorts, and EVE Online.

That's about it.

>> No.11285877

Yeah, I don't know what your point is or why you're smiling.

>> No.11285881

My point is that you are an unsuccessful NEET in denial.

>> No.11285893

I don't know who you thought you were replying to. I only said the truism that the point of being prosperous is to have the affordance to take it easy.

>> No.11285894

I have always asked myself why I was born so stupid and unmotivated since I became self-aware and still have no answer. It physically and mentally hurts to do any little thing. The only thing that doesn't cause me endless pain is internet, to an extent.

No hobbies.

>> No.11285895

I'm not really obsessive about anything. I have interests but they come and go every few months or so. Like the past 5 or 6 months I've been into video games more than I am into anime, and recently I've been into rhythm games.

>> No.11285898

Stay NEET, unsuccessful and now a liar too!

>> No.11285900

When you're on your deathbed and realize those 60 hour workweeks didn't amount to anything because you had no time to enjoy it I'll be laughing at you from my basement. What life is successful if it wasn't even yours to spend?

You EETs deserve pity

>> No.11285903

I'm not even an otaku, I'm just a failure of a human being. I will never amount to anything, even the things I'm interested in. I will always leave once I reach mediocrity. Though I don't tend to shit all over the place.
I'm not upset though, being NEET is kind of nice.

>> No.11285907

I don't think you'll be alive by then.

>> No.11285912

Most people don't mind work because they do it for their family, something you'll never comprehend, leech scum.

>> No.11285918

This bothers me too, I'm not good at anything and I'm extremely lazy to get good at anything.

>> No.11285920

You'd have to be a pretty retarded normal to consider starting a family in today's world

>> No.11285923


You must both have crippling depression as well! I am not sure how to deal with this myself and refuse to see a psychiatrist.

>> No.11285924


You grossly misunderstand a lot of people.

Take me as an example. I'm a self employed network architect and administrator. My job grew out of the shit that I did for fun In my free time, and I still do in my free time. I have to contain my excitement sometimes because I get to play with quarter million dollar server racks and network infrastructure. And I'm wasting time getting paid for my hobby? Please, go talk to someone who's actually depressed.

>> No.11285925

That's another thing I never understood. Why limit yourself to serve others? If my family is stupid enough to do it for me, that's fine and I appreciate it, but there's no reason to limit yourself.

>> No.11285927

I prefer being retarded than being scum that searches up excuses to justify laziness.

>> No.11285929

You're an anomaly
The other 99.9% of the population can't do jobs that reflect on what they like because there is either no money in it or it becomes a grind and they start hating the hobby they used to love (which will probably happen to you, you're just to young to hit it yet).

>> No.11285931

Sounds like a personal problem

>> No.11285935

Funnily enough, yes I do!
Though I'm on medication so I don't have break downs as often.
I've pretty much given up hope. I'll just try to love off of the state.

>> No.11285936

I own subhuman queers for a living

>> No.11285937

Most people don't have that luxury and the few people that do and the fewer that don't take that luxury, like to feel they are useful, a reward in exchange of their effort. Sadly there are not many people like this.

>> No.11285938


Yeah, and you're probably (you are) right. However I enjoy life now, and if and when the time comes that I start to dislike my job, I'm smart enough to find another way.

I do feel pity for those who work jobs they hate. I try to stay away from them though.

>> No.11285939


>> No.11285942

My life would wouldn't be so terrible if I was pretty

>> No.11285954

People who count on good looks to enjoy life are only happy for ten years. Then age kicks in.

>> No.11285958

> 2. I wish I hadn't worked so hard.
> "This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children's youth and their partner's companionship. Women also spoke of this regret, but as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence."

>> No.11285968

>All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.

That's why I'm a girl now!

>> No.11285969

Is this supposed to prove something?
Nobody likes working hard, some people do it because they need it and some because it's their routine.
I'm quite sure no one said "I wish I hadn't worked at all"

>> No.11285971

> Stay NEET, unsuccessful and now a liar too!
I never said I was a NEET, I don't know what the hell you are talking about.

>> No.11285980

It depends on what country you live in but you can order neuroleptics via internet easily enough. If meds are not for you(they wouldn't make you feel good anyway, they'll just make you feel absolutely nothing) and you don't mind some work then start doing calisthenics and shower in cold water every morning without slacking. While this will not fix your problem immediately you'll feel better physically, and you're bound to feel better mentally too. In healthy body thrives healthy spirit after all.
Or you can just enjoy your depression. Though you need to be a huge M to actually feel happy from being in depression.

>> No.11285984


This. There's a difference between supporting yourself and slaving yourself. Part time and contract work is great.

>> No.11286147

yes, i love the concept of wabi-sabi and hope to have my own house styled in this way in the future

>> No.11286179 [DELETED] 

I am an evening otaku
I like going out at night and enjoying the cool air and lack of people

>> No.11286183

Who optimization otaku?

>> No.11286205 [DELETED] 
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Guys, how do I learn about computers? Be nice; I'm only 17.
Do I just read SICP; then, learn C++ and Java languages?
Which book do I read to learn about hardware?

>> No.11286212

Learn Java and then Lisp and jesus kid get the hell out.

>> No.11286216

Don't learn C++ or Java, Lisp is all you need.

>> No.11286221

> Which book do I read to learn about hardware?
Hardware specifications and manuals. They are usually available on the vendors site.

>> No.11286230



You're going to get all kinds of conflicting advice here. And leave SICP the fuck along. Lisp is an awful language with too many brackets by far.

>> No.11286266

Thanks guys.

>> No.11286283
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I'm a mine otaku. I find that shit fascinating.

>> No.11286292

>My approach to psychology as a subject is picking out what I need/find interesting from the field, and studying that.

That's what graduate school is for. You have to have a general knowledge of the entire field before you start studying more specific topics. That is what undergraduate education is for, apparently you didn't understand that concept.

>> No.11286337
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Daydreaming otaku.

>> No.11286342
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Lisp or bust.

>> No.11286347

>your nonfree software gave me cancer

>> No.11286350

How do I stop myself from trying to make friends? I always get optimistic about it and then I just get hurt and retreat back into not talking to anyone on a personal level. How did you stop yourself from doing it? I'm not really social I just get lonely and want someone to talk to.

>> No.11286358

Throw yourself totally into your interests. If you really don't want to feel like talking to anyone, try and use you interests to develop a ridiculous ego: everyone is below you, why would you want to talk to them?

>> No.11286356

I talk with myself.

>> No.11286360

I started avoiding people once I realized that they're just annoying me

>> No.11286365

I can't have an ego, I feel too guilty and I think too shittily of myself.

People don't annoy me, they start out nice and I start to trust them a little and then they turn around and be terrible to me, sometimes they were even just pretending to be nice. I can't let myself interact with people anymore personally, I know it is just going to make things worse for me.

>> No.11286366

I wish I could hug you and tell you everything is going to be alright.

Please don't give up, you will find a good friend eventually and it will be worth it!

>> No.11286368

No I won't. I am too sensitive and they will just end up hurting me because of this and making things worse me, I can never find a friend and I have come to accept this, I just get naive sometimes and think that maybe it will work out.

>> No.11286369

You either hang around a bunch of assholes or the problem might be you. Maybe you're not realizing that you're "weird" and people generally try to avoid being with weird people.

>> No.11286371

I'm sorry. ;_;

>> No.11286374

What exactly are people doing to you? The more ways you get hurt, the more things you know to look out for next time.

>> No.11286381

Is anyone else concerned when they hear about how schools are trying to protect children from having 'best friends' and such?

If they don't get hurt when they are kids they will get hurt when they are older and it's much worse then.

>> No.11286620

Was anyone here ever "normal" (in the sense of having friends they frequently interacted with, or working some job) before they turned NEET?

>> No.11287797


Pretty big talk coming from some 20-year-old armchair sociologist. Try educating yourself about people from sources that aren't the internet or television, nerd.

>> No.11288392

Primarily computer and video games
Secondarily anime and manga
Tertiarily? figures and plastic models

>> No.11288405

Video games aren't a hobby.

>> No.11288413
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I'm a racial otaku.

>> No.11288431

I collect military antiques, and do some small restorations. I've also started to sew.

>> No.11288446
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Victorian otaku
I am fully confident /hist/ will exist in our lifetime

>> No.11288452

It already does. It's called 420chan.

>> No.11288530
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Other than the weeb /jp/ stuff, i'm a homesteading otaku.

That is, i fantasize about getting a job/welfare, then i'll buy a piece of land, build a small cabin there, start growing food, raising animals, gathering electricity through solar panels and generally preparing for complete seclusion from society. Ideally, the only thing i'll need to pay for will be the internet. Maybe i'll get a /jp/sie to live with me too, yep.

This guy is my inspiration:

>> No.11288587

There's only one logical option:

Don't stop.

You've just gotten unlucky with people so far. It might be that your current interests cause you to cross paths with the kind of people you don't like. But that doesn't mean you should just give up or lose hope. There are quite a few great people out there, just waiting to be found. Maybe they're quite like yourself, who knows.

Try to analyze what those people had in common, as well as what it was that caused your friendships to rupture like that. You may be a sensitive person, but you have to analyze those things objectively. Don't hesitate to blame yourself if you realize that you did something wrong. The sooner you do that, the more open you'll be to changing yourself for the better, and you'll attract better people as a result.

I just can't stand the notion of giving up. I got into a big fight with a good friend over a year ago, and even though I hated him and wrongly blamed him for those events, I still wanted to regain him as a friend.

It worked once. Only lasted half a year. And now, after another half a year, I'm trying again. I might feel resentful towards the guy, but I like abusive relationships and he was amazing to hang with. ;_;

>> No.11288618


Fuck off normie

>> No.11288626


>> No.11288650


It feels good to not shit up /jp/ unlike yourself

>> No.11288656

Don't worry, parasites like you are why this board is as dead as it is.

>> No.11288664


If a live board is what you want, why aren't you somewhere else?

>> No.11288672

Who's to say I'm not? I'm only posting here because one of the early posters piqued my interest, precisely because he was the opposite of your kind.

And no, I'm not a crossboarder, /jp/ was where I first went. I just grew out of the cancerous mentality that you're still stuck in.

>> No.11288681

I had a friend in high school whom was a train otaku.

>> No.11288687

>/jp/ was where I first went
You need to leave.

>> No.11288691

Nah, I'll continue to stay just to upset you.

>> No.11288692


Do you have any idea how hard you contradicted yourself? And how is this mindset at all cancerous? Internet communities were at their peak when they were occupied by the "weird" people, and they acted as a refuge from all the stupid discussions of the outside world and let them converse without the boundaries and predjudices of society. So when /jp/ somewhat emulates that, it's no surprise that some people want to maintain the shunning attitude to keep chucklefuck normies like yourself away.

>> No.11288697

Us "weird" people grew up and turned normal.

>> No.11288698

Shut up newbie.

>> No.11288700

Shut up normie

>> No.11288701

Looks pretty cozy, I could live like that if I had stable electricity and internet. The only problem I can see is the need for an income, it doesn't have to be much but having a job would suck if you live like that.

Maybe some freelance programming once in a while would work.

I can't build for shit, and the only cheap land in this country is far up north where it's cold as hell during the winters.

>> No.11288708

Shut up weirdie this is normie territory now.

p.s. /jp/ has talked about "normal" things since its inception.

>> No.11288709
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What kind of cocks do you ride?

>> No.11288712

It's a shame you're still stuck with your edgy hip 'fuck the world' mentality even after all these years. Let me guess, you're blaming those 'prejudices' for your sad state, right?

>> No.11288715

p.s. you're gay

>> No.11288722

I'm an alien otaku.

>> No.11288719

I may cross dress but I ain't gay.

>> No.11288720

Not as sad as you.

>> No.11288723

You're just sub human

>> No.11288728

Is that supposed to be bad?

>> No.11288726

Why are the Comiket threads dead?

I need muh games.

>> No.11288730

Piracy is illegal.

>> No.11288732

Because everyone is there.

>> No.11288744

Find online friends. I used to have a lot of real life friends, I would go out partying, forcing myself to watch football so I could keep up conversation with people my age, one could even say that I was a normalfag. I became more and more recluse to the point where I would just ignore everyone's calls to do math problems.

If you respect yourself and you have some hobbies you can really enjoy being alone. Now my only social contact comes from study groups and the occasional online game of Swat 4 or Tera.

>> No.11289054

Audio Engineering otaku.

I research sound design so I can produce or recreate cute effects from scratch or manipulating samples.

>> No.11289077

And also, books.

>> No.11289791

ningen otaku

>> No.11289805

Is this the blog thread?

I am x otaku

X =
16 bit era video games
Drugs and drug paraphinalia
American football
Amateur porn
Monkey abuse and expirement media
Headphones (no earbuds)
Small desks with lots of drawers
Hair dye

I think that is most of it. I have former obsessions and collectins that ive moved on from either from burn out, over spending or changes in interests

>> No.11289808

Stop being such a multifaceted individual.

>> No.11289817

I can't help it. I'm easily frustrated and i don't sleep much. Hobbies help me cope

>> No.11289878
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>> No.11289911

Is this the blog thread?

>> No.11289937

I visited my Aunt's house again today

>> No.11289958

Is she hot? Got any cousins?

>> No.11289970

Why do you capitalize Aunt?

>> No.11290010

blogging otaku

>> No.11290325
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That's awesome. I like the idea, Suikabro. I would do that if I were not already on the path to being able to afford my own home close to a job which I would enjoy.

>> No.11290347

It would make sense if he called her "Aunt". Like "I went over to Aunt's house today."

But "my Aunt"? I don't know what he's smoking.

>> No.11290377

I'm a /tg/ otaku. I play DnD a couple of times every week, where I socialize and drink with the others. I recently started trying to DM as well, and it's pretty fun.

>> No.11290382
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JAV otaku

>> No.11290386

I wish I could do that. I played a few times with some friends as a teenager, but they seemed too resistant to treat it as anything other than a board game they didn't particularly care for. I loved reading all the source books about various settings and how to generate towns and so on.

I've checked a few websites and there doesn't seem to be anything in my area, but there are a few gaming shops I can get a bus to. Is it fine to just ask the shopkeeper about local games? Or are you expected to be friends with people already?

>> No.11290404

Birds and military tanks, because my father used to take me birdwatching and then later gave me some old military books and bird fieldguides.

>> No.11290410

You can just go and ask, yeah. I just play with a group that has become a group of friends over the past two years. Got invited to playing with them when I tried it at a roleplaying con a couple of years ago.

>> No.11290428

Im working 60 hour work weeks, but 40 of those hours im either killing time on /jp/ or watching anime on my phone

Its not so bad really. I have two jobs and one of them I only pay federal taxes (some comically low amount). Im already a loser, difference is im getting paid to do what I already do at home

>> No.11291108

I visit /a/, /o/ and /jp/, if that's what you're asking.

>> No.11295961

Anime would probably be my biggest obsession, visual novels take second place, followed by video games.

If I am at home (most of the time) I am guaranteed focusing on one of those three activities broken up by intermittent spurts of web browsing.

I'm not very interesting at all, i'm probably the most generic NEET ever, although I go to the gym 5x a week and am in pretty decent shape so there's that.

>> No.11295965

>i'm probably the most generic NEET ever

Don't say that! You sound way more interesting than me.

>> No.11295974

If you're asking about my obsession, I'd say I'm pretty obsessed with denpa and moege. And buses. Yeah.

>> No.11295979

go gym neets, woo!
Though only because there's one in my apartment i can go to at 2am with noone around.
