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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11284836 No.11284836 [Reply] [Original]

I just checked the first couple of pages and couldn't find it. Does /jp/ have a c84 thread, or did I just make it?

>> No.11284848

>I just checked the first couple of pages

You know, 4chan has a catalogue feature now. And if you don't like it, you can even use this. http://catalog.neet.tv/jp/

>> No.11284855

Go back to your board.

>> No.11284862

Here come the migrants.


>> No.11284886

Wow, I remember when people actually used this. It wasn't that long ago, really.

>> No.11284894

I still like this catalog better than the inline one. Contrast is better, and it shows recent replies and shit.

>> No.11284932 [DELETED] 

C84 thread is here bro

>> No.11284935 [DELETED] 


>> No.11284947


>> No.11284950

Whatahell man what's your disability

>> No.11284951

Well, it's a nice change of pace to see /jp/ so lively during events like this.
The board has been really slow lately.

>> No.11285014 [DELETED] 

here's the thread

>> No.11285016

fucking shit, here is the thread

>> No.11285021

It seems that after all, we have nothing that /a/ cannot take away.

I guess it'll stem the tide of visitors.

>> No.11285031

What are you even talking about?

If you bothered to open your eyes you would see that both threads are rubbish with people discussing useless irrelevant crap.

>> No.11285038

>What are you even talking about?
The fact that every last topic that was supposed to be kicked out of /a/ into /jp/ has returned.

>If you bothered to open your eyes you would see that both threads are rubbish with people discussing useless irrelevant crap.
Almost every thread on every board is like this.

>> No.11285047

>we have nothing that /a/ cannot take away.
/a/ is 2D/Random after all.

Mods agreed, don't bother them about it.

>> No.11285055

>/a/ is 2D/Random after all.
A SFW one, don't forget it.

>> No.11285062
File: 82 KB, 600x460, waroting_touhous_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one, Anon. Very subtle.

>> No.11285075

When touhou 14?

>> No.11285125

The reason why things are this way is because of people obsessing about what content goes where. Now it's probably one of the most heavily moderated sites on the internet. It doesn't matter where the thread gets made if all the actual discussion and links are on other sites.

>> No.11285144

I feel your pain but you know as well as I do that permamad autists that shit up every thread that doesn't conform to their standards are the reason for this.

Next time you see one of these fucking imbeciles picking fights in a thread for no reason at all you should interject or at least report the person.

"Take It Easy" used to be a mantra around here but no one even tries.

>> No.11285155

/jp/'s permanently mad quality control autists have been dead for years now, dude. It's not 2010 anymore.

Links are whatever, they all end up in the same place anyway. Discussion is something else, but not enough people are hyped for upcoming releases to make a huge discussion out of it anyway.

>> No.11285164

Except their threads will have 2 uploads and 300 "WHERE IS x" in between per thread.

>Next time you see one of these fucking imbeciles picking fights in a thread for no reason at all you should interject or at least report the person.
This, seriously. Feels like i'm the only person who ever bothered to report shit.

>> No.11285185

Is there some kind of catalog for upcoming game releases? I remember there was usually a blog for this stuff.

>> No.11285204

See that's the thing. The old guard actually knew WHAT to be mad about. I never had any problem with anything like that back in the day. Quality Control understood board culture. It's these edgy newfriends who wash out of /a/ and just go on auto-assault. And they're so easy to identify.

We've gotta do it, man. Not to don the tin foil hat but I almost wanna say there are pods of moles that come in just to make /jp/ a terrible place to be.

Terribler. Anyway, enough meta. I'm already feeling guilty.

>> No.11285297

What are you talking about?

For a while /jp/ has generated about 2 million posts a year but only 1.5 million in the last year. That's including all the deleted threads. What makes you think people are actually coming here to ruin the place?

Some people will never be happy even when they get what they asked for.

>> No.11286709

Anyone know if there's going to be someone doing a doc with music for C84 like with the last ones?

>> No.11286758

Do you guys think there will be RO or MH doujins?

>> No.11289152

I don't think so, man.

>> No.11289244


>> No.11289281
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I still hate how the MH3U receptionist doujins still haven't got scans.

>> No.11289445

Surely now will be different and people will be able to magically materialize the doujinshi. We just need more threads for more Comiket smalltalk by people that never go and then hopefully all of the uploads will appear.

>> No.11289475

Thanks for the thread OP :)

>> No.11289488

>"Take It Easy" used to be a mantra around here but no one even tries.

Jesus Fucking Christ

I was half joking when i said /jp/ is literally just the FYAD of 4chan, but I couldn't Have Been More On The money

>> No.11289514

No one cares anymore I think. The threads have been absolutely terrible lately (well, way worse than usual) and just use DS.

>> No.11289688

There are a few people from /jp/ and some /a/nons there.

>> No.11290204

Go away, we don't like goons here.
