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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 200 KB, 889x1000, 9c6e95cc1b07b6f862665d7061814cb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11282863 No.11282863 [Reply] [Original]

What caused /jp/ to be so lolicon?

>> No.11282864

I am /jp/
I am not lolicon

>> No.11282869
File: 68 KB, 393x549, little_girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because little girls are so cute!

>> No.11282871

Fujoshi reporting...

>> No.11282873

When I was a little boy I was popular with the little girls, but then I grew up and I wasn't anymore.

>> No.11282879

I blame my sister for being so cute when I was going through puberty.

>> No.11282889

I only like big titty babes actually

>> No.11282893
File: 2.91 MB, 257x232, 1373345940396.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy the oppai loli. What are you gonna do about that, nerd?

>> No.11282912

that shit makes my dick hard

>> No.11282918

Are you a pedophile or something?

>> No.11282920

They aren't "lolis" anymore. That's like calling a MILF a girl that look like a little girl.

>> No.11282922

We are talking about 2D you dumbass. You are aware loli means "little girl" right?

>> No.11282924
File: 158 KB, 850x575, 1341793416074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ was born that way.

>> No.11282932 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 931 KB, 2893x4092, 1373198229533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this loli /jp/

>> No.11282935

Pedophilia is paraphilia, so no, you are not born that way to my knowledge. It happens during puberty, usually start of it. Your sexual imprinting is left on these creatures, it happens especially to people who go into the puberty really fast so they lock onto ~10 years old girls. A lot of things could account for it.

Mystery still remains, is homosexuality a born or gained attribute?

>> No.11282937

homosexuality is gay as fuk
fukken gays, man

>> No.11282938

When I was 13 I saw a 1st grader bent over a table exposing her panties. It was so exciting. I was awakened at that moment.

>> No.11282941

Oh look, we have someone who think lolicon is a term that refers to 2D only.
Why can't /a/ stay on their own board?

>> No.11282947

That picture is illegal in USA, Australia, Canada, UK (fuck anglosphere), Philippines, Germany, France, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico and Sweden (and more).

Who is behind the ban in all cases? Christian Fundamentalist group under the name of "ECPAT" claiming they stop child abuse (while doing the exact same opposite). Their plan is to first ban drawings, then every possible pornography there is. It's a slippery slope.

UK is already getting fucked in the butt.

Stop the insanity. Legalize CP.

>> No.11282951

Note USA depends on the state, but most states have it banned explicitly.

>> No.11282953
File: 45 KB, 450x450, rorikon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well /jp/ was a lolicon the moment it hatched from moot's egg.

>> No.11282957

Not sure what this image is supposed to tell me.

>> No.11282958

Probably what that age imprinting guy said. When I was 9-12 I used to constantly molest girls of my own age. I stopped doing after I learn some social graces and got in massive trouble for it but the attraction remained. I never found any fellow high school students attractive and in college everything remained the same.

>> No.11282963

cannot dispute

>> No.11282971

It's legal in most country from Europe, none of those countries you mentioned had actual people jailed for that. Except Australia and Canada.

>> No.11282999

Not who you responded to but I've always defined lolicon as attraction to 2D lolis. Sure its a mutation of the definition Japan uses but the word they use is also a mutation of lolita from the book.

I find that definition to be useful in separating 2D and 3D lolis since such differences are commonly used here. I mean why should I be labeled a pedophile when I have no interest in 3D at all?

>> No.11283006

Girls are the cutest thing ever

>> No.11283009

Please go normalfag internet defense force

>> No.11283011

When are we going to get our rights like the gays?

>> No.11283037

Never because think of the children.

>> No.11283043
File: 79 KB, 480x640, 2010051912-fc271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest guys, how much do you like real loli?
Wouldn't you like to play tennis with her?

>> No.11283044



>> No.11283050

that's badminton dude. And yes i would love to play it with the kids

>> No.11283284

I did it out of spite.

>> No.11283344

When we die.

>> No.11283352

I love them, doesn't matter if they are real or not. I'd love to have a daughter that later on becomes my loli girlfriend.

>> No.11283366

I'm pretty sure the guy that got jailed for that in Canada had actual CP on his computer.

>> No.11283367

Pedophiles hunt and kill little girls for their own personal amusement. Sometimes they bring their corpses to my room for some unfathomable reason.

Or at least that's what my cat does. It sure as hell does not do it because she is hungry.

>> No.11283368

I am able to view things from an unbiased perspective and form decisions objectively.

>> No.11283372

When I was sixteen or so I used to believe in purity, kindness, love etc and being beta as fuck ofc. Somehow I found out that older people generally lack these qualities so I partly fixated on children for next few years.
Now though I've dealt with it but I still find child's body attractive, anything else though may live me from indifferent to annoyed like being mentally 7 year old, but maybe thats only because 3D children annoying far more often than not.
I should also probably mention that people often choose to be pedophiles because they can't have sex with people of their age, so they subconsciously feel like they have better chances with those who are weaker, and go for rape or children.

>> No.11283373

>why should I be labeled a pedophile when I have no interest in 3D at all

>> No.11283376
File: 180 KB, 782x730, 666_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11283377

I like real lolis better than 2D lolis.
It's too bad even none nude erotic photos of them are illegal in the USA.
With PRISM and how crazy the FBI is about that sort of thing it makes me glad 2D loli exists.

>> No.11283380

I loved this because it told like their age/grade/what they were doing when the found them. My favorite was the one who wasn't a virgin, and swore at them and stuff.

>> No.11283382

want to marry her

>> No.11283383

>I should also probably mention that people often choose to be pedophiles
I don't think it's a matter of choice, at least not for me.

>> No.11283390

Well yeah, 'choose' is a wrong word on my side, should probably used 'come down to'

>> No.11283393

Don't worry, as long as it's not CP and I'd even say as long as you are not an uploader, I doubt anyone's going to care.

>> No.11283395

There are actually laws against erotic photos. They're really broad and make even non-nude photos legally considered child pornography.
It's not worth it.

>> No.11283399

Lolis have to be protected!
This cant happen!

>> No.11283398

Well, technically you can still get arrested for loli in some places, but you won't have trouble unless it's CP and believe me, it's still hard to get caught unless you are extremely retarded, kind of like Thad.

>> No.11283407

That was when PRISM was still a heavily guarded secret.
Now that it's common knowledge I'm expecting laws to pop up saying that evidence gathered from PRISM isn't protected by the constitution because you're "broadcasting it to the world" or some shit.
Better to just not deal with CP at all and have no chance of getting caught than to do otherwise.

>> No.11283406

I think it's the opposite, they choose children because it's even more impossible to have a relationship with one.

>> No.11283411

Lolicon is the natural state of men.

Subversive powers have tried to make it not so.

The truth will win out.

>> No.11283415

Your cat bring you lolies? At home?!

>> No.11283416

Just use Tor, GNU/Linux and maybe encryption if you really want to feel secure. I don't go through that hassle because I prefer more softcore stuff when it comes down to real lolis.

>> No.11283419

He seduces them with his cat.

>> No.11283422

I prefer non-nude to CP, but like I said I'm paranoid, and with all the recent leaks that paranoia is pretty well places.


>> No.11283438

I'm still amazed by this page that was linked in the earlier thread: http://www.ipt-forensics.com/journal/volume16/j16_2.htm

I didn't know the pedo hysteria was this out of control. "355 to 0, with 13 members abstaining" especially made me lose all hope.

>> No.11283446

It's just a matter of public image.

>> No.11283447


We are in the initial stages of a dark age of information.

>> No.11283475

I think it was the neighborhood girl who would always talk with me. She was the first girl who sat in my lap. I eventually saw down her shirt during one of our chats. She was about 9 or 10 and I was 14 or 15. I don't know why she seemed to interested in me.

>> No.11283478
File: 32 KB, 240x192, ロリコン死わ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11283485

Can kids tell who is or isn't a pedophile?

>> No.11283488

Yes, little girls can read your pervy mind, don't try.

>> No.11283491


I don't think so.

My young relatives are always very fond of me.

I do keep my pedophilia entirely in the realms of 2D, though. So I am not a risk to them, or other children.

>> No.11283495

I was asking because little girls always seem to like me. Maybe I unconsciously work harder with them than with older people or maybe older people are more judgemental than little girls.

I've always wondered if they could tell I really liked them.

>> No.11283511

Depends on the age but mostly no, and if they could tell you really like them they wouldn't see you as a pedophile.

>> No.11283523


>> No.11283524

What the heck? Lavabit got shut down? Man am I upset. That's so lame. It's the only email service I cared about.

>> No.11283527


How do we know that the study wasn't flawed due to other reasons? The Netherlands one used a sample size of 25 which isn't very predictive at all for a population. Or maybe they were selective with their samples.

Don't get me wrong, I like both 2D and 3D little girls.

>> No.11283542

This is just another 'religion' matter, like pretty much everything what comes with equality propaganda. You ever try to question its reasonableness and you are universally hated no questions asked. Just like you know, its was in dark ages with church, so I find it utterly ironic.
I don't see why some people can't realize that general masses are brainless morons who can't think for themselves and only believe what they are told.

>> No.11283544

It's not possible to be attracted to 2D but not 3D. You're simply compensating and experiencing 'Sour Grapes Syndrome'

>> No.11283548

I love lolis, but I don't sexualize them at all.

I didn't think about it until this exact moment, but Oreimo is about a little girl who's addicted to child porn.

>> No.11283551

It's like boasting about how you're not a foot fetishist because you're ONLY attracted to 2D feet.

You're all fucked in the head and should all kill yourselves.

>> No.11283553
File: 868 KB, 600x4767, super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.11283554

Lolis are sweet and innocent. Real kids are fucking assholes.

>> No.11283557

What the fuck are you talking about? Have you bought into the delusion that you can like 2D feet but not the equivalent 3D feet of your 2D image, the 2D being only a shitty approximation for the 3D ideal of it?

Don't you dare try to bring it "I can't find a 3D equivalent" argument

>> No.11283559

That's not true. Actual little girls 6-10 are still sweet and innocent.

>> No.11283563

That's not a lolicon. Lolicon = child, aka small, no sexual features, no tits, no ass, no hips, etc.

>> No.11283560
File: 135 KB, 936x1200, 1177136091815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying if you're attracted to Dizzy, you're attracted to real-life 3 year olds.

>> No.11283568

It seems like he was bullied by lolis because he was an ugly shota.

>> No.11283569

>That's not a lolicon.

Crossboarder detected.

Lolis are justice, by the way.

>> No.11283571

Yeah, I think feet are fucking nasty, unless they're attached to a Loli

>> No.11283565 [DELETED] 

My point is that even if someone is still a pedo (and should off themselves, naturally) even if they only like 2D.

>> No.11283566

A lolicon is someone who is attracted to lolis.

>> No.11283572

That's why 2D loli goes by body type and not official age.

>> No.11283573

My point is that someone is still a pedo (and should off themselves, naturally) if they claim to only like 2D.

>> No.11283574

Everything gets better when a loli is involved, it's a fact.

>> No.11283578

Dizzy is a freak who grew up to an adult in the span of three years. Screw her, she isn't a loli. She bypassed the whole child/adolescent stage.

>> No.11283579

>if they claim to only like 2D.

That's a lie though.

>> No.11283583

They were still assholes at that age. I assume they're still assholes at that age nowadays, if not earlier.

>> No.11283588

If CP was legal would you fap to it?

>> No.11283586

I agree but you can sort of understand this people that they don't want get labeled as pedophiles, the "scum" of society.

>> No.11283597

No, real kids are gross and obnoxious.

>> No.11283595

/jp/ isn't that ugly

>> No.11283596

If murder was legal would you kill someone?

>> No.11283598

There is a difference between talking to a child as a child and talking to a child as an adult. They tend to be more rude to their peers.

>> No.11283606


I will never fap to loli either.

>> No.11283599

Yes i would.

>> No.11283602

If by CP you mean a little girl getting fucked then no, unless she's really cute and enjoys it. Webcams, nude pictures and masturbation is fine though.

>> No.11283604
File: 67 KB, 704x396, 1211748337203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this then?

>> No.11283607

I would track down and kill every higher up from Time Warner Cable.

>> No.11283608
File: 26 KB, 636x478, imoutocurry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loli thread
Did you eat curry with your Imouto today?

>> No.11283612

Hypnotism. He literally sees them as adults.

>> No.11283617

Imagine a society where for one day out of the year the enforcement of law is halted. RUN.

>> No.11283622

I'm around girls that age and they're not assholes. They're just sweet little girls.

>> No.11283630

It's already legal. Fuck a 16 year old in front of a mirror. You are now watching CP while having legal sex(laws of your area may vary).

>> No.11283640

Nah, I don't like it that much. I might take this loli to the circus again later though.

>> No.11283642
File: 2.64 MB, 1681x948, le daddy face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11283650

I don't know the laws but I'm pretty sure CP only retains to recorded media like pictures and video from cameras.

>> No.11283648

is it okay to fuck them if you can only see them as adults?

>> No.11283649

Curry makes me vomit uncontrollably.
We had beef stew instead.

>> No.11283652

Isn't that some shitty film?

>> No.11283656

No, but it just seems sort of pointless. Like fucking a 17 year old. Physically adult, mentally child. Why not just get some 25 year old?

>> No.11283662

17 year olds at least have the benefit of not being wrinkly, saggy, and spiteful of men like 25 year olds. Also possibly even virgins, because they haven't had their 18-22 year old college fuckfest yet.

>> No.11283665

Little girls don't masturbate.

>> No.11283677


Yes they do.

>> No.11283687
File: 19 KB, 381x360, ii_little girl shinku cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the illogical masses who condemn lolicon or pedophilia or whatever as being worse than murder, but equally abominable are the fakes. Are you even truly lolicon, or are you only in it for its associated image and meanings? I feel that a great many self-proclaimed lolicon are only latching onto the title because it's prolific in Japanese media, and liking it makes them feel like an "otaku."

It's unsightly. To begin with, do most people even like loli for non-physical reasons? Rather than an ideal of innocence, youth, et cetera, it's just the typical slobbering over her "delicious feet" or her flat chest or twintails or her cute red backpack or some other inane bullshit. How is that any different from the mentality of those dull, degenerate, balding fat men in eroge and doujinshi?

Anyway, I'm not really into loli. I prefer 12-17 because of the tender and feminine qualities I associate with that age range. Not so much in today's time, though.

>> No.11283688
File: 132 KB, 788x1086, 1352438298840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11283690

I don't think so.

>> No.11283699

If this one girl needed a paper written on her, I think she's a rare case. I think most lolis you see walking down the street don't masturbate.

>> No.11283706

Because loli are just so perfect and amazing, if you don't like them you are just a liar.

>> No.11283711

Didn't you masturbate when you were like 10?

Probably the same for girls, then.

>> No.11283707

My mom started babysitting this cute little girl, 6 years old, three times a week.
At first she was really shy around me, she didn't even want to greet me. She talked to everyone in my family except me, it was really depressing. After a couple of days I was in my room and my family was eating with her (I never eat with them) and I heard her talk about me with my mom, she asked what my name was and asked why wasn't I eating with them. I got really nervous when she said this and I quickly went to my bed. A few minutes later, someone enters my room, it was my mom and the cute little girl who was hiding behind her, my mom encouraged her to go talk to me. The little girl approached my bed, she said my name and asked me to go eat with them, I was perplexed for a few seconds and said yes.
After that she started calling me and asking me to go play with her every time, she even made me go outside to buy her candy. It was really difficult for me but that smile is the most rewarding thing I could ever get.
I feel like I can do everything to make this little girl happy, nobody has ever smiled so much around me, It makes me feel like she needs me. I want to have a deeper relationship with her, It's scary to think she'll suddenly leave me if that's what her parents want. I want to be her dad or brother or maybe even her boyfriend.

>> No.11283708


Not just with pedophilia.

There is a worrying censorship of inconvenient truths.

>> No.11283714

>I prefer 12-17 because of the tender and feminine qualities I associate with that age range.
So you're a literal, Japanese definition of lolicon.

>> No.11283718

Yes they do, in fact, most CP videos are lolis masturbating.

>> No.11283719

I fantasies about being a little girl and having an older boyfriend. He's normally quiet and reserved but when I do lewd things while feigning innocence, it drives him wild. I really enjoy it when he plays with my butt, but sometimes he gets carried away.

>> No.11283723


Many males don't start until well into their teens.

I was extremely anomalous in that started at about age 5. I didn't know it was a sexual thing until many years later.

>> No.11283724

There's nothing fucked in the head about liking loli unless you have myriad of disturbing fetishes to go along with it.

Loli are very pretty. Nothing wrong with liking them.

>> No.11283730


>> No.11283737

Why are there so few legitimately lolicon VNs that have been translated? There's sometimes 1 loli but she is almost always the same age as the other girls but less developed.

>> No.11283742


I'm not denying that there isn't any of that going on a tall, but I'm saying that could've only been a part of it. I mean, really, a sample size of 25? Do you even statistics?

>> No.11283743

This is like saying you're attracted to killing and should be arrested as a potential murderer if you play FPS games.

>> No.11283750

Yeah, I guess so, in the strictest sense. But we all know how people actually use the term.

>> No.11283752

And comparing loli to a capital crime is just as bad as saying that.

>> No.11283757

That's mainstream as fuck for fans of Japanese media. Pretty much every character is that age range.

>> No.11283758

I know but there's no fundamental difference between using a mirror and using a camera to put it on a TV screen in front of you. Just one is illegal for no real reason.

>> No.11283755

They're being filmed by older men that force them to commit sexual acts on camera.

>> No.11283760

No it's not because murder is a crime that REQUIRES a victim.
Pedophilia is not a crime and it is just an attraction, not an action which has a victim.
Your analogy is shit, /a/ kiddie.

>> No.11283762

I'm pretty sure most of the CP out there is recorded by the girls themselves in front of webcams and photos from their phones.

I don't have the source for this but I've read it somewhere before.

>> No.11283764

Not really, I'm talking about webcams.

>> No.11283766

>maybe even her boyfriend.

You can't be the boyfriend of a little girl!

>> No.11283769


The camera records it.

That is the difference.

>> No.11283771

And when they finally enforce those laws about animated CP, that will pretty much be the end of Japanese media, sine it's about every character under 18, not this pedo trolling about lolis needing to be prepubescent.

>> No.11283776

the camera doesn't record it, it just outputs to the tv

>> No.11283778

My male fantasy is becoming that girl and hanging with like girls.

>> No.11283786


I don't think that is illegal then. Unless you're broadcasting it elsewhere then.

But having sex in public is illegal too anyway.

>> No.11283789

Isn't the age of consent 13 over there? (In law, but not in practice. You still go to jail for even talking to a high schooler.)

>> No.11283793

I wish there was a board for everyone to be little girls on. But I'm sure it wouldn't be as good as I think and something so specific would never be made.

>> No.11283792

>This is like saying you're attracted to killing and should be arrested as a potential murderer if you play FPS games.

And people honestly believe that. Remember how every time someone shoots up a school, they talk about how FPS should be banned?

>> No.11283794

I'm sure that wouldn't be illegal either.

>> No.11283795

I just might have to kill myself.

>> No.11283801

What's the age of consent matter? It's still illegal to have nude pics of 16 and 17 year olds in states where those ages are legal. I don't think there a country that has CP laws where CP isn't considered anything under 18. That is, even if you could fuck 13 year olds, an anime of a 15 year old getting fucked would still be CP.

>> No.11283803

Isn't peeping itself illegal? Possibly even considered sexual assault.

>> No.11283808

No, but if it becomes illegal in Japan..

It's already illegal where I'm at, but I don't really care that much.

>> No.11283806

I like when my boyfriend plays with my butt too. :3

>> No.11283807

Are you retard?
FPS games = fiction
2D loli = fiction

Killing attraction = Actually liking the idea of something illegal
3D loli attraction = Actually liking the idea of something illegal

Should I draw it?

>> No.11283809

OC is OC man, do what needs to be done.

>> No.11283810

was meant to

>> No.11283814

But comparing the two is disgusting and evil.

>> No.11283817

Is it really wrong to just like the physical traits?

>> No.11283821

There are some people that really believe a child molester is worse than a guy that actually kills people including children.

>> No.11283825

Evil? Why?
I'm advocating for lolicon...

>> No.11283828

Do you think that in order to masturbate you need to know it's a sexual thing? It just feels good for a kid, just as it does to you, they know how to do it and they do it. It's not even that uncommon for 5-6 year olds to masturbate.

>> No.11283829

That doesn't matter at all because you said murder, and murder has a very specific definition.
It's an act where one person kills another person.

Pedophilia is not an act, it's a form of attraction and it doesn't require anyone to get hurt, even if some pedophiles do act upon their desires.
Those people are called child molesters though, so if you wanted to make your retarded comparison less retarded maybe you should have used proper terminology.
/a/ please go.

>> No.11283838

And they also see no difference between somebody who likes loli and somebody who rapes them. Like you.

Go away.

>> No.11283834

I'm talking about 2D, off course.

>> No.11283835

Noscript is disabled by default, just turn it on and disallow javascript and you will be fine. For now at least.

>> No.11283842

The only people who were affected were using Windows and an old version of Firefox. if you kept your browser bundle up to date and disabled javascript both in the settings and via noscript you're fine.

>> No.11283845

Stop being so defensive. This argument is truly pointless.

>> No.11283846

It's probably a good idea to stick to NN and loli for now.

That's what I'm doing.

>> No.11283848


I don't think it is common.

Everyone who I've ever seen mention it talks about masturbating for the first time in their teens, and having seen porn before they started masturbating.

I don't mean doing it a few times without knowing what it was, and forgetting about it. I mean every single night, usually multiple times.

>> No.11283851

I'm not being defensive, I'm being offensive by exposing his/your terrible logic.

>> No.11283854

Um, it's a her...

>> No.11283855

Everybody I knew was watching porn and fapping when they were 10 or so. You just bloomed late.

>> No.11283857

I don't mean that aspect is entirely invalid. What I'm saying is it's only one facet, and not the whole of the interest. Although it's not a perfect analogy, it's similar to how I might think a certain character looks good, but if I'm not fond of her personality as well, then I wouldn't particularly consider myself a fan.

No, a singularly physical attraction is not inherently negative, but it hardly warrants people boasting about their so-called lolicon status.

>> No.11283859

Are you a functional illiterate or something?

Read carefully

>attracted to killing
>potential murderer

"ATTRACTED" comes from "ATTRACTION". "ATTRACTION" is NOT an action.

And "POTENTIAL" is "what CAN come to be" and NOT A FUCKING ACT either, you dumbfuck!

>> No.11283861

Take your meds and calm down first, I don't want to kill a /jp/er.

>> No.11283866


Bloomed late at age 5?

I don't think you're following me correctly.

>> No.11283867

Calm down buddy, I was just messing with you.

>> No.11283873

It actually is common, whether you think it is or not. Read this for example:

>> No.11283874

Another terrible lolicon thread. You could have had a perfectly reasonable discussion, but instead you choose to resort to the usual, tired pseudo-moralistic diatribes. Fuck this thread and fuck you all.

>> No.11283881

Kill yourself, pedo.

>> No.11283882

They are doing it on purpose, ignore them.

>> No.11283884

We should have a group trip to cambodia or something.

>> No.11283885


I don't think so. I see a mixed bag. It could be a cultural thing though. I would have to say that the average is about 11 or 12, with a range of like 7-16 from my experience in real life. Most of them were 10-14 though.

>> No.11283888

My aunt hated me as a child because she saw me as a twisted pervert kid just because I used to masturbate without even knowing when I was 2~3 years old.

>> No.11283894

Like I said, you originally claimed murder. You are trying to change your argument to save face. I'm not going to argue your new argument because
1) I don't care about it
2) It's irrelevant to the discussion
3) I am pointing out how broken your "saying loli is pedo is like saying FPS games is murder" /a/ logic is.

I'll go with it for a bit though.
Even with the changed wording you are still implying pedophilia is a crime, which it isn't.
You're also implying that pedophilia has some sort of attraction to hurting children, which again, it doesn't.
I think you just keep using the same bad analogy over and over because it's the only one you hear on /a/. Too bad it doesn't work here since we actually know the difference between pedo and child molestor.

>> No.11283896

But I want white lolis..

>> No.11283893

I have been. Has anyone else? Evidently not.

>> No.11283902

I think a /jp/ trip to a country like that would be an interesting sight. A bunch of bony/fat dudes standing around in some forest arguing about which 2hu he wud fuq.

>> No.11283916 [DELETED] 
File: 723 KB, 1200x1800, LauraB10_050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LauraB is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.11283913


>> No.11283923

Yes, yes she is.

>> No.11283929

Her real name is Lera, and she's 13 now.

>> No.11283930

I thought she'd be older than 13.

>> No.11283942

What if I think purple hair is cute? I can call myself a fan of purple hair right?

>> No.11283945
File: 72 KB, 598x604, 1374190011269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she still is really cute.

>> No.11283946

No, she's the youngest one it seems. It's possible she may have turned 14 already, I'm not sure.

>> No.11283954

There must be something in the ukrainian water.

>> No.11283960

If you are from US possession of lolicon might be considered illegal.

>> No.11283965

In Canada it sure is. But very rarely happens unless you imported a doujin or something. They tend to focus on the real stuff, and then tack on the loli for larger sentences if you have that as well. But seems to be pretty safe to download as much manga as you want.

>> No.11283963

Yes, because purple hair is an overwhelmingly physical trait. There are indeed some archetypes and attributes which become associated with such things over time, but it isn't nearly to the extent of lolicon (at least, not in the case of hair color). After all, lolicon deals with entire characters, so you can't compare the two.

>> No.11283966

Fuck, man!
You are a special kind of retarded kid aren't you?
>you originally claimed murder
No, I didn't. Explain firstly, where "potential murder" implies "actual murder".
>Even with the changed wording
As shown above, you are the one who is twisting my words.
Also, I'm not saying pedophilia is a crime.
I'm DEFENDING pedophilia as defined by psychology, you idiot...

Let me explain it like I would to a clinically retard:

Don't you think it's irrational to arrest someone because they like to play FPS?
Don't you think it's irrational to claim somebody has an actual urge to kill someone else just because they play such games?

I do think it's irrational and absurd.
Thus, this phrase:
>This is like saying you're attracted to killing and should be arrested as a potential murderer if you play FPS games.

makes an analogy to the absurd thought that is relating Pedophiles to the actual children abusers.

>> No.11283976

Ok, I see. Thanks for explaining.

>> No.11284019

>No, I didn't. Explain firstly, where "potential murder" implies "actual murder".
I'd quote your original post but it doesn't matter because just by comparing pedophilia to "potential murder" means you're implying pedophilia is child molestation, which it isn't.

>As shown above, you are the one who is twisting my words.
No, I'm explaining your choice of wording in an attempt to underhandedly make it look like you aren't having your logic torn apart. These are two very different things.

>Also, I'm not saying pedophilia is a crime.
You're right, you're implying it by comparing it to one.

>I'm DEFENDING pedophilia as defined by psychology, you idiot...
No psychological or medical definition of pedophilia excludes fantasy. The DSM specifically mentions fantasy in fact, but their wording allows people like you to make a far stretch and claim they meant fantasy of a real child, which is just silly.

>Don't you think it's irrational to arrest someone because they like to play FPS?
>Don't you think it's irrational to claim somebody has an actual urge to kill someone else just because they play such games?
Pedophilia doesn't imply an urge to rape or even be attracted to real children, which I said about 4 or 5 times now.
I don't see how those questions are related to being called a pedo at all.

>makes an analogy to the absurd thought that is relating Pedophiles to the actual children abusers.
The problem is the other guy's logic wasn't flawed. People who claim they aren't a pedo because they like 2D loli only are like saying "I'm not a foot fetishist because I only like 2D feet".
You may be on the lolicon defense, but the FPS analogy is just absurd and will only get your argument destroyed outside of /a/.

>> No.11284048

You guys wait. One day there will be very human-like robotic sex slaves. Adult looking ones will be perfectly legal, but they'll try to stand on some moral high ground to ban ones that look too loli.

>> No.11284051


>Adult looking ones will be perfectly legal

That remains to be seen.

Canada tried to pre-emptively ban them.

>> No.11284056

Japan is our only hope for lolis.

>> No.11284210


>> No.11284226

How can I get a loli girlfriend?

>> No.11284233

Move to a third world country. Short of that, you can't. Unless you want somebody to arrest you or kill you when they find out.

>> No.11284253

I'm in the US, so please tell me in details how to get a loli girlfriend.

>> No.11284256 [DELETED] 

I will ignore all your "Deny the obvious and uphold the inane" motto and go to your main argument.

>Pedophilia doesn't imply an urge to rape or even be attracted to real children, which I said about 4 or 5 times now.
>Pedophilia doesn't imply being attracted to real children
Here, you are stating that it's possible to be a pedo by only being attracted by fictional characters or fantasy. NO REAL CHILDREN INVOLVED.

>I'm not a foot fetishist because I only like 2D feet
Here, you state you can't be only attracted to fantasy or fictional characters.

It's a contradiction.
Thus, your logic is invalid.
Now, just shut the fuck up.

>> No.11284267

You're a foot fetishist. It counts. Foot fetishists who don't like 2D are also usually specific on the type of feet they like. Just because they like small, cute teenager feet only, doesn't make them less of a foot fetishist. Just like that guy and his 2D only feet loving.

>> No.11284271
File: 164 KB, 640x480, 0ad2d963f3909dc3ef1900408726c1e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11284274

I will ignore all your "Deny the obvious and uphold the inane" motto and go to your main argument.

>Pedophilia doesn't imply an urge to rape or even be attracted to real children, which I said about 4 or 5 times now.
>Pedophilia doesn't imply being attracted to real children
Here, you are stating that it's possible to be a pedo by only being attracted by fictional characters or fantasy. NO REAL CHILDREN INVOLVED.

>I'm not a foot fetishist because I only like 2D feet
Here, you state you can't be only attracted to fantasy or fictional characters. It's impossible to not be attracted to their real life counterpart.

It's a contradiction.
Thus, your logic is invalid.
Now, just shut the fuck up.

>> No.11284277
File: 154 KB, 1344x2568, Mitsuba is perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11284286 [DELETED] 

Sorry. I included something in my argument.

>> No.11284292

i can't believe this thread started such a shit storm !!!

>> No.11284295 [DELETED] 

Sorry. I included something in my argument.

>> No.11284298

I'm not a lolicon. I don't strictly like loli.

>> No.11284299

Sorry. I included something in my argument.

>> No.11284301

A pedophile isn't someone that wants to fuck kids. Your mom's probably a pedophile. Learn your entomology idiots.

>> No.11284349

what the heck are you even talking about man

>> No.11284354

>Start a thread about lolis
>Whiteknightings, Moralfags, Feminists and Trolls everywhere
Sounds pretty logical for a thread like this is you ask me.

>> No.11284374

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11284375

It's not a contradiction because he didn't state they can't like 2D lolis only.

To end this shitty discussion already,
I will say that I know where your thought is coming from.

You are arguing that 2D lolis are not a valid depiction of children, right?
So lolicon != pedophilia;

The standard anime/manga/hentai lolita is different from their real counterpart.
They are always more receptive to sexual experiences. Even in pain they don't ask you to stop.
They have a sexy behavior.
They are always cute.
They are always more mature.

They are in no way depicted in a children behavior. Thus, they aren't children but "lolis".
And it's their very 2D mentality that's turns you on.

And as the guy you are discussing with said it's possible to only like 2D, you are not a pedophile because loli!=children.

Am I right?

>> No.11284381

In the same way 'colossal' means 'of or resembling a colossus' and not ever 'extraordinarily great in size, extent, or degree; gigantic; huge', right? Over time, words get different meanings than their literal origin.

"Group trips" are illegal. Very much so. You'll be arrested immediately when you get back in your home country.

>> No.11284387

>"Group trips" are illegal.
Please explain.

>> No.11284405

In most places, there are laws against "sex tourism", the practice of traveling somewhere to have sex that would be illegal under the laws where you live. They are strictly enforced when it involves sex with children.

>> No.11284414

It's illegal now for even adult on adult in many countries now.

>> No.11284420


>> No.11284425

Why? That makes no sense.

>> No.11284428

Sex trafficking and stuff.

>> No.11284431

I don't need a reason, its just porn.
I masturbate to lolis, big tits, straight shota, traps, futa...
Its just for variety.

It doesn't make any sense to accuse people of pedo either. Just because I fap to it doesn't mean I would do it in real life, same with traps and futa, that's fucking disgusting to stick your dick up where shit comes out.

>> No.11284440

What happens when cloning research allows them to grow just the vagina and keep it in some sort of container?

Imagine the onahole tech.

>> No.11284441

Not to mention real life trannies and crossdressers are disgusting.

>> No.11284455

Yeah no fucking joke, the only decent 3D tranny porn star I can think of is sarina valentina, and a bunch of effort and money probably goes into getting movie ready. Fuck the average person that can't even cut it for porn.

2D is idealized and sterile, the stuff that happens there certainly doesn't transfer into real life, I hate these stupid fucking arguments on /jp/ every other day about it.

>> No.11284484

Yeah its basically just keep that kind of thing in the 2d sphere and go wild with it. Honestly you really can't even compare it to the real life examples because of how different it is. Those people trying to argue like theres any resemblance are probably just some pathetic idiots that got lost in their own fantasies.

>> No.11284558

If sex robots are created, people will probably stop listening to women altogether.

The meaning of life is to try to prevent as many people from having fun as possible.

>> No.11284565

>If sex robots are created, people will probably stop listening to women altogether.

The real question is, if you were the only one rich enough on /jp/ to afford one, would you invite everyone over to gang bang her?

>> No.11284586

You guys would probably chloroform me and steal her.

>> No.11284602

Pimp the sex android and eat the free cum.
Its genius, you make money eating cum!

>> No.11284611

Maybe they'll deactivate the robot and steal you instead. I hear /jp/ loves virgin cocks.

>> No.11284622

Nah, businesses will still be businesses and she'll be able to read the DNA from her owner or something. She'll probably cut off the dick of anyone who's not me fucking her and then cripple me for daring to share what I brought with anyone. She'll then run back to the nearest distribution center to file a lawsuit against me for piracy.

I mean I could get cracks but she'll probably end up with some weird audio files or something.

>> No.11284730

If sex bots becomes too realistic, I see the movie Idiocracy becoming reality.

>> No.11284974

Your slippery slope is leaking. Better check that.

Just because you like 2D loli doesn't mean you're going to rape a 3D loli. You're retarded.

Also you like to through around that /a/ phrase around. Perhaps you should go back there since you're so familiar with it.

>> No.11284991

I love incest material between siblings. Does that mean I want to fuck my sister? Fuck no I don't. I don't even socialize with her much.

>> No.11284999 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 449x600, 1303335885500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11285048

Are they really going to make loli illegal in Japan.

Does this include middle school age characters?

>> No.11285050


BASED MADOKA! Not just dubs but trips

>> No.11285066

Too bad it wasn't Cirno.

>> No.11285073


I did that intentional because I like Madoka and Cirno is shit.

>> No.11285092


>> No.11285103

If I fuck a sexbot am I not a virgin?

>> No.11285129 [DELETED] 


>> No.11285133

You know who's really responsible for this right?

>> No.11285134


>> No.11285147


>> No.11285151

Uh oh!

>> No.11285167

>this thing is sitll upp


>> No.11285190
File: 6 KB, 217x216, manson1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like it's not much fun for the kids their crazy bum parents/relatives are pimping to west-germans, british rockstars on yachts, etc. whatever

pic related

>> No.11285392

I was born this way.

>> No.11285584

>sounds like it's not much fun for the kids their crazy bum parents/relatives are pimping to west-germans, british rockstars on yachts, etc. whatever

If you check my links, they both refer to banning adult on adult sex acts.

>> No.11285743

Why are lolis so nice, /jp/?

>> No.11285749

It makes sense. Do you want dangerous STDs to be spread?

>> No.11285775

They are nice to you because they know you are an adult therefore you are stronger than them but they are as evil as adults when it comes to other kids.

>> No.11285781

What if they're not nice to me?

>> No.11285792

You must show them who's the boss, don't be a weakling. Once they know you are in charge, you treat them nice.

>> No.11285803

I don't want to do that, it's horrible. What if they're nice to me like 65% of the time?

>> No.11285819

How are they the 35% of the time?

>> No.11285829

Less than ideal, doing annoying things I don't like being done to me, like farting on me, blowing in my ears, pinching me, and blowing raspberries in my face so their spit gets all over me.

>> No.11285833

I'd love a loli doing those silly things to me. But if you really want them to stop you can just ignore them when they do that, they're just doing those things to get a reaction from you.

>> No.11285880

I don't mind anything other than the farting. It's gross. They laugh the hardest when they do that, too.

>> No.11285886

I don't have a farting fetish but god would I love a loli farting besides me and laughing about it.

>> No.11285896

When I mean fart on me, I mean she literally puts her butt on me and farts. You can feel it. I don't even want to describe it any more than that.

>> No.11285902

Woah, a loli is putting her butt on you and you are complaining?

>> No.11285906

As someone who doesn't enjoy farts of course I'm complaining.

>> No.11285910

You can just stop breathing for a couple of seconds and enjoy that loli's butt.

>> No.11285930

That was a fantastic article, one that everyone who proclaims themselves to believe in the necessity of science should read.

>> No.11285948

/jp/ did.

It is a neverending time paradox.

>> No.11285992

It's a good, but predictable article. This rejection of anything that goes against societal norms, even hard evidence, has occurred all throughout human history.

>> No.11286197

Loli is justice

>> No.11286524

Loli thread in /a/ : spam moar loli pics
Loli thread in /jp/ : loli = pedo debate, you're a sick fuck, etc.

>> No.11286529

Sexy children

>> No.11286538

1. gb2>>>/a/
2. loli threads like this are just the same guy who trolls for pedo/anti pedo arguments and doesn't even care about loli images at all.

>> No.11286541

>When I was 9-12 I used to constantly molest girls of my own age.
Lucky bastard.
Meanwhile I was molested by older girls.

>> No.11286561

It's not possible to be attracted to females but not males. You're not gay only because you can't get a hot man.

>> No.11286571

> "It is the ever-present danger of being accused of pedophilia which makes the research so dangerous and debilitating that few individuals are able to risk it"

Science is fucking edgy.

>> No.11286577

>17 year olds
>Little girls don't masturbate.
Oh, /jp/, you're so pure.
It good that you're her, real world would be too harsh for you.

>> No.11286599

That's an awfully bad allegory. It actually makes sense, which is counterproductive if you want to demonstrate that what the other person said does not.

What's worse, it's negating the point that you yourself should be making - pointing out how awful and repulsive real children are and how distinctly different and better the drawings are in comparison

>> No.11286604

It's been inside man since the dawn of it's own kind, /jp/ only let these repressed feelings free.

>> No.11286621
File: 639 KB, 850x639, b944bd22d17a0ec2c49c5b73492de4c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't sexualize the lolis!

>> No.11286660

There's nothing edgy about that. It may be sad, but it's the truth.

>> No.11286759

>You'll be arrested immediately when you get back in your home country.
How would they even know in the first place?

>> No.11286916

Not sure, it just happens.

>> No.11287063

Loli thread in /a/ : loli = pedo debate, you're a sick fuck, etc.
Loli thread in /jp/ : loli = pedo debate, you're a sick fuck, etc.

>> No.11287104

pretty much goes the same way on /g/

>> No.11287184
File: 40 KB, 371x364, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute or not?

>> No.11287188


>> No.11287192
File: 94 KB, 333x589, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about now?

>> No.11287194


>> No.11287197

I'm not a lolicon really. I find 2D little girls cute, but I don't fawn over them like some /jp/s do.

>> No.11287199
File: 145 KB, 228x329, 1368519213137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this should be it.
How about now?

>> No.11287201


>> No.11287202


Homosexuality is gained.

>> No.11287203


>> No.11287206

pedophile detected

>> No.11287214

das it mane

>> No.11287218

Its the same logic. 2D and 3D lolis are both children. Males and females are both human.

The fun fact is that slippery slopes don't always work the way you want them to. To try to argue against it while arguing for it is contradictory.

Just because I love incest doesn't mean I want to fuck my sister.

>> No.11287233

Where can I find a video of thsi girl even more?

>> No.11287242


>> No.11287247

I just want to see the cure ar toonelly...

>> No.11287246

>Its the same logic. 2D and 3D lolis are both children.

No. Children are made of carbon, water, protein, assorted other things, and trace elements.

Equating the two makes you insane.

>> No.11287253

2D and 3D loli are both imperfect projections of the ideal of having sex with children

>> No.11287289

Who gives a shitttttt

>> No.11287303

Anyone actually remembers the first instance of loli that attracted you to all this? I can't remember the first loli doujin or picture I saw. Maybe it was Life is Peachy, but that doesn't seem old enough.

>> No.11287307

I dont remember either, I never saw a problem with it even when I was fapping to anime doujins in middle school.
It was just cartoons, who gives a fuck.

>> No.11287521

Exactly. I was arguing that the idea 2D and 3D loli being the same was stupid and at the same time the line between male and female being irrelevant to the current discussion was hypocritical.

The samefag that keeps stating "loving 2D loli but not 3D loli is impossible" is an idiot who probably took a psychology course and thinks he's the next Freud.

>> No.11287535

What if I'm a pedosexual that likes 2D loli more.

>> No.11287549

The idea is that you CAN like both but they are not necessarily mutually inclusive. He was arguing that you CANNOT love one and not the other.

>> No.11287552

Well, yeah, I know.
I just wanted to throw that out there.

>> No.11287607

You're still a pedophile even if you pretend you only like 2D, /a/.

>> No.11288384

Attraction: Okay
Rape, drugging, murder: Not okay
Age doesn't matter. These are the guidelines. The only issue is the definition of "rape" and "consent"

>> No.11288402

Isn't this common sense?

>> No.11288496

apparently not

>> No.11289001

Lolis are disgusting anyway. Underdeveloped and weak bodies are a turn off, as are overdeveloped and fat cowtits

>> No.11289205

Well, that's just your opinion man.

>> No.11289230
File: 199 KB, 1140x1140, 12000925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11289240

We can't help it, we have to make kuso threads.

>> No.11289434

>[324 replies] [23 images]

>> No.11289440

>[325 replies] [23 images]

>> No.11289449

this thread is already dead

>> No.11289483

Someone will make a new loli thread someday.

>> No.11290577

Can't wait for more autistic pedo discussing.

>> No.11290830

Godspeed anon.

>> No.11290830,1 [INTERNAL] 

feel when found out there are vids of stuff like that on youtube made by norms and laughed at by norms. what the fuck man.

>> No.11290830,2 [INTERNAL] 

what are there really
can i see

>> No.11290830,3 [INTERNAL] 

