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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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112094 No.112094 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/ what do you find so comforting about Misaki? She's not only got social problems of her own, but it turns out that in the end she's a psychotic bitch. So again /jp/ why do you like her? (pic may be related)

>> No.112107

Because she's more screwed up than us.

>> No.112122

So even though if you met someone potentially like her (Deretsun, if that's possible. Scratch that she's practically yandere by the end of the mango) you'd still love her, even though she could possibly pull a "Misaki" if you will?

>> No.112152


>> No.112167

Anon takes what he can get.

>> No.112182

I've had relationships with psychos like her. VERY BAD! No sex, no privacy, you can't even masturbate.

>> No.112187

Everyone has their flaws...

>> No.112199

Believe what? That someone will love you for being more of a loser than them? That should you ever become more successful than them, they would spite and leave you?

Really guys, this question has intrigued me for the longest time, you have great ideas and advice on how to ask women out, how to get a job, how to be a good guy, yet you don't take your own advice. If you only did that, this board would be more empty or less regularly visited because you have a life, a job, a girlfriend, and hopefully happiness. I can understand social disorders, they are very, very real and some people have to fight with themselves to go to the grocery/convient store for food, to talk on the phone to someone for a simple pizza, I get that anon, but many of you realize your situation and know how to get out of it. So why don't you do it? Misaki isn't going to come knocking on your door to make you unhikki-ish, you're going to have to go out and find her to make her a reality.

>> No.112207

A wise man once said "Don wanna."

>> No.112214


I'm set in my ways. I'll be dead soon anyway, I have an incurable disease.

>> No.112230

We'll just make a fantasy image of her when we first meet her. (or begin stalking her)

In the fantasy image, she'll be the one person who truly cares/understands us, she'll be nice, she'll be happy and great. Then, as we get to know her better, and discover her emotional problems, we do our best to ignore that.

"Oh, that's just her quirks."

"Oh, that's just because of [special circumstances that will never ever come up again]"

"Oh, that's just a phase, it'll go away."

No matter what emotional flaws come up, we'll ignore them or pretend that they're much smaller than they really am.

We just want to believe that the fantasy image is correct.

>> No.112235

I started fappan to 2d about seven years ago, I've come to the point where I am no longer attracted to real women. I've become very apathetic over the years and now I spend all my spare time watching anime and playing visual novels. I have no goals nor feel the need to fit in with regular society and I like it that way.

>> No.112238
File: 91 KB, 456x683, 1204347710951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and as an update for those who care, my own relationship with my brother is good, we're in charge of taking care of our younger brothers for the next couple of weekends, during which we're going to see an exhibit at the art museum together. He's also agreed to a new "Exercise Regime" where we go to the gym every week (for now) except when he can't. Sorry if you were expecting more; thanks for all of the advice as well, it was greatly appreciated. I really wanted to ask this question first before I gave any updates. Here's the corresponding "No No Big Brother" sticker.

>> No.112249

Hikkikomori have all the time they need to contemplate such matters and are experts in the theoretical. However, we're all too afraid and/or apathetic to translate that into action and take risks. Sure I know that to get the girl I have to man up and talk to her, but how can I force myself if I have no desire to take such action? We only desire such companionship looking back because we can never live in the moment. We are caged by our dreams, where there is no present, only the past and future.

>> No.112252

Left alone, her emotional problems will continue to grow until they consume your life and crush you like a bug. By then it will be too late and the fantasy will not protect you.

>> No.112257

>to talk on the phone to someone for a simple pizza

I can't even phone order pizza, I have to order it online ;_;

>> No.112259

That really is the question isn't it... I can't speak for anon-kind but I'll cite apathy as the main cause

>> No.112266

Hey, you're that guys sister, did you start anything with your brother, put your project into action?

>> No.112267


>> No.112282

Don't worry anon, once you crawl out of your pit of self-despair, you'll appreciate all of the human contact you can get. I think this is also one of the things you should try, that is, try identifying what it is about the outside world that scares you and overcome it, it truly is a first step to getting out of the house and letting your pale skin get some sunlight rather than having it glow in moonlight.

>> No.112279

You will wait your entire life, waiting for the day you start living those dreams, waiting until you die.

>> No.112290

damn, that was one of the most succinct yet insightful posts I've seen on 4chan

>> No.112289

Afraid they are going to yell at your or something?

>> No.112293

Some of us don't have sisters, much less sisters who are like Misaki. So we'll be forever lonely. Your brother hit the jackpot in having an imouto as sweet as you.

Lucky bastard.

>> No.112295

I'm scared I will catch fire in sunlight.

>> No.112296


>> No.112298

Get him Liberty Medical testing supplies! Stat!

>> No.112307


I have a pic of that scene from Kaiji that explains everything, but it's not on this computer. Basically, our lives are one endless circle of provarication. Also, a lot of us have so much else to worry about (university at least for me, I'm expected to get a first) that relationships take a back seat.

>> No.112313


>> No.112317

Yes, I talked with over the phone and he'll be coming over this weekend to help me with our younger siblings. Like I said we've started part one of the "Exercise Regime" and we're going to try and go to our local gym once a week. We have a semi-date thing planned for either next weekend or the week after at the art museum nearby. Truth be told, I'm actually pretty excited (it's my first real date-type thing as well) and I really hope the exhibit is good and we can start exercising more regularly and we'll both be healthy as well as building a relationship.

>> No.112321


"The real me is asleep, that's why my life is such garbage"


>> No.112322

And perhaps it never will.

>> No.112343

Just go ahead and ask him to go out to a romantic dinner already.

>> No.112358

Ah yes, Kaiji is very deep and has some truly insightful things, it's my deepest wish that it is eventually licensed and brought here (along with Akagi) just because it really does have such profound messages.
Thank you for such a serious and inspiring answer to my question, I didn't actually expect one from you guys but I forget this is /jp/ and not /a/ as well as nighttime and not daytime. Again, thank you for your answer.

>> No.112363

See now this man knows what I'm talking about.

>> No.112401

Are we *actually* going to die alone anonymous?

I'm being serious now, I want to die with someone. I can't see the point of living in civilization anymore if there is no one to love, all those corny romance songs, all those romcom movies, all those allusions in television programmes (latest episode of lost for example) to love itself.

If I'm going to die alone I'd rather die truly alone, in some faraway country working as a peasant or something.

>> No.112425

Oh dear I seem to have used "and" a lot. I'm sorry for the poor sentence structure it's somewhat late and I really must be off to bed soon. As of now, thank you for the answers, truth be told I didn't really expect anything of them and you have all pleasantly surprised me, thank you.

To all, please pick yourselves up and move forward, remember "life is only as good as you, yourself make it" so if you really dislike your life please try as hard as possible to make it better into something you don't mind living, even if it is just a cycle of destruction, try and make it more bearable rather than just repeating to /jp/ how "ronery" you are. Please try your hardest /jp/, I've found that all, or at least most of you, are very, very kind and polite and wonderful people, just show that to all of the world and I'm sure you can make something out of the nothing you may feel you have and even then you always have something. Get a personal motto and stick to it, if you need some inspiration, mine is, "There's no stopping what will happen, just accept it and continue on, just let it be". As always, good luck in all of the endeavors you may partake in good people of /jp/ and may our paths cross someday in kind circumstances. Good night/good morning/good day /jp/ and have a wonderful day today/tomorrow/later (depending on your timezone, I don't want any to feel excluded)

>> No.112444


>> No.112451


Thanks. But it won't help us I don't think, we need to hit rock bottom before we start climbing again. Oh, and remember to give us regular updates. I foresee you as a regular fixture of /jp/, you're so nice.

>> No.112492

I just got the idea "What if this tripfriend is actually a fictional character, and is actually an anon thats even more ronery than I am?"

I laughed, then I realized that there was a chance it is actually true. If it is true, then is one of the most sad and ronery things I've seen in a long time.

...and there's no way to tell if it's true or not.



>> No.112494

"In the life of a man, his time is but a moment, his being an incessant flux, his senses a dim rushlight, his body a prey of worms, his soul an unquiet eddy, his fortune dark and his fame doubtful. In short, all that is of the body is as coursing waters, all that is of the soul as dreams and vapors; life a warfare, a brief sojourning in an alien land; and after repute, oblivion."
~ Marcus Aurelius

>> No.112503

Ah, no problem I'll continue to update regularly but you should at least try to begin your climb before you hit the bottom, it's easier once your path begins to level out and things get more stable. Also, thank you so much for the nice comment, I don't think I'm being particularly nice, not as nice as all of you have been anyways. So again, thank you all and I'll be proceeding to bed now (no stayin' up all night for me), good night (in my timezone, good day/good morning in yours possibly)

>> No.112506

why is misaki such a crazy bitch anyway?

>> No.112508


I've poured over Marcus' 'meditations' time and time again, believe me, no matter how hard you look, there's no real philosophical justification for an entire life of solitude.

>> No.112523

Please don't cry out anon, buck up and march on! One day I may post pictures but I wouldn't be able to post my face as that would be camera whoring, correct? Please, please don't cry anon, if...if it makes you feel better, there's always, always, always someone worse off than you.

>> No.112544

Please don't ever post pictures. Doing so would violate the myth, and ground you in reality. It doesn't matter whether or not you're really a girl, or have a brother, or whatever else. What matters is that you're here for us.

>> No.112553

i wish to be the little girl.
why i am not the little girl?

>> No.112556


Seconding this. I may be quite drunk, but don't leave us. I know that sounds pathetic... damn...

>> No.112561

I don't know anon ;_;

>> No.112562

Misaki is a female that is interested in my life. No real female would be.

>> No.112565

Thank you anon...I think. I can only do as much as I think I can and that'll be everything I have in my power to do. Even if I can't help you, just you posting and answering my own questions will really make me feel as though I was able to at least help one person. Thank you for letting me do this anon, even if it is for my own personal desires and such, I really do appreciate being appreciated in this sort of manner, it gives me the "warm fuzzies" so-to-speak. Thank you anon.

>> No.112581

Oh and in every walk of your life, as long as it is semi-legal, I hope you know I'll be hoping and wishing, and cheering you on to do your best. Don't worry anon, even if you think you have no one else, I hope you'll know that I'll be there for you.

>> No.112593

Could we have just one pic to prove you are a girl, or just something to prove you are a girl? I mean, there's just this lingering doubt at the back of my mind.

>> No.112598

I may post the day after tomorrow (I'll be busy tomorrow) and I'll only link to it, I won't actually post the picture here. Please understand why anon, you all seem like that type of person (those type of people) anyways so I'm sure there won't be a problem.

>> No.112604

in b4 pictures of a boy wearing girls clothing.

>> No.112608

>Please understand why anon


>> No.112615

Well for the consideration of others first of all, several mentioned not to post pictures. Also for my own peace of mind and safety, several people I know I'm pretty sure are 4channers themselves and may browse /jp/ I'm not actually sure. I'm sure you're also the type that would not want their picture posted all over the web.

>> No.112617

Her persona loses its mystique without that lingering doubt. Please, just let this be.

>> No.112626

wouldn't someone just save the picture and, you know, repost it?

>> No.112629

ok, thats fine.

but you are actually a girl right, with an onii-chan? please dont be lying...

>> No.112634


>> No.112646

Yes, yes I promise I really do have a big brother, that (in my opinion) would be a stupid thing to lie on the internet about

>> No.112660

/jp/ and /a/ has never seen a girl. Thus they take everything they can get.

>> No.112669

>I'm sorry for the poor sentence structure

u do no tht this is 4ch rite?

>> No.112687
File: 62 KB, 951x1400, 1204351971175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Welcome to the NHK.

What exactly happened in the end?

>> No.112698

>...if it makes you feel better, there's always, always, always someone worse off than you.

If there is only one lesson the internet can teach it is this.

>> No.112699

They're still working on that eroge.

>> No.112701

I've moved from being a hikki and became.... I don't even know. I don't care if I ever meet anyone. I don't care if I die alone without ever going on a date. I don't care if I have a wonderful wife and great children. I just want to get my degree and become an astrophysicist and unlock the secrets of the universe, since I find that to be infinitely more satisfying than women.

And don't post pictures, that's just stupid. If I think you're a woman, then you're a woman. Don't kill our fantasies.

>> No.112706


But he said he fell in love with Misaki at the end. What happened to her? I'm not really one for the whole 2d thing, but I think I fell in love with her after reading this manga.

>> No.112716

Could you just describe yourself then?

>> No.112725

I love how this topic has turned from a serous ronery topic with advice to TITS OR GTFO

>> No.112732


It hasn't....

>> No.112737
File: 8 KB, 290x175, 1204352695135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.112742


No, it hasn't. At all. Maybe that's why you guys can't get women, you can't think of them as more than objects.

>> No.112758

In 4chan, the power rests with anyone able to construct complete sentences.

Do you know what that means? DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS?

>> No.112759

All the people I've known that truly thought of women as objects got laid quite frequently.

>> No.112766
File: 5 KB, 200x156, 1204353470363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means nobody will bother trying to finiALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD

>> No.112782

Just getting laid is no big deal. If that's all you get, though, you're still arone.

>> No.112798

>no big deal
You must be forgetting where we are right now.

>> No.112839

sage for attention whoring

>> No.113054
File: 959 KB, 1280x803, 1204357265747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who listens to this slut?

>> No.113054,1 [INTERNAL] 

When ronery was beautiful.

>> No.113054,2 [INTERNAL] 

I had thought about looking for one of these threads with Misaki's posts, because this was back when I thought /jp/ was good.

Look at it, only at the very end (>>112839, >>113054) did people show any negative reaction to what was presumed to be a female tripfriend. And "attention whoring" isn't even a gender-specific insult.

I'm still a bit disappointed that Misaki disappeared shortly thereafter. Can only hope that everything went well.

And good lord, "anonymous of athens"!? I did not remember his existence at all, probably because it was before he started on the path to notoriety.

At any rate, thanks for bringing this thread up again and making me feel nostalgic. I'm sure that a newcomer looking at this would declare it to be garbage (/r9k/ + /a/ and whatnot) and believe I'm foolish for thinking /jp/ was good in the past, but as I always said, what made /jp/ good was not necessarily the content, but our attitude.

When people stopped tolerating things and started trying to enforce majority rules about what was acceptable, our board quality began to decline.

>> No.113054,3 [INTERNAL] 

Ronery was never beautiful.

Though you are correct, these threads got considerably worst once some misogynist Anons started turning them into anti-women threads. Ronery was never about interactions with the opposite sex, it was originally about otakus' lack of human contact. Ronery back on old /a/ meant you pissed in bottles, hadn't left your house in 2 or more years, and told your mom to leave breakfast/dinner at the door. If you were in college you couldn't be considered as ronery as someone that stayed in their rooms all day.

Also, get back to /adv/. http://boards.4chan.org/adv

>> No.113054,4 [INTERNAL] 

I giggled.

Ronery threads are and always have been loathsome shit. Pity party /blog/fests, not so good. People who partake in ronery threads are no better than angst ridden seventeen year old kids that write depressing poetry and listen to The Used.

>> No.113054,5 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not disagreeing. I ignored most "ronery" threads. And I would never participate in one, since I was already disqualified (had a girlfriend for period of time about 5 years ago).

The reason I bothered with this thread was because the Misaki tripfriend first surfaced on an incest thread, which was what I was mainly interested in back on old-/a/ and followed over to /jp/.

>> No.113054,6 [INTERNAL] 

You're so cool and jaded! The fact that you're posting on here proves that you're probably an otaku, and therefore just as pathetic.

>> No.113054,7 [INTERNAL] 

You don't see me bitching and moaning about my life, do you? People who post in ronery threads are the most revolting and annoying of weeaboos.

>> No.113054,8 [INTERNAL] 

I always saw these threads as ones intended for self-reflection. That's how they were mainly used anyways (such as in this thread).

So I guess they were blog threads more than anything else. But because of these things it was revealed that the vast majority of 4chan users were socially retarded in some way. And thus the "ronery" label came into use.

>> No.113054,9 [INTERNAL] 

I saw ronery threads as repetitive bawfest that never served anything, other than shitting up our boards with meta. They were just gatherings of wannabe hikikomoris that were unsure of their lives. No matter how much advice was given to them, they were always too lazy to do anything to change their lives.

>> No.113054,10 [INTERNAL] 

Ronery threads were never about the advice. They were about like-minded people coming together and sharing their experiences, thereby fostering a sort of camaraderie and brotherhood.

From an outsider/normalfag's perspective, those threads might have seemed like incessant whining, but to participants, it was a form of therapy. Posting in a place where they would get their voices heard by peers with common experiences; that is something unique that 4chan and Anonymous online boards offer that not even professional therapy offers.

>> No.113054,11 [INTERNAL] 

>Ronery threads were never about the advice.
Tell that to the wannabe internet Freuds/personal trainers like >>113054,9. Granted, now mootynks has to deal with one of the thing he hates most again on /a/ thanks to these faggots but still.

>> No.113054,12 [INTERNAL] 

The problems I always saw with ronery threads were people convinced (a) all women are whores and useless (b) there is no one that could ever like me (c) people with standards in companionship way above where they even are as a human being (d) self hate.

If you don't overcome those personal problems you are out of luck.

>> No.113054,13 [INTERNAL] 

>>Ronery threads were never about the advice. They were about like-minded people coming together and sharing their experiences

Pretty much. Most people didn't want or ask for advice anyways, because they knew exactly why they were failures.

And it was people sharing their experiences and going "here's what I did wrong; don't repeat my mistakes" so I never saw these types of threads in a bad light or anything.

>> No.113054,14 [INTERNAL] 

>>113054,10 but to participants, it was a form of therapy.
>>113054,13 And it was people sharing their experiences and going "here's what I did wrong; don't repeat my mistakes"
How is that not advice?

I'm the type of person that gets annoyed by template threads. All threads should be original - no exceptions. I felt nothing original from ronery threads; just constant (repetitive) whining about how pathetic people thought their lives were. In my opinion you're not a true otaku if you regret your life and/or want to change your lifestyle. I'm proud of my preference of 2D.

>Ronery threads were never about the advice.
This is wrong for a number of reasons. One reason would be, ronery threads changed over the years. Many 2008 tripfriends don't know this but the term ronery started out as a pejorative towards Asians that embraced the more extreme aspects of the otaku lifestyle. The term ronery started out with the following 3 images:



It was only a few months later that ronery started to be considered a status symbol on /a/. Which led to the advent of this image:

And just as the term changed over time, so did its topics. Ronery thread topics went from:
-Look at how pathetic these Japs are.
-I'm so ronery.
-Women are sluts xD

But I wouldn't expect shitty 2008 tripfriends to know this, not that I'm referring to you guys or anything. This is not to say I've never participated in ronery circlejerks. I just lost interest in them once the term started to get abused by normalfriends and poser hikikomoris. Many people that claim to be ronery don't know what true loneliness means, nor do they know how to embrace it.

>> No.113054,15 [INTERNAL] 

Way to contradict yourself and just be an elitist jackass in general, bro. We all know where ronery comes from.

>> No.113054,16 [INTERNAL] 

>>113054,15 Way to contradict yourself
What the hell are you going on about?

>> No.113054,17 [INTERNAL] 

Stop overestimating the intelligence of ghost/jp/ users.

>> No.113054,18 [INTERNAL] 

Cant debunk my argument, so you resort to ignorance.


>> No.113054,19 [INTERNAL] 

What argument? Most of your post is just a history lesson no one asked for/everyone here knew. You aren't making any point. Seriously, go reread your post:

>This is wrong for a number of reasons. One reason would be, ronery threads changed over the years. Many 2008 tripfriends don't know this but the term ronery started out as a pejorative towards Asians that embraced the more extreme aspects of the otaku lifestyle. The term ronery started out with the following 3 images

This doesn't prove in any way that
>>Ronery threads were never about the advice.
is wrong.

>> No.113054,20 [INTERNAL] 

>>113054,19 This doesn't prove in any way that
Well maybe if you actually payed attention to what I was trying to imply, you wouldn't have wasted your time with that irrelevant post.

I was saying that ronery cant be considered one thing; as stated in my post, it was many things. Fact: ronery threads at one point became advice. And I have hundreds of threads to prove this. Want me to show them to you?

>> No.113054,21 [INTERNAL] 

You go from "Ronery is for fags, true otaku are content with 2D and all the threads were the same anyway" to "I participated in ronery threads and ronery is an amorphous concept that is ever changing." That's called contradicting yourself. Anyway, I'd like to see a pre 2009 thread in which normalfriends giving advice were not chased out, because until recently, ronery threads were mostly about solidarity among similar people. I guess in that context advice still existed, but it was about coping with it, which isn't what I think you're implying.

>> No.113054,22 [INTERNAL] 

>"Ronery is for fags,
Tis the truth, depending on the context/time the word was used.

>true otaku are content with 2D and all the threads were the same anyway"
If you question your hobbies, it can hardly be considered a hobby, now can it?

>to "I participated in ronery threads and ronery is an amorphous concept that is ever changing."
If only to boast my powerlevel. Unlike some Anons, I've never really been ashamed of my lifestyle.

>I'd like to see a pre 2009 thread in which normalfriends giving advice were not chased out, because until recently,
Here's a pre-2009 quote [>>1353093], [>>1352806] proving that ronery threads went to shit, long before 2009. To think, this quote appeared in my first scan of the archive. I rest my case.

>> No.113054,23 [INTERNAL] 

>Ronery threads were never about the advice.

ZUN!bar giving advice >>1627782 of how to cure ronery. You guys are so easy. wwwwwwwwwwwwww
