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11262410 No.11262410 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ know any similiar music to ZUN?

>> No.11262415


>> No.11262413


>> No.11262416

Zuntata. Be careful though, it's obvious he ripped off a lot of their music, so you might be disappointed.


>> No.11262440

Did ZUN ever made any original music in his life?

>> No.11262493


>> No.11262561

Yes, every song ever made is an arrangement of another song. Makes total sense.

>> No.11262574

as an infinit number of primes exists there exists an infinit number of melodies

>> No.11263683


>> No.11265409

You know there is a finite limit to the amount of unique permutations that can be created with a limited set of configurations.

Something doesn't have to be a derivative to be exactly the same as something else. That would be like saying every opening move with the pawn in chess is a derivative of an original move with the pawn.

Or in that video they could have shown statues with more exotic features such as an elephant head, multiple arms, or stretched in an inhuman way. Instead they "proved the point" by only showing statues configured in natural human positions.

>> No.11265413

Go to a circus or a fairground, they play zun like stuff there.
I dunno what they call it, carnival music?

>> No.11265466

>Something doesn't have to be a derivative to be exactly the same as something else. That would be like saying every opening move with the pawn in chess is a derivative of an original move with the pawn.

One time I read an article on the mathematical foundations of music, and how lots of cultures came up with the same systems independently of each other. That is, they all derived the same basics separately, like some scientists did in their fields.

But ZUN is fully aware of Beethoven and Zuntata, so it's really down to your opinion where "inspiration" ends and "ripping off" begins.

>> No.11265609

Yeah it's pretty mathematical and has to do with proportions and stuff. I don't think programmers need to credit Turing, Goedel, Church, Von Neumann, Knuth, McCarthy or any others for each app they make. As we advance the basic building blocks change and we adapt to the influences from our environment.

It's just this weird autistic tendency that a lot of not very smart people have been pushing over the last few decades to define things in rigid "all or nothing" terms. So for originality it means that unless you pull something magical and totally new out of your ass you're just a copy cat.

It doesn't matter if ZUN copied Beethoven. Nobody except ZUN had the originality to come up with and implement the idea to accompany stuff like Beethoven with a million midi trumpets and snares.

>> No.11265907

ZUN had composed so many songs (about 100 approximately) that some of it are heavily influenced unconsciously or you may say stolen from others. But the thing is, he turned the mediocre songs into themes that are more canorous, in my opinion.

>> No.11265961

>unless you pull something magical and totally new out of your ass

B-But then you're pretentious!

>> No.11265973

I think my favourite creative works are ones that are pretty basic or direct derivatives, but with a twist. Nothing gimmicky like a twist ending, but just something that puts a new spin on the story. For example, the different interpretations of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (even if it's overdone) or generic genre stories with a shift in tone (like Madoka).

One time I read a comic book that took the King Arthur mythos and placed it in the Wild West. It was pretty awesome. I forget what it was called, maybe Calibre.

>> No.11266011

ITT non musicians talking about music

>> No.11266015

Like Turok?

>> No.11266065

Shaking a rattle as a baby already makes you a musician. Nice itt-meme by the way!

>> No.11267789

No it doesn't.

A small understanding of music theory as well as proficiency in at least one instrument would make you an extremely novice musician. Shaking a rattle would not. That's like saying that putting a bandaid on somebody makes you a doctor.

>> No.11267798

I love these. My favorites are "Europe, but not" and Shinto mythology redone.

>> No.11272031

Why is ZUN so ugly?

>> No.11272041

He's allowed to be ugly because he can do something people like.

Meanwhile you're ugly with no redeemable features.

>> No.11274704
File: 13 KB, 220x362, 220px-Rattle-mexico_hg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shaking a rattle would not

>> No.11279554

anon to the rescue!

>> No.11279559


He looks like a respectable guy and the type of person you'd expect to have a wife, 2 kids and a home.
Fuck off back to your traps and anime.

>> No.11279584

He's not bad looking, I would take him to dinner and talk bullets with him.

>> No.11279594
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the nearest burn treatment facility is that-a-way

>> No.11279875
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>> No.11279919
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>> No.11279933

that was fucking stupid

>> No.11280036 [SPOILER] 
File: 171 KB, 850x1105, cirno anal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11280470

how did zun copy beethoven? links?
