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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11276541 No.11276541 [Reply] [Original]

What Western films are popular or have a niche/otaku following in Japan? I know Star Trek is pretty big there, and some dubs of Western films are pretty cool:

>> No.11276546

Bitches love disney, yo

>> No.11276545
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The same ones that are popular or have niche/otaku following in the West.

>> No.11276555

How is Disney seen in Japan, anyway?

The classic films are better animated than Japanimation, at least.

>> No.11276559 [DELETED] 
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Truth. If you want to bang japs talk Disney.

>> No.11276563

star shit is not big in japan.

delete this awful thread

haha no.

>> No.11276569

>haha no.

Come on. I love Japanese animation as much as the next guy, but you'd have to be a fool to say the classic Disney films aren't some of the best-animated works out there. Even /m/ agrees, and they're a bunch of weeaboos.

>> No.11276575


Fuck off, weeb

>> No.11276578

The Japanese still draw animation on-threes.

Crazy weeaboos, Western animation is not Family Guy.

>> No.11276580
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Classic Disney is art. It's not a fair comparison.

>> No.11276581


>> No.11276585

America, 1941:

Japan, 2013:
[Insert your favorite anime here, you've already lost]

>> No.11276779


>smooth animation = good animation

that was extremely boring

>> No.11276836

It's not just smooth animation like your RETAS computer-tweened Japanese animation shit is, nerd. In fact, that was rotoscoped, back when rotoscoping was fresh and done well (Fleischer actually invented it).

Too many people think pixel-perfect motion tweening is "good animation", as though copy-pasting the same pixels in frame 156 into frame 187 makes it more on-model and therefore better than those wacky Mickey Mouse animations where every frame was elastic and different.
Those people are wrong. Fuck those people. They've killed animation.

>> No.11277027

you know you're a weeb when you start watching western movies dubbed in japanese

>> No.11277031

I'm never sure whether you people are actually serious about this or not.

>> No.11277043

It makes me wonder what they think of Kill Bill

>> No.11277055

Gaijin-kun saves the day.

>> No.11277068
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well Sonny Chiba and Chiaki Kuriyama was in that shit

>> No.11277069 [DELETED] 
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Japs love Kill Bill.

>> No.11277074
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Even with the chinese version of Gran Torino?

>> No.11277100
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>> No.11277115

danny choo dressed as a storm trooper once

>> No.11277164
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>> No.11277181


That's incredible. The museum robbery scene was especially impressive.

>> No.11277188

It's good Japanese practice.

>> No.11277201
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Someday, I would like to see a meeting between a western cultural enthusiast, and an eastern cultural enthusiast. The symmetry would be beautiful.

>> No.11277209
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>> No.11277221
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There's also that artbook of Gainax artists doing western works.

>> No.11277258
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nippon love usa

>> No.11277266

Why does germany hate the us?
I thought they were neutered of their imperialistic desires.

>> No.11277279

You would hate the USA too if they stabbed you in the back because of Jews in WW1.

>> No.11277285

And why does russia like USA?
And why does the nigerian prince love USA?

>> No.11277284
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Whelp, it could have been a fun thread.

>> No.11277399

Because germany is the anti-patriotism country. A lot of amerifriends act like it's an achievment that they happen to be born there, which can be annoying to normal people.

>> No.11277412


Why do Lithuania, Itay, France, and South Korea have such a high opinion of us, I wonder? Japan doesn't really surprise me.

>> No.11277462

Weird. I was under the impression that South Korea hated us. Looks like Lithuania and Italy like us a lot too.

>> No.11277541

Chiaki Kuriyama played the same character she played in Battle Royale.

I can't decide whether that was creative genius or total laziness on Tarantino-sama's part.

>> No.11277548

Pre-Gainax, they did the OP animation(s) that referenced a lot of Western works.

It makes me realize how stupid the Japan/West divide is. We both have a ton of cool SF and pop culture shit. Favouring one over the other is stupid, in either direction. The Japanese have made some damn good monster movies. America has produced some great sociological science fiction novels. I'm from neither country, but I respect both of them equally in this regard.

>> No.11277642


>Favouring one over the other is stupid, in either direction.

No, it's not. It's called preference, dweeb.

>> No.11277771

"Arbitrary bullshite", more like.

>> No.11277799


Myazaki is as good as Disney. The latest disney movies were shit though.

>> No.11277804

>Windsor McCay

>Any studio of any nationality
>any year

You've already lost.

>> No.11277816

You do realize that a lot if not all the recent "western" animes like ben 10 or any dc or marvel shit are animated by mostly japanese, right ?

>> No.11277822

You mean Koreans

>> No.11277820

That's not how you spell korea.

>> No.11277846


They mostly have nip name in the generics. There are also a ton of korean though. It depends on the anime I suppose.

>> No.11278026
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>> No.11278032

Its seen as the inspiration of manga and anime. Also they love that fucking animation so much. I hate new disney so much. Another thing Japan and I disagree on in culture. Thats one thing the Japanese friends never got tired of talking about (The girls and gay ones).

>> No.11278030

Japs don't even animate their own shit anymore.

>> No.11278044 [DELETED] 
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They animate all the high budget watchable stuff. You can't blame them for pushing out other crap too.

>> No.11278087
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Oh, it's hardly only recent western animation.

Frosty the Snowman, too.

>> No.11278094

No it isn't. Not Disney.

>> No.11278098

I like to think of Disney as solely Pixar animations nowadays.

>> No.11278116

i cant stand how awful the acting is!!! it's like theres no emotion at all!

>> No.11278118

oh i see. i hear that big island is called corea or something stupid like that now

>> No.11278125

This, all the time on the anime end titles you can see tons of Korean, Vietnamese and even Filipino names.

>> No.11278126

They should used Norio to dub Vader.

He dubs Lando (my favorite alien) IIRC.

>> No.11278135 [DELETED] 
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Janny please stop bullying me.

>> No.11278139


Best comment all thread.

People need to take it easy. That Superman short was incredible, but just because it has better animation than some (lots) of anime doesn't mean that anime is shit, nor does it mean that Western animation is better. Both cultures take different looks on animation and each have their strengths and weaknesses. Both otaku and geeks can be really cool and interesting people.

Me, just like a lot here, have a preference to Japanese animation and geek culture. It's have a very profound affect in my life that western geekdom simply hasn't.

>> No.11278140

>Both otaku and geeks
...are filthy scum, like you.

>> No.11278142


Please don't bully

>> No.11278151
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Got a few pages from that artbook...

>> No.11278152


Are you finished with that soap box? Because both you and the person-you-responded-to's post were completely unnecessary.

>> No.11278157
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>> No.11278158
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>> No.11278162
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>> No.11278163

I want /co/ to go.

>> No.11278164
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>> No.11278169
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>> No.11278167
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>> No.11278217

Why are you taking pictures of a magazine? The quality of a scan is infinitely higher when you tear the bindings of the book or magazine apart

>> No.11278222

I don't own it, it's just what I could find online.

>> No.11278465

They fucking love Spiderman.

>> No.11284096

I think they love Back to the Future.

Everyone loves Back to the Future.

>> No.11284193

Marty McFly is so dreamy.

>> No.11284304

Even the ultimate best graphic novels ever made in the west are kind of shit. And the actual series are just terrible.

>> No.11284461

Theres a Jap dub on niconico with a bajillion views so i think you're right, remember watching it a year or so ago.

>> No.11284470

it's probably before the souring of relations with Russia over the past few years. Nigerian princes love us because we keep on giving them money.

>> No.11284474

Face it, Japan is East Korea

>> No.11285260

>killed animation

I agree. It's animation, and it should be animated. You're watching a cartoon/anime because it's not live action. The animations are part of the medium. When you try to go for that perfect effect you kill half of what animated media are supposed to be about; animation.

>> No.11285267

Battle Royale is actually Tarantino's favorite movie.

>> No.11285373

I think it just boils down to taste. I personally don't like the overly fluid animations that use unnecessary frames and look overly elastic. I didn't like that Superman short from earlier either (except from the fact that it was old Superman and not overpowered Superman).

So I guess I'm glad current anime is the way it is.

>> No.11285388

I read somewhere that the oldest Japanese animators cultivated a distinct style based on the fact that they were seriously poverty animators and couldn't afford to go all-out on animation like Americans so they had to rely on other stuff instead.
