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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 56 KB, 501x461, 1375574971538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11264846 No.11264846[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: worst thing to have happened to you

> have a feminist female friend
> says giving blowjobs is extremely demeaning for women
> say it's a mutual thing between lovers instead
> she gets really angry at me
> I have to apologize
> she says I have to suck off her gay male friend
> I refuse
> they threaten me and eventually beat me up
> force me to suck his cock in a stall
> keep fighting it, but end up with his cock in my mouth anyway
> they kick and spit on me and then leave me
> tfw I now have severe social anxiety and actually share some feminist views now


>> No.11264847

you essentially raped that guy

>> No.11264851

Did you enjoy it?

>> No.11264856

>enjoy /jp/ and /jp/ culture
>one day janitor decides he hates /jp/ and /jp/ culture
>he goes into a stall and sucks off all the mods one by one, then licks moots asshole
>in return they remove neet threads from the rules for him
>wonder how my fellow neets are doing every night

>> No.11264853
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>> No.11264859

I'm doing good, thanks for asking. How are you?

>> No.11264860

Just hijack some shitty Japan/General thread. He'll never know.

>> No.11264862

fuck off, nigger

>> No.11264861
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>> No.11264866

>in return they remove neet threads from the rules for him

Janny is so cool. Glad they are gone!

>wonder how my fellow neets are doing every night

Fuck em

>> No.11264870
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>> No.11264872

Had anyone here ever given a blowjob?

It's harder than you would think.

>> No.11264876

>It's harder than you would think.

that's what she said HEYOOOO!!!!

>> No.11264877

Sup, janiturd.

>> No.11264883
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>implying I am janny.


>> No.11264886

How do you know?

>> No.11264888
File: 179 KB, 797x960, 1375578244566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11264891

Try sucking on a popsicle without scraping your teeth on it.

>> No.11264896
File: 15 KB, 163x179, 1189282560470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a girlfriend in my first year of university, since I was the "smart guy" I used to swim in pussy, then after the exams everyone stopped talking to me, girls started to say I was useless and even my girlfriend NTR'd me with my best friend, I'm not kidding, I dropped the university and started to work in a small travelling agency because my parents don't send me money.

6 years has passed, I moved with my parents again, I'm not working but studying in a local college.

>> No.11264894

I've done that before, it's very easy. Does that mean I would be good at giving blowjobs?

>> No.11264897

Bad end. Should have taken the best friend route.

>> No.11264899


>> No.11264901

How big was the popsicle?

>> No.11264900

I don't understand. What happened?

>> No.11264904

Wanna practice on my cocksicle?

>> No.11264907
File: 63 KB, 640x480, ai020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you know it was from an eroge? Damn /jp/ is slowly getting back.

>> No.11264918

why are u greening on jp

>> No.11264916


>> No.11264923


>why are u greening on jp

>> No.11264924
File: 75 KB, 580x326, kiss-kara-sucking-popsicle-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11264926

Any oldfags ITT?

>> No.11264933

> have a feminist female friend
You fucking idiot OP.

>> No.11264935


got any more?

>> No.11264931


>> No.11264930

I've been on 4chan since 2010.

>> No.11264932

Is this the blog thread? I feel the need to make a blog post.

>> No.11264936

Go for it, we're all waiting!

>> No.11264940

>Go for it, we're all waiting!

>> No.11264939



>> No.11264944

Hi, /jp/. Got some questions for the bros: I go back to school tomorrow and I'm kinda nervous, what do?
Also, don't know how the hell i'm supposed to wake up early (7am) when i'm used to go to sleep at 5 am

>> No.11264947

Here you go

>> No.11264948


>> No.11264946

What country do you live in?

>> No.11264953

David, what's yours?

>> No.11264952
File: 97 KB, 383x306, shake a lil something.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tutorial may be useful.


>> No.11264951

Just stay up the whole night.

>> No.11264950

I'm not blogging about the stupid stuff I did again. I already did it in one of those /jp/ map threads.

>> No.11264955


>> No.11264958

Meant the pick, but its Richard.

>> No.11264956

tfw boyfriend never wants sex
He can go MONTHS without it
Doesnt know how good he has it having a GIRLFRIEND ffs
Normalfag bf. Hate it so much.

>> No.11264957

Nice to meet you, James!

>> No.11264963

Mine wants sex all the time.

>> No.11264964
File: 60 KB, 640x480, ai021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mix between Dominance, Memories off, Shoujo Shin'iki and Ai-chan for me.

>> No.11264960

>i have [...] friend
You deserved it.

>> No.11264961

My name is James, too.

>> No.11264962
File: 31 KB, 240x171, sadfrog bunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>short while gf (2 1/2 months)
>looks like 2hu alice
>tell her to dress up as alice for me
>she says alice is wearing stupid clothes
>tfw gf insults your waifu

>> No.11264965

muh dick

shame about the lolis and uggos

>> No.11264967

Kyaaaaa, hentai!!!!

>> No.11264978

Dude, that was hilarious, not even ironic.

>> No.11264975


>> No.11264979

I want to teach my gf to say that when we fuck.

>> No.11264986

>eat the pudding

>> No.11264991
File: 38 KB, 640x480, ai029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are nerds. Do you like kissing your gf?

>> No.11264994

Is your gf a dog!

>> No.11264995

I have a bf...

>> No.11264996

No, she's a Korean exchange student.

>> No.11264998
File: 74 KB, 600x469, 「q」と「jp」.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a oldfag i remember puddi puddi lol

>> No.11265000

Same difference??

>> No.11265003
File: 568 KB, 640x1606, kazu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I think I have 2 or 3 homosexual eroge.

>> No.11265006

Fuck off, racist.

>> No.11265010
File: 77 KB, 640x932, 1297911907946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be on internet
> 4chan
> any other board besides /jp/
> people posting stupid stuff

I love you /jp/

>> No.11265012
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>> No.11265017

Fuck off back to /v/ you insipid cunt.

>> No.11265021


>> No.11265024

that's a very rude thing to say, lout. the person you responding to oviously has a heartfelt and cheeriful message to relate but you have rebuffed him. You are the epitome of all that is wrong with the human race! When the apes take over you will be the first to be lobotomized.

>> No.11265029

Well anyway today I went to my aunt's house again and one of my cousins locked herself out of her room so I helped open the door. After that my aunt took me out to dinner and said she wanted me to 'participate' in the family more often and that she feels she's old enough to not have to deal with her kids all the time and that I should do more stuff with them.

When we got back the youngest cousin asked to draw on my hand and so I let her, and then when she was done I looked at it and didn't know what it was so I asked. She was it was a butt farting and pooping and started laughing. To be honest it looks nothing like that so I did a sarcastic laugh and she said she loved when I did that laugh and would laugh hysterically whenever I did it.

I kind of don't want to wash my hand.

>> No.11265031

nice digits but it would be better to have been FEELSTRONG who said that

>> No.11265032

>After that my aunt took me out to dinner and said she wanted me to 'participate' in the family more often
Put a baby in her, she wants the D

>> No.11265037

How old is your cousin? Warm story by the way.

>> No.11265044

One is nine and the other is seven. We were also going to the store and the seven year old wanted to come along again, but it was well past her bedtime and her mother refused to let her go.

>> No.11265047 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 679x409, A butt farting and pooping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was it was a butt farting and pooping

A bit like this then? Please excuse my art. I am still learning.

>> No.11265055

She hates you and was being sarcastic when she said she likes your laugh. She thinks you're pathetic and was drawing that on you to insult you.

You know what you have to do, Anon.

>> No.11265061
File: 160 KB, 500x500, IMG_5261-20130804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Like I said, I can kind of see a butt and poop, but still.

>> No.11265064

Holy cow! She's an artist! Can I use your story in my visual novel project?

>> No.11265064,1 [INTERNAL] 

Did she suck it?

>> No.11265064,2 [INTERNAL] 

No, of course not! A girl that age is for hugging and holding hands with and that sort of thing. Nothing lewd!

>> No.11265064,3 [INTERNAL] 

I need more threads like this, I mean, with real conversations.
