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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 317 KB, 1500x932, 258210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11255564 No.11255564 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>11234675

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.11255571

MC better have black friends and listen to hip hop

>> No.11255574

How gangster is gangsta republica

>> No.11255586


What are you playing this month?
Gakhtun Shining Night for me, can't wait for comiket either way.

>> No.11255599

People still read that site with the two angry guys?

>> No.11255614

I find it hilarious, personally. Also it's one imouto/moefag and the angry/tsundere guy.

>> No.11255625

Curious: regardless of the story quality, what are some games in recent years that are generally a feast for the eyes? I’m thinking of games like 失われた未来を求めて

>> No.11255635

Damn, can you sex that? I'd sex that.

>> No.11255647

KKK's art is absolutely gorgeous.
Mahoyo's useage of the kirikiri engine was out of this world, and really fits the bill of a "feast for the eyes". These are both pretty obvious mentions though.

>> No.11255650

Kara no shoujo 2, Monobeno and Kajiri Kamui Kagura are the ones which come to my mind first
Sona Nyl/Gakhtun if you like the steampunk series artstyles.

>> No.11255660

If I weren’t so shy of gore, I would love Innocent Grey

>> No.11255677 [SPOILER] 
File: 645 KB, 1280x720, guishen_0134ev052c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their gore looks pretty, from a technical point of view.

>> No.11255718

KKK looks really nice, must have cost a ton to make.

>> No.11255731
File: 2.24 MB, 2048x1200, Kajiri.Kamui.Kagura.full.799304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably, yeah, especially at those resolutions.

>> No.11255744

Did you do your bit to help them recover?

>> No.11255759

I'm going to preorder senshinkan and buy arms if I like it and deem Renaissance Yamada voicing a MC is orgasmic enough.

>> No.11255757 [DELETED] 

Bishoujo Mangekyou
Prism Recollection
Hatsukoi 1/1

>> No.11255792

from what the comments in EGS tell me this is more of a hit than nekonade. Hope its true. The writer has some interesting ideas but hasn't reached his peak for a long while.

>> No.11255876

whats a fun and easy to read vn to practice my moon with?

I know its a general question, but rather not start with someone im interested in and get fucked by walls of kanji

>> No.11255882

Aiyoku no Eustia, seriously.

>> No.11255892

Basically any moege. Pick one with heroines that interest you and go from there.

>> No.11255914

Baldr Sky series
Midori no Umi
School / Cross / Shiny Days
Lovely x Cation 2
Dangan Ronpa series

>> No.11255915

are those really fun though? I mean havent really read that kind of stuff, but figure its just formulaic moe shit.

>> No.11255918

Me and my best friend, my dick, are still eagerly awaiting メイドさんとボイン魂.

>> No.11255919

Maybe you're picking the wrong medium to practice with.

>> No.11255922

>moe shit
You sure you're in the right place?

>> No.11255928

always thought da capo and shuffle were bad.


>> No.11255947

They're fun if you like the heroines. I also had the problem of dropping shitload of easy moege when starting to read stuff in Jap first. Even if I could read them they didn't really manage to hold my interest.

Depending on your current skill level you could try to play SubaHibi, Baldr Sky, Dangan Ronpa, Caucasus, Ley Line or Princess Witches. All of them are relatively easy and not just "moe-shit". Yes, even the last one has a proper story despite it's extremely generic premise.

>> No.11255955

Gangsta Republica Sounds like the most retarded thing I have scene in months. Is it?

>> No.11255958

That only means it’s good.

>> No.11255964


>> No.11255960

Without a doubt, but I'm planning on playing it anyway.

>> No.11256162
File: 264 KB, 602x478, 1374288426646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slowly going through albatross

>> No.11256193

Epic reaction picture. Simply epic.

>> No.11256209

Was it epic enough to retweet it?

>> No.11256269
File: 260 KB, 686x441, 1374038119934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing through Fate/stay night for the first time.

>You need to have sex with Saber to replenish her magical energy!

I don't know about you, but I didn't like it, the H-scene wasn't even that good, and something about needing to have sex with her to replenish her magical energy was like getting a bucket of water dumped on my head. Am I the only one who felt this way?

>> No.11256287

Just play the Realta Nua version then faget.

>> No.11256292

Nah, it's justified to feel that way. I felt like it broke the flow of the story and it wasn't even hot or anything. My dick didn't even twitch.

>> No.11256312

I can't say I've ever been bothered by a vanilla H-scene in porn game. Fate/stay night didn't invent that way of transferring mana, by the way. You clearly don't know anything about mage mythology

>> No.11256324

There are ways and ways to do it. Being on the run while someone is trying to kill you all and just say 'hey, fuck this virgin just because she's the heroine of this route' is incredibly forced and annoying.

>> No.11256338
File: 386 KB, 440x553, 1284769010091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I felt it broke the flow but I also felt that it was supposed to break the flow.

That they had to do this forced awkward ritual without much love to it causing a shaky connection with Shirou and Saber, which sets up the next sex scene of Saber wanting to do it "properly".

Also it's a little hard to get it on when Hercules is on your trail

>> No.11256336

I think I will, I think I would have felt better if they just held hands and gave each other a hug.

Well, I had to start somewhere.

>> No.11256357

The Realta Nua has been cracked recently, there is no reason to read the ero version these days.

>> No.11256409

That has voices doesn't it?
Voices are garbage and ruin both VNs and profit.
Nasu agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.11256420

Nasu is also a jew

>> No.11256422

So whats the best title of the july? as expected Amairo Islenauts or Gleamgarden? is there any hidden gem which better than those?

>> No.11256436

I'm enjoying otome riron quite a bit myself, probably more than what I'd expect to enjoy amairo.

>> No.11256443


>> No.11256447

Otome Riron is the best one right now.

>> No.11256449

The voices for Fate/Stay Night are good, and if you're not listening to Jouji Nakata as Kotomine, then you might as well cease existing. The voices for Fate are pretty much top-tier choices, save for Shirou sounding like a whiny bitch a lot, since Noriaki Sugiyama sounds pretty bad when speaking in a non-serious voice.

>> No.11256452
File: 341 KB, 1448x856, azunyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsujidou FD


>> No.11256484

is it that good? since i dont like trap protag thing i havent played original game yet but if even the fd better than those i guess i have to try this.

>> No.11256501

Kotomine's voice is the greatest. The heavenly baritone pierces the depths of my soul.

>> No.11256506

If you want to try it, from the original just play Ursule, Luna and the bad end. The other two routes are quite bad.
The game's quite good and the setting (Paris) is refreshing.

>> No.11256515

thanks for advice,i will do that.

>> No.11256519
File: 734 KB, 600x796, 無名.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's sex in eroge?

>> No.11256534

Ero is really holding back eroge. The medium could be so much more.

>> No.11256531

Islenauts is a nice moege, simple but satisfying. Haven't tried anything else from July yet.

>> No.11256537
File: 111 KB, 661x475, Baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you done it!

>> No.11256546

Just imagine nukige without ero

>> No.11256551

Typical NTR
>we got some dirty photos of you oku-san
>you'll be our slave from now on
And she cleans their houses and does chores in general, all why suffering in silence because she's cheating her husband with another house.
In the end, the husband finds out and he's left, broken, as she's washing some clothes.

>> No.11256561

The dirty photos, of course, are of her cleaning the toilet.

>> No.11256555

i would play this.

>> No.11256557

nukige getting localized by 4Kids?

>> No.11256563

They could be kissing or hand holding, dude.

>> No.11256564

PUBLIC toilets, the shame. She's mysophobic and just needs to clean.

>> No.11256790


Once again I heard the sound of a dying girl.

Would that tl make sense?

>> No.11256801

sounds good enough to me

>> No.11256874

The worst part of Totono was no Itou Kanako song.

>> No.11256933

strongly disagree. it should be at least 8

>> No.11257089

8 only for the bigs tits.

>> No.11257298

Does anybody know a program that can keep track of how much I play? I want to start measuring my game times and (hopefully) see my reading speed improve for every game by comparing to EGS averages.

Do people measure manually? I'm too lazy for that. There has to be a program.

>> No.11257343

Gangsta Republica seems to be quite polarizing according to EGS score. Anyone wants to comment on the game's story?

>> No.11257478

Just read more and don't worry about it. Alternatively, a pen, piece of paper, and watch would work perfectly for recording how long you've been playing.

>> No.11257496

I've been reading for years so there isn't really a problem; I just like measuring things and collect data.

Anyway, I just remembered that I have a phone, and it has a perfect stopwatch so my problem is solved.

>> No.11257516


Googled for a Windows equivalent of unix time(1). You’ll have to start your games from the command line though.

>> No.11257538


>> No.11257540

Which method did you pick?

>> No.11257617

The releases for this month seem dreadful, even worse than March.

>> No.11257682

Ha ha, time for backlog

>> No.11257702

What the fuck are you talking about. Uke Shokushu sounds amazing.

>> No.11257710

Uke? Isn't that thing gay people do

>> No.11257748

That Qualia game looks like it'll be cute, so I'll give it a try. It also reminds me that I should probably get around to finishing katahane.

>> No.11257750

I use my phone because I can't understand anything on that page. Sorry.

>> No.11257793
File: 173 KB, 972x650, mystery3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is alright so far. I only picked it up because I don't have anything else to play, and I love small town settings. If it turns out to be good I'll probably write a little review here.

The girls are all adorable.

>> No.11257830
File: 471 KB, 964x604, 0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's kind of weird that there really isn't a common route and after the prologue. Instead you get a menu that lets you choose to do individual scenes from whichever girl's route. Actually, this probably isn't the best way to put it.

Either way, it looks like it's pretty short and isn't too terrible so far. I have to say though, even if it doesn't feel like it's going to have a very interesting story to it, I really like the character designs.

>> No.11257842

>I love small town settings
As do I. Please do report back.

>> No.11257856

Finished Otome Riron.
Meryl's route was decent but sort of short compared to Risona's.
Risona's route was very good; I might even say her path was more interesting than Luna's (but Luna is still a better character).
Bluette's route was fucking terrible. It was just basically the very first part of Risona's route with a few scenes of Bluette thrown in here and there, and then suddenly end. Feels like it should be called Risona's Bad End instead of Bluette's Route.

I'm off the play the Tsuriotsu after stories now.

>> No.11257863

>a menu that lets you choose to do individual scenes from whichever girl's route.
>probably isn't the best way to put it.

I was kind of expecting the story to branch off early like that, without much of a common route, seeing that they all have different interests that you're probably going to get involved with. And there isn't really a common goal.
I didn't expect it to be a menu like that though. Oh well, I hope it's good.

I'll report back.

>> No.11257868

I'm not sure if it'll be all that great, but it honestly is better than I expected after taking a look at their previous releases.

>> No.11257882

Isn't that their debut title?

>> No.11257886

Sorry, I meant the other games the scenario writers did

>> No.11257889

Comma after "again" mainly for English flow, but also for accuracy. Yeah.

>> No.11257896

0-4 I play amairo
5-9 I play gleamgarden

>> No.11257902

Haha, sucks for you.

>> No.11257995
File: 188 KB, 1297x778, cxzczxcx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The customers came by to relish the shop's spirit.
You're also an important piece among them.
On your darkest hour, you did your best.

I need my confession now, damnit.

>> No.11258103
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, 閉じたセカイのトリコロニー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just downloaded a random new release based off of the cover art out of boredom. I have an odd feeling that this game will suck balls.

>> No.11258136

It seems to have a decent story though. It could be interesting. Please report back if it's good.

>> No.11258369

Troll Imouto, good main heroine, other heroines are meh, the protagonist's family lives with him in a regular nuclear family unit and are an active part of his life, and the person who was responsible for the sound mixing/editing for this game had no idea what he was doing.

The real plot hasn't started yet but I will read until then. I actually don't know the plot yet because I picked the game at random.

>> No.11258388
File: 119 KB, 805x648, oh u propeller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where to start laughing from.

>> No.11258488
File: 137 KB, 1300x777, headsex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I went back to fast read this just to clear the backlog and this... Head sex? The BGM for this scene is hilarious, like some sort of adventure boss theme.

>> No.11258567
File: 965 KB, 1290x768, QQ截图20130430223844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11258606

Is there any way to make ITH or TA ignore the ・s? It gets a・n・n・o・y・i・n・g after a while.

>> No.11258611

>enable global filter
>paste character
>select it

>> No.11258618


>> No.11258695

It's good?

>> No.11258734

Is Gangsta Republica any good? How's the SoL percentage?

>> No.11258884

Is Yoake Mae better than FA?

>> No.11259064
File: 32 KB, 436x262, worth a damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, that was the fandisk - a few low content after stories and a minimal route for the teacher/sister. Finished and I feel it's below par, 4/10 at best.

Also finished another item of the back log (did 3/5 routes before skipping to gleamgarden) to らぶおぶ恋愛皇帝 of LOVE. Pic related - girl on the left is the only saving grace, girl on the right deserve a route (she actually talks normally to the mc) more than other girls, say the accountant/genius girl. I really wish the girls are more insane: vampire, play up the creature of the night cliche a little more; genius girl, go blow up some more with traps even as your self worth is 0, etc. For me it's 6/10.

>> No.11259233
File: 153 KB, 800x599, My faggot mayor doing this faggot look every time I come home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The faces in this are sometimes ugly, and sometimes infinitely amusing.

>> No.11259366
File: 447 KB, 641x481, True Remembrance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this.
What did I just read?

>> No.11259456


Propeller's evolimit? Should dust the vn off myself give it a go.

>> No.11259490

Something enjoyable.

>> No.11259530
File: 131 KB, 1600x1000, g_senjou_no_maou-24(1920x1200).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-Senjou no Maou. It had a nice storyline but I can't find the other routes interesting.

>> No.11259571

But I felt the plot was weak through the VN, the concept felt a little forced. The whole Dolor thing felt hard to believe evven with willing suspension of disbelief and the whole Blackiris romance with La could have been executed better.

>> No.11259580

It was remade a while ago.
But it's just a mid tier doujin game at best anyways

>> No.11259584


I'm glad VN translators don't still do this.

>> No.11259596

Would it have really been that hard to just leave his name as Kurome? Blackiris sounds fucking stupid. I was able to get past it when I read the game but damn.

>> No.11259597

What is the greatest VN h-scene of all time?

>> No.11259599

How would you have adapted the name keeping the spoiler in mind?

>> No.11259600

>It was remade a while ago.
Wasn't aware of this. Looking at the website, I think I prefer the original art more.

>> No.11259612

>Would it have really been that hard to just leave his name as Kurome?
Well you're losing the nuance every mnemonicide name has

>> No.11259620

Welcome to reading translations.

>> No.11259621

I honestly don't remember anything about it anymore since I read it back when it was first translated, so I can't really answer...

>> No.11259631

I don't think it is standard practice to translate foreign names as their meaning. It would have been sufficient to provide a note about what his name meant.

>> No.11259640

Well, normally what the name means doesn't have an impact in the story like it does in that game. By the way, I find Blackiris sort of stupid too, but it's one of those cases where I feel it's a much better choice than leaving in untranslated. Hence why I was curious if anyone had a better suggestion for it for translation studies sake

>> No.11259693

TL notes aren't as bad as people imply them to be. Umineko did them all the time and no one threw a fit.

>> No.11259715

Probably because Umineko had its TIPS encyclopedia builtin. Same with S;G.
Blends in easier.

>> No.11259857

Not to mention that nearly every professionally translated piece of literature has translation notes.

But let's not turn this thread into another shitty argument about the "right" way to translate. As Japanese patricians we should be above the mortal concerns of English-only plebs.

>> No.11259943 [DELETED] 

Starting gangsta republica - no trailer nor trial tried before. Impression so far - unstable and don't really have a solid feel, do like the engine underneath as scene movement and text skipping are smooth. The in-game OP seems to hint some sort of route order and seems reasonable in holding down spoiler event CG mixed in.

>> No.11259947
File: 152 KB, 1300x762, teatime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting gangsta republica - no trailer nor trial tried before. Impression so far - unstable and don't really have a solid feel, do like the engine underneath as scene movement and text skipping are smooth. The in-game OP seems to hint some sort of route order and seems reasonable in holding down spoiler event CG mixed in.

>> No.11259957

It looks kind of terrible from the synopsis but I just can't bring myself to ignore drills of that caliber. Waiting warmly for impressions, if you don't mind.

>> No.11260067
File: 112 KB, 800x600, shin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing some Shin Koihime Musou.

The art is bad, the story is meh but I've already started and I can't leave a VN unfinished. And since it's in japanese it takes me way longer to finish than it should. But at least my japanese improves.

>> No.11260179

Well the focus is in the gameplay.

>> No.11260224


I remember playing this, seeing the first girls forehead and stopped reading it for several weeks.

>> No.11260311
File: 169 KB, 1278x717, lilianne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't she have a route or a side route, why? She's like the dere and motherly version of Ursule.
I don't even like Bluette.

>> No.11260327

When you finish Risona's path, you're going to look back on this comment and be like "what the fuck was I thinking." I guarantee it.

>> No.11260334

Why? Will she pull a generic shoujo bitch personality? Is her omiai partner Suruga or something?

>> No.11260357

Without spoiling it too much: she's batshit insane.

>> No.11260363

Good kind or bad kind? I'm guessing bad kind.

>> No.11260390

She gives off a racist vibe to me.

>> No.11260975


>> No.11261011
File: 20 KB, 488x423, 12121212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help anyone?
I can't find a No-CD patch or something similar.
What else I can do to play this?
(Game: Wizard Girl Ambitious)

>> No.11261027

japan forman and...bla bla bla

>> No.11261028

Play the game without unmounting it.

>> No.11261037

>Please insert original dick.

>> No.11261038


>> No.11261090
File: 138 KB, 813x651, 121212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 thanks friend.
Thanks guys.

>> No.11261163

>I can't leave a VN unfinished

I wish I had your resolve. It's awkward transitioning into reading untranslated VNs with over a dozen things I've started in English.

>> No.11261166

Is watching paint dry better than watching grass grow? It always amazes me how popular those games were.

>> No.11261179

What color paint?

>> No.11261848
File: 34 KB, 256x368, 1424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to play yumina but when I am in the middle of battle it keeps crashing. Does anyone know what's wrong? On windows 7

>> No.11261901

wait for JAST version in some days

>> No.11261931

I'd prefer to play it in Japanese if possible.

>> No.11262159

enjoy your new botnet

>> No.11262673

Time to spend 10k yens.

>> No.11262693

That's not possible

>> No.11262722

Why not?

>> No.11262736

Playing these games outside of Japan is against Japanese law so in accordance with this the game is designed to shut down, please be understanding.

>> No.11262748

Minori devs get out

>> No.11262760
File: 17 KB, 512x384, 1356476674807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, did you learn your jp just to play porn games? If not, then what for do you use your knowledge?

>> No.11262764

Yes, but that doesn't mean I can't do other things with it.

>> No.11262768

Yes, but I use it sometimes for work. Writing about videogames is easy, but realtime shit is annoying.

>> No.11262773

I learned it to live in Japan

>> No.11262901

Yes. But recently I've started reading manga/LNs as well. One of these days I'll try reading some proper novels in moon.

>> No.11262935
File: 1.60 MB, 980x660, teaser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11262941

I learned to play rpg, that's the kind of influence you get when you play Xenogear when you are 12 years old.
I barely play console games anymore though, thank god Sen no Kiseki will be released in 2 months to fill my rpg quota

>> No.11262948

巨乳ファンタジー is set in Europe?

>> No.11262952


>> No.11262955

That doesn’t look like Europe on second glance. Some parts of the map look like Northern European areas but together they don’t.

>> No.11262986
File: 143 KB, 1300x762, wastingherbrainpower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gaiden 2? I guess it follows off from gaiden... I don't mind a new MC, really, than just going there as a king. I hope it's at least fun.

>> No.11262988
File: 128 KB, 320x460, c771165package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this out yet on sukebei yet?

I only find that shit bonus disc crap.

>> No.11263044


This one?

>> No.11263193

I usually have a good predetermination for identifying a good VN from the clutter of mediocrity.
This does not seem like it'd be worth the effort. Anybody tried it yet?

>> No.11263208

Because I want to talk to kawaii Japanese girls

>> No.11263253

I want to live in Japan.

Before calling me a weeaboo, I like in a third world country.

>> No.11263262

I just did the trial, it suffers from the exact same flaws as everything else they did.
So yeah it's a pass for me

>> No.11263263

I wanted to live and work in Japan. Got a job lined up there since May so I'd say everything's on track.

>> No.11263406

I just finished my first VN (F/SN) and loved it. I'd like to try Steins;Gate next, should I?

>> No.11263421

Play flyable heart.
If you dont know japanese there is a decent translation.

>> No.11263420
File: 222 KB, 1030x601, fureraba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started this. I can tell this is going to be a great VN already...

>> No.11263425

Sure. It’s pretty good. If you want to play it in English though wait for the JAST release since the English patch out now is buggy.

>> No.11263429

Pretty good indeed.

Yuzuyu and Rina the best.

>> No.11263547

Play it on XP.

>> No.11263601

Rina was so good that it made me feel guilty playing the other routes. And I'm not the kind of people that feel guilty with this.

So yeah...I recomend to try Rina's route.

>> No.11263629

It looks fun and the girls are cute, I'll try it out.

My Japanese is mediocre so I guess I'll wait for that release, then. Thanks.

>> No.11263640

There is no decent translation of Flyable Heart, it was machine translated. So that was a joke.
JAST is notoriously slow though so idk when they will release S;G.

>> No.11263644

The Flyable Heart "translation" is an awful machine translation.

The only problem I remember with the current S;G patch is the TIPs, which are unnecessary anyways if you are familiar with internet memes. If you wait for Jast you'll be waiting years.

>> No.11263675

The TIPS work fine with the latest patch I think. However, I had problems with the text messages and calls (i.e. the choices), and it’s impossible to get all the achievements so you’ll never get the party CG for instance.

>> No.11263725

Wait, wouldn't "sound of a girl dying" make more sense?

>> No.11265206


Liking moe shit isn't a requirement to be a fan of VNs or to be on /jp/. Keep it to yourself.

>> No.11265227


>> No.11265243


>> No.11265247
File: 23 KB, 1148x205, expert eroge player.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, nelly, remember Expert Eroge Players Only here in /jp/. >>11265206 is simply upholding the tradition like Moogy.

>> No.11265252

On the contrary I'm saying that one *doesn't* like to have moe shit to enjoy VNs and be on /jp/ (because it's actually genuinely terrible), and others are implying that this is a *requirement*.

That makes them like Moogy. Not me.

>> No.11265254

The rant gets me every time because he actually believes it.

>> No.11265259

Can't you people do this in /vg/ or something?

>> No.11265266

Come on. Have you read Forest?

>> No.11265271

you can thought its terrible but cant say it on here retard,since most of us playing as soon as they released.

>> No.11265278

you came to wrong place,jp is pretty friendly with moeges.

>> No.11265283
File: 481 KB, 810x633, QQ截图20130804033322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most handsome chikan of all time.

>> No.11265316


Tonight's gonna be a long night.


>> No.11265370 [DELETED] 

You guys watch the latest episode of Naruto in English yet?

>> No.11265392
File: 199 KB, 1300x762, mevulcan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11265416
File: 28 KB, 250x300, c406965chara7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Takumi.

>> No.11266080

germanfag here... anyone know any eu-based onlineshops that carry the jast stuff?

>> No.11266102

Is it good?

>> No.11266109

I'm generally unfamiliar with VNs, but I picked up Wanko to Kurasou due to animal girls.

Does the MC ever become less infuriatingly frustrating? He's too perfect. He is literally so attractive that some lolis fall in love with him at first sight and it's something he's simply used to by now. He says harsh things to people, but then adds justification and logic later that makes people realize things and try to better themselves. He's manipulative in a positive way, but he's still manipulative and it's pissing me off. He always knows what to do in every social situation, and if he was the slightest bit evil, he could easily do horrible, horrible things to people.

I want to play with cute animal-girls, but I can't self-insert as the MC when he's busy being perfect. Does he ever become more relatable?

>> No.11266125


The biggest problem with VNs is that writers just regurgitate the same protagonist template they've gotten from previous regurgitators. There's a lineage of regurgitation you can follow back until you find the guy who created the current go-to VN protagonist template, who did it as a wild guess and acknowledged its shittiness.

They don't understand that 'speaking protagonist = bad' and haven't taken a lesson from literature in realizing that the public likes imperfect protagonists, and even 'bad boy'/'bad girl' protagonists.

>> No.11266135

>They don't understand that 'speaking protagonist = bad'
I don't get this. Also he's complainig about a MC in a nukige, those are either incredibly bland for easy self insertion or 'super awesome' again for self insertion.

>> No.11266140

>They don't understand that 'speaking protagonist = bad'
Do you mean voiced protagonists? becuase those are usually better due to also having a personality.

>> No.11266143


No, I mean speaking protagonists. But voiced protagonists are double-bad.

Any protagonist that makes a choice, says something, or does anything without your input is a bad protagonist. In fact, it's not a protagonist, it's an NPC.

>> No.11266146

Sounds like you just want dating sims then.

>> No.11266147

These are still novels, you know, protagonists are characters.

>> No.11266148

Protagonists do not have to be playable characters. Where on earth did that idea come from?

>> No.11266150


I've compiled a list of recent dumb replies in this thread. Here they are

>> No.11266152


So I guess, to answer my question, he does not get more relatable? He stays perfect?

I played up until that little movie, and there was a glimpse of what was obviously a lewd scene with Mikan. I mean, I expected that, but I don't want Mr. Perfect to get his manipulative hands on her. I was under the impression that VN protags were all incredible idiots; I wasn't expecting this at all and I'm not sure how to handle it.

I guess I should just deal with it and continue reading?

>> No.11266153

It’s not our fault you seem to be a bit confused.

>> No.11266154


Wanko to Kurasou is garbage

>> No.11266155

It’s a nukige, meaning a game where the primary purpose is you jacking off to the lewd scenes, so yes you get to do lewd things with Mikan. To relieve her when she’s in heat of course.
It’s a pretty bad game though.

>> No.11266159

Questions about White Album:
* Does White Album 2 ~closing chapter~ include ~introductory chapter~?
* Should I read White Album first or do the two have barely any relations?

>> No.11266163

Yes and no, WA is barely related, basically a couple of songs and one or two character names, but nothing you could call relevant, just easter eggs.

>> No.11266167

That's not translated right?

>> No.11266168

I see, thanks. Maybe I will read WA as well, though it’s apparently not as great as WA2.

Preparing to work my emotions.

>> No.11266173

No, it came out just recently. Most games in these thread are not translated. /vg/ has a thread for translated games.
It’s also not exactly great.

That said, don’t feel too intimidated by rude nerds.

>> No.11266175

It just came out you fucking dumb faggot.

>> No.11266177

The latest version has high profile VAs and incredibly good production values, so it's not a waste. Especially as a Nana Mizuki fan.

>> No.11266190

yeah I translated it last week

herkz is editing it though so expect it in 2 years

>> No.11266458

What are people on EGS saying about Gangsta Republica? I can't access EGS

>> No.11266478

Recently I discovered that using annotplayer to access works quite well.

>> No.11266738

The protagonist in that game was probably the protagonist I've hated the most. Even more than your average hetare protagonist, for all the points you mentioned. I should add that I also hated how he just wallows in his self-disgust because of his past, and the whole world basically conspires on him in a good way with kindness but he just keeps the emo scheme until the end. And no, he doesn't really change.

You can say nukige is "garbage" because of lolnostories but putting them in a fair view, this was garbage within garbage when it comes to the protagonist. The only saving grace of that game was Mikan's story, and just for a bit.

>> No.11266759

It's shit.

>> No.11266915

A good protagonist would be a good character, and as such, have opinions and thoughts and flaws on his own. You're contradicting your previous comment stating that people like imperfect protags, as a character that doesn't do anything the player doesn't let them, a character that doesn't even say anything has no imperfections, because they have no personality outside of the player. They can't take any lessons from literature if that's what you want protags that don't do anything, because a book that had a protagonist that does nothing would be a shitty book. What you want a good self-insert, which is the exact opposite of a good character (because it's you).

>> No.11266927
File: 890 KB, 1280x720, saya smiling with cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A good protagonist would be a good character


>> No.11266930

He seems to want a dating sim rather than a visual novel.

>> No.11266932

Thanks for that well thought out argument. I'm sure you can name some things with good protagonists that are shitty characters?

>> No.11266934
File: 909 KB, 1280x720, saya smiling with food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't want to waste energy educating you. You're just wrong and ought to know.

>> No.11266939

So you're just shitposting? Good to know.

>> No.11267052


>> No.11267097

On a scale from moege to, say, Saihate no Ima or KKK or something, how difficult is it to read Himawari?

>> No.11267122

Save for the few sciency stuff it has, moege-tier I'd say. Use the voice patch though, Yukarin is awesome as Aqua.

>> No.11267139

It's fairly easy.

>> No.11267140

Know where I could get that? The links I've found are long dead.

>> No.11267196

Not him but, I dug it up for you.

>> No.11267203


>> No.11267215

>Saihate no Ima
I'm looking at some of the screenshots on vndb and didn't think the Japanese was incredibly hard to understand. Someone who has played the game please explain.

>> No.11267218


>> No.11267230

Infodumps within infodumps about a bunch of subjects, or something like that. I guess it's like reading an eroge version of Wikipedia.

>> No.11267233

Moogy says it's the most difficult piece of Japanese writing he's ever seen, and he loves reading complex stuff.

>> No.11267235

This isn't /vg/ or something, go do this somewhere

>> No.11267236

Deep as in Subahibi's Marianas Trench deep

I see. Are they real life subjects, not like those that I'd see in Muv Luv or Dies Irae?

I don't care about Moogy and his "expert" opionions.

>> No.11267262

Wow I literally downloaded this overnight, now I HAVE to read it. What an autist

>> No.11267278

Forest is actually quite good. Don't let the moogster throw you off. Just don't expect to piece together what's really going on until near the end and it'll be a fun ride.

>> No.11267286

Yeah I found it by searching mind bender tags, I prefer those anyways. Cross channel, Swan Song, Saya no Uta are some of my favourites

>> No.11267289

It’s also obviously not necessary to be an expert eroge player. An understanding of eroge as a canon is pretty useless. An understanding of high school literature classics is more important.

>> No.11267295
File: 438 KB, 1512x4208, 1353454339261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even that, you just get a lot of fun references to British kid's literature. The Game was a great chapter for that reason, as well as being a great chapter in its own right.

>> No.11267309


>> No.11267344

Just a load of kanji, some rare vocab and bunch of difficult to understand concepts in general. Combined with the huge amount of infodumps in form of unvoiced walls of text (especially during the last route) makes it rather headache inducing at times. And the fact that the story itself is pretty hard to understand amplifies the effect.

From personal experience I'd say it was harder to read than Grisaia or DI but much easier than Oretsuba (at least judging by the Prelude).

>> No.11267730

how do I become an expert eroge player?

>> No.11267740

Watch LPs by top tier eroge players and look for ways to improve your technique.

>> No.11267809

care to provide some names?

>> No.11267905

Anyone here played Magical Charming? Is it different from your typical Lump of Sugar game?

>> No.11267934

I have, but I can't read moon.

So, have a review.


>> No.11267995

>I have
>I can't read moon.
Why are you even here?

>> No.11268011
File: 283 KB, 850x1200, sample-69258f24e5658dcf966ab32bdb654bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm the kind of faggot that just wants to look at cute girls.

>> No.11268059

I've been waiting for this。

>> No.11268067

I've been waiting for this.

That's the map they used in Kyonyuu 1 Gaiden.

>> No.11268077

What's so hard about Oretsuba?

>> No.11268091

Is Secret Game Code:Revise any good?
I want to hear opinions

>> No.11268098

i hope you know all japanese slang

>> No.11268110


Personally I thought G-senjou no Maou's protagonist was relatable.

It's not really the protagonist writing that bothers me in general though; often times I'm bothered by the writing of the heroines in VNs. It's usually some kind of naive view where every girl is an athletic fun womanly dutiful virgin. It's just not... realistic.

I mean I suppose one heroine could be a virgin, but a VN where every heroine is a feminine virgin along with the rest of the qualities I mentioned above just isn't realistic to me. I want to escape to a world and go on an adventure, but I don't want it to be some kind of extremely naive nerd fantasy. I particularly enjoyed G-senjou no Maou because part of the reason bitches (the GnM heroines) wanted the MC is because he had that bad boy appeal because of his Yakuza connections. That added a whole new layer of realism to "these attraction girls all want to have sex with my self-insert".

>> No.11268284

i heard it isn't as good as the first one, so i didn't bother giving it a try.

>> No.11268365

It's decent entertainment and isn't too long, recommend doing it if you liked the previous SG although still probably not quite good as original KQ. Although I would wait for the backport of console version (with added H) to be released in few months and it supposedly fixes some stuff of original.

>> No.11268512

The yangire maid is great.

>> No.11268574

The issue here is you believing that the term 'moeshit' actually means something. This belief is not shared by anyone outside of /a/.

>> No.11269143

Wanting to live in Japan and not being from a third world country =! weeaboo. This is fallacy.

>> No.11269242

Nigga, I agree with you completely. I would like VNs to be a little more realistic when it comes to what bonds the MC and heroines together. Most of the time they spout some shit like "he's so nice to me", and that's their only reason for liking him. It makes me think that at any moment they can just turn around, find another nice guy, and fall for him just the same.

But this is eroge we're talking about, so I can't really complain.

>> No.11269326

Glad to see someone agrees. Any recommendations?

>> No.11269378

I wanna start reading VNs in Japanese soon. What was the name of the program that I need to check the text in case I'm not sure about the meaning of some kanji?

>> No.11269383

ITH, Mecab, JParser, some kind of dictionary, or any web browser?

>> No.11269541

>Most of the time they spout some shit like "he's so nice to me"

More like, most of the time they are childhood friends and the MC promised to marry the girl in preschool and she never forgot about it.

>> No.11269542

That's kind of creepy, honestly.

>> No.11269558

Childhood friends are exempt from what I was stating simply because they've known each other for so long.
Most of the time the heroines fall in love with the MC in a span of a few days or weeks just because, which is pretty lazy writing. I'm probably crazy here, but I feel more attracted to a heroine when their relationship and interactions are fleshed out.

>> No.11269582

A few days is plenty of time to want to date someone. Haven't you been in high school? Pretty much all it takes is for them to look good and talk to you twice.

The fact that so many VNs are about dating high school girls, however, is a whole nothing problem entirely.

>> No.11269614


新作エロゲを買いませんか? (2013年08月版)

>> No.11269682

I don't want my 2D characters to be as stupid as real people.

>> No.11269727

It seems like August is backlog/nukige month.
Also, in these videos, why does there seem to be a flood of 大本命 for average looking games and moege? I don't understand niconico.

>> No.11269759
File: 237 KB, 1297x778, xczczxcz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying this route so much.

>> No.11269835

That's pretty hot. I remember Tenshin ranman having a similar scene. The MC isn't even there right?

>> No.11269887
File: 132 KB, 700x525, 2007-04-07-524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried reading games from 竹井10日?
I've stumbled upon this (http://www.akibablog.net/archives/2007/04/eroge_070407.html)) article which calls his お姉ちゃんの3乗 a great comedy. Also, according to EGS the other two games that he wrote have even better rating than this one (75/195 vs 80/778 & 81/247).

>> No.11270020


Yep, she's just in heat.

>> No.11270055


That's a pretty cool way to write your eroge.

>> No.11270091
File: 142 KB, 800x600, 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read 2 of his titles, Cosmos no Sora ni and Himawari no Chapel de Kimi to.
They takes place in the setting (that is actually pretty chuuni) but they are 90% comedy.
I mainly really liked HimaChaki, it's really fucking long, unvoiced, has horrible production values for a 2007 eroge but it has a lot of charm, I'd recommend it.

>> No.11270253

so in the end gj's newkige never gets uploaded ;_;

>> No.11270351

Maybe you should buy it.

>> No.11270387

And then upload it.

>> No.11270482

I hope this is not the case but I think EGS's fucking random IP ban strikes again. Goddamn I was just using it a few hours ago. Fuck.

>> No.11270489

I think it's just down right now.

>> No.11270806


I wonder did I bear such a painful life to die a death in such a manner.

That sound right? I don't it's totally correct though so if you can tell me how its wrong that be nice.

Maybe I should be posting this in some other thread though, but this one is cozy.

>> No.11270851

Shouldn't it be: "I wonder, did I bear such a painful life to die a death in such manner?"

"I wonder if the painful life I have shouldered thus far was for me to die in such manner?" would be my translation

Are you translating a game? I think it's better to make an individual thread then.

>> No.11270896
File: 127 KB, 708x1000, Rena21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally finished the first half of Higurashi. Does anyone have a link/upload to the Kaibrid patches?

How's the second half hold up compared to the first 4 arcs?

>> No.11270904

This picture keeps making me think she's giving a footjob

>> No.11270962

no just reading a game myself. My jap isn't great though so getting feedback is useful.

>> No.11270988

Please ask in the japanese thread on /a/ or something. This thread is for discussion of VNs.

>> No.11270989

then you might want to hit the daily japanese thread on /a/ which should be a lot more active than here

>> No.11271450

You don't understand irony?

>> No.11271496

When you're talking eroge, which describes every minute of every day in the most meticulous detail, a few days or weeks is actually a long time. Probably at least as long, in terms of reading time, as any romance novel.

In fiction the period of time shouldn't matter. If the writing is good 2 or 3 scenes would be enough to convincingly establish feelings between a protagonist and heroine. A single scene if the writer is a genius.

When it comes to reasons for falling in love, first of all in real life there often isn't any real reason. And again good writing can make a mundane reason convincing.

>> No.11271524

Not him, but I still think heroines shouldn't *all* be perfect womanly athletic high-school aged virgins though when there's like 5 potential routes. It's so naive and far out that it has to be justified somehow, but usually isn't.

>> No.11271534

Looks like I am playing nothing new in August. Good thing September will be a pretty good month.

>> No.11271548

I have high hopes for Saiminjutsu 3 in September. Though they haven't assigned voice actors yet makes me think that the game might be delayed.

>> No.11271765

I thought there was a program that lets you copy the Japanese characters from the game or automatically recognizes them, and these programs seem to be something different than what I mean. Does something like this exist? Sorry, It's just that I'm new to playing them in Japanese and don't have any clue.

>> No.11271811

ITH is what you want. It copies the text to the clipboard, then you can use whatever method you prefer for looking up kanji. I like Furigana Inserter + Rikaichan, myself.

That reminds me: some time ago (I think it was in this thread) someone mentioned a J-J dictionary for Rikaichan. Anyone happen to know the name of it?

>> No.11271844

First overdrive now this, I guess crowdfunding is the future of eroge.

>> No.11271850

How do you use Furigana Inserter + Rikaisama in place of ITH? You still need something to hook the text from the game don't you?

>> No.11271863

Not in place if ITH, in addition to it. ITH for hooking the text, Furigana Inserter to automatically paste it to a Firefox window, Rikaichan for looking stuff up. It's just easier than having to manually copy and paste from ITH.

>> No.11271946

I wonder if you get a say in the development process if you donate a certain amount.

>> No.11271959

Only if you belong to master race. They don't need your filthy gaijin money and advices.

>> No.11271967

Not a good idea. Don't try to translate. One of the worst things you can do early in learning is force analogs to other languages for reference.
Keep the shit separate.
And if you ever do translate, then learn to re-express the original idea instead. That preserves both flow and meaning. Never translate something you couldn't write by yourself if given the idea.

>> No.11271969
File: 429 KB, 800x600, 1361316187685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/ so I recently realized that I became fluent in Japanese after all these years of hard work and self study.

You are possibly the only guys that I could ever ask this, but how is Little Busters for the PS Vita?

I saw that it's a "converted" version, I'm hella scared of jaggies and shit. The game is 5k yen on JPSN and I was wondering if it was worth the money.

Thanks in advance

>> No.11271972

portable autism

>> No.11271987 [DELETED] 

Well, considering that the Vita screen is higher resolution than the original PC release, you probably don't have to worry about "jaggies".

>> No.11271988


not him, but I wouldn't pay 5k yen for a bad port

>> No.11271992

What? That can't be true. The system only has 544 vertical pixels.

>> No.11272006

For some reason I was thinking it was 960x720, not 960x544. My mistake.

>> No.11272357
File: 94 KB, 1280x718, otome riron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Otome Riron, my conclusion to solve everything that happened in this family is bisexual incest orgy.
Risona's route was the best of both games at least, really picks up after confession and had a lovely end.

>> No.11272469
File: 714 KB, 1284x723, amairo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is seriously too cute.

>> No.11272474

Nice tits too.

>> No.11272477

And voice.

>> No.11272478

I haven’t played it and I don’t know who the VA is so I can only comment on her tits for now.

>> No.11272482

He's joking, her A isn't all that good.

>> No.11272496

Eight years after everyone else, I finally finished my first visual novel, Planetarian.

Even though I ran into a major spoiler while looking through the archive (a dumb pasta from 2009) just before I started, I enjoyed it very much anyway.

This concludes my blog.

>> No.11272569

she has best body for sure.

>> No.11272915

Eon and whathisname look seriously wrong there. What the heck is Suzuhira doing?

>> No.11273028

But I thought it was.

>> No.11273218

I want to make a new thread but I don have a good screen shot from a game from July.

>> No.11273222

Give me a minute.

>> No.11273229

New thread
