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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 33 KB, 300x300, jpoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11251906 No.11251906 [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/sies. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

Previous thread:

No bullying!

>> No.11251913
File: 43 KB, 549x551, nue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11252121
File: 138 KB, 475x760, 130731_sitting girl1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11252141

cute pic, bro

>> No.11252139


>> No.11252170


good work

>> No.11252706

These threads will always get ruined by some artists and their followers so why even bother creating new ones?

>> No.11252717

These threads always get ruined by some non-contributing butthurt anon.

>> No.11252759

The starting point is always some not that well drawn pic from the same overrated artists. Then it gets spammed by people without any taste (as long as the pic has unhealthy huge boobs in it or a loli), while other pics from good artists get totally ignored. And if someone makes the rest of the posters here aware of this unfairness then he gets accused of being a troll. Okay...

>> No.11253093

>while other pics from good artists get totally ignored
It's weird how often people complain about this, yet the "pics from good artists" still get ignored. You'd think people like you would make an effort to set a good example.

>> No.11253242

I want to see more drawings from unsocial NEETs because deep in my heart I know that they are the best people around here and their feelings carry the most weight.

>> No.11253269

Because being a good person doesn't change anything to the better anymore. From the looks of it you have to be an arrogant asshole like most of the popular artists to make people listen to you. The nice and quite people only get trampled into the ground or ignored.

>> No.11253305

What if an anon who posts an awesome pic say bad things about the other artists?

>> No.11253389

Hello I am the person that make the fake 2hu music awhile back; trying to make something else but not sure where to go with it:

>> No.11253403

He probably can justifiably and likely has supportive information to critique them to help them improve.

>> No.11253435

Love it, sounds just like the stuff ZUN makes. It has this Touhou-ish kind of ominous feeling to it.
Do you use soundcloud? Anyway, please post more.

>> No.11253438

By the way, the way it slowly builds up at the beginning with the trumpets kind of makes me think of a last stage boss.

>> No.11253495

enjoy man

>> No.11253559

I don't usually bother listening to the music made in these threads, but this was excellent! I could easily imagine it being from a genuine Touhou game's soundtrack.

>> No.11253616


please send help

>> No.11253619

please send not-crap drum samples*

>> No.11253691

Damn, I've been fooled by the positive comments... It sounds all the same to me. Sorry but you need to practice some more.

>> No.11253863

Does anyone here watch drawing streams on Niconicolive? I can't figure out what tags people use for them.

>> No.11253886

Please tell me you mute them at least in case they are talking.

>> No.11253887
File: 30 KB, 880x633, adkhf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11253900
File: 45 KB, 682x400, SNF28CRUNCHA-682_1300730a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11253945

You are amazing.

>> No.11253950

Most of the time yeah, unless I am trying to ask them something.

>> No.11253958

Please do more, I need it

>> No.11253987

Not really good.

>> No.11253991

That's cancer for the eardrums.

>> No.11253996

Hmm, doesn't sound like tohou or in any way interesting.

Maybe you weren't drunk enough while making it.

>> No.11254005


Pretty sure I get the most streams with 描く. You could also try デッサン every once in a while if you're interested in people sketching, although I always get limited results with it.

>> No.11254015

Cool, thanks!

From your experience, have you been able to see what settings they use, or do most of them usually hide their command panels? Even when they don't hide them, the quality of the stream still makes it hard to see sometimes.

>> No.11254034
File: 39 KB, 228x221, 1343921597811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/. Today is a sad day for me. This is gonna be a tl;dr post, but I figure this is the right place to post it.

I'm a former indie developer for a group of friends that was working on a visual novel/eroge. Today is the second week since the project was cancelled.

I was the lead writer. I can't draw for shit and I'm bad at coding, but I was tasked with writing narration, plot, choices, and character personalities and back stories out of our little four man team.

A year ago, we were inspired by Katawa Shoujo, which was born right here on 4chan. We fell in love with it; beautifully written, developed by an indie group, and with great artwork. We thought if they could do it, so could we.

We stated from the outset that it wouldn't be a nukige; we wanted all four heroines to have dynamic personalities, great back stories, and have their own likeability. We wanted quality over quantity.

The project was soon titled 'Home,' and was to be set in a dark, science fiction-like setting during the peak of a war that threatened to destroy the entire planet. Home was the name of a secret facility that took in war orphans, but in reality, was a lab that attempted to turn children into supersoldier killing machines. It ended up being even darker than we originally intended, with one yandere route, and every route having a very tragic twist, even if it was entirely possible to have good endings with everyone, some of which had every major character surviving.

I won't go into too much detail. The project died recently, as said above; too many people got busy IRL, and everyone drifted away.

Everyone except me. I poured my soul into this. I fell in love with the very characters I was writing.

I'd do anything to see it live.

>> No.11254039


>> No.11254040

Must suck to be you. Should've gotten a girlfriend instead.

>> No.11254055

I have one. In fact she designed one of them with me. The token moe who seemed to be the only genuinely happy person in the facility, turns out to be a stepford smiler who uses her own power (illusion) to create her own little world where she has everything she wants and doesn't suffer in the facility like the others.

She's a bigger weeb than me. Ironically, she's why I got into anime in the first place.

>> No.11254062


A pretty fair amount keep their panels visible, but to be honest, I generally don't make the effort to note settings they're using. Sorry to be of no use there.

>> No.11254063

Nothing gets done when you put nothing at stake, whether it's money, social standing or relationships.
People won't care about the project enough and when the time comes, people would rather not sacrifice something else when simply dropping the project costs them nothing.

>> No.11254077

I've been in your position several times in the past. Finish that script on your own even if you can't find new members right away. Tell that story.

>> No.11254097


Just finish the story and then either find other coders and artists who believe in you or learn how to draw and code.

>> No.11254094

I will man. Even if I have to convert it from a visual novel to a light novel.

I worked too damn hard on this to scrap it.

>> No.11254116

>She's a bigger weeb than me
Is she qt or a hambeast

>> No.11254119

You got what you deserved for being social, because social people should stay away from our hobbies.

>> No.11254122

You have no talent. End of the story.

>> No.11254129

As someone who likes touhou I must say I feel insulted hearing you say it's supposed to be fake touhou music.

>> No.11254134

People with girlfriends/boyfriends are not real otaku.

>> No.11254142

Learn to draw

>> No.11254146

/jp/, I signed up for a drawing class so I can one day draw Touhou porn.
It's now at the advanced level and we are drawing nude models today.
It's the first time I will see a woman naked. I'm a little scared, yet perhaps excited. Wish me luck!

>> No.11254151


>> No.11254153

i love it

>> No.11254160

Uhmm, we don't care? It's so easy to learn it at home, so you have no excuse other than talking about it in real life or on the internet. That's pretty sad.

>> No.11254176

Thank you
I'm lazy and unmotivated, so I would browse /jp/ all day and dream if I tried to do it at home.
Having a teacher to whip you into shape and to teach you skills and techniques is rather helpful. It's like a coach. Especially when they critique you. And I think studying the human body in real life will help me with my form and proportions. We already drew skeletons.
I'm sorry if I am useless or blogging though. We should try to remain positive if we want to produce quality original content.

>> No.11254187

How much is the course?

>> No.11254197

Good luck

>> No.11254195

Good Luck! I'll wait warmly for your Touhous. And now shut up and do some grinding!

>> No.11254207


no sympathy >>>/v/

>> No.11254239


Go to /ic/ to learn to draw.

Go to /vg/ and look in the agdg thread to learn to make games.

Make it yourself. The logic in game isn't that hard. Also, you could probably find some people to help you.

>> No.11254248

>we were inspired by Katawa Shoujo, which was born right here on 4chan. We fell in love with it; beautifully written


>> No.11254313
File: 125 KB, 500x382, donk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11254467

Blood for the blood god!

>> No.11254488

Tiny, weak and useless hands.

>> No.11254536

Nice linework

>> No.11254619

I find adding details much harder than doing the line work if you already know where everything belongs.

>> No.11254903

So jealous of your linework.

>> No.11255003

Looks bland.

>> No.11255028

Aww, you didn't really improve since your last posts. You must be one of the slower learning artists.

>> No.11255032

How fast do you expect people to improve? Jesus christ.

>> No.11255062

why do all art things turn into high school - tier bitch fests

>> No.11255157

Contribute something or get out.

>> No.11255186

why? so i can get passive aggressive remarks thrown at me?

>> No.11255211

because /jp/sies are NEET high school girls

>> No.11255229

>I'm lazy and unmotivated, so I would browse /jp/ all day and dream if I tried to do it at home.
that's why you draw while on a toilet.

take something with a hard flat surface, like a book or a hard cover notebook. a4 size. you'll use it as a table. if you have printer paper, take a few sheets. take a pencil and an eraser too.

then get to drawing while you take a shit.

>> No.11255318

Is this the way scat artists do it?

>> No.11255343

If you can't stomach it if someone tells you that you did something wrong then this is clearly not the type of thread for you. We aren't little kids who begin to cry if we are confronted with criticism.

>> No.11255339

i dunno, but the toilet's the only time i'm away from my pc, so i have some freedom to draw.

i only draw while there and sometimes during fapping.

>> No.11255350

It would take you a year before you finish anything that way.

>> No.11255365

well, because of that my toilet time extends to nearly an hour each time. i only do sketches, so few trips and it's all done.

sometimes when i get started, i finish after returning too.

>> No.11255370

Just like your face.

>> No.11255444

What kind of comment is that supposed to be?

>> No.11255451

Been without internet for a year. I wish i could participate in these draw threads.

>> No.11255462

One day I will contribute to these draw threads.

>> No.11255535


>> No.11255580

>Been without internet for a year.

How did you not kill yourself?
I went two days without the internet and it felt like I was going to die.

>> No.11255637

I cry everytime someone criticizes me...

>> No.11255670

Oh its not an easy task. Im miserable.

I have the willpower to not suicide.. But i cant go without internet for another year. If that happens ill consider it.

>> No.11255813

Request a /jp/ related thing.
I will draw it at the best of my tablet abilities
...tomorrow. maybe.

>> No.11255840

Can you draw Orin forming a heart with her two tails?

>> No.11255839
File: 38 KB, 675x520, alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /jp/

i am a new artist and I am practicing how to draw.

this is my second month of drawing practice, and I feel that I have drawn something that is worthy of your praise.

here it is, a life-like depiction of Alice.

please rate and comment and give advice for further improvement.

thanks in advance!

>> No.11255941

Bigger legs, dude.

>> No.11255952

is alice that ymir titan

>> No.11255986

Well there's your problem you fell inlove with a game development subculture that has all its priorities wrong and puts faux style above substance.
>A year ago, we were inspired by Katawa Shoujo, which was born right here on 4chan. We fell in love with it; beautifully written
Now you're just trolling.

Get out KS devs.

>> No.11256060

No can do, long legs are against my religion.

No she is a youkai

>> No.11256174
File: 615 KB, 1280x886, rabbits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11256188
File: 91 KB, 342x447, heart attack 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a serious note though, I think you should practice near side profile faces more. Nazuna's eyes could also afford to be a bit further apart from each other, considering the original style.

>> No.11256206

Nazuna is looking derpy but overall, that's some cute as HELL art.

>> No.11256238

Thank you! I'll look towards practicing those faces on comics more.

>> No.11256380

Finally got around to compiling my more recent melodies


>> No.11256418

Seems good, downloading the zip

>> No.11256634


Wow these sound neat. I'm going to take it easy later and draw while listening to it all.

>> No.11256687

Listened to the album.
I enjoyed it.

>> No.11257040
File: 35 KB, 545x481, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11257048

Happy birthday!

>> No.11257050


>> No.11257057

It may be your birthday, but it isn't your blog.

>> No.11257100

Happy birthday anon
Please don't blog, it will wake up all the autists

>> No.11257120
File: 802 B, 96x96, youmu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my latest creation behold

>> No.11257124

yologuy wants a picture of Carl Sagan riding a dinosaur in Space colliding with the Unicorn from Robot Unicorn Attack™, meanwhile touhous are firing lazer beams at them. This needs to be a thing! #YOLO

>> No.11257128

Sorry, but I'm extremely original when it comes to drawing things. I'm just going to close this thread right now and go to sleep.

I do however wish everyone else in the thread lots of good ideas!

>> No.11257154

nice pixel art

>> No.11257163
File: 872 B, 96x96, remi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its made in icongenerators.net

>> No.11258261

I finished a track tonight but I feel like my production isn't improving at all...

>> No.11258277

You should add some shades!

>> No.11258398

I will!

>> No.11258580
File: 134 KB, 815x699, oc_117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawthread #117:

Previous threads:

>> No.11258588

Why don't you host this stuff in a format that'd fit more to a collection of images, i.e. with browsing/viewing capabilities instead of DOWNLOAD EVERYTHING YOU MIGHT NEVER NEED HERE? For example, in some sort of gallery.

>> No.11258589

Vocode the sample. Would be nice with more variation.

>> No.11258622
File: 35 KB, 741x196, 1360126231936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11258646

Is the guy who said he'd write that story of Okuu around? Curious how that's progressing.

>> No.11258725

Someday I am going to contribute something to one of these OC threads. But not today.

>> No.11258736
File: 542 KB, 1920x1200, 1361097369235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wished I'd be able to make nice drawing. I just don't know how I'm supposed to start.

>> No.11258743

Keep fighting the fight

Take your tablet pen and start drawing
Or if you don't have one, take a pencil and paper and start drawing
>>>/ic/ has a sticky with links to beginners
You don't make qt 2d girls overnight, if you don't have patience to learn the basics that's too bad

>> No.11258752

I'm just continuing what another anon stopped doing a year or two ago. (or at least doing half of it, since he also used to reupload every image on /projects/)

If someone can come up with a way to create a gallery for /jp/ art and host it, that would be much better though.

>> No.11258750

>118 posts
>10 relevant progress pictures
What the hell are you doing OC?

>> No.11258756
File: 412 KB, 1920x1080, Mei.full.1074300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a tablet pen. I do have a bunch of papers I stole from school. Is it important? I can see the advantage in digital drawing but is it worth it?

>> No.11258759

>Is it important?
Do you want to carve on a rock?

Take your pencil and draw.
Digital vs traditional is up to preference.

Most people just do digital because its more flexible, no need to pay for materials and has some shortcuts too.

Manga is usually done traditionally.

Neither will change the fact that you can't draw a body in various poses, you have to practice that yourself for along time.

>> No.11258790

The other day I was watching someone draw with a fuckhuge tablet which was about the size of two keyboards. Has anyone had a really good experience drawing with larger, more expensive tablets? Do they make it easier to draw? My monitors resolution is fairly large (2560x1440) but my tablet is pretty small (a wacom bamboo). Is it worth getting a bigger tablet like that?

>> No.11258819

I draw with my ThinkPad x61t, it's basically a 12" 1400x1050 wacom tablet. The quality isn't as good as a real wacom tablet but it's still pretty decent considering it was like £200.

>> No.11258820

I don't have any experience with shading. What tools should I use in sai? I assume the pen and airbrush tools?

>> No.11258832

Basics you say, but I can keep drawing my feet, hands, desk, door, bed and whatever for ages, and I doubt that will have serious impact on my skills to draw cute 2D girls. Instructions for getting good at drawing are just too vague. The books that are listed as "beginner level" in the /ic/ sticky don't even touch the technical aspects of drawing, such as shading, in any way. Funnily enough, they will mention "Shade your picture" every so often, though.

>> No.11258833


If you have the space for it. I have to position my tablet in front of me with my laptop in a certain angle to to left with a small monitor in front of the tablet. It sucks.

>> No.11258836


Go sign up on cgpeers and download tutorials there. Ignore that shitty sticky.

>> No.11258847

>nd I doubt that will have serious impact on my skills to draw cute 2D girls.
Are you just copying or learning.

The point of doing so is to understand form, 3D form, if you can't draw 3D form to represent an object, you can't do anything but flat drawings.

2D girls are no different, you'll only be able to draw the from the front or side, nothing in between until you really understand what you're drawing.

>> No.11258849

Shit takes years, dude. Even if you have talent.

>> No.11258859

What should I start with?

>> No.11258865
File: 182 KB, 903x822, gitgud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still trying to get good.

>> No.11258881

It's pretty offensive when you say something like that while you're already better than an estimated 90% of the /jp/ population.

>> No.11258880

Whatever you want.


When you get a tablet learn photoshop.

>> No.11258889

Like a web gallery?

>> No.11258902

Props for doing gestures and figures and not just jumpin to animu like the typical retard.
Focus on your proportions, if you can at least learn those you can make a decent body shape.

Tell the /jp/ population to get off their NEET butts and draw

>> No.11258910

Are you going to cry now or what?

>> No.11258931

I could. If I did, would you delete your post and reword it?

>> No.11258997

>You don't make qt 2d girls overnight, if you don't have patience to learn the basics that's too bad

Fuck that shit. I just wanna draw ero manga already and participate at Comiket.
I don't have time for all that basic crap.
Just need to learn how to draw like rustle.

>> No.11259007


But rustle traces over see piss.

>> No.11259037

Well it can't be helped, if that's what's required to become a great artist like rustle then I'm willing to make that sacrifice.

Joking aside, it wasn't even him, it was Higashiyama and it wasn't cp, just some mild lesbian photos.

>> No.11260263 [DELETED] 
File: 448 KB, 1200x616, seasidetuf copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always try to improve how I paint water. It's strange but I actually hate sand and the beach but it's usually what shows up in my paintings.

>> No.11260307

I want to make a short vn with a bully MC but I heard only beautiful people are allowed to bullying and even rape without consequences. Is that true?

>> No.11260317

All I can say to that is that this world isn't fair.

>> No.11260318

That's really pretty, I like it a lot.

Are you the anon who hates grass too?

>> No.11260328

That's really pretty, man

>> No.11260333

I just remembered that I actually have a bamboo tablet. I've only use it once.

Maybe it's time to learn how to draw.

>> No.11260354


Yes thats me. I don't hate grass it's the color green that I dislike.

>> No.11260371

I hate backgrounds so much
I don,t know where to start, can't find any good guides on them and /ic/ only tells you "go draw outside" like its supposed to come naturally

>> No.11260395


The best advice I can give you is first to learn perspective. It is only in tricking the mind into thinking one box is further than the other, rather than simply smaller, when you will understand depth.

The second thing that would help is atmosphere.The further away something is from the viewer it tends to become less saturated and more blue because of all the atmosphere between you and it. A good example of this and what I think would be a good place to start is a foggy forest. Your colors are going to be the most important part of the painting as they will determine how important something is through contrast and how close it is through saturation.

It would help to go searching for landscape paintings and seeing how other people do it.

>> No.11260423


Also generally speaking the further away something is the lighter it is and the closer the item is to the viewer the darker.

>> No.11260428

How do I understand it if I only want to do line work without using any colors? From the guides I have seen I only get that you have to use an horizon line and vanishing points, the rest is hard for me to comprehend.

>> No.11260444


I have a hard time blending things together seamlessly.

>> No.11260521 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 1200x683, pers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not very good at explaining things but hopefully these help. Imagine a cube you know it has six equal sizes. It has a very rigid shape that will not change or be different every time. This is why if you are doing a perspective piece with a human creation within it it's going to be very difficult and tedious to work on and around this structure. at the same time however you are trying to create a composition so you would break the hard edges with soft or looser ones. In the bottom left image you can see that with the left building it has a bush to stop excessive hard corners and that area is nice to look at the other building isn't.

All lines that aren't vertical would point to a vanishing point however in real life you usually have a third one but it's usually so way down that it wont matter until you add some super top down perspective. You can even point a one main point perspective somewhere in the image like in the bottom right to give an image a lot of dynamics. Your horizon line matters so make sure you place it somewhere good even if it's off screen or slanted.

Sorry if this is all over the place but I'm tired and not very good at explaining things;

>> No.11260585

I could draw a similar sketch in lines and then when its time to color I have no clue how to go about it.

If I do, it feels like I'm drawing everything in distinct objects and in the end it looks like filled-in art done in Flash if you get what I mean.

>> No.11260719

Stop using lines then.

>> No.11260739

thats called "anatomy study"
i think you can stop doing that and jump into lines and shadows

meanwhile you are at this why not modify your tool and create a pencil one?

>> No.11260969 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 800x480, 1hgzgjpulstcg08c8o4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11261709 [DELETED] 


Use thinner lines for distant objects. User lighter chalky colors for distant objects. Although ideally you might want to not use any sort of lines at all for any object or at least not for any distant object. I know when I look at a lot of good Japanese artists they still have everything very constricted and it looks like it may be outlined but it's usually only very frontal objects and usually only hard surfaces like machinery.

>> No.11262497 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 800x480, 1hgzgjpulstcg08c8o4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11263576
File: 544 KB, 1031x740, 4sq6a7hw19c0cw4gssg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11263589

Good job, are you into Naoki Urasawa's work?

>> No.11263591

I like the updates

>> No.11263703

Every time I try to go outside my comfort zone with drawing and try to experiment with new techniques I can't stay focused long at all. Why is it so hard to improve /jp/?

>> No.11264001


You're trying to teach your brain and body how to remember and understand new things. It won't be instantaneous. Keep vigilant!

>> No.11264139

>I can't stay focused long at all.
You want to give up because its hard and not in your comfort zone.

Kinda like how it takes will power to start exercising, its easier to just stop and give up once you start feeling pain/tired.

>> No.11264289 [DELETED] 
File: 476 KB, 665x1094, yeash copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough but I am tired and did it quickly. My parents are going to bring home shopping soon so I can't fall asleep or else I will feel bad later.

>> No.11264696

I like this.

>> No.11264879

Do you have any wallpaper sized similar images?

>> No.11266001


No but I could make one later. A lot of these aren't very big or even if they are they're not quite appropriate for a desktop.

>> No.11266195

Does anyone pretend to be Japanese on pixiv for uploading loli things?

>> No.11266215
File: 95 KB, 465x653, wreimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11266247

Everything I make looks western as fuck.

Wish I could befriend and bully that miko

>> No.11266294

That's really cute, though it's like her upper arm disappeared.

>> No.11266318

Yes, it would be too obvious if I tried
Maybe if I could work up the motivation to do my reps every day

>> No.11266343
File: 80 KB, 504x331, charlotte2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheese please!

>> No.11266424

I love clouds so fuggin much.

>> No.11266449


I do too but I wish I were better at painting them. My clouds never really feel like clouds.

>> No.11266471

I feel your pain. You are my favourite OC thread artist by the way.

>> No.11266529

looks horribly western. If I were you I'd start over from scratch.

>> No.11266705

That's an insult to compare this stuff with it.

>> No.11266716

Should I practice to draw something in one go or always make a scribbly sketch first for all eternity?

>> No.11266723

I'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing, dude.

>> No.11266731


How can you know if something looks 'western'?

>> No.11266736
File: 1.21 MB, 720x720, -Midna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really /jp/, but...

>> No.11266752

Yo, fuck you too.

>> No.11266756


...don't stop!

>> No.11266761

Looks cheaply made.

>> No.11266765

I can't put my finger on it but there's something wrong with the girl's face... It doesn't look really good.

>> No.11266770

Google's not giving me anything. Source?

>> No.11266771

Butts don't behave like that. Did you fail at physics in school?

>> No.11266772

That would be more approriate for tits
Butts don't jiggle that long
Trust me, I'm an ass otaku

>> No.11266777

Gifs don't seem to be your strong point.

>> No.11266781

Is that supposed to be a sitting girl with a brown school uniform and black skirt or a rock?

>> No.11266786

Study the basics first.

>> No.11266790

I want to molest too

>> No.11266795

Yeah, I made it in flash so maybe that's why- aside from me sucking.
Well, I almost did.
Okay I trust you, I'll keep it in mind for the future.
Yeah, I'm still an amateur.

>> No.11266798

Its still a decent animation
Keep doing stuff, you've got some potential
My penis agress, don't bother him about it

>> No.11266839
File: 52 KB, 600x444, browning-shuttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your paintings make me think of this guy's stuff

>> No.11267030
File: 378 KB, 800x480, 4sq6a7hw19c0cw4gssg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I somewhat fixed the girl's face.
Also to balance out the western-ness I added a traditional japanese painting in the collage

>> No.11267301

I think your art style would do great in a detective game.

>> No.11267383
File: 650 KB, 1188x651, Okuu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if anyone remembers me, but... This is how I learned to shade since my last attempt. I know my linework still needs fixing, but how is my shading?

>> No.11267406

It looks fine, but you've spent way to long on your drawing. Try to work on your speed.

>> No.11267409

I just haven't worked on it much until today.

>> No.11267428

Reminds me of Billy Bat.

>> No.11267431

Animate some grinding next.

Please! I like your art of the jiggle.

>> No.11267435
File: 279 KB, 900x1065, Usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11267437

Didn't mean to link that to anyone.

>> No.11267487

highlights on that right arm could use some work

>> No.11267537

Could you please share the full image?

>> No.11267555

Who should I draw grinding?

>> No.11267654

Ummm...I don't know!
How about Alice? She could dress up in slut wear and start grinding against an unsuspecting Marisa! THE CONSEQUENCES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.

>> No.11267696


>> No.11267719


Reminds me of silent hill.

>> No.11267724

I don't know anything about music, but I like this a lot. It gives me a sad/lonely kind of feeling but it's really pretty.
Could you put up a download link for it? Unless I'm not seeing soundcloud's one.

>> No.11267738

Welp, forgot to make it downloadable, now it should work. Glad you like it.

>> No.11267769 [DELETED] 
File: 773 KB, 1920x1080, wallpaperwip1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you but the one person who did that loli with the teddy seems better at rendering.

It's a rock.

Sketches are good for planning. Color doodles are fine digitally because of how easily you can make them.

I am working on one mow as I mentioned here >>11266001 I am planning on having a ship flying on the right side towards the camera but first I have to make the background look really nice.

>> No.11267834

Why is the first song so dissonant in comparison to the rest of what is on your soundcloud? I enjoyed listening to the rest of what you had, by the way.

>> No.11267866

Your colors are really nice, will you make anything more finished? It looks good from the thumbnail too.

>> No.11267886


That image is going to be more finished when I finish it.

>> No.11268058
File: 26 KB, 640x480, house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get better at drawing houses, /jp/?

>> No.11268073 [DELETED] 


the best way to make that house look better is to give it a foundation and seperation from it and the grass itself. Perhaps even a driveway to the side as well and a footpath with front fence. The house itself isn't really that much of a problem compared to the lack of its environment. Those trees look worse than the house.

>> No.11268102
File: 11 KB, 640x250, abc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I know the environment is lacking. I plan on adding a driveway/step path and some plants or something.

What kind of front fence would you suggest? A lot of houses around here I see don't have front fences.

I am randomly generating the city and I'm not sure about fence placement for blocks with varying yard heights. Should I do A, B or C? Or something else?

>> No.11268150

Connect each letter to each block with a line, however, you CANNOT have a line touch another.
Can you do it?

>> No.11268161
File: 12 KB, 640x480, fences.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Okay in something like this:

A) Yard sizes vary, empty space behind each
B) (block height - yard height) is given to front yard
C) like B, but difference is given to back yard

>> No.11268164

Have you played Sim City 4? You'll get some ideas from there.

>> No.11268226

The pic you posted here >>11268102

Do as I instructed.

>> No.11268248 [DELETED] 


What you had in the original lot seemed fine. Square lots with house in the top left corner. Perhaps change it up based on house style and maybe wider houses that are either wider or just include garages.

>> No.11268254

Aren't you the guy who's developing the loli kidnap game? If so, progress update?

>> No.11268299


Yes, yes I am.


I am unsure of what you mean by
>Connect each letter to each block with a line, however, you CANNOT have a line touch another.

>> No.11268391

This is now my wallpaper.

>> No.11268394

uninteresting style

>> No.11268399

I think it's more the whole style that's ugly and not just one face.

>> No.11268409

I can see a baby polar bear raping a cat in those clouds. What does this telly me about my mental state?

>> No.11268413

I think you should unsubscribe from Animal Planet.

Call your cable TV provider now!

>> No.11268430

Better no one, because you can't draw.

>> No.11268435

Looks crappy. Learn how to draw expressions.

>> No.11268461

Post your e-mail, I am interested.

>> No.11268476

because you're one of the decent ones here i'll let this slide but >>11257057 is right even MNL didn't come on here shouting it was his birthday, stop being so pretentious

>> No.11268491

And even on your birthday the only thing you could draw is something shitty. It's sad, isn't it?

>> No.11268812

Oh, man, i don't know; i only know what a song will be like when i've already finished it, so i tend to have a certain variety of results. Also, lately i just upload anything i remotely like, and well yeah i suppose that's kinda out of place in there (i've done worse, i think).

>> No.11269657

i can code a little, maybe just maybe... you know
i made this e- mail just for you, pls respond

>> No.11269670


>> No.11269671

Why do you respond to this horrible kind of person seriously?

>> No.11269676

because i lost control of my life and i have no job

>> No.11269698

Then you should team up with good people and not someone who says he has a girlfriend, uses that fucking frog meme, and says he was inspired by KS. Oh wait, now that I think about it it's obvious that he is just a troll. Okay then don't get in contact with him because he is a troll.

>> No.11269734

Looks great so far! I'll use that one until it's done.

>> No.11269754
File: 266 KB, 640x395, yominokuni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I've been trying to paint scenery. Does /jp/ like?

>> No.11269764

Nah, it's not that great...

>> No.11269765

It's a bit abstract?

>> No.11269769

Any advice on how I could improve?

>> No.11269772

I like it. Don't make it look more realistic.

>> No.11269834

Take a look at this weeb.

>> No.11269890

It wouldn't be impossible to improve the pic by drawing over it with your eyes closed.

>> No.11270004

Wow you're mean and nonconstructive.

The picture looks stylized. That's why people don't like it. It's a taste issue.

>> No.11270049

Do you guys search for 東方Project or 東方 in pixiv?

>> No.11270079

For character names.


Why would you do that? A search for 東方 already covers it anyway. The only reason to use a longer search term is too many false hits, which is not going to happen with something as huge as Touhou.

>> No.11270088 [DELETED] 


I had this problem when starting too. The biggest issue is scaling over distance. If you can't convince people of that scaling and depth your image is failing as a landscape.
You seem to not have the basics of vanishing points understood as all lines need to be pointing towards them. You can practice by drawing a bunch of cubes in the same scene at different locations as it will help a lot. A series of cubes can then be advanced into a city with enough work.

>> No.11270162

Oh god my biggest annoyance are artists who don't tag 東方 properly.

Had a whole front page of touhou stuff but only tagged the character names.

>> No.11270419
File: 458 KB, 900x900, okuhina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11270452 [DELETED] 

Looks like you are new to drawing. Don't worry, everyone starts at one point. It looks amateurish but I've seen worse.

>> No.11270458 [DELETED] 

Man that's some fucked up proportions.

>> No.11270464

It doesn't look good.

>> No.11270476

I know why you don't try to change anything about your drawing style. You are all sulky like a little kid and don't want to give in to someone who could be a troll, right?

>> No.11270481

I drew better than that when I was still 17.

>> No.11270553

those hips are ridiculous
4/5 its okay

>> No.11270557 [DELETED] 

Oh wow you aren't even allowed to say anything negative about this person anymore. I made one negative comment that said the picture doesn't look good. Give me one reason why I shouldn't start torturing little animals now if I'm not even allowed anymore to say what's on my mind.

>> No.11270563

I gotta say Magister, that face does not look MILFy enough. I think if you worked on that, the image overall could look a lot better. The face doesn't fit and just pales in comparison to the rest of the image that is supposed to be softer and more adult like.

>> No.11270566

would fuck/10

>> No.11270573

B-But she's got a cute face and probably a nice personality. Stop being such a shallow anon!

>> No.11270576 [DELETED] 

Janny deleted them all? Because 5 posts were gone

>> No.11270606

10/10 Masterpiece
Would hang in my office

>> No.11270606,1 [INTERNAL] 

lol janny sucking magister's dick HARD. you can't even say anything negative.

i bet they aren't even online friends, janny is just that subservient.

>> No.11270623 [DELETED] 


>> No.11270623,1 [INTERNAL] 

worthless, yet positive comments are all allowed however

>> No.11270632 [DELETED] 

No one is allowed to say anything negative about this artist anymore or the comment gets deleted. But of course it's okay to say something bad about anyone else.

>> No.11270632,1 [INTERNAL] 

You're the fucking retards causing all of this drama. If you never gave magister this much attention, no one would even know who he is.

>> No.11270632,2 [INTERNAL] 

I've known of Magister for a while but I wouldn't know that he posted in draw threads at all if you didn't talk about him all the goddamn time.

>> No.11270654

What's this then?

>> No.11270654,1 [INTERNAL] 

This janitor needs to stop deleting shit that doesn't need to be deleted :(

>> No.11270682

You aren't Zone-Sama right?

>> No.11270682,1 [INTERNAL] 

I have a sneaking suspicion it's more like Retard

>> No.11270729
File: 36 KB, 600x450, drawr 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11270745

No, but that's quite a compliment...

>> No.11270840 [DELETED] 

The ship didn't work so now I am not sure what to put in the painting. maybe I should have another attempt at it. I guess th eproblem is hard surfaces.

>> No.11271663 [DELETED] 

You are not an Otaku. Otaku stay on the internet and don't go to cons. Otaku stay away from the 3D world. You have no idea how much I hate you. Even child murderers get more sympathy from me. How does it feel to always get special treatment while being an arrogant ass and looking down on people? You don't even have any talent. You just had some luck being surrounded by braindead ass kissers. Rot in hell already if there's something like justice. Oh how I wish all your characters would be purged from the internet. All you deserve is being hated.

>> No.11271663,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11271681 [DELETED] 

Why must there be meanies in every thread demeaning his works and his personal life? I really don't get it. Your definition of otaku is askew, by the way.

>> No.11271681,1 [INTERNAL] 

FUCK YEAH, WHO TRUE OTAKU HERE? *shits on floor*

>> No.11271735 [DELETED] 

I am personally kind to people who deserve to be praised, but not him. He is just someone who stumbled into the wrong hobbies. If drawings had souls then his drawings wouldn't have one.

>> No.11273163

Hard to tell from just this fragment, but the hair shading seems to be a quite different style than the rest.

>> No.11273176
File: 1.18 MB, 1567x981, mizuha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original >>11259530 (Duplicate)
<muh skillz

>> No.11273368
File: 2.76 MB, 3000x3000, tone example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew an oc from a visual novel i'm creating..
it's my first time using tones.
what should her name be?

>> No.11273389

Wait a minute. You're just trolling us, right? In case you aren't, the hand is off- check a mirror.

>> No.11273401

Can't say I'm interested in another VN about girls with disabilities after KS. Looks good though, Anon.

>> No.11273408

jackie chan

>> No.11273412

one day ill contribute

but not today

>> No.11273430

Keep up the good work.

>> No.11273444

>I'll practice tomorrow
>10 days later
Please send help

>> No.11273466

help is here

>> No.11273467

wanna be more awful

>> No.11273469

hey man just do it. Just sit down and give it a try. Whip it out and slap it all over the paper. I'm about to do it right now. Let's both do it.

>> No.11273475

No Anon. This artist (are you this artist?) needs to read some tutorials about drawing backgrounds or scenery. You shouldn't tell him that "it's a taste issue" or else he's no better than a 14 year old on DA.

>> No.11273482
File: 521 KB, 1280x720, 1371455032974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yet another complete retard misusing the very popular scapegoat excuses word

>> No.11273489

Wait, is this supposed to be a river? I thought it was train tracks, but then I saw the tree(?) and now I'm not sure.

>> No.11273494

I want to contribute, but whenever I notice these threads, they're a hundred posts in, and then when I get ready to draw, that titty midget guy posts and the thread gets 300 more posts and starts dropping. It'd be falling now if not for post deletions probably.

One day, I'll have prepared an art a month in advance so I can actually post it in a living thread.

>> No.11273495

>The picture looks stylized. That's why people don't like it.
You're an absolute retard.
You don't "stylize" before knowing the fundamentals, if you do you end up with typical DA trash and excuses.

>> No.11273506

It's a (badly drawn) staircase

>> No.11273511

you suck at perspective

>> No.11273515

I thought it was train tracks

>> No.11273522

interesting hat there anon reminds me of animal crossing

>> No.11273531

With all these interpretations it gives people, that picture is probably the only actual art in this entire thread.

>> No.11273534

why were people saying bad things about this?

>> No.11273539

People give interpretations to things, not the other way around.

>> No.11273542

You possess a child's perspective on "art" and need to go back to school.

>> No.11273546

An adult's perspective of true art is the Mona Lisa which is just a painting of an ugly slut that looks like a man.

>> No.11273551

That's not an adult's perspective, it is also a wrong perspective. The Mona Lisa's importance has been overhyped to fuel nationalism, hence why two countries argued over who it belonged to without giving any real shits about the work itself.

>> No.11273560 [DELETED] 

With "actual art" I presume you mean "pretentious artsy garbage", and not actual art.

>> No.11273563

And yet the majority of people who are experts at art consider it as such. You aren't an expert, why should I believe you over them?

>> No.11273575

I don't know. I kind of went on a tangent.

But a piece yielding multiple interpretations =/= good art.

>> No.11273615

What is "good art" anyways?
Its all up to opinions and we can't objectively describe any piece as "good art"

We can judge execution though, and that painting has poor execution because of the artist's lack of skills.

>> No.11273717

Are these the same person with the stuck together girls? Your drawings are getting lazier.

>> No.11274239 [SPOILER] 
File: 150 KB, 569x561, aigis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11274351

Post the rest

>> No.11274725

Janny will be mad if I do.

>> No.11274814

if you link to it from off site or some nsfw topic (like /i/'s nsfw pic dump one) he can't do shit since it's allowed by rules.

>> No.11274874
File: 304 KB, 803x696, Telliot-Icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't used actual lines in a while.

>> No.11275013
File: 939 KB, 1920x1080, rock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end I couldn't think of what to put on the right. perhaps next time I'll pay attention to my layout and composition...

>> No.11275042
File: 106 KB, 638x144, 1278304031272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might help.

>> No.11275045

coulda used a sweet ass daytime moon or planet there.

>> No.11275119

Is there a time lapse between this one and the next one? I want to get better (music, drawing... for now) for the next one to post and get some sort of criticism, 'zall.

>> No.11275148


Okay I'll try it out and post the result in the next thread.

>> No.11275848

New OC thread where?

>> No.11276042

Why are you turdlings always so impatient and feel the need for a new thread asap? Can't you non-indigenous little tits learn to sit back and take it easy, even for a bit?

>> No.11276071

I-I'm sorry... ;_;

>> No.11276142

Yeah, I know. I've been really unmotivated as of late with digital drawing.

>> No.11276205
File: 440 KB, 600x848, guro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colors are pleasant, reminds me of Dice Tsutsumi's works. Composition could be better though.

Draw more. I like your weird shit.

>> No.11276566
File: 1.37 MB, 3000x3000, lineartt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practice lineart

>> No.11276676

I have an annoying problem.
I know I'm supposed to make a drawing by first making a sketch, then do the line work and after that coloring/shading. I have some knowledge about anatomy and I can draw clean lines, but somehow I need a lot of more steps in between the first sketch and the final line art. Even if the sketch looks alright, a lot of errors appear that need to be fixed when I begin to draw the smooth lines over it. I don't know if it's a problem with my planning or if I should put a little more effort in the sketch.
It takes really too long until my drawings are finished and I want to speed the whole process up.
Any tips how I'm supposed to do this?

>> No.11276720

Post some of your work so we assess the problem better.

>> No.11276855

I'm afraid I'm not confident enough to do this.

>> No.11276911

How can you expect to improve if you're not willing to get feedback?

>> No.11277235

How is someone supposed to help your problems if you won't show any evidence.
Your post is stupid sorry.

>> No.11277520

Put some more effort into the sketch and think about what you're putting down more. Without knowing what it looks like, the best I can say is study whatever you're drawing, maybe pick up a book on it too if you can. It's good you can notice faults but you should really pick up on them sooner.

>> No.11277531
File: 29 KB, 581x581, nike-just-do-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11277584

thanks nike

>> No.11277683

No problem, my friend.

>> No.11278219

Work on your arms and hands, dude.

>> No.11279579

i'll try my best anon

>> No.11280204
File: 3 KB, 96x96, 10032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold my latest creation
presenting you 10032

>> No.11280214

>583 colors
you're doing it wrong.

>> No.11280397

>It's neat but the goggles ruined it. You could have easily made them simple like the rest of the image but why didn't you?

>> No.11280424

Why are her eyebrow pixels smaller than the rest of the pixels? Please do this right.

>> No.11281967

Yeah crush everyone's hope even more. It must be fun for you.

>> No.11282187

what hope? we only told you what's wrong with your work, so you could improve.

if you want to be cuddled and told you're a special snowflake and the best at sprites, go to deviantart.

>> No.11282265

I'm not the one who made those sprites, so don't get mad at him, please.

>> No.11282265,1 [INTERNAL] 

No one is mad, we're just letting him know this is not how pixel art works. All he needs to do is make all parts equally pixelated.

>> No.11282265,2 [INTERNAL] 

lol dumb fucker

the entire sprite looks like shit except for the parts you stole from the avatar maker

idc if you are bad at what you do but don't be asshurt from constructive criticism

>> No.11282265,3 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you people keep falling for this?
