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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 599 KB, 1101x934, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11246883 No.11246883 [Reply] [Original]

Something nice happened this morning. The shipping of a product I ordered was faster than I could have ever predicted. As a result, I found this at my door.

>> No.11246887
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Regardless of how excited I was at my first package in a long time, I washed my hands and started to carefully open the bag.

>> No.11246896
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I'm happy that nothing inside was damaged or showing signs of improper packaging or rough handling.

>> No.11246897
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>> No.11246898


>> No.11246900

pics of your feet please

>> No.11246901
File: 291 KB, 1277x958, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go...

>> No.11246907

fuck, looks like a yuyuko or youmu

>> No.11246903

Is it a Kogasa dakimakura?

>> No.11246905

Kogasa doesn't have myons on her dress.

>> No.11246906

Oh-oh, it's like a story. Please, do go on.

>> No.11246908
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It was folded pretty intricately...

>> No.11246912

OP is so beta he's using a polite sage even though his pic sequence is the only thing on topic ITT and will remain so until he finishes posting them.

>> No.11246914



>> No.11246913

Youmu is a dakimakura!

>> No.11246918
File: 1.34 MB, 2305x1277, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty cute.

>> No.11246920

I always want these to be a joke, like the original dragon dildo threads.

I don't get why you'd post that you received some /jp/-related merchandise. Are we supposed to take turns guessing what it is or something?

>> No.11246924

OP can you do me a favor? Can you wear your dakimakura and take a pic? Preferable naked underneath.

>> No.11246925

waste of money

>> No.11246930
File: 1.49 MB, 2081x1756, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fabric is very soft and the colors are quite sharp. I think it's well shaded, even if my camera doesn't focus perfectly.

>> No.11246926

Did you smear poop on your wall? What are those stains?


>> No.11246928

stop being an autistic weirdo and just look at how cute youmu is.

>> No.11246934

he doesnt have anyone else to tell and wants some attention

>> No.11246935

Is there a back?

>> No.11246933

Naked side whare?

>> No.11246944
File: 835 KB, 1788x1440, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll need to get the inside pillow now, I wasn't expecting it so soon so I haven't gotten one yet. Are there any regular long pillows I can get at local stores that would fit?

Blood stains, I'd have to paint over them I think.

Because this made me happy, and I'd like to share those feelings. You're free to hide the thread if it bothers you.

I'm afraid this is all I can show on a worksafe board.

>> No.11246951

Where did you order her from? Looking around a bit myself.

>> No.11246955

Blood stains? wtf? You can't just say "blood stains" and not explain how and why they are on your wall.

>> No.11246960

OP are you living on your own?

>> No.11246965


Youmu looks a little bent out of shape in this pic

>> No.11246970

mail order waifu sex slave

>> No.11246977

C-Can you fit inside your Youmu?

>> No.11246978

So does anyone know of a pillow I could buy from Walmart or some other local store that would fit well? I don't want to order an inner pillow, they always want $50 for it. I think I could make a pillow, in the worst case.

$38 CAD shipped from Ebay. I know this is probably too much money but I couldn't find a good daki with a half decent 2hu (in my opinion, of course) or character in stock anywhere else.

I'll probably be laughed at for ordering something like that from Ebay, but I've just had a hard time finding dakimakuras in general.

I woke up with a nosebleed. It got on my hands and I used the wall as a support to get up and find some tissues. In the morning I noticed it and tried to wash it off, but some of it was stained in I guess.

No, I'll have to hide her when I'm out of my room.

>> No.11246988

Are you living in a dorm or something? Looks like it...

>> No.11246990

Any knowledge you can share on the fabrics ? I always see a lot of different options of fabric, what would be the most recommended or something ?
And they might laugh, but who cares. You'll never see those Ebay people and you've got your Daki.

>> No.11246997


I see what you did there! LMAO!!!

>> No.11246998

No one must know your secret love for Youmu I guess.

>> No.11247000


Thanks for the reply! : - )

>> No.11247001

Looks like a college student to me.

>> No.11247003

I'm living in a room of a house, temporarily. Going back to college away from here next year and I'll be able to rent a small apartment just to myself over there. I haven't decorated or organized my stuff too much because I'll be moving out at the end of the year.

I don't know much about them, this is my very first one.

As much as I like Youmu, I don't consider her to be my waifu. She was just the nicest available daki. I looked through hundreds of choices and she came out on top by two points over all the others that were in stock and not over $50.

>> No.11247014
File: 40 KB, 500x369, Blup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, thanks for the replies! Enjoy your wonderful nights from now on, anon.

>> No.11247025

I sorry I couldn't help more, thank you for the good wishes.

>> No.11247023

I would like to get a daki but it'll be awkward if my wife or daughter finds out about it. I'm considering renting an apartment as my otaku hideout and dump all my otaku shizz there.

>> No.11247040

Fuck off attention whore, just show us the fucking contents in your first post next time.

>> No.11247046

Do you have a list of points please?

>> No.11247075

My favorite Touhou is only available in lewd.

>> No.11247073

It was a mental tally of criteria.

Character + (what the character is from/2)
Background style and color on first side
Background style and color on second side
Clothing on first side
Clothing on second side
Pose on first side
Pose on second side
Facial expression on first side
Facial expression on second side
General quality of dakimakura
Price + shipping

Dakis with only one side lose a lot of points right off the bat. Dakis with characters not on a traditional bedsheet background lost points, for example. Youmu was a good two-sided daki with a decent character from a decent game, had a traditional background layout and color on both sides, was clothed properly on both sides in relation to the situation, both poses and facial expressions were good, the pictures made it look like it was of decent quality and the price was okay.

>> No.11247077

You can custom order if you've got a problem with that.

>> No.11247088

Dear OP,


>> No.11247090

Do try to contain your enthusiasm.

>> No.11247107

Oh so you were the one that ordered the Youmu daki on Ebay recently.

>> No.11247150

>less than $50
Soooo, bootleg?

>> No.11247154

I am not a rich man.

I'm wondering how you know this.

>> No.11247159
File: 95 KB, 640x480, 1336584421979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of all the touhous you pick her?

>> No.11247161

Why not?

>> No.11247465
File: 641 KB, 2911x827, sfw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got around to taking pictures of the other side after buying some pillows to modify. I'll have to work on the pillows later...

>> No.11247476
File: 1.30 MB, 3139x1863, sfw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post pictures when I'm done the stuffing pillow if this thread is still alive.

>> No.11247941
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I think the home-made stuffing worked well enough, but I still feel like I have to play around with it a little to get it to look right.

First flaw of the daki has been discovered though, it seems that Youmu was printed a bit too high and the top of her head gets hidden by how the stuffing makes it round off. You can't see some of her hair very well...

>> No.11247943
File: 454 KB, 1625x852, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really have to look at it from the top down to see the head properly. It's not so bad since the pillow is shorter than I am.

Short 2Ds are best 2Ds so it's not that much of a bad thing.

>> No.11247950

Did you fug?

>> No.11247944

Cool knife dude, what is it?

>> No.11247953

From counter strike 1.5

>> No.11247962
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This concludes my thread unless people have questions or something.

SOG Daggert 2. It's a great dagger, comes sharp and well ground, very good quality in steel, guard, grip material and overall construction. The sheath is also well made and easy to use. The serrations are cut in a way that prevents them from snagging on anything, so they aren't to be seen as a downside. At first I was sad that they didn't offer the knife without serrations, but after using it, it really doesn't take anything away from the cuts or stabs.

I would recommend the Ontario Trench knife a little more, however. Cheaper and just as good, albeit a bit more traditional.

>> No.11247965

You're supposed to use a pillow.

saged HARD
get fukt op

dont want no weebs on my board

>> No.11247974

>getting lewd daki of you're waifu
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.11247975 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 800x800, ruko skinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take your advice! My old ass ruko is hopelessly dull and unbalanced

>> No.11247976

There is a pillow in there, I'm sorry that I didn't express myself clearly at all. Let me take a picture for you.

I'm saying that it's not a pillow made for this. I bought two pillows, cut them and sewed them together.

>> No.11247986
File: 509 KB, 2165x869, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not very good with a needle but it seems to be working well.

>> No.11247997

>Blood stains, I'd have to paint over them I think.
you can just wash them off with a wet rag, both fresh and old blood stains

>> No.11247998

This makes me physically ill. It makes me sad for Youmu. Use the needle to kill yourself. Or better, use the knife.

>> No.11248009

The walls are only painted with primer, it's hard to wash anything out of that rough paint. The room is getting painted when I leave (soon enough).

>> No.11248823

So edgy and angry. How's your blood pressure, Anon?

>> No.11248851

She's pretty.
Her nose looks weird, though.

Attaching an onahole to Youmu!

>> No.11248879

I would never cuddle with a dork like her.

>> No.11248931

dat /jp/ innovation


>> No.11248962

Unless someone can find a cheap source for dakimakura inner pillows, I can't see doing much else. All the blank inner pillows I've seen were over $50 shipped; either they cost $45 and had $5 shipping or were $5 and had $45 of shipping. With the dakimakura cover costing over $35 anywhere I could find, that brought the total cost of the daki and stuffing to an unreasonable amount.

By buying cheap pillows and modifying them, I was able to make the total cost of my daki $60.05. This includes shipping and all applicable taxes.

>> No.11248987
File: 266 KB, 445x685, 1372767241524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankenyoumu looks so silly though

>> No.11248994

Looks pretty normal to me, I don't see what's so Frankensteinian about it.

>> No.11249594

I remember seeing 150x50 pillows on Ebay for 20-25 bucks shipped. It really doesn't hurt to go the extra mile in fabric quality and stuffing; you'll be glad you did when you cuddle her.

I would also say avoid bootlegs (i.e. Ebay sellers), but it seems you're on a budget.
