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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 16 KB, 268x348, 1375112402503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11243825 No.11243825[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone repost that guide on how to make onaholes at home using wax, plastic bottles and other stuff? I can't afford the real thing.


>> No.11243832
File: 248 KB, 423x590, 1343697132889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be better off saving for the real thing.

>> No.11243840


>> No.11243838


A plastic cup, 2x dish sponges, rubber glove, and tape.

>> No.11243878
File: 106 KB, 330x300, talking cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice pic dude

>> No.11243880

Wow. Get a girlfriend dude.

>> No.11243886

Girls aren't only for sex.

/jp/ is cute boys who would be after a girl for sex as the last thing on their minds!

Please don't be enforcing boys into lewdness, onegai!

>> No.11243892

Tengas are like $10, $15 at your door.

Wont work unless you secure the other side of the glove to the bottom of the cup. A better poorfag method is making a cornstarch mold.

>> No.11243907


>> No.11243966

Thanks man, its a treasured image in my collection.

>> No.11243976

That doesn't work unless you have a small dick, I even tried putting lube on it but nothing.

>> No.11243987

frig off m!lk

>> No.11243988

>anno domini 2013
>not stimulating your prostate

>> No.11243991


who art thou quotith?

>> No.11243994

what do you need onahole for?
little girls pleasure themselves... differently

>> No.11244017

Num interesti?

>> No.11244033

T-tell me more..

>> No.11244041


>> No.11244048

Are those tengas worth it? Seem pretty cheap.

>> No.11244046

Back massagers (both the handheld and chair pad types), horses, motorcycles, pool jets, shower heads, dogs, duvets, pillows, stuffed animals, roller coasters, ect.

I'm sure a loli sitting in a shopping cart while it was being pushed in a parking lot could have an orgasm from the vibration, especially if she was sitting in the little seat thing with the bar between her legs.

>> No.11244052

If you're going to be a cheapass nigger:
-vegetable oil
-saran wrap
-couch cushions

>> No.11244059
File: 150 KB, 601x850, 1367771494677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also very interested.


I've tried shoving a rag in a glass (in place of sponges) and a latex glove in the rag then tying it with a rubberband/string/tape but it doesn't really work it starts to come out and slips off and doesn't feel very good anyway, it was definitely different though.

im crying right now dude, thanks for reminding me asshole

Am I being trolled?

>> No.11244063
File: 711 KB, 1138x2868, 1281788767039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have this.

>> No.11244066

The DT one is worth it.

>> No.11244072

Will try.

Is this a one time use thing? Does it melt or anything?

Why would it melt your dick?

>> No.11244069

I always thought this would melt my dick.
Has anyone tried this?

>> No.11244074
File: 103 KB, 500x481, 1368335056992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> melt my dick

>> No.11244080

Don't know didn't try.
I have used a combination of flashlight sock rubber band condom in that order before.

>> No.11244078

I don't know, I guess I'm kind of skeptical about image guides posted on 4chan after that whole peanut butter cookie thing.

>> No.11244084

> in that order
disregard the rubber band goes outside the sock.

>> No.11244083

I guess I should be more skeptical too.

However I don't see what could go wrong with just cornstarch and water.

>> No.11244085

it splits and then slowly disolves as the starches break down over the course of a few days. the onahole, not the dick.

>> No.11244087

Someone post the WD 40 one.

>> No.11244092

Just use a banana peel

>> No.11244093


I've heard this said before and it makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.11244096

Madoka looks so derpy in that pic

>> No.11244097

>every time you eat a banana you think about what dirty things you would do to it

No thanks. I'd rather keep my thoughts about food pure.

>> No.11244100


It's akarin not madoka.

>> No.11244099

It's works dude, the peel becomes slyppery and wet

>> No.11244102

It's possible to pleasure yourself with many fruits.
For instance, the humble apple.

>> No.11244103
File: 45 KB, 500x481, Anti-bully ranger Akarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol dude that's akarin from yuri yuri

>> No.11244105


>> No.11244115
File: 8 KB, 140x140, dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11244107

With female to female converter dongle.

>> No.11244109

hardest i've laughed in a while

>> No.11244119
File: 220 KB, 500x494, kat4403x0ofwcpb8dgyg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11244126

pleasmake that pic go away it's horrible

>> No.11244129 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 1068x2672, 1367184934250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11244137


Fuck you Akarin is cute as fuck in that pic!

>> No.11244138

Because she's a nigger, a feminazi, a kike and a dyke? No, you fuck off! Bigot

>> No.11244142

Glad to see /jp/ is making a change.

>> No.11244154 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 1302x3905, femSRStoplelz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SRS go back to reddard land where you belong.

>> No.11244184 [DELETED] 
File: 337 KB, 1365x1024, jayjizzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you down, /jp/?

>> No.11244199

I'm down.

>> No.11244201


Nice saliva you got there.

>> No.11244210

my mom has down syndrome for real man, it's not funny

>> No.11244245

Why use onaholes when there are so many lonely /jp/ers

>> No.11244258

Unless those lonely /jp/ers are lolis or have horny little sisters I don't want anything to do with them.

>> No.11244264
File: 1.70 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_1151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11244272

Why is this thread up? How is this otaku culture?

>> No.11244268

does this even feel good?

>> No.11244277

onaholes are otaku culture

>> No.11244278


Not with that cheapo hole.

>> No.11244294
File: 8 KB, 400x400, sadfrog2.png2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay cut the crap jp how many of you actually like boys

>> No.11244292

is this the onahole thread? it doesn't seem worthy, we need an official one.

>> No.11244299

me, but as a girl I think it doesnt count

>> No.11244298

I do.

>> No.11244302

I don't like boys in general, only /jp/ers.

>> No.11244306

Official threads are the worst thing that happened to /jp/. Fuck you.

>> No.11244310


I don't, but I wish I did.

>> No.11244314

This. Girls are boring

>> No.11244320

I'm kindof like this but anal stimulation feels good enough to warrant trying it out with a guy imo

>> No.11244326

Maybe if you quit sperging for more than two seconds you would realize that onahole generals are otaku culture.

>> No.11244334

I hate generals. My mind has to be free to jump to any subject when I feel like it. Slay the generals

>> No.11244343

We need an otaku culture general where we post everything about otaku culture. There would only be 1 thread on the board, so it'd be easier to moderate for janny and easier to find what we need with Ctrl+F.

>> No.11244406
File: 499 KB, 1944x1296, hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just masturbated with this.

It was pretty much the same experience as I had with a fleshlight - difficult to reach orgasm, and painful to ejaculate inside of.

It made me appreciate my hand more.

>> No.11244423

If you could get a fleshlight, you could get an onahole. en-nls.com

>> No.11244455


I don't think my penis is meant to go in holes, Japanese, or not.

>> No.11244467

it is

>> No.11244481


But my hand feels much better and isn't painful at all.

>> No.11244484

use lube you cretin

>> No.11244485

My mouth would feel even better!

>> No.11244492

You're probably one of those weird /jp/ guys though.

>> No.11244493


I do. It is just inherently less stimulating and more uncomfortable.

>> No.11244495

What's wrong with being a /jp/ guy?

>> No.11244530

bad health
bad diet
poor hygeine
too skinny or too fat
self esteem issues
good chance of hikki or NEET
fake homo
weeb or weeb in denial
socially inept
high rate of sexual deviancy

shall I go on or is that enough?

>> No.11244545


>> No.11244572


Nice image, dude.

>> No.11244582
File: 197 KB, 847x600, f489e151687f76f942a14e564619d83d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iz ze sweater puppies and no pan

>> No.11244580

sedentary lifestyle
money waster
self loathing
hates "normal" people (99.999% of humans)
mommy's boy
physically weak
emotionally weak
likely parasitical on society

basically a desirable person isn't going to end up as an otaku.

>> No.11244592
File: 156 KB, 689x498, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fruits and veggies
take cold showers every day
too skinny indeed
no only faglords have those
aspiring computer science researcher
fuck you homoloving faggot, i like my touhous without dicks
weeb indeed
yes, manchild
no, you don't smell if you shower
no, but not an attention whoring rave/b/ro either
actually i'd wish there were more vanilla touhou doujinshis instead of the retarded rape/ntr hardcore fetishes, might as well watch western porn fagshit

try again, cumlord

>> No.11244591


>bad health
Being anemic is cute

>bad diet
girls like sweets

>poor hygiene
bullshit, floor shitting days are over

>too skinny or too fat
no one is perfect

>self esteem issues
no one is normal

>good chance of hikki or NEET
how is this a bad thing

>fake homo

>weeb or weeb in denial


I smell like mint

>socially inept
that's cute

>high rate of sexual deviancy
Just pretending online.

>> No.11244596
File: 23 KB, 259x251, smokedsalmonbroken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got one, her name is reisen and she has bunny ears and shit, fucking weird

>> No.11244598
File: 93 KB, 1024x960, 1373365636791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like 50% of the posts on this board are junk /b/tards post about how they do retard shit like get their dicks stuck in bottles

these people SHOULD hate themselves, even if they're just making it up

>> No.11244608

do judo as a hobby
jew as fuck
no that's the same as self esteem issues aka fucking faggot
don't hate them, just don't talk to them unless necessary
live alone, mom died 12 years ago
weak for judo, yes
no, got my first job

> basically a desirable person isn't going to end up as an otaku.
oh i won't deny that

>> No.11244617

Oh my god I know right? /b/tards are like,ugh, sooo re-tar-ded, and like, should just die.

>> No.11244631
File: 51 KB, 339x298, SUICIDE CAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um yeah


>> No.11244635

My uncle came over to cut my lawn and I offered to ege because I thought it would be easy. After I finished I was sweating more than I have ever sweat before and I can't hold my arms still because they're twitching due to fatigue. I can barely type or move the mouse because they're so tired. The same thing happens when I try to frost a cake after holding onto a hand mixer. My hands shake uncontrollably because they don't get much use.

I don't think I'm meant to do anything other than sit in front of a computer. I'm anemic, have asthma, occasional near-sightedness, and I tend to pass out after eating meals.

Can I at least considered cute?

>> No.11244640

>I offered to ege


>> No.11244644

Sorry, I thought I typed 'edge'.

Also after I finished I went in the pool because I felt really hot doing yard work when it's 105F. Unfortunately the pool water was around 80F and wasn't refreshing but when I got out there was a slight breeze and it made me too cold and I started shivering and had to go inside and take a warm shower.

>> No.11244647

pb cookie?

>> No.11244651

Stop blogging, faggot. No one cares about your epic yardwork day.

>> No.11244655

Star working out dude. Just get some dumbells or something.

>> No.11244659

Please don't bully me again.


>> No.11244674
File: 106 KB, 500x500, 1375120658070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11244682

I don't always bully but I when I do I prefer to bully bloggers

>> No.11244684

That's really mean

>> No.11244686 [DELETED] 

Proof that ona is otaku culture:


>> No.11244692

Sorry, but it's for the greater good. If you want to talk about your life there are a million places on the internet you can go to. You don't have to shit up /jp/ with stories about your uncle mowing the lawn. Seriously dude, that was a bad post that stood out amongst a flood of shitposting. Something had to be done

>> No.11244698

That's still really mean

>> No.11244707

Now you're just fishing for replies but I'll bite.

It's not mean. It's educational and sorely needed. Maybe you will think twice before you post about your long day of edging and swimming

>> No.11244709

No really it's mean if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all.

>> No.11244713
File: 1.39 MB, 3960x5000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always be another limp wristed, weak dick programmer. Although you'd probably get carpal tunnel because you're a bitch.

Fuck you.

>> No.11244715

That's bullshit and you know it. That is something we tell kids so they don't end up fighting in the classroom all day.

Please. Just take a deep breath and realize you fucked up badly by posting that story.

>> No.11244719

Decent unboxing vid.


>> No.11244721

holy shit, this grass cutting nerd is getting rekt

>> No.11244728

I have a problem where I sometimes I can't take deep breaths and end up yawning a lot

>> No.11244731

Just stop posting, ok? Nobody cares. Nobody wants you here.

Just stop.

>> No.11244735

If you have nothing nice to say don't say it please

>> No.11244740
File: 269 KB, 850x1188, 1374711647938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought your grasscutting story was cute. please feel free to blog any time you want. don't pay attention to the bullies, they're just upset because they don't have a cute /jp/ boyfriend to snuggle and cuddle.

>> No.11244748

How does one get weed? I've seen a lot of so-called "shut-ins" talk about how they smoke weed and erase their depression and I'd like to do that too. However, I have no irl friends and my fear of human contact + the law stops me from pursuing a dealer, although that hasn't stopped certain people with "social anxiety" from doing it anyway. Sounds phony to me. Any tips?

>> No.11244761

>I offered to edge

The fuck is "edging grass" supposed to be? You stood in the grass with our uncle, masturbating and holding on with the orgasm until he was done?

>> No.11244769

It's where the grass meets the sidewalk or curb. You have to edge it either using a weed whacker or an edger. If you don't, the grass will creep out onto the concrete.

lrn2suburbia, pleb

>> No.11244776

it'd be easier to order seeds & grow it, but don't do this. Even in places like boston where it's quasi-legal to smoke, it's still wicked illegal to grow it. For whatever reason. I don't get it, seems like you'd want people to grow it rather than buy it from the mob/idiots, but whatever.

Personally I'd just steer clear of that shit. In addition to the political crap surrounding it, the quality varies wildly and most of it just makes you stupid gluttonous and wacky/paranoid without being all that much fun compared with alternative plants that were never illegal anywhere except maybe australia.

>> No.11244775

No with a weed whacker you go around the edges of the grass where the lawnmower can't get into and cut the grass.


Like that

>> No.11244785

I would help you but the last time I talked about drugs on here I got a 90 day ban. I was able to get it reduced to 4 days but still... promised I wouldn't do it again. Violates global rule 1. I've been since 2006 and I always thought that just was a disclaimer of non-liability when people post CP on /b/

Anyway, I would delete your post if I were you. You can post your email address in another post if you want.

>> No.11244786

I grew up in the forest, where there's no pussy ass concrete to protect you from the 5 centimeter tall ants, constrictor snakes and poisonous spiders, kid.

>> No.11244797

That was the most depressing thing I have ever watched.

>> No.11244800
File: 44 KB, 480x640, 26725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever played in the forest with a loli? Did you bring her to your treehouse/base? What sorts of things did you do together? Was there any sort of exploration done together, whether it was exploration of the forest, or sexual exploration?

>> No.11244801 [DELETED] 

I'm sure the mods will find it in their hearts to have mercy on a loser baka like me, anyways email in sage as always.

>> No.11244802


I'm sure the mods will find it in their hearts to have mercy on a loser baka like me, anyways email in sage as always.

>> No.11244812

Actually yeah, I've brought a loli that was visiting into a "house" she built with banana leaves and blankets, and we played house. It was really cute and I had to fight with my lewd thoughts.

>> No.11244818

What did the loli look like?

>> No.11244821

Social anxiety really wouldn't really be that bad since picking up weed isn't all that awkward. It's actually perfect for someone that hates dealing with people because both of you want to get the transaction done as quickly and discreetly as possible. A dealer also doesn't want to make you uncomfortable and lose a customer.

But you need connections to find a decent one that isn't selling you bunk shit with Mexico that might be laced with glass, windex, or PCP. Not sure how you'd accomplish that without friends.

But you shouldn't smoke weed if you're a NEET. It would probably just make you depressed.

>> No.11244824

You shouldn't do drugs at all if you're NEET. Only caffeine from tea is acceptable.

>> No.11244828

Silkroad works (very well) if you have somewhere to ship it to and the money for it. A lot of it comes in bulk, which is better but harder to work up the money for all at once. You'll also need some way to get the bitcoins from whichever currency you use now.

I'd suggest the "brand" Girl Scout Cookies, but if you've never tried it before remember that his blend is very potent and it won't take much at all to get you going. I'm saying even a quarter of a gram might be too much at once.

>> No.11244835

She had long, straight black hair and a snub nose. I remember her being pretty tall for her age and having strong arms for a little girl. She held me on the ground and said the husband should rest while she made dinner.
It was actually many, many years ago. I no longer live in the forest and she was a tall teenager last time I saw her. Sad.

>> No.11244834
File: 57 KB, 704x528, crotchonfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11244841

You should have eaten her out.

>> No.11244847


>> No.11244848

I regret not doing so to this day.

>> No.11244855

You should always eat out a loli if you have the chance. I haven't done it, but they're supposedly sensitive so if you can control your tongue properly she'll enjoy it a lot. Try to imagine how her face would scrunch up after the first lick, unsure if she liked it or not. As you continue, she'd relax and close her eyes and just enjoy it.

>> No.11244862

Yeah and then she tells your dad and you're fucked.

>> No.11244868

That's why you kill her and hide the body afterwards.

>> No.11244878

I dont want to use TOr or bitcoins. Only shitheads use them. Guess I'm gonna be "weed"-less forever.

>> No.11244893

I read about this flower on /x/ that produces hallucinations. Some tripfag was using it to make tea. allegedly it was legal to buy, sell and grow. I dunno if he was legit or not. Google datura tea.

>> No.11244907


great if you like turning into a schizophrenic

>> No.11244910

There are plenty of things like that. Blue lotus is another, much more mild and harmless.

>> No.11244924

Meant to say delerients but fucking phone.

>> No.11244922

Yeah a lot of these substances are likely to be detriments which are not fun at all.

>> No.11244926

Why would she tell her dad?

>> No.11244929

Read that as "then she fucks her dad".

>> No.11244939

sent btw

>> No.11244942

Have you tried them? They sound like the kind of release I'm looking for.

>> No.11244953

Stay away from Datura Inoxia! It's also called Jimson Weed.

Yes, it is legal in most places but it's a deleriant which is rather unpleasant even to experienced people. The same type of effect you would get from high levels of diphenhydramine (benadryl)

All completely legal but horrible.

If you want a legal trip go with DXM. Google it for instructions.

Again, watch out discussing illegal substances on here. It's against the rules

>> No.11244954

I have a friend that eats a lot of Benadryl pills. My understanding of the natural stuff is that they're far worse.

Generally you see flitting shadows in your peripheral vision, swarms of insects, hear voices, and have a terrible body load so you can barely move. Along with general ominous feelings and paranoia.

Also having boring conversations with people who aren't actually there.

>> No.11244961

No. Unless you like paralyzing fear, bugs crawling on you, inability to breathe, death thoughts, delirium and an intimate encounter with the evil side of your mind.

>> No.11244965

Should be "Yes I have tried them" but "No, not the experience you want"

>> No.11244972

I looked into this a while back and I don't remember DXM being legal or as easy to obtain as a bunch of flowers. I could literally walk into a flower shop tomorrow and order some datura/blue lotus.

>> No.11244973

Pure little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.11244987

DXM is literally just Robitussin.

>> No.11244988

DXM is dextramorphan (or something like that). It's cough syrup. You just want to get pure stuff without guafiasin (again sic) so not Robotussin even though the kiddies like to talk about "Robotripping"

The stuff you are talking about is completely different and I would not recommend trying it even once.

>> No.11244997

He might be thinking of DMT which is quasi-legal in the sense it can be extracted from legal sources and analagous compounds are in non-scheduled desinger drugs that aren't well known enough to be prohibited.

Stay safe, anons. Legal doesn't mean it's not potentially harmful or fatal if used improperly

>> No.11245006

A couple years ago my local news network was talking about salvia as a sort of "legal alternative to weed". It was kind of frustrating thinking there would genuinely be idiots out there trying to get casually high off of it.

>> No.11245013

lol, yeah. Salvia is a hell of thing if you smoke it right.

At least the effects don't last long. DMT doesn't either but it's a bit different.

I think a lot of places have banned Salvia now, though, or at least don't allow it to be sold.

>> No.11245017

Not that guy, but I've been downing 150mg of DPH every night for the last year. Before that I did bi-weekly doses of 500mg or more. At the higher doses there really isn't anything pleasurable about the effects. Sometimes they can be downright frightening. You feel incredibly heavy, you lose track of time, and can't remember anything farther than ten seconds in the past.

There are also hallucinations, but they're probably different from what you're imagining. Hallucinations produced by deliriants can't be easily distinguish from reality and they almost always have some creepy feeling to them. For instance, I often get auditory hallucinations that involve people calling my name from outside or screams/yells. Visuals tend to be the same if not worse. There's a weird smoke visual that seems to be common for most users and I see faces in everything, bugs everywhere, and doors tend to look like they're shaking as if someone's trying to get in. Walls tend to look like they're breathing too. The following day after large doses you'll basically be a robot because DPH does something weird with emotions.

I use the lower doses to help me sleep and because it intensifies orgasm tenfold. I suppose feeling slightly heavier helps me get comfortable too.

>> No.11245018

So I'm looking for cough syrup without guafiasin? Why? How easy is it to find?

How do I consume it exactly? Do I just drink it or does it need cooking/mixing?

>> No.11245022


>> No.11245037

One time I took a medium-sized dose of DXM and DPH and somehow eventually settled into my bed with some anime on the TV. I remember the characters having two sets of eyes and babbling on in English despite the audio being Japanese. It was interesting.

>> No.11245041

Please stop trying to hurt my friends.

>> No.11245044


>> No.11245051

It's probably there to stop people from abusing it. A lot of OTC medicines do this.

>> No.11245053

Not the same shit. Purple drank is prescription codeine cough syrup (opiate) and promethezine (an opiate potenator). DXM is a cough suppressant found in over the counter cough medicine, pills and syrup. Just get the stuff with DXM as the only active ingredient

Listen everyone. Fuck /jp/ for good info. Google, erowid, even 420chan will help you. There are few guys making good posts here but idiots like the one above aren't going to help

>> No.11245062

That's really mean, I don't think >>11245051 seems like an idiot. Please don't hurt my feelings any more.

>> No.11245066

Nah, guafiasin is a cough supressant too. Maybe it's a mucus thinner now that I think about it. Anyway, it's in there as legitimate medicine, not a deterant like the bitter shit they put in potential inhalants.

Please don't post about shit if you don't know about it. Drugs are srs business

>> No.11245070

Maybe not an idiot but he's post incorrect information based on an assumption.

I'm just trying to look out for my fellow /jp/sies, man. I want them to do their homework before fucking with shit some unexperienced dude posted about on /jp/

>> No.11245074

Keep up the good work NSJ

>> No.11245076

What's the deterent that gets put in with Robotussin? I was under the impression that it's in there similar to have Tylenol-3 has acetaminophen because that will cause unpleasant yet somewhat safe things to happen far before you're able to take enough to abuse the codeine in it.

>> No.11245086

No, the tylenol is there to compliment the pain killer as a pain reliever. It's true that high doses are very bad for your liver but most narcotics are available as non-apap.

Example: Percocet (emphasis on cet... you will see cet and dan indicating the reliever used)
comes in 5 and 10mg APAP mostly but there are also commonly prescribed 30mg pills that are pure oxycodone(the perco part of the brand name)

>> No.11245100

Also it's pretty easy to extract the pain reliever and it's not illegal to do so by any law I know of but I don't recommend abusing opiates. Take them as prescribed.

>> No.11245112

I have a whole bottle of them from some dental work that I didn't need to take. What should I do? I don't want to become a junkie.

>> No.11245117

Search for cold water extraction

>> No.11245135

who gives a shit

>> No.11245133

To remove the pain reliever yes but I wouldn't suggest doing it.

If he has no tolerance built up, he shouldn't be taking it at any dose high enough to require CWE.

I'm not trying to be a hypocrite here as I am user of many things but I don't want to see other people getting into shit they probably don't want to. It's a dangerous path to tread on, especially if you are already depressed or generally unhappy with your life
