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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11235742 No.11235742[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I want to buy for the first time typical japanese sextoys and female clothing... and I don't know where I should buy or what I should buy. Any help? Thank you.

>> No.11235753
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>> No.11235754
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What is "sex", buddy?

>> No.11235759


Touching yourself

>> No.11235761

it feels kind of like eating a cheeseburger except you use your penis.

>> No.11235784

it's when you put your p0n0s into a vag00 or other warm orifices

>> No.11235785 [SPOILER] 
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I don't think you can fit a cheeseburger in there

>> No.11235794
File: 128 KB, 640x640, butthurt-neko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memefied that for u ◕‿↼

>> No.11235802

Holy crap Chen is a woman!

>> No.11235804
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Please, help me, it's something I want to do before killing myself

>> No.11235805

You lost me.

Try jlist

>> No.11235808

He's working really hard I thing we should help, sorry for crossboarding deal with it turbonerds.

>> No.11235818

jesus christ

>> No.11235825
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Yeah, I already looked on that, but they don't have interesting dildos. And what should I buy?


Oh god someone kill me

>> No.11235847

/q/ don't know anything about /jp/

>> No.11235858


You are working hard but looking at the wrong board for advice, /q/ doesn't know shit about how the board works. the buyfag thread might help a little but /a/ is less likely to help newcomers.

Also check the catalaog, there is always some threads about it, it would be the best for you to browse both the buyfag thread and /jp/ as a whole.


Welcome to /jp/, we hate 2hu so post typemoons instead.

They are running the website.

>> No.11235869

looks pretty accurate to me

>You are working hard but looking at the wrong board for advice,
you're pretty fucking delusional if you think onahole/sex toys don't go on /jp/ or that we don't discuss them on a daily basis (well, our threads last weeks so it's more like a weekly basis)

we still have a thread up too I'm pretty sure

>> No.11235873

I meant /q/, he should had never posted on that cancerous place, and he should feel bad about it.

It is just a circlejerk where /pol/ spams threads about getting /pol/ deleted so that they could be allowed to flood the website with their spam.

>> No.11235878

You didn't read his whole post, he didn't say that.
"Also check the catalaog, there is always some threads about it, it would be the best for you to browse both the buyfag thread and /jp/ as a whole.

>> No.11235895
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Please use proper meme-arrows for quoting.
