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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 11 KB, 260x221, Cat Laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1120866 No.1120866 [Reply] [Original]

Do Japanese folks eat cats and dogs, or do they have a more western view on such things?

I ask because I know the Koreas, China and a number of other places in the general area do, but I don't know about Japan

>> No.1120939

Yes, they do. They're asian after all.

>> No.1120959

And the very large majority of places in China and Korea do not serve dog.

>> No.1120976

this is true. from what my korean friends tell me, most people have never had it. Mainly old people have had it at some point in time, probably a long time ago.
But it's mainly a myth that dog and cat are common delicacies. They're very rare

>> No.1120981

If it has 4 legs or swims, they eat it.

>> No.1120982
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No, in Japan cats and dogs look like this...

>> No.1120978

I had a friend who visited Guam and they ate dog there.

>> No.1121050
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Why must I love them so much?

>> No.1121061


well, i've lived all throughout northern china, and there's certainly no lack of dog meat restaurants in the area. almost all of these are run by ethnic koreans. fuck china and fuck corea

>> No.1121066

lies. sweet lies. the chinese eat EVERYTHING. cats, especially. And in Korea, almost every soup joint has bosintang/gutang on the menu.

In fact during an interview, one of the top starcraft gamers said he has a bowl before every tournament.

>> No.1121080
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I eat dog.
If you know what I mean.

>> No.1121086

you're not a real dog eater till you've earned your redwings.

>> No.1121089
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>> No.1121085

I live in a college town right now, for college, and as most college towns are, the place is dirt poor.

So anyways, this dirt poor town, with a average income of like 20 grand, has a shit load of *iffy* looking chinese and japanese restaurants. One of those restaurants was shut down recently because it was discovered that they were mixing in dog meat into the food as a way to save money.

>> No.1121119

It can't be too bad. I had an uncle who fought in Vietnam who ate gerbil, cat and dog. He said it wasn't bad. Also, ever eat Dinty Moore beef stew in a can? The meat in there is definitely not your typical beef. I've always claimed rat or dog, though with its size I'd say dog, though maybe horse.

>> No.1121123

Ugh. Every Wanko thread drives me closer and closer to actually trying to start a translation project for it. Problem is I don't give a damn about Nadeshiko's route. Risa and the family foursome are too superior.

>> No.1121128


There should be mandatory summer school.

>> No.1121131
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>> No.1121146

when i was in ecuador I ate guinea pigs. they even keep them in little "villages" where they look so cute in the mini-homes going "beep" to each other.

>> No.1121168

I'm Asian, I've eaten dog before, taste like a chewy version of Chicken.

I've not seen a restaurant in Japan serve dog, maybe in the countryside.

>> No.1121172
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The script files are extractable but encrypted or assembled or something. I would already be translating them if they were actually readable.

>> No.1121228

I don't think I could translate it alone, my moonrunes aren't that strong, but it is written fairly straightforwardly.

>> No.1121235
File: 495 KB, 245x354, 1218671612684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do Japanese folks eat cats and dogs

>> No.1121303
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"Master, are you in heat? Does it hurt? Can I help by sucking your cock?" isn't too hard to translate so I'm pretty sure I could manage.

>> No.1121338

Don't forget going into graphic detail about how doggirl vagina goes into sucking convulsions and sucks your cock dry while you fuck her, swallowing all of your semen directly into their womb, and they simply will not stop until full. Fuck yeah.

>> No.1121386

I've been told dog tastes like beef

>> No.1121395

"Since dogs have no hymens, I don't have to take it easy."

>> No.1121405

But Kuu knows that human girls have hymens.
*Kuu promptly goes for Kana's ass and rims the loli to orgasm.*

>> No.1121406

they don't eat dogs or cats but they do eat weirder shit like seal and dolphin from a can

>> No.1121415

In before Shoko-tan eating cats.

>> No.1121421

My favorite ATLAS translated line from Wanko is something like
"A caress of the anus is a caress that Kana likes."
I lolled for a good few days every time I remembered that one.

>> No.1121429


>> No.1121426

Sauce? I know it was posted before, but I lost it...

>> No.1121439


>> No.1121463

Is it good?

>> No.1121471

no big deal, canadians eat seal.

>> No.1121472

My tae kwon do instructor told me when he first came to this country he bought dog food thinking it was dog meat in the supermarket.

>> No.1121488
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>> No.1121494


>> No.1121533
File: 30 KB, 400x302, 1218673684556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat and dog are old hat. The hip oriental food of the hour is balut.

Find your own image, I just ate.

>> No.1121554

What's this game about?

>> No.1121562

fuck you. balut is delicious.

>> No.1121584

It's about banging loli pets, and HNNNGGGG!


>> No.1121596

Oooooh, I love doggirls and catgirls!
Ok just downloaded this game, should I play it with ATLAS or is it too engrishy?

>> No.1121597

Yes, it has a good and interesting story. The characters are also fairly neat, instead of being a worthless douchebag for a lead you are actually a self-made man who sold his body as a teenager after your parents disappeared and you went to live with your escort/soapland girl sister. Thus you're a retired manwhore who is putting himself through school, and living the good life as opposed to some 16 year old high school waste-of-flesh who's balls haven't dropped. The voice acting is entertaining, with every character's personality really shining through. The art and style is bright and adorable, though dark in a few places. And perhaps most importantly the story uses drama and bad things happening to lead to better things happening as opposed to it being a spiraling trainwreck. No "she was a crippled animal spirit from the future" style bullshit here.

>> No.1121602
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>> No.1121607
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Hey, whatever crunches your duck fetus.

>> No.1121610

Fuck, I'm sold. Downloading now.

>> No.1121611

>Do Japanese folks eat cats and dogs
no, they eat weeaboos and otakus.

>> No.1121619

But weeaboos and otakus are smelly and taste bad.

>> No.1121645

ATLAS actually works quite well with Wanko.
You will need to use this flag though:
My shortcut for comparison is:
E:\Utilities\AGTH\agth.exe /c /HA-C#1@418E1F "C:\ivory\WANKO\WANKO.EXE"
I probably should've included instructions to use ATLAS when I uploaded that iso to MU.

>> No.1121651

You should be ok with Atlas, the writing is pretty simple and to the point. The only parts where it can be confusing is when Yuichi talks about his past and well, >>1121597 did a good job of summing it up.

>> No.1121664

>But it's mainly a myth that dog and cat are common delicacies. They're very rare
>They're very rare
They re extinct!

>> No.1121671

Not Wanko to Kurasou, but loli catgirls and HNNNGGG are there.

>> No.1121696
File: 83 KB, 728x858, 1218674738973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asians love the taste of bad smelling things

>> No.1121717

Here's a clear save file for Wanko to Kurasou. I'm pretty sure this is the right file, anyway.
It's a waste to skip the cute story, but if you just want to get straight to the H-scenes, go for it.

>> No.1121722

Thanks for the info.

>> No.1121729
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"Jack! Jack! Are you done with the laundry, Jack!"

>> No.1121731
File: 56 KB, 300x542, 1218674964711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Japanese people do not eat dogs. In Korea, sometimes they do. I have been told by my Korean gf that there is in fact a day where lots of people eat dog meat in Korea. But when I say 'lots of' that is compared to, say, America. The relative proportion of dog-eaters probably is decreasing in Korea, as it was more of a post-war foodstuff, wasn't it? At any rate, her dad eats it sometimes. And they kept dogs where they live.

>> No.1121757
File: 336 KB, 1280x960, 1218675149406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy! Flipper fillets!

>> No.1121766


>> No.1121776

whale. . .

>> No.1121777

Welcome to the world of pettophilia Anonymous.
Petto not pedo.

>> No.1121782

It says "iruka" which means dolphin.

>> No.1121795
File: 62 KB, 640x480, 1218675566056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Petto not pedo.
When it comes to them, it's pretty much petto AND pedo.

>> No.1121792

pic of a whale.

>> No.1121804
File: 34 KB, 301x300, 1218675624852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heavy petting zoo?

>> No.1121855

Won't find me complaining. Because gentlemen, I like petto.
Petto = the ultimate companion.
I have no need for some bitchy woman constantly trying to assert herself. I have no need for some intellectual bitch complicating my life even more.
A petto would hug me as soon as I came home. She would provide physical companionship, emotional comfort, and an unquestioned relationship built on comfort and implicit trust. She may not be too smart, but she'd be happy to sit down and play simple board and video games. Her maintenance would be minor, food, some clothes, some extra shampoo, soap and whatnot, and attention, a trivial expense compared to impressing and maintaining a relationship with a real woman.
Ah, if only such a luxury existed.

>> No.1121872


>> No.1121904

On the left is dolphin, on the right is humpback whale.

>> No.1121952
File: 12 KB, 164x397, 1218676905166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's why I liked Wanko to Kurasou better than Neko Kawaigari. In NK, they're all crazy.

>> No.1121994
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>> No.1121992


>> No.1122009

I LOVED Nekokawaiigari. Still haven't played the Wanko games which is possibly a travesty but still, loved Nekokawaiigari.

Faye was the best. Dunno what you mean by everyone's crazy though.

>> No.1122019
File: 131 KB, 800x600, 1218677605379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanko to Lily and Wanko to Kurasou are made by different companies. Lily is a fluffy sob story. I didn't like it.
I still fap to Kurasou though.

>> No.1122023
File: 323 KB, 800x600, 1218677686703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faye is a manic tsundere who RAAAAAGGGGGEEEEE at the slightest provocation, Norma is a lazy slut, and the twin are erm... Tewi x2. And the doc is a nutcase who has decided that the best way to heal mentally unstable cats is to have an amnesic dog fuck them as therapy. No wonder there's a chapter called 'The shining'.

But I like a lot too. I just like wanko better.

>> No.1122037
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>> No.1122100


>> No.1122111
File: 111 KB, 400x300, 1218678577512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh 2ch you so crazy

>> No.1122219
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 1218679649647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it is. Both games are very different.

Wanko to kurasou makes you go: "HHHHGGGGGGNNNNNN! I want a doggirl who will be loyal eager to please me without asking for much in return... SO RONERY!!".

Neko kawaigari make you go: "Sooo... they're just fucked up womenz with cat ears? And I'm a dog? Whatever, I want to fuck Faye's voice."

>> No.1122231
File: 307 KB, 640x640, 1218679784292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh delicious Mikan. My wafu.

>> No.1122241

hey, just a question. is the game completely translated? or are those two images posted here advertisers?

>> No.1122252


>> No.1122263
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1218680125728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither. Just me being a faggot and translating the prologue for the heck of it before moving on. The english in the OP movie was there originally.

>> No.1122265

Translate the rest, please.

>> No.1122332

Would take forever by myself and would take even longer to edit since my english writing skills are shit.

>> No.1122500

Don't forget "excrement/crap."

>> No.1122517

Fucking monsters.

>> No.1122741

sounds like we need a global /jp/ effort. Anyone up for it?

>> No.1123072

The only thing /jp/ is good at is asking for translations, and then bitching about them.

>> No.1123140

Well I can edit it if anyone wants to try to give the moon runes a go. I only know hiragana/katakana runes and only 100 kanji so i won't be much help in translating.

>> No.1123244

Here's an example of what I did a while ago, since I've realized I still have my edits on the hard drive:

<0121> She has a childish voice, yet speaks with the calm and confident tone of voice of a mature woman.
<0122> Her large, profound pupils, and her thin tightly tied lips, give her a sense of determination.
<0123> However, the child-like softness of her jaw leave her looking like a young girl.
<0124> The white medical robe that is not appropriate for her body makes her look like she's playing make-belief doctor.
<0125> But she unexpectedly match the white gown with a weirdly sexy miniskirt.


Pic unrelated.

>> No.1123248

That pictures disgusts me.

>> No.1123261

How long is the entire game anyways?

>> No.1123265
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>> No.1123290

The SEEN.TXT is around 1.5 Megs. Can't give a time estimate, I was playing 2-3 other eroge at the time. But it's moderately long IIRC.

>> No.1123369

Damn. Well, I'm all up for helping with the editing if anyone can provide rough translations. If that doesn't work I can always try to AGTH it and edit off those. Looks like it's time to hit more kanji.

>> No.1123410
File: 150 KB, 500x333, 1218693722588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


<0127> In addition to unload the line of sight and the whole atmosphere make clear mismatch cute rabbit ears of swaying slippers.

Good luck with that...

>> No.1123583

And my hopes are dashed.
