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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 118 KB, 841x750, 4758-524090668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11227836 No.11227836[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Grisaia no Kajitsu english patch is confirmed to be released within the next 24 hours.

Is /jp/ hype for this?

>> No.11227841

What's the point if I can't read the other two right after?

>> No.11227846

I can't get excited over eroge without at least one pseudololi.

>> No.11227847
File: 235 KB, 1600x900, 1302356165123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To intensify your hunger to learn to read nip.

Better than nothing I would suppose.

>> No.11227906


Kajitsu stands on its own. Meikyuu is just a glorified fandisc anyway and Rakuen is batshit insane.

>> No.11227920


Also, the other two games will be translated as well.

>> No.11227925
File: 262 KB, 1400x787, 1304941464852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's an underlying plot sequence through though... Right?

>> No.11227934



>> No.11227942

Like retconning an entire route because you're a shitty writer.

>> No.11227963


No no no. Pls no.

Actually? Did the writer have some kind of time restraint and say fuck it?

>> No.11227971

>because you're a shitty writer

I think they had several writers. And anyway, it's a different timeline, so it's the same level of retconning as G Sen.

>> No.11227992

I like fandiscs.

>> No.11228013

My body is ready

>> No.11228072
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>Different timeline

Ah no not that direction again.

Although I wasn't taking G Sen seriously at all and managed to enjoy it quite a bit.

>> No.11228083

why the fuck does she stand like that

>> No.11228140


Probably bad hips from all this timeline jumping business.

>> No.11228154

Can you stop posting on my board? Thanks.

>> No.11228175
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M-My apologies Board master Anon.

>> No.11229878

I might get it. And if it interests me enough, I can just read the rest with ith+ta or something. I'll probably be too lazy though.

>> No.11229882

>Hey guys, patch is going to be released in 24 hours
>We really mean it this time! Last time was just practice!

>> No.11229900

i think she is the worst girl in grisaia

amane is the cutest

>> No.11229908

>>We really mean it this time! Last time was just practice!

You know, it doesn't mean shit when some nerd on /jp/ claims it will be released 'tomorrow'.

>> No.11229934

The route itself happened and is referenced several times, Rakuen just show a much more plausible explanation for what happened in this route to make it fit the setting.

>> No.11229968


>> No.11229971


>> No.11229999

>the other two games will be translated as well.
yes, after the sixth fandisc get released.

>> No.11230017

u wot m8

>> No.11230032

no really dude youre fucking bad at posting

go on /vg/ or w/e you normally post

>> No.11230073

what the heck is this game even about?

How much porn is there?

>> No.11230076



>> No.11230078

>what the heck is this game even about?
It's a love story, so there is no netorare.
>How much porn is there?
There is lots, unfortunately we are going to have to wait until the anime airs for our netorare porn.

>> No.11230084

>6.4 gigglebitties

this game better be worth it, and there better be a whole bunkle of porn, or I will find were you live and take out the sexual frustration caused by lack of porn in the game on your tight boypussy.

I will be ruff

>> No.11230093

>i will be ruff

Shit this guy means business

>> No.11230091

you better hope he likes it, you might lose your purity over that gross miscalculation of just how much porn there is!

>> No.11230095

youre trying too hard

>> No.11230100

your not trying hard enuff

>> No.11230103
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>> No.11230107


>> No.11230111
File: 100 KB, 1137x404, Screenshot - 7_26_2013 , 12_10_14 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY SHIT someone pls seed

>> No.11230114
File: 1 KB, 204x44, ss (2013-07-26 at 06.12.20).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha! I started my download yesterday. I'm ready for once, nerds.

>> No.11230119

I started my download four weeks ago when someone first posted that omnious release countdown.

>> No.11230123


I've all Grisaia games on my external HD since they're released. Sucks to be you.

>> No.11230122


does such internet really exist?

>> No.11230126

Yup me too
>tfw every month download new eroge
It's like a fiesta and only my penis is invited.

>> No.11230127

ready to wait for months? lol

>> No.11230136
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>> No.11230139

>Doddler ‏@The_Doddler 1h
>The patch is about 172mb, and you'll need the game installed to install the patch. The install is pretty straight forward though.

>Doddler ‏@The_Doddler 1h
>So barring any last minute issues, the Grisaia patch should be coming out tonight.

>> No.11230155

What kind of an idiot doesn't have it downloaded already?

>> No.11230151

>tfw the only person seeding with any bandwidth is some britbong

Hes doing his best for us, even tho hes probably being recorded with cctv cameras and will thrown into a re-education facility.

>> No.11230163


>> No.11230160

why download a game months before the release of its patch?

>> No.11230164

Im too lazy to grab it off my ext drive, its going pretty slow so i might just have too.

>> No.11230171


There wasn't even an announcement for a project when I downloaded the games since I was learning Jap anyway. Now my nippongo is probably strong enough to read it raw, but I'm still going with the patch since I'm afraid I won't understand all the military stuff.

>> No.11230177


That post was meant for >>11230155.

>> No.11230178

Fuck you. I've been waiting too long. Too long for a shit like this.

>> No.11230190

I'm not saying months. But they said editing was done on 23rd. You could have started then.

>> No.11230199

What is everyone complaining about? The torrent I downloaded a while back has 27 seeds.

>> No.11230195

>I'm not saying months.
>But they said editing was done on 23rd. You could have started then.
You are contradicting yourself.

>> No.11230206

ib4 stuck at 99.9%

>> No.11230213

Where can I get the English patch?

>> No.11230215

That's the joke, moron.

>> No.11230217


First you must solve the riddle of steel.

>> No.11230223

are the cg at exhentai or soemthing.

>> No.11230230


I have it, but I only give it to a select few. The real question is, what are you willing to do tog et it anon?

>> No.11230232

u're mother is on exhentai.

the download pack for her thighs is 2gigs big lmao

>> No.11230237

3 days isn't months.

>> No.11230243

my mom is dead u queerboy.

and evne dead she wont fug a pussy like you

>> No.11230257

did she explode into a supernova or was her mass big enuff 2 create a black hole? #rekt #owned4lyfe

>> No.11230280

no, ur mum fall on her.

>> No.11230282

>3 days

>> No.11230288

Let's count together, anon.
23->24 This is one
24->25 This is two
25->26 This is three.

>> No.11230308

>but I'm still going with the patch since I'm afraid I won't understand all the military stuff.

He just uses a few obscure words every so often, it's nothing a text hooker or dictionary cant solve.

>> No.11230304

>release day
toppu roru

>> No.11230312
File: 13 KB, 514x72, herkz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not trusting our lord and master Herkz-sama

>> No.11230314


>> No.11230359

dont worry he's just uploading it!!!! its 176mb big it'll take awhile!!!

>> No.11230421


>> No.11230641

It's out.

>> No.11230655

Yes and F/HA is out as well.

>> No.11230647

I thought /jp/ didn't care about English-translated games any more?

Why does this have so many replies?

>> No.11230651

That never happened

>> No.11230652

post a link fuck face

>> No.11230657


>> No.11230660



>> No.11230664


OP is too stupid to see that there was a Grisaia thread already


>> No.11230668

No dude, once a thread hits the bump limit, you can't reply to it.

Didn't you get the memo?

>> No.11230671

Your brilliant trollpost doesn't explain why the thread has 94 replies past bump limit.

>> No.11230681



>> No.11230686

jb better be fuckable in this one. I dont want to wait till 2 to fuck her. Also i hear she has a route in 2 and 3.

>> No.11230694

No JB for you, sorry.

>> No.11230700


you are fuckable
problem solved

>> No.11230730
File: 17 KB, 510x144, Time to kill myself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11230738


Don't worry, Tinfoil will save you.

>> No.11230746

Is this real deal or disney shit?

>> No.11230749

Real disney

>> No.11230755

Are you lying, why would they not have a sex scene for her.
no body actually knows what this shit is about, thats the funny thing.

>> No.11230759

Moogy knows, you can ask him.

>> No.11230779


Beware of the second class dweebs. They won't know anything unless there is an anime. Read the synopsis, play the demo. Everything after the common route is considered as spoiler.

Rest assured, it's great.

>> No.11230806

It is legit as well. WELP

>> No.11230814


>> No.11230826

> grisaia canceled

>> No.11230838

I find it very amusing how you guys are sperging out because of some twitter trolling.

>> No.11230845

It's a joke, you colossal fucking autist.

>> No.11230846

It's not like we have anything better to do.

>> No.11230847


>> No.11230848


It's more fun that way

>> No.11230849

>twitter trolling
yes, sure

>> No.11230856


>> No.11230851

No Bullying!

>> No.11230854

Herkz would never lie to me.

>> No.11230855


It's okay, I won't tell anyone.

>> No.11230973

Are there people who actually waste time waiting for translations instead of doing their reps?

>> No.11230997

Doing reps won't make you instantly able to read every VN in existence the following month retard.

>> No.11231002

people think it then never start doing reps

>> No.11231033 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11231142

learning jap since last october, in a few months it's going to be a year since I started. Still the best I can read is shimokura's shit. even that not without dictionary. How does that make you feel?

>> No.11231144


>> No.11231160

what do you have problems with? vocab? also how long do you do anki everyday?

>> No.11231170


Lol "bad at posting." Then report and stop crying.

>> No.11231171

Why would you restrict yourself to one author? Just read anything that isn't notoriously hard and you'll be fine with your text hooker.

>> No.11231177


tfw you're right.

>> No.11231183

A post doesn't have to be against the rules to be terrible, and you don't have to break any rules to be obnoxious.

>> No.11231191

Fuck you, Herkz. I'm going to sleep, you can release it now.

>> No.11231196
File: 132 KB, 407x419, 1371643955604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey man I just wanted to toss up a Grisaia thread, and discuss with those who've read it already.

I'm not really into the whole internet arguing over nothing thing. As a matter of fact you don't even have to acknowledge I exist.

>> No.11231199

vocab is the main problem, since chiitrans can show you how to read kanji. 1 hour of Anki and 1 hour of books per day, though for a few weeks I dropped anki and made it 2 hour of books - too many big fucking words in Anki which I can't even associate with anything, gotta drill vocab. And still got nowhere as far as those guys in threads "I learnt weeb in half a year git gut scrub". The shit's got to be practiced and I'm afraid to read good stuff, since I'll spoil myself a good story by my shitty knowledge, so there goes tons of moeshit like alice parade or something with a very basic writing. If somebody is interested in learning jap I guess the best way is to be neet and do it 24/7 or learn it in university, otherwise don't even bother.

>> No.11231208

Cause [spoler] recommend me easy to read and good vn, it must not be a moege, do it [/spoiler] that's why

>> No.11231209


>> No.11231211

Grisaia no Kajitsu

>> No.11231212
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>> No.11231218


>> No.11231223

Nice spoilers m8

>> No.11231230


>> No.11231236


>> No.11231250


>> No.11231265
File: 6 KB, 1920x35, sukebei torrent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks to be his download cap, not his actual download speed. But yes, that kind of speed does exist, and I downloaded Grisaia at 6 MB/s.

The torrent at sukebei.nyaa has 82 seeds.

>> No.11231272

Who said I was being ironic you little bitch.

>> No.11231276


>> No.11231370

>koestl ‏@koestl 20h
>Anyhoo release should be happening in less than 24 hours


>> No.11231376

I'm a Europoor and it's already the 27th.

Bitches better step up.

>> No.11231480

Building a final Grisaia patch for @koestl and doing some quick tests to verify it all works.


>> No.11231544

Not that it really matters which minute it's released.

It's not like anyone here actually searches for working torrents, so the determining factor is when Ivan gets around to posting it on erogedownload

>> No.11231547

>my Grisaia on erogedownload

>> No.11231555

>It's not like anyone here actually searches for working torrents

True, I've installed it since DxS completed his editing.

>> No.11231613

"welp, pretty much everything is set up and ready to release"

>> No.11231610


>> No.11231620

installing now 1.4 gb of movies 2.6 of CGs

oh buddy

>> No.11231638

if we don't download the video patch, will the in-game videos not have subs?

>> No.11231643


Why not from here

>> No.11231650

you didnt read the faq did you

>> No.11231659


No subs without video patch. The quality of the subbed videos is worse so you might not even bother with it.

>> No.11231667

how big of a difference are we talking about here

>> No.11231694

>Very rarely, on transition from NVL (full-screen text) mode, the text box placement may shift to an incorrect position (eg, jump halfway up the screen).

Yay, I managed to see a very rarely bug.

>> No.11231723


But do you see it very rarely?

>> No.11231725

what page should I be refreshing in anticipation for the patch?

>> No.11231727

I saw it only once

>> No.11231742


>> No.11231752

<Moogy> http://www.tsukuru.info/dl/download.php?id=49
<Moogy> have fun with ur grisaiaz

>> No.11231749


>> No.11231750

lol that is actually a thing oh my

>> No.11231777


Stop stealing my bandwith, faggots.

>> No.11231779

I've been subscribed to it for around a year. It's very small and receives only a few posts a day, but it's good quality stuff. It's not at all like you probably imagine reddit to be.

>> No.11231789


Looks great.

>> No.11231790


>> No.11231800

>3 month old post made by an obvious shitposter

Yeah, why don't we exclusively judge /jp/ based on turbonerds like >>11230649 and >>11224783 .

>> No.11231801
File: 49 KB, 793x600, 0BC8R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top-scoring posts:
1. "Katawa Shoujo is released."
2. This image ("No shit.")
3. "ufotable to make new Fate/stay night anime"
4. http://i.imgur.com/cbNLN.jpg "Only if that is how it worked"
5. "Hey! We're a small indie developer and we just recently released our first (commercial) game! We'd be mega stoked if you'd check it out."

What a wonderful community.

>> No.11231796

Just [TLWiki]_Grisaia_no_Kajitsu_English_Localization_1.0.exe?
Do I need to dl the video patch?

>> No.11231803

why should I know?

>> No.11231807

NCIS Error

oh my

>> No.11231810

What's wrong with >>11230649? That's one of the better ways to start off a Touhou character thread that I've seen in a while.

>> No.11231819

well for one you are the in the fucking irc channel
you could help me ask them maybe?
pretty please~ qt

>> No.11231820

I'm not saying it's a bastion of perfection and intellectual discourse, just that it's not so bad.

Well, I guess that's true. I'm just trying to say that /jp/ has it's fair share of shitposters and low-quality threads.

>> No.11231815

From machine translation to modern Ixrec level.
Where would this lie?

>> No.11231827

I'm not, i just copy pasted some guy on other thread.
Ask him.

>> No.11231831

If I found the top five threads that have ever been posted on /jp/ and showed them to a random stranger, he'd think /jp/ is a bastion of perfection and intellectual discourse.

You have a pretty sorry excuse for a message board when your top posts of all time are...these.

>> No.11231839


You mean from shit to slightly better shit?

>> No.11231845

Reddit's main flaw is that shit always gets "upvoted" more than quality discussion. No subreddit is safe from this phenomenon and it's arguably reddit's greatest flaw. The best posts on /r/visual novels are no the ones that the most people upvoted, but the ones that contained the best discourse. The same holds true for /jp/: the best threads are the ones with the best discourse.

>> No.11231852

The best threads are the ones on the front page because no honorable /jp/sie would age a bad thread.

>> No.11231851

Pretty much. The latter I would at least give a shot though.

>> No.11231856

nokosage 4 lyfe

>> No.11231859


It's much better than anything Ixrec could ever do.

I'm judging the translation from the demo, which was excellent, though.

>> No.11231864

>Hey if you want subtitle movies download the video patch
>There is no fucking video patch
At least include the fucking movie.int file in the torrent

>> No.11231869

Do we apply the video patch before or after the English one?

>> No.11231881

thank you

>> No.11231930

Do I need the official update 1.01 from Frontwing or does it already come with the TL patch?

>> No.11231937

Is there a translated walk through yet?

>> No.11231949

Any point reading this if the other two games aren't getting a translation?

>> No.11231955

they are getting a translation retard and yes its stand alone.

>> No.11231956


You don't need a walkthrough.



>> No.11231962

Not necessary.
There is, it wasn't linked properly at first. Sorry. Keep in mind the subtitled videos are lower quality visually.

>> No.11231965

>I-it's just a fandisk!
>I-it's b-batshit insane!

Okay so it isn't worth reading.
Such a shame to waste so much effort.

>> No.11231967

Why does everyone shit on purple haired girl? when shes clearly one of the more better character and in the front of the heroines.

>> No.11231969


I dunno how you reached that conclusion, but I guess you have your reasons.

>> No.11231975

They're sequels none the less. Why bother starting something that you will never finish?

>> No.11231983


Because the connection is lose enough to make Kajitsu enjoyable on its own. Just like you can.. I dunno, watching The Godfather 1 without ever seeing part 2.

>> No.11231991

What order am I supposed to play it in?

>> No.11231993

16:9 resolution VN but when you go full screen it goes 4:3 with black bars....

>> No.11232032

Menu -> System -> System tab -> Launch System Config -> Display 1 Tab -> Set your "Full Screen Window Size" to the correct resolution

>> No.11232082

That worked.

>> No.11232085

I am trying to get the game. Is torrent the best bet? I hate when people don't seed.

>> No.11232090

can someone spoil me this shit? i don't feel like reading something that is 2/3 untranslated.

>> No.11232129


>[...] Just so my overall score below makes more sense, I really can’t overstate that the game feels more like an extremely lengthy introductory chapter more than anything. None of the routes really have satisfying endings in context of the full setting and I didn’t really feel much of a sense of “accomplishment” when I finished the entire thing – it was more like “well damn, now I have to wait to read the rest.” In the end it’s kind of hard for me to score something that leaves me with that sort of feeling too highly, if you get what I’m saying. There’s also the fact that none of the routes really wowed me or anything – which ties back into the fact that there needs to be a true route with a lot of impact, something that this game doesn’t have. [...]


>> No.11232161

It is translated though

>> No.11232180


>> No.11232189

there are girls, and you fuck them

>> No.11232190

the other two games aren't translated, why bother with this useless piece of crap?

>> No.11232193

fuck makina , yumiko is the better character and girl. wow /vg/ has shit taste.you guys aren't that shitty right?

>> No.11232200

>There is difference between soccer and sucker

Reading translated eroge is so interesting.

>> No.11232212

Becuase its the first game? Are you a fucking moron?

Do you think anyone said "why the fuck should i play monster girl q p1 before all 3 are finished"?

>> No.11232215
File: 16 KB, 401x159, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else getting this error? I've reinstalled but still no go..

>> No.11232218

There are no plans to tl the other games.
rtl said he will tl all mgq games.
How retarded are you?

>> No.11232228

Then learn nihongo, you can get to VN reading comprehension in 6 months if you spend at least 2 hours a day, I know thats a pretty big chunk of your shit posting time, but i have faith in you.

>> No.11232234

>t-then learn it
Good job on avoiding the point you fucking retard.

>> No.11232236

You wanna fight me irl faggot?

>> No.11232240

Fite me nerd.

>> No.11232250

Meet me in Detriot, 8 mile at midnight. Tommrow faggot b there or b ロ

>> No.11232264


>> No.11232267

do they not have planes in bongistan? Is it becuz they are 2 worried that arabs find it offensive or they might fly it into big ben

>> No.11232323

/n/ is fucking horrible.
they are all loli only fuck heads and like the worst characters.
in sticking too /jp/.

>> No.11232331


Holy shit, I was just at 8 mile. I left at exactly 12am. Weird

>> No.11232337

So instead of searching for a new target for his third class trolling, Ti9 now pretends the game is an unfinished translation? That's unexpectet.

>> No.11232377 [DELETED] 

So just because yumiko is the odd one out you guys hate her, pretty shitty guys. Are you really on 4chan?

>> No.11232409

dropped it 1hour in since it was so terrible

>> No.11232505

Good for you. I hope you use your time doing something valuable instead.

>> No.11232896

The patch breaks the game for me when it was working perfectly finebefore, keeps telling me the game is not installed correctly.

>> No.11232907


>> No.11233086



>> No.11233178

Aeuru is a girl so if you download her game she might have sex with you.

>> No.11233180

Hookers are a sure thing and are less crazy than her.

>> No.11233310

The fags could have included a save where the demo ended.

>> No.11233438

Check the tlwiki page, anon-san.

>> No.11233658

Shall we discuss Michiru's masturbation habits?
