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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 115 KB, 290x220, ebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11161708 No.11161708 [Reply] [Original]

What is better to you, clear onna holes or disembodied hips?

>> No.11161720

Disembodied hips. I don't like to be reminded of how scarred my dick is now.

>> No.11161746

opaque or transparent cylinders.

>> No.11161751

I've never used one ;_;

>> No.11161754

>disembodied hips
somebode post that one with the black man in it
you know the one LOL

>> No.11164804

Is their a definitive best onna hole? I finally have enough money to buy any of them so what should i get? preferably something not pink

>> No.11164853

feelio when you can't use a /jp/ boypussy

>> No.11164859

Hips with the blood lube.

>> No.11166467
File: 62 KB, 1418x702, tenso international shipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this the new onahole thread?

I asked tenso about shipping this:


So have people really gotten them to ship onaholes? Wonder if I should take the risk anyway. The workers repackaging the stuff are probably not the people answering emails.

>> No.11166503

Do you have enough money to buy me? ;)

>> No.11169576
File: 108 KB, 400x400, 1339310043135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What lube gives you the best bang for your buck?

>> No.11169588

Goddamnit Tewi

>> No.11169703


There are some ones that are commonly recommended but different tastes and preferences prevent any consensus on a "best" one.

>> No.11169710

There can't be much room for discussion on lotions though, can there?

>> No.11169716


Sure there can. I'm not saying there's no reason to discuss onaholes either, but they all obviously have different sensations.

>> No.11169735

Then what would you recommend for a novice working with a medium-low budget?

>> No.11169786
File: 217 KB, 320x240, 1332653371140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint lube is best lube.
It's like that cool, tingly feeling you get in your mouth when you eat a mint, but on your dick.

>> No.11169800

I'm sorry but I couldn't really. I'm the guy who uses his own old cum as lube. I've only used Peace's.

>> No.11169828


You're doing it wrong. Go to en-nls.com and/or Queen Cat adult toys if you're in the US.

>> No.11169963

So is this the onahole thread?

>> No.11170006


Well some holes can be up to 50% cheaper on Amazon JP than other websites, some guy posted he was able to get an order through Tenso but he could have been bullshitting.

>> No.11170016


Doesn't JP Amazon not ship outside of Japan? Or, at least, some things?

>> No.11170018


And to add on to that, if that was true, I imagine costs for a proxy would annul any bargain you got.

>> No.11170020

This probably


>> No.11170042
File: 1.97 MB, 2000x3999, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone in the other thread asked to post a picture of the box from NLS with EMS shipping (or something like that), so here it is. I didn't ask for them to change the description. It's just a normal box with a normal label. It has こわれもの written on the outside.

Inside it's padded on the top with paper and the products are bound together and wrapped in a thick black plastic which is attached to the bottom of the box. They don't shift much (if at all) like this.

>> No.11170045


yes that is the point of using a shipping forwarding service since they wont send lewd materials outside jp, still significantly cheaper its like a service $6 fee + regular ems shipping cost. Also not everyone lives in America.

>> No.11171512

i recently bought an anal-onahole (doctor ecxasty or something like that)

I did not understood a thing: I need to flip inside-outside out everytime or just the first time in order to keep it "tight"?
also tecnically I shall not pour so much lotion inside?(I put something like half of the "courtesy lotion", i had found inside the box)

>> No.11171967


Turning it inside out can cause problems in durability. Don't use too much lube, if you use too much it just feels like a jar of jelly. Using less lets you enjoy the texture more.

>> No.11172000

Any shop that sell this stuff in europe?

>> No.11172005

It's cheaper to order it from NLS.

>> No.11172011

nobody must know my secret

>> No.11172015

How will ordering from NLS change that?

>> No.11172021

the customs will open my box!

>> No.11172023

the shipping cost is $33.00

cheaper my ass

>> No.11172024

They won't... I think. What country do you live in?

>> No.11173172

wow so much?

I pay something like 20$ EMS fast deilvery (in took like 6 day japan->Italy).
ordered whit j-list (shipped from gumma province)

It depend on luck.
For a stance, Italy air-mail offices MUST check any order bigger than 49.99€ in order to apply taxes, and again 1/20 boxes will be open quite fot sure to check what it is inside. (big box have a 90% to be opened, same whit little small one, don't ask...)

I heard some Canadian had some problem whit loli thing, since they are strictly illegal.
If you are afraid to explain why a loli is on an adult toy, ask the customer sercive of j-list or nls to unbox the toys before shipment (ask polity if they can warp those between a t-shirt or something like that).

Sry i'm not so fluent in english

>> No.11173442
File: 421 KB, 590x915, 1_1373436015_m_mwtqQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This LO Kupa hole is quite the oddity. I have a very hard time actually getting my penis inside, and once inside I need to use one hand at the base of my penis to make sure it doesn't buckle/snap my penis because it pushes out pretty damn strongly, but it hasn't even showed any sign of ripping yet. The hole is also very centered and doesn't seem like you'd easily break through any of the walls while using it. A quality item.

I have a feeling that if I took my hands away from this while in use that it would shoot across the room bouncing off the walls and ceiling in a rather comedic fashion because that's how strongly it pushes outwards. Even putting one finger inside it feels very tight. It's by far the tightest hole I've ever used, and probably too tight for regular use. I think that tightness feels far better than anything else when you cum inside of it, however.

>> No.11173467

What a cute box.

>> No.11173525

Has anyone tried the Superb Fella onaholes before?


>> No.11174783

Anyone know exactly what's going on with hotpowers and AliceStage products? They can't be ordered, and I'm assuming they're out of stock, but the google translation is iffy, so I'm wondering if they stopped or are waiting to restock or something. Came to the conclusion that I don't feel like spending $50 on another onahole that's going to shred to pieces after a month or two, so I want to hold out for Alice dayo, but hotpowers stocking it would make that decision much easier.

>> No.11174810

Yeah, I haven't tried the 3 but the older ones are very firm. Don't think of it as a soft bj feel but a face fucking thing. Lots of suction.

>> No.11174943
File: 428 KB, 576x400, vxcvn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> preferences prevent any consensus on a "best" one.
That and it mostly varries from onahole to onahole.
However, low thickness, high stickyness and medium-high visquosity is where it's at.

That's the pink one with bumps and wavy pattern right? flip inside out so bumps are on the inside just before using, apply ~0.5-1.5ml of lubricant (about the same volume as the size of the phalanx of your pinky), use, turn inside out again, wash, dry store. You probably should have the numbs and ribs outside when not using it so it stays tight, it's also the only way for it to make sense to have the structure outside.
I haven't but on a sidenote, the japanese consensus is that superb fera 1&3 are worth it, while superb fera 2 is slightly below average.
販売休止 ie not sold anymore. My guess is that Alice Stage wants to keep the exclusivity of the items, and so they will only be sold at their shop.

Venus clone soft, venus real regular/soft/very soft, alice dayo AGM and zero spiral are the definitive best. Which amongst them suits you the most depends on your preference, but should you dislike the structure or material, they'll downgrade to "good" at worst.
Also depending on your preferences, a "good" class onahole can be promoted to "best".

I wonder what the cawai iponsuji from Aone are worth. They're relatively low cost, but it looks like it has potential, not sure about entrusting Aone with my dick though.

>> No.11174963

How is Arizona dude?

>> No.11175066

>Venus clone soft, venus real regular/soft/very soft, alice dayo AGM and zero spiral are the definitive best

I don't get it. Typically, the more expensive a product is, the better it is in comparison to a cheaper alternative. How are some of these mid-range ones better than the higher-end ones like meiki? I've pretty much only owned meiki onaholes, so I haven't tried any of the ones listed due to my aforementioned reasoning. I have an upcoming budget that allows me to buy about $400 worth, but perhaps I should get one of these mid-range ones?

>> No.11175125

Monsoon season so there are clouds in the sky and occasional dust storms.

>> No.11175683

Because Meiki are overpriced as hell since NPG throw a LOT of money into advertising, box art, etc.

Getting a drama CD and a bottle of lubricant to specifically go with the onahole, or get the authorisation to use an AV start's name on your products cost money.

So is specifically getting Higashiyama to draw your box art instead of making a contest open to any artist.

So yeah, NPG is all about jewish tricks and marketing, the only thing they haven't done is to make "limited eddition, preorder only" stuff so they can further increase the price.

Also their products durability and usability are shit compared to any of the onahole I listed.

>> No.11175722

Where can I order them, because they don't seem to be available on nls?

>> No.11176174

Because none are available on NLS.

*You'd have to use a proxy for the Alice dayo AGM (http://alice-stage.com/shop/products/detail.php?product_id=27))
*Zero spiral can be shipped intl. (http://www.hotpowers.jp/goods/1-1050.html))
*Venus are found on either daimaoh (https://daimaoh.co.jp/list_cat332.html)) or queen cat if you're from the USA of america. If you're a europeon however, the only vendor have price that suck so hard importing is noticeably cheaper; also they're assholes.

Also, there's http://www.kiyosan.co.jp that has some interesting ones; placed an order so I'll be able to report wether they're worth it or not. Kiyo offers a way to order dirrectly but only via bank transfer, which adds fees, and they also add some themselves on top of that; so using a proxy ends up more convinient (and cheaper?).

>> No.11176183

I'm torn /jp/

when I was younger I thought these kind of stuff were made for top loser freaks and that I'll never end like that, but now I'm really considering to buy a plastic vagina

I don't know what to do

>> No.11176195

You know what to do

>> No.11176248

The same thing happened to me with black metal but I still don't understand why anyone would want a plastic pussy

>> No.11176251

because a real pussy requires a relationship and aint nobody got time for that

>> No.11176253

>a real pussy requires a relationship

>> No.11176254

going to prostitutes don't count since you can't fuck them raw

>> No.11176261

what is the point of all this novelty j/o equipment? Aside from selling it to suckers in ratty, seedy chinatown shops or over the internet, that is

>> No.11176268

Just get fit and become a guido or whatever might be your local variant. If you're retarded enough you might like it.

>> No.11176270

>I'm torn /jp/
yikes, ouch

>> No.11176297

My friend knew of a guy who got aids from a ONS with some sloot waitress. Fucking random sluts raw? No thanks Joeffrey.

>> No.11176301


>> No.11176635


Because it feels good and it's not at all as you described.

>> No.11177449

Different guy but, I think I'll be purchasing that. Are there any that are like hips that come with a full head?

Superb Fella 3 is on queen cat and the whole thing of there being a mouth makes me think I'll really like it. It is however unfortunate that there is no nasal cavity connection

>> No.11177547

Is there a huge improvement from the older alice dayo to the AGM version?

I think I recall you having the Lilith Spiral, right? How is that compared to the Zero spiral?

>> No.11177924

>not at all as you described.
What's not at all as I described? These shops I was talking about? Because they really are pretty seedy/gross. Maybe not Las Vegas level cheap-n'-shitty, but hey oh well they're gross enough.

And I'm not payin' $50bux for a plastic cunt plus shipping or retail markup, no matter how many times you people discuss it so seriously on a registrationless bulletin board you think suckers congregate on. Go spend your time selling this shit elsewhere.

>> No.11178336

Oh boy, here we go again.

>> No.11178838

So what are the onaholes in the op's pic?

>> No.11178999
File: 28 KB, 358x283, shipz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing it 'wrong'
You just don't know any better. NLS can be a fine choice, but amazon jp has some great pricing if you can streamline a way to buy from them. That particular Meiki is at almost half price.
BUT I personally would always favor Hotpowers or Alice Stage over Meiki really, you're mostly paying for porn star royalties and Meiki marketing

>I imagine costs for a proxy would annul any bargain you got
except that's not the case. the biggest expense with the proxy is them buying the item for you from JP only sites: commission+transaction fee and such, totaling $20+ from experience
there's also shipping within Japan, but that's free in a lot of shops after a certain price point
pic related is how much proxy costs when you buy the item yourself and ship it TO the proxy ('bulk' service at japanshoppingservice) IF the seller accepts foreign visa or paypal (which should work on amazon, +hotpowers if you want cheaper shipping)
[int shipping cost was at 0 in pic since I combined it with another order]

but his hole is meant to be turned inside-out

engrish TL gives "sales paused", not sure if they will be resumed, I sure hope so but it might have been a sale just to get alice some popularity

AGM is softer and feels more 'real', but next versions should make it more stimulating
lilith spiral in soft is great but more aggressive, zero spiral has those lines massaging your dick which is unique. it's depends on what you're looking for

>> No.11179008

I wonder too, are those kiyosan ?

>> No.11179029

>+hotpowers if you want cheaper shipping
(that is if you use SAL economy rather than express services)

>> No.11179079

I've given up on the whole solder iron thing. Was doing my utmost best to fix a starting hole at the back of my toy, being as precise as possible until the hole was filled (welding around the damage, melting material onto it, then let it cool.)
Result looked very clean and fixed, but the next use air accumulated in minuscule spots at the end, suction was broken and after time the 'fix' didn't hold up at all.
While soldering I kept my room ventilated, but there's still silicon fumes emerging from the hole in my direct vicinity which worried me.
I feel fixing holes that have major damage is just too much for an amateur. The only thing that seemed relatively easy is fixing small entrance rips and other minor things like that.

>> No.11179083

i.e. something like this http://vimeo.com/56780581

>> No.11179097

>onna hole

>> No.11179130
File: 543 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_5116-20130714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of rips, I recently got this hole: http://www.e-nls.com/pict1-24393 the youngest, because I enjoyed a similar onahole with the same dual material. I lubed up, was able to stick it in, and the thing split. The entrance has a pretty big split/crack in it and now I'm scared to use it because I don't want the split to grow.

Do you think it's able to be mended? The split goes towards the end of the hole about 1.5 inches. I'm kind of disappointed because it felt really, really good. I'm on the verge of just ordering another for the peace of mind.

>> No.11179139

Are you a hobbit?
Jokes aside, just keep using it. As long as you're not worried about aesthetics, it's not like that rip will go reach much further than that.

I'm not sure it can be mended, it looks pretty hard to do to be honest, since it isn't a surface rip but an all out tear. I'd say it to be too hard, but you could experiment and learn to fix something like that, maybe.

Finally I'm not sure buying another will be much of a guarantee that the exact same thing won't happen again. It shouldn't happen in the first place.

I don't see what you need peace of mind for though, the rip doesn't make it feel any worse does it?

>> No.11179151

I wouldn't want it to split more, and there's just the fact that it split during the first use. It's only slightly noticeable, but I think I'd feel better to just order a couple more to have as backups, then I won't feel reserved using the one with the split. I think I'll just do that.

>> No.11179153

Sounds like a plan if you like it that much.

>> No.11179168

Alright, I have been thinking about tsurupeta soft limited and found the extra 700~1000yen not worth it, so let's stick with plan B: tsurupeta soft normal ver + aftermaket lube.

Are these lubes good for the job? any better recommendation? any lube similar to the one comes with tsuru soft limit edtion?

>> No.11179193

the うぶじる _ ubujiru is great, get that, good combo with something soft like that
toysheart pussy juice _ おなつゆ is thicker but not bad, might be better for very stimulating holes

silky lube _ シルキーリューブ is similar to ubujiru should you have access to it

>> No.11179206
File: 329 KB, 2479x1856, potential welded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'bulk' service at japanshoppingservice
Holly shit I'm a fucking retard, I feel ashamed; didn't even know about that and wasted precious money.
Thanks a lot, will use in future.
>it might have been a sale just to get alice some popularity
Nah, they removed it from sale within 24 hours of them making it to their site. Alice Stage probably asked them not to or something similar to keep the monopoly on their hole or something.
Eventhough they said they only removed their products from amazon temporarily and will put them back here, I don't think they intend to anymore.

I can only think of those eva parody hole; they use similar orange (LCL) coloured lubricant and feature such an inner structure with transparent material. Can't really tell though.

Really? I didn't have any problem and one of my onahole was in a pretty bad state, the top part was like 2/3rd dislocated; now I can use it perfectly fine, I thought I'd have to have a second soldering session with it but after testing it it proved unnecessary.
Fumes are a real bitch though, yeah.

>Is there a huge improvement from the older alice dayo to the AGM version?
The AGM version is noticeably softer, rip-proof (I can insert my whole first in here, getting three fingers in the ABS version made a tear on the entrance), it's more , uh, squishy-bouncy-flabby-squibbly or whatever the english equivalent of ぷにぷに is. Well even alice stage says it can't be put into words.
It's however, noticeably less stimulating and less tight, but so much more comfortable and durable that the trade-off is worth it.
The AGMv2 should come in a matter of weeks, days even, but it has been reported to be more frail than AGM in a previous thread.

Try to fill it with a little of more stretchy polymer if you have some at hand, if not you can still try to weld it back to itself, but if it tore once it probably will again.

>> No.11179229

>The AGMv2 should come in a matter of weeks, days even, but it has been reported to be more frail than AGM in a previous thread.
I suppose they will improve on the test model though. I saw that the AGMv1 was way more rip-proof than ABS too, I would only expect them to apply whatever they did to the next incarnation, otherwise I'll just stick to their previous model if they remain selling both as a firmness option like other makers do.

>> No.11179237

Cool pic, what's the hole? hotpowers one?

>> No.11179240

the proxy service I use can get anything on jp sites, though I want to conserve at much money as I can, so amazon.jp seems to be the better choice (no 500yen shipping) I guest I will go for うぶじる then (I dont like the print on the bottle tbh) .

>> No.11179259

the silky lube gives more lube per yen but the shipping evens that out, so I suppose amazon would be better
ubujiru is said to be great so it seems like a good choice either way

>> No.11179290

On a second thought, I might want to get pussy juice. Is it okay if I watered down the lube so that it will be less thick (better stimulation control I guess?)?

>> No.11179299

Yeah sure. Maybe it wouldn't even be necessary, you'll have to see for yourself, but you could definitely do that.
Ubujiru is top lube though, it's your decision of course.

>> No.11179300

最高級のお嬢様ポテンシャル soft
Comparable to lilith spiral wave, but less tight and more comfortable, while with a little better (because more balanced) stimulation.
I personally prefer it over lilith spiral wave soft.

You can also try out some made by NPG, lube is one thing I'd praise them for.

>> No.11179301

oh wow it looks like that internally? I expected it to look more.. "ribbed" rather than spirally.
I'm actually totally interested, now.

>> No.11179312

Alright, thanks for the kind words!

which ones exactly?

>> No.11179317

Other guy, but NPG has new lube every incarnation of their Meiki line. I'm not sure if they are all alike but I believe they are similar.
Maybe read JP reviews through some translator
I do know that Maria ozawa lube smells rosey which might or might not be annoying

>> No.11179423


what shipping service?

>> No.11179455

Ordered the following really looking forward to them.


>> No.11179771

Suck a dick, I'm not buying any of this shit. Go fuck yourself.

And get the porn pics you post offa this blue board.

>> No.11179801



>> No.11180171
File: 194 KB, 1296x600, 1-1058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I recently discovered the tremendous joy that is the Vampire Fang series on hotpowers

what I find incredible convenient is that the hole is small, ideal size actually, and I can wipe the internals entirely with a cloth without any hassle.

Are there any other like this?
1) small size 2) large cavity in this small form factor

>> No.11180229
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>> No.11180245
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>> No.11180523


oh shit is that Hibiki, is this from a nico stream I missed?

>> No.11180618

I don't want to brag or anything, but I don't think that a small hole would be ideal for me.

>> No.11180628

It's not about ideal, it's about convenience. I can just fill it with water and dry it entirely in a minute.
It does the job.

>> No.11180665
File: 135 KB, 738x800, ccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11180689 [DELETED] 
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x2448, 20130505_113229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /jp/ I would like to get a onahole similar to this one, can you recommed me one ?
would be cool if it would last a while, it would be my first onahole, is there something I should know about them ??

thank you

>> No.11180742
File: 319 KB, 1280x1427, 1356229271495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11180749

stop posting random, non-saged shit

>> No.11180753
File: 1.09 MB, 1000x1456, 1348355233648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11180773
File: 1.36 MB, 2837x2197, 1345911240462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11180801
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>> No.11180865

>Are there any that are like hips that come with a full head?

Only one I've seen is this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njkJ1Bi3cf8

The japanese ones I've seen are just a head the size of a regular onahole like http://en-nls.com/pict1-33675?c2=12001217

You can always try buying a styrofoam mannequin head and cutting a hole in that to stick one in.

>> No.11180881
File: 520 KB, 1000x1105, 130621-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently NPG is coming out with a new Twin Tails.

>> No.11180898

I know it's technically not an onahole, but I've been using the tenga flip black for about a month and a half now and it feels great. The best part about it is how easy it is to clean and that it still doesn't even have a slightest bit of odor. I did read up and it says that "about 50 uses and it will break". I haven't exactly been counting and I don't use it every day but I'm thinking it may be coming soon. basically what I'm asking here is how do I know when a tenga has run its course and what should I try next? the tenga black was just a bit too loose in my opinion, I'd rather have something tighter and it doesn't need to be as long.

>> No.11181053

What do you even mean?

>> No.11181067

That looks like somebody took a whole bunch of salmon sashimi and wrapped it into an onnahole shape. Hmm, not a bad idea actually.

>> No.11181163

Tengas can last years, especially the "disposable" ones.

>> No.11181239

Which ones are you talking about?

>> No.11182004

But, anon, they're still here! You guys still have porno pics up. Now I assume this is just because somebody else posted them and/or you didn't know (since you're just a buncha indians or chinese following a script) but these images are most definitely nsfw

>> No.11182035


Fuck off crossboarder

>> No.11182293
File: 577 KB, 1000x1000, doubledamnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It ended up splitting further. For such a large hole it's pretty damn fragile. I guess that's what happens with harder holes.

>> No.11182462

I guess i will go for ubujiru then, i can try others on the next purchases
thanks again for replying!

>> No.11182515

Holy sheet. You know, I''m not sure buying more of these is the best idea.

>> No.11182517

Anyone? Holes with huge cavities so you can easily clean them entirely with towel?

>> No.11182832
File: 25 KB, 600x294, 1-1039j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I'm going to save up for this one next.
It looks like a seventeen bordeaux cloned into a single layer hotpowers mold. Seems like a great buy.

>> No.11182845

yeah that happened with my loli ones too.

im pretty rough with them so I dunno maybe I should expect that or w/e

guess I'll get a soldering iron soonish

>> No.11182911

The kicker is that not one of my loli-sized holes have gotten any damage. It truly is a mystery.

>> No.11183171

>You can always try buying a styrofoam mannequin head and cutting a hole in that to stick one in.
Haha yes, more horrors to be uncovered in the event of an early death. I ended up buying the superb fella 3, and a sakura's camel hole. I'm thinking that I'll be regretting getting such a cheap hip but I wanted something I could just lay flat on a pillow.

I'm much more excited about Superb Fella 3 and the saliva like lube it comes with. However I'd really like to proper nose holes that you could pinch closed and what not.

I really don't know what bonding agent you'd want potentially breaking down and getting on your cock. I guess something like silicone would be safe. Probably the most practical thing would be to glue it with something silicone based and then secure it with a zip tie.

I mean you could also just secure it with a zip tie where it's ripping and hope that stems the damage. I can't think of many ways to repair it without making it super hard to clean out. Maybe just ask for a replacement?

>> No.11183191

>Maybe just ask for a replacement?
if you go that route you need to mail ASAP, like a couple of days from arrival at max, and claim you never used it
it's too late for that now I reckon. it also isn't a major default like an off-center canal, really thin spot or air bubble, more like sucky engineering.
soldering could help but it's too far developed now, and you need the skill. if you manage to fix it through solder, it'll probably remain fixed for at least a while.

>> No.11183325

I sure wonder what the Mikura hole will end up like

>> No.11187209

Clear holes are really lewd.

>> No.11188428



>> No.11188446


the video made me laugh, looks like a good device if you have a vagina.

>> No.11188490

Hey, you guys need a cinderblock shoved down your throats

>> No.11188610

That's a weird fetish. Gross, dude.

>> No.11188914

Do onaholes really feel that good

>> No.11188951

>Button 7: (Speed of impossible, it is dangerous) piston area of God

>> No.11188955


Well they are designed to feel good.
Obviously some more than others, depends greatly on personal preferences. It is certainly better than your hand.

>> No.11189011

these threads are advertisements. Do the math.

I'm sure they can get you off (I gather poultry and meatloaf can get you off) but I'm also reasonably sure (without even trying it) that they are NOT worth the money.

>> No.11189024


Fuck off crossboarder

>> No.11189102

see? Scripted response.

Betcha most of this thread is some guy in India who's gets paid like half a cent per post to copy shit out of a script and solve captchas.

>> No.11189137


> I'm also reasonably sure (without even trying it) that they are NOT worth the money.

Retail value on E-NLS? You are getting your bang for the buck. Well, depending on if you're being a smart shopper.

Including shipping charges? It's outrageous

>> No.11189289

>these threads are advertisements
>that they are NOT worth the money.
those are just claims like any other
anyone can fap, it depends on how you want your fap, what you're willing to do for a better(?) fap
some of us prefer the feeling of being embraced by (fake) vagina walls. if you don't think it's worth it, well more power to you but let us have our fun.
these things are hardly crazy expensive. there's a certain price to be paid for quality.

inb4 I'm "scripted" and "led by corporate greed"

>> No.11191513

Give me a handjob. You'd have to be pretty good for a hand to beat an onahole.

>> No.11191573

What is the most realistic onahole out there?

One that is anatomically correct?

>> No.11191580

inb4 you turn out to basically be a trained monkey

>> No.11191741

My mailman tried to screw me over with my EMS package. He tried to deliver at 9AM but I was asleep, and then when he came back to deliver the normal mail at 3PM he didn't try to deliver the package again, but instead just left that slip saying I could pick my package up at the post office the following day. I was in my room the whole time watching him and in the end he never produced the package from the back of his truck. I thought it was bullshit so I got in my car, drove to him one block over, handed him the slip, and he gave me my package. What a gaylord.

Weary of having a repeat of that, I picked DHL shipping this time. I got a call today saying my package was scheduled for delivery tomorrow and that I could leave a signed note requesting for it to be left on the patio if I wasn't able to answer the door.

You could probably do that with normal USPS packages, right? I have no idea why it never occured to me before the phone call suggested it.

>> No.11192352

these guys are the worst

>> No.11192409


This shit happens everywhere unfortunately, the mail men are in a rush so just do not bother knocking so they can dump off all the packages at the post office and finish work early.

>> No.11192602

most mailmen don't even knock and just leave my packages at the door. I've had to pick up something a few times but that was it. Hasn't happened in a long time.

>> No.11192961

Having suction is nice and having a different material is nice. Have you ever used one before?
If it's not registered mail they can do that. However registered mail they can't drop off at all. Luckily my post office is pretty close and I'd rather just pick it up then have to answer the door in the morning.

>> No.11195457


My mailman does it even with registered mail, like hiding it in the power meter box on the side of house even though I need to sign for it. He must just sign for me. It doesnt really worry me but someone could see and steal the package.

>> No.11195498

Crazy! This reminds me to pick up a figure from the post office tomorrow, thanks.

I've actually started shipping a lot unregistered since it saves money and they leave it on the porch, which is pretty secure.

In other news I got my Superb Fella 3 did they engineer it to make noises like that? What a fantastic product.

>> No.11195907

it's just decent suction power, a lot of hotpowers onaholes have this to the extreme

>> No.11196188

anyone knows the exact weight of a brand new ubujiru bottle?

>> No.11196303

It contains 370ml so it should be a little over 430g: water density won't vary much and the bottle should weigh about 50g?

>> No.11197044


>> No.11197337
File: 272 KB, 823x1308, mikura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On other news:
Mikura onahole with huge boobs yet a suji.
Removeable boobs on the mikura air bitch (inflatable doll)
And a cover for the hopa pillow, they said they aren't so sure about wether it'll be a success or not so they're going to do limited quantity to firstly get an idea if there's a market for this or not.

>> No.11197908

Anyone knows the release date on these?

The Mikura hole looks nice but I'm not really interested in a human appearance hole unless its internals are really good

>> No.11198917

It says 7月続報を待て so we'll probably have more info soon, tokyo libido hasn't tweeted anything new about it yet.

>> No.11199621

Does daimaoh have staff who will understand emails sent to them in English?

>> No.11199639
File: 18 KB, 674x480, ship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck, This is quick for e-packet. But I live in alberta.

>> No.11199653

You were right, first use the replacement got a small tear as well.

>> No.11199688

Makes you wonder why it didn't just come in through Vancouver

>> No.11199720

I ordered a few times with e-packet here, it always seems to be the next week delivery, less than 10 days.

>> No.11199757

do you need lube if youre uncut?

>> No.11199759

Unless you make a tablespoon or so of lube, you need lube.

>> No.11199776

I don't know... Do you like nailing rubber with complete friction, boy?

>> No.11199781

For comparison, you can't put a finger into one of these without any sort of lube. The onahole grips too much.

>> No.11199783

im a premature ejaculator and when i edge i produce a lot of precum


is watering the insides enough

>> No.11199791

There are 2 forms or friction, one to get the lateral movement going, the other to keep it going at a constant speed. Water is shit for the first.

>> No.11200184

I once fucked my first Meiki dry.
it died.

>> No.11200523
File: 28 KB, 670x188, trackz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... I hope they believe the "¥1000" value

>> No.11200569


That's good to hear. I was thinking of getting this one.

>> No.11200584


Then get out of the thread.

>> No.11201180

Just report it and move on, this fatty is going to not stop being mad that people are cumming into ona-holes rather than his disgusting sloppy boypussy.

>> No.11204593

you can ask them, just send a mail, with something like "ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKERS, DO YOU SPEAK IT!?"

>> No.11205081
File: 54 KB, 600x800, nexex-010-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new ExE 'clone' Rio Ogawa hole looks kind of nice
might try it at ~1600yen

>> No.11205109

Just get a girlfriend, you fucking nerds.

>> No.11205143


>> No.11205154

Right, because a girlfriend means you can have sex whenever you want. Dream on.
Male sex toys are not much different from vibes, in a couple of years most men will have one of these at home, mark my words.

Of course it does seem particularly attracting to single people, but what exactly is wrong with that.

and, lol

>> No.11206145

I broke through the back of my superb fella, whoops. Maybe I can find a properly sized Lysol cap to reinforce it.

>> No.11213517

Chucked this in with my main order since it was dirt cheap.


Was actually pretty damn good for a disposable hole, reckon I can get a few uses out of it before it breaks. Lewd to use since the material is very thin and becomes see through when stretched.

>> No.11213632

I thought that airmail would have less chance of incurring tax, lied about value as well
now got a letter "please describe detailed information or package will be returned to sender"
will only use SAL from now on . . .

>> No.11213637

>will only use SAL from now on
I mean EMS* will only use EMS now, they seem the best choice to skip customs through undervalue
never tried SAL

>> No.11213666


That sucks what will you have to do now just fess up the true amount and pay tax? How much did you underdeclare? Can you get in trouble if the info on package incorrect even though it is sent by a company? Also what country do you live in?

>> No.11213698

I'm this guy >>11200523

I had ~4000yen value, told them to write ~1000yen but in hindsight I should have gone with 2000 or something, once you go 1/3d and under they don't buy the lie.
But I thought, airmail/SAL they wouldn't care- it isn't even express. Well I was wrong. A great deal of countries aren't half as strict, though. And for EMS they don't act like giant dickheads nearly as much is my experience.

Anyway, I just sent a highly embarrassing and awkward e-mail where I linked them to what I bought. Nothing they haven't seen before, but still embarrassing.

>> No.11213714

next time order in europe

>> No.11213725

no I don't think so. prices are insane over here.

>> No.11213731

but you don't pay the shipping and there's no customs

>> No.11213800



even with tax you're still generally better off importing things (unless you want it ASAP). I still have to pay some shipping too, since there's no local shops.
add to that that you can find extra good deals for example through amazon through proxy
and add to that if I manage to skip tax with EMS
and add to that available, exclusive items like hotpowers/alice-stage or the newest not yet on NLS

I don't I'll ever buy things from within the EU again, no.

>> No.11213933

I can do taxes on my orders in internet and i need to type code on what my package contains i just put dolls or figures, so far has been working just fine, never had to reveal whats in the packages.

Also to new people who are buying first onahole, i recommend to buy something that is almost equal to lenght as you and heavy as possible, i have had bad experiences with cheap light small onaholes and they break pretty fast, while my R20 keeps on going.

>> No.11213940

Wow, ordered my first onahole a week ago and it had arrived at post office today. Fapped to a shit nukige a moment ago and have to say I guess there's no turning back now. It just feels so much better...


>> No.11213953

I remember with my first onaho it was rather awkward in usage, but yeah it felt hella good.
It only gets better, actually!

Which did you end up getting?

>> No.11213962

I was honestly very surprised when I tried inserting my leg into my onahole and it got all the way to my fucking knee before I tore through it. Quality craftsmanship right there. You could spray paint it gray and use it as a Utsuho cosplay concrete foot.

>> No.11213963 [DELETED] 

This one http://en-nls.com/pict1-15431?c2=0&incart=1

At first I was sort of scared, though, as moving at a wrong angle made me feel like penis might crack. And probably there are millions of tighter loli holes around too...

The orgasm was really strong. I was laughing at the spot for a couple of minutes and even now my forehead is still pretty hot and heart beating fast.

>> No.11213964

This one http://en-nls.com/quickview.php?pid=15431&c2=41100010

At first I was sort of scared, though, as moving at a wrong angle made me feel like penis might crack. And probably there are millions of tighter loli holes around too so the fear was really nothing.

The orgasm was really strong. I was laughing at the spot for a couple of minutes and even now my forehead is still pretty hot and heart beating fast.

>> No.11213987

Toysheart ones are good starter holes. Affordable, satisfying. I had a First Sexual Experience which I liked a lot. Also had an Onaho Fairy but didn't like that one, very bland, although I imagine it to be better if you have a short-ish penis since it would be a perfect fit, same for Puni Virgin.

With my first onahole I actually feared I was going to be addicted and use it non-stop, it was that good.

>> No.11213989

after breaking through my girl in the box loli hole I started using another loli hole on top of that on the head of my dick and the orgasms ive been getting have been pretty crazy. it stings actually after I cum because I shoot out so much so fast.

when I jerked with my hand I would sometimes leisurely shoot out or even just dribble but after switching to onaholes my balls ache a bit after cumming.

I wonder if thats what cumming in a real vagina is like

>> No.11214035

I had the same with the Meiki SHIN. That thing felt very life-like to me, although I read of others that find it too stimulating.
It's the material that I liked, which happens to be very similar to the loliho. When I cum with others, it starts to get constricting and hard to move, but with the SHIN I can just keep moving which feels a-ma-zing.

TBH I don't think a real vagina CAN feel any better, except for the -real- warmth and moisture, and you know, the lady in your arms.

>> No.11214054

other examples:

~3K/4K yen compared to ~90EUR in EU
(but you need shipping proxy, which in turn aids with tax evasion!)

>> No.11214178

>Anyway, I just sent a highly embarrassing and awkward e-mail where I linked them to what I bought. Nothing they haven't seen before, but still embarrassing.

please keep us updated interested to see what happens.

>> No.11217318

still waiting for my onahole, so all this talk is really killing me

>> No.11217361

hey, you're not the only one

>> No.11219040 [DELETED] 

What proxy service do you use to buy onaholes? The one I normally use told me that they can't buy them for me because importing them is prohibited. The only proxy mentioned in this thread states that they're not taking orders from new customers either.

>> No.11219044

What proxy service do you use to buy onaholes? The one I normally use told me that they can't buy them for me because exporting them is prohibited. The only proxy mentioned in this thread states that they're not taking orders from new customers either.

>> No.11219220


For what it's worth, I have really, really been enjoying this hole. There are some random dimples/bubbles on the outside but it doesn't seem like it will break or become boring any time soon.

>> No.11219455

So I am finally thinking about pulling the trigger on one of these. I obviously go for the most infamous ones, Twin Tales, specifically Kana for no reason other then I like tsurime. Will I regret anything?

>> No.11219469


I believe they've consistently had durability issues.

>> No.11220197

Here's the one that is always recommended, since before they ship out they ask what they should note for declaration:
The prices are pretty decent though, although a little more expensive than the cheapest ones out there, but for customs it's worth it.
They have "shopping service" where they buy the item for you (most expensive) and "bulk service" where you buy the item yourself with paypal/VISA (can be used on amazon, hotpowers, e-nls).
Hotpowers isn't really worth using a proxy for since they ship EMS as gift anyway, unless you want cheaper SAL shipping.
NLS you can use proxy for tax skipping, and amazon has some great prices on select things as already mentioned above.

This one is already pretty good:
they only do "shopping service" but fees are better. they do not underdeclare customs afaik, but are still a good choice if you buy only a couple of things.

they're worth it for the lovely aesthetics, but it ends up expensive since you need to buy 2-3 since they break quickly.
the tsurupetta("flat") line (soft and idol cadet) are said to be really good picks,
Roa/Rina are supposed to be good too, as is the newer LO. Roa/Rina/LO are all durable, but the first two aren't highly stimulating, the LO is extremely stimulating.
There's probably some other holes I'm forgetting.

also note that Twin Tales Two should release within the next month(s)

>> No.11220785

Puni Hole 'Hard' edition, August pre-order


>> No.11222690

What's a good lotion that I can get from en-nls. Peace seemed lackluster.

No idea how to use that hotpowers site.

That expensive as fuck onahole that cost twice as much as the asking price when including shipping.

>> No.11223520

Pepe is a little easier to wash off, but similar consistency to peace. Pepe Wankers is supposed to be a little more fluid which is probably your best bet.

Hotpowers is easy to use to be honest, it uses a standard JP shop form; once you know how it works it's child's play.
Hotpowers only ships EMS though, so better buy a couple of things to make it worth it, a small purchase will just fuck you over with shipping.

Expensive but good lotion + ease of use

Or you could make your own (lol)

>> No.11223535

So I purchased a love doll Aki, feels great being able to go hands free and to easily change up positions. Improves the onahole experience for me personally.

Only negative is it is much larger than I expected and it can not be quickly deflated at all or very easily in general. Have to store it somewhere blown up which is a bit risky.

>> No.11223676

maybe this could be an alternative?

>> No.11223702


So I haven been wondering about those. What keeps the hole from getting pulled out of the doll on the back stroke?

>> No.11223715

I've got that one and have used it for years, which is why I purchased some others from the same company with the dual density construction. I have no idea why the larger ones are more prone to tearing. It will forever be a mystery. I hope in the future they'll release more larger holes with similar construction.

For the uses without any tears, the Three Sisters holes feel pretty amazing.

>> No.11223725

It's clenched tight?

>> No.11223729


The air pressure holds it in very easily. Its quite a tight fit to get the onahole in. The pressure is enough to make certain holes feel tighter which can be good or bad.

>> No.11223753


Interesting, I just imagining that all theses loli hole are already dangerously tight to begin with.

>> No.11223756

Some are dangerous. The LO Kupa almost snapped my dick, beware.

>> No.11223762

some are tight, some aren't- it isn't required for a loli hole to be right, since tightness isn't always a good thing

did you underlube or something? I just had a hard time with it pushing me out, but nothing remotely dangerous

>> No.11223761

So if I order from nls will the packaging be discreet?

>> No.11223764

Brown box, everything but DHL you can choose what they write for customs through the 'comment box'in your order. If you don't, they'll use "figures" generally.

about as discreet as it gets

>> No.11223767

I don't think so. It almost snapped my dick by being too tigh and difficult to penetrate.

>> No.11223769


>> No.11223771


Tight or not, they are smaller, so they'll tear fairly easily if you aren't careful. I had my Seven for about two, maybe three weeks before I ripped a hole through it. But I'm also rough, I prefer to be all the way in the onahole and use small strokes or twisting motions, and masturbate frequently.

>> No.11223800

>I prefer to be all the way in the onahole and use small strokes
best way.

... must be why I broke many onaholes :(

>> No.11223923


>> No.11224380

Are there any size limitations on holes that can fit into the dolls?

>> No.11224425

feelio when binning your relatively new girl in the box because it smells like rotten cum

Serves me right for filling it to the brim with cum and not cleaning it before going to rehab I guess

>> No.11224440

Are bullet vibrators and magic wands worth getting?

>> No.11224457

just put it in a pot of boiling water

>> No.11224456

Are you a girl?

>> No.11224458


>> No.11224476

I cn make u feel like 1 bby ;)

>> No.11224478

depends on the doll, obviously. think those air dolls will have a hard time with meiki/hotpower ones.
hotpowers Hoppappiro or full-size dolls (like the meiki plush) should fit mostly anything though.
well, maybe ectoplasm girl would be too big for even a doll.

>> No.11224484

I don't live on my own so that'd be a pain in the ass to do, and it'd probably stink out my room as well.

Then a wand would be practically useless and unless it's one of those super powerful bullets then your prostate isn't going to get much use out of the bullet either either.

Get yourself an onahole and a dildo, no point in wasting money on gimmicks that don't apply to your body.

>> No.11224526

You don't boil your drinking water?

>> No.11224534

Why would I?

>> No.11224551

I don't know it's safer? Before you say only third worlders do that.

>> No.11224566

I live in the UK, the only thing I have to worry about when it comes to water is the fluoride.

>> No.11224656
File: 54 KB, 877x1094, Hard-Water-Map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And hard water.

Enjoy your limescale, Southernfags.

>> No.11224662

free calcium, how nice

>> No.11224852

What would be a relatively cheap one hole that's on nls that is decent.

>> No.11224865

Enjoy your hypercalcaemia and limescale.

>> No.11224862


R20 cheap and built solid if you can only have one one this is highly recommended.

>> No.11224896

Thanks anon.

>> No.11224973

Jokes on you, I live in the North.

>> No.11224981

Joke's on you: Northumbria Water is gradually switching everyone to hard water.

Enjoy your fluoride and rock cocktail, mate.

>> No.11224987

R20 (variation in structure), innocent younger sister (pronounced ribs), first sex (agressive wavy rib, supposed to simulate 'virgin') are all decent

and maybe look into the loli stuff >>11220197

>> No.11225555

What's this Hoppappiro you speak of?

>> No.11225628

An inflatable

>> No.11225650


What does this do?
for $48 it must be amazing

>> No.11226054
File: 36 KB, 850x639, alice_dayo_rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit, it was only 3 weeks since I got it and now my AGM alice dayo got a rip at the entrance (even though it's considered to be very durable and I used it gently - my tsurupetta soft is fine even after 8 months). I found it in that state 2-3 days after last use (so it didn't rip while using). Because I ordered it through proxy (JSS), I can't even complain about it to alice stage.
I tried to use some strong glue but it didn't work. I heard that it can be "fixed" using soldering iron but it will damage it (and I actually don't have soldering iron). It seems I have to order a new one.
Does anyone know if it will break even more if I try to use it in this condition?

>> No.11226185

seems good for you that you spotted in this early on. seems pretty easy to fix: >>11179083

>> No.11226202

So, as a German citizen, how would I go about ordering a cheap, durable and pleasurable onahole without getting screwed over with taxes/customs? I am deathly afraid of customs which is why I've been thinking of ordering from omochadreams but I realize their prices are shit (shipping is practically free though).

>> No.11226306

I don't know how strict DE is, but any package over €22 can be taxed. Gifts until €45, but only proxies will ship as gift. Gifts that are declared with too low of value may trigger inspection.
So, options: en-nls.com with value under €22, or above and just pay tax: still cheaper than omocha gaylords. >>11213800

Other option: proxy >>11178999

>> No.11226325

>deathly afraid of customs
what exactly are you afraid of? NLS can remove loli packaging if that's the problem.
other than that I don't see the big deal

>> No.11226330


>Because there are 2 holes, it could be possible to share Puni Hole DX with someone else for 3 some type play,
>but because of its size, it's going to be a tight play or you might end up tearing up the toy.

>> No.11226359


Would a /jp/sie want to share a puni hold DX with me?

>> No.11226378
File: 510 KB, 1280x1707, 1374356434810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I'd take you to the bar to find some drunk slut we could team up on. You'd have to be smart though, so we can pull The Big Bang Theory motif.

>> No.11226412


That's not a very stable place to rest your cup and saucer.

>> No.11226413

I see the "remove packaging" tip suggested really often, but it's really worth noting that this will void any warranty the hole would come with.

>> No.11226416

So how the hell does Japan Shipping Service work?

I'm been browsing the site and this shit doesn't make sense.

>> No.11226523

Why do people use the term "beginner's ona hole?"

Is there some skill to using them?

Also I bought a Tenga and after reading a bunch of /jp/ threads I can't tell whether it's shit or if I'm so used to my hand I should just stick to it?

>> No.11226558


Tenga don't make the best holes.

Try Seventeen Bordeaux or R-20 from en-nls.

>> No.11226565

Beginners don't know their preference, so a "beginner's onahole" is more like "popular onahole that's probably relatively durable."

>> No.11226588

I broke a hole in mine with my cock. I don't know if I should be impressed or not, it's pretty thick.

>> No.11226639

Speaking of bursting holes in onaholes, Tsurupeta Idol has one hell of a thin wall at the end. I can't stand when the structure isn't centered in the hole either, so you get even thinner walls at certain parts.

>> No.11226743

Well, yeah, it's a good way to fix but I don't have a soldering station for that and I don't know anyone who has it.

I find it to be quite easy. The only problem I had was knowing the final price.

>> No.11226776

The comic and the video are funny. I lol'd.

>> No.11226823
File: 1.64 MB, 500x281, 1373710407563.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you selfish jerks talk about such toys and not show videos of using them yourselves!?

>> No.11226886

Does this look like /lgbt/ to you, woopsie boy?

>> No.11226894
File: 197 KB, 847x600, f489e151687f76f942a14e564619d83d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thus proving once and for all that fleshlights, japanese or otherwise, are a /b/ special interest topic, rather than a "diverse" Japanese interest topic.

Funny how they're also not a form of art or a medium or cultural expression of any kind. They're just cheaply made overpriced seedy-as-fuck chinatown gift-shop type novelties.

>> No.11226907

Actually yes.

>> No.11226914

No, this is /jp/ - Just Penises

>> No.11226915

Shouldn't you be shitposting on /cgl/ right now, hammy?

>> No.11226927
File: 27 KB, 310x310, 1373743142119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girlfriends are just cheaply made overpriced seedy-as-fuck chinatown gift-shop type novelties.


>> No.11226935

> They're just cheaply made overpriced seedy-as-fuck chinatown gift-shop type novelties.
Please stop trolling these threads and just hide them if they bother you that much.

>> No.11226937

Nice pic. Wanna suck dicks?

>> No.11226982
File: 48 KB, 397x408, 1371976410055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I do this without having my exif data attached to the video?

>> No.11227008

Speaking of, I slept with a fat girl once and it honestly ASTOUNDS me now to think that people actually believe that a real vagina is so much better than masturbating or using an onahole.

It's coveniently warm and wet (most of the time) but that's all it really has going for it, it's not anything special and quite frankly that shit can be fucking disgusting at times.

I mean really, when was the last time your onahole queefed out a small chunk of white cheese-like refuse? When was the last time it shed chunks of bloody uterus lining that smelled like a mixture of burning copper/metal and rotten sardines? When was the last time it got a fucking yeast infection and still expected you to go down on it?

Fucking hell, I know I'm going on a tangent here but real girls, weeaboo ones especially, really do deserve the title of 3DPD.
Not that faggots and the like are any better mind, they're equally as disgusting and unpleasant to be around.

>> No.11227032

Maybe you should have tried a girl who wasn't filthy.

>> No.11227043
File: 312 KB, 530x320, 1372485978690.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this cephalopod.

>> No.11227082

I've been with a skinny girl as well, she wasn't as dirty on account of her being a hygiene freak but she was always dry and fingering her was a disgusting experience because whenever I pulled my finger out I'd find this caked up white substance on it that smelled like parmesan cheese but mustier.
We never had sex but I think that experience was adequate enough to justify what I said about women being disgusting vile creatures.

You calling me a squid?

>> No.11227083
File: 1.86 MB, 200x129, NOPE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>queefed out a small chunk of white cheese-like refuse
>shed chunks of bloody uterus lining that smelled like a mixture of burning copper/metal and rotten sardines

Oh god, I've actually experienced the same thing. Those strawberry cheesecake chunks on my dick I will never forget.

>> No.11227086

I bet you cook your own ink into soup too huh, ya cephalopod.

>> No.11227094

So, are you supposed to wash that stuff out if you want to be presentable? Like smegma on males?

>> No.11227100

A loli isn't like this, right guys?

>> No.11227112


Don't listen to them, they're misogynist pigs for not wanting to feast on our yeast.

>> No.11227126

Every fucking time.

I still can't look at cheese spread without being reminded of it, that shit's fucking disgusting.

The hell if I know. I talked to her about it and she said using cleaning products and douching down there just made it worse, something about bacteria and upsetting the ph balance.

Not that I'd take her word for it, she was lazy as shit and never did put any proper effort into anything.

3DPD, no exceptions. Tru loli is 2D only.

>> No.11227131

I think from an older girl those things would be gross, but from a loli I don't think I would mind.

>> No.11227134
File: 799 KB, 645x1320, Anon contemplates late night excursions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that a cooking material or something?

>> No.11227153

It's a form of funghi, it has its uses but it's certainly not something you want to be infected with.

>> No.11227170
File: 225 KB, 645x443, .........png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funghi? Aren't those usually spawned from dung fertilizing the earth?

>> No.11227175

Google? Isn't that something you search for answers with?

>> No.11227182
File: 84 KB, 443x591, 1374457226115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google? Isn't that just for looking up porn?

>> No.11227186

Dollhos, obviously.

>> No.11227209

>Volks Dollfie doll $653.00

No thank you. I might as well get a RealDoll if I'm going to shell out that much money.

>> No.11227641
File: 334 KB, 2460x820, onaho punch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there some skill to using them?
Getting the suction to work properly, the right amount of lubricant, propper usage in order to not break them, propper care. General know hows.
I think most people would hate to ruin a top tier 70USD price+import onahole because of their own stupidity.
Also people who never used one tend to have a lot of misconceptions about onahole; and frankly I'm also tired of crossies asking for "the top realistic of epicness onahole"

>also note that Twin Tales Two should release within the next month(s)
really? tokyo libido didn't say anything regarding this on his twitter, nor was the website updated, and I didn't see anything on 2ch either. I'd like a source on that one if possible.
Well, the month isn't over yet.

I can fit my whole fist in alice dayo AGM, stretch it with both hands as well, never tore. allegedly, it's the test version, but I doubt that they changed the material this much.
Anyway, since the entrance is in two part, with some kind of "chamber" you can still use it just fine this way.
Don't use glue, it will harden and then crumble, leaving small chunks of hardened glue in the tunnel of your onahole; I tried glue once, never again.
A soldering station with thermostat was like 12 euro; what's really expensive with soldering iron is usually the tin they furnish it with, which is only there for added value. I'd highly recommend a thermostat, my previous one required to be cooled on a wet sponge or it became too hot and it was more of a guerilla than anything.

Though that;s a fairly small rip, my alice dayo ABS got the entrance all slathered, but it poses no usability problem; doesn't even leak out that much lubricant.

On other news, mikura's hole and the hopa pillow cover will be pre-sold at some event (ワンフェス) on the 28/7 mikura hole: 3000JPY pillow cover: 2000JPY. Those are cheaper, event prices though.

>> No.11227715

Okay so, I bought "Open my Pussy!" Rina probably about 5 months back. I remember the day I got it I stuck my dick right in and it felt amazing, so after a decent amount of use, general care (washing, keeping the outside of it from getting stick with corn starch) it lasted me until one night I was overly lazy, came a huge load fapping with a friend and just left it in there. I forgot about it and then some nasty bacteria formed and it smelt terrible. I tried to salvage it by washing it out multiple times but I could get the smell to go away.

Today was the day my first onahole died. Now I'm looking for a new one. Does /jp/ have any suggestions? I'm looking for a new hole that's tight and very stimulating, I've heard good things about a particular few on en-nls but I don't really know.

So, any suggestions?

also, has anyone ever used a dildo on themselves as well as an onahole? Kind of looking to get one. I used a bullet vibrator and put it in my butt, it felt amazing in combination with my ona, best orgasm.

>> No.11227726

>fapping with a friend

>> No.11227776


>fapping with a friend

I second an explanation. Masturbating in unison with another person sounds like a deeper relationship.

>> No.11227791

Don't worry my friend. The death of your "first" onahole will make you realize that you already had the perfect onahole this entire time! Where you ask? Obviously, your friend's anus!

>> No.11227821


I use my old semen as lubrication. It is like a 500-year old yeast.

>> No.11227829


Not what you think. A few times a week a friend and I get on skype and we masturbate together. (he's not /jp/ ;_;)

That's besides the point anyways, I honestly do need suggestions on a new ona, something that's VERY stimulating and is tight like a loli hole. I just feel like Rina was too plain...

>> No.11228058

you make an account, go to 'shopping service' where you need to tell them what to buy, then make a deposit ...

>really? tokyo libido didn't say anything regarding this on his twitter, nor was the website updated,
No, I was mostly just by the thought that the release would actually be even remotely close to what they put on their site.
If there was some major delay wouldn't it end up on their twitter or something, too? I'm thinking we'll be seeing it eventually, maybe by the time Mikura hole is out.

I really don't think overly tight makes a hole that much better, but if that's what you're looking for you should get an LO.
Last thread someone it felt 'even younger than loli', it's so tight that if you're all the way in and let go off your hands, it bounces off the entire room.

Alternatively something like a 'hug me' is very also tight and stimulating at just ~17$

>> No.11228060

*I was just going by the thought
*someone said it felt

>> No.11228063

What do I do for the "Phonetic Name" part of the Japanese form for Alice official shop website.

>> No.11228111
File: 63 KB, 519x434, engrish2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Rina costed me (+shipping and lube) roughly around 48 or something like that. It lasted me quite a few months. What would I expect with Hug Me? The ona looks fairly promising from what I'm seeing.

Can you also elaborate on "LO".. what is that? Can you link me? I can't find it

on a side note, I really love the engrish at NLS.

>> No.11228132

? are you trying to order through Alice Stage? can't do that as a gaijin

>> No.11228139

Durability-wise the Hug Me was awesome for me. It was my second order ever, I bought two of them. First lasted ~3 months until I tore a hole (mind you I was pretty rough), the second lasts 6 months and still going strong (although it's getting worn out, I can still use it fine).

This is the LO: https://en-nls.com/pict1-34968
Ideally I personally would get one or two hug me and one LO if your budget allows

>> No.11228146

I wanted to use JSS bulk service where they gave me a JPN address to use as I buy the item myself but I guess I'm doing it wrong, and I don't even know if Alice Stage would accept foreign payment methods like Paypal anyways.

Guess I'll have to use JSS shopping service so they get the item for me instead, and eat the fees.

>> No.11228158
File: 5 KB, 290x220, 1_1358319208_3_cuYfl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have to share theses gems, the product is "Chippai-chan". The description includes these and I am quoting.

>It feels exactly the real one...
>Like to dress like a woman? Then just put them in bra!
>They are irregular in size but that's more realistic!

>> No.11228167

Bulk would definitely save you money, but only sites that accept paypal, or sites that accept international orders too (kind of destroys the point unless you have some elaborate reason to) OR major sites that can process foreign visa no prob (amazon).

Alice Stage is not going to process your VISA as far as I know. If you could speak Jap you could maybe talk to them and see, but I think you'll have to use Shopping Service.

>> No.11228178
File: 167 KB, 948x833, TearDownThisWall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll assume that Shopping Service to AliceStage will have fees comparable to shipping expensive hips from e-nls?

If it is comparable to the price of shipping Puni DX from e-nls (which is like $130~) I think I'd rather stick to the palm sized shit.

>> No.11228200

This just in: new magic eyes hole:

>> No.11228211

If the hip weighs less than 2000g you could opt for economy small packet SAL which would end up really affordable.
If you make the order and it ends up >2000g better just go EMS, and it'll end much more expensive yeah.

Maybe someone who ordered the hip could say how much weight japanshoppingservice gave it in their order.

>> No.11228222

Hmmmmm, so essentially it's melt v2? Melt was really soft and barely stimulating,
so they improved on the texture and give those ring thingies for tightening?

I was considering trying a melt sometime soon so this makes me reconsider to wait..

>> No.11228229

Puni DX didn't even have option for SAL, just EMS and DHL. This probably means it's heavier.

I can only assume AliceAGM would be just as heavy, and therefore the shipping costs would be just as expensive.

I know this guy in this thread bought an Alice through JSS. I'd like to know how much he spent.

I also saw that http://treasure-japan.com/ was recommended in this thread. I wonder how much cheaper they are.

>> No.11228234

Bulk shipping on JSS uses COD (cash on delivery; means you pay the delivery men for the actual goods value and he then gives you package -just like a pizza delivery-) as far as their webpage indicates.
Never used bulk shipping because I didn't know it was engrish for "forwarding service".
So payment isn't an issue.

As for the name, ask jss by mail if you should use your personal name or if they provide a name with its furigana (which is what you refer to as "phonetical" whatefer if I'm not mistaken) to go with the adress.

Use a fake one if they don't provide one to go with the adress.

Because if they don't provide a name to go with the adress it means any name goes. There's a shitload of 山田 in japan so you could start there if you want a fake name that doesn't stand out.
But I'm fairly convinced JSS would provide a name; I might be mistaken however.

Keep us updated if you don't mind, it'll probably serve as a reference.

Isn't being a male illegal in Canada anyway?
Shipping costs are based on: a) weigh and b) shipping method; JSS offers more shipping methods than NLS, for instance the cheaper rSAL which may take up to a month to arrive but is noticeably cheaper than say EMS.
*above 2kg only EMS is available so it might be a good idea to split your orders accordingly.

You could try using an USA --> Canada proxy should such a thing exist.

>> No.11228241

> I wonder how much cheaper they are.
They are a bit cheaper but they don't label things to skip tax. So they're only worth it if you buy a couple cheap things, I think.
I tried buying some manga trough JSS and they didn't treat it with care at all, so there's that too. But who cares about proper care with onaholes.

>> No.11228247

>USA --> Canada proxy
There's a bunch of these services, but the shipping costs are ridiculous. A 2kg package will cost around $30 using the cheaper shipping options. Forwarding fees are usually $6-8.

>> No.11228255

Hey, I used bulk.

No, they don't use COD, they just ask -if- your order has cash on delivery, since you *need* to pay it in advance if it does. They will otherwise refuse the package.
But of course, generally you won't end up with COD shipping unless you choose it.

They give you a full address with (fake?) name, in both Japanese and romaji. This address has an extra number, like "_street No. 30 #355" the #355 will be your package no., if it's not indicated on the package, again they'll refuse it.
Of course, the place where you buy will just make a shipping label so the number will be on there unless you fooked up.

It's all pretty easy and straight-forward.

>> No.11228263

oh I'm stupid, you mean you can choose COD delivery as payment option.
yeah, it'll be just a bit more expensive but you could do that.

>> No.11228270

>I can only assume AliceAGM would be just as heavy
It's ~1500g so unless the box weighs 500g you're mistaken.
Only the test version was 1800g, 2020g with cardboard.

it was about damn time someone used such a structure, but it looks short so I'm probably going to pass until further info is available.

Oh I see, senkyu for the infos.
nah, 'twas my mistake

>> No.11228284

But that is what you meant right? Alice-stage and the like won't accept foreign VISA I reckon, so you could opt for COD to go with a bulk order which should be cheaper than commission+transaction fee with shopping service.

>> No.11228300

Is there some kind of way to filter for pre-orders on amazon? I can't even find that newest magic eyes one by normal searches.

And what's with the 【Amazon.co.jp先行発売】 exclusivity on both Puni DX Hard and 欲情ギミック, are they becoming the next DMM?

>> No.11228306
File: 180 KB, 1000x743, JSSConfMail2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a bulk service request is done processing, they sent me a e-mail with details on the proxy address I'm shipping to. This includes a name.

I assumed I'd have to figure out a way to translate the name provided to me into a "phonetic" version.

The field on the online form is:

Which Google Translates to:
Your name (phonetic) ※

And whatever I put in the fields kept returning an error. No idea what to put in those fields in pic related, and if they should match the name provided

And yeah I'm wondering about this too. With bulk service I thought I would be paying JSS through paypal themselves.

>> No.11228343

>With bulk service I thought I would be paying JSS through paypal themselves.

Wait, no, why?
Service = they buy it for you, so obviously you pay them through paypal.
Bulk = plain forwarding, you buy something, it arrives, they pack. Why would you need to paypal them?

Your current order is fucked. It says Not COD so you can't buy from alice like that at all. If the thing is under 2000g you should ship with small packet SAL (registered -> tracking) so unless you picked 'decide later' the EMS option will be quite expensive, too.

So uh remake the order as COD - decide shipping later, or just go with shopping service.
And apologize to them for messing up if you make a new order.

>> No.11228346

>so you can't buy from alice like that at all
unless non-JP VISA works but that would surprise me

>> No.11228406
File: 158 KB, 1000x743, JSSFailure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops. I don't see a way to cancel my order manually either, but it seems my previous order cancelled itself after several hours of not knowing how phonetics work.

And earlier I fucked up again and made a Shopping Service with EMS method with that Alice URL. I would be best if I apologized or something.

Still don't know how to fill that field in.
Unless I figure out a way to fill in that Phonetic field, my only other option is to succumb to Shopping Service. And even then, I wish I knew how much the shipping and other fees would cost before having to deposit first payment.

I think at this point I would be better off with Girly Stick. It seems both cheap and quirky.

>> No.11228443

This is from an old post

[1st payment]
Total: 3150 yen
Product price: 3150 yen
Acquisition cost: 0 yen
[Last payment]
Sub total: 7254 yen
Acquisition cost: 710 yen
Commission fee: 600 yen
Shipping cost: 5400 yen
Packing fee: 0 yen
Transaction cost: 544 yen
Left orver from 1st payment: 0 yen
Points: 0 yen
Total last payment: 7254 yen

the base price is more expensive by now though

>> No.11228480

I actually don't mind the fees for the shopping services itself.

As usual, a shipping fee that's on par with the item cost itself. Not sure if that's SAL though.
Don't know why I expected anything less.

>> No.11228504

It's EMS. If you can ship small packet SAL it'll be half or lower.
You can't know for sure how much it'll weigh packed in the box though. If you're locked out of small packet, it'll be in that price range unfortunately.

>> No.11228524

See that's what makes me even more worried. I feel like 1500g is for just the onahip itself. No idea if the box+packaging will make it shoot over 2000g. I'm a terrible estimator though so I may be exaggerating box and packaging weights for a 500g different.

>> No.11228795

>Departure from inward office of exchange

>> No.11228854

Funny, it arrived 10 minutes after writing this.
Tax: 18,51EUR ++ 12 EUR(presentation)

>> No.11228939
File: 1.01 MB, 3050x1714, 26072013468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was small packet SAL with some cheap-ish things I wanted to try, two from amazon and the budget alice stage (AGM first stage).
SOD one is ridiculously small lol, it looked much bugger, 2Kyen because of porn star tax.

>> No.11228944
File: 1.03 MB, 3050x1714, 26072013469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total price would've been alright if it wasn't for the tax, so it ended up more expensive than I intended to spend..
It shipped as 'gift' and what I declared after their inquiry was under 4500yen, so the extra €30 really pisses me off.

>> No.11229036

Oh wow, that SOD video gift card is pretty lame.

>> No.11229230

>A soldering station with thermostat was like 12 euro
Hm, I did a quick online check but the lowest price I saw was 30 euro. I wonder if it's cheaper in local shops. I need to check it. If I won't find a soldering station with thermostat, I have to try to use without thermostat but I guess it will be quite tricky to manually regulate temperature by switching it on/off.

I paid 8500 JPY (4700 for alice and 3800 for service fee, shipping etc) and didn't pay taxes with SAL.

>> No.11229257

>I'd have to try to use without thermostat
I bought lowest Watt one without thermostat- bad choice.
At first it's perfect, but after 5-10 minutes at its peak temperature everything melts instantly rather than gradually,
and the high temp melted material then starts to denaturate into brown stains into pretty white/pink polymer..

Nice that you skipped customs though. Some countries are a whole lot shittier in that regard than others, it appears.

>> No.11229281

But wouldn't it work if you tried to switch it on, get necessary temperature, switch off, use it while it's possible and repeat this stuff until it's finished? I planned to do it this way.

>> No.11229302

I suppose. But if you are serious about fixing things in the future get a thermostat.

>> No.11229340

Asuming you're german: www.amazon.de/Velleman-Regelbare-lotstation-48W-150/dp/B004VDJ72E/ref=sr_1_3/275-1636705-2055552

's the exact same one I have. Haven't used it for long so I can't vouch for its lifespan, but so far it does its job.

You can cool the iron if you use a wet sponge but yeah, it's too complicated for anything else than filling a hole, and even then it's tricky. Still
better than a lighter or heating a knife on a hotplate or boiling an onahole.

>Unless I figure out a way to fill in that Phonetic field
Furigana is to indicate the reading of the kanji; in this case to indicate how to read the name in kanji. So 山田's furigana would be やまだ for example.

>> No.11229345

If you're not german you must buy from FR, the .DE one can't be shipped outside even though it has the better price.

>> No.11229357

I actually bought from here: http://www.amazon.fr/Station-Soudage-Reglable-450°C-Souder/dp/B0016M61BS/ref=sr_1_16

Not sure about shipping though.

>> No.11229394

What's a good value to declare a big box of 4 onaholes? I was thinking staying around 2200yen is good, but if they don't believe it that would be awful.
Maybe something like 3300yen would be better? Maybe I'm thinking too hard about this .. but I don't want extra tax

>> No.11230357

Nice, thanks! I checked com, co.uk, de and none of them wanted to send it to me unlike fr which I didn't know about. I'll check local shops tomorrow and if I don't find an appropriate option, I'll order it on amazon.fr

>> No.11230999

Onahole advice for someone with a slightly longer penis (around 7 inches) but average girth? It's going to be my first one and I'm on a tight budget so I'd prefer something durable.

>> No.11231009

maybe look at this >>11224987

>> No.11231097

I think an anon previously said that 1/2 of the value is safe, and anything below 1/3 is unbelievable.

>> No.11231135

Alice first stage is good, as expected. There's something about the alice material that makes it very life-like, 'real', more like any other manufacturer's.
Magic Eyes' newest creations get somewhat closer, and someone said hotpower's HYAU is similar too, but I think Alice is king in material for the time being.
First Stage AGM is pretty mild/subtle stimulation-wise, though. In The Heaven AGM was more stimulating. I suppose first stage AGM version 2 would be just right, with Heaven AGMv2 being quite stimulating (also because more fleshy).

Virgin Loop is pretty good. It's the kind of texture that goes really well with soft material, it gives a gripping/enveloping feeling like a tunnel grasping you tight,
while not being constricting at all and retaining all that is good about the softness. It's a great combo.
Hotpowers zero spiral being more fleshy and more detailed can only be better, in soft it's definitely worth the price tag if you're in the market for an excellent soft hole.
I wonder what it would give in normal firmness though, suppose it'll be less of a match in heaven but rather pretty darn stimulating (although all hotpowers firmness option remain -pretty- soft).

The SOD one reminds me of those various fella holes: texture is a couple of lines all around. Entrance has some serious clamping force. Material smells and feels like NPG's.
It would be OK if they shaved off 1/3d of the price.

>> No.11231295

>Virgin Loop is pretty good. It's the kind of texture that goes really well with soft material, it gives a gripping/enveloping feeling like a tunnel grasping you tight
That's how I feel about zero spiral as well.

Also 淫熟名器物語 and MELT are very similar both in structure and concept in my opinion.

R-20, アスリー体 and 乙女の如く aren't expensive and should handle your dick without problems.

>> No.11233572

anyone tried kiyosan yet?

and man I want to see twin tales next incarnation already. hope there'll be news soon.

>> No.11233761

I did, currently waiting for rSAL to deliver it to me. Should take ~10 more days.

Also, a little warning: hotpower's onahole are really suceptible to heat (except for the hyau skin ones which can take it); other onahole were fine but the hotpowers one got deformed due to heat, same storing condition.
So since there's a huge heat wavefor the week end I put them in the fridge.
I think I'll leave them here until the temperature finally comes under 30℃, this fucking summer is killing me.
So yeah, if you have onaholes from hotpowers be mindful of the heat. Other ones were fine as far as I can see.

>> No.11233764

Right, I'm almost happy it's finally raining here where I live.

>> No.11233890

So I'm about to order my first onahole (R20) together with a bottle of Peace's lotion on NLS. The total cost exceeds 22€ by a tiny amount (1 or 2 euros), meaning I will probably get taxed.
Should I just tell them to fake the invoice? Also, how do I tell them to ship the thing discreetly in terms of packaging and description? I honestly don't know how to word my requests properly, this is my first time importing stuff from Japan.

>> No.11233901


nls will just write figurines or something similar on the box. Inside will be wrapped in black plastic R20 box is fine anyway compared to most others.
Do not think they fake tax though, maybe best to just cop it on the chin and pay.

>> No.11233904

It's a Sex Shop, they always ship in discreet brown boxes, that's how that works.
You can customize the order by asking for it in the comment box of your order:
-asking them to edit the product description, for example "figurine" or "book" "cd" if you have people at home, otherwise they'll write "figure" or similar
-you can ask them to remove packaging for example if you buy loli stuff, but it voids any warranty
-you CANNOT ask them to fake the invoice value, they will not do this, that's their policy

Most countries aren't terribly strict, others are. Chances are just that won't get taxed at all. You could buy just the hole and get lube locally I suppose, if you're really worried.

>> No.11233951

In the event of me getting taxed, will I have to go pick it up from my local customs office? I just want to avoid any confrontation with other people, especially if they want me to unpack the thing in front of them.

>> No.11233973

I don't know how other countries work, me I have to pay tax at the door. If I'm not there, I have to pay at post office.

In what situation -ever- would you have to unpack in front of them? IF your package gets inspected it happens at customs, miles away from your home.
The delivery guys don't know what's in their, nor do the people at the post office.

>> No.11234055

tfw I live in a country where you pay no tax on international purchases unless its thousands of dollars. Pretty disgusting they are able to do it.

>> No.11234062


How is that disgusting at all?

>> No.11234282

maybe they don't collect tax but they use his holes before they arrive, instead

>> No.11234338

what's the general consensus on love bodies like this one https://en-nls.com/pict1-4967?c2=36111010
i want to use my onahole hands free but i'm not sure if these things are worth the investment

>> No.11234366

They're flimsy, break fast. If you can get it at a good price and are handy to repair things in case it breaks, they're okay.
Otherwise maybe look at Hoppappiro >>11225555
Or just wrap it in cloth/sleeping bag/...

Or there's the more expensive cloth dolls, of course

>> No.11234383


I have Aki,if you have somewhere to store it then they are nice. They work with small / medium size holes not the large ones. Its much better than using a hole on its own it also makes different positions possible.

>> No.11234432

>They work with small / medium size holes not the large ones

does that mean my R20 won't fit?

>> No.11234631


I think it might be too big, I own that hole but I have not tried to put it in. Even small holes need to be lubed up to slip in.

>> No.11236304
File: 159 KB, 1280x1707, kUGln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girth wise it should, but lengh might pose a problem.

on other news: photo of the wan fes HP booth

I wonder if the limited eddition CD and book are event limited; I hope not because I'm very curious.

>> No.11236659

That is one attractive onahole. Great design.

>> No.11236679

True. I dont think I can hide it in my drawers though

>> No.11236683
File: 173 KB, 480x640, ZGaKz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like tentative price is 3000yen.

>> No.11237793

Fucks sake I intended to buy something from amazon.co.jp at a good price, but since amazon is now the only seller it doubled in price.....
Guess I'll have to wait until price resets, if that'll even happen

>> No.11237964

So I'm planning on buying stuff from hotpowers, a couple of venus and alice holes, and if google translate isn't wrong hotpowers ships for free with orders above 5000 yen, which I'm pretty sure is domestic shipping.

Venus and alice purchases are going to be bought through JSS proxy. I'm wondering if I use bulk service for my hotpowers purchase can I combine that along with my online shopping package when they both arrive at JSS and ship them together so I can hopefully save on shipping two different packages

>> No.11238114

you can use bulk for hotpowers, I think you have to use service for alice
I don't know where you'll buy venus, daimaoh? probably service too
you can combine any orders together, just make SURE to put them on 'combine' and not 'ship by itself'- you'll be locked to that option (I experienced this)
in my experience it's also best to always pick 'decide later' for delivery, you can just take your time and decide by the time everything arrives

>> No.11238120

note that for tax it might not be the best idea to ship that much of expensive things in one box, unless your country probably won't care

>> No.11238144

Alright that's good to know
Yeah one of the benefits of being a third worlder they don't care that much.
