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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11222250 No.11222250[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The notion that you can have explicitly-depicted sex scenes with either of those twins makes me reaaally uncomfortable. I actually do want to play this game, but that puts me off of it just a bit. I get that the main character of the game is in high school, but the players of the game are clearly intended to be males both in high school and older. The HUGE draw of dating either of those girls is to see prepubescent nudity. I get that there's a Japan vs. US culture difference, but I don't know if that culture difference exists outside of manga/anime/otaku-related stuff. Either way it gives me the willies. :/

>> No.11222263

Thanks for your twitter update.

>> No.11222267

Don't worry, op. Ill be lovingly gentle with them.

>> No.11222295
File: 135 KB, 500x500, 1374054973561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The HUGE draw of dating either of those girls is to see prepubescent nudity
I haven't played the game, but I imagine the point of dating either of those girls is to have a pure and romantic relationship with someone who is genuinely sweet and innocent, of which having healthy naked sex is a normal component part.

People who just want to see nudity use the internet.

>> No.11222302

Is this a new daily dose?

Because I don't think the "pedo = creepy" thing has been overdone yet.

>> No.11222311

Actually, I'm behind MoeNovel (that is, Will/Pulltop) 100% on this one. This is what companies should have been trying ages ago. 'Porn games' will never catch on in the West since people are such prudes here. This in contrast with the Japanese market, where developers have to force in completely unfitting explicit sex scenes because the game just won't sell otherwise.

I don't need unfitting sex scenes in my story games, and most Japanese non-nukige devs would also choose for no porn if given the choice (as seen with successful developers going all-ages, and mostly successful developers trying before realizing they have no choice).

And no, "bonding with the characters" and "normal part of a relationship" does not apply when characters are too awkward to even interact normally and suddenly they do oral like pros, or even more jarring do stuff like pee drinking. I like fitting H-scenes, but 90% of non-nukige H-scenes just aren't fitting.

Removing porn from visual novels, turning all-ages into the norm and turning ero into the niche, is for the best, both for developers (no need to force it in) and for consumers (easier to reach a bigger audience than the shrinking core userbase).

>> No.11222315

Go away Aaeru.

>> No.11222320

Normal people don't date visual novel characters.

People who do want to date visual novel characters want to fuck them.

>> No.11222332

Yeah, only abnormal people would want to fuck their girlfriends. Normal healthy adults have normal sex-free relationships with their partners.

>> No.11222334

>and most Japanese non-nukige devs would also choose for no porn if given the choice

>as seen with successful developers going all-ages,
That's because it allows them to open up to a wider audience (see:normals) and make more money.

>or even more jarring do stuff like pee drinking
Why can't a cute girl drink urine? What makes you think you're not one of those prudes you mentioned?

>I like fitting H-scenes, but 90% of non-nukige H-scenes just aren't fitting.
That's your opinion.

>> No.11222338

I'd be more OK with MoeNovel's release if it didn't remove more than just the h-scenes.
H-scenes in most visual novels just come out of nowhere and just make me want to skip them, but removing anything that was PG-13 even was just dumb.

>> No.11222344


That's what I feel! But my faggot Father keeps trying to force me to integrate with society by threatening me. The lengths normals will go make you fit in.

>> No.11222345

I feel as though your post is parodying mine but I can't see how my post implies or supports anything in yours.

>> No.11222386

That guy was being ironic, right?

>> No.11222402

Anywhere to get the translated version minus the gaijin pig censorship?

>> No.11222406

>healthy naked sex
It's not healty for elementary school girls to have naked sex.

>> No.11222408

What makes you say that?

>> No.11222414

Is this from some shitty online forum? I can't imagine someone on /jp/ saying this,

>> No.11222421

This entire post is one big citation needed. Also for people like me VNs are how I date. I am not going to go outside and date some "qt" I find at a bar. I will date my 2D "qt gf". I don't get sex like you do with your normal girlfriend, so these women are my girlfriend that I have sex with. Finally you are a fag if you don't like some "qt" drinking pee.

>> No.11222427

What? Do you actually have a problem with censoring? You should have gotten use to it a long time ago. VNs are better with censorship because the Japs do not put anytime into drawing the genitals.

>> No.11222437

Not that kind of censorship.

>> No.11222480

>because the Japs do not put anytime into drawing the genitals
More like they never ever draw pubic hair even if the characters are 13+. That's why it's better with censorship, that way you can imagine a cute bush behind the mosaic blur.

>> No.11222483

Kids are not supposed to take their clothes off. Ever.

>> No.11222500

They aren't real dude... they don't think or have emotions they can't love you back.
I play VN's because i want to play a romance anime and screw a chick that i actually worked for (also sort of experience a relationship) but i think you would have to be crazy to actually consider them your girlfriend.

>> No.11222504
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I agree sir, the sight of the naked body of a child is so corrupting and tempting it should never be bared, even in solitude: for though the eyes of men may look away the eyes of the Lord are always watching.

>> No.11222512

Do you live with your parents if so how old are you?

>> No.11222517

Why is /jp/ so full of pedophiles?

>> No.11222519

>TFW you can never own these games thanks to Canada's laws

Oh well I guess.

>> No.11222527
File: 14 KB, 320x240, 1310788892934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's how most people react to tyranny.

"Oh well"

...and that's how the tyranny keeps happening! :)

>> No.11222528

I don't really care about the h-scenes. But I want the rest of the cut content.

>> No.11222535

>Openly demand that laws concerning loli be changed
>Stephen Hurrdurr uses it as a claim that I have possession of loli
>Get thrown in jail forever

Yeah, why don't you voice your opinion then?

>> No.11222539
File: 63 KB, 500x478, 1374101428938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll run the border with a load of contraband software for you anon. Fug it. We cyberpunk now.

>> No.11222544

Too late, I can hear the mounties coming because you posted that picture.
