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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11219049 No.11219049[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My bad, how do I become a normalfag then /jp/?

>> No.11219056

you don't want that

>> No.11219058


>> No.11219068



>> No.11219069
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Become dumber.

Start mimicking personalities found in rap videos and reality television.

Wear normalfag attire

Be interested and able to talk with normalfags about normalfag stuff, then actually do it.


>> No.11219072

Whenever I manage to successfully end a short conversation without looking like a retard I feel like a bigshot normalfag

>> No.11219076

You're already off to a good start, watching that shitty normalfag show.

>> No.11219079

Just channel the Driver

>> No.11219082
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>> No.11219089

He;s right is horrible and a disgrace to the manga.

Did you even listen/watch the OP, it was like it was brainstormed by 12 year olds.

>> No.11219091


The ending is pretty cute though

>> No.11219098

>disgrace to the manga
it's a perfect adaptation

it's just as shitty as the manga is

>> No.11219102

Fuck off, tripster. The manga is horrible too.

>> No.11219108

The OP fits the series perfectly.

>> No.11219109

What channel is it on

>> No.11219113
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It.... It's not bad.

>> No.11219118

History Channel

>> No.11219120


Your gimmick is having shit taste, isn't?

>> No.11219121

It's the same as the manga, whatever that means. The OP is obviously ironic. Are you an idiot?

>> No.11219124

I like it.

>> No.11219125

If I get a loli girlfriend will I be normal? Can I post about her on /jp/ without being ridiculed?

>> No.11219127
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Come on guys, tell me your secrets about becoming normal.

>> No.11219133



>> No.11219135

Masturbate to real people with no abnormal interests/physical changes.

>> No.11219137

Follow my 18 step process and you'll become one in no time.

1: Get your HS diploma/GED
2: Get your driver's license
3: Get a job
4: Get a car
5; Get a haircut
6: Get new clothes
7: Socialize with people
8: Talk with girls to build up confidence
9: Date some girls and determine which one is the best
10: Marry said girl
11: Knock her up
12: Get promoted to middle management to support your family
13: Send your kid off to college
14: Retire
15: Take up some new hobbies
16: Watch your wife die a painful death
17: Get sent to a nursing home by your kid(s)
18: Die alone in a nursing home

>> No.11219140

Speaking of this, I feel as if I've become one step closer to knowing what it's like to have a loli girlfriend. I have stuff to do, but I will post details in whatever thread of this is up when I can.

>> No.11219150
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>1: Get your HS diploma/GED

>> No.11219152

>7: Socialize with people
I have social anxiety.

>> No.11219156

You can't become a proper normal like that.

>> No.11219154
File: 12 KB, 214x317, beyondtheblackrainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Beyond the Black Rainbow to transcend Drive and delve into the uncharted territory of sheer maximum autism.

>> No.11219155

That's the cure for social anxiety you dimwit.

>> No.11219169

>7: Socialize with people
You are socializing with people by posting on this board. Everyone here is a normal. You will never talk to someone who isn't a normal.

>> No.11219166

It seems to be quite a challenge for many people. Nearly every "normalfag" has their diploma or a GED. You're abnormal if you don't and it's a great way to set yourself up for improving yourself since you can actually get a job somewhere.

>> No.11219174
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Want to talk to a psychopatch?

>> No.11219176

6.5: Get rid of your Autism

>> No.11219171


Man the fuck up, fag retard

>> No.11219173

Don't believe his lies.

>> No.11219178

Don't, please. I want a cute, non-normalfag /jp/ boyfriend.

>> No.11219183


Nah, you're jus edgy

>> No.11219185


Fuck off milk

>> No.11219195

That's not true at all though

>> No.11219193

But I'm a boy!

>> No.11219196
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you say that but is it what is inside you that counts, when you see satan your god you will then know when it is time, and that i was right the whole time

>> No.11219201


Soooo EDGY

>> No.11219202

Well actually I will post a few details of yesterday and today. I went to a hotel with two lolis, amongst others. I was often in the pool often with them, they enjoyed being held. I was bossed around by both in different ways at seperate times. We played hide and seek together in the hotel room and did other various games in the pool. There was lots of hugging during the whole trip, I was tickled, so I tickled back. We watched a scary movie in bed together with them and both fell asleep hugging my arms/laying on my chest/against me.

I couldn't contain my excitement that night, so I ended up writing quite a lengthy blog post of some 2000 words detailing everything. I'll post that later once I get through editing it.

>> No.11219198

You can't be in a relationship and be a non-normal.

>> No.11219207

How did a 12 year old get here?

>> No.11219210

trolled hard

>> No.11219223
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>I-I was j-just pretending

top lel

>> No.11219225
File: 89 KB, 800x610, 1364027995926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the time of judgement comes you wont be laughing, everyone including you little pieces of shit will be at my will once Lucifer and I round you up like the cattle you are

I will face fuck and sodomize you as i make your family watch

just wait

>> No.11219227

It's not a normal relationship if its between us.

>> No.11219229

Cute joke!

>> No.11219228
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normalfag here

>> No.11219235
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oh man edgy as HELL

>> No.11219235,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11219235,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11219235,3 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu here.


My specialty is roofing.

>> No.11219235,4 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you want to be a normie?

>> No.11219235,5 [INTERNAL] 

I don't. How can I check 'em as a normalfriend?
