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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11205277 No.11205277[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ seems to get shit done, so I figured this is as good a place as any to ask

What do you guys recommend for learning about the post-wwii influences on anime and mango?

>> No.11205285

Just google it you fucking moran.

>> No.11205293
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There is an entire internet at your fingertips. Use it.

>> No.11205297

wtf that pic is ALL in japanese is this guy a otaku?

>> No.11205303

no dude it's a fujoshi; like a girl otaku but they read gay as HELL shit

>> No.11205319

translate it weebs

>> No.11205332

Stop being new.

>> No.11205348

Fujoshi thread?

>> No.11205400

This picture always makes my pee pee feel funny.

>> No.11205426

anorexic fujoshi reporting

>> No.11205441

is your pussy smelly??????/

>> No.11205453
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"Modern Japan: A Very Short Introduction" from Oxford University Press.

>> No.11205462

nearly anorexic fujoshi here as well

>> No.11205459

Ok, /a/ was definitely right about you guys, you might as well be fucking /v/ with your shitposting. Board related discussion obviously has no place in the face of Touhou right? Go fuck yourselves.

/jp/ a shit

>> No.11205464

suck my dick lol

>> No.11205467
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I strongly recommend the educational stylings of Ms Dani Cavallaro.

Here's an extract from "Anime and the Visual Novel: Narrative Structure, Design and Play at the Crossroads of Animation and Computer Games":

This study is the fruit of a deep-rooted dedication to the animated medium at large and to the art of anime in particular, progressively consolidated over time by the exploration of diverse studios and of their multifarious productions within that sector of the contemporary culture industry. Its goal is to delineate the thematic, structural and aesthetic traits of a relatively new-sprung and increasingly popular development within the real of anime: namely, animated series adapted from visual novels. In the real of anime, the term "visual novel" connotes a gaming event of an eminently participatory nature, consistently harnessing the player's own productivity to the generation of the narrative fabric and thus circumventing many of the constraints entailed by more author-centered videogames. The visual novel characteristically dramatizes alternate and interesting story arcs and its ending therefore varies depending on the choices made by the player at certain pivotal "decision points." For the player to experience of all the available--and always partial--solutions potentially entailed by a visual novel, it is necessary to replay the game several times, opting for different routes on each occasion. Relatedly, multiperspectivalism is accorded a cardinal status within the cumulative diegetic construct insofar as the game's take on the action alters according to the point of view from which it is tackled by different personae.

>> No.11205487

Is this the fujoshi thread?

>> No.11205494

Not this cunt again.

>> No.11205501


Do either of you want to go out with me?

>> No.11205506

I don't know, what are you like?

>> No.11205516

I still want to know the answer to the smelly pussy question!!!!

>> No.11205522

I'm pretty easy going. I have my own company which lets me work from home and I have a lot of free time which I usually spend on hobbies like reading, driving, electronics and video games.

>> No.11205528

Please don't pick on Dani-chan. She just wants to create consumer-driven content using audience-focused paradigms with an adaptive and multifaceted approach.

>> No.11205529

Where's the /jp/, normie?

You aren't getting into my smelly pussy at this rate.

>> No.11205535

I don't speak corporate buzzword, can you translate?

>> No.11205537

I'm not the one you asked sorry!

What does your company do?

>> No.11205543

>hobbies like reading [...] and video games

This includes 2hu and LNs.

>> No.11205544

You don't need to know the details, but I assure you it is more than adequate to provide for you and any children you may bear me. I will also not share my resources with other women.

>> No.11205548

Why when there's an app for that?

>> No.11205549

well what does YOUR pussy smell like?

>> No.11205551

In-house software for small businesses and start-ups basically.

>> No.11205563
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>> No.11205561

Like really rotten something and shit.

Oh nice. Would you want children?

>> No.11205568

I haven't put much thought into it really, I still consider myself pretty young but in the future I don't see why not.

>> No.11205569

How do I met a fujoshi that will let me go down on her for hours at a time?

>> No.11205576

I don't think any fujoshi would mind so long as they could keep playing their otome game.

>> No.11205582

How old are you?

>> No.11205581

youll get mouth cancer that way!!!

>> No.11205589


>> No.11205593

21. I want to hear about you now!

>> No.11205599

Oh, what do you want to know?

>> No.11205602

can we talk on facebook :-D

>> No.11205605
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>> No.11205603

How long you're gonna be shitting up my /jp/

>> No.11205612

Tell me about your interests and what you like to do in your spare time!

Do you have a job or are you NEET?

>> No.11205633

I'm NEET, and I usually just play video games. I also try to avoid sleep as much as I can, and post on /jp/. It's really all I do.

>> No.11205637

Is this the NEET thread?

>> No.11205648

The elephant in the room. How many men have you been with?

>> No.11205654
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>> No.11205661

One, but we never had sex.

>> No.11205665

That's cute. It sounds like you have some health problems though like anorexia and insomnia, is there a reason for that?

What kind of video games do you play?
What age are you?
What's your height/weight?

>> No.11205675

I'm not anorexic, I just really don't eat as much as I should. And I don't keep a healthy diet, I usually eat cereal.

I play action RPGs, and rarely shooters.
5'8" 125lbs. To be honest I don't know if my weight is actually normal for my age/height.

>> No.11205698

post pictures of youre feet

this is vital if we are to pursue a long term relationship

>> No.11205716

pls be in London

>> No.11205719

I like you, you're interesting. Do you want to try dating?

>> No.11205721

Iii don't think so..

Midwest US.

>> No.11205726

Dating.. I dunno, that honestly seems really scary to me, I don't think I want to...

>> No.11205732

Do you have a hymen?

>> No.11205727

its just your feet

nothing to be worried about

unless youre a chub

>> No.11205728

Is this a meme?

>> No.11205729

>18 years old
Yeah hows NEETing before college working out for you?

>> No.11205744

It's fine, my mom does stuff for me. I'll go to college in a few years, but for now I just want to relax.

No, sorry.

>> No.11205745

I was being ironic, it was a way of me telling you to fuck off normalfag

>> No.11205748

sorry I dont want used goods

>> No.11205761

maybe she broke it while riding on a horse

>> No.11205762

Okay, sorry, I'll leave now.

>> No.11205771

Depends how she broke it. Girls can break it by riding a bike or even putting in a tampon.

>> No.11205775

That's fine, I don't want to force you into anything. I would still really like to get to know you more though and hang out online. Do you want to swap emails at least?

>> No.11205780

or by being the school cum dumpster

>> No.11205783


>> No.11205789

Sure, I can do that.

>> No.11205793

its always nice to see 2 guys fall in love

>> No.11205794

holy FUCK the OP got owned

>> No.11205791

Where's janny when ya need 'im?

>> No.11205810

If cute fujoshi girl is still here then please send me an email at f105895@rmqkr.net

I want to be your friend!

>> No.11205816

Good job getting friendzoned you fucking losers.

She's just going to use you for insight into the thought processes of her six actual boyfriends.

>> No.11205818

sent ;'')

>> No.11205830


>> No.11205828

Nothing wrong with having a girl that's just a friend.

>> No.11205834

Yeah, sure. Entering a friendship when what you really wanted was to fuck her is a good idea.

What are you going to do when she tells you about how her boyfriend always wants to do anal lately?

>> No.11205832


>> No.11205839

>What are you going to do when she tells you about how her boyfriend always wants to do anal lately?

Ask her for a threesome.

>> No.11205837

I'm friends with a few /jp/ boys I want to fuck...

>> No.11205845

I'm friends with one but he has a boyfriend and it's depressing.

>> No.11205841

Probably just be an angry misogynist.

>> No.11205844

Are you a boy too?

>> No.11205847


>> No.11205848

But she "isn't into you that way".

Exactly. If you want to get into a friendship with a girl, first ask yourself if you're going to be jealous when she tries to cry on your shoulder about her problems with the people she fucks, while rejecting any possibility of fucking you ever. Which you will be.

>> No.11205849

I'm not interested in fucking. It's just nice to talk to girls about certain things.

>> No.11205850

take it from captain normalfag here

>> No.11205855

You should stop projecting.

>> No.11205862

RIP /jp/

>> No.11205863

If you think that jealousy isn't going to apply to you, feel free to make all the female friends you like.

>> No.11205866

You just not being such a bitter fuck for once.

>> No.11205867

I'm asexual, I thought I said stop projecting.

>> No.11205872

Janny is recovering from a hangover. He was out all night partying yesterday

>> No.11205873

there are boards for this normal shit you guys are bickering about

>> No.11205880

There's nothing bitter about realizing that setting your self into a situation where you'll be jealous is a bad thing.

If you say so. Most men aren't. The very conversation in this thread started with the potential of dating in mind, for instance. It's hardly projecting when I included an if condition for the special cases.

If I said "if you don't like oranges, don't eat them" am I projecting because you like oranges?

>> No.11205878

You mean you're delusional?

>> No.11205891

You still can't stop projecting.

>> No.11205887

Just go back to /r9k/ already.

>> No.11205889

I liked this thread better when there was a cute fujoshi.

>> No.11205896

it was always a guy pretending to be one

>> No.11205897

/r9k/ is full of the sorts who would become friends with a girl after getting rejected and then complain when her decision never changes.

I'm saying that's a stupid thing to do to begin with.

>> No.11205899 [DELETED] 

maybe she'll come back

though after seeing this shit I doubt it.

>> No.11205901


but that's the only way a cute fujoshi isn't an oxymoron.

>> No.11205902

Cute is in the eye of the beholder.

>> No.11205909


>> No.11205912

i too like chubby girls with busted faces

>> No.11205913

Only pathetic nerds get friendzoned. I'm confident and successful enough to win her heart with time. You just need to persevere if you want to get married, women are funny like that.

>> No.11205915

You're probably being ironic, but I actually do like unkept chubby girls.

>> No.11206273
File: 168 KB, 400x400, workanzu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope this is all just ironic shitposting
