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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 439 KB, 1476x2777, 163792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11199685 No.11199685 [Reply] [Original]

So, just by curiosity, what does /jp/ thinks of loli? Is there a general consensus like with some other topics?

>> No.11199691

They are cute.

>> No.11199694

Huh? You're asking me about loli? It's good. I like it.

>> No.11199695

Pedo garbage.

>> No.11199736

My only true outlet

>> No.11199790

I want to touch a loli's hair.

>> No.11200127

loli is kind of like incest. I'm ok with the 2D stuff but when it comes to real life I can't stomach it.

in b4 normie.

Fuck it. Call me a hypocrite, normalfag or whatever but a cute drawing is a hell of a lot different than a person

>> No.11200130



>> No.11200132

What if I'm attracted to little girls who are related to me?

>> No.11200134


>> No.11200164

I like it. But since incest was mentioned, I'll say that I like incest a whole lot more, and I prefer incest to involve older girls. I would have sex with my real-life older sisters.

>> No.11200187

>a cute drawing is a hell of a lot different than a person

Well duh. Who doesn't think so?

>> No.11200190

Da gubberment and a lot of the general public.

>> No.11200202


>> No.11200235
File: 356 KB, 718x1013, 15097154_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them with tanlines.

>> No.11200263

There's no general consensus on /jp/.

>> No.11200284

What's wrong with consensual incest?

>> No.11200303

3D lolis would be better if they didn't piss and shit and slobber on everything they touch.

There's a nice area between like 9-12 where they've learned to keep their bodily fluids to themselves but they haven't turned into middle school sluts. Any older or younger and 3D pig disgusting.

>> No.11200321
File: 2.56 MB, 313x255, 1337122329041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The global consensus is that /jp/ likes shota and /ss/

>> No.11200332

I think RL incest is just as hot. I don't particularly find real little girls attractive, but I love loli. They're exaggerated in just the right way, either in their innocence or their precociousness. I've always been more attracted to the idea than the subject at hand.

>> No.11200333

A loli with tanlines is great.

>> No.11200349

I'm in the good company with you guys, right?

>> No.11200391

Only if you have interesting stories to tell about it.

>> No.11200396

I could make quite a few posts about my relatives who are lolis, but they probably wouldn't be anything you want to hear. For lack of a better word, I adore them. They do lots of cute stuff and act in ways that I thought only happened in fiction. I wouldn't expect girls like them to exist in this day and age so I feel really lucky to have some like that in my life.

>> No.11200421

Not really a fan of fucking them or even non-penetrative sexual activities, but if you are, that's cool.

Not a fan of the "loli threads" though.

>> No.11200432

It doesn't sound like you like loli very much.

>> No.11200436

I mean I'll jack off to it, but I'm not really a fan of it. have a complex like that.

>> No.11200438

I started with loli and ended up knowing about cat goddess. I think they're cute, but that's about it.

>> No.11200441

Very true

>> No.11200516

Pretty much this.
3DPD is ダメ.

>> No.11200525

I want to be able to wear cute dresses with bows, and wear ribbons in my hair.
I surround myself with Loli in lieu of that.

>> No.11200531

There is.
There are those who love lolis and those who love lolis but feel guilty of it and claim to hate it as a defence mechanism.

>> No.11200534
File: 86 KB, 937x318, ss (2013-07-19 at 04.40.49).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11200539

Dude, think of all that money you get for doing nothing.

>> No.11200541

三次元は… たぶんアウトと思います。
でもね… ちょっと触りたいなー。

>> No.11200565

"Nothing" ha, I hear ya.

I'd be nothing with her all night long. All day too, shit. She's making 6 figures, who needs school?

third world pls gp

>> No.11200577

Isn't the question supposed to be "while paying $100,000 per year"? Then it would make sense.

>> No.11200604

I read it that way. I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't pointed it out.
But seriously, is this real? I feel the sudden urge to murder 48% of the people living on this planet.

>> No.11200625


>> No.11200641

Pretty sure most of the guys who voted yes are in it for the money.

>> No.11200647

Or 10 year olds themselves.

>> No.11200659
File: 64 KB, 932x300, would you rather.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found one, how about this?

Top comment was, "I've always wanted to date a 12 year-old."

>> No.11200667
File: 140 KB, 320x484, kinzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Date someone who always looks 80 [X]

>> No.11200674
File: 92 KB, 954x330, ss (2013-07-19 at 02.13.33).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the majority of people don't want to be the little girl.

>> No.11200687

Post more of those.

>> No.11201120

That's because real life is pretty awful.

>> No.11201220

I fap to loli daily

>> No.11201303

did you look at her anus? did she fart towards you?

I would cum so hard if I saw that

>> No.11201831

They are cute. I wish everyone in the world was a loli. It would be a much better place.

>> No.11201846

But who would do work then?

>> No.11201862

We have plenty of pedophiles here who fap to the real stuff.

>> No.11201874

Both 2D and 3D lolis are accepted in /jp/.

>> No.11201894
File: 96 KB, 788x670, 5b6307783d5fc53889f8038378f91e95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lolis of course

>> No.11201922

I mean REAL work like mining for diamonds 2km below sea level or doing a spacewalk on the ISS.

>> No.11201926

I had a dream about loli.

>> No.11201950

Little girls don't like that sort of things.
We'd rather play with dolls and make dresses

>> No.11201953

What kind of dream?

>> No.11201959

my niece was playing on the water table on a somewhat chilly day and I was looking after her. I was getting worried she'd catch a cold so I we went inside helped her with her wet clothes and after drying her up, wrapped her up in her hello kitty blanket and she took a nap on the couch.

I put her clothes in the drier and read a book until she woke up and afterwards we had hot cocoa together and made a blanket fort together.

When I'm on my own I end up reading and listening to music most of the time so for me it's really nice being pulled into this nice sort of everyday life.

>> No.11201968

>3D lolis are accepted in /jp/
This is what pedoscum actually believe.

"being a criminal is accepted on /jp/"

>> No.11201977

What is the best way for a loli to react to a serious kiss:
1. Blushing and shaking and trying really hard to kiss back.
2. Being overwhelmed by the sensation and nearly collapsing.
3. Pushing away and saying "ew gross".

>> No.11201978

Your post reeks of /a/.

>> No.11201983

1 definitely, it's really cute.

>> No.11201989

Cute story dude.

>> No.11201984


>> No.11201987

Your post reeks of dangerous predator.

>> No.11202022

>3D lolis would be better if they didn't piss and shit

I vehemently contend such a notion; a loli's biological necessities are as, if not more evocative that her physical or psychological characteristics. Imagine all the cute things loli's need to eat - the digestive result is a mere chemically reduced mixture of these chosen items. A firm, healthy poop made by an adorable little girl is no less valuable an artistic work as any contemporary or past art object. Aesthetics unique to loli shit simply cannot be authentically reproduced via more conventional physical methods of art production.

>> No.11202050

1. 3 if I was fat.

>> No.11202056

We were outside at a picnic or something and she had to take her shirt off for whatever reason but said she didn't want people staring at her boobs. I told her she didn't have any, but she held onto the belief that she did. It went back and forth between us, me saying she didn't have any, her saying she did. Eventually she just took off her shirt and as expected, her chest was flat. She invited me to touch and I did, and even though it was flat there was definitely something soft there, it's very hard to explain. I spent quite a while touching her flat chest and noticed that her nipples got hard and she wanted me to lick her chest, so I did, and that's when I woke up.

>> No.11202070

Dunno. I'd probably touch one up if the law wasn't in the way.

>> No.11202115
File: 368 KB, 1592x1081, Puffy vulva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11202142

I've kind of always wondered why lolis are so puffy down there compared to older women.

>> No.11202208

A destroyed vagina vs a virgin vagina

>> No.11202224

Is that really all? Why don't lolis have all those hanging bits? Often times it just looks like a soft slit, you can't really even see the clit unless their legs are spread.

>> No.11202230

It depends on how aroused they are.

>> No.11202238

Those hanging bits are because the vagina is ruined

>> No.11202243

Maybe they just aren't aroused as much or as often as a person would think.

>> No.11202311

Does anyone else feel tempted to download CP sometimes?

>> No.11202313


>> No.11202317

I genuinely believe all those brainwashed normals deserve to die. Does /jp/ feel the same?

>> No.11202322

All the time man.

>> No.11202326

i hope you feggats are jokken..

>> No.11202332

Why would I be?

>> No.11202334

I've looked at some on /b/ out of morbid curiosity but it's really nothing like 2D loli.

>> No.11202340

Why /b/? It's posted here fairly regularly.

>> No.11202341

I really want to see those enjou kousai CP vids floating around the net that some group produced and sold and later got arrested for.

>> No.11202353

Yes but I'm too paranoid, I just stick to my NN models.

>> No.11202363

welp FBI's at your door

wat do:
[] Take me to jail
[] Try and pay fine
[] Resist arrest

>> No.11202369

>it's really nothing like 2D loli
False. Don't look at the shitty mainstream stuff they post on /b/.

>> No.11202376


>> No.11202378

>child modeling
Why would you look at that shit? It's made by normals for normals.

>> No.11202382

You should be takk'n to jael.

>> No.11202385

It's a trick question, what if the loli is ugly?

>> No.11202395

What if the loli is pretty? It doesn't matter. Most people are conditioned to find all kids ugly.

>> No.11202405

I like above average lolis. The really beautiful ones scare me! I bet they are all bullies.

>> No.11202416

Me on the left.

>> No.11202419

>FBI at your door
Why would they even suspect you? You are not Thad retarded, right?

>> No.11202424

Okay, but what if the loli is fat?

>> No.11202431

Sometimes I wonder what extent you need to go to before the FBI goes after you. Thad had to try awfully hard to get arrested.

>> No.11202432

I've always disliked fat lolis, even as a kid.

>> No.11202438

I hope you're enjoying Candy Doll works and nothing else.

>> No.11202462

How can anyone enjoy that crap? The girls are cute, but everything else ruins it.

Cute NN pictures of random lolis and lewd russian kids with webcams all the way.

This post is fictional, btw.

>> No.11202461

We're talking hypothetics here

like the FBI accidentally shows up at your house because a clerical error got your address switched with that of a violent biker gang

>> No.11202469

CD always seemed different. The girls are cute and their clothes and settings are tasteful.

>> No.11202470

This thread is fuckin creepy

You niggas best stick to 2D, 3D is a straight up bad idea and fucked in the head to boot

>> No.11202471

I would probably kill myself.

Sorry, grandma...

>> No.11202472

Man, Cand Doll is disgusting.
They take the rhetoric that people like it when adults dressy in slutty wear and extrapolate it to children.
It just doesn't work that way.
That type of clothing is meant to accentuate certain attributes on adults that just aren't present on youth.

>> No.11202479

that's sad bro, just give it up and kill your computer

go live in the woods and make lolis out of leaves and sticks

Don't wanna see a fellow /jp/sie get his ass blown away

>> No.11202476

You don't know shit about 3D. Just knowing anything about it is illegal. And it's only illegal because society isn't allowed to know the truth about it. This is a fucking mess.

>> No.11202492


It ain't worth it bro
Don't go down that road you have so much to live for

>> No.11202500

>you have so much to live for
Did you forget where you are? Stop trying to force your morals on others like a normie.

>> No.11202497

Their models are dressed in kid clothes or cute frilly dresses.

>> No.11202504

>tfw loli isn't enough anymore and you all want is toddlercon

>> No.11202501
File: 63 KB, 632x1000, p-3.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with everything you said, but I think lolis look really good in bikinis and teenagers/adults look better when wearing a school swimsuit like pic related.

I don't understand why everyone else thinks the opposite.

>> No.11202507

Kid clothes? Nope.

>> No.11202510

>yfw your 4 year old cousin is way more mature than your average 2D toddler
I always assumed they were retarded.

>> No.11202514

I am monitoren this toredo.

>> No.11202515

Yes, kid clothes. You're probably looking at something else.

>> No.11202521

we're talking about the russian people right?

>> No.11202525

I don't think latex and fishnet stockings are "kid clothes"

>> No.11202530

I'm seeing a lot of frilly clothes. It's right on the splash page of their website for crying out loud.

>> No.11202534
File: 13 KB, 190x265, kanako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are slav loli is cute in 3d as they are in 2d?

>> No.11202545
File: 31 KB, 600x454, 20091211153919773_Kids_lighting_shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define "kid clothes".

Lolis wear whatever their moms buy for them. If the loli is 9 or younger, she may wear those cute shoes with lights. This is what the Candydoll girls should be wearing, not some slutty heels.

>> No.11202546

I want to wear shoes like that.

>> No.11202549

Clothes designed to fit a kid.

>> No.11202550

Slav lolis are the cutest in 3D.

>> No.11202559

What happened to those things? I haven't seen a loli wearing them in years.

>> No.11202564

It really depends on the girl and set. There's outfits for everyone's tastes though.

>> No.11202565

>Define "kid clothes".

Clothes you'd find in a clothing store in the children's section.

>> No.11202588 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 122845110841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are a mix of cuteness and mischief.

>> No.11202597

would pat on the head

>> No.11202598


>> No.11202599

Above average and looks like a bully.

I like her.

>> No.11202601

would take a picture of her ass and fap while looking at both pics at the same time

>> No.11202605

Slavshit go away.

>> No.11202613

You type like an old girl.

>> No.11202620
File: 245 KB, 500x374, 1373437935241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to crush pedophobia. Love has no age restrictions.

Join the LGBTPQ community today!

>> No.11202627 [SPOILER] 
File: 410 KB, 700x981, fsda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't normal... but on /jp/ it is.

>> No.11202632

I always though the word 'pedosexual' sounded funny.

>> No.11202633

Disgusting, delete.

>> No.11202636

Damn, that vagina looks gross.

>> No.11202634

sory but can u please not bully me???

>> No.11202643

Is she blushing or sunburned?

>> No.11202637

Civil rights are no laughing matter, buddy.

>> No.11202638

They always do

>> No.11202642

Should include Zoosexual while you are at it.

>> No.11202647


>it wasn't as if I didn't like it or anything

>> No.11202646

This is illegal you know.

No, really.

>> No.11202653

Most lolis have cute vaginas.

>> No.11202648

Not in freedom land, homo

>> No.11202650

Not always. See >>11202208

>> No.11202652

what about cute african loli

>> No.11202658

"Pedophilia" is worse. It makes people think it's some kind of paraphilia. I think it's more about love.

>> No.11202668

Only north African

>> No.11202670

Those other replies are very aggressive and hateful.

>> No.11202663

Sunburned. I bet she's got tanlines all over her butt.

>> No.11202675

>No. Kids can't consent to sexual activity, end of story.

>Your brother's disgusting and you should realize that. He TOOK your innocence away, whether you wanted him to or not.

Society confirmed for convincing 'abused' children that they are mentally scarred.

>> No.11202678

Indeed, I was happy with the question and the first reply but I continued reading and those other replies make my heart ache.

>> No.11202688
File: 231 KB, 1264x704, 1369285989214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must bear the pain and brave prejudice. It will give you the strength to fight on!

>> No.11202689

The fact that she's got a butt is just mindblowing.

>> No.11202682

Those answers make me want to kill someone. They don't deserve to live.

>> No.11202691

Just FYI, the one who always argues anti-pedophilia in these threads is the same person. It's very obvious from his writing style. He's also intentionally trying to make you angry.

>> No.11202693

>15 is not a young age.

>4/10 15 year olds are sexually active & I'm sure he learned about sex in health to know what he was doing.

Yeah, who wasn't taught about the risks of pedophilia in sex ed class?

>> No.11202699

When you KNOW you are right, it gives you strength to fight on. But when everyone is fucking brainwashed, it's the same as if you were wrong. There is no hope, they will never understand.

It makes me feel like I'm wrong even though I know I'm not.

>> No.11202710

Why is he doing that? It's not like we are exaggerating our suffering. What a sick fuck.

>> No.11202720


kill yourself

>> No.11202721




>> No.11202724

That's what gays and other oppressed folks believed. The wheels of change require great force to turn.

>> No.11202726

translate it weabos

>> No.11202729

I wonder what her socks smell like.

>> No.11202740

Those traitors can fuck themselves.

>> No.11202753

This is not oppression, it's madness. It can make your mother despise you. She will never understand anything no matter how many fucking times you explain everything to her. It's sick.

>> No.11202742

>tfw you sniffed your niece's socks last month

>> No.11202743

They are still useful to the cause however. Clamp onto them like a barnacle and ride the currents.

>> No.11202757

How old are you? I've got cousins and they aren't even elementary schoolers yet.

>> No.11202761

His sister is probably slutty or something.

>> No.11202767

Where homosexuals not viewed in the same manner until recently? As I said, persevere. We will need martyrs and champions to push our cause.

>> No.11202769
File: 59 KB, 800x553, 1374253702870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 2D loli is good.

>> No.11202777

Wrong again.

>> No.11202788

18. It's my half-brother's though and he's 26 or something. Niece is 10 and Swedish.

>> No.11202791

It was different. The fags weren't hated by every single person in the world. The internet didn't exist. The world wasn't as americanised as it is now. And they didn't have anything to do with THE CHILDREN.

>> No.11202800

What is that kid doing in the internet?

>> No.11202806

All this talk of puffy, cute, smooth, sticky, and slimy loli vaginas is turning me on.

>> No.11202805

I don't go for either but the notion that a child cannot consent is ridiculous.

The only defense I can imagine is that abandoning these notions will make children more accessible mentally as sex objects, and therefore more vulnerable to rape.

>> No.11202809

I disagree. I believe that the information age will make it easier for a side to argue. The outcome relies on which side invests more time into their cause and arguements.

I believe it is only a matter of time before the leftist sexual liberation movements begin to turn our way. All that will be required at that point is to properly capitalize on the instance.

>> No.11202822

A lot of it is "we don't like you so we're going to destroy the rest of your life and put you through a living hell" all while the people who have been brainwashed into viewing things they don't like as being nothing but evil cheer on the decision. Real life is a lot like denpa horror, everyone's out of their minds without even realizing it.

>> No.11202831

Very few people would want to rape a child. Pedophiles love them and normals aren't attracted to them at all (or so they say).

>> No.11202835

I love reading chiebukoro's and oshiete posts about lewd stuff.

top lel

>> No.11202838

You can't "argue" with brainwashed people.

Hell, they won't believe anything you say if you call yourself a pedophile. "What could a pedophile possibly know about pedophilia?".

>> No.11202841

translate it you mutha............FUCKA WAROSU

>> No.11202845

I think you are being too pessimistic. You need to argue this froma different perspective. Such as legalizing lolicon to prevent actual child abuse, as well as removing arbitrary punishments for thought-crimes. If you go full on that you are such and such, of course you will lose. Defeat their appeal to emotion pre-emptivly by focusing on liberties and using your true motives as a bonus.

>> No.11202847

Stop it. It's not a paraphilia. The DSM is full of shit.

>> No.11202854

That's why you turn the new generations to support your cause, this is what homosexuals did fine.

>> No.11202865

Read >>11202476

CP possession is a thought crime. Most of it is produced by the kids themselves and you are not even paying for it anyway.

Tell me how anyone can talk about this without getting locked up. We have evidence to prove that it shouldn't be a crime, but the evidence itself is illegal. You can't claim to know the truth without being treated as a criminal.

>> No.11202864

On the internet, no one knows you're a loli.

>> No.11202872

lolis don't know how to spell or use proper grammar though

>> No.11202877

That dude has to be trolling.

Another one, but middle schooler this time. Pretty lewd.

>> No.11202874

From the look of things (on reddit) the younger people seem to feel sympathy for pedophiles who have such intense attractions to children yet are never, ever able to satisfy any of those urges throughout their entire life. They realize not all pedophiles rape and molest kids in much the same way they realize not all gay men rape and molest men.

It's a step in the right direction.

>> No.11202882

The new generations are just as brainwashed. While old people are ignorant and prejudiced, young people are open minded and progressive EXCEPT when it comes to this subject.

You can't even complain about how narrow minded they are because it only affects this particular subject.

>> No.11202894

How does arguing equal possession?

>> No.11202907

>intense attractions
What do you mean? Do they really believe we are obsessed with sex? It's the exact opposite.

I love little girls so much that I feel the urge to do lewd things with them. I don't mind if they don't have breasts or anything, they are still human. It doesn't look like a "sexual fetish" or paraphilia to me.

>> No.11202916


My Japanese skills are poor, but this is such a plain and simple sentence that I was able to understand it. Somebody wouldn't really ask that way, right? It wouldn't be so blunt. I refuse to believe.

>> No.11202919

It implies that you have watched it at the very least. Which may not be a crime in itself, but it's still enough for people to abandon logic.

>> No.11202924

My cousin is gifted.

>> No.11202931

Adoration, obsession, that kind of thing. I think most people who like little girls end up with them on their mind nearly constantly, in one way or another.

>> No.11202936

Normals hear this word and think "THIS SICKO CAN HARDLY CONTROL HIMSELF".

>> No.11202934

It's written by a middle schooler.

>> No.11202940

Well, it's kinda like how a normal person thinks about their loved one all the time. I don't think it's an obsession.

>> No.11202959

Bored, mentally unstable individuals.

>> No.11202956

Maybe obsession isn't the best word. You get what I mean though.

>> No.11202965

I wish I was him. ;_;

>> No.11202989


>> No.11203091

You could always go out and find a loli to do that with. I think she would enjoy it.

>> No.11203106

I hate people who type like fucking retards, but it's cute when lolis do it.

Am I an hypocrite?

>> No.11203113

Everything is cuter when a loli does it, so no.

>> No.11203121

If only I could make myself believe everyone on /jp/ is a loli then this board would be so much better.

>> No.11203122

Lolis are different, so no.

>> No.11203117

what if someone types like a retard but you don't know if it's a loli or not?

>> No.11203139

Loli is shit, I like mommies

>> No.11203147

I installed Steam yesterda so I could play games with my 12 year old cousin. So far she hasn't realized I sent a friend request to her. I'll have to tell her next time I see her, or call there or something.

I wonder how she's going to type.

>> No.11203150

Is she a qt?

>> No.11203153

>So far she hasn't realized I sent a friend request to her.

>"lol omg guys, my LOSER cousin wont leave me the hell alone!"
>"just ignore him. are you coming to nick's party tonight? his parents are out and he has beer and weed"
>"sure, last time I was there I had so much wild sex, cya girl!"

>> No.11203161

I thought those where 14-16 years old.

>> No.11203165


Did you pat her head yet? That's first-base in lolita relations.

>> No.11203162

She's a nice girl, I really like her. I feel closer to her than a lot of other family members. She almost feels like a sister.

>> No.11203167

Would /jp/ rub Vicks Vapor Rub on her chest, like they do in the commercials?

>> No.11203179

12 year olds are like that now.

Even 10-11 year olds are acting like teenagers in some parts of America and Europe. They even get breasts before finishing elementary school. It's a shame. Why did this happen?

>> No.11203185

Jew media.

>> No.11203181

How mean, she's not like that. Just a couple of days ago she asked me to fix her computer and as I was doing so she got bored and started leaning against me and poking me and trying to tickle me. According to her profile it says she's playing Garry's Mod right now.

>> No.11203198

Well, not everyone's like that. My friend just married a girl who refused to have sex until after marriage, even though he knew her since childhood. She's not even religious either.

But they seem to be few and far between and get snatched up quickly so you don't really see them.

>> No.11203208

Of course I've patted her head. I used to do it nearly every time I saw her a few years ago. About a month ago she took me by surprise with a hug as I walked in the door. I think we have a pretty nice relationship. I'm beginning to sound like some sort of creeper so I'll stop posting.

>> No.11203214


it's okay if you want to rail your cousin

no one here genuinely cares about that

some of the twitter troglodytes like to shitepost in loli threads with anti-pedophilia 'trolling' but even they don't care

>> No.11203210


No. Please keep posting. I like hearing about cute little girls.

>> No.11203232

beeblefox get in /jp/

>> No.11203237

I'm fairly sure this is part of a nude set.

>> No.11203249

Gosh darn /jp/ stop teasing me!

>> No.11203266

She's got a cute birth mark on her right ass cheek. Her classmates probably don't know this. It feels amazing, knowing something so intimate about her.

I'm joking, but just imagine it.

>> No.11203265

added hormones in cows milk

>> No.11203271

fbi is on their way

>> No.11203279

The fact that Chris Hansen's got an ass is just mindblowing. Where is all his dignity now? WHERE IS IT NOW.

>> No.11203291

I've always heard that added hormones in food is contributing to lolis developing breasts sooner and sooner, now a days. It's a shame.

What if this was all some manner of conspiracy, to further harass pedos by denying them that which they love? What do those fucking hormones even do to the food, anyways?

>> No.11203308

It's all for money. They are growth hormones that make pigs and chickens grow faster.

>> No.11203312


Kill yourself Twokike.

>> No.11203313


>Study in 3 major cities finds precocious puberty rising among 2nd graders

>> No.11203319

Makes the animal grow faster/bulk up quicker for the few years alive so the consumer gets more meat in the end. Often times chickens and turkeys raised this way get so big they can't walk.

>> No.11203318
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what was that?

>> No.11203326
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>> No.11203335

>Back in the 1700s, girls didn’t start to menstruate till they were 17 or 18

The good old days. And it was legal to fuck an 11 year old, too.

>> No.11203334

Chris Hansen has an ass?

>> No.11203336

>Kiera was happy to see her breasts stop budding and to once again feel like she fits in with all her friends. These days she says she’d be perfectly happy if those breasts didn’t start to swell again till she was 16.
I got a very warm "all's right in the world" feeling reading this.

>> No.11203337
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I said kill yourself.

>> No.11203338

Don't they realize that this "extra" meat is not healthy? They are killing little girls too soon and giving people cancer. Greedy sick fucks.

>> No.11203343

A dirty as hell 11 year old, as they didn't bathe as often as they do now. People were fucking dirty back then.

>> No.11203357

Does /jp/ actually need to fuck the kiddos?

Does /jp/ actually want to kiss the childos?

Does /jp/ actually dream about raping the brattos?

>> No.11203367

Why don't you take a seat over there?

>> No.11203362

who knows?
it's more likely than you think

>> No.11203366

Stop with your shitty memes already.

>> No.11203375

All the consumer sees is more meat for cheap. According to some people organic meats taste slightly different as well.

>> No.11203372

Does want equal to intend?

>> No.11203380

>Does /jp/ actually need to fuck the kiddos?

>Does /jp/ actually want to kiss the childos?
Dear lord, yes! I would love to kiss a little girl on the lips!

>Does /jp/ actually dream about raping the brattos?

>> No.11203383

The consumers are retarded. They shouldn't even be allowed to raise their children.

>> No.11203385

You never kissed a little girl a a little boy? NERDO.

>> No.11203390

Half those words don't even exist. Your post is fucking retarded. Is this some kinda meem?

>> No.11203393

Imagine the average person. Now imagine half of the general population is dumber than that person. It's a terrifying thought. A lot of people just don't think.

>> No.11203398

it's porn.

porn is bad for you chemically.

it's also fetish bullshit, which is in essence flavouring to actual porn when you're sick of it but can't stop jerking off.

>> No.11203403

No I didn't and even if I did it wouldn't make a loli blush and make feel itchy between her legs. Kisses between two kids aren't anything like kisses between a kid and someone older.

>> No.11203409

Should read "or make her feel itchy between her legs".

>> No.11203425

>They take the rhetoric that people like it when adults dressy in slutty wear and extrapolate it to children.
>It just doesn't work that way.
The gap is ultra-erotic. A grown woman wearing slutty clothes is boring. A loli wearing them when she shouldn't is exciting.

It's why traps look so fucking sexy in those bustless bras. They have no breasts to accentuate, so it emphasizes the "lack", making it really lewd.

>> No.11203422

Are there any good books/movies about an awkward romance between elementary school children? I want it to be the main part of the story.

>> No.11203432

Loli is among the greatest wonders of the universe.

>> No.11203435

It's not sexy if she doesn't understand why they are slutty. It's better if she just wears childish clothes and feels like a real person.

Lolis look good in bikinis, though.

>> No.11203438

Traitors? Do you mean the disavowal of pederasty that I've heard of before?

>> No.11203449

>It's not sexy if she doesn't understand why they are slutty.
What's in her head doesn't really matter so much as the visual discrepancy. Little girls wearing garters and fishnets and whatnot arouse me to no end. If they are aware, that makes it all the more erotic.

I mean, I don't really fuck around with CD because I don't really find 3D attractive at all, but I love it in my eromanga.

>> No.11203450

further observations, people who like loli often act like they're some sort of big conspiracy or cult, which doesn't happen for anyone else except footfags for god know what fucking reason.

>> No.11203463

They complain about how much people hated them back in the day but don't care about what's happening to pedos right now.

>> No.11203468

Your eromanga is slutty and unrealistic. It just makes me want to watch some 3D.

CD is the same unrealistic bullshit, only in 3D form.

>> No.11203471

There may be a book out there, but I think there won't be any movie or television series detailing it.

>> No.11203473

Superior Japanese culture bathed every day.

>> No.11203476

This only makes me think of how lolis smelled back then.

>> No.11203479

>Your eromanga is slutty and unrealistic.
It's pornography. I'm not sure what you're expecting.

>> No.11203480

>Same thread than mine but with loli instead of shota
>10 times more replies

Welp. I guess /jp/ loves loli and hate shota. Pretty bad tastes.

>> No.11203482

Is it taboo?

>> No.11203483

I agree but there are tons of Candydoll sets with cute dresses and Japanase swimsuits and bikinis that could be considered realistic. They need more everyday clothes though.

>> No.11203493

I don't like how the girls look bored out of their minds. And all that makeup, what the hell.

>> No.11203495


Less than 10% of the human population is homosexual.

I think that shows why you only got 10% of the replies.

>> No.11203498

They probably think children shouldn't have romantic relationships so they won't be the main plot of things targeted at the masses, like TV or film.

There has to be a book about it though. I want to find it and read it.

>> No.11203503

Why can't children do whatever the fuck they want as long as it isn't harmful? Who cares about the masses and their feelings, just let them kiss little girls dammit.

>> No.11203514


Who is this cutie, /jp/? Is she half Japanese or something?

>> No.11203517

You should check some of their videos then, they sure seem to have fun.

>> No.11203521


>Perhaps most startling are the suggested causes: added hormones in food such as milk and meat, higher levels of obesity, higher density of calories in processed foods, physical inactivity, and chemicals in food and water. (No study to date has proved conclusively that any of hormones in food cause either premature or delayed puberty.)

>> No.11203520

It's a mystery.

>> No.11203522

did that taco just talk

>> No.11203527
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Woah, my heart.

>> No.11203536 [SPOILER] 
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rate me j/p!!!

>> No.11203537

>Posting your personal info on /jp/

>> No.11203544

You mean that google account thing?

>> No.11203546 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 600x800, bdcaa0b252f95ee6096f102acc798bb8[1].png_165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these ones

>> No.11203554

Cute expression and I like her hair but the rest is not good enough.

>> No.11203555

Don't pick your nose kid

>> No.11203557

What's the rest? Her clothes are cute as hell.

>> No.11203572

The rest is her face, her clothes are cute but I don't like the necklace.

>> No.11203578

I think she is perfect.

>> No.11203581


Assumes that /jp/ is mostly male...

>> No.11203596

Do you have any other picture of her?

>> No.11203622

i am a little girl

>> No.11203623

But I'm not even homo or bi and I love shota.

>> No.11203626

Do a image search, you will find more pics of her.

>> No.11204020

No you are not.

>> No.11204031

how do u kno?

>> No.11204063

fuck you

>> No.11204067

Pure little girls do not curse.

>> No.11204079

i curse all the time on messgenger but know the trik to make it look like u are the one that cursed.. hehe so my parets dont find oout you idiot

>> No.11204086

You're turning me on even though I know you're an adult man.

>> No.11204151

Silly kid, you sure enjoy editing people's messages, huh?

>> No.11204166


>> No.11204622

I guess I am late to this thread but I enjoyed reading it.

>> No.11204635

Who's your favorite model, /jp/?

>> No.11209427
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I think they're cute.

As for sexual thoughts however, I only start when they get to their teens. Optimally I'd go for mid-twenties - the peak of development!
