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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11191998 No.11191998 [Reply] [Original]

What are you drinking, jaypee?

>> No.11192014

Rooibos (Which Is NOT Tea! Ha haaa! Yeah.)

How is this otaku cultoid?

>> No.11192015
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Mostly soda like Dr. Pepper and mineral water. Sometimes a tea (genmaicha, matcha or darjeeling).

>> No.11192017 [DELETED] 
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The largest /jp/-userbase are the food-otaku.

>> No.11192022
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>Dr. Pepper
Acceptable. whee
In fact, you just made the thread ontopic for this board, single-handedly. Congrats.

>> No.11192023

I had a pretty otaku culture macha bubble tea yesterday. It was delicious.

>> No.11192030

Cheap whiskey.

>> No.11192032

Though I wouldn't recommend actually eating any of those liquorice candies. Those kinds of candies always seem to taste like corn syrup mixed with stale battery acid or something horrible, not like liquorice at all.

>> No.11192045

Anyone brew kombucha?

There's something strangely erotic about drinking the tea of a mother culture, and maybe letting her have daughters so they can fulfill their own purpose by making more tea for master.

>> No.11192047

Wow, that's a wacky post.

But yeah, there's a fridge in the local health food store that sells the bottled stuff, it's still live with the fungus in it and everything. Company selling it basically claims it cures cancer.

>> No.11192052 [DELETED] 
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>Company selling it basically claims it cures cancer
I love u, ameriga

>> No.11192068

...not the declaration of independence's fault that beverage marketers have no damn shame, come on...

>> No.11192302

I finalli ran out of genmaicha and houjicha, so i've been making sun tea with some black!!

>> No.11192315

That shit is nasty.

Either a pot of houjicha or a pot of sencha every morning.

>> No.11192361
File: 134 KB, 1256x633, 0acec3ddac1fbcdf62b281f97ce45930bd8037ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That shit is nasty.
It's literally rotten, of course it's "nasty," that was the point of the stuff.
