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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1118862 No.1118862 [Reply] [Original]

s'up jaypee

I have to take this anti-pedo assessment next week as a requirement for a job i've applied for. basiucally they are going to cbeck my background to see if I have a criminal record (I don't) and then a psychologist is going to ask me some character assessment questions.

I dunno much else other than that.

The problem? Well you see, I might be a pedo. I fap to loli all the time, and little girls make me smile. Hopefully they don't show me pictures and text my reaction or I'm fucked.

I'm also afraid of what "failing" this assessment will mean for the rest of my life.

What do I do?

>> No.1118866

What sort of job is this?

>> No.1118867


You can't possibly fail this if you lie.

>> No.1118872

Kill yourself?

>> No.1118873

run like hell

no job is worth that bullshit

>> No.1118878

Psychological tests are bullshit. You can easily fake them into whatever you want unless you don't know you're taking one.

>> No.1118881

Stay away. Purely because of
>I'm also afraid of what "failing" this assessment will mean for the rest of my life.

I've thought about it a lot. I would run miles at the suggestion I be hooked up to a lie detector or anything of the sort for whatever reason, just because of that sentence there. Life sucks; adapt.

>> No.1118880

Sounds like a job in a school/kindergarten, or some sort of carer job.

>> No.1118885


I was thinking either school-related or a Big Brother/Big Sister kinda deal. Maybe OP is gonna be a man of the cloth?

>> No.1118893

Just think of something else. For example, if you're taking a lie-detector test and they ask you "do you like pie?" which you do, but don't want to admit it, just pretend that they've asked you "do you like squash?" which you don't. That should do the trick.

>> No.1118897

OP here

yea, it's as a trainee teacher at a primary school here in Britfagland

I am sorta thinking of not showing up, but I really really want this job

>> No.1118901

Enjoy your crippling bigbrother nannystate.

>> No.1118908

They are not going to jook you to a machine, don't worry.
Just show a calm face and remember: they are 3D lolis. You would fuck 2D ones.

>> No.1118910

I doubt the test relies on pedophiles to say "Hi, my name is Dave and I applied to this job so I can molest children, I enjoy sado-masochism and inserting fruit into little boys"

they will be looking at your demeanour and body language as much as what and how you answer their tightly controlled questions

>> No.1118912

I was just reading about that shit yesterday. I can sort of understand for people taking teaching positions. But they make PARENTS take these tests. What the fucking christ?

>> No.1118913

but I like 3D ones

of course I wouldn't fuck them, but I still like them

>> No.1118916

If it's a lie detector test (it won't be), just work yourself up before the test. Make sure everything registers as a lie, EVERYTHING. Name? Age? Mother's maiden name? If everything you say is a 'lie', they can't tell the wood for the trees.

>> No.1118931

Maybe you could stop being a piece of disgusting human filth.

>> No.1118947

Oh, it's a Europeon school. In that case, fuck it. Fuck them, and fuck you too.

>> No.1118953

Tell them that you're a pedo and then promise that you won't molest any of your students without asking their parents' permission.

>> No.1118955

Prepare for those kind of questions. Most of my "social interaction" is a matter of regurgitating a series of words I've preprocessed over the years in my life, looking for an opportune time to use them. I do this for job interviews as well. People are very easy to game if you know how they work. This particular method makes you sound so eloquent and composed, but really it's just an act. So, what you're going to do during this week is pretend you're being asked the worst kind of questions that you would suck at lying about, and prepare something to say for them. That includes those little fake laughs and facial expressions. Chances are they are reusable in most cases.

>> No.1118960

Everyone does. Almost everyone says "how cute!" when they see a little boy/girl.

>> No.1118964

If it WAS a polygraph, poor OP'd be so panicked it would be all over the place. So yeah, don't worry about it.

Take it easy in your new job!

>> No.1118970

not in england and a man

women can get away with it, but all men are viewed as pedophiles until it is proved otherwise

and by pedophiles i mean child-raping child-killers

>> No.1118975

>Most of my "social interaction" is a matter of regurgitating a series of words I've preprocessed over the years in my life, looking for an opportune time to use them.
>That includes those little fake laughs and facial expressions.
It's like I'm really reading about myself.

>> No.1118979

Keep a straight face, make eye contact, do not move your eyes, sound confident, do not make unnecessary movements, keep your arms loose, if you get nervous pinch yourself but don't let them see that; besides that act natural. If they show you pictures, think up the most horrible image you can come up with in your head. Same with text, when reading picture something horrible or something that would piss you off.

Is loli even legal over there?

>> No.1118987

Work yourself into a state of apathy. When I had to take a character assessment test for a job, I answered everything except the obvious facts (name, age, etc) with a lie. I didn't move at all, my face was tightly controlled, I spoke in a dead voice. It worked, I got the job over the people who couldn't control themselves, and panicked slightly.

>> No.1118988

>Is loli even legal over there?

>> No.1118989

>If they show you pictures, think up the most horrible image you can come up with in your head

This is likely to hinder him, not help him.

>> No.1118983

Why is it now days that if a man even acknowledges that children exist, they're called pedophiles?

>> No.1118984

If you like 3D then it might be better if you don't put yourself in a situation where you might be tempted to do something regrettable. Pedos have a really tough time in prison after all.

>> No.1118992

fuck you, i'd never molest a child

same way i'd never fuck my cat or rub a delicious meal into my skin, it's not my fucking modus

>> No.1118990

kids CAN be cute, but they are little fuckers that piss and moan (sometimes literally) just to get their way.

I think anyone would be cured of pedolexia if they spent a day with the kids brought up by soccer moms and nascar dads.

>> No.1119002

They will show OP child porn and see if it makes him hard.

Enjoy the CP, OP.

>> No.1119010

But it's the ones who aren't brought up by those soccer mums and Nascar dads that are cute. Toddlers and younger are just little shits, though.

>> No.1119007

because people don't say anything, they just go with it

remember the last time you saw a man walking with a little girl in the street, and the female you were with said "he looks like such a pedo" and you just laughed?

yea, that's why

>> No.1119012

There's way too much pedo focus these days.

Sometimes when I'm walking down the street a little girl will wave at me or say something, and I refuse to even acknowledge her existence, lest somebody think I'm a god damn pedo.

>> No.1119018

>the female you were with
You lost me.

>> No.1119017
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>> No.1119019

It is porn, childrens in it or not. It will make everyone hard

>> No.1119020

I'm sure it's us who think that. And then wish we could be that man ;_;

>> No.1119021

>nascar dads
What is this?

>> No.1119024

i love the way people have this bravado "I'M NO PEDO I HATE KIDS THEY ARE MONSTERS RAWR!" bullshit

most adults are cancer, and most adults are ugly and horrible.

by contract MORE lolis are adorable, nice, pleasant and just plain lovely.

>> No.1119031

you and everyone else

>> No.1119034

>>1119024 has never interacted with children

>> No.1119041

>all men are viewed as pedophiles until it is proved otherwise

proving otherwise = not molesting children = proving a negetive, which is impossible

Much like people believe old wives tales because you can't prove them false, modern society will assume you are a pedophile no matter what you do.

God damn paranoid people and god damn pedos.

>> No.1119043

>>1119034 has never interacted with adults or children or is trolling

>> No.1119047

What a horrible society we live in, where we can't even cherish that which is most precious.

>> No.1119050

By the way, you can't run now, or you're admitting you're a pedo.

>> No.1119052


>> No.1119053

It would be rather funny if pedo inspectors were allowed to have CP legally.

>> No.1119059

child molesters give pedos a bad name

>> No.1119060


>> No.1119076

Yeah I know, when ever I bring up how cute a little girl is people always call me a child molester. It's awkward as fuck to explain that just because you like her doesn't mean you want to rape her.

>> No.1119077


What about those cops who work in special anti pedo divisions? Basically they just surf the Internet all day and look at child porn and try to arrest the people who made it.

>> No.1119082


they do

fbi, interpol and scotland yard have more cp than emule

>> No.1119088

They cry themselves to sleep every night and have nightmares.

>> No.1119102

I'm sure the anti-pedo tests are much stricter there, lol.

>> No.1119112
File: 95 KB, 400x557, 1218647062105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3d loli's make you smile because you secretly wish to be a father. Nothing bad about that. Just take your paternal instincts and fortify them. Just treat them like they were your own spawn.
And if you would molest your own kin, prison guards have specials terms for people like you.
Cho-mos, diaper snippers, etc.
There are special areas of prison set aside for people like that for the simple fact that the other inmates will kill them.

Enjoy your job!

>> No.1119113

Yeah, when you apply there the first thing they do is put you up on the polygraph machine.

>> No.1119121
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>> No.1119126

>because you secretly wish to be a father.
Everyone here knows this is true.

>> No.1119128

This thread is creeping me out.

>> No.1119131
File: 157 KB, 825x691, 1218647322098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The cops there are actually the ones making all the child porn.

>> No.1119127

And how do you know that?

>> No.1119140


>> No.1119143
File: 35 KB, 736x736, 1218647528998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da Nile ain't just a river in egypt.

>> No.1119144

Not I. I've seen the worst out of kids. Enough to not to stay anywhere near them longer than an hour. Plus, they're a black-hole for your hard earned pay and if I'm anything to go by, well, be glad Pops isn't here to see this.

By the time I'm 30, I'm getting my tubes tied just to be safe.

>> No.1119146

Assuming you meant my post:
Wowfaggotry in a raiding guild opens doors to meeting all kinds of people of various professions.

>> No.1119152

It's just like those anti-smoking campaigns that are said to be run by big tobacco companies.

>> No.1119158

If you're applying to be a PE teacher, you have to fail the anti-pedo test for the job.

>> No.1119185

I had a friend who worked for a law document firm (they process electronic and paper evidence for lawyers.) His particular office very often got jobs from the FBI.
One job he got? Literally, he the office had a draw for it and short stick had to do it. Sort through 814 GB of child porn verifying the pornographic content of everything. They gave him the hard drives, a trash can to throw up in and a corner office. He's not 3d pedo, and it absolutely traumatized the guy. He quit his job and now works at the capital plugging in computers when 70 year old state congresspeople cordstomp their shit.

>> No.1119194


>> No.1119197

I'm pretty sure that would traumatize me for life too and I don't mind loli.

>> No.1119198


I have a feeling this will get the same response as that newspaper clipping where the guy is complaining about his twin sister raping him.

>> No.1119200

The only people allowed to babysit are girls in highschool and retired old grandmas. No exceptions.

>> No.1119202

Wouldn't be surprising. One of my friends started smoking because he watched the Truth ads on the television too many times.

>> No.1119204

>traumatized the guy
i'd be traumatized too if I was a normalfag having to come to terms with being aroused by little kids

>> No.1119207

Can I have a baby with you?

>> No.1119208

lol seriously post result after the consultation so we know what the fuck they're doing, if it's true it's so hilarously ridiculous to some point or it's just the background that's checked.

>> No.1119213

Regardless of what a lot of people try to claim you can condition your thoughts. The perfect example is commercials that pay millions to try and get you to think that you really want a coke right now.

I guess at this point I'd get a lot of healthy doujins and fap to them for a week. Condition yourself that adult = perfection and maybe you'll be fine.

>> No.1119214

Verifying pornographic content? What does that mean? They had him look through that shit just to make sure it was all horrible mind scaring shit? Fucking short straw. Don't they have their own people do that?

>> No.1119220

I want to know if they check your purchasing history. It would be funny if you walked in and they said, "Well, it says on your credit card statement that you bought Comic LO and 'Let's have sex with the Elementary Schooler 2," I don't think this school is the place for you."

>> No.1119222

You can't just plop a hard drive down in court and say "THIS IS FILLED WITH CP" without having verification that the contents is indeed CP.
And can you imagine how long it takes someone to catalogue 100,000+ images? Of course they have to contract it.

>> No.1119224

Little girls can be attractive but I'd never fuck one. Kids are fucking morons.

>> No.1119230

reminds me of that news strip of the bully who gets molested

>> No.1119235

lol i dunno

>> No.1119233

What does that have anything to do with the quality of sex?

>> No.1119237

I believe your employer can see your credit history. I don't think they see what you exactly buy.

>> No.1119238

Psst, >>1119233 is a virgin.

>> No.1119239

Psst, we all are.

>> No.1119242

Well, duh.

>> No.1119252

>>Hopefully they don't show me pictures and text my reaction or I'm fucked.

i once saw this on tv, that some are doing this. better said, infact they can see of reaction while showing many different pictures. normal pictures with kid pictures in swimsuits between and stuff.

>> No.1119256

quality of sex with kids? lol
they don't know shit about it, so why would it be a higher quality? you r retard ~desu

>> No.1119258

It's fucking Britain. When has their fascism ever accomplished what it's supposed to?

>> No.1119259

OP, you can at least be glad that you're probably guaranteed the job if you pass otherwise you wouldn't have gotten this far.

>> No.1119262

Because they are hot. You don't even need to have sex with them, just stare at them naked.

>> No.1119275


>> No.1119304

They've actually got devices that can measure blood flow in the penis. Ultrasound based I think, there's a wiki page about it but I forgot what it was. So they monitor your mind and penile blood flow. If you get aroused, it'll show.

Only defence is to read The Holes, and burn the images into your mind to play back to yourself when the time comes. You can't be aroused when fighting the urge to vomit. If you've already fallen to the point where The Holes is arousing to you, then what they show you is probably going to be too tame to arouse you anyway.

>> No.1119308

Pedos either resign themselves to a life of no sex, or they bite the bullet and fuck an adult woman.

>> No.1119314

>The Holes
google shows me nothing
amazon shows me nothing

>> No.1119325

Now, J.J. punch drunk, acts like a dumb fuck
Bum touched girls looking young enough to thumb suck
Once saw the light thought it right to rat him out
Now gets raped by aryans in the big house (OUCH!)

>> No.1119338

Top link, I think. Can't remember as this isn't exactly the sort of thing I keep on my hard drive. Have a bucket ready if it is though. You'll see why it's called The Holes when you read it.

>> No.1119345

oh, manga

uh, yea, i fap to waita

>> No.1119346

What job are you applying for where they are pulling this stuff on you? Those machines cost money and not many places can afford them.

>> No.1119360

talk about your dreams involving serpents, stabbing young fresh apples, and firing large guns.

>> No.1119363

I'm not the OP, I have no idea where those machines are used or not.
I just came across them reading up about persecution of homosexuals, and saw that they are now being put to use testing for paedophilia seeing as finding homosexuals and publicly outing them is seen as a immoral now. No idea when or where though, the article didn't even say what country, but living in Britain has told me that our normalfags would leap on this idea.

>> No.1119392

Any third world Anons actually done a loli?

>> No.1119405

Amerifag here, can't say I have. Still a virgin. Probably most everyone here is.

>> No.1119432

America is third world now?

>> No.1119434

Now you've done it, someone's about to post that 'countries that still have the death sentence' chart.

>> No.1119437

Since Bush was first elected.

>> No.1119440

Where does one find 3D loli anyway? I've never actually tried fapping to it.

>> No.1119444

Outside of your house.

>> No.1119445

kinda, offically i guess is 11 is loli, but she wasnt a loli loli if you know what I mean/

>> No.1119449

No such thing exists.

>> No.1119451

Medicine. Libido suppressors.

>> No.1119452

>>1119304 If you've already fallen to the point where The Holes is arousing to you, then what they show you is probably going to be too tame to arouse you anyway.

>> No.1119457

Now that you've told us that much you have to tell us all the details.

>> No.1119465


>> No.1119478


>> No.1119483


>> No.1119479


>> No.1119488

... do you know what First World, Second World, and Third World mean?

>> No.1119497

don't turn this pedo thread into a internet politics thread please.

>> No.1119507

Apparently America is now allied with neither the Soviets nor the Western Powers?

>> No.1119533
File: 96 KB, 800x406, 1218654295089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey faggots! Third World is an outdated Cold War term. Welcome to the modern era where we now use Human Development Index (HDI). Picture VERY related.

>> No.1119541

Be like everybody and lie.

>> No.1119550


>> No.1119552


Most people here should be virgins, unless of course they are with their sister or mother.

>> No.1119554

Just go for it, unless you say something like "I WOULD LIKE TO MOLEST CHILDREN UNDER MY CARE" then they probably won't mind.

>> No.1119562


It's just easier to insult somebody's country by calling it a "Third World shithole" than "Greeny yellow on the 2007 Human Development Index shithole".

>> No.1119572

I want to travel to a Less Developed Country and fuck a bunch of lolis.

>> No.1119578


>> No.1119586

>What do I do?
Move out of the police state formerly known as the United Kingdom.

>> No.1119591

I'm not attracted to 3D loli, I don't even like like 2D loli that much, but I have a problem where I get hard when I know I shouldn't. It has nothing to do with being turned on, its just nervousness. I'd get fucked by the penile bloodflow test and be marked a pedo for life.

>> No.1119609

On the bright side, you could at least be open about it from that day forward.

>> No.1119632

Technically, "arousal" is just a state of heightened bloodflow and such; claim that fear is making you hard.

>> No.1119629

In that case, you're aroused by embarrassment.

You dirty slut.

>> No.1119637


What kind of interview process puts a clamp on your dick

What the fuck

>> No.1119661

"You can even buy yourself a loving [Gypsy] wife aged 12 or 13 ... The best of are very expensive, up to €5,000 each."


>> No.1119668

>>1119591 here
I'm never getting a job around kids, so I would most likely never have to take any pedo tests in my lifetime. But sometimes I'll see a loli in a bathing suit or something and I'll think "This is a situation where becoming erect would be most undesirable" and then I start getting hard.

It doesn't have to be a loli. Sometimes I can just be sitting in the living room watching TV with my family and suddenly I'll think "I shouldn't get hard right now" and then I do.

It really pisses me off.

>> No.1119682

You should try exposure play. You'd love it. Go out with a butt plug in your ass, or a rotor vibe set on as high as it can without it being audible to those not almost touching you.

>> No.1119706

2D loli probably won't even be legal for long now. New Labour are striving to do for society what Old Labour did for the economy.

>> No.1119786


This. Slutfag is sluuut.

>> No.1119789

I google'd rotor vibe and all I'm getting is car parts.

>> No.1119827

It's THAT manly.

>> No.1119836

Try ローター

>> No.1120001

Also, whoever the one who gets turned on by embarrassment is, when you do this post here about it. I don't expect pictures, but at least write a paragraph or two about each experience.

>> No.1120013

/jp/ - fap stories

>> No.1120031

/jp/ - beating paedophilia tests any better?

>> No.1120038

Pedophilia is always /jp/ related, while stories about men getting aroused around other men is /y/.

>> No.1120063

I'm starting school to become a teacher in a week or 2 and this thread is scaring the living shit out of me.

I might have to skip 4chan for the next 4-5 years are just straight up watch Vivid pornos. Try to go back a decade in time to when I was a young man and when movies that featured vaginal sex and blonde pornstars with DD fake tits was the hottest shit ever

No anime
No hentai
No manga
Professional help only
Final Destination.

>> No.1120101

Haha, this post makes me seem like a giant fucking pedo, I'm not.
I don't appreciate the stuff on any level It's the thought of BEGINNING to appreciate it that scares me. Like, the OP pic girl is cute, not sexually attractive at all for 2D, but cute. Main girl from Kodomo no Jikan is also cute as all hell but not sexy or sexaully attractive. It's just that I'm scared that I'll become more and more desensitized to the stuff and the shit will just snowball from there and I can feel it happening.

>> No.1120112

Protip: Being here is the worst thing for you right now.

Protip: But you find you can't leave. Even if you want to. You can try and shut us out, but you'll just keep finding yourself coming back here.

>> No.1120123

speaking of kodomo no jikan
, IS IT ?

>> No.1120143

The game you mean? Or the manga, or what?

>> No.1120144

The mango, I don't care about anything else.

>> No.1120164

1 chapter per month

>> No.1120241
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Too late. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.

>> No.1120269
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Needs more nekomimi

>> No.1120279

in the UK? I read articles that make it seem that attitudes are if you dont take this test "proving" you are not a pedo you will be assumed a pedo and are percieved as a failure in life.

This is not just for teachers/daycare, to chaperon on field trips, parents must also take it.

as an americafag I can only speculate how bad it actually is (and as a californian, I empathize with the nanny laws and general scare tatics) but stories are overblown in both sides of the pond, any actual britfags taken this test or talk about it with someone?

>> No.1120327
File: 69 KB, 750x1000, 1218662089598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's OK though. You might feel that you are turning into a horrible monster at first (I know I did), but then the guilt will go away and you'll be able to fully enjoy loli hentai.

>> No.1120329

there's no way i'll like 3D anymore.
fucking hate germany and school trip

>> No.1120332

>I said I don't like real women. AM I IN THE CLUB YET?!

>> No.1120333
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Needs more delicious dark skin.

>> No.1120339


I came.

>> No.1120354
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>> No.1120419
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The Rika images from that CG set is something that has kept arousing me no matter how may times I've fapped to them.

>> No.1120584
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What H game is this from? Or point me to the set please? I just found that on *booru.

>> No.1120618

Mugenkidou Vol.05

>> No.1120639
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>> No.1120673

Thanks. Also where are the mods?

>> No.1120762

pretend you're kaiji and beat the shit out of a mirror before you take the test

>> No.1120997

>The game you mean? Or the manga, or what?

I had completely forgotten about the game. I assume it is not done yet. (I would have formed that as a question if I wasn't going to be away a few hours and miss any replies)

I did however finally spot a full english (at least that is what the description said) DVD anime version. Took long enough.

>> No.1121029

If you guys want some advice from a mental health professional, we tend to ask straightforward questions, and then use the reactions we get from them to judge whether or not the person fits into a given category. That's how a verbal assessement goes. It might go something like this:

Me: Do you like little girls/boys/children?

To a normal person, this is a very straightforward question that would evoke little or no reaction, and probably result in a prompt "yes" or "absolutely" or "sure" depending on the person. A large portion of the conversation leading up to that question would be used to put the person at ease, and make him view me as a non-threat. This gives me a baseline with which to appraise how different his answers to the /important/ questions are. Unfortunately, it is very, very difficult to put certain people at ease, especially if they have a reason (Say, someone is extremely poor and desperately needs a job, and they're being tested for their mental stability) for being genuinely upset. Any nervousness, fidgeting, stuttering, eye movement, altered speech, altered thought processes (aphasia, or subject changing) is noted and compared to a baseline sheet. It's all very clinical.

Also, avoid the rorschach test if you can. I'm in Canada, and I'm not sure if you folks use it over there, but over here I've seen it yield a LOT of false positives, and unfortunately more than a few false negatives. It's almost impossible to 'win' it.

>> No.1121039

In continuation, a pedophile would often see a simple question like that as an 'attack' and put himself on the defensive. He might respond with "of course... but not sexually!" although such a response might be in-line with the expected baseline if the person knows the reason for his mental assessment in advance (those who are aware that it's my JOB to determine if he's a pedophile will likely be defensive from the start, feeling that I'm likely to attack them if I haven't done my job setting the pace). Pedophiles will almost always have an altered response to questions pertaining to children, which reflects their altered awareness of the world. They will perceive the sexual connoitations where a normal person wouldn't, and react accordingly. If you at all question whether you are a pedophile or not, you will almost always flag positive on these sorts of questions.

>> No.1121045

thats the most terrifying description of ruining someones life that i have ever heard

>> No.1121054

It might be 'terrifying' to you, but keep in mind that we view pedophilia as a mental ailment, and a potentially extremely dangerous mental ailment depending on the afflicted individual's mindset.

And unlike schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, there is no medication you can use to prevent someone from being a pedophile. Rehabilitation has a near-zero success and recovery rate for pedophiles, and even chemical castration is rarely effective in curbing those people whose tendencies are 'unlearned', a phrase that refers to the onset of an ailment during the developmental stage of self-awareness (say, in someone who was abused as a child). Those people forever view the world with different eyes, and while we can't be expected as professionals to judge them for it, it's our job to find ways to identify them, the same way your doctor might diagnose you with influenza. Failure to do so costs lives in both fields. We don't 'destroy lives', we do our level best to save them.

>> No.1121055

So to pass test, become Shirou, right ?

>> No.1121060

To pass the test, just don't be a pedophile.

>> No.1121063

Sorry if this has been suggested before in this thread: You should look at Loli Guro for a good long time and every time you think of loli or see one, you'll imagine the guro of loli you saw.

>> No.1121074



>> No.1121072

>Rehabilitation has a near-zero success.

Guess that's that.

Joke aside, your job's to find such people or do you just know that as part of your formation ?

>> No.1121076


But what if guro gives me a boner too?

>> No.1121077


your tests, like all of "the "science" of "psychology,"" are nothing but shit and $$$$$$.

i'll cum in your face when you ask me the loli questions, but you still woudn't figure out i'm a pedous maximums, because your tests are shit.


>> No.1121095

actually, that's not a fair statement. If you don't THINK like a pedophile, you'll likely pass the interview testing phase flawlessly. That doesn't mean that you won't flag positive during more extensive testing. Depending on how thorough your interviewer is, how in-depth the secondary and tertiary assessment phases are, and what kind of a person you are... you could well be one of the few who slip through the system. If everybody's on the ball though, and you're a pedophile, you'll likely find yourself in trouble.

Another worthwhile note is that over here the results of private psychological evaluation (or even military evaluation in my case) is not legally releasable to someone without a court order. We can't force you to register as a sex offender because you've never committed a crime, and we can't release your data without your permission because we're acting in our capacity as a health professional. I've caught some seriously fucked-up individuals trying to enlist, and we can't do a damn thing about it. All I can tell him to do is seek help and hope he does. I can't stop him from applying at the orphanage downtown, nor can I give them information that would prevent them from hiring him. I can place suggestions or data in his medical records (with his permission), but that's the extent of my power.

>> No.1121112

That's kinda limited, so there's absolutely nothing you can do to prevent some seriously fucked up guy from doing something if he doesn't want you to ?

>> No.1121118

If he IS a pedophile according to him shouldnt he be out raping children right now?

>> No.1121125

Unless his assessment yields data that gives me clinical reason to believe that he's an immediate threat to himself or others, that's right. He'd have to come right out and casually inform me that he's going to shoot his sister in the head tonight and fuck her corpse before I could have him locked away. Even then, he'd have to undergo a secondary assessment period and if he suddenly changed his tune and had a valid explanation for his outburst, they'd likely let him go.

>> No.1121127

So much fail

>> No.1121133

I'd be a pedo if I liked children, unfortunately, I hate them.

>> No.1121141

Whatever you do, don't remember this song during the interview.


>> No.1121147


Just read it and it didnt kill my boner,it actually made it grow.

Is there moar of this?

>> No.1121157

I wondered how long it would be before that popped up.

>> No.1121158

Fuck, talk about a frustrating job.

>> No.1121182

I thought 2D loli was technically illegal in the United Kingdom. For the most part I've made the effort to avoid it and will outright remove loli sections from some of the hentai I download, partly because I'm not into loli but also because it makes me uncomfortable along with the idea that if I'm around it enough I'll eventually start looking at it differently. Unfortunately, Japan has to have at least one in a harem and then you get those '18 year olds' that are obviously loli but plotwise are said to be older.

Fuck you Japan, fuck you.

>> No.1121189

This is fucking awesome.

>> No.1121197

OP here

uh yea, I'm not gonna go for the job

>> No.1121199

You know, nobody's gonna bust your doors and check your loli collection.
Just have a hammer handy in case it happens, anyway.

>> No.1121211


>> No.1121215

Come on, they're not gonna tell anyone if you test high on the pedo scale.
All you need to remember is don't act defensively, don't talk about sex, don't say "not sexually".

>> No.1121205

Better song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEMEeX3ZqlU

>> No.1121208

you should read more Daily Mail

>> No.1121219

There are worse jobs, but it has its moments. We're not entirely impotent, but there are frustrating times, as well as times where you simply can't quite force back the little "what the fuck?" in the back of your head long enough to BE frustrated.

Still, it's not all bad. The pay is good, and there are folks out there who genuinely need and want our help.

>> No.1121225


yeah, I got that much but like I said it's more then just wanting to keep it off my hard drive should flatmates go thought it or whatever. I also find the porn unsettling, don't get me wrong, some series with lolis in can be kind of cute... but the porn just doesn't work for me. Better to have a healthy woman with a figure.

>> No.1121249

Honestly man, if you're not genuinely attracted to little girls, you're not going to get nailed by the testing they're giving you. If little girls genuinely DO arouse you, you've got a problem.

Keep in mind that there is often a fundamental connection between drawn art and reality, since art's most basic merit is in how it reflects reality... but that connection isn't concrete. Just because you fap to loli doesn't mean you fap to child pornography, nor does it mean you're aroused by the thought of having sex with a REAL little girl (or girls in general, this is /jp/ after all).

Don't panic yet, just sit back and ask yourself some pointed questions... if you already haven't.

>> No.1121256
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> Better to have a healthy woman with a figure.

>> No.1121267

Of course this would not be such a big issue had it not been for the media. In particular newspapers. The Sun and The Mirror etc in the UK are notorious for printing Anti-Pedo stories that they know most of the scumbag who read those types of 'glad rags' will lap up. Whenever you want to fire up some kind of moral protest against anything you don't like the shitrags will offer a means to do so. Fuck everybody who's freedoms are eroded by whatever new rules are pushed through and made law. It's for the children right? Also psychologists are laughable. There are few good psychs. Most follow from old and stale books and rarely keep abreast of current thinking. They just tick boxes all day. You are not me right? I can give you information about my thoughts and feelings and you may even be able to steer me on a course for happiness though mental guidance/therapies and usage of drugs. But you will never really know me no matter how much you question me. What gives you the right to play God with peoples minds and lives anyhow? Unless that person is doing harm to others or even themselves then fuck off and let people live how they want to live.

>> No.1121280

it's also worth noting that they will NOT show you CP. Nor are they likely to test the 'blood flow' to your penis. Over here we're not even allowed to administer those tests because of the sheer invasiveness of the test, and the fact that it yields way, way too many false positives. The nazis developed it, and while they don't give a shit about false positives, we have to.

>> No.1121287

this is total bullshit. people are only on a pedo hunt because they can't go after the gays anymore. Remember when homosexuality was classified as a mental illness? just because a person is aroused by children doesn't automatically mean he's barely restraining himself from going to the nearest playground and exposing himself.

>> No.1121291

Problem with me is that I'm fucked in the head that way.
A friend sent over a pic of a girl that looked pretty damn hot, big tits and all, and I'm thinking "Hell yeah, given the chance I'd treat her like straight up fucking lunchmeat". Later I found out that this jap bitch is fucking 11 or 12, and I get depressed as fuck.

If someone seriously gives me a question like if I've ever fantasized about having sex with a very young girl I would have to say yes, everything else would be a lie.

I'm scared shitless of lie detector tests and tests like Korgo talk about because I've atleast thought about doing nearly everything. I've read some necro stuff in the news and thought "I wonder what it would be like to fuck a corpse?" then go "Iiiishh, that's fucked up" but again, if someone straight up asks me a YES OR NO quesiton if I've ever thought about having sex with a corpse......I fucking have. I hate myself.

>> No.1121294

You are clearly a pedophile baby-raper communist left-wing psychopath. Please come behind this building so we can shoot you.

>> No.1121311

What kind of questions should we be asking ourselves?

>> No.1121321

Keep in mind, this is from a purely clinical point of view here. There's a major difference between seeing a girl with big boobs and saying, "sure, I'd hit that" and having a genuine preference for little girls. Your problem seems to more stem from the fact that you're terrified that all the stuff in your head that drives you, makes you a pedophile... simple fact of the matter here is that if you don't want to bang little girls, you're not a pedophile.

I would however try to avoid attempting to explain 'The Holes' to your interviewer.

>> No.1121326

I am sure you will deny the sarcastic humour of that post but it's so close to the truth it hurts. The Nazi's live on but under a different name of New Labour.

>> No.1121344

Rightiousness is an illusion driven by self interests and peer pressure. Oh I know. Lets go fuck over this section of society because we don't like those types of people. Gas chamber anyone?

>> No.1121358

so what if you do want to fuck little girls? why does that make you a bad person? there are tons people out there who think about robbing their employers every day and no one gives a shit about them.

>> No.1121370

I, for one, wish to be the little girl.

3D = pig

>> No.1121375

I know what picture you're talking about.

>> No.1121376

You want the honest answer or the bullshit happy fun answer?

happy fun answer: Because pedophiles are more likely to act on their impulses because of the nature of their illness. A closer approximation would be a pedophile and a kleptomaniac.

honesty: We screen for what we're asked to. Up until a few years back, homosexuality was a psychological illness, too.

>> No.1121401

OK OK. Hateful person here who posted above stuff about psychs being lame. I guess you can already tell from my venomous retort that I am unhappy with myself. These are self destructive thought patterns. I am intelligent enough to understand that. I know you cannot cure me of my pedo tendencies. But could you make me like myself again? Could you help me towards being a proud and happy person again? I wonder. Right now all I see is the wrong in the world and the beauty I long for is pure fantasy Which is why I am here. Which also begs the question. Why are YOU here though? Doing a thesis? I guess you already know that many depressed and lonely people self analyse themselves constantly and are always reenforcing there unhappy thoughts through negativity and pessimism and blame. My guess is that those who do best in life do not look inward too much. But then I would also like to add that they are not usually free thinkers either and tend to follow the herd.

>> No.1121402

so did psychologists used to think that the gays were more likely to anally rape people they find on the street?

wtf does nature of the illness mean?

>> No.1121417

... and no interviewer in the world will ever ask "do you want to fuck little girls". Nor will they ask you questions that are, in all likelihood, even remotely similar to that. Those sorts of questions heighten anxiety, which isn't good for the test results. The interviewer will get you talking and keep you talking in a casual fashion, his purpose is to determine if you are mentally stable or want to abuse children, not if you ever had a fantasy about titty-banging saaya irie

>> No.1121427

I do!

>> No.1121435

Today's pedophilia is yesterday's homosexuality.

You know it's true.

>> No.1121437

I wish I'd been with religion. A catholic would have been good. I'd never harm children that way. No wait...

>> No.1121440

I once ate a really spicy pepper whole. I thought I was going to die for a few days. My life was changed after that.

>> No.1121447

Untrue. You will never ever convince parents in western society that it is 'OK' to have sex with their children.

>> No.1121461

> had a fantasy about titty-banging saaya irie
Fuck you're good, I didn't even say anything!

>> No.1121467

I'm here because I like the yukkuri torture threads.

>> No.1121468

Let's say I fap to 2D loli on a regular basis and I do find some younger 3D women attractive. However, I consider myself somewhat a moralfag and would never consider rape or anything of that nature, I can't even fap to it. Shit makes me sick. Am I alright how I am or am I likely to change? Should I get help?

>> No.1121469

That's the problem with tests like that. If you are unable to establish a baseline, for instance if the person simply won't calm down and gets nervous over "What's your name," the whole test is invalid. Some people just get nervous when they are being interviewed.

>> No.1121478

I can't say I like you very much now.

>> No.1121487

I know stuff like that won't happen now or ever, I don't even think they're allowed to have these pedo search tests with normal questions in the country I'm in. I just think about scenerios like that where someone would ask me questions like those.

>> No.1121492

Sexual fantasies are fine in the mind of responsible stable minded adults. Even the worst fantasies. It's the people who have unstable minds to begin with that are the people to be wary of. People who act on those fantasies even if it means damaging others. The problem with society as a whole is that it does not differentiate the two when it comes to pedophilia. The moral majority just will not even contemplate it.

>> No.1121493

You sick fuck!

>> No.1121519

Bingo. Personally, I'm of the opinion that OP could probably pass any test I gave him without making me figure he's likely to be a dangerous individual in any capacity. The downside is that he's probably heading down a bad road towards self-hatred because of the majority of what he's said so far.

I figure you'll be fine, man. Hell, I'd even let you join the army, son.

>> No.1121532


I am now imagining Gordon Brown as a yukkuri. Nationalize it easy!

>> No.1121565

This thread thought me that I'm not a pedo, thanks Korga.

>> No.1121585

Several things have happened in my life that shape me.

When I was a child and young teen I fooled around with little girls. Usually unsuccessfully and in fact was bullied by girls (as well as boys) right until I left school. I had bad experiences with girls and always had problems socialising with females. During that time I learned about sex not through adults or peers but through experimentation. I jacked off our family dog when I was aged 8-9. I stole my fathers porno mags. I stole books from libraries with animals mating in them and suddenly had a bestiality magazine pass through my hands at the age of 13 which I found hella erotic. I ended up having sex with a dog and horses in my late 20's and 30's. I also got interested in animu during my 30's and this seems to have led onto my interest in pedophilia. I did not download CP until a few years ago because I was curious.

OK I know I am fucked up in the head. But I wonder how these turn of events occured. I attended an all boys secondary school and was a weak child who was easily the butt of jokes and bullying. I performed badly in classes and sports because of this. Am I a product of society or am I a product of bad genes or a combination of both? I am paranoid these days and live alone with no hope of feeling the warmth of loving females arms around me aprt from my mothers and sisters (Incest ain't the best in this instance).
My point being is that life is complex and there are no solid answers that will magically make your life perfect.

>> No.1121603
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>> No.1121627

Yes. Yes I know an hero and all that. The truth is I have contemplated it. Is my life worth anything to anyone other than my friends and relatives. Am I living just for them and not for myself? I know society as a whole would not miss me. I am nothing. There are people dying everyday who are far better than me. What's another life lost in the ocean of lives?

>> No.1121667
File: 29 KB, 640x480, akagi..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to play an instrument or something, man.

>> No.1121676

>I jacked off our family dog when I was aged 8-9
was fine until here

>> No.1121686

That's Akiha.

>Incest ain't the best in this instance

That's the line she is reacting too.

>> No.1121719

depends on who you ask. You might want to see someone about that depression, though.

>> No.1121724

>contemplating an hero
>Is my life worth anything to anyone other than my friends and relatives. Am I living just for them and not for myself?

sup me? (Although nothing else you wrote has anything to do with me.....especially that first post of yours, goddamn.)

>> No.1121769

also, if you're the OP... just go for the interview already.

>> No.1121774

If I could ever meet you guys IRL I would totally invite you to my house to read loli mangos on my new 55" hdtv.

>> No.1121818

Thanks, chief.

>> No.1121916

So, question for the "psychologist" in this thread, assuming he's real.

I've always heard that if you suspect you are a pedophile, you should seek professional help immediately. However, it doesn't seem to me like something that can be "cured" or even neutered (I believe you've alluded to this yourself), so what good is the professional help besides ensuring income for shrinks in a sour economy? Honestly, I was considering going and talking to a therapist about it (I already have one therapist, but I just don't think she can help me with the pedophilia. She's more... situation oriented.) but when I thought it out, and wondered exactly what good that would do me, I figured I wouldn't want a professional diagnosis of "pedophilia" on my record, since I know that I'm not of any harm to society.

In short, what should us self-assumed pedophiles do about it?

>> No.1121923

... wow, now I feel really bad about freaking this poor guy out. Somehow I get the feeling he didn't understand that I wasn't calling him a pedophile, and was, in fact, actually telling him to go apply for the job.


>> No.1122007

Bumped because I want to know the answer too.

>> No.1122038

Good question

>> No.1122052

another britfag here

I worked in a primary school during my summer break from university as a senior teaching assistant. I taught 6-12 kids everyday on my own, without supervision.

I had to undergo a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) check. The school will initiate the check, and you will receive the results in the post. You then must present the document to the school. If you have a criminal record or are on any other kind of offenders' list, that will be detailed on the document, the specifics are not mentioned, only the severity/possible risk of each item on each list.

And that was all.

Also, I'm assuming you're male, but you shouldn't have too much difficulty getting a job in teaching, male teachers are in very short supply and therefore high demand. No decent role models for the kids, you see.

Just apply for the job already, anyway everybody knows its the janitors and PE teachers that are paedo.
