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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1118411 No.1118411 [Reply] [Original]

Random /v/tard opinion's of Touhou.

>> No.1118416

Random /jp/tard opinion's of this.

>> No.1118423
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>> No.1118431
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Troll harder.

>> No.1118446

Why did I lol.

>> No.1118456

No one here has actually played the games.

>> No.1118459
File: 130 KB, 1088x390, 1218637997150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1118462

ITT we post quotes of people who don't understand what a "manic shooter" is.

>> No.1118463
File: 49 KB, 647x142, 1218638064446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, I be willing to rate you...1/10.
Some of us came from /v/, troll.

>> No.1118471

Wait, there are Touhou games now? Holy shit this fandom is huge.

>> No.1118475


>> No.1118476

i have. it's ASS to even memorize the patterns. have you?

>> No.1118478


>> No.1118490


>> No.1118499

so if /v/ doesn't like FPSes or STGs, what the fuck do they play that they think takes 'skill'?

>> No.1118507


Probably GW or something.

>> No.1118505
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>> No.1118508

They prefer movies, duh.

>> No.1118512
File: 27 KB, 465x379, 1218638627625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that ain't a "yes, i have played them", buddy

>> No.1118516

Huh? they DO LIKE STGs, Ikaruga as MINIMUM, it's only that they don't have it as standard, like /jp/.
But yeah, then what the fuck is the troll playing that ''takes so much more skill''?

>> No.1118525

Never played Guild Wars before. quick search shows it's an RPG with PvP. Is it mostly "Whoever grinds the most and gets the best equipment" wins, or what?

>> No.1118526
File: 13 KB, 291x296, 1218638808857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then that is a troll harder for you.

>> No.1118530


>> No.1118546

sorry, but i'm not trolling right now. have you played them?

>> No.1118549

>>Hurr I ask anon on 4chan, because I'll always get a direct answer!

>> No.1118578

ok i take that as no.

>> No.1118581

Thread is lol.

>> No.1118587

>>Hurr I dont's liek truth
Yes, and what are you concerned about, troll?

>> No.1118634

Why are we even bothered by this? What was the whole damn point anyway? Just a regular day in /v/.

>> No.1118635

hope that poster didnt use that yukari/ran card to show off touhou difficulty, that card only looks intimidating and is dead easy if you lock it down correctly

>> No.1118645

just gb2/v/. i'm not in the mood to argue with faggots

>> No.1118648


>> No.1118661

Who the fuck gives a shit about what /v/ thinks? Their taste is so horribly bad they might as well be playing fucking football.

>> No.1118665

Yeah, I know, but seems like I'm not the only fag that goes there, also including trolls like http://zip.4chan.org/jp/res/1118636.html#1118647, and so.

>> No.1118691


>> No.1118745
File: 79 KB, 600x630, 1218642479866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it's not like he's wrong or anything

>> No.1118858


>> No.1118914


>> No.1118965
File: 56 KB, 427x513, 1218645468477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They make touhou games now?

>> No.1118968
File: 192 KB, 1024x768, 1218645533831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1118993

GW is a fake MMORPG with a level cap of 20 in which level and gear grinding is replaced by looking for specific bosses so you can steal their skills and use them in PVP.

>> No.1119169

hah, guess you haven't played a lot of extra/phantasm

its a trick card where you can control the boss movement with your own positioning and the bullets aren't aimed at you, only in reference to your position, so after you-ve positioned you and the boss correctly you only have to stand still and shoot and all bullets will miss...
then again, it's pretty bad if you try to weave and freeform dodge but there's no need to if you know how the card works

double black death butterfly is a much more lethal card and more suited to demonstrate touhou difficulty

>> No.1119196

Wow look at all the butthurt in here.

>> No.1119210

Touhou is hard for me and I enjoy it
I don't need a gamer fuck to tell me which games are fun and which aren't

>> No.1119221

That's why I was RAGING hard while I posted this here.

>> No.1119236

He's retarded if you couldn't tell.

>> No.1119246

Honestly, touhou isn't a good example of a difficult shmup. Relative to other titles it is much easier, except for the Lunatic and Hard settings that do rely heavily on memorisation.

Of course I’m not siding with /v/ here, because they have no knowledge of the shmup genre at all and clearly just got defensive when they saw something two dimensional with colour in it.

>> No.1119249

No shit sherlock.
