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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.91 MB, 257x232, 1373177849090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11156479 No.11156479[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11156497
File: 473 KB, 500x695, Nayuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fighto dayo

>> No.11158430

Does jp like Ar Tonelico?

>> No.11158440

No, that's for nerdfags cockgarglers.

>> No.11158471

that sexy lady in the back

>> No.11158492

everytime i see this gif of that cute girl it always fills me with smiles. that little dance and sways she does and the little flapping of her hands at the end is just too adorable

>> No.11161952
File: 224 KB, 600x600, 21538118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been waiting for an AT thread.

Was there anything romantic implied between Ayatane and Akane?
I ask because the majority of Akane art on pixiv is by one particular artist, and most of what s/he draws is slash fiction of the two.
Pic related. Not relevant to my observations, but by the artist in question.

>> No.11161958

retarded moe!!!!!!!!

>> No.11166392
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>> No.11166405

She looks so cute, but then I remember she's a titty demon.

>> No.11166673
File: 1020 KB, 1500x1295, wench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's slut this thread up

>> No.11166685
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>> No.11169721

I should remind you that trolls go on /b/, and the mods agree. Also, you're trying a bit too hard, and it's getting humorous.

>> No.11170928
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>> No.11171007

>dive me
I'm supposed to eat her out?
but its zippped up

>> No.11171016
File: 487 KB, 500x373, lol@you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad

>> No.11171021
File: 24 KB, 640x480, Char- Nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You showed him.
You watch Original gundam yet?

>> No.11171471

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.11171942

Keep using /a/ reaction images, it helps connect you to all the other times you made a fool of yourself in your quest for attention.

>> No.11172992

gust a shit

>> No.11173334
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>> No.11173402
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>> No.11174101
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>> No.11174110
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>> No.11174112

The best thing about AT is the music.

>> No.11174168

Is Ar Tonelico a visual novel?

>> No.11174231
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>> No.11174276

i couldnt and i CANT stop laugh

>> No.11174687
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>> No.11174692
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>> No.11174696
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>> No.11174698
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>> No.11174708
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>> No.11178038
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>> No.11178326
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>> No.11178404
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They should release DLC to make Akane a Vanguard.

>> No.11178881
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>> No.11178891
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God damn it 4chan, this is what I posted.

>> No.11179415
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>> No.11179503
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Well for what exaclty is this board ? everything japan related allowed ?

>> No.11179512

Don't ask, don't tell.

>> No.11179514
File: 274 KB, 320x320, 1304355557836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically it's about "otaku"-related things. And since no one knows what an otaku is, it's all up to the mod's & janitor's reign of terror. In short: it's shit.

>> No.11179561
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>> No.11179920
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Hey, look, it's the same autist that can't differentiate between people when posting (You even convinced me to follow this thread now because of it)! Just remember kiddo, the only proper way to deal with a troll is to ignore them. Taking any other course of action is helping them troll~

None that I remember. She spent most of the game trying to get him killed IIRC, and maintained a more amiable relationship towards the end.

But, since it's fanfic, all the ships get shipped.

>> No.11180934
File: 944 KB, 1280x1024, 518a57b5710ad28cebe1e61a12f409e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Again, differentiation boy. You're not talking to who you think you're talking to. You should really try avoiding derailing the threads though, if you actually care about them.

>> No.11181039

Yes, there are many people who would respond with joy when thinking that their Luca-specific trolling worked, mmhmm.

And that boy/kiddo thing is less insulting and more amusing when used by an autistic troll like you.

>> No.11181431
File: 175 KB, 900x630, 1306370530700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


World's a wide place, son. More interestingly, no 'response of joy' came from my posts. I even started with a familiar picture, just so you'd know who it was.

But, hey, you're trying to kill a few hours be starting an endless shitpost session like last time, right? Seems to be your thing. If only Janny actually cared.

>> No.11181469

-You've posted that picture before, with the same comments.
-You only stopped the /a/ reaction images after I told you that it blows your cover.
-Your trolling has been banhammered multiple times, so the janitor obviously cares. I guess that's why you're pretending to care about the threads lately instead of outright trolling, you got scared.
-You've been doing this for years, I'm sure you know all about auti-I mean, dedication. As for "last time", you mean the time you posted the "back to the basement, slut" Sakura pic and tried for hours to argue that you're not a slutspamming troll? Laughs were had back then.

So yeah, as long as you keep trying to shit up these threads with your slutspamming, sane people will laugh at your self-defeating stupidity, as shown above.

>> No.11181501
File: 1.95 MB, 539x302, 1372020601720.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Again, not the same guy, kid. Never been banned for anything, never plan to. You really should go back through the archives and compare the styles, I doubt you'll find them to be similar (does the troll even know about AT3). Maybe Janny can confirm the IP's are different, who knows. Can't convince people of something if they don't want to listen. But, here's an /a/ reaction image, just for you. I'll be sure to glean off a few more today, seems I'll need them.

Actually, it was this picture, >>11179920 the one I started off with last time. Thought you might remember a picture of Luca, but apparently not.

Sane people will recognize different posters, like what happened in the last thread. OF course, we can also start talking about the game as well, but that wouldn't satisfy your hate boner, would it? I'm still up for discussion though, just like last time.

Here's a thought for you kiddo: if you're actually interested in this thread, let it run down to page 10. Let it disappear off into the nothingness. We're already on what now, page 5? Troll can't troll if there's nothing to troll, right? So don't bump it. Prove that you're not actually here to waste time by shitposting and ruining the thread. I'm certainly not here to do that, so I'll keep saging.

Of course, another novel path would be to actually talk about the game in a meaningful manner. I can do that, can you?

>> No.11181527

>I'm still up for discussion though, just like last time.
Yes, that's exactly what you were saying last time, when you posted the basement pic and tried desperately to dodge the point and avoid admitting your trolling. You're a barrel of laughs.
>So don't bump it.
I take it you never looked at my email field when replying to trolls like you. It's always blue. And once again, you support my theory that you're the guy who wanted these threads off /jp/ and got banned for spamming. For a fan, you seem to want them off the board too much.
>Of course, another novel path would be to actually talk about the game in a meaningful manner. I can do that, can you?
Slutspamming like >>11166673 isnt' meaningful, but I assume you've been doing it for so long that you forgot.

>> No.11181629
File: 88 KB, 757x673, 1373847659012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually what I was dodging was your assumption that I was your 'persistent troll'. You see, being of /jp/, I'm sure you've learned how to deal with newbies. You tell them to fuck off, or you use it to prod them into a discussion. The trolls start to shitpost, and the serious people start to actually discuss.

So, let's say that someone new to the AT threads shows up, not knowing of this supposed 'persistent troll', and sees what looks like newbie behavior. What do they do? Follow standard /jp/ protocol. But instead of getting things going, they're now suddenly the target of a one-man witch-hunt. They even try to calm the guy down and actually get to the discussion, like they meant to. But, no, the guy just keeps going on, and on, and on, refusing to give up his tirade and shitting up the entire thread. So, what's a /jp/sie to do? Stay there and try to sort the thread out, getting back to what they were trying to do in the first place.

Occam's razor kid. Someone new to the AT threads wandered in, not some grandiose troll that supposedly ignores bans and has the hard-on from arguing with you. You're not that special, neither is /jp/.

>but I assume

See, this is the problem here. I haven't done any slut spamming; you're confusing posters. I don't actually have many AT pictures because I didn't really like any of the characters. I especially dislike Luca, so I only keep the two I just posted.

I'm personally more interested in talking about the game, maybe helping a noob or two out if they ask correctly. I don't need to spam any pictures of Luca to validate my dislike for her. I'm also willing to entertain some opposing viewpoints, provided they use sound reasoning and examples. But, that can't happen as long as you're going to be here, persecuting everyone who enters the thread.

>For a fan, you seem to want them off the board too much.
Says the guy who refuses to discuss the game, and then uses ad nausea when someone tries?

>> No.11181654

> But, no, the guy just keeps going on, and on, and on, refusing to give up his tirade and shitting up the entire thread.
Which you're familiar with, having been doing it for years.
See above, but thanks for the hilarity.
>I especially dislike Luca
Nobody cares, unfortunately. And again, slutspamming like >>11166673 isn't contributing to anything, it's just trolling. You seemed awfully happy when you got a response, too.
>persecuting everyone who enters the thread.
Only the slutspammers, i.e. you. Do you see any other unpleasantry in this thread? No. Just you and your slutspamming. If you leave, the thread will be peaceful.
>I'm personally more interested in talking about the game
Yes, >>11166673 is valid game discussion, and totally not stale trolling that's been repeated ad nauseum for four years.
>Says the guy who refuses to discuss the game, and then uses ad nausea when someone tries?
Yeah, that's not an answer. At all. I want you off the threads so we can have an actual discussion without slutshit. You want the threads off /jp/. Big difference.

Also, I see you're ignoring the parts you can't respond to, like your stupidity regarding saging. Smooth.

And you posted yet another troll "slut" pic while trying to argue that you're not a slutspamming troll. Really smooth.

>> No.11181892

>But I haven't, kid.
Sure, that's why you do exactly what you've been doing all this time, up to the /a/ reaction images. And your continuous use of "kid" shows an inferiority complex, just saying.
> I don't care
Apparently you do, since you spent time that could have been used having fun to shitpost about Luca like you always do. What doesn't matter is your hatred, you've been spamming it for years and nobody wants to listen to you. >>11166673 is not discussion.
>There's nothing in this thread.
Except, you know, those who posted before you, and after you. Like human beings, as opposed to your autistic trolling.
>Whoever 'wanted AT off of /jp/' apparently got their wish some time ago
You wish.
>So it's a good thing I didn't post that.
But you did, see >>11166673 and >>11181629, hereby referred to as A and B because I'll be showing you those two a lot.
>I'll give my reasons for disliking her when asked
No, you'll spam slut&whore as you always do, and did in this thread, making posts like B and pretending you aren't slutspamming while, in fact, slutspamming. You dodged this point last thread, and you're going to dodge it again because you have no answer.

On the sage subject, you completely missed the point in your troll rage, much like a derailed train. Re-read the posts above and tell me what you see.

>So, put your money where your mouth is.
You did the same thing last thread, and you didn't convince anyone. Discussion will take place when you leave, preferrably by ban. Still, pretending so hard that you're not trolling (while trolling, see B) is amusing, the ban must have seriously scared you.

>> No.11181984
File: 405 KB, 1875x878, of course.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Speaking of A and B, there's something a bit interesting in this picture that you might want to look at. Namely, I didn't post A. B's picture though was directly pulled from /a/ today, because you seem fond of them, kid. It's probably still over there too, go look for some sort of F/SN thread.

>Except, you know, those who posted before you, and after you.
You're the only person who's posted after me, and you're definitely following an 'autistic troll' pattern. We could break out into discussion though and change things, but that would defeat the point of killing time by accusing me of trolling, wouldn't it?
The only 'troll' is whoever is slutspamming the tread, and then enjoying these reactions. You're just playing into their hands, you know. I personally don't mind playing along if it eventually clears up the thread, but I would prefer to not have to do it in the first place. That, or course, starts with you backing down the troll and slutspam accusations though.

>Apparently you do,
Ah, but I didn't. I started posting here back at >>11179920 , including a reprimand to you for feeding the trolls again. I even replied to an earlier question, which of course didn't pan out because all the conversation's apparently been forced out of this thread.

>You dodged this point last thread,
The only thing I'm 'dodging' is your witch-hunt. As you and I both agreed, no one cares about this thread. There's no grandiose troll, just the remains of whoever actually came here to discuss things.

>You wish.
Actions over words kiddo. There's no discussion here.

>troll rage
Perhaps you are inexperienced in reading English? That would explain why you can't differentiate between the posters. If anyone's raging here kiddo, it's you.

>you completely missed the point
There's no point to miss, you're doing what I asked and so the thread will either die or start having a discussion. That's what I'm here for, so there's nothing more I need to say about it.

>> No.11182773
File: 435 KB, 800x800, 17324753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this autism

>> No.11182778

thats why I can never leave hahahahahah this fucking thread

getting angry about AT

>> No.11182786


>> No.11182793


>> No.11182818

-Sure, that 's very convincing, like the previous times you tried it. And it's a bit too late to try that.
-How many people posted after >>11169721? Exactly. The only ones who "played into your hands" are those who let you spam all this time without reporting you.
-I told you, perhaps for the twentieth time, that ignoring you has been proven not to work. And yes, your slutspamming aims to drive conversation out, so I don't see what surprises you.
-You are, as you were last thread, blatantly dodging the question of why you posted a trademark /a/ slutspamming (twice) while trying to prove you're not one. I didn't get an answer last thread, and I won't get one now, because there isn't one.
>Perhaps you are inexperienced in reading English?
Says the guy who failed to notice that I was always saging, and failed to notice when I pointed it out. Or did you ignore it because it made you look like an idiot? Besides, I should be telling you not to bump the thread.

Also, I noticed that one of your posts is missing. Isn't this a sign for you to get out? Or are you going to pretend you deleted it yourself again?

Now, you're going to have to make a convincing argument as to how A is not trolling, and B is not trolling while trying to convince others you're not trolling. Until you do, the rational conclusion is that you're a troll of the self-defeatingly stupid, yet autistically persistent variety.

>> No.11182850

So what's your favorite hymm, /jp/?

>> No.11182852

York of Love for me.

>> No.11182853
File: 142 KB, 800x800, 8837338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me a fag, but Chronicle Key

>> No.11182856


>> No.11182893



Just the absolute perfect ending to the game.

>> No.11182949

I second this.

>> No.11182977

Linker, but the Singing Hills hymns are really close.

>> No.11184026


>> No.11187799
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>> No.11187878
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>back from trip
>open thread
>autistic lucafag is on spergspee

>> No.11188178

-Given that your method of trolling has stayed the same for years, I think the burden of proof stays on you.
-Threads on /jp/ are generally slow, you know. My point stands, and you're once again wrong.
>There is no answer to 'you're a nonexistent troll'
No, there's no answer to the questions I made. Except "I'm sorry, I was slutspamming".
-It's a post I reported, and obviously deleted by a mod who, like me, thinks you're annoying. And you use "kiddo" thrice, your complex is showing.
-"I can't" and "I don't need to" are not the same. Let's see the points you utterly failed to answer:

-Failing to notice I was already saging
-Pretending that A wasn't trolling
-Posting B, a standard /a/ slut trolling pic, while trying to convince us that you're not the slutspamming troll.
-Why your post was deleted.

Until you answer the above, I'm afraid I can't take you seriously. If you don't, I'll consider you a failure and simply report your next shitpost.

And I thought you said something about not saging.

>> No.11188269
File: 194 KB, 700x700, 11657165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more Akane

>> No.11188399
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>> No.11188487
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>> No.11188535
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>> No.11188567

>And I thought you said something about not saging.
>Hey, look, it's the same autist that can't differentiate between people when posting

We're not even the same person lol. You have some serious issues.

>> No.11188570

was meant for>>11188178

>> No.11188579

>You have some serious issues.
Says the troll who's spent 4 years spamming the same thing.

>> No.11188585
File: 46 KB, 400x240, 32622362_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and post Ar Tonelico

>> No.11188678

It's the same guy right. The one and only who dislikes certain character and posts on /jp/ in the span of years.
I'm dying here. Such delusional world you live in.

>> No.11188835

Shhh. Quiet.

>> No.11188885
File: 2.12 MB, 1680x1050, kdiurad_wp1680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More QR codes please.
I attempted to make Pastalia's BGM the theme for my town (since I named it Pastalia)

>> No.11189152

Truth hurts delusional autists and jews alike.

>> No.11189155

Says the troll who's spent 4 years spamming the same thing. And I don't think you should continue trolling, this thread has shown that the mods don't like it.

>> No.11191656

Third strike, you may stop posting now. I'm sure you got the hint.
Not even. I clarified that, aside from you, these threads are top-tier, and getting rid of your trolling would make them admirable.

>> No.11192163
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>> No.11192168
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>> No.11192171
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>> No.11192174
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Still working on Jakuri and Ayesha outfits. Both present unique difficulties. I will probably give up and do Cloche instead.

>> No.11192200
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>> No.11192201
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>> No.11192240


>> No.11192709

Cosmoflips is pretty great

>> No.11194813
File: 432 KB, 1680x1050, b0622a168ef8af0da875798f5d0538e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I know, right? Watch for his timezone, we can have normal discussions when he's at work/sleeping.

So, anything you want to talk about? I personally don't have many questions about the game, but I do know a bit about the entire series.

>> No.11195100 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 1061x1500, de91d46c749ac284378b02065fd56ecc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11195113

You're making these yourself, then?
I'm impressed. I wish I had the patience to fuss with what's basically pixel art.

>> No.11198147
File: 115 KB, 850x774, purest maiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11198228

I can't pick only one, I love Re-nation, Phantasmagoria and Rebirthia.

>> No.11199461
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>> No.11199625
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>> No.11199912
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>> No.11200448

What the hell are those? What do I do with that?

>> No.11200452
File: 330 KB, 500x706, 1362839799816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in-game clothing you can scan for use in Animal Crossing New Leaf.

>> No.11200838

Are they usable in another region's game?
I have Animal.Crossing.New.Leaf.EUR.3DS-CONTRAST release and I'm buying a PAL 3DS soon (while shops still have some with firmware v.4.5 or older -- the only one supported by upcoming Gateway 3DS flashcart).

>> No.11200842

You know that flashcard only supports one game per microSD, right?

>> No.11200843

What the hell is wrong with her?

>> No.11200847

You can use them in any region as far as I know. Are region locked QR codes even a thing?

>> No.11200852

I'm okay with that (still better than 0 games). Plus potential region unlock.


>> No.11201067

In case anybody is still here.

>> No.11201076

Fuck koko.

>> No.11201519
File: 606 KB, 500x530, the goddess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very excited for this. Shikata's involvement with anything increases my interest for it 100-fold.

>> No.11201522


>> No.11203583
File: 97 KB, 630x792, 068654bf3156269eda17aa0b594ed6ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11203619 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11203633

is ar tonelico an autism sim?

>> No.11203706
File: 612 KB, 1920x1200, 1334939566306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only with Tilia.

>> No.11203757

How would Tilia act during sex?

>> No.11205315



>> No.11205331

she would kiss me in the mouth and hold my hands

>> No.11205353


>> No.11207490
File: 470 KB, 1426x2055, ar_tonelico_iii_048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, Tilia~! This "install port" is so tight!!~
>Y-you too

>> No.11208545
File: 56 KB, 380x380, もう朝ですか.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The undub of AT2 is so hard to find now.

>> No.11208570

It isn't on the right sites. You should find a few torrents by searching for Ar_Tonelico_II_Melody_Of_Metafalica_USA_UNDUB_PS2DVD. No idea if the public ones are still seeded, though.

>> No.11208630

Oh neat. The AT2 retranslation is nearly in the playtest phase.

>> No.11210350

I just noticed too, I'm exited. Also, Mandarake shipped my Mir daki yesterday.

>> No.11210364

whats a good PS2 emulator?

>> No.11210385


There is no good PS2 emulator.

>> No.11210437

Well there is PCSX2.

But for some reason for me the games will only run 30fps, so the games run twice as slow as compared to the normal 60fps they run.

>> No.11210527

>Well there is PCSX2.

PCSX2 is the best PS2 emulator, but it's still pretty bad.

>> No.11210541

Just request a seed here if you need one. I've got AT thanks to these threads myself, and I'd be a dick to not contribute anything in return.

>> No.11212417


>> No.11215021

And more importantly.

Is this real life, or is it a dream?
October, gentlemen.

>> No.11215050
File: 975 KB, 1480x960, 1363888965377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sos yor, yanje revm, na endia revm


My body is ready but my wallet is not.
W-will sing in hymmnos for shekels ;_;

>> No.11215203

Being the useless leech I am, I shall warmly wait for somebody to upload the precious.

>> No.11215392
File: 147 KB, 600x600, 4bfdc9f2f70449f266912a19183cbf94194b5b9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girl

>> No.11218246
File: 129 KB, 576x642, forreal doe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11218277

This will probably be a rip-off again, like Kruth Hymneth.

>> No.11218306

I wonder how autistic you have to be to keep on posting the worst Persona girl in the best JRPG thread.

>> No.11218480
File: 60 KB, 640x480, amarie_gelade ar_tonelico_ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kurt Hymneth

>> No.11218488

Are you implying that a CD set only containing old hymnos and three new ones (on an analog audio toy, to boot!) for $130 is not a gigantic rip-off? Not to mention that two of the three new hymnos were below average.

>> No.11218682

Are you implying a CD set containing six full albums plus three extra CDs, a good amount of extras and three new songs for $130 is a rip-off?

>> No.11218931
File: 23 KB, 400x592, 14851609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how you managed to confuse Yukiko with Chie. But you are the kind of person that thinks AT is a good RPG so it's possible I guess

>> No.11218956

It's not a rip-off for people who never owned the CDs included beforehand.

>But you are the kind of person that thinks AT is a good RPG so it's possible I guess

Why are you here if you think otherwise? Sounds like you're just asking for trouble.

>> No.11219499
File: 215 KB, 500x683, 22223577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11219641
File: 24 KB, 350x500, as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 would worship
