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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 58 KB, 533x800, Yamato-Girls-Collection-Yuria-Misaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11164836 No.11164836[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>11124963

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL

Please use common sense when asking questions. Some of us are happy to help but only if you are willing to help yourselves.

And some of us are not.

AmiAmi's Pre-owned Section. What'd you go over budget with this week, /jp/?

>> No.11164854
File: 91 KB, 600x900, sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11164867 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL

                              r       ィヽ
                              | ヽ.     / / |
                            _ j  vl!,⌒ `'ノ、ノ
                           ィ!::::|ゝ'  \ゞ\\
                          ' /| :::|ノ    iゞ、.ヾ! ヽ
                       ,/ / |!__|     ゞ,..ノ`ヽ,リ
                      ,. '  '   |! ! /・\      ノ'
                    イ    ノ' ″ || :::::⌒ゝ   ,  !
                  /       レ'/  |r=ォ     i   _j._ l!
                  /  /! l!レ''"/  ハメ\   /,. --ヽ
         ____ ,./ イ /ノ!L,ノ /  ∧| \:::\r/:::/ヽ.   !′
      ,  "´       7/ノ/     /  /  ゞ.._ \::rt::/  ヽ ゙ 、
   /         /        '     '     `rーゞラ rャ    i
  /  ,/      '      /     /      /   ヽ..:.:ゞ!、,.._ ,.:j
./  レ       '              ,     /     ゝ(__人__)
'   '        i        ヽ            /      `トェェェイ
  '                          ∧        `ー'´

>> No.11164879 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL

       /\     ____   / ̄\
      / `\\w/  _川_  `//⌒  }
      {   ミ /  / _川_ \  ミ    /
      \ ミ ´ノ ( / _川 \ ノ( ミ  /
       ,}彳  ⌒  /ノハヽ\  ⌒ ミY
       彡  ⌒\ 、     r/⌒   `ミ
      彡  ― (l ゝヽ    /(l フ ―   ミ__
      ,彡 ―  ⌒ }    { ⌒  ―   ミ ノ\
       ,彡 ― 、 ⌒',    /⌒ 、  ノ ( ミ   ノ\
      ,ノ⌒ミ  {ミ   ',__/  ミ}  ⌒ ミ /  ,ノ\
     ,/\ /彡 ',ミ  ヽ_/  ミ/  rwミ   /  ノ\
    /\   /_ノヽ-レ‐v^v-レ-イY从ゝ      /   ノ\
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  /\   \   \  ', Vv::j:::vイ/   /   /  /    /   ,}
 /   \       \ \二二/ /  /    {         //

>> No.11164882 [DELETED] 

   ( ´Д`) <Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
  /    \
  | l    l |     ..,. ., .,
  | |    | _|。.:_::゜。-.;.:゜。:.:;。
  ヽ \_ .。'゚/   `。:、`;゜:;.::.。:.:。
   /\_ン∩ソ\    ::..゜:: ゚。:.:.::.。.。:.
.  /  /`ー'ー'\ \  ゜: ::..゜:: ゚。:.:.:,。:.:.
 〈  く     / / ::..゜:: ゚。:.:.:,.:.:.:。:.:,
.  \ L   ./ / _::..゜:: ゚。:.:.:,.:.:,.:.:.:,
    〉 )  ( .::旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦.
   (_,ノ    .`ー'旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦.

>> No.11164893 [DELETED] 

.  \
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   l} 、::       \ヘ,___,_ ______/::.__|    .|___________
   |l  \::      | |             |、:..  | [], _ .|: [ニ]:::::
   |l'-,、イ\:   | |    ∧,,,∧ .   |::..   ヘ ̄ ̄,/:::(__)::
   |l  ´ヽ,ノ:   | |   (´・ω・`)    ,l、:::     ̄ ̄::::::::::::::::
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   |l.,\\| :|    | ,'        :::::...  ..::ll::::
   |l    | :|    | |         :::::::... . .:::|l::::
   |l__,,| :|    | |         ::::....  ..:::|l::::  Everything you need to know:
   |l ̄`~~| :|    | |             |l::::
   |l    | :|    | |             |l::::   http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
   |l    | :|    | |   ''"´         |l::::
   |l \\[]:|    | |              |l::::
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   |l  /::      | \,'´____..:::::::::::::::_`l__,イ::::
   l}ィ::        |  `´::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`´::::::

>> No.11164896 [DELETED] 

>Welcome to the /pvc/ fig thread PASTEBIN, brought to you by assmad autists who like to think information is exclusive.

>> No.11164897 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL

Shitty thread Wasshoi!!
     \\ Shitty thread Wasshoi! //
 +   + \\Shitty thread Wasshoi!/+
        ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬  +
   +     人      人      人     +
         (__)    (__)    (__)
  +    (__)   (__)   (__)     +
.   +   ( __ )  ( __ )  ( __ )  +
      ( ´∀`∩ (´∀`∩) ( ´∀`)
 +  (( (つ   ノ (つ  丿 (つ  つ ))  +
       ヽ  ( ノ  ( ヽノ   ) ) )
       (_)し'  し(_)  (_)_)

>> No.11164900

/jp/ seriously has the shittiest autism fits ever, fucking Christ.

>> No.11164904 [DELETED] 

∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          ( ´∀`) < >Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
        /    |    \________
       /       .|     
       / "⌒ヽ |.イ |
   __ |   .ノ | || |__
  .    ノく__つ∪∪   \
    ̄ ̄ヽつ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | | ̄
   ___________| |
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| |

>> No.11164908

Like a screaming child, you just gotta let them go until they tire themselves out.

>> No.11164911
File: 56 KB, 293x301, 1308087747258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its what we do best here.

>> No.11164915

Isn't it sad? Just report it.

>> No.11164916 [DELETED] 

┼ .(´\            /`/`)    +
             *   (ヽ、\    _    / / ,/)  *
            +  *  (ヽ、   \〃^  `ヽ /   /)   +
               ⊂ニ      i{ |」ハ∧ハi     ニ⊃
             +  ⊂、     ||(i」 ゚ -゚ノ||     ⊃ >Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL                (/(/(∧∧ノくiTYiI>|i)   、)ヽ)   +
                  (;´w`)ノ丿ノハ∧〉 、)ヽ)  *
                 ⊂(   .ノ( `O‐jノ'
           *     +   +     +   +     *
    + * +                  +           + * +
      +              +   *                  +

>> No.11164917


das it mane

>> No.11164921 [DELETED] 

∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ( ・ ω・)    >Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL   
_(__つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/ \___________
   \/  ☆ /

>> No.11164926 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL  
 、        ヽ
 |ヽ ト、  ト、 ト、 、.`、
/|l. l. | |l l | | l |l.| |l. l
/' j/ ノ|ル'/レ〃j/l |
-‐7" ヾー---┐|_.j
 ̄   ./゙ニ,ニF、'' l _ヽ
::   ,.,. |ヽ 」9L.` K }.|
    l'  """  l ) /
  h、,.ヘ.      レ'/
 r.二二.)     /  
  ≡≡    ,イ
.       / !
\   /  ├、
::::::` ̄´   /  !ハ.

>> No.11164929 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL 
            , '´  ̄ ̄ ` 、
          i r-ー-┬-‐、i
           | |,,_   _,{|
          N| "゚'` {"゚`lリ
             ト.i   ,__''_!
          /i/ l\ ー .イ|、
    ,.、-  ̄/  | l   ̄ / | |` ┬-、
    /  ヽ. /    ト-` 、ノ- |  l  l  ヽ.
  /    ∨     l   |!  |   `> |  i
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_|      |.|-<    \ i / ,イ____!/ \
  .|     {.|  ` - 、 ,.---ァ^! |    | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄l
__{   ___|└―ー/  ̄´ |ヽ |___ノ____________|
  }/ -= ヽ__ - 'ヽ   -‐ ,r'゙   l                  |
__f゙// ̄ ̄     _ -'     |_____ ,. -  ̄ \____|
  | |  -  ̄   /   |     _ | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ /       \  ̄|
___`\ __ /    _l - ̄  l___ /   , /     ヽi___.|
 ̄ ̄ ̄    |    _ 二 =〒  ̄  } ̄ /     l |      ! ̄ ̄|
_______l       -ヾ ̄  l/         l|       |___|

>> No.11164933 [DELETED] 

          _」、.-‐| |l.ザl| |''7、
      ,..::'"´::::| \ハ| ナ l//:::::`ヾ‐ァ
  「`ヽ!_7‐-‐'"´`ァ‐-‐'"´ ̄   `i`'-‐ァ
   `ァ、_,. -=ニ>'´  i ,!   ,ハ   ,ハヽ/`ヽ
 .// >r'´ !  /._メ」/ ! / _」メ.i   i⌒) )
 !::::i //i  | 7'´i,ノ`iヽレ' '!ノ!`yi ,ハノイ-'    >Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL 
 \_`! ! ',.  レ'|` i__,ソ    り '|/| /|   _人_
    `! !、ソ\ !⊂⊃  ,.-‐-、 ⊂〉イ./:::!/)')、   て_
    ヽ/ .  `! |>, 、! __.ノ,. イァー'´7iつ' 'く   (´ 
     i i  八|ァくi>凹ソしi' y'    | |-r‐'`´
     | ,ハ/ ,.く__7:::::o:::::::ヘ.,_j、.   ! |::|!
   _ノレ' _/  /、:::::o:::::::::::::;| `ヽ、,_V_/
  <__/ //   ,く::::::::o:::::::ー::'::::>、 |:::::|
   /  /   |\:::::::::!::::::::::::::';:/
  |  __/   i'こ7ー-'--─<,ハ
    ̄     |_,ノ       ヽ,_j

>> No.11164939 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL 
       ,. -''"´     `' 、
     ,'´  ,. -‐ァ'" ̄`ヽー 、`ヽ
     //         `ヽ`フ
    / .,'  /! /!   ! ハ  ! ',
   (    ! ノ-!‐ノ ! ノ|/ー!、!ノ  ,.ゝ  
   ヘ  ノレ'  rr=-,   r=;ァir /! ノ   
   (  ノ !         "! ヘ(     
   )  ,.ハ ''"    'ー=-' "'! ',ヽ.    
    ) '! ト.、      ,.イ  i .ノ    
     ノヽ,! i`>r--‐ i´レヘ ノ
 ∬  ヽ(へ レィr'7ア´ ̄`ヽ. )'    
┌-┐   ノ /イ       Y     
(i _i  rくヽ/!ノ     __  ,ゝ
 \ \/`/::メ:::`ヽ、_二、___イ

>> No.11164940

Why are you such a sorry faggot?

Literally mad because someone deleted your favorite weeaboo thread.

>> No.11164947

Nice temper tantrum, shithead. I wonder what you do when Mom turns off the XBOX.

>> No.11164948 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL 

        l i´ .゙i |
        !-'   丿丿
          l |
            | |
  ウ--,,          ノ フ
  フ   ̄ ̄ヽ...--.../  フ
    フ    ......ヽOノ.............フ___
   フ  /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ/
   >ノ:::::::::::::::::::::ノ  ヽ:::::::::::::::::ヽ
   クノ_ノノ_ノ/_ノ,   \ヽ:::_ヽ_ヽ
   __ノ::::::::::r ( ヒ_]    ヒ_ン人::::::)
 ∠:::::::::::::::::|    ,___,   |::::::/
  ノノ >:::::::人.         ,'::::ヽ
  /:::::::::::::::::>,、 ______, .イ::::::::::(

>> No.11164950

I miss ponpo. ;~;

>> No.11164953 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL 

          _,,,... --──--- 、..,,__   「ト、
        ,:'"             `"''ヽ| |:::\    ,.:':「|
        .!     ヽ__,. -‐‐-、___,/    //:::::::::`ヽ,イ::::| |
        _'、__ゝ'"`;Y-‐‐-、_/__ `ヽ、,_  | !:::::::::ニ=-i7i:::::| |
     r'" ̄7>‐''"´       ヾ/  `,| |::::::::::::::::/i:::::::::| |
   「   ;ア´ /   / i   ,'   ヽヘ/ | |:::::::::::;:イ´⌒ヽ! |
    `ヽ/  / / メ、_ハ  /! !  i  ハヽヘ,ヽ、∠/    Y
      ,'  ,'   !ァァー-;、.レ' |/! _,.ハィ' i  `ヽ.__!7    i |
     .!,  ! ,!イ i └i    ァ‐ァ‐ー=、,!  i.  ', |     | !
     ノ;  ! ハ   ゝ‐'     i  └ソi ハ  | |     !|
      レへレi ! "          ゝ--' レ' i`ヽ! |     ,'  ,
        / ト、    rァー-,、   "'' ,イ ,'! i  |    /  /
 Die      , '  !,/`'i 、,` 、,_____,!  _,.イフ ,イ ハ. ',  ,〈! / ,..-
        iヘ/ヽ、ノヘ_!>;ーr=''"´ iラ' //_/ .i ハ   ',/く___,
         <,__ヽ,:'" /、r7ムヽ、 /ンレ':::/`ヽ.ハ / ',   i.'
           ./  7:::/ ハ/!::::::::::::::/    ヽ. ノ  ノ>
           〈 、 i::/ /  i:::::::::::::/      Y´ /
           7ヽヘ!7 /   |::::::::::ri _/      ノ`(
           /   ヘコヽ、__」、:::::::!7 `ヽ____,イ!

>> No.11164957

There's nothing wrong with these threads other than this jackass.

>> No.11164960 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL 

      _| ̄|_| ̄|  | ̄|_| ̄|__| ̄|_| ̄|   | ̄|_| ̄|_| ̄|
      |_  _||  | ̄    |  |     |  | ̄   |  |     ̄|
       r┘└へ|  |二コ ┌'|  |二コ ┌|  |二コ ┌'|  |二コ ┌┘
      〈 〈]  ゚,、〈|  | o  ヽ| | o  ヽ|  | o  ヽ|  | o └「 ̄\
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   /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒:::: \   /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \
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l_j_j_j と)   | |  |     / l_j_j_j と)    | |  |     / l_j_j_j と)   | |  |     /

>> No.11164962

I can literally feel the cheese-scented buttheat wafting from this nerd's open mouth.

>> No.11164964 [DELETED] 

        ,、、,ィ'"ィ'"ー--'ー-- 、、
      .r'⌒      ミ、 ヾ;:::::::::.ヽ
     ,r'"    ミソ  ,ィツ  ;i:::::::::::i^ヽ
    f   `ミ=彡'   ,ィ,,,,:'::::)(::::::::::::. ゙!
    (:::.    ̄  ,,>;;r=''''' クフ´``=!:::::リ
   、Jミヾ ミ、__,ィヅゝゝ  ´    -'1:::ツ
    (   `ー=/ _、、、、、,_  ,、-─レ′
     ゝf ,r-、マ ´,ィrか;   f''セ)`' リ
     ( | l 仆、!    `´   ゙!   ,|!   
     `ヾゝ、_、      ..., ,〉  ,l!     >Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL 
       )ィ :::ド、    _,,......、、 /
       '^1い:F\    ー  /
        `^ゴ  \、     /ゥ、
      __,,、、」ミ,l7/ハ.「>)ノ ン'",、-"^ `''…ーッ,ニy-
  ,-‐ゥrイl」[..、-'ヘ_/l|l.i ヒ彡チ、-''^ー--、、_f∠ //_
  ハ-─'''''三≡、 -:jjj:`""´. _,ィ'^ミニー-、、、,,,__
  ,r'ニ ̄r='''ヽヽ、 lll   ,、-',、-'´c=ヽ`''ァ ,ィ‐-、`:、
  ゙!∫`| |   `i | ||| r''"-''" '⌒ヽ_ノ,ノ//  ⊂ノ

>> No.11164970 [DELETED] 

> >Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
                 。_   ____
                /´ |  (ゝ___)
            .__/'r-┴<ゝi,,ノ   ro、
           ∠ゝ (ゝ.//`   ./`|  }⌒j
              } ⌒ /`ヽ、_∠l,ノ ・ヽ´
              /  ´..:.} >、、___,  .r、 ソ、`\
             /   ..:.:.}   /   |∨ ` ̄
            /   ..:.:./    |   丶
           / _、 ..:.:.:.{    .{.:.:.   \
          {   ..:Y  .ゝ、   {.:.:.:.:.    ヽ
          |、  ..:/ 丿 .:〉   >.- ⌒  .  ヽ
          / {. ..:./ ソ ..:./  .(    ..:.:.:`  ..:}
         ./..:.:}.:.:./ ヘ、 ..:./   .\ ..:.:r_,ノ、.:.:}
        ./..:.:/|.:/   {.:./     X.:.:}.}   X X
        /..:.:/ .}.:|    }:/       .Y丶ヽ  Y.:Y
  . __/.:/ { }  《.〈、     _,,__>.:》丶   Y.:\
  /.:.:.:.:.::/   !.:.:ゝ  ゝ.:. ̄ヾ ´:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:ヾゝ   \.: ̄>

>> No.11164969

I think I just got hit with a rubber band from his braces.

>> No.11164972

There's spittle on your monitor.

And tears.

>> No.11164974 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL

N O  T H A N K  Y O U !

/ /    ヽ ::: \
| (●), 、(●)、 |
|  ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,,   |
|   ,;‐=‐ヽ   .:::::|
\  `ニニ´  .:::/
       .n:n    nn
      nf|||    | | |^!n
      f|.| | ∩  ∩|..| |.|
      |: ::  ! }  {! ::: :|
      ヽ  ,イ   ヽ  :イ

>> No.11164975
File: 78 KB, 600x800, Marika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so anyways, ignoring the guy spazzing about, anything you folks looking forward to? I'm eagerly awaiting that hobby japan exclusive Marika. I believe she got updated in the last couple of hours, because she wasn't painted last night.

>> No.11164977 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
              -''"´     `'
            ,'´ ,. -‐ァ'" ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽー 、`ヽ
             ゝ//          `ヽ`フ
             / .,'  /! /!      ! ハ  ! ',ゝ
           (    ! ノ-!‐ノ!   ! ノ|/ー!、!ノ  ,.ゝ
          ヘ  ,ノレ' u rr=-,    r=;ァ  ir /! ノ
         (   ノ ! ///        /// ! ヘ(
           )  ,.ハ ''"u  )、_____, (  " ' ! ',ヽ.
          ,_)__'! ト.、   ,_ | ||__,  u.イ  i .ノ
        r'"ヽ   t、 Y`⌒ヽ.-|||l--‐´レヘ ノ(  ) . ズズー
       /   、、i/゙  \,ィ\|||| (   )    ヽ
       /   /     ゙i=ョ=ョ=ョ=(^ヽ、_/  )
       {         ノ \ ____ /,) i    .|
       ゝ-,,,_   /  `└‐─‐‐ と" ノ    イ

>> No.11164981 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL

                 / l
   r─- 、      _ _,. ィ´  /´ ̄`ヽ _ ノ
    \  `Y´  ̄ ̄   /__/       \
     \         `ヽ        | Disgusting
     /   ・   ・   l        l
      |    /´ ̄`ヽ  /        /
      |     ヽ!!ノ  /        ,.イ/
     ヽ              / 〃
      | \         _/ し'
      ヽ__ノ  ̄|   /´ ̄
           ヽ_ /

>> No.11164982
File: 403 KB, 612x816, enema_eye_kissu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice! I haven't seen the painted prototype for her yet!

That is definitely getting ordered. I hope BiJ carries her.

>> No.11164986

So this thread is two people right? The guy spamming the pastebin, and the other guy who keeps commenting about how he's such a sperg?

This is why /jp/ should just have one-off threads. Generals are horrid.

>> No.11164988
File: 120 KB, 584x703, 97000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for Lucifer to get released, hopefully this month.

>> No.11164989 [DELETED] 

          ∧_∧    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        /( ´Д`;)  < >Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
     ⊂/\__〕 ヽ   \__________
      /丶2    |Σノ
      / //7ゝ〇 ノ\  フオオオオオオオオオオオオォォォ~~ん
     ///  ///ノ
     |/  ///
     /  //
      V ノ

>> No.11164992 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
         ,. -‐'''''""¨¨¨ヽ
         (.___,,,... -ァァフ|
          |i i|    }! }} //|
         |l、{   j} /,,ィ//|
        i|:!ヾ、_ノ/ u {:}//ヘ
        |リ u' }  ,ノ _,!V,ハ |
       /´fト、_{ル{,ィ'eラ , タ人
     /'   ヾ|宀| {´,)⌒`/ |<ヽトiゝ
    ,゙  / )ヽ iLレ  u' | | ヾlトハ〉
     |/_/  ハ !ニ⊇ '/:}  V:::::ヽ
    // 二二二7'T'' /u' __ /:::::::/`ヽ
   /'´r -―一ァ‐゙T´ '"´ /::::/-‐  \
   / //   广¨´  /'   /:::::/´ ̄`ヽ ⌒ヽ
  ノ ' /  ノ:::::`ー-、___/::::://       ヽ  }
_/`丶 /:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ̄`ー-{:::...       イ

>> No.11164994 [DELETED] 

My lust is on back-order T__T still waiting for it

>> No.11164996 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
                    .    ∧_∧
                ∧_∧/ //.___|^∧_∧
               (´・ω・`) /||    |口|(´・ω・`)
              ./(^(^//|| ||   |口|⊂ _)
              ∧_∧ /./  || ||   |口| ||    ∧_∧
   ∧_∧    (´・ω・`)/  ...|| ||   |口| ||  (´・ω・`)
  (´・ω・`) /(^(^/ /      .|| ||    |口| ||    ゚し-J゚
 "" ゚し-J゚:::'' |/  |/ '' " :: ":::::⌒  :: ⌒⌒⌒ :: ""  `
 :: ,, ::::: ,, " ̄ ̄  "、 :::: " ,, , :::   " :: " ::::

>> No.11164998 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
      -‐‐- 、
    /     ヽ 
    !  ! 人|,.iノl_ノ)
    i  乂-‐ ?! i
    \ヽ .ゞ - ノノ  へ-ヘ   ∧_∧   ∧_∧
      ``フ i´   ミ*´ー`ミ  ( ´_ 人) (´<`∧)_∧
      / \ノゝ ∧/∧  ∧∧(__)  |  (・?ω・?)
      (  |    |( ´ω`)/(゚ ヮ゚)(__)\∧∧  \
  ∧_∧ヽ⊃   .| ∧_∧ U   ( __ ) ..(´^??^?) | |
 (屮゚∀゚)屮 |    (・∀・ ).| Y (  ・∀・) ./  ⌒i . ∧_∧
 /∧_∧ヽ| .∧_/∧     .| .| /   \|     | | ((/ デ.?)
щ(`Д´щ)   ( `ハ´) ∧_∧ /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/| |/    \
 /    ヽ  /    ヽ( ⌒-⌒)(__ニつ/ /jp/ /..| |____|
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   \/____/ (u ⊃

>> No.11165005 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
    ( ´・ω・`)     ∧_∧
    /     \   (´Д` ) What the fuck is
.__| |    .| |_ /      ヽ this guy talking about
||\  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   / .|   | |
||\..∧_∧    (⌒\|__./ ./
||.  (    )     ~\_____ノ|   ∧_∧
  /   ヽ  Shut up man.  \|   ( ´_ゝ`) Drunken bastard
  |     ヽ           \/     ヽ.
  |    |ヽ、二⌒)        / .|   | |
  .|    ヽ \∧_∧    (⌒\|__./ /

>> No.11165007
File: 437 KB, 816x612, witches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's great. Is that actually the base? Can't be.

No. Are you just dropping in now? There's been a ton of pleasant conversation in the last two.

>> No.11165010

Where'd you order her? I had her ordered on HobbyFan, but gave up waiting for them and just bought her off Nippon-Yassan.

>> No.11165014 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
        Good job!!         ∩   ∩
       _ _∩           (⌒ )   ( ⌒)       ∩_ _ Good job!!
        (ヨ,,. i             |  |  / .ノ        i .,,E)
Good job!! \ \          |  |  / /         / /
  _n      \ \   _、 _  .|  | / / _、_    / ノ
 (  l     _、 _  \ \( <_,` )|  | / / ,_ノ` )/ /    _、_    Good job!!
  \ \ ( <_,` ) \         ノ(       /____( ,_ノ` )    n
    ヽ___ ̄ ̄ ノ   |      /   ヽ      | __      \     l .,E)
      /    /     /     /    \     ヽ   /     /\ ヽ_/ /

>> No.11165017
File: 48 KB, 542x606, HOB-FIG-9101_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah I'm actually trying to keep things on topic.

So I'll ask my question from the last thread. Anyone ever buy any Eye Scream figures? How were they quality wise? Should I look to getting some for my Shining collection? I started collecting after they quit making them so I figured someone might have one who has been collecting longer than me.

>> No.11165019 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
  ∧_∧   ∧_∧   ∧_∧   ∧_∧      ∧_∧
 ( ・∀・)   <丶`∀´>  ( ´∀`)  ( ・ω・)    ( ´ω`)
 (    つ┳∪━━∪━∪━━∪━∪━∪━┳⊂     つ
 | | |  |This thread is fucking terrible. | | | |
 (__)_) ┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┻ (__)_)

>> No.11165020


>There's been a ton of pleasant conversation in the last two.


>> No.11165028 [DELETED] 

             ( ゚∀゚) ~>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
             ⊂  つ
             (つ ノ
     \      ☆
             |     ☆
          (⌒ ⌒ヽ   /
    \  (´⌒  ⌒  ⌒ヾ   /
      (’⌒ ; ⌒   ::⌒  )
     (´     )     ::: ) /
  ☆─ (´⌒;:    ::⌒`) :;  )
     (⌒::   ::     ::⌒ )
    / (    ゝ  ヾ 丶  ソ ─

>> No.11165033

You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.11165034 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
         /ヘ: : : \ヽ:\
            {从:l: : : 、: ヽ:_ )ヽ
            ヽ{入:_:_彡'⌒{}' ̄}
           ト \く_八__,ノ>、
           | `Y{ ̄`ー'!: : lハ
           |  ト∨   レl: リ '、
          /  ∨    l: j   l
          Zヽxく     Y   |
                  ̄ ̄ `/,'ミノ  ヽ彡)
                 Vミ/    ̄

>> No.11165041
File: 434 KB, 612x816, yoshikas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all relative.

>> No.11165043 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
                           _人   _,,.. - ''''"" ̄`"'''7:::∠__
                           )  ,. '"          !ヘ/:::/、
 ___      _l⌒l_            /       ハ, __i  i:::::>!   ',
(__   )     (_  _)l⌒l        /    /'! ハ  /!二_ハ i´ |   ハ
 _/ /      / /  |  | ___  |  / ,.ィ‐-V レ゛´!´.ハ`ヽイ /   ! !
(__  ) __ (_/ l⌒l `ー' /     ヽ i  i  イ「ハ     !__,リ ノ | /|    |
  / /(___)   |  l_ │ .○ /ヽ | /.| | ! !ソ     ̄ 〃 レ' |    |
 │ │_        ( ○ _) 丶_/  / /  レソ〃 ,-=ニニ'ヽ.    7 ,'    |
  丶__)        `─'         `ー'   |7!  i     !  u / /!    |
       _l⌒l__ /⌒ヽ         /⌒/ .'ゝ、_ヽ、   _ノ   / / /  i   ,'
      (_     \\  | /⌒ヽ_/ / ̄レヘ/,./^i,.-,r  イ´レヘ/ヽ、ハノ
       / / ̄ヽ | `ー'(_/\  /     r| ! ! レ^i/  ̄'7ー-、
      (_/   / /        `ー'       ハ     /ヘ__/// ヽ,
            `ー'              ,. '⌒ヽ,r‐''"´ ̄ト、::::::/     !

>> No.11165044
File: 100 KB, 557x655, SanFish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a difference between a general thread and making another while discussion is still continuing. There are other people in this thread actually discussing figs.

The pastebin doesn't change anything unlike what the buttmad autist would you rather people ask the same stupid questions in every thread? Besides it's not just spoonfeeding it lets other people know of some of the more obscure vendors. We would have had fig threads constantly before it's just with all the spam and shit /jp/ gets people can't be bothered keeping them up all the time, I can understand not having them when there isn't news to discuss but figures are one of the few topics /jp/ has that actually gets new content and isn't having the same discussion over and over or shitposting.

A constant fig thread on the board is no different than having a constant VN discussion thread on the board, but you don't see people sperging out over that.

>> No.11165052 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
                       ,,... -─- 、_
                     , '"        ゙ヽ、
                    /.           ヽ/ヽ
                   ,'  イ /  /i ハ    ',./ヘ
                    ,'   ,' i ゝ、レ´ !//i  イ-┘
                  / ハ i  ! (ヒ_]   ヒ_ン レン゙
             r´^\_,.、,'--!、!. i ""   ,__, " i/i
             '、 (^ヽ〉ヽ,  `ヽ、_!   ヽ_ン  丿 |
 __           ゙ーニ´_ノ    ヽ.ル、 _____, イハノ
   /    __     `ヽ、___,,,...ン:::゙ヽ/ooレi゙'ー- 、/^)
  /\  イ             /::::::::::::::::::y:::::ト   l] つ
 ____            ,く::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i゙'ー--┘ ̄
.            |  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
──────   |    そーなのCAR       |          |
 _____    |   ,-─-、        . ,-─-、 |          |
.           |_/  ,-、ヽ____/ ,-、 ヽ_|_____|
             ',   -' ノ   ヽ:::::::::',  -'  ノ  ヽ::::::::::丿

>> No.11165047

I feel embarrassed for him.

>> No.11165054

lol yup hobby-fan, and I ordered on nippon-yassan, to receive a letter from hobby-fan saying mine is on the way to their warehouse...... so I had to cancel the nippon-yassan one, and no idea when I will actually get the refund on my paypal account =___=

>> No.11165055 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
                  _. -―‐  .    \ ヽ
                .  ´       \   ヽ
            __/               ヽ
          ノ }                \
         r┴::.( ハ  ヽ ,ヘ   _ ヽ
         }::::::__ノ::::::ヽ ('′ ヾ´  _rへ    }  つ
         {__(__:::ヾ:::', }  /:   ヾ.  l ∨_  っ
     ___ _ノ  \ `ゝ、::} ,′l i   ハ  l ノ 〉
  _ : '´: : : /:\ア´ .ヘ、 `/  l___!、____ ! l´ _)′
 '⌒丶: : / : : : } /イ   ゝ′ !、___,ゝ,_,′ !´}: :`ヽ
      }:/: : : : :!: : : {   { !  ノ"__"ノ{  ノ}リ: : : : :\
     ´ ̄ ̄ヽ'r三、`ー^ゝ彡-く{、iハノ{ヽ`¨ソi:, '´ ̄`ヾ
        / / ̄フ/ /  ハY⌒ヽ ヽ`´
       /    __f ヾ/   /トハ   マ、 \
        /    V  ノ /  /vヘミハ   V}   :,
      {    、( .イ /  /ノ{    ',  lノヽ }
     rヘ    /`ヾ. /ー /      ハ__! 〈 ノ、
     V彡、_r ヘ__ノV_/-‐- .__ ′}___ lヽ) ン
      ヽ{ ヽ >、! f´::::::ヽ       /::::::::ヾ¨´
       ´ ̄´ ̄`{=== }`¨⌒´ ̄{ ===}
             `¨¨¨´      `¨¨¨´

>> No.11165059


>> No.11165064 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
:,    ',   !                     \
   \      ':,      _,,.. -‐''"´ ̄`"'' ト、.,_.       ,,--,┐
 \  \\     r-、 ァ'´      _ト、.,__ノ ノ `ヽ,ヘ,   //: /::::! 
           ノヾ、rァ'  __,ゝ‐i"`y'__]`''ー、'    / `>t,// :/:::::::!     
    \\    `'(__!r-‐i__」-‐'"´,i  `''ー、」ー-ヘ、イ'"´.!:|||||:::::::/ 
       \   r‐ァ'´]-‐' '/  !  ハ /!ィ' i `''ー'、/ゝ  |:|||||:::;t'、  ミ   
 `' 、        ヽ7´ !   !/!メ、!」 レ-rァ''iT7   iヽ」`i´!:!!!」:ノ ! i  
     i´ヽ.      | .! !   !-rァ'T    '、,_,ノ !__トr┘i>'r'、`'´   ;'      
   (`ヽ;、 `ヽr、. └‐'`ゞ、ハ. '、_ノ     ⊂⊃ ! ';./ ;'ゝ.,二二7i   
   ,.-`ヽ  >  i_,!`ヽ、 /|   !⊃   r‐-、    /! ! ヽ._」 /        
   `ー‐ァ (´__,ノ! |   `7!  .i'>,、.,__'--‐',..イ!   i ̄´ノ!     
     'ーri´ヽ_/7   〈    V7「ヽ7i ̄´'ノ ! '.、  ':、 '、       ;'      
 --─  ! |::::://   r-、,ゝ、!__j ';  トー'i i  ',    `ヽ.、'       
      '、ゝ'ン___,,...->ア`ー-'、 ,' i | i i |   ヽ.   ヽソ`''ー--‐'

>> No.11165070 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
       r─-、.,_  _,,..-─┐
 ____      _」:::::::::;;::二、:;__::::::::/、_  ,|\_ /|
 `ヽ.)ヽ、.,___「,.>''"´      `"'ヽ、:::7く___,.ンヽ!
    \/ /              ヾ,. -ァ'7,ヘ,.ヾ、
      `7 / /  / i  、  ヽ.  〈   ,ァ'"|__r┘
      |  i  |-‐ハ  |  ハ___ i  iY´Y
       |  ハ ,ォ-;、|__ハ__/_」__`ハ |   |
      レヘ__,!ヘ | r|    ´| `i`Y!-|   |   
       / !7,, 'ー' .   l,__ソ ノi |  i |  
       / ヽ、   rァ--‐ 、 "",/ |  | .|   
       レヘ_/>.、、.,____ノ,.イ/ ,ノ  .| |   
        ./| ,'´ } i7 / |'〈{`ヽ.  | |  
         .! | |  }/ム,.ヘ/{/  !  |. |
       _  `', !  i (ハ,ノ /  /  .,' /
    ,.'"o`ヽ  ヽ|  |><_/  />、.,//
     i    ノヽrア!、__!、r'7、__,/ ヽ!__コ、__,.へ
     〉-‐'"   ,ン;ー--ハ、_二ン^o、r-ヽ._  ___ノ
     !コ   ,∠__!、___,Jし、__ノ\8:::::ハ`ヽ_/

>> No.11165072

Managed to report your post by mistake. Too early in the morning for this shit.

>> No.11165074 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
    /"'''-ii○ ー―――、 .○ー‐ ヽ、
  ,r'    ○y'´            ○、   |
  |.     ,r'  /        ノ ヽヽ  |
..ノ __,,.../   /      ;.     ヽ,,__ヽ.
´ ̄   /   /    /i ,'´i .ノ ヽi  , |  `
    ヽ   | /|  /__,!/  レ、!__ | , /
    ヽ  i, ヽ,.'.(ヒ_].   ヒ_ン.レ 〈.
    ノ  ヽ .l'"   ,___,  "'i. ヽ  
     (    ヽ. |   ヽ _ン  ノ , )  
     ヾiヽ、ヽ、' >,、 _____, ,.イ-'"i/  
       /`ヽミ\ \| |ヾヽ、.     
      i    |  \ \ .ヽ 7.
      ヽ====ィ'   `ニi i=i
   ___ヽ____,_ i==i_,.-'´ ̄

>> No.11165078 [DELETED] 

>Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
            /:::ヽ        ..,,,,.........
          /:)''(:::|      /..:::::::::.''''''''''
          /:::::(,,,ヽ::|....   /:::/(::.'
         (:::::::/    r""""\( (L
      「:\ )/:::::7        \.;;(
      ヽ:::::{:::}::::::/     ヽ     ヽ
       >:/(:: )ヽ|.   |   |   ヽ  |\
         (:: ) |ハハ,../人....人ノ、__人...ヽ/
         (:: ) ヽレ ⌒    ⌒ヽヽノ
         (:: ) (<///  ,___, /// '( :: )
         (:: )  ヽ    ヽ _ン   ) ( ::)
     「:\(:: )     >.、_     ,イ ( ::)
     ヽ:::::(:: )/:7. ヽ~人 ̄ ̄i'' >  ( ::)

>> No.11165079

its all good, Its on topic so they'll probably leave it be.

>> No.11165089

Thank God. Thank you, Meido-kun.

>> No.11165100
File: 660 KB, 1000x667, valvrave_all_blinged_out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, dunno if you guys are aware but CDJapan is doing a pretty good sale right now. Check it out:


>> No.11165107 [DELETED] 

Wow! This thread is an eyesore! But it's alright,
because I just acquired a new ass buck. That's right,
you heard me. An ass buck. How did I acquire such a
thing? Why, I had to follow an extremely difficult and
long list of steps, of course! The exact steps I followed

1. Report all of your asses to crashhelper's dad for an ass buck.

As you can se-WOW! What was THAT?!?! Why did I
just see a bunch of people flying past my window with
cum bursting out of their asses propelling them forward
like rockets? And why are they approaching a portal to
the cum vortex? Such a thing...

>> No.11165115 [DELETED] 

That's it, now ya' gonna get it! I just crumpled your garbage ass up 999999999999999999 times and looked for a nearby dumpster to throw it in. I didn't find one, so I just threw it into a dark alley that appeared only a few seconds ago. You're absolutely zero. All of the elites are laughing at you as we speak. I heard from bryce that you're even missing a few gigabits! Hahahah! Wow, what a nothingness ultimatum you are! You're an eyesore, a poison to all of humanity! Begone!

Wait, there's some kind of activity going on in that dark alley..."What does IIIIIT do?" "Iiiiit puuuuuts iiiit uuuup hiiiiiis buuuuuuuuutt!". What?! My sensors are going berserk! There's unidentified movement coming from all over your ass!

>> No.11165113

I remember thinking /jp/ can't be filled with fat basement dwelling autistic neckbeard manchilds before coming over, cus that would be too cliche.

Then this happens =____=

anyway, how long does it take to get refund from nippon-yassan on paypal? it's been 6 days and nothing yet, only an email from them telling me they sent the refund

>> No.11165121

is gunpla/plamoo appropriate for this thread? I work on a lot of 1/24 itasha (last one I did was Rewrite, would post pictures but camera is busted). gonna start working on the Nyaruko-san Step Van next week when I get all the colors in.

>> No.11165123 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 272x216, somemong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an answer to your inquire within this picture I have posted.
But beware, you may not like what you see...

>> No.11165147
File: 399 KB, 816x612, lotte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for it. I know a lot of us are into GUNPLA. I'd love to see stuff people are building.

>> No.11165155

With the new season having just started, what kind of figures are you guys expecting for it? I'm half expecting Ro-Kyu-Bu figures, probably some new TWGOK figures and if we're lucky Koneko and Asia figures. Would love to have them to go with my Rias. Gonna get the Akeno soon as well.

>> No.11165159 [DELETED] 

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
    /!::::_;;:: -──-- 、:;_::ヽ;:::::::::;>- 、
   / ,rァ'´          `ヽ!:::ァ'    ,ハ
   | '7   / ナト /!   ,ハ  i `O      |
   ヽ|  ! /ヾミミ |__,/rz彡 /!  |     イ
    |__|,.イ、-tッ、  r-tッ‐ァト、_ハ、     \
     /`|/,,`ー '   ` ー '〉| |  \ ヽ   ヽ
      !/i、    '      '' ,ハ/  ノ´`ヽ!   ノ
     〈 ,ハ,>、   、     / 八 (   | /
     ∨´\/!`>‐rァ / _//`ヽ)  レ'´
      ノノ´  |/!/レ'´レ'´ヽ‐-、´   (|
     (´  /⌒ト、/ハ / /  ∨:;ハ   `
       /|  `iノYri'⌒ヽ!  にコ::::::|
       ! ゝ-イ'♀!j´   ト、_   |に]
       !、_ノ /! iゝ-イ  `' ノ::::::|
        ,く/ー\ゝ、.,__,,. イ_ノ
      / /    `ー‐ '"´ `\
     く lこi  r-、    r‐'i   「`ヽ
      \_  にノ    lこl   i_/
         ト--7    !、_,/
         '、_,/   |   /

>> No.11165167 [DELETED] 

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
            ''"´ ̄ ̄ ̄  ヽ、
       / ,,..-''" ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄""'ヽ \
      /  /,,..-''" ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄"''ヽ ヽ  ヽ、
      l  , ‐!‐.! !  ./ _」_  \}   |
      | ./  ,ハ_」/| / '´;'´ハY      |
      | | .7´;'´ハ レ'   弋__ソイ     |
      | l 八弋_り  .    ⊂⊃    |  ぬるぽっ♪
      | ∨⊂⊃   __ ノ  |     |
      ノ   八          ,.イ     '、
      i     `  ‐‐--rァ  レ'、,
      ヽノヽ!\ ___ ノ'/ /  `>ァ、 .ノヽノ/)
           ./   / `'|       \!`V  レ'´)
      /´i/)/   ,'[ニ]!         l  `ヽ  'つ
     r'7ーr'-、'つ  //| /|ヽ       八_   _,ァ'
     |     ン___//_.||__|::::\      | ヽ 'ア ゝ
     |     | i:::::::::::+:::::::::::::::\_/\.|    |
     |     / .!、::::::::+:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ_/\|    |

>> No.11165176 [DELETED] 

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
                  _,,_ -───- 、
                 ((`!Looo     \
                _/ oОO0o ,r=、  \
              ,-ニ-‐、__ ∞Оojj 〈(  r=,マ
              ヽ/  ノV!`ー''⌒ヽ、ヾ‐、`ノノ
               イl /ィ、 |/\‐-、  l\`  ̄\
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>> No.11165180 [DELETED] 

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
    ノノ   r'ア'"`ヽ.,_ _,,..-=-、    _,. -rァ
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>> No.11165187 [DELETED] 

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
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>> No.11165194 [DELETED] 

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
             ___         //{
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>> No.11165207 [DELETED] 

New Pastebin; that ASCII sperg did something to the previous one.

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/MDMPmQzK

>> No.11165217
File: 369 KB, 816x612, someday_airi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I need there to be Ro-Kyu-Bu figures.

In fact, that is the franchise that I am the most anxious about. They've gotta get something.

>> No.11165219 [DELETED] 


>> No.11165227 [DELETED] 

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
                    , - 、
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>> No.11165234 [DELETED] 


>http://pastebin.com/MDMPmQzK (embed)
Check the top of the thread. That's not the original.

What did your ass look like before you exploded it all over the front page of /jp/? They'll be picking pieces of your butt off of 2hu threads from now until the Fall...

...of Man.

>> No.11165245 [DELETED] 

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
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>> No.11165251 [DELETED] 

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
     (´・∀・`)  Goodbye, garbage
     r'⌒と 、j ミ ヽ
    ノ ,.ィ'  `ヽ. /
  /       i!/
 (_,.         //
く.,_`^''ー-、_,,..ノ /

>> No.11165256 [DELETED] 

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
,. -‐――――‐-、、
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>> No.11165263 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 192x192, pleasemong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you need to know:

>> No.11165277

The greatest thing about this whole thing is that most of us are mildly irritated while this guy is so angry he's probably literally crying right now.

>> No.11165271 [DELETED] 

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
              |/ -フヽ=/// | /    / /__,.-'´       /、
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>> No.11165274 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 192x192, gradientmong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you need to know:

>> No.11165282 [DELETED] 

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
                    , - , -─ - 、
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>> No.11165287

which one, the guy throwing the tantrum or the guy who keeps replying to him, I'm assuming OP

>> No.11165289

True. There's no way this guy's blood pressure isn't through the roof right now.

I wonder what he thinks he looks like from the outside.

>> No.11165296 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 192x192, endermong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you need to know:

>> No.11165314 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 192x192, firemong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you need to know:

>> No.11165324

You don't fool me.

>> No.11165334
File: 242 KB, 640x480, ano hana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did I do?

>> No.11165333
File: 73 KB, 800x534, tumblr_lsl4d1T3dd1qzdctco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is gunpla? Is this some kind of garage kit?
I really love astarotte. I wish I had the balls to shell out the $$ for her beach queens fig. But the real trouble is how to explain it to family...

>> No.11165345

Gunpla/ Plamo is Gundam Plastic Models and Plamo is just Plastic Model. Basically model car kits, tanks, aircraft, and robutts that are thread and subject appropriate. Like the im@s planes.

>> No.11165349

I instantly assumed he was referring to OP and the crossboarders.

>> No.11165350 [DELETED] 

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
       | トェェェイ/   What
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>> No.11165359

If I crossboard to other boards from /jp/ does that mean I'm just as terrible to them as they are to /jp/?

>> No.11165360 [DELETED] 

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
                ( ゚ω゚) It's so
                /u u
               / / /
  _  _   彡  shit!
  \\ \\
    \\ \\
     \\ \\
.        \つ \つ

>> No.11165365 [DELETED] 

Everything you need to know: http://pastebin.com/b1sjvaAL
 / || ̄ ̄|| ∧_∧ 
 |  ||__|)(・ω・ ) <
 | ̄ ̄\三⊂/ ̄ ̄ ̄/
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>> No.11165387

No because /jp/ regulars really pay attention to details, such as (what we may find simple) saging and (once again) shitposting, which a /b/tard may be so used to he may not be aware hes doing it.

>> No.11165388

Why are you asking me? I'm not into that kind of gay shit to begin with.
It's your business if you decide to go out of your way to visit and post on other boards, if you swing that way.

>> No.11165407 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 192x192, mastermong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you need to know:

>> No.11165409

Samefag. Janny, please confirm.

>> No.11165413

Janitors can't see IP addresses.

>> No.11165415

Meant Meido.

>> No.11165428

You idiot. Getouttajp.jpeg
And aside from being the janny is meido /jp/ famous? Can we have threads on her?
>ohnoraptors is cuter

>> No.11165432

There's some rumors going around on the grapevine. Dark rumors. Rumors about the janitor...rumors about his gigabits...rumors started by komen Bryce, the computer god himself...

I haven't ascertained the true details of these rumors, but it appears that there is something involving a "lacking" of said gigabits.

The janitor is likely to delete this post out of fear, fear for his public image.

>> No.11165440

You can stop shitting up the thread now.

>> No.11165444 [DELETED] 

Sempai's delicate lips wrapped around my swollen member like a starfish digesting it's prey. Slowly, my sanity was lost inside a tsunami, bringing up ancient creatures from the darkest depths of the ocean. As I descended into madness, strange visions of a abnormal non-euclidean city clouded my thoughts. As I explored this city, I came across a cavern which seemed to stretch into the bowels of the earth. As I cast my eyes into this cavern, a being beyond all description stood, casting its gaze back at me. It was then that I awoke, knowing that the stars were right and soon the horror would walk the earth.

>> No.11165445
File: 454 KB, 816x612, lil_witches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohnoraptors is a god.

>> No.11165449 [DELETED] 

It’s late at night. The enemy is out there, lying in wait. Only he’s well protected, impervious to your advances, hidden deep inside his fortified bunker. Your mission is clear: you need that thing torn up. But your missile lacks heft, girth and thrust. Your answer? The HARDBUT.

Meet the Hard and Deeply Buried Target Next Generation Multiple Warhead System, known as, yes, the HARDBUT. It’s designed to go deep where others can’t, penetrating the most secure command centers, hardened infrastructure and “underground facilities including caves,” according to its manufacturer. As you might have presumed, it’s European, designed by the Euro mega-missile giant MBDA, with research cash for testing it provided by the French and British defense ministries.

And it performs under pressure. MBDA announced today that the HARDBUT missile successfully smashed through a “massive concrete target” on September 14. The company boasted that the HARDBUT “penetrated through and exited the rear face of the target, demonstrating a penetration capability significantly in excess of any warhead currently produced by MBDA.” It sounds like it’s been raring to go, having not gotten any action since its first test in May.

Unfortunately, we’ve only got the company’s word to go on in assessing the power of the HARDBUT. MBDA didn’t reveal how thick the concrete target was, nor how big the multi-warheaded missile actually is. Here in the U.S., the Air Force is getting ready to unleash a 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator by 2012, and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency is bolstering its own bunker-buster capability. That’s on top of the 5000-pound “Divine Thunderbolt” missile that the Air Force already has. Can HARDBUT top their performance?

The jury’s still out on whether Americans or Europeans make the more effective penetrators. Still, judging from MBDA, the HARDBUT is certainly nothing to laugh at.

>> No.11165451
File: 70 KB, 533x800, a003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So where should I get this fig from? Ami ami? What is the ¥ conversion rate? I've never bought a fig before and well yeah.

>> No.11165460 [DELETED] 

>So where should I get this fig from?

Trash like you is what I am aiming to keep out.

Ignorant pieces of trash will defend the pastebins inclusion into the OP, but they simply don't realize that it doesn't help, and never will.

Stupid is stupid, and these people are some of the worse. The only "cure" you can get is telling them to kill themselves, and/or being generally negative, so they remove themselves from your presence naturally.

This will be deleted by that worthless janitor shortly, so take note, you apologetic pieces of garbage.

>> No.11165461
File: 660 KB, 1200x1800, 1372566840752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop.

>> No.11165461,1 [INTERNAL] 

lol crazy anon is gonna have an aneurysm

>> No.11165471

Calm down youre ok

>> No.11165471,1 [INTERNAL] 

He is right about the pastebin but spamming is fucking retarded

>> No.11165506 [DELETED] 
File: 577 KB, 612x816, cabinet_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, ummm. Holy shit. This is one of my display cases, ahhhh. I got it from a consignment store for cheap.

It's not the best but it holds a lot of figures. I'd like some risers so the figures in the back display a little better.

>> No.11165512

Looks kind of crowded, but that might just be the mirror back making it look worse than it is.

>> No.11165509

who is this?

>> No.11165516 [DELETED] 

You ask for a hamburger. All the molecules in the universe have shifted one inch to the left. The hamburger asks for you. Somehow you have appeared in soviet Russia. You start awake sweating in your own bed. I give you a hamburger. Shrieking, you stagger into the road in a daze. You ask for a hamburger. The ambulance does not arrive in time. You ask for a hamburger. I give you a hamburger. As you take a bite you notice ants all over your skin. You ask for a hamburger. The children cry over their father's dead body. You ask for a hamburger. You are blind, but you can feel the worms writhing in your stomach. I am your father. I give you a hamburger. You giggle as I stumble. I ask for a hamburger, you give me a hamburger. You awake with a start in your own bed.

I give you a hamburger. The wizened meat explodes to dust and you realise eons have passed and you are alone in a desolate waste. You awake screaming.

I give you a hamburger.

You take the hamburger with trembling hands. Your eye twitches involuntarily. As you take a bite the ants crawl into your mouth. You look at me desperately. I give you a hamburger. You awake in the corner of your wardrobe in tears. I give you a hamburger. You notice the semitrailer bearing down on you. You try to take a bite but your jaws refuse to open. I give you a hamburger. Your children stop giggling as they hear the sickening crack of your skull meeting the pavement. I give you a hamburger. Collapsing, you vomit uncontrollably. You take a bite. Your eye twitches involuntarily.

I give you a hamburger.

I give you a hamburger.

>> No.11165519 [DELETED] 

You ask for a hamburger, I give you a hamburger. You raise it to your lips and take a bite. Your eye twitches involuntarily. Across the street a father of three falls down the stairs. You swallow and look down at the hamburger in your hands. I give you a hamburger. You swallow and look down at the hamburger in your hands. You cannot swallow. There are children at the top of the stairs. A pickle shifts uneasily under the bun. I give you a hamburger. You look at my face, and I am pleading with you. The children are crying now. You raise the hamburger to your lips, tears stream down your face as you take a bite. I give you a hamburger. You are on your knees. You plead with me to go across the street. I hear only childrens laughter. I give you a hamburger. You are screaming as you fall down the stairs. I am your child. You cannot see anything. You take a bite of the hamburger. The concrete rushes up to meet you. You awake with a start in your own bed. Your eye twitches involuntarily. I give you a hamburger. As you kill me, I do not make a sound. I give you a hamburger.

>> No.11165520
File: 1.78 MB, 413x335, NyarukoAhoge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitposting like a retard and then proceding to complain about yourself to prove your initial point which is stupid in the first place is stupid when you make it so blatantly obvious.

The pastebin does not encourage retards, would you rather have people ask "Where can I get x from" followed by nice people answering. All a pastebin does is make sure those questions don't get asked in the thread, it even helps people who might have not known about some more obscure vendors and proxy services.

I know you don't want this to turn into an "/a/ buyfag thread" but shitting up the thread is just ruining these threads for yourself and others. Honestly /jp/ is a fucking shithole for Christ's sake, you shouldn't be proud or elitist about it anymore and act like it's some secret club when any attempt at actual figure discussion in the past year has been bumped off the board.

>> No.11165521

I wish someone made an air freshener that smells like figures. I find the aroma very pleasant.

>> No.11165521,1 [INTERNAL] 

If he has a problem with the pastebin, he could say what's wrong with it as opposed to throwing a shitfit that will cause everyone who reports anything to report the spam he's dumping in an on-topic thread.

>> No.11165525 [DELETED] 

Wow! This thread is an eyesore! But it's alright,
because I just acquired a new ass buck. That's right,
you heard me. An ass buck. How did I acquire such a
thing? Why, I had to follow an extremely difficult and
long list of steps, of course! The exact steps I followed

1. Report all of your asses to crashhelper's dad for an ass buck.

As you can se-WOW! What was THAT?!?! Why did I
just see a bunch of people flying past my window with
cum bursting out of their asses propelling them forward
like rockets? And why are they approaching a portal to

>> No.11165530

>shitting up the thread is just ruining these threads for yourself and others
This is almost certainly the entire point.

>> No.11165533 [DELETED] 

I want to be the best, there ever was
To beat all the rest, yeah that's my cause!

Radiatore, Pipe, Barbina, Manti
Quadrefiore, Rigate, Fiori, Pici
Stelle, Orzo, Pearl Pasta, Ditali
Pastina, Mezzelune, Fregula, Ravioli!

Cook'em, Cook'em, gotta' cook'em all!
Gotta cook'em all!

I'll search across the land, look far and wide
Release from my hand, the power that's inside!

>> No.11165538 [DELETED] 

I think one of the worst plagues to hit /jp/ is waifus. If /jp/ was once a place where only the Internet's finest would hang out and talk about VNs and idols, now all the waifu lovers who never had anything to do with /jp/ come here to post their "This is my waifu and I love her" waifu images. Just for the record, I have 2 waifus, and I take care of them very well, even though they're diametrically opposed which makes the task more difficult. It didn't bother me much when it only happened every so often, but when it happens daily and is constantly reposted is when it crosses the line. Take the maiwaifu.com site as an example. The retard who made it has nothing to do with /jp/, and neither do any of the fags who replied to him (f/a/ggots). /jp/ turned from the speakeasy club of the internet to a place where fags from G/a/ia and MySp/a/ce meet to talk about their waifu of the week. It gets worse when the waifu fags say stuff like this, and I quote:

>this thread will be up in both /a/ and /jp/ so play nice and have a fun Valentine's with your waifu.

/jp/ loaths anything to do with that shithole /a/ you idiots, get the fuck out.

Waifus are a reigning plague of faggotry that must be stopped.

>> No.11165539 [DELETED] 

One day, Mokou was out shopping with the neet. They drank a lot of lemonade and had to piss, so they went to the bathroom together. While Mokou was doing her business, the neet stuck her head under the stall divider.

"So what do you think of that new dress? Shit is so cash, right?"

"Kaguya, you can't do that!" Mokou screamed. "Get out!"

Mokou started kicking the neet in the face, but the neet braved the pain and slithered under the divider and into the spacious stall. The neet carefully squirmed her arm under Mokou's leg and began to finger her. This caused Mokou's piss stream to intensify, a golden torrent rivaling a fire hydrant. The piss was powerful enough to knock down the stall door, sending it crashing into the far wall. Picking Mokou up by her underarms, the neet carried her around as a mobile piss cannon, blasting holes in walls and ripping apart innocent shoppers in a wall of hot urine. When Mokou was finally exhausted, the pair stood in the ruins of the mall, knee-deep in a golden lake. Piss mixed with shoppers' blood rained down from what was left of the ceiling. Too embarrassed to even move, she offered no resistance as the neet shoved her head underwater and drowned Mokou in her own piss. The neet whipped out her cell phone and called Cirno, informing the fairy of a whole new lake that just formed that she can play in.

And they named it FINLAND

>> No.11165546
File: 109 KB, 550x800, king_arthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty crowded. Space is a big issue with me but the mirrors make it look even more congested.

I've managed to hold to my one rule of "no overlapping bases" but that's about it. If there's a spot, I use it.

I'm actually considering taking my dresser out of my room and putting in a few more cases from Ikea. I need it more than I need a place to hold t-shirts I never wear.

Been looking at this figure a bit. I'm a big Oyari Ashito fan. Haven't played much of the game, though.

>> No.11165555

Why? Do you know me

>> No.11165572
File: 10 KB, 236x285, 1366771290277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11165572,1 [INTERNAL] 

all dese trash bins

>> No.11165583
File: 122 KB, 604x900, tAG_152904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.11165601 [DELETED] 

Shinji...I don't get why he gets all the hate on /jp/. FSN is just written to make him out as the bad guy, when really he's no worse than any of the 'protagonists' and a better person than most of them.

What are the main complaints? He raped Sakura and stole Rider to use in the war?

Okay, let's get this straight. He never fucking raped Sakura. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He fucked Sakura.

Let me ask you this. WHO IN THE GAME DIDN'T FUCK SAKURA? You can't even name one fucking character who hasn't plugged her loose cunt! She is the kind of bitch who will act like she doesn't want it when she really does. She'll say No! while having multiple orgasms. Shinji knew this, he's a fucking ladies man. He knows what filthy whores like Sakura want.

And there's this other big bitch you guys have with him. He supposedly stole Rider and used her in the war for his own greed.

Objection! He was worried about his one and only precious sister. Is keeping your loved ones from a brutal war so wrong? When Shirou does the same thing to Saber it's like 'oh he's so manly', but when Shinji does it it's wrong? He just wanted to protect Sakura. He probably was going to use his Holy Grail wish to tighten her cunt back up or cure her syphilis or something.

The story was written to make that faggot Shirou look good. Objectively, Shinji is a far better character than Shirou. At least he has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like Shirou, and if he weren't stuck with the weak ass servant Rider and no plothax he probably would have won the war.

>> No.11165604

I once knew this autistic kid at my school who was absolutely obsessed with Touhou. He'd run throughout the halls with his Sakuya shirt, and would sometimes say "Knifede lmao XD" out of nowhere for no goddamn reason. Me and my bud found out that he was irritated as hell one week, simply because he found out Sakuya wouldn't be a playable character in the next game and was being replaced by Youmu. He expressed his hatred of Youmu every other second.

One day, we decided to be dicks and I drew a picture of Youmu, using a picture from Perfect Cherry Blossom's manual as a reference.

Snickering like little shits, we came up to the fellow. He was wearing a Remilia shirt that day. I told him we had a present for him, and I handed him my drawing of Youmu.

He stared for a moment, and his eyes bulged. It came out as some sort of snarl, I think. He started low and then it turned into a fucking banshee scream. "YouuuMMMMMMMMMMMMMMUUUUUUUUU" Promptly after that shriek, he literally fell into a grand mal seizure, and me and my bud fucking ran.

He was ok the next day and continued talking about Touhou. But I can't seem to get rid of the guilt of causing an autistic child to go into convulsions at the sight of Youmu; The softest.

>> No.11165609

Are you SUAVE?
Are you a SPACE TOAD?

If you answered "Yes" to all of the above questions, then SICP (STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS) might be exactly what you've been looking for! Read SICP (STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS) today, and enjoy all the benefits of being a satorized SICP reader. SICP (STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS) is the fastest-growing SMUG LISP WEENIE community with THOUSANDS of members all over the Internet! You, too, can be a part of SICP if you join today! Why not? It's quick and easy - only 3 simple steps!
* First, you have to obtain a copy of SICP and read it. You can read it online using your favorite web browser.
* Second, you need to succeed in founding a Lisp-related meme in /prog/ on world4chan, a popular "programming for trolls" website.
* Third, you need to join the official SICP home /prog/ on world4chan, and apply for membership.
Talk to one of the satorized overlords or any of the other members in the board to sign up today! Upon submitting your application, you will be required to submit links to your successful meme, and you will be tested on your knowledge of STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS. If you are having trouble locating /prog/, the official STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS board, you might be on a wrong web sight. The correct address is >>>/prog/. Follow this link if you are using a http client such as telnet. If you have Sussman points and would like to support SICP, please don't sage this post.

o //SICP `.,
,....OOo. .c;.',,,.'``.,,.`
.' ____.,'.//

>> No.11165616

Depression sucks. It's like trying to get a car moving with no gas, and everyone's racing past you wondering why you're being a stupid cunt that isn't moving.

So you get out and start pushing that car, but it wears you out, and people get frustrated with you and complain that you're being a slow asshole, and you try to explain that you have no gas, but they don't really get it because their tanks have been full their entire lives. And you're gonna be alone too, since who wants to travel that slowly? And if you do get someone, she's gonna sit in the front seat and yell at you to push faster. It's what happened to me.

So you either off yourself once your legs give out, or you get a doctor to dump some pseudo-fuel in your car that'll make it go just fine, but once you stop using it, your car will run in reverse and then you're really fucked.

Most of us though get by by pushing that ugly ass car every day little by litte in our dumpy dreary lives. And every time someone roars past you, tossing a fucking soda cup or a beer bottle at you and your fucking horrible car, you just push your face to the fender and keep pushing. You come upon the wreckage of those people who went too fast, who threw shit at you and mocked you for not being able to cruise along, and you see people stopping to mourn the burning dead, but you don't feel sad, no, you just keep pushing that car, ignoring the wreckage.

Then everyone turns around and gives you disgusting looks for being so callous. Your mere existence hurts them, and the spite is enough to make you smile and keep pushing that fucking car another fifteen miles.

>> No.11165613
File: 54 KB, 500x700, NEOGDS-66808_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tempts me.

>But the real trouble is how to explain it to family...
Just tell them it's a normal character for anime, which it is, so it ain't even a lie. It shouldn't have to be any weirder than you want it to be.

>> No.11165619

In my home country, this is Gensokyo of japan, youkai student
1.stealing stuff everything
2.lyingto yama
3.spit to face when talking, mouth is bad smell
4.dont having money, many youkai student, hole in hats and dirty ribbons, old shoes
5.raping? fairy because human gal say youkai boy no thanks, very ugly and fat
6.very smell of food eating by humans
7.very smell body, no bath long time, sometime 10 days?
youkai=monkey same same

>> No.11165625


My job is so fucking unbelievable. I'll try to sum it up by first telling you about the folks I work with:

First, there is this supermodel wanna-be chick. Yeah, okay, she is pretty hot, but damn is she completely useless. The girl is constantly fixing her hair or putting on makeup. She is extremely self-centered and has never once considered the needs or wants of anyone but herself. She is as dumb as a box of rocks, and I still find it surprising that she has enough brain power to continue to breathe.

The next chick is completely the opposite. She might even be one of the smartest people on the planet. Her career opportunities are endless, and yet she is here with us. She is a zero on a scale of 1 to 10. I'm not sure she even showers, much less shaves her "womanly" parts. I think she might be a lesbian, because every time we drive by the hardware store, she moans like a cat in heat.

But the jewel of the crowd has got to be the fucking stoner. And this guy is more than just your average pothead. In fact, he is baked before he comes to work, during work, and I'm sure after work. He probably hasn't been sober anytime in the last ten years, and he's only 22. He dresses like a beatnik throwback from the 1960's, and to make things worse, he brings his big fucking dog to work. Every fucking day I have to look at this huge Great Dane walk around half-stoned from the second-hand smoke. Hell, sometimes I even think it's trying to talk with its constant bellowing. Also, both of them are constantly hungry, requiring multiple stops to McDonalds and Burger King, every single fucking day.

Anyway, I drive these fucktards around in my van and we solve mysteries and shit.

>> No.11165630

I had a strange dream the other day. I was riding the bus when all of a sudden this huge black snake head with retarded-looking eyes pops through the window and screams loudly "HAVE YOU READ YOUR SICP TODAY?" The bus had just stopped beside the library, and I ran inside as quickly as possible; the snake head was now chasing me around as I frantically searched for the legendary book among the shelves. I spotted the distinctive blue cover and ran toward it, the huge head inches from my ass. With great force I pulled the book from the shelf and instinctively directed it at the black head which by now was dripping with saliva at the mouth. It disappeared as it made contact with the book, disintegrating into a flurry of glowing parentheses.

I just sat there dazed for a few seconds, watching the feathery parentheses slowly become smaller and fade away into nothingness. Slowly, I stood up, still clutching the purple book. I wondered about what I should do with it, then decided to put it back on the shelf. After doing so, I walked back out to the exit and boarded a bus, for where I did not know. The bus driver looked strangely familiar as I dropped the coins into the farebox;

"HAVE YOU READ YOUR SICP TODAY?" he suddenly yelled at me. Oh fuck, I thought to myself. Now I knew why he looked so familiar: He was The Sussman!

>> No.11165634

You don't gotta landscape, why not ride your bike for like, a couple hours. Grab your iPod, fire up your favorite IOSYS album, and just cruise around in the evening. Push yourself, and by the time it's getting dark you should be sufficiently dead enough to want to plop down and snooze.

Although, if gaming makes you exhausted you can try it, but personally, I've never had insane dreams after long gaming marathons. But that's just me! Give it a shot, see what works for you!

>> No.11165637

I hit my waifu today, /jp/.

We were having an argument and she went too far. She made a comment along the lines of "your loser father couldn't keep a relationship together and you can't either!". When I was around 11, my parents got divorced and fought for custody. My dad wanted me and my brother because he genuinely loved us. My mom wanted us just to spite my dad. She won, and my dad kinda lost it over the years.

This was too far for me. I had never, EVER hit a girl before, but it happened so fast I didn't even know I did it.

Basically, I cocked my fist back, and flew it straight into her nose. I thought it would be like the movies where she would get a little trickle of blood. It wasn't. Her nose EXPLODED. I think I must of broken a bunch of cartilege or something because blood shot out of both her nostrils, got all over me, got all over the floor. She staggered backwards, hit her head hard enough on the wall to leave a dent, and slumped down.

We were both stunned for about 10 seconds before she started crying hysterically and ran into my room and locked the door. I washed off my hand, browsed /jp/ for a bit, and took a dump. While I was in the bathroom I heard her run out of the house and take off in her car. That was about 5 hours ago so I guess she didn't go to the cops or anything.

I'm not too sure what to do next.

>> No.11165647

Pretty sure that would belong on /g/. Heck, maybe I'll post it there myself.

>> No.11165643

Valv IV and V when?

>> No.11165644

Start with a cage containing five monkey. Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, one of the monkeys will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, all of the monkeys are sprayed with cold water.

After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result, then, all of the monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, none of the monkeys will try to climb the stairs. Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.

Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, and then a fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs, or why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.

After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana. Why not?

Because Otaku Culture.

>> No.11165655

Nineteen-seventy-one was the Year of Spaghetti.

In 1971, I cooked spaghetti to live, and lived to cook spaghetti. Steam rising from the pot was my pride and joy, tomato sauce bubbling up in the saucepan my one great hope in life.

I went to a cooking specialty store and bought a kitchen timer and a huge aluminum pot, big enough to bathe a German shepherd in, then went around to all the supermarkets that catered to foreigners, gathering an assortment of odd-sounding spices. I picked up a pasta cookbook at the bookstore, and bought tomatoes by the dozen. I purchased every brand of spaghetti I could lay my hands on, simmered every sauce known to man. Fine particles of garlic, onion, and olive oil swirled in the air, forming a harmonious cloud that penetrated every corner of my tiny apartment, permeating the floor and the ceiling and the walls, my clothes, my books, my records, my tennis racquet, my bundles of old letters. It was a fragrance one might have smelled on ancient Roman aqueducts.

This is a story from the Year of Spaghetti, 1971 A.D.

>> No.11165658

As a rule, I cooked spaghetti, and ate it, by myself. I was convinced that spaghetti was a dish best enjoyed alone. I can't really explain why I felt that way, but there it is.

I always drank tea with my spaghetti and ate a simple lettuce-and-cucumber salad. Id make sure I had plenty of both. I laid everything out neatly on the table and enjoyed a leisurely meal, glancing at the paper as I ate. From Sunday to Saturday, one Spaghetti Day followed another. And each new Sunday started a brand-new Spaghetti Week.

Every time I sat down to a plate of spaghetti (especially on a rainy afternoon) I had the distinct feeling that somebody was about to knock on my door. The person who I imagined was about to visit me was different each time. Sometimes it was a stranger, sometimes someone I knew. Once, it was a girl with slim legs whom I'd dated in high school, and once it was myself, from a few years back, come to pay a visit. Another time, it was William Holden, with Jennifer Jones on his arm.

William Holden?

Not one of these people, however, actually ventured into my apartment. They hovered just outside the door, without knocking, like fragments of memory, and then slipped away.

>> No.11165661

Spring, summer, and fall, I cooked and cooked, as if cooking spaghetti were an act of revenge. Like a lonely, jilted girl throwing old love letters into the fireplace, I tossed one handful of spaghetti after another into the pot.

I'd gather up the trampled-down shadows of time, knead them into the shape of a German shepherd, toss them into the roiling water, and sprinkle them with salt. Then I'd hover over the pot, oversized chopsticks in hand, until the timer dinged its plaintive note.

Spaghetti strands are a crafty bunch, and I couldn't let them out of my sight. If I were to turn my back, they might well slip over the edge of the pot and vanish into the night. The night lay in silent ambush, hoping to waylay the prodigal strands.

Spaghetti alla parmigiana

Spaghetti alla napoletana

Spaghetti al cartoccio

Spaghetti aglio e olio

Spaghetti alla carbonara

Spaghetti della pina

And then there was the pitiful, nameless leftover spaghetti carelessly tossed into the fridge.

Born in heat, the strands of spaghetti washed down the river of 1971 and vanished.

I mourn them all -- all the spaghetti of the year 1971.

>> No.11165670

When the phone rang at 3:20 p.m. I was sprawled out on the tatami, staring at the ceiling. A pool of winter sunlight had formed in the place where I lay. Like a dead fly I lay there, vacant, in a December spotlight.

At first, I didn't recognize the sound as the phone ringing. It was more like an unfamiliar memory that had hesitantly slipped in between the layers of air. Finally, though, it began to take shape, and, in the end, a ringing phone was unmistakably what it was. It was one hundred per cent a phone ring in one-hundred-per-cent real air. Still sprawled out, I reached over and picked up the receiver.

On the other end was a girl, a girl so indistinct that, by four-thirty, she might very well have disappeared altogether. She was the ex-girlfriend of a friend of mine. Something had brought them together, this guy and this indistinct girl, and something had led them to break up. I had, I admit, reluctantly played a role in getting them together in the first place.

Sorry to bother you, she said, but do you know where he is now?

I looked at the phone, running my eyes along the length of the cord. The cord was, sure enough, attached to the phone. I managed a vague reply. There was something ominous in the girls voice, and whatever trouble was brewing I knew that I didn't want to get involved.

Nobody will tell me where he is, she said in a chilly tone. Everybody's pretending they don't know. But there's something important I have to tell him, so please tell me where he is. I promise I won't drag you into this. Where is he?

I honestly don't know, I told her. I haven't seen him in a long time. My voice didn't sound like my own. I was telling the truth about not having seen him for a long time, but not about the other part (I did know his address and phone number). Whenever I tell a lie, something weird happens to my voice.

No comment from her.

>> No.11165674

The phone was like a pillar of ice.

Then all the objects around me turned into pillars of ice, as if I were in a J. G. Ballard science-fiction story.

I really don't know, I repeated. He went away a long time ago, without saying a word.

The girl laughed. Give me a break. He's not that clever. We're talking about a guy who has to make a lot of noise no matter what he does.

She was right. The guy really was a bit of a dim bulb.

But I wasn't about to tell her where he was. Do that, and next I'd have him on the phone, giving me an earful. I was through with getting caught up in other peoples messes. I'd already dug a hole in the back yard and buried everything that needed to be buried in it. Nobody could ever dig it up again.

I'm sorry, I said.

You don't like me, do you? she said suddenly.

I had no idea what to say. I didn't particularly dislike her. I had no real impression of her at all. It's hard to have a bad impression of somebody you have no impression of.

I'm sorry, I said again. But I'm cooking spaghetti right now.

I'm sorry?

I said I'm cooking spaghetti, I lied. I had no idea why I said that. But the lie had already become a part of me -- so much so that, at that moment at least, it didn't feel like a lie at all.

I went ahead and filled an imaginary pot with imaginary water, lit an imaginary stove with an imaginary match.

So? she asked.

I sprinkled imaginary salt into the boiling water, gently lowered a handful of imaginary spaghetti into the imaginary pot, set the imaginary kitchen timer for eight minutes.

So I can't talk. The spaghetti will be ruined.

>> No.11165678

She didn't say anything.

I'm really sorry, but cooking spaghetti is a delicate operation.

The girl was silent. The phone in my hand began to freeze again.

So could you call me back? I added hurriedly.

Because youre in the middle of making spaghetti? she asked.


Are you making it for someone, or are you going to eat alone?

I'll eat it by myself, I said.

She held her breath for a long time, then slowly breathed out. Theres no way you could know this, but I'm really in trouble. I don't know what to do.

I'm sorry I can't help you, I said.

There's some money involved, too.

I see.

He owes me money, she said. I lent him some money. I shouldn't have, but I had to.

I was quiet for a minute, my thoughts drifting toward spaghetti. Im sorry, I said. But I've got the spaghetti going, so . . .

She gave a listless laugh. Goodbye, she said. Say hi to your spaghetti for me. I hope it turns out O.K.

Bye, I said.

>> No.11165683

When I hung up the phone, the circle of light on the floor had shifted an inch or two. I lay down again in that pool of light and resumed staring at the ceiling.

Thinking about spaghetti that boils eternally but is never done is a sad, sad thing.

Now I regret, a little, that I didn't tell the girl anything. Perhaps I should have. I mean, her ex-boyfriend wasn't much to start with -- an empty shell of a guy with artistic pretensions, a great talker whom nobody trusted. She sounded as if she really were strapped for money, and, no matter what the situation, you've got to pay back what you borrow.

Sometimes I wonder what happened to the girl -- the thought usually pops into my mind when I'm facing a steaming-hot plate of spaghetti. After she hung up the phone, did she disappear forever, sucked into the 4:30 p.m. shadows? Was I partly to blame?

I want you to understand my position, though. At the time, I didn't want to get involved with anyone. That's why I kept on cooking spaghetti, all by myself. In that huge pot, big enough to hold a German shepherd.

Durum semolina, golden wheat wafting in Italian fields.

Can you imagine how astonished the Italians would be if they knew that what they were exporting in 1971 was really *loneliness*?

>> No.11165695

So a frog hops into a bank. He gets in line for the teller windows, and eventually Betty Black, who had only been hired a week ago, calls him up to her window. He hops up onto the counter and croaks,

"I want a loan."

Now, Betty hadn't been working at the bank very long, but even with just one week of experience she was pretty sure they didn't usually serve animals there! So she stutters a little and finally responds, "But... but aren't you a frog?"

"Don't sass back to me!" the frog yells. "I'll have you know, Mick Jagger was my father! I don't have to take it!"

>> No.11165704

Of course, Betty is more confused than ever! But after a little more stuttering and looking around in confusion, she regains her composure and starts to process the frog's transaction. "Okay," she says, "I'll get you some forms to fill out, but first I need to know what collateral you'll be using. Is it an auto loan, or a mortgage, or...?"

The frog immediately produces an ODD TRINKET out of thin air. It's one of those porcelain elephants you sometimes see on mantlepieces, with a clock in its stomach. Betty stares at the object and asks, "what is this supposed to be, sir?"

"My collateral," says the frog, beginning to get annoyed.

"I'm sorry, but I'm sure we don't accept, er, whatever that is as..."

"Let me talk to your manager," shouts the frog.

>> No.11165710

So Betty sighs and leads the frog, who is now carrying his ODD TRINKET on his back, into the manager's office. The manager looks up from his desk, and asks Betty what the problem is.

"This frog is trying to borrow money, but he's being very unreasonable. He keeps claiming he's the son of Mick Jagger, and what's worse," she adds, pointing at the trinket, "he's trying to offer THAT thing as collateral. I don't even know what it's supposed to be."

The bank manager takes off his glasses, and looks at all the dramatis personae in turn: the teller, the frog, and the TRINKET. Finally, his gaze meets the teller's again, and he replies,

"It's a knick-knack, Betty Black. Give the frog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone."

>> No.11165743

Holy shit. He's still at it! What a fucking psycho.

I haven't seen someone rage this hard in years. Thanks for the entertainment, faggot.

>> No.11165754

Think of the level of rejection he must be feeling to sperg this hard. I can only imagine this is but one in a lifelong series of failures.

>> No.11165754,1 [INTERNAL] 

Next time don't include the pastebin, please. You should know better.

>> No.11165754,2 [INTERNAL] 

Oh god I am literally in tears laughing at this. Not at how mad he might be to spam but it just seams so absurdest really.

>> No.11165754,3 [INTERNAL] 

Please use the pastebin next time. It's very helpful.

>> No.11165754,4 [INTERNAL] 

I love how if you spam a thread enough, the janitor will get sick of cleaning it and just delete it, even if it's actual accepted /jp/ content.

>> No.11165754,5 [INTERNAL] 

I should have spammed that shitty cosplay thread that was mod protected then

>> No.11165754,6 [INTERNAL] 

Janny would have deleted the spam. Probably some wandering retard mod who saw all the reports.

>> No.11165754,7 [INTERNAL] 

He always does that. He cleans the thread for a while, then he gets sick of it and deletes the entire thread.

I've pointed it out in a few threads on warosu before, I believe.

>> No.11165754,8 [INTERNAL] 

Janitor burnout soon.

>> No.11165754,9 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking shut down /jp/, you aspies don't deserve it anymore.

>> No.11165754,10 [INTERNAL] 

Literally and unironically writing a huge essay on why /jp/ should be split into two after five years and sending it to moot.

>> No.11165754,11 [INTERNAL] 

*posts a reply, just for u*

>> No.11165754,12 [INTERNAL] 

>mail from gigs
into le trash it goes!

>> No.11165754,13 [INTERNAL] 

Post it here.

>> No.11165754,14 [INTERNAL] 

lol gigs!bar is getting owned in this thread get in here warusobros
