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11164528 No.11164528 [Reply] [Original]

And thus continues the seemingly bi-yearly revival of this long, difficult, and damn good Touhou RPG.

Previous thread:

>> No.11164532

Eh. Reisen is gamebreaking, Yuugi is great, Lithos is good, Remi is pretty bad, Cirno is fucking awful. Hit and miss.

>> No.11164535
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Taken from an anon in the previous thread:

Download link: http://www.4shared.com/folder/eAB1gLLj/GoSEng.html (ver 3.0, already with Eng patch)
Wiki page: http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/The_Genius_of_Sappheiros (contains lots of useful information)
Game tables, damage formulas and other in-depth stuff: http://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php/topic,10383.630.html (scroll down to the pastebin links)

If you don't want to deal with 4shared you can get the DL from doujinstyle and manually patch it. The latter of which can be grabbed here (at the bottom of the OP): http://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php/topic,10383.0.html

>> No.11164541

>Reisen is gamebreaking
Wait, is she seriously that good? And yeah it's clear that Cirno is fittingly shit. Well she can be useful in very situational circumstances I guess.

>> No.11164546

Oh yeah, unless you're the guy who won't use Byakuren or Satori.

>> No.11164609
File: 40 KB, 311x310, IT BEGINS2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is so addicting.

>> No.11164646

>ver 3.0
The last Weekend patch was 3.01, but I don't think it works with the English patch included on that one and I'm not even sure what the changes are. Is there really any difference?

>> No.11164789
File: 115 KB, 646x538, Reisen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reisen's spellcards gets extra slayers for when enemies are afflicted by status effects or variety effects. Her last spell notably gets slayers from both.

The damage done here probably would've been far more if it weren't for the damage cap.

Max water land water sworded physical attack buffed amp scrolled by Byakuren with hyper trigger and amp scroll on an enemy that's extremely weak to water, is a spirit which kusanagi slays, is put to sleep(sleep also apparently halves defense not that that enemy had any in the first place), and has 5 debuffs including both Satori's and Byakuren's defense debuffs with Sanae's commander buff.

I wanted Yuugi's Oni Roar, but she killed herself in one hit in the ripple formation. Reisen herself also has slayers for several different enemy types due to her growth trees, giants and transcendants stacking with kusanagi, but there aren't any that are particularly weak to an element or slash type damage.

>> No.11164798

Oh yeah, one of those enemies there wasn't asleep and wasn't defense debuffed by Byakuren so yeah, how much damage the one that did should've received I can only ponder.

>> No.11164907
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This makes sense.

>> No.11164995

She glitched out of the ether to pound into herself that she's shit. But seriously what.

Damn I can't remember if death is a permanent or quick effect. Shinigami formation and Sanae's res buff did little against Yuyuko. Youmu melted in three turns thanks to stuff like this though >>11164789 . 20,000 in one go isn't too shabby.

Anyways I'm temped to look at the damage formula and figure out exactly how much that would have done.

>> No.11165004
File: 120 KB, 641x480, wait what1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GoS is weird.

>> No.11165032

In a different zone too.

Also wondering if any of the expansion chars are necessary for bosses later on, or if some you can leave unlevelled. I have a few i want to level personally but otherwise id rather leave them for later.

>> No.11165077
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You can't do Yuugi's recruitment mission, which is actually stage 22, until you recruit everyone else.

>> No.11165166
File: 542 KB, 640x477, 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fffffuck. This party isn't the most ideal but I want it to work. Maybe I shouldn't kill Youmu as quickly so Yuyuko doesn't get pissed off.

>> No.11165170

Does anyone know where I can an english patched version of non-Weekend?

>> No.11165181

I imagine nyaa has it. I doubt pre-patched though, go the the shrinemaiden links to get the translation.

>> No.11165224

I just checked the accuracy of Remi's weapons. Damn. I wonder if she'd be better off using generics.

>> No.11165254
File: 198 KB, 1366x768, Handholding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been at this for the better part of an hour and I can't even get the files running. Help would be appreciated.

>> No.11165268

Craft the dead princess band and stick it on someone.

It's already an incredibly useful accessory in general scenarios as well due to the ubiquity of mind flayers and other things that inflict instant death annoyingly.

>> No.11165288
File: 45 KB, 628x396, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried running 東方蒼神縁起.exe?

everything looks like it's there correctly.

>> No.11165357

Try changing the name of the folder it is in into pure English as well as the name of the exe.

>> No.11165383
File: 124 KB, 850x612, sample-9c9cf10cf85e6ca2f274f1ad0d64dcfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck nuggets it worked. Much obliged mate.

>> No.11165400

It's an incredibly common error and is honestly the first thing something probably is if you're running a Japanese game in Japanese locale and everything looks like it should be working, but it's not.

>> No.11165442

Now then my question shifts over to game mechanics. Tips for beginners?

>> No.11165522

you... you double baka!!

>> No.11165535

If you want a far easier time in the beginning then get Mokou and Byakuren. You can get them prior to the first stage far before they show up in the story. Also easy mode is apparently on by default so go into options to turn that off.

For Mokou, simply look for her in the bamboo forest and take the directions every gamer knows by heart.

For Byakuren, wait an hour. Literally, just wait an hour for her at her temple.

For actual tips, make sure to distribute your growth points and redistribute(you can always do this when ever and where ever at no cost) points as the situation sees fit. Buffs and debuffs are actually very damn useful in this game. Do not be afraid to run from fights you are not confident you will win. Also status effects can and will wreck you if you let them.

A brief description of each character's role.
Reimu: Magical light attacker, healer, and defensive support
Marisa: Magic attacker
Aya: Turn manipulation and eventually evasive tank
Sanae: Healing and buffing support
Mokou: Melee DPS, status inflicter, and bulk, can be used to tank before you get Alice due to her high HP
Byakuren: Light and dark magic attacker, status inflicter, and above all else a buffer and debuffer, also quite bulky if you craft her higher tier scrolls
Patchouli: Land manipulation and elemental magic attacker
Sakuya: Melee DPS and instant death inflicter, also has field spells and her time stop ability
Nitori: Elemental melee DPS, has the ability to follow up on party member's attacks of the appropriate element when using her chaser abilities
Alice: Tank, most useful character in game quite possibly
Satori: Anything and everything, well except for tank. She's the blue mage of the game and can learn nearly every enemy ability in the game. At her core though she has several debuffs and status inflicting spells if she hasn't learned anything from any enemies.
Youmu: Melee DPS and instant death inflicter

>> No.11165531

Hold shift for focused movement.

>> No.11166207 [SPOILER] 
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Thanks for sparing me the effort of having to do it myself!

Neat fight, although I don't much appreciate mandatory character swaps. Pain Bond was the problem here! Is Disaster Blade any decent?

>> No.11166240

It's shit. You'll kill yourself with it since you take 33% damage from your own attacks. It's damage is way too low to ever justify killing your own characters.

>> No.11166251


Sounds like a candidate for worst item in the game then!

>> No.11166492


>> No.11166923
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I didn't have the needed equipment and was too lazy to find out what dropped it. Made it work anyways! Playing without Alice made things interesting. Mokou's possessed by phoenix was pivotal in buying enough time to allow Byakuren and Sanae to get debuffs and buffs in place, respectively. Once the debuffs in particular were down things went well and res up + status enhance was enough to prevent mass death. Probably wouldn't have won without a timely Mokou's last word, though.

Make sure you understand the status system. IND is one's ability to inflict status and RES is one's ability to resist status. You'll come to appreciate this when you encounter mind-flayers. In some instances Sanae's RES buff is a necessity. Also instant death is considered a status. Threw me off at first.

Oh, also shields are pretty unique. The EVA stat is the chance of them proccing, and when the do they add their defensive stats to your character. They can't be used if you're in the middle of casting magic,though

>> No.11166942
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I'm going to use this as an excuse to post this again.

>> No.11166992

One of a handful of RPGs that actually make me enjoy searching for materials and getting new items.

>> No.11167074

Does anyone have a link to that video that shows someone repeatedly completing the Rumia quest by running from her?

>> No.11167089

Much appreciated!

>> No.11167184


>> No.11167252

Thanks. I'm not sure if I want to abuse this or not.

>> No.11167256
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>> No.11167697

How would one go about making sure a Yukkuri doesn't run? Aya has something to do with it from what I can tell. I just can't seem to figure out what that exactly is though.

>> No.11167767

Yes! You did it again! I am pleased!
Defense values (divided by two, I think), are subtracted from the opposing attack. That is, a physical attack that deals a 100 damage on a 100 defense character, will reduce the damage by 50 points. The resistance modifier (fire and the like) is calculated BEFORE defense, and hitting a weakness will let you bypass a lot of defense this way.
Shields can activate, if the shield's description lists the attack type, and the character isn't currently using a spell or a two handed weapon. They can use a shield after they've swung their weapon or casted a spell, though!
When the shield activates (the chance is listed as EVA on the shield), it adds its defense values and other attributes for that particular attack.
With this information, choosing the correct shield can often reduce damage down to ZERO.
Alice's Parrar abilities allows her to lend her shield to other characters for limited activations, and her growth tree allows her to enhance this, and her shield, making her an exceptional tank, to the point it's assumed everyone uses her.

>> No.11167770

pls no bully.

>> No.11167819
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Tenshi needed to be in this game more.

>> No.11167852
File: 105 KB, 641x479, please be a sequel hook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this needed to be the real sequel.
Weren't these guys making a new game or something? I hope it's this.

>> No.11167877

Abuse it. It's either that or doing each quest again and again until you have enough material for everything. I did it for every character's best weapon before using the glitch. It takes forever because you can't repeat them right away. It's not like you are breaking the game. You just reduce grinding a little.

>> No.11167940

Trailer for the new game shows no Tenko, so she probably is just a boss again.

>> No.11167943

They're always making new games. They have one planned for summer and one for winter. In a couple of days they will show us the game they have scheduled for summer comiket. The winter game was the one they showed off in April.

>> No.11167958

You can't ensure it doesn't run, but you can ensure you attack before it does. You can do this through Aya's commander bomb or her skill that lets everyone go first. Outside of that use multihit or powerful single target attacks and buff accuracy when possible.

>> No.11167998


Whatever it's going to be it looks great so far. Speaking of their series do Lithos and crew make a return in DoD?

>> No.11168332

Nope. New characters. In the expansion, familiar characters (Mystic Square characters and also Mima) and the final boss pre-expansion will become a playable character.

>> No.11168536

>The resistance modifier (fire and the like) is calculated BEFORE defense
No, it's not, stop that. This is like 4th thread where you say this, but IT'S NOT TRUE. And information on touhouwiki about that is not right too.
Elemental resistance modifiers are calculated AFTER defence. Always after.
If anyone is registered on touhouwiki, please fix that info.

>> No.11168958

Ugh, fuck I figured Okuu's mega flare would be considered fire element. Guess not. So what is it though? Mystic? Void?

>> No.11168998

Mystic. Mega Flare's source is nuclear fusion, not some shitty rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion.

>> No.11169085
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Thanks. I slapped a Maki ring on Alice but was able to avoid it altogether this time. Using sub-optimal teams is pretty fun.

>> No.11169134

Does Nitori's chaser damage based on magic or physical during followup?

>> No.11169139

Everything she does is physical.

>> No.11169339
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So this guy is kind of annoying. Biggest chance-plays of my life, and sadly nothing has gone my way so far!


>Using sub-optimal teams is pretty fun.

Yes, it most certainly is!

>> No.11169431

It's not a drop and you might already have it equipped somewhere.

It's literally in a chest to the left at the beginning of the netherworld stage the first time around.

>> No.11169497

son of a bitch I somehow missed it

>> No.11169591

What does POT?

>> No.11169599

The chance of getting a critical hit. Maybe other stuff too, not sure.

>> No.11169651

Tell me when you beat the final (expansion) boss. I suck at figuring things out, and even if I crafted some nice items I can't beat put up a good strategy.

>> No.11169749

Oh hey the new battle music in the expansion is pretty great.

>> No.11169878
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I knew those things from Aku no Hana seemed familiar..

>> No.11169894

How is it wielding a cudgel? Does it float in front of it or something?

>> No.11169946

I sufficiently large penis could be used as a cudgel.

>> No.11170943


But of course! I'll probably reach it later today, so I'll be sure to post the whole process!

>> No.11170953

Put Sakuya and any non-essential members on the 1st party with Aya as Commander. Make sure Aya has 12 bombs to have Sakuya use PS 4 times. 2nd party would be mostly your magic users and Sanae except Reisen since the boss can be debuffed. Use fire magic to destroy the summons and Marisa to get rid of the panels. To make it alot easier, poison the boss using Sanae's snake weapon which the boss will take 4000 damage each turn without the panels. 3rd phase would be Lithos for CS, Alice for shielding, Reimu for heals/support attacker, Byakuren with accuracy and attack buffs, and Youmu with the Ultima Weapon equipped. Figure out the rest.

>> No.11171101
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ha, I found this to be amusing

>> No.11171241
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There doesn't seem to be enough damage-to-mana effiency. Any tips?

>> No.11171304
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Well that was pretty easy. Reimu did a shit-ton of damage just spamming Fantasy Heaven with her penultimate weapon.

>> No.11171685

It isn't? I swear it was, I'm sorry if I'm this misinformed.

>> No.11171707

>For Mokou, simply look for her in the bamboo forest and take the directions every gamer knows by heart.
Please tell me what it is. I always run into these damn mazes and they drive me crazy.

>> No.11171716

Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start.

>> No.11171741

Yes, seriously. How the hell am I supposed to figure that out?
Anyway thanks a lot.

>> No.11171744

It's the konami code

>> No.11171833

Underage much?

>> No.11171843

I never cared much for those kind of games.

>> No.11171855

>Those kinds of games
>Still doesn't know what he's talking about

>> No.11171865


This whole "you don't know the Konami code you have to be underage/casual" thing is getting on my nerves. What is it about this bland phenomenon people find so intriguing?

>> No.11171871

We call them here "secondaries" you filthy crossboarder.

>> No.11171872

Well, if you're an Amerifag, lack of knowledge about the Konami code shows a likeliness that said person was born after the 90s.

>> No.11171881


No you don't.


And if you're not an American?

>> No.11171886

Well I don't have any experience to tell you that, though I imagine the same might apply to a lesser extent.

>> No.11171890

>Implying that the majority of this board is not American weebs/otaku

>> No.11171906


Maybe so. Regardless, why is not knowing the code a bad thing?


That's actually a good point.

>> No.11171913

I've never thought of it as a 'bad' thing, though it is one of those cultural memes which is more expected to be understood in a place like this.

>> No.11171974

I think you might have the wrong board.

>> No.11171977

wrong tab, I'm an idiot.

>> No.11171982


Mm, phrased like that I suppose I can see the logic in it. 4chan is a hivemind after all.

>> No.11171998

How do I get more diamonds I looked on the wiki, but it seemed you can't get anymore until you get to weekends. Is that true?

>> No.11172026

Yup. Just like how each board is a collective.

>> No.11172176

Ha, it's nice. Few games would do that.

>> No.11172444


Sorted the damage problems. Now the only issue is focusing for 25 minutes at a time and remembering to Little Legion the Tsunami of Hades(although I don't know wether that will actually work yet). This fight is such a bother!

>> No.11173661

Focus was a problem for me with the pre-expansion final boss. Phase 1 took ages and I'd do something stupid by the time I was in phase 3.

>> No.11173666

Why is this game so mean to Satori?

>> No.11173676

She was beat up, kidnapped, turned out to be mostly useless and was treated as such, and in the original release required extreme grinding to learn anything.

Though she apparently found value in it overall and was willing to help out again. I don't recall why she agreed to.

>> No.11173701
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I know, right? Even the gameplay is a dick to her and encourages you to get her hit with as many nasty, painful-sounding attacks as possible.
Hell, before your party shows up, she's trying to figure out how to make ends meet money-wise.

>> No.11173731
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She is the law.

>> No.11173787

The game's story is pretty much the most excuse plot of excuse plots and the characterization and dialogue is pretty much non-existent for the most part regarding the actual playable touhous. If there's one major flaw to this game I'd say it's that.

Also Satori's mind reading is simply nerfed into worthlessness making the actual reason she was recruited in the first place null. I don't remember if there was ever an explanation for why so many of the boss's could simply just ignore it.

>> No.11173816

Well if someone such as me that's from a third world country knew it.

>> No.11173866
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True, it's extremely bare-bones. At least the main 3 OC's were tolerable. The explanation for Satori's uselessness was that powerful opponents could "close their hearts" at whim. Of course this ended up being everyone important.

As you said this is pretty much the only flaw. I continually reflect on how impressive this game is for a doujin title. So much content, great game mechanics, and (generally) superbly balanced and unique characters. It's probably my favorite RPG.

To balance that praise have a random glitch. The functional healing circle is actually where I'm standing.

>> No.11173871
File: 479 KB, 639x480, gungnir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remilia reunites with her classic weapon. Holy shit that attack. I really wonder if I should just stick with this. Her specific weapon's have such terrible accuracy.

>> No.11174043

I wouldn't count it as a flaw, honestly. They never set out to tell a story. It's a game, with some text to justify the characters' journey. Of course it plays on Touhou and its enormously rich pre-established background; it wouldn't be acceptable for an original RPG. But it worked as it is.

I don't know what I'm going to do after I beat the expansion's final boss. All the other RPGs play like shit after this.

>> No.11174079

Does anyone have a map of the last forest of magic? The one with the pipes.

I have a silver key and I just can't find the chest. I found it when I didn't have the key but now I can't.

>> No.11174088
File: 492 KB, 637x478, Take_Nitori_Out_She_Sucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, what do.

I've been have a hard to in figuring out what to do or who to use against Komachi.

My original team was Sayuka/Aya/Marisa/Nitori/ Patchouli and Sanea as the Leader.
I've swapped Patchouli out for Alice because I've heard she's really great in protecting allies against attacks.
It's helped more then before; but I'm still having trouble bringing her down. It ain't the instant-death either, it's that damn money spell that always kills my team.

All I end up doing anyway is spamming Marisa's master spark spell and hoping I win. You can probably tell that's getting me nowhere anytime soon.

Any tips are much appropriated.

>> No.11174113
File: 137 KB, 700x900, 36865877_big_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are in a pinch, read the walkthrough http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/The_Genius_of_Sappheiros/Walkthrough/Stage_7

Usually I just check the boss stats and figure it. Since Komachi is weak to light and earth and have MDef, try using Reimu and Pachy as your damage dealers, Nitori does physical elemental attacks and she don't have earth element, same with Marisa. Also spam Marionette parrar with Alice and buff MAttk, RES and maybe PDef with Sanae

>> No.11174115

Weak to earth and light. Figure out the rest

>> No.11174119
File: 237 KB, 1000x1000, 1313889107843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much! I didn't know this game was well known enough to have a wiki.

Hopefully I can somewhere with this now.

>> No.11174128

It's not, touhou itself has a wiki that has a section and walkthrough for this fangame. Then again that's a far cry above most fangames.

>> No.11174136

Boost light land power a lot and money from yesterday will stop raping you.

>> No.11174184
File: 502 KB, 635x474, And_they_say_status_effects_suck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK... You wouldn't believe it ...
But I won because of poison.


Aya, I love you and your poison.
I was so sad to see you die in the fight.

I'm starting to think Alice is broken with that shield move, especially when all she did was that stupid coin move over and over again at the end.

>> No.11174202

Alice is the most important party member in the game. Just having her in the party covers a lot of weaknesses and lets you use whoever you want for a lot fights.

>> No.11174208


It's probably just me but I don't get Alice. I know what her role is but I'm not sure how well she's doing it. Last time I played I ran Reimu, Sakuya, Sanae, Youmu and Satori and did pretty fine. Then again that was months ago and I quit at stage 18 like I always do.

>> No.11174210

Main tank, covering people and all that.

>> No.11174218


Oh I know what she does, but last time I tried her I didn't feel particularly more effective as a team. But then again I don't really get a lot of characters, Patchy and Aya left me stumped too.

>> No.11174224

Alice has two main skills, Marionette Parrar and Little Legion.

Marionette Parrar blocks everyone in a row using the stats of whatever shield Alice is equipped with. So whatever shield Alice is using determines how effective it will be.

Little Legion makes every enemy hit target her instead, and uses her defense and shield stats rather than her ally's. For instance, if a boss were to use an attack that targets all 5 party members, Alice would take all 5 hits. Due to her high hp and defense, this is usually a lot better than letting other party members get hit. It unfortunately takes a bomb to use and has a one turn cooldown.

Both moves always goes first, the only moves faster than it are the commander support skills. She has a few other skills, but these are the two you'd be using for the most part.

>> No.11174230

Without Alice, any strong enemy later in the game will pretty much beat up your party without anything stopping him. Most characters die quickly if not covered by Alice.

>> No.11174235

Oh yeah, forgot a general tip for this game, this is one of those rare amazing RPGs where all the status effects are just as useful to you as they are to the enemy. Also, some bosses have some surprising vulnerabilities.

Poison can become venom which can then become toxic if you stack your IND high enough and use a strong poison move.

Permanents(a character may only ever be affected by one permanent at any time):
Restriction statuses:
Confusion, all spellcard skills fail.
Blind, all physical skills fail.
Silence, all magical skills fail.
Great Confusion: ALL skills fail.

Disabled statuses(the character can't do anything when afflicted):
Sleep, if hit will be woken up, may wear off.
Paralyze, may wear off.
Petrify, will NOT wear off. Counts as a wipe if your entire party is afflicted by it.

Mind controlling statuses:
Berserk, standard berserk, will only use regular attacks and defensive stats are lowered.
Charm, if hit will be knocked out of, will randomly attack own team or heal the enemy's.
Control, if hit will be knocked out of, actually decide yourself what the enemy does with their turn.

If you have Mokou, it's very notable that her each of her crafted weapons inflict a status effect at a ludicrous rate making her fists one of the best craftable weapons during the main game.

Byakuren also has several moves that deal status effects including the one normal move that actually inflict control in the game, the other being Satori's last word.

>> No.11174260

Patchy is the land manipulator of the game raising the elements of the field to your advantage or the enemy's disadvantage.

She's also the only character who's naturally capable of casting every type of elemental spell.

She can also be rebuilt into a physical attacker if you need another for whatever reason.

Aya is turn manipulation and eventually a dodge tank. Early on though, her only real offensive prowess is inflicting status effects which she can do decently for a while with her beak skills and the axes that can inflict instant death. Her commander role is one of the most useful of all the commanders.

She is also optimal for yukkuri hunting when you want to grind since she can completely prevent surprise attacks and force your characters to attack before the yukkuris run away.

I suggest you start the game again, but get Byakuren and Mokou at the start and learn to level and use every character equally as you get them. It's a far fuller experience when you start experimenting with party compositions and builds.

Also make sure easy mode is off.

>> No.11174271

Getting the easy mode characters at the start leads to a fuller experience?

>> No.11174287

They're fun and give more options. They make the experience much easier, but in a more tools method.

Not like easy mode which is just numbers adjustment.

>> No.11174288


They tend to do that either way if I screw up. Even in 18 she wasn't doing much, man I hated that stage.


I see, I'm thinking purely on damage. I didn't like how weak Patchy felt in comparison to Marisa or Satori, and Aya I only ever used for yukkuri killing. Might just be using the wrong mindset, considering I like running Reimu and Sanae together.

>> No.11174355

Mokou can solo the first few stages. She's far to strong a tool to have from the start.

>> No.11174360

Really? Patchy throws aoe like no tomorrow and hits four elements regularly, hitting tons of weaknesses. She's a damage machine.

>> No.11174361
File: 113 KB, 646x538, Ice Falchion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you also ignore buffs too? Like Byakuren's swords and single target attack buffs?

Because if you are, you're missing out on a shit ton of damage.

Patchouli's main use of boosting land elements can increase your damage heavily while neutering the enemy. Going back to the first stage, her first water falchion in totally normal conditions does about 5k damage. If you have her use her water field spell and land amp water, her damage doubles.

The main thing here is that the land also not only affects Patchouli, but any other elemental attacks as well. Marisa's water spells will be empowered as well as any Satori knows. Nitori using enwatered bullets will hit harder. And if the enemy is using fire elemental attacks, his attacks are greatly nerfed and some of his more powerful moves will become entirely unusable due to the land status.

Also, another side note, this party build is especially made for Nitori to abuse early game. You can max Nitori's chasers, have every character use an elemental attack, and then have Nitori follow up with the appropriate chaser. The biggest part about this is if the attack was a multi target attack, Nitori will multi target attack as well and her attacks are the same element of whatever she chases as well.

>> No.11174379


I couldn't get her to outperform Marisa or Satori even while hitting weaknesses. She tended to hit about 200-500, maybe 1000 on a good day. It was kind of confusing.


No, I use buffs, but my only real problem is that Sanae has very limited skill slots, I like her revive and various healing skills but I also like having room to pump Sakuya and Youmu with some extra muscle.

>> No.11174387

You can potentially play entire stages with only Alice and one other character in the party while Alice continually covers the other one with london dolls.

Just because she's strong doesn't mean she's infallible or perfect for every situation or that she need be used for every situation.

>> No.11174389

My usual Sanae has a single-target heal and either her rez or a group heal. Leaves four slots for buffs, which is plenty.

Patchy performing so weakly is strange; she absolutely shouldn't be outdamaged by Satori of all people. Do you mean on single target or multi target? What spells were they using?

>> No.11174392

I'm not buying it.
She joins at level one in stage 9 and can immediately perform adequately in the physical party. She's to strong.

>> No.11174393

Were you actually giving her a powerful staff and building her growth trees appropriately?

Also Sanae's offensive buffs are not anywhere nearly as good as Byakuren's. Her defensive one's get more use due to hitting the whole party, but Byakuren attack buffing your most hard hitting party member is likely to be equal to the overall increase in damage by Sanae's party wide attack buff. Then Byakuren can debuff the enemy's defenses(both magic and physical since they're roll into one move)to have what is essentially a party wide magic and attack buff if fighting a single enemy.

>> No.11174398

it's not hitting weaknesses, it's changing the land to make an element stronger AND weaken it's opposite.

for big things where fights last long enough to move the land more than 1-2 places before the fight ends, this will easily make that element deal 2x damage while it's opposite deals .5x damage.

combine it with another caster and nitori's chasing, and you can set up a 1-round wonder on anything with an elemental weakness.

>> No.11174406


I think I usually had two slots for Sanae, I had the bombless heal, two party heals based on bomb usage, revival, and status heal. Probably went overboard but I like being prepared. As for Patchy, I had her use whatever bombless spells she had, with the occasional Silent Selene or Philosopher's Stone or whatever. Satori had Tornado or various multi-target spells although she was pretty weak until stage 10 or so.

>> No.11174427
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Okay, I tried starting a new game and attempting to solo the first stage with Mokou.

She dies in a single ice chill and she can't one shot fairies unless she uses her bomb which she only has enough MP to use once.

Though I did come to the conclusion she was invincible to physical attacks due to being a heavy armor character. Still those floating eyes cast destruction beam, there are water elemental specific enemies in the library, and she has no magic defense.

Mokou has her strengths and she has a very obvious weakness, water attacks and magical damage in general like all the physical attackers in the game.

>> No.11175261

>I suggest you start the game again, but get Byakuren and Mokou.

I wouldn't go that far. It's really not a big deal and most people have gotten them late. In weekend it's trivial to raise weak characters anyways.

Also any tips in finding Kaguya in her quest? It sounds like she roams the entirety of inner Eientei, which I'm kinda hoping is not the case.

>> No.11175276
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That took too long. One of the most tedious fights in the game in my opinion! I mistimed Tsunami of Hades completely, so only Alice and Sanae remained. The big comebacks occured though, and the final stage awaits!

I bet the boss will have party splits again.

>> No.11175281


>> No.11175297


I was hoping to finish this game by tomorrow. Guess I'll have to use next week too then!

>> No.11175363

I think she tends to spawn in the map before the boss room. That's at least how I recall.

>> No.11175953

I see some weapons mention that they are "long-ranged". Does this actually mean anything?

>> No.11176232

Oh fuck me. This entire time I've been trying to avoid battles for the whole dungeon. All you need to do is avoid them for the particular map, if that. Ah well. Now what the hell am I going to do with 19 of Sanae's items?

And hey, if the opponent isn't heavily water resistant Cirno has the strongest weapon in the game. Pity her strength is garbage.

>> No.11176240

yeah, I'm pretty sure you don't have to avoid shit.

>> No.11176255

Some guy in an old thread got all the way up to Yuyuko and Youmu with just Mokou before he stopped playing.

>> No.11176480

You better start crafting those ultimate weapons now or you're gonna have a hell of a time. Also, have you farmed for some Obsidian or Super Aja yet?

>> No.11176491

Im fighting Flan and remi, and for some reason Aya's illusionary dominance doesn't make my chars attack first. Is there something im missing or is this just a bug.

>> No.11176522

Illusionary dominance just adds an enormous amount of speed, I think. Some really, really slow spells will still slow down your characters enough to not go first, and visa versa for enemies. Remi is fast and has some fast-casting stuff, iirc.

>> No.11176527
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Aye, I did look at the weapons, but I settled for some armor for now. I tried the Obsidian quest, but it's going to take a good amount of tries because of his massive EVA. As for the Super Aja quest, I did one try in which everyone got hit for 1.5k and died on the first turn. Guessing Aya will be of tremendous use here. Will start the grind soon!

What does Parrar Defenses +2 refer to? And speaking of the Super Aja boss, could Alice tank with Little Legion and these accesories or would the Slayer effects still make the damage too high?

>> No.11176533
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Super Aja quest demands one of certain setups and is very, very unforgiving if you screw up at any point during the battle.

>> No.11176543

She takes like 2 digit damage from each 5 hits she takes with my Regalia + Milky Way Curtain 3 and 4 equipped and A. Muscle equipped as well.

>> No.11176575


That's a yes then!


If this "demanded" setup is the one depicted I need to know wether it's 100% impossible to do it without it so I know wether or not I should scrap the whole Super Aja altogether.

>> No.11176678

There are two ways to do the fight:
1: Debuff his attack and he'll do 0 damage to anyone. Is luck based because even though he has 0 RES, your debuffs can still fail and he sometimes dispells them too.

2: Give Alice maximum Stab and MYS res and as much health regen as possible. Have her cover someone with good Elec attacks every turn and just keep attacking until you have won. Very item dependent but is a 100% way to win if set up right.

Maybe there is some other way, but those are the ones i used.

>> No.11176705


Ah, excellent. I'll be sure to use the second one.

>> No.11176807
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How post picture?
Anyway; it's official.

Alice makes all bosses EASY MODO.
It only took my 2nd try to defeat these two.

I actually got around to getting Moukou and she seems to lack the power I was hoping she would have. Even Nitori is giving off more power then she is giving.
Of course, she 's only level 15 right now, but I was hoping for a bit more.

I'll see what she has to give later on. I love to keep her in my party just for her Revive ability.

>> No.11176868
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Just defeated my first Terminator. And I don't even have recipes to use that Super Aja yet.
In the 1st turn I debuffed his PATK and ACC and in the 2nd I used Byakuren's RES buff on him. First Vortex didn't dispell any of his debuffs, second Vortex dispelled only PATK down. With Sanae's EVA buff he missed all his attacks.
Also I find it funny how Reisen does 0 dmg in the 1st turn and then 50k with full buff.
I like you.
"Hey, that boss is weak to elemental damage. Time for Patchy, Marisa and Nitori".
"Hey, that boss sometimes casts extremely strong attack that kills everyone. Alice and Reimu, protect me with your Little Legion and Super Duplex Barrier".
"Hey, that boss has extremely strong status effects. Time for your RES buffs, Sanae".
"Hey, that boss is weak to status effects. What, really? Time to grind more! Fucking Satori, so overpowered!".

>> No.11176892

Is it just me or does Remi seem to attract more Yukkuri? I also noticed in weekend that when Aya's in the party I get more preemptive strikes.

And could someone help this poor moron locate Remilia's quest's monsters? In the previous thread this was stated:
>The entrance to Stage 20. It's either on the left or right. End of story
I've been all across both the left and right sides (team B and C) of stage 20 but haven't seen anything. I'm sure I'm missing something really stupid here.

Yeah, at first Mokou is more useful as a commander, her skills there are excellent. In the future she'll become one of your strongest physical attackers. I think her STR growth is very good?


>> No.11176932

Was he literally running from every fight that contained a troublesome enemy, grinding Mokou heavily, playing on weekend where dying randomly didn't set you back anything, or playing on easy mode?

I don't see how he could simultaneously protect Mokou from all sorts of magical damage and status effects if he was just using her solo. I could see him equipping Mokou with all the elemental rings that are not of fire in the second stage, but still, her MDef will be lacking and there's still the question of protecting her from status effects.

>> No.11177117


The way you write that makes me seem like some sort of chum! I'd gladly use Satori and Byakuren if it weren't for the fact that I got this far without them, so I use what I have!

>> No.11177720

holy SHIT I'm retarded. Nevermind.

>> No.11179650
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Well now, that was really rather easy. The only potential problem is that Vortex occasionally dispels Xu-Fu's Dimension, but it generally goes okay. With Mokou's revival tree maxed and Aya as commander, it's no problem reapplying it.

The accesories I used were Makai Ring, Spearmaster's Proof, and Indefatigable Earrings IV.

>> No.11179674

funny method to ensure that the MKII doesn't vortex itself: apply Byakuren's RES buff to it after debuffing it. With enough damage it should fall before the debuffs are gone.

>> No.11180056

If you have the right items it's impossible to lose. Sacred Clothes + Amukihaha's Amulet + Vivian's Excalibur gives you more health regen than you will ever need.

>> No.11180059
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>> No.11180154


Ooh, very nice. If I had any of those items I would have used them instead!

>> No.11180446

Getting pendragon to drop excalibur is a bitch.

>> No.11180577

To add more salt to the wound, I used Mokou's glove skill to lower the fucker's induction then apply RES buff on him. My highest damage recorded on this guy is 71k from a crit Knockout in 3 steps.

>> No.11180647

To anyone who doesn't know, an IND of 100 will max out the strength of a buff/debuff.

>> No.11180725

I'll just add that IND over 100 still counts toward your chance of placing a negative status effect.

More details in http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=xYA5DiTG (it's a pastebin from the 3rd link in the 3rd post of the thread).
I think someone should move all that info from pastebins to the wiki.

>> No.11181644
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>> No.11181676
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>> No.11181716

holy hell byakuren you have near 200 IND land some debuffs already

>> No.11181733

Enemies can have resistances towards particular statuses on top of their res making even what should be successful debuffs into % chances.

Of particular note is enervate and all stat down which a lot more things have natural resistance too.

Other more specific debuffs however don't have this problem as much.

>> No.11181765

I figured as much. The thing is I can't seem to land Hijiri's attack debuff with 238 damn IND. Satori and Reisen aren't having this problem but their stuff isn't near as effective. Granted this team I'm using is stupid all-or-nothing stuff and I should probably figure something else out/read the thread instead of brute-forcing this.

>> No.11181793
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Finally. Next time I'll put more thought into it so it's not as much as a crapshoot.

>> No.11181874
File: 287 KB, 1288x538, TerminatorTerminated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to defeat it really consistently then go all in on evasion.

Get Satori and Byakuren's IND above 100, but try not to sacrifice Satori's damage or Byakuren's buffing either. Launch earrings are excellent for this purpose if you've crafted the fourth and fifth one which I really recommend.

Now, also, if you've built Aya's evasion already, take away her untouchable goggles and give them to other characters, she'll already dodge everything anyways. Have her illusionary dominance first turn so Satori and Byakuren can get their accuracy debuffs and Sanae buff evasion. If anybody dies on the first turn, just run and retry.

Don't bother with attack debuffs, simply have Satori layer everybody with a starlight barrier and that should be enough as well as lead shield to patch up any stray hits. Mad Thunder is better for this fight than medoroa.

I forgot to bring perfect resist for this fight, but in the end that ended up being lucky since Satori learned it and it never managed to use it successfully on anybody besides her.

>> No.11181879

Ah, messed up the last sentence, I meant Satori learned vortex successfully, but then again that doesn't really have anything to do with not bringing perfect resist to the fight.

>> No.11182098
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How the hell am I supposed to survive Yuyuko's deathblow?

>> No.11182213

Alice little legioning, Xufu's on somebody, Mokou using her 3 bomb commander ability, or equipping somebody with the dead princess band.

>> No.11182336

TL2 demo is up. I know some of you might want this.

>> No.11182345

sakuya's timestop

>> No.11182349
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I forgot to mention it's the newer version.

>> No.11182916

Thanks for the tips. I'll try that approach next time.

Damn finding those mini-bosses in stage 21 is a pain in the ass.

>> No.11183105

What weapon did your Reisen have equipped? I was doing about half that damage with Kusanagi.

>> No.11183108

Making your grindan alot easier

>> No.11183118

Yes, that is a useful resource. The problem is that their spawn rates are so low.

>> No.11183123

So are you pre-expansion or at the expansion? You can hunt for them easy during the expansion by selecting any quest on the bulletin board. What this does is it makes all enemies respawn in every dungeon.

>> No.11183158

>What this does is it makes all enemies respawn in every dungeon.

Huh, I wasn't aware of that. I've just been going to the appropriate area and pressing F12 if I don't run across what I'm looking for though.

>> No.11183313

Anybody here want to explain how Patchy's Active Elemental skill works? I'd assume it has something to do with elemental attacks (no fucking duh.) but I don't quite get it.

>> No.11183321

It raises the land power of the element you select. Assuming you're not familiar with that mechanic, the more a certain element is used in battle the more the land power shifts towards it and the stronger it becomes while it's opposite becomes weaker. So if you use a bunch of fire attacks fire will strengthened while water will be neutered.

>> No.11183413
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Finished grinding Super Aja and other mats and finally set foot into the final level! If only I had known this is basically welfare items - the level.

Is the final-tier armor generally worth creating for everyone? Remi's and Patchy's(to mention a couple) seem very underwhelming.

>> No.11183867
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Something like this. I don't remember what I used as 3rd accessory.
Sanae's Wind of Miracles + Byakuren's PATK buff + Byakuren's Up All.
The secret is that Reisen's two-bomb spellcard deals additional slayer damage for every status effect. So debuff him with everything you have. Even poison.

>> No.11183897
File: 290 KB, 637x473, bulllllshiiiiiiit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The secret is that Reisen's two-bomb spellcard deals additional slayer damage for every status effect. So debuff him with everything you have.

Nice, I wasn't aware of that either. I'm going to try that out right now.

Also this quest is bullshit.

>> No.11184053
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That evasion strategy does work pretty nicely. The revival redundancy (Mokou commander) and starlight barrier helps as well.

>> No.11184234

Single worst quest in the game. Get the dagger that inflicts silence and hope it sticks.

>> No.11184261

That's what I did. After two silences it's difficult to land another due to status mechanics, though. I just buffed my res and got lucky on my 3rd attempt.

>> No.11184565

Whenever I see this thread, I want to cry. I lost my save file after I did a reformat and forgot to back it up. Anyone have a save file near the underwater temple where you split into 3 team? I'd love to pick this back up but I kind of don't want to go through 17 stages again just to get back to that spot

>> No.11184585

I have one at the end of stage 16, do you want it?

>> No.11184611

sure. Better than nothing and I think i remember the stages before weren't too bad

>> No.11184665


Here you go.
Though you really should restart in my opinion, but try to use different setups rather than the same thing you did before (like physical Marisa and Patchy or death Sakuya), it becomes a lot more interesting.

>> No.11184720

thank alot. Unfortunately, tossing another 50ish hours to get back to where I was is a bit much. If it was like half a year ago since I played then sure but I still remember the story very well

>> No.11184909

Labyrinth of Touhou?
I still can't beat **WINNER**

>> No.11185003
File: 1.35 MB, 1085x1533, tq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, last night Strawberry Bose showed off their new game too.

>> No.11185117


That looks interesting. Has it been in development for long?

>> No.11185473

Could anyone please give me a good strategy for the main game final bosses? I tried it once and got demolished when they summoned Matsuba and Chihiro in Phase 1. The fact that they keep switching makes it very hard on me as well. And this is just phase 1! I can do some grinding and Satori skill learning if needed.

>> No.11185979
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If they summon a boss it's probably best to just start over.

You should check out the last thread, it had some good discussion on this topic. This post would be a good starting point: https://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/11122478/#q11143746

>> No.11188157

Remilia's armors in particular seem inferior. She's already extremely fast. Patchy's magic reflect is cool I guess? Probably more of a gimmick than anything else. More bombs are always nice though.

>> No.11188622
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Exactly what I was thinking too. I'll probably end up just getting Sakuya's and Marisa's and possibly Mokou's as well, depending on who I need to use for the final battle. Can't say I approve of the reference on Sakuya's armor, but if ZUN himself makes pad-jokes, I guess I can forgive them this once.

Man, this place is a goddamn maze. Stuff has already started respawning!

>> No.11188949
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I almost feel bad for this thing

>> No.11188970

Most retarded boss ever, it's even more lame than Queen Flayer.

>> No.11189042
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That boss is so weak that Mokou or Sakuya could probably beat it alone unless you are really unlucky. It almost never gets to attack. Even Cirno is strong against it.

>> No.11189172
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>> No.11189251


>> No.11189807 [SPOILER] 
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Finally arrived at the scene of the very final battle, and I've started planning my parties and tactics. Since actually using 3 parties is obviously out of the question, I have to stick to two. Having briefly looked at weaknesses on the wiki, I figure having party 1 dispatching both phase 1 and 2 is the best option.

So far, this is what I've come up with:

Party 1: Sakuya, Remilia(swappable for Aya?), Mokou, Reimu, Marisa.

Party 2: Alice, Aya, Sanae, Patchouli, Youmu.

The only ones without their ultimate weapons are Alice, Patchouli and Youmu. Didn't seem worth it given the alternatives. Please give some feedback!

Also just noticed I accidentally put my never-used trip on. Guess I'll just leave it on for now.

>> No.11190290
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Huh, thanks to those debuffs this was actually pretty easy. Granted anything that can be debuffed gets assravaged by Reisen.

>> No.11190706

You may want to craft the Ultima weapon for Youmu to use. The 3rd phase boss has 400 EVA and giving Youmu the Ultima weapon will give her an ACC of 400+ plus an ATK of 900+. Also, make sure Youmu already has Cycling Realm Slash. It's better to use than Slash of Eternity/Paschal Moon. Also, if you want the 3rd phase to be a breeze, get Lithos to LV 95 so she could clear all the elementals plus an added 9999 damage to the boss itself.

>> No.11190753

I've been grinding Demon Infants for my maid armor Silver Trays for awhile now, but no luck. I even had Byakuren's Last Word bust out a few times. What do I do?

>> No.11190763

That's how I did all my grinding.

>> No.11190770

But I really don't want to...

>> No.11190780

Pray to the RNG gods.

>> No.11190800

You mean having shrine maidens isn't enough!?

>> No.11190806
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And Cirno's quest actually seems difficult without proper equipment. Maybe I need her final spell.

>> No.11190826
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Cirno you horrible piece of shit

>> No.11191739
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Are you sure? It seems to have the same ACC as Kusanagi, minus the additional bonuses from it. In any case I do have Sanae in the same party, so I can always buff ACC. Also need to grind some more character-specific materials.

I'll do without the Lithos method. Hardly seems fair!

>> No.11191756

>Ultima weapon

>> No.11191775
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Ah, yes! It seems that in encountering the final boss I unlocked some new recipes. I didn't know this, and thought that Ultima Weapon might just be referring to "ultimate weapon". Guess I wasted an Orichalcum on Gekka Bijin then.

Interesting description.

>> No.11191789

Good. Now you won't be able to miss THAT much on the boss anymore. You still need Cycling Realm Slash though coz SoE will do crap damage.

>> No.11191840


Just got Youmu to 90. Need to grind a bit for the Obsidian though, seeing as the quest that drops it is nigh on impossible.

>> No.11192027

If you have the materials to do so, you can craft the True Claiomh Solies. Still can't get that Agatram from that miniboss

>> No.11192057


I had a look at that too. Where do you get Agatram?

>> No.11192452

I beat the final boss with Asura Stance and equipping Touhou Fuhai, come at me.
Seriously, though. It isn't that hard. Marisa with Triple Spark + Youmu raped the final boss in two or three "times" (killing every minion + unleashing the attacks on the boss)

Also, for that guy preparing for the final fight, it's very feasible doing three parties.
I had Sakuya and Cirno rape the first part (with some other characters doing something), then Sanae breeze through the second part with Lithos helping (didn't grind her enough, so she didn't have Cosmic Supercluster), and third part just have Alice block everything and that's it.

>> No.11192633


I'd use three parties if I could, I really would. Given my mindset and the state of the unmentioned characters, it's just impossible.

I might considering switching Patchouli and Marisa actually, and maybe make space for Lithos in P2. Will be trying a lot tonight as soon as I've made Ultima Weapon.

>> No.11194194

I just fought that thing. Oh god it really is weak to instant death like all the others. 1HKO. I think I found the fastest way to gain experience.

>> No.11194465

I know, right? I did some grinding on that, I think it's the easiest exp in the game.

>> No.11194978
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FINALLY done getting all the armors and weapons I wanted. Now onto the expansion storyline. Goddamn I'm sick of this forest. And this music for that matter. In other news Yuugi just learned Berseker Soul. Holy shit she's ridiculous. I also love her expression.

>> No.11195021

Get Knockout in 3 steps then we'll talk.

>> No.11195044
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You know, Remilia's fun and usable, but she comes across as kinda half-baked. Her attack is great but she lacks the skills to use it properly. Her evade is neat but backed by shit defense and she has no skills boost it. Lifesteal is cool but, again, her bad defense makes it dubious. She has some cool ideas but nothing really stands out as character-defining.

Looking forward to it. I've heard the name but have no clue what it does.

>> No.11195067

What I really hate about Remi here is that her specific weapons have garbage accuracy. Even her ultimate weapon has only 85 accuracy and it's even called the Scarlet Gungnir which is suppose to always hit ti's target!

>> No.11195105

Yeah, I guess that sums it up actually: every plus she has is distilled by an opposing minus, resulting in a "balanced" yet lukewarm character.

>> No.11195228
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Post your records. I think the actual playtime is 197:35? That's what it says in the main menu. It got fucked up through nonsense.

>> No.11195243


>> No.11195348

There's also the fact there are quite a few characters with no real notable downsides.

Particularly Reisen, she requires debuffs to do decent damage, but she is entirely capable of inflicting debuffs on her own. She has a non bomb ability that has variety slayer, but removes variety effects, but then has a growth ability that makes that ability only remove good variety abilities. She has good MP, massive bombs due to growth. Her only notable downside is fragility, but she's still more durable than the mages and Remilia at base and what is possibly her most useful weapon, the Kusanagi patches up her fragility perfectly and bolsters all of her upsides.

Seriously, she's amazing.

>> No.11195371

She's that good? The only time I used her is in the 2nd phase of the EX final boss where she just debuffs and does support damage

>> No.11195468

Do you ever look at screenshots of other people using Reisen in this thread? Where she does tens of thousands of damage in one hit? She can do that per turn due to Disorder eye since it has 0 cooldown after getting Reisen's -cooldown in her growth trees. It's 6 MP and not even a bomb skill. Its downside is that it dispels variety effects. She has a growth ability that makes that dispel only remove good variety effects and ignore negative ones.

She is also capable of inflicting paralysis, sleep, great confusion, berserk, control, any single stat down, and all stat down with her bombs. However if you're being efficient you have Byakuren and satori do the debuffing.

>> No.11195707
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Step up Senpai.

>> No.11195841
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Records screen? I'm in.

>> No.11195885
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Wonder what my time and start count would've been if it didn't get reset somewhere along the way...

>> No.11196167
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>> No.11196185

There music loop at the title screen has its final note off key.

>> No.11196189
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Results screen? Okay.
It's been six months since the last time I touched this game, I kinda forgot about it just before going to Muenzuka 2.

dod translation where please

>> No.11196190
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>> No.11196195

Wait, what about Nightmare of Rebellion?
Not that I mind even more games coming from these guys, they're amazing.

...Speaking of games, did anyone play that Plants vs. Zombies clone? How was it?

>> No.11196285

I played it, it's actually really difficult lategame.

>> No.11196287
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I don't think so. They haven't even put up a webpage or development blog for it like they usually do for their games. It's probably just going to be something small like Card Monsters was.

Genmu got pushed back to Winter. The other game they showed looked just like that Plants vs. Zombies clone you are talking about.

>> No.11196313
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Also, Marisa and Yuugi are 99 but still not at Max Power

>> No.11196324
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This guy drops it. I have no idea which room he is in.

>> No.11196350
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room with all the collected flames on display

>> No.11196437

oh damn forest of magic in the expansion has a ton of mobs

>> No.11196448

There are several secret chests in that forest in the spots they ambush you from.

>> No.11196458

neat. I'll keep an eye out then

>> No.11196511

You should be ashamed of yourself...

>> No.11197013
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Finally finished Ultima Weapon, and the head-scratching begins!

Having some minor issues in phase 1 - namely Remi and Reimu being almost constantly targeted by the missile attacks, and Meteor/Comet crippling us completely. No good putting Reraise on anyone but Aya because no-one but her has any RES worth counting on.


Is that the same room as pictured in >>11188622 ?

>> No.11197132

>and Meteor/Comet crippling us completely
Yeah, I don't know what to do with this. Put your non-essential characters in the first party, they say. But then they get destroyed.

>> No.11197554
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Glad to see that i'm not the only one with 250+ hours of playtime.

>> No.11197585

Put Cirno in Reimu's place and save Mokou for last party revival.
Bring Cirno and Yuugi and unleash everything you have, also have Sakuya use timestop to avoid dying.
That's it.

>> No.11197594

Is there a difference between "weekend" and the "easy mode" in the settings? Or are they one and the same?

The only thing i'd prefer to have are increased drop rates, the rest was appropriately difficult.

>> No.11197619


I guess I could give Cirno a chance, but swapping Mokou to the last party is going to heavily impair the damage done in P1, and I don't see Alice dying ever in P2/3 anyways, so the revival probably won't be needed.



>> No.11197633

Non-essential characters would be Yuugi, Nitori, Cirno, & Remi. Sakuya with Aya as commander is the most important on this phase. Nitori would also help with Active Camo and Cirno with manipulating for water to make Sakuya's Ice Sword do more damage. Remi and Yuugi for support damage. No need for accuracy equipment here since these 2 bosses have 0 EVA

>> No.11197636

"Weekend" is the last layer of updates. If you get Weekend (That is, 3.x) and deactivate its Easy Mode (this is the thing that affects damage in non-boss battles), you'll be left with just increased drop rates, Satori learning rates(?), and more balanced (less insane) crafting requirements.

When I started this I could never have imagined the journey it ended up being.

>> No.11197639

You can't cover with Alice in every single turn, so Mokou as a commander would be a safety measure.
Also, Sakuya should be doing so much damage alone that Mokou shouldn't even matter. Are you using Ice Sword?

>> No.11197644


Ok thank you that's perfectly suitable for me.

>> No.11197646


I'm >>11197639 and that was my exact party, wow.

>> No.11197857


I suppose that makes sense. Nouvelle Ice Sword at that. Now that I think of it, Cirno would actually synergize very well with this weapon. Just need to put a few more levels in her first!

That would mean Sakuya, Aya, Remi, Cirno, and Nitori for party 1 then. Still leaves potential openings for missiles et cetera, but I guess that's about as much RNG as can be expected from the game.

>> No.11198085

Actually, use Yuugi in place of Nitori and leave her as a commander, Nitori helps with her 3-bomb and Yuugi dishes some damage.

>> No.11198112
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Ugh, I hoped I wouldn't have to grind much more. I'm pretty sure I could make it work with what I have right now, but I just cannot gather the will to do so. I guess level 80-ish will do.

>> No.11198191

Oh, if your Yuugi is that low then you don't need to grind her, just go ahead with your party.
The biggest damage dealer is Sakuya anyways, the others are just there to help.

>> No.11198399


Okay, whatever you say. Naturally I'll still make room for Cirno. Should I get her ultimate weapon or is there a better option?

>> No.11198413

Just get a good staff, her weapon isn't that awesome (actually, I don't really know since I didn't bother making her best weapon, but a staff seems good enough).

>> No.11198432

I think it's the most powerful weapon in the game assuming the opponent doesn't have significant water immunity. The problem is that it's Cirno that's wielding it.

>> No.11198438

Oh, and only powerful in terms of PATK. So yeah it's kinda useless.

>> No.11198446

That's what I thought, Cirno's spells all use MATK, don't they?

>> No.11198454


>> No.11198461
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These are the two best staves I have(and Holy Grail). I guess crafting Azoth is an option!

>> No.11198481

Go to Marisa's house in Forest of Magic and get the staff there, it has 40 MATK

>> No.11198488


That's already taken by Patchy.

>> No.11198493

Why, she doesn't even do anything in that boss.

>> No.11198498


She's in my second party, and will probably do most of the work in P3.

>> No.11198615

What, how? Second party should be Sanae and Lithos/Marisa and third should be Youmu and Lithos/Marisa, what is Patchy doing?

>> No.11198644


Like I said before, I'm only using two parties. Patchy will eventually handle the element mobs while Youmu will also damage the boss. Lithos was scrapped in the end.

>> No.11198647

Why are you only using two parties again?
Also, how are you planning on going past the second party?
I guess if you wanted to abuse the game, you could just abuse Sanae and go through with only one party.

>> No.11198649

>Also, how are you planning on going past the second party?

I mean the second PART, not party.

>> No.11198696


Because of my refusal to use Satori and Byakuren(hence the trip), resulting in a lack of characters to use. Even if it was possible to do with one of the parties having only 3 or 4 members, a considerate amount are also underleveled or lack equipment. As for getting past the second part, I have only speculated yet.

I've done things the hard way up until this point, might as well keep going.

>> No.11198708

Good luck killing the final boss without Byakuren, you're gonna need it.

>> No.11198905

If you want to kill the summons of the 2nd phase, fire would be the best element to bring. On my 2nd party, I gave Patchy the Rivalry staff, Flame robe, and the Vulcan amulet to strengthen her fire magic. She can also usually 1 shot the 2 mirrors. Also, since Sanae is in your 2nd/final party, craft her ultimate weapon then attack the fish face with the snake. the toxic would do 4000 damage per turn. You could wait that out to conserve your MP since the toxic won't wear off.

>> No.11199002

ah, there's nothing quite as relaxing as petrifying that black machine dragon and watching your team slowly auto-attack it to death.

>> No.11199066

I just realized that Sanae's weapon tree is weird. I suppose her ultimate would be the one that inflicts toxic, but then she has steel ball of annihilation out of nowhere. Makes me want to try attack Sanae.

>> No.11199081

I wish you could save and name team compositions. Having to set items/growths/formations/skills continually is a pain in the ass.

>> No.11199405
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They're mine... All the treasures... All of them...

Though I do wonder why it says 100% instead of 99.8% if I haven't got the recipe at the end of the bonus dungeon.

>> No.11200417


Very good tips. I don't seem to have the recipes for any other staves than Azoth though.

>> No.11200488
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Was trying to get a really high damage number but this'll have to do. She did 71k once.

>> No.11200619

Ha, that's 20k more than my Reisen currently hits for.

>> No.11201364
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First time getting through the first phase and we made it all the way to phase 3! Suffice to say, preparations weren't completely in order, but at least Fish Face has proved to be an utter joke.

Hardly even touched the boss itself. Elements respawning the turn after they were killed and Youmu hitting for sub-100 with only one of them up is alarming. No clue why Reimu ended up in this party, it must have been a misclick!

Also bump limit.

>> No.11201483

You can't damage the boss if there are familiars up.

>> No.11201504


Fairly sure I did. In any case, I assume the wanted scenario is killing all the Elements in one turn and then hope you actually do respectable damage to the boss.

>> No.11201594

I meant damage significantly, like more than 1k.

>> No.11201961
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Say that then!

This is one turn's worth of boss damage. Couldn't seem to get another opening after that one because of mistakes, but I think that putting Philosopher's Stone on Patchy might be a good idea for bringing them all down simultaneously. I'm not sure how the ACC/EVA calculations are done, but if Youmu has 442 base ACC and the boss has 400 base EVA, does she even need Wind of Arrows or will she hit without fail without a buff?

>> No.11201972

How'd you defeat Fish Face? Did you poison him like I told you too?

>> No.11201997


Yes, although in fairness I knew about its efficiency before you mentioned it! Thanks regardless. P2 could be infinitely smoother if we could just kill off the mirrors in one turn, but right now it's just a massive mana-sink for Marisa and Youmu.

>> No.11202033

You need more accuracy than that to really make sure you hit the boss. Also, you have CRT UP on Youmu right? That will raise the damage on her critical hits so buff Youmu up with that. Also, use the poison shield formation since Alice will be able to protect everyone with Parrarr/R. Parrarr. Also, make sure Sanae has Wind of Miracles to buff up the buffs

>> No.11202529
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Of course I have CRT UP on Youmu. I was curious because not a single strike missed when she had Wind of Arrows up. As for Sanae's skillset, I don't think I could safely replace any of these with Wind of Miracles.

>> No.11202535

Take out wind of protection.

>> No.11202548


That would leave us susceptible to poison in P2, and we have no form of Cure to use.

>> No.11202592

Use Reimu then instead of Patchy. Let Marisa deal with the minions.

>> No.11203408

Alteratively you could just use detox staff on Patchy or Marisa if you have skill slots and power available.

>> No.11203729

man, alice with regen is so great

>> No.11204752


No can do. Patchy is level 96, and Marisa is 83. Do the math!


I have both available, although I'm not sure wether taking the 10 points out of the Master Spark tree is a great idea.

>> No.11204894

Wow, not even a Wind of Sword to buff up Youmu. She is the main damage dealer in the party after all.

>> No.11204922


She's not really though, is she? The only thing she's damaging is the Incident and occasionally the Elements. Being able to kill mirrors and Elements in two spells is preferable.

>> No.11205322

You're doing it in a very weird way...
You're probably going to suffer a lot.

Most of the time everyone just blows away everything in one or two turns with Marisa/Lithos and rape the Big Boss with Youmu and some help from Marisa/Lithos.
If your Youmu isn't the strongest, then you're in for a wild ride.

>> No.11205509


Youmu is level 91, so she's pretty strong. I just don't know how to make Marisa push numbers even close to Patchy's. Patchy would do more damage if I had the Rivalry Staff, but I still don't know how to get the recipe.

>> No.11205515

Max Spark tree and Max Laser tree, just use Triple spark and all minions are dead, then Youmu rapes the boss.

>> No.11205555


Like I said, Marisa is only level 83. I think I've got a good chance with this anyways.

>> No.11206120

Wait, is Marisa equipping a staff or her broom particularly Master Broom?

>> No.11206217


Master Broom.

>> No.11206287

So anyone up for a new thread? I can start up another.

>> No.11206337

Please, if you will.

>> No.11206409

