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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11160958 No.11160958[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you pretend to be a loli slut on omegle and a guy twice your age sends you nudes

>> No.11160964

Well of all the things that you did wrong this is the worst. I would suggest for the your greatest benefit do not return to such a terrible site.

>> No.11160966

Play a girl character in an MMORPG game with an unassuming name and be entirely profesional and polite and the same will happen.

>> No.11160968

What is an unassuming name?

>> No.11160972

So are you going to share them or what? Please show us the fruits of your labour.

>> No.11160975

I once met a nice jaypee on omegle. We stayed up together till the sun rise.

>> No.11160978

The is the only one I had copied.

>> No.11160981

but that's a good thing

>> No.11160983

Pic or it didn't happen.

>> No.11160984

Would not suck

>> No.11160990

Some of my favorite names to use are Socks, Fuzzyblanket, Shakeslurper, iluvslurpees, and cakeisgood05.

>> No.11160986

nice cock

>> No.11160999

Tell me when you get a /jp/sie to send you one.

>> No.11161002

Nobody seems to like the two /jp/ cocks that get posted all the time.

>> No.11161006

Thank you.

I'm trying to get better at roleplaying a girl. I'm trying to find someone to do a two-part act with where I'm a shy girl and the other is my energetic girl friend.

>> No.11161012
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>> No.11161014

I have pictures of 3 different /jp/sie dicks and I'm not sharing!

>> No.11161020

I once pretended to be a girl for about a year on an online game. This is how I met my best friend. It was 6 years ago, and we're still friends to this day.

It was a cool experience. Pretending to be a girl made me realize that I had a nice personality, and that the reason why I was otherwise rejected was because of my gender.

>> No.11161018

every /jp/sie i get on omegle is either a closet normal or a complete autistic guy who can't keep a conversation and keeps talking about killing cats with a bow and arrow
they say they arent even gay too!

>> No.11161030

What is camsex?

>> No.11161022

I am literally addicted to spending time on omegle cam and having camsex with girls and traps.

Seriously, I spend like 2-3 hours on it every few days. And then I cum buckets and buckets.

>> No.11161023
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>> No.11161028

Does he still think you're a girl?

>> No.11161033


Anyone who uses such a site is a normal!

>> No.11161035

No, you just have a niche interest.

>> No.11161040

I just want to talk to someone in the same boat as me
and don't give me that /jp/ skype shit

>> No.11161042

No. I told him the truth 9 months after befriending him. At first he thought I was joking, and refused to believe me. But we stayed best friends, because he liked me more for my personality than my gender.

>> No.11161043
File: 43 KB, 855x470, Capture1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're sick yo

>> No.11161045

Girls with niche interest are more appealing to males with the same interest.

>> No.11161047

He still wants to f*ck you

>> No.11161048


I don't know what /jp/ skype means. Why isn't this place enough?

>> No.11161049

He must be a faggot.

>> No.11161050
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>> No.11161053

Well, yeah, obviously.
No, he's VERY straight. He's the kind of guy who's disgusted and uncomfortable when he sees gay things happening (although he's not homophobic and is totally fine with my preferences).

>> No.11161055

I had a friend who was addicted to it. He'd sit shirtless or pretend to be asleep or wear a gorilla costume or santa hat. He always told me how much fun it was, but every time he connected to Ventrilo it'd use his webcam mic and it eventually got annoying.

Nowadays all he does he play WoW on a private server with his 14 year old little brother and complain to be about how much the little brother sucks, or how cool his character looks. It also takes him about three hours to respond to anything I send him and most of the time his response is, "haha," or "lol," before going on about something he's done in the game.

He's pretty much dead to me at this point. I've begun collecting onaholes as a hobby.

>> No.11161056

That's a very cute story, thank you for sharing.

I would really like to hear more because it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

>> No.11161057

He definitely sounds like a latent homosexual.

>> No.11161060

>the kind of guy who's disgusted and uncomfortable when he sees gay things
That's gay

t. Gayness professor

>> No.11161065

/jp/ used to be really good at role playing on that site.

>> No.11161073

Try a girl on girl approach.

>> No.11161071

I try to roleplay with a jp and they say "im not gay"

>> No.11161075

That's the keyword that they are sub and want to be pretend raped.

>> No.11161078

lesbians are gross democrats.. I cant get hard to that!

>> No.11161082

I don't really know what else to talk about. He's kinda wealthy, and sometimes sends me gifts, since I'm a poor NEET. The PC I'm using used to be his main until he bought a new one, and he sent it to me for free. He bought me a 4chan pass too, and a few games.
Nah, I know him well enough and I can assure you he isn't. He had a girlfriend before (until he got bored of her), and fucked a few sluts. He isn't a normalfag, he's just good at pretending he's one for profit.

>> No.11161085


Most /jp/sies won't do it otherwise.

>> No.11161089

Definitely a latent homosexual.

>> No.11161092

>I don't really know what else to talk about. He's kinda wealthy, and sometimes sends me gifts, since I'm a poor NEET. The PC I'm using used to be his main until he bought a new one, and he sent it to me for free. He bought me a 4chan pass too, and a few games.
you're not helping his case

>> No.11161098
File: 81 KB, 600x600, 1370534217853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried to talk to /jp/ on omegle today. I don't know why I've expected something different, but I don't think I'll try it ever again. I'm not good at being social.

It feels like literally everyone is a pervert. I don't like perverts...

>> No.11161094

Lesbians are pretty gay though.

>> No.11161096

/jp/ are lesbians trapped in a man's body.

>> No.11161104

Ahaha oh wow, you dense fucker.

>> No.11161105

I don't like people who don't like perverts...
Roleplaying perverts are pretty lame though.

>> No.11161106

/jp/ has repressed sexual frustration

>> No.11161115

So cute! I hope you spend the rest of your lives together.

>> No.11161116

>be on omegle
>interests: jp
>nervously waiting for a match
>finally connected to a stranger
>say hello
>anxiously waiting for a reply
>start sweating, no reply
>stranger is typing something; getting more nervous
>expecting /jp/ style bullying
>starting to have minor seizures, too anxious
>social anxiety getting hold
>maybe not a good idea
>finally the stranger's reply pops up

>are you a boil or a grill?

>> No.11161118


Desire of the flesh is truly shameful debauchery!

>> No.11161123

I can understand why people would interpret those gifts as trying to buy my affection (my parents thought the same), but no. There's no romance going on between us. We're just very close friends. He never really met people that were compatible with his personality before me. I remember him saying, a few months after we met, that I was the smartest girl he ever met. I still find that hilarious today.

>> No.11161126

I wish I could connect to a non pervy /jp/sie.

>> No.11161129

You can connect with me~ wink* wink*

>> No.11161137


>> No.11161139

sent ;)

>> No.11161143

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11161146



>> No.11161150

Don't you want to spend the rest of your lives together? It's obvious you were made for each other.

>> No.11161158

/jp/ has put lewd thoughts in my head nyoro~n..

>> No.11161161

Please respond.

>> No.11161163

Wow I didn't think some dicks could actually look like that I just though the artists were terrible at drawing dicks do you think it's the perpective?

>> No.11161173

To be honest, we had some projects of living together someday (as friends), and even though he claims he still would, I doubt it would happen. He lives in another country, and I hate bureaucracy. And I'm scared.

>> No.11161180

I don't think you have anything to be scared of, it's obvious he cares a lot about you.

Have you started HRT yet? Don't you want to be pretty for your partner?

>> No.11161190

You two are so gay.

>> No.11161191

>encouraging subhumanism

>> No.11161186

I actually gave up on being a trap 3 years ago. I realized that it was a terrible idea and that I'd probably end up uglier. And I hate women anyway.

>> No.11161193

Rarely do they look "pretty".

>> No.11161194
File: 252 KB, 901x1598, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you started HRT yet?
Yes. Here's a picture. Am I pretty?

>> No.11161202

This thread made me realize that it's time to get out of /jp/. Thank you.

>> No.11161203

Take care anon.

>> No.11161204

I was bullying someone from /jp/ on omegle for a few weeks then just stopped one day. I wonder whatever happened to him?

>> No.11161207


>> No.11161208

What a pervert.

>> No.11161219

Just say an /a/ ad. They're paying for anime now?

>> No.11161220

I want to blackmail a faggot

>> No.11161224

>buying anime

>> No.11161227

I'm glad that I am not the only one, not specifically about omegle but for other type of chats.

I have my fair share of lewd stories, both short and long ones; cute ones and nasty ones. Those were interesting times. Now, that all of that is past me, I am in peace with myself.

>> No.11161229

I want /jp/ to take turns on me

>> No.11161231

>NOT buying anime
laffin my fuckin arse off

>> No.11161238

Only do that to normalfags, though.

>> No.11161243

Are you really this pathetic /jp/? You don't really get off to being bullied like these losers I keep connecting to, do you?

>> No.11161250

Don't you worry about what gets me off

>> No.11161251

I get off to hugging and kissing /jp/sies.

>> No.11161257

I would love nothing more than to be bullied, teased, and abused by a loli.

>> No.11161261

That happened to be in school. It sucked hard. Worse than being bullied by guys.

>> No.11161264

You didn't yet have the mindset to enjoy it.

>> No.11161273

Please help me, how do I get a conversation to last longer on this website than just the first couple greetings?

>> No.11161275

You have to be interesting.

>> No.11161276

Tell them your age.

>> No.11161277

Don't be a loser.

>> No.11161280

Every conversation I have with anybody turns into shit whenever they ask "What do you do for a living?". I've been made fun of because of my NEET status. The worst part is that they were really fun to talk to to the point that I considered them as potential friends. Revealing my true self doesn't get me anywhere with people and lying only stresses me out that somehow they'll find out about my secrets.

>> No.11161288

stranger has disconnected

>> No.11161294

I hope you at least have some friends.

>> No.11161299

About that...

>> No.11161300

Don't lose hope, I would accept you however you are.

>> No.11161333

Everyone who types with perfect punctuation and capitalization is a complete self righteous asshole on omegle, like this shit has never been contradicted

>> No.11161346

I disconnect with everyone that doesn't use proper capitalization.

>> No.11161352

This is why you have no friends, nerd.

>> No.11161369

All of the /jp/ers on Omegle are mean

>> No.11161375

Could you imagine what that'd be like? Imagine being woken up by a slap to the face by her small, soft hand. "What are you doing, it's 4PM you idiot," she says as she walks out through the door you had locked before going to sleep. Before you can actually realize what's going on, you hear her yelling from down the hall, "Get in here and make me a snack already".

You make your way to the kitchen and begin sleepily preparing something simple just to shut her up. Just as you open the fridge, you hear her voice pierce into your ears "Put on the apron," she demands, as you turn to see her pointing at an apron with "Kiss the Chef" written on it on it. You put on the apron and return to making her snack, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You're happy that she's at least she's not making you wear the bunny slippers as well. After finishing, you cut it in half and bring it over to her at the table.

"I'm not kissing you," she says, as she looks down at the sandwich. "You're going to feed me this". Her demands are endless but coming from such a small girl, you don't really mind. Letting out a sigh of disappointment she tells you "You cut them wrongly as well," making an up and down movement with her hand as if it were a knife. "You better not forget next time that I want it cut corner to corner," making a diagonal movement with her hand now. "Anyway, I'm hungry," she confesses, as she softly closes her eyes and opens her mouth.

Even though you've fed her time and time before, this is the first time you notice just how bright of a pink the inside of her mouth is. Her small tongue makes contact with her lower lip as she sits there, waiting for her food. You can see one eye open slightly wider, peeking to see if you're even still there. Shutting quickly, a color to match the inside of her mouth washes over her cheeks. She's embarrassed.

>> No.11161385

i'd just laugh it off, something that weak trying to command me around

>> No.11161402

>"You better not forget next time that I want it cut corner to corner,"

Is there anyone who doesn't do this? Broke my suspension of disbelief.

>> No.11161408

I like to go on the video section and snap pictures of /jp/sies.

>> No.11161436

are there really /jp/'s on video chat
what the fuck

>> No.11161450

Then she'd tell the police you raped her.

>> No.11161463


What are your preferences?

>> No.11161472

I have twice but it was a few months ago and then a few weeks ago. I couldn't find any /jp/ qts

>> No.11161483
File: 124 KB, 353x556, 1296691479037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always had a thing for younger boys. Why?

>> No.11161499



>> No.11161510

Why do you say that?

>> No.11161512

Homosexuality is immoral, disgusting freak.

>> No.11161515

Please don't bully.

>> No.11161516
File: 167 KB, 500x662, 1373355093748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't consider myself a homo. I've never been attracted to real men.

>> No.11161519

I can make you feel like you've never felt before~

>> No.11161540

Not that anon but can you take my oral virginity? I don't want you to take my true virginity because that would be too much. I'll be ok without my oral virginity.

>> No.11161545

Do you just ask them if they're from /jp/ or what? I would like to find some myself.

>> No.11161549

i'll make you curl your toes anon-kun...

>> No.11161553

T-That's pretty hot.

>> No.11161559

Isn't toe curling an involuntary response to sexual pleasure? Whenever I masturbate I notice that my toes just move by themselves and they always curl during orgasm.

On a side note, today I went to Chipotle and ordered a bowl with double meat and chips and the lady didn't charge me for the extra meat or the chips. I also learned the "hot" salsa tastes weird.

>> No.11161578

thanks for the tip

>> No.11161581

I'd do it for you, but only if it was 69.

Don't worry, I'm not a big sweaty hairy man, I'm 120 lbs and 5'9" and shave.

>> No.11161586


>> No.11161599

are you okay

>> No.11161602

I think he just passed gas

>> No.11161605

im 5'9 too you want to work something out

>> No.11161614

Stop with that retarded "manlet" meme.

>> No.11161645

I'm 18. What do you expect?

>> No.11161655

You're not going to get any taller.

>> No.11161678

Please tell that you at least have an enormous dong. If you don't eve have that you'll never, ever achieve man status.
