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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11152670 No.11152670[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Japan so incredibly efficient, clean, and non-violent?

>> No.11152675 [DELETED] 

No niggers

>> No.11152677


>> No.11152684

If you honestly believe this then you don't know SHIT about Japan. Lurk 5 million years before posting again.

>> No.11152686

but it's true

>> No.11152687


Ethnic groups ([2])
>98.5% Japanese

honestly, this is the legit answer. There isn't a single 1st world country that is as this homogeneous. I can't recall a time where a 1st world country has ever been like that.

>> No.11152690


>> No.11152691
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>efficient, non-violent
The HELL are you talking about, blind gaijin-kun.

>> No.11152699

"I don't live in Japan, but can you explain the reasons behind these things I assume to be true?"

Get OUT, dweeb.

>> No.11152700

Because they don't report all of the bad shit.

>> No.11152702

Like what? Prove it.

>> No.11152713

and the few niggers in japan have to behave because there's no ghetto for them to hideout in.

>> No.11152711

Every country has crimes that go unreported. I remember hearing something like 30% of rapes in America go unreported.

>> No.11152719


>I remember hearing something like 30% of rapes in America go unreported.

Female supremacists' propaganda. How the fuck do you think they measured this? They took 1000 women, raped them, then measured how many reported it?

No, it's guesswork, and guesswork where a conflict of interests is involved is just wishful thinking.

>> No.11152717

Rape or "rape"?

>> No.11152718

look at the aftermath of the tsunami and how fast everything was rebuilt

Again, look at how everyone participated in the reconstruction after the tsunami and how there was no looting, no violence.

>> No.11152721 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 680x234, rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, nearly 100% of rape goes unreported. There have been at least six billion rapes in the last 100 years, and that's just counting the ones resulting in pregnancies.

>> No.11152734

I wish my country was clean too. It really irks me when I see litter on the ground a meter away from a trashcan. Cigarette stumps are the worst.

>> No.11152753

It isn't. For instance, there exist saki breweries and beer breweries there. Quit tryin' to "weeb" in here, it's 0/10

>> No.11152760

A lot of murders are covered up under the suicide statistics.

>> No.11152773

Homogeneous society
Very communitarian rather than individualistic
Shame culture
Social democracy/welfare state
Yakuza rule

>> No.11152776
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⚛ Attention: This is a normalfriend-thread. ⚛

NEETs are lazy and nonefficient. Q.E.D.

>> No.11152796

>communes, shame, welfare and mafias
huh! SO it's kinda like detroit, only with rice and an auto industry?

>> No.11152816


Except with passive slanty eyes and not niggers.

>> No.11152818

There's a reason why they go homu gaijins.

>> No.11152827
File: 414 KB, 800x1132, 1372666991557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homu go BIG!

>> No.11152840

yeah right

The difference is successful regions have zero tolerance for druggies, and always plan for economic growth instead of letting the scammy speculators get away with dumb greedy ideas such as planned decay.

>> No.11152859

>Upper estimates suggest that 84–96 percent of the Japanese population subscribe to Buddhism or Shinto

>Other studies have suggested that only 30 percent of the population identify themselves as belonging to a religion.
>[...]some 70–80% of the Japanese regularly tell pollsters they do not consider themselves believers in any religion.

>Fewer than one percent of Japanese are Christian. Other minority religions include Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Judaism.

Of course this is not the main reason, but it sure helps.

>> No.11152870

Religion-as-identity is never helpful. It's a big part of the one major thing to ever get Japan into big trouble in the modern era, too.

>> No.11152871

Why? There's been plenty of violence committed by Buddhists and atheists throughout history.

>> No.11152874

Homogeneity isn't the only thing. If a country was 98.5% black it would not be peaceful.

>> No.11152881

monocultural country. sensible moral values.

>> No.11152909

Name one successful black community and I may consider your viewpoint.

>> No.11152917


>> No.11152922


You mean the country currently tearing itself apart?

>> No.11152943

user >>11152917
was not me. And define "black," please.

No seriously, do it. Just try it. Every ethnicity in the human race is so polyphyletic it's amazing.

You're not makin' this an identity troll thread, not successfully anyway.

>> No.11152949

Dude, thats 60-something place in terms of life quality, even behind such awesome places as Brazil, Pakistan and Mongolia.

>> No.11152952

Typical Jew semantic red herring of asking for races to be defined with extreme specificity; any attempt at a definition will be regarded as too vague or not comprehensive enough; meant to imply that differences in races do not exist. No one bother responding to him any more.

>> No.11152953

People of African descent who are not Arabs or European colonialist.

>> No.11152956

Everyone's too cowardly to fight back against aggressors, they'd prefer to be passive and weak instead of strong and independent.

>> No.11152977

Why do you feel the need to ruin half-decent threads on /jp/ with your shit, /pol/?
Your masterrace's habitat is there: >>>/pol/

>> No.11152983

Jews are a global maymay now.

>> No.11152992

I'm black and slightly amused by this thread.

>> No.11152994

btw im black

>> No.11152993

moot's an obvious crook, yet another internet self-advertiser, so having a repetitious spammable attention-whore-able distraction there, of people screaming that somebody else is a crook, may seem useful to him.

In net effect, though, it just makes him look more like a "terrorist webmaster," instead of the funny hamburglar guy he wishes people would see him as.

>> No.11152997


who coloured here

>> No.11153056

moot is trying to present himself as a web entrepreneur to the world but in reality he is just hoping to be able to lick zuckberg's anus one day

>> No.11153065

/jp/ is not restricted by political correctness (denial) so it's only natural that controversial topics are discussed here every now and then.

>> No.11153102

>/jp/ - Otaku Culture
/pol/ pls lrn2read

>> No.11153458
File: 501 KB, 1050x1050, 1362532983919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate political people, they're so dumb and naïve. In today's reading a political group of students distribute some very ridiculous flyers and stole 4 minutes of my precious life time. #jpblog

>> No.11153594

Not having a lot of minorities helps.

>> No.11153604

moot rejected an offer to integrate facebook into 4chan.
I'd say moot doesn't like him.

>> No.11153663
File: 360 KB, 537x716, 36385084198797051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same reasons that have caused a rapidly aging population, an oncoming labour shortage that they will have a hard time trying to innovate themselves out of, two and a half decades of economic malaise, and a resurgent nationalism and militarism that is increasingly hostile to U.S. interests.

I've worked in politics for about 2 years. The rule of thumb is to stay the fuck away from partisans of any stripe unless you need them to work phonebanks or drive elderly voters to the polls.

What were you reading?

>> No.11153668

because no niggers

>> No.11153676
File: 754 KB, 1810x1358, Litchi_chinensis_flowers_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Learn to spell, you swine.

>> No.11153687
File: 187 KB, 192x192, 1358809171648-38386600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 what th fok u just gab @ me?
ill put ye fookin gobber in ifn u get cheeky w me agen

>> No.11153721

If I ever rule America the first thing I'll do is make everyone spell properly. One day...

>> No.11153737

It's funny because Arcueid is black.
