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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11144400 No.11144400[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>11123696

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.11144406

Is anyone else having trouble saving with Totono? I don't know if it's because my computer's specs are terrible but I've to click a couple of times for something to save. Even worse when I have to load.

>> No.11144413

I have that problem with Nitro+ game in general.
Their engine is shit.

>> No.11144408

Finished ef. Looking for something similar.

>> No.11144414

Nope, no problems.

>> No.11144416

In what way? You're going to have to be more specific.

>> No.11144428
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, 451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Natsukumo.
Pretty nice with some very good pacing all the way through.
Overall much better than Harukuru even if the ending didn't have the same emotional power.
Reika was awesome

>> No.11144433
File: 100 KB, 816x638, hoshimemo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still steadily progressing through Hoshimemo

>> No.11144436
File: 261 KB, 1280x720, 798結果.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinami a best

>> No.11144444

The new voice acting helps a lot

>> No.11144446

Well, I don't know, really. I just liked that dramatic OSTs and story.

>> No.11144449

Try Kagerou Touryuuki then.

>> No.11144451
File: 94 KB, 816x638, hoshimemo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've waited a bit more when choosing a sceene to screenshot


>> No.11144452

Still no torrent for Akebono no Hikari? The only one I found on nyaa is the Vita version.

Try eden*

>> No.11144461

But there is no translation. And won't be ever

>> No.11144493

塵骸魔京. Done with Ignis route. I really liked the "Fuck humanity if I still can have you by my side." ending. It was a really fun ride to see the autist become determined.

Now for the 風のうしろを歩むもの route. I'm hoping for delicious innocent girl and full autist misunderstandings.

>> No.11144508

what is your obsession with autistic people

>> No.11144519

Do you mean 4chan in general or me in particular? Because this is the very first time I typed out that word on an online forum. But do go ahead with your baseless assumptions.

>> No.11144524
File: 891 KB, 803x600, wanko-mating-season.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing wanko, I'm new to this whole reading vn's raw thing so I'm starting slow.

>> No.11144536
File: 63 KB, 500x379, 5112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11144541

Goddamit Nitro+. What are you doing? I want hardcore fights and chuu2, not some gay meta commentary on waifus.

>> No.11144549

I may as well ask here. Chuu2 used as a descriptive tag means? Exaggerated power curve? Lots of fights? Magic and stuff? Delusions?

>> No.11144552

Speaking of which, Totono is a shitty gimmick game that isn't even 10 hours long, with awful writing by Shimokura.
I think it's safe to assume that Nitro+ as a company no longer cares about making anything worthwhile.

>> No.11144555

You know, i almost thought Totono is a yuri yandere VN.

And I am greatly disappointed it isn't.

>> No.11144558

The twist of Totono is that once you do a heroine route you are locked on her and any intent to do the other heroine will end with some yandere shit.
That's all.
Awesome gimmick, right?

>> No.11144559

>gimmick game
So it ended up being a meta commentary on how awfully heartless eroge players are for not sticking to only one girl?

>> No.11144561

Pretty neat, actually. Interesting at least.

>> No.11144564


>> No.11144566

What about the NTR shown in the preview screenshots?

>> No.11144568

That was just a copy pasta from someone who hasn't played the game.

>> No.11144573

It's not interesting, just stupid.
It would have been interesting if it would have been released in the 90's or something, now it's just something most writers probably thought as a joke but disregarded for being fucking retarded.
Doesn't help that Shimokura can't writer

>> No.11144578

Well what is the big twist about?

>> No.11144579


Good to see watering down one aspect of the game and deciding it's shit when they haven't played it.

>> No.11144581

Is the writing that bad? Can you give some examples?
I'm not trying to be difficult or anything, just want to see what constitutes as bad writing.

>> No.11144583

I read about 2 hours of it, the trial.
A trial is made to give you a pretty good idea of what the main product will be about, especially in the case of Totono that is supposed to be only about 10 hours long

>> No.11144613


>> No.11144617

There is a trial out, just do it.
It's very obvious, I guess there are people out there who can read that kind of dull writing and be alright though.

>> No.11144636

Oh well, time to start Gensou no Idea.
It seems to have a good reputation.

>> No.11144642

Oh Futagoza is out. Add KKK and brava and I'm done this month.

>> No.11144660

Any estimates about length? Shinites tier or less? I hope less.

>> No.11144670

Just finished Totono. The game itself was better than I expected it to be after playing through the trial. The trial covers about the half of the first act. The second and third acts are very different in tone. It is worth giving the game a second chance if the trial didn't interest you.

If you really want to ruin the Totono for yourself.
The game is a meta commentary about the actions of the player and how it affects the heroines. Specifically, the one who doesn't get chosen by the player.

>> No.11144675

That's exactly what was stated above

>> No.11144678

That's a pretty disappointing spoiler. Definitely not sitting through more of that shit for something like that. That one girl was an annoying bitch though, so if she suffers, it might be fun.

>> No.11144678,1 [INTERNAL] 

naiz quints, brah

>> No.11144872

So /jp/ complains about a game being shit when they spoiled themselves on a game they haven't experienced and then proceed to call it shit.

>> No.11144881

Again, most of the people who complain did the trial, what more do you want?

>> No.11144892

It's just one guy being supremely autistic for god knows what reason. As if anyone gives a shit about the rants of someone who doesn't even know what the fuck he's talking about.

>> No.11144895
File: 156 KB, 800x600, ev0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The trial is shit, so the full game must be exactly the same thing!

>> No.11144897

Yes, playing a few hours of a trial that hardly covers something makes your opinion perfectly valid.

>> No.11144905

It's a 2 hours trial of a supposedly 10 hours game.
And it's enough to show that the writing is shit.

Are you seriously comparing this to Subahibi? Seriously?

>> No.11144912

Except subahibi had cute yuri and actually good writing.

>> No.11144913

I'm saying that your reasoning is faulty, because there were exceptions to your "The trial is enough to judge the full game" rule.

>> No.11144916

Was looking for a walkthrough to see what routes existed and stumbled upon (spoilers a few lines down) http://blog.livedoor.jp/meijin_4dan/archives/51827930.html..

Took him 27 hours. According to this and the walkthrough, routes don't exist and it's almost entirely linear, so 27 hours seems a bit long. And of course, take this with a grain of salt and all that.

Finished installing it right now. Giving it a spin, I guess.

>> No.11144917

Dropped this after an hour or so. Those twins are annoying as fuck. Hope that tsundere bitch gets what's coming to her. Everything about it was just so generic like the author just threw a bunch of tropes found in every visual novel fucking ever. Shit game. 0/10

PS: Yuri is for fags

>> No.11144920

Subahibi is a huge exception, and even then it had some stuff like the gondola scene that really hinted that something really interesting lurked in the corner in its trial.

>> No.11144923

>Hope that tsundere bitch gets what's coming to her.

>> No.11144929

Except that scene isn't relevant and makes zero sense. Totono actually gives you a plothook.

People don't seem to understand that the game first has to establish a typical ordinary setting found in your average eroge.

>> No.11144941

The plothook is just LOOK WE ARE BEING META with shit writing.

The gondola scene of Subahibi was relevant thematically and the trial as a whole was actually well written.
That's the big difference.

>> No.11144953

>why is my meta renai game being meta?!!

The meta aspects are really shocking since it came from the writer of Sumaga!!!

>> No.11144958

Is there a reason why you are so butt devastated because of one specific game? I mean holy fuck, you didn't like the trial, big deal, anything else you want to let us know or do you just like to implode randomly?

>> No.11144962

It seems to explore the two sides to then have them converge, so I don't mind it, even if it means probably no heterochromia girl route, which makes me sad.

>> No.11144963

I recently beat VLR, so I need a new VN in my life. Is there anyone that can recommend me an interesting, immersive VN?

>> No.11144967

Why don't you read it and see for yourself?

>> No.11144970

Is the route order in Totono fixed? Seems like Miyuki comes first regardless of the choices you made.

>> No.11144972

>That was just a copy pasta from someone who hasn't played the game.
That was probably me. But what about
>>11144670 The game is a meta commentary about the actions of the player and how it affects the heroines. Specifically, the one who doesn't get chosen by the player. ?

I'm getting mixed messages here. Anyways, how much of >>11055613 did end up being true?

>> No.11144973

You seem to think I am the only one posting about it or something, I just started in this thread since you or someone else just go"they are talking shit about something they didn't even try" whenever someone criticizes it.
I actually did the trial so that kind of attitude pisses me off, that's all.
Good for you if you liked it.

>> No.11144982

Goodjob missing the point entirely.

>> No.11144995

Is there any VN like Majikoi, but just as good?

>> No.11145008

All of them.

>> No.11145010

You know what I mean.

>> No.11145019

No, you didn't even say what you liked about Majikoi so how the fuck is anybody supposed to know what you could be looking for. "Just as good as" when talking about a charage...genius. Go back to whatever board you came from.

>> No.11145033

Really? There weren't even that many different aspects in Majikoi. Obviously I like the Slice of life/high school/romance part.

>> No.11145039

The recently released Chushingura supposedly appeals to Majikoi fans, though I personally haven't played it

>> No.11145048

I'm sure it'd be easy to find something just as overwhelmingly mediocre as Majikoi.

>> No.11145050

Chusingura is better than majikoi. Of course, since the only people who still care about majikoi are the people who only read translated games, it's a kind of pointless recommendation.

>> No.11145063

Recommend me something way better then. I personally loved Majikoi.

>> No.11145065

Chusingura has no english translation yet?

>> No.11145069

Nobody wants to translate a 忠臣蔵 fanfiction with lots of weird terminology.

>> No.11145073

top kek. Go ask cudder and his translation tools.

>> No.11145072
File: 1.43 MB, 2048x1152, 604722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VN's name is Koiken Otome. Did anyone play that one? It looks really sweet.

>> No.11145080

It's pretty bad. Don't bother

>> No.11145081

It's a decent read, could probably have been better if they did more with the setting seems to be the general opinion.

>> No.11145096

Really? Damn. Why? I really liked the character in the pic.

>> No.11145097

Top kek? So there are even retards on this board, huh?

>> No.11145102

It's been like a month, dude.
You're looking at another couple of years, minimum.


>> No.11145103

The contrast between the terribly drawn face and the rest of the picture is brutal.

>> No.11145109

You need to learn how to take it easy. The /jp/ way.

>> No.11145116

That and with others such as Kamikaze Explorer, but people shouldn't really expect this sort of game to do much with the settings. They are moege with interesting settings and not scenarioge or whatever with lots of moe, after all. The focus is on the girls and not some amazing plot.

Not that I'm complaning or anything. There's a place for every kind of game.

>> No.11145118

So is it normal around here that everyone is saging?

>> No.11145125
File: 57 KB, 792x584, サナララ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's better if I look for a Sanarara R download instead, right?
I mean, Is still the first game's content with a extra added, right?

>> No.11145131

As far as I know, yes, but I haven't actually played the first game.

>> No.11145132

And better resolution I think, so yeah, R is the way to go.

>> No.11145149

its pretty bad,really.trust me its not worth of playing but if you still want to play feel free.

>> No.11145156

Thank you anons, downloading ASAP.

>> No.11145158

What exactly was your complaints about it?

>> No.11145169

They keep releasing Majikoi because of western fans, right

>> No.11145175


White pigs pirate everything

>> No.11145218

Majikoi is very popular in Japan and sells like hotcakes

>> No.11145233

hotcakes are suck

>> No.11145234

Doesn't a game cost like $100 there? I mean I heard they buy the game, rush it asap and return it asap so they can get their money back or something.

>> No.11145236

Not the guy you're talking to but the prologue and OP is misleading. The battles are underwhelming and they're scarce. The setting/premise is underused.
Basically the game is just another cookie cutter moege.

Well if you probably went into the game not expecting chuuni stuff you'll probably enjoy it.

>> No.11145243

(He was being sarcastic and pointing out how stupid anon sounded)

>> No.11145254


This is /jp/. We're just here to dislike things, especially those that are popular. You'll notice vocal nerdfaggots who criticize never offer a better alternative. It's how you detect the hipster in his natural habitat.

>> No.11145260


Yes. Having a thread on the first page means it's popular and loses it's coolness. This is jp basics.

>> No.11145265

if you liked majikoi im sure you will love Chushingura or Tsujidou too.

>> No.11145267

why is this thread so full of shitposting nowadays

>> No.11145271

People aren't reading VNs, that's why.

>> No.11145272

/a/ started learning Japanese collectively around a year ago. I'd assume that be the reason.

>> No.11145279

I can only imagine how that looks like. "OH TOP LEL THE QUALITY CONTROL OF THIS GROUP!! "BOKU" MEANS ME, NOT MY!!".

>> No.11145315

how is Gensou no Idea? anyone played?

>> No.11145320
File: 150 KB, 1277x713, idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started it, Naru and her chuuni are a party.

>> No.11145340

the art seems great but i really hate the multi protag thing so its a no for me.

>> No.11145344

It's linear, you get a MC doing shit on his side and the other doing shit on his side after that.
It's an efficient way to explore a setting.

>> No.11145362

does both of them fuck some heroine ? its an important point for me.

>> No.11145363


>> No.11145366

Yes, they should both have their own set of girls.

>> No.11145374

well if they have different set of girls i guess i can deal with it,thank you i will start it tomorrow.

>> No.11145390

I think it would be something like:

>Not having a waifu that uses 妾

>> No.11145410


It's pretty difficult and downright unreasonable to prove any correlation between board affiliation and retardation. Any board sucks or is wonderful however you choose to look at it.

But hey, whatever makes you feel better about yourselves.

>> No.11145411


While i partly agree with you, i do think there are terrible abominations like r9k where retards abound.

>> No.11145413

Nobody really takes that seriously.

Some boards could get better though. Ever been to /g/? There's always a clusterfuck and you can't tell if they're just spouting memes or really believe the bullshit. /jp/ is rather unified and fun to post in because if some asshole posts "lol raymoo miko slut xD" it's an instant fuck off.

>> No.11145416

What's r9k's story? Never been there.

>> No.11145421

Virgin self-proclaimed nice guys that hate all women.

I heard they got taken over by feminists but I don't know.

>> No.11145427

I heard they have a similar opinion to /fit/ when it comes to women, but I was never in either so I can't really tell.

But if you say is true without accounting the feminist thing, /adv/ is it's mortal enemy.

>> No.11145439

Relax, I'm just joking around.
I doubt anyone here can honestly say that /a/ is any more retarded than /jp/. It's just that there's this history between us and so it's fun to take friendly jabs at them every now and then.

>> No.11145440


You're wrong. That's the thing with r9k, they don't hate women. They desire them and are so pathetic that they're basing their entire happiness around them. They resent them for the most childish reasons. A festival of whining and cancer.

/pol/ are the true women haters, they know what's up.

>> No.11145445

I stand corrected then. But let's stop going off-topic now.

>> No.11145502 [SPOILER] 
File: 152 KB, 1040x806, lovelovetenkyuken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished 魔導書の司書 - had hoped for some fun writing like 巨乳ファンタジー (Kyonyuu Fantasy) even as nukige. Unfortunately it wasn't the case and not really much to say. Art is quite decent and 6-10 scenes for each of the five heroines. If Kyonyuu Fantasy 2's writing is a 10, then this would be a 6.

>> No.11145551

I just finished Rine's route, (so I'm halfway through?), and I'm really glad to hear that the pacing is good to the very end. Sumikko has made two awesome games now. I can't wait to see their next.

>> No.11145564

I honestly felt it halted a bit during Kashima's route, your next route. It's gravity related, string theory, relativity and the like infodumps throughout and can get a bit tiring.
It improves again after finishing so it's a necessary evil since they are relevant.

>> No.11145610

Sounds like it could be a pretty interesting infodump though. I don't know much about that stuff to be honest.

It's time to play.

>> No.11145618

I was more keen on Rine's infodumps on environment and subspecies.
Biology is super interesting.

>> No.11145631
File: 345 KB, 970x772, ABYSS4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished VenusBlood Abyss. Did the Chaos route like >>11131034 suggested. I don't think I've enjoyed gameplay as much in eroge since Sengoku Rance and Baldr Sky. Did also the 'Defend only' mode on very hard (thank god for the broken bonus units). Started another playthrough on Dragoon difficulty but the game decided to crash when I hadn't saved for a while.

Now I'm not sure if I want to start it again to do law route or move straight to playing Frontier. I've heard Frontier is even better so I'm really tempted to start it.

>> No.11145626

Education from Japanese porn games -- this shit making me smart.

>> No.11145642

Loliges are the future of education, a cute face and tiny body make everything easier.

>> No.11145730

what the hell is nitro thinking???

in the title for their new game that put overseas is punishment death!!!

what assholes!

>> No.11145736

This series has always bothered me am I supposed to play starting for the first one or does it not matter?

>> No.11145739

Can you please rephrase that? I honestly don't understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.11145749

Playing nitro games overseas is now punishable by death.

>> No.11145786

Guess I will download that Nitro+ game. Hasn't been a good VN for months. Hopefully this is the best VN ever.

>> No.11145867

I think you can jump in wherever you want, provided you keep in mind the different kinds of gameplay (i.e. don't play Abyss if you want territory conquest etc.)

>> No.11145875


What? Can we get some details or a link on this?

>> No.11145884

I just opened the game one more time to check but I didn't see anything of the sort anywhere. Not even a "For Japan only" mentioned anywhere.

>> No.11145934

Just finished the amairo trial. Looks like it'll just be full of short-lived cliched drama and fun, which is great in its own way. Maybe its been too long since I played a pure moege, but the soundtrack and characters really drew me in and I'm keen for the full version.
Guess I'll go finish harukuru now.

>> No.11145952

The trial of Otome Riron has just been released

>> No.11145963

I think I could learn almost anything, pretty easily, if I was being taught by a cute loli on my computer screen.

>> No.11146007

I'm not even done with the first game yet.

>> No.11146053

i'm actually waiting for the voice patch before I start the second game, too good to miss

>> No.11146342

Question: Fate/hollow ataraxia's blurb says it begins "with all his friends, from the 5th Holy Grail War." So which Fate/stay night ending is it based off of?

>> No.11146351
File: 61 KB, 1030x601, 君と彼女と彼女の恋。 ver1.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Miyuki is an insufferable bitch. I hope she gets better later on.

>> No.11146345

The lost one

>> No.11146355

Hopefully that wasn't a spoiler, but thanks!

>> No.11146376
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, miyuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, why is she acting so fucking weird all of the sudden? She didn't seem like the nutty type.

>> No.11146446

Guess it's time to hightail it out of VNG for a while while I catch up with my backlog and start Totono.

>> No.11146450


Where do I find the download for it?

>> No.11146471

school days HQ again for me after a year-long hiatus. does anyone know what the spin-offs are?

>> No.11146497

Honestly, so far Shinichi is so fucking beta it hurts, I don't blame her for being a cunt.

>> No.11146585

Going through Motoka's route in Yosuga no Sora, and the coda section of White Album 2.

I'm looking for something lighthearted to balance it out though. Anybody know a decent comedy VN? Last one I really enjoyed was Altered Fable

>> No.11146604

So I'm stuck at the end of Totono where you have to input a code that's probably somewhere on the package or tokuten.

Someone help me out here.

>> No.11146607
File: 748 KB, 1024x600, lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sure is one erotic half of a face.
Thanks Atelier Kaguya.

>> No.11146666

id give you mine but i dont want it to like expire out or whatever

>> No.11146718

Well okay. Not sure how it could "expire" though, it's not like you need to connect to the internet.

Anyway, this was the most meta piece of entertainment of all time, kind of have to respect that. Also, that moment when the last act starts was pretty damn "holy shit".

>> No.11146732

did the chinese uploader not include this code?

>> No.11146758

I got the girlcelly torrent and I don't see a code.

>> No.11146977

Hi Moogy,

>It's just one guy being supremely autistic for god knows what reason.

I'm sure it's just someone pasting Moogy's comments, since he definitely made the 'waaahhh gay waifus waaah where's my chuuni' comment.

>> No.11147296

Not sure if this is keyed to a specific copy or not, but you can try mine. 25403221

>> No.11147411

moogy is definitely a huge chuuni, but that doesnt mean hes the only one

>> No.11147488

This worked, you're awesome.
I still chose Miyuki in the end

So yeah, pretty interesting game.

>> No.11147692

How long are Baldr sky dive 1 and 2 together compared to Muramasa? VNDB just says >50 for all of them.

>> No.11147709

baldr sky is in total 4.61 MB and muramasa is 2.86 MB

>> No.11147710

I clocked around 100 hours, getting every ending before moving on to the next route and enough survival to unlock the extras
it honestly depends on your playstyle, how you deal with the endings and how much time you waste coming up with combos and shit

>> No.11147753

any yandere games recently other than the one in the OP?

also, any good eroge music to come out of this lately? Last one that I actually liked is this, and it's two years ago:


>> No.11147767

Does the dialogues feel autistic on purpose? Because holy fuck

>> No.11147768

I've a quick question about Totono, if someone wouldn't mind answering.

I believed I was on Aoi's route, and I got to the part where Shinichi tries to look after her instead of going to Miyuki at the batting center. I picked ビリビリする and Aoi disappeared. I thought I was setting myself up for a bad end so I read on, but Miyuki gave Shinichi tickets to see her play. I know Totono can lock you into a route making you unable to play the other, so just checking, but I'm not on Miyuki's route right? I feel like this may be still part of the common route and Aoi may pop up at some point, but I'm not too sure.

>> No.11147793 [DELETED] 

Spoke too soon, disregard this.

>> No.11147909
File: 158 KB, 1920x1080, xbCIOoN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11147925

that butt

>> No.11147926

Wait, Aoi did show up again but if you picked the choice more in line with her route, you get a bad end. Pick the other, the game progresses and Shinichi confesses to Miyuki. I'd like to think this is part of the common route, but it seems too Miyuki specific. Even stranger since all the choices I made up until this point were Aoi related.

>> No.11147933

There is a fixed "route" -order. You always end up with Miyuki first.

>> No.11147949 [SPOILER] 
File: 925 KB, 1024x600, QQ截图20130706190255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished the new KKK. not too much new content but I still feel like this is worth my money.
really like the two stories in the bonus section.

>> No.11147951

Alright, cool.

I heard Totono locked you into one route rendering you unable to play the other, though? Guess that was just a silly rumor.

>> No.11147967


who is hyped for this one

>> No.11148013

where did you order it from? amazon?
I was thinking about getting it but most of the sites I use for cheap importing all have the vita version but not the pc one

>> No.11148064

yeah amazon

>> No.11148067

How do I learn kanji, /jp/?
When learning your first kanji on KD it also gives you vocab with kanji you don't know. How can I learn my vocab and kanji efficiently without being overwhelming?

>> No.11148070

This thread is for discussing VNs and eroge.

>> No.11148074

I'll make another thread then ;-)

>> No.11148083

The stupid term means that which a child would enjoy seeing. Not really sure why it's being used so much recently.

>> No.11148093

Blame Moogy and his minions.

>> No.11148095

But it's shorter in height and 16:9. That means I have to letterbox it to 4:3, because FUCK playing windowed or with scaling blur on an LCD.
>It includes new heroine and extra scenarios from the fandiscs.
Worth it?

>> No.11148104

It was used like this in Japan well before anyone in the west did.

>> No.11148109

Where is this from?

>> No.11148113

Chuuni is so terribly embarrassing to read through, I don't know how idiots like Moogy can masturbate furiously to that shit. Things like his 'gay waifus' and hating romance comments say a lot about him and the people who lap up chuuni, really.

>> No.11148116

Not really sure why it's being used so much 'in English' recently. Better?

>> No.11148119

Generalizing shit sure is cool, right. Personally I think someone who is "embarrassed" by a fiction to be far more retarded.

And why do you fuckers obsess so much over moogy, this isn't /vg/ or something, knowing japanese here isn't super special.

>> No.11148117

Chuu2koi is partially to blame.

>> No.11148126

Moogy is a dumbass, but there's no need to generalize.

Different strokes for different folks. If you enjoy all strokes, even better.

>> No.11148130

I'm not obsessing over him, but it's ridiculous to form a concrete opinion about something without giving it a chance. And yeah, generalizing was sort of stupid. No offense meant to fans of chuuni in general, all offense meant to moogy.

>> No.11148133

Stop caring about him, he doesn't even post here

>> No.11148163

I think it's because that people worship him in some english-only groups that some people on /jp/ obsess over how much they dislike him. And a lot of other people just view him as a joke.

>> No.11148186


>> No.11148215
File: 270 KB, 800x600, capture_001_13102012_001704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moogy does probably post here as Anon, or there just happens to be another guy who also has the same all-time favorite eroge heroine. And as far as I'm aware there really aren't that many English message boards focused around discussing untranslated stuff, so it wouldn't be surprising if he also frequented this thread.

But geeez, I sure do love talking about visual novels.

>> No.11148242

As far as hyping Itsusora and Konome I'm pretty sure that was me and I'm definitely not moogy.
He doesn't seem to be the type who would post without a trip anyways.

>> No.11148248

I'm pretty sure he posts in /vg/ without a trip all the time.

>> No.11148256

i dont dislike moogy but his fanboys are annoying as hell, like they'll die if they dont give credit to moogy for everything

>> No.11148298
File: 142 KB, 1040x634, allyouareworth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play this now, spoilerific OP video as usual so it's a bit of downer. Didn't go far in the trial so it's still new for me on how it's going to play out.

>> No.11148320

>I'm definitely not moogy.
Sure thing, moogy.

>> No.11148407

Oh god, playing VNs with a controller from bed is so awesome. Why didn't I do this earlier? Joytokey is awesome.

>> No.11148438

the writing style of TOTONO is really making sleepy... zzz will things get better?

>> No.11148441

How similar is the writing in demonbane to the writing in drakoi? I haven't really read any haganeya before, but I decided to read just now drakoi and I'm really enjoying the writing in it and now I'm curious about the other stuff he wrote.

>> No.11148445

Sillier I guess. Still pretty will written but drakoi is more condensed whereas demobane can get really repetitive at times, still really fun to read.

>> No.11148458
File: 64 KB, 374x374, 1358389763644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/. Anon that can't even into japanese here.

What's a good first vn for someone with shit-tier japanese reading skills? Someone recommended eden* to me, but my japanese sucks too much to read that at a pace faster than ten minutes a sentence.

>> No.11148461

>ten minutes a sentence
You need to study more first then, nerd.

>> No.11148468

Studying vocabulary and grammar without seeing them in context isn't much fun, anon.

>> No.11148470

If you need practice, you really should start with easy things like manga or games that aren't made for 18+ audiences.

>> No.11148473

Neither is taking 10 minutes on a sentence. I'd recommend browsing Japanese websites instead to start. Don't be afraid to use dictionaries.

>> No.11148475

Any suggestions for easy things to read? Or should I take this to a different thread?

>> No.11148477

You should probably take it to another thread, but I'll say that as far as games are concerned, try the 3d zelda games.

>> No.11148479

Reading sentences will take forever if you decide to take the "jump straight into a game and grind chicken scratches from there)" method.

You could try Hooksoft or SMEE (incidentally, Fureraba came out a few days ago) games or Kimi e Okuru, Sora no Hana (maybe Midori no Umi too, since it's from the same company, but I haven't played that). It doesn't get any easier than that. eden* is still on the easy side during the slice-of-life sections, though it doesn't really get that much harder in other places.

With PC games you can use ITH and TA to look up word definitions very quickly though, which I think would be a lot more convenient and easier as long as you don't rely too much on it since doing so will cripple you in the long run.

>> No.11148481

Try /a/'s thing I guess. >>>/a/88879151
Not necessarily. As long as you actually study it instead of just looking EVERYTHING up, there's no real issue. In fact I'd say it helps.

>> No.11148483
File: 209 KB, 703x482, 1364490724374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can read it for you if you get under my desk and suck my cock.

>> No.11148485

Take it to the archive, since that question gets asked every thread.

>> No.11148487


Thanks anons. ;~;
Sorry for being that guy that asks the questions that you're tired of answering all the time.

>> No.11148490

Seconding >>11148483 that guys offer. Halfassing a translation while getting sucked off sounds fun as HELL.

>> No.11148493

If someone offers to suck me off, I'll speed up the progress for what I'm translating.

>> No.11148546

Keep your gay tumblr shit out of this thread please.

>> No.11148597
File: 89 KB, 326x314, 1364491192283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep your gay hate in /v/ and /pol/. Sucking cocks is protected /jp/ heritage.

>> No.11148654

Just wait until you start Miyuki's route, it'll be like you took a sedative.

>> No.11149024

The writing in Gensou no Idea is so weird.
I don't even know if I would call it bad, just weird.
At least the story seems interesting? I wonder how weird the fights are going to be.

>> No.11149042

Yeah, that was my impression too, it goes here and there, but I find it fun to read for that reason.
At least it isn't boring and the pacing isn't bad.

>> No.11149151

Finished Natsukumo. Pretty awesome game, much better than Harukuru but for the next game Watanabe seriously needs to go easy with the troll science, it was even more messy than in Harukuru.
And Reika was an amazing villain, every time she got screentime shit got real. Made up for the meh heroines.

>> No.11149214

What's a good VN with a decent harem route?

>> No.11149232


Hey OP what is that VN? I am super new to VN - I have the guides and all that already looking and started playing 1. But This one looks interesting?

And before anyone says reverse image search: I did, and know this already. However for that picture it linked back to this thread, and a random site that using translation software doesn't give me any clue as to what this title is called.
Thank you in advance, I'm watching this thread with interest!

>> No.11149242

Sorry, that VN is for expert eroge players only. I recommend looking into a more entry level one like Baldr Sky.

>> No.11149250
File: 82 KB, 1025x576, miyuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyuki is a good loser.

Aoi's route so far is good, I can't wait for the ネトラレ

>> No.11149262


>Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi

I guess it's that.

>> No.11149300

>Miyuki is a good loser.
uh huh

>> No.11151031

I jumped the gun there.

Miyuki is a very bad loser. She didn't have to go that far

>> No.11151108

use a proxy and get it cheaper than you would on amazon

i reccomend goodyjapan

>> No.11151126

What's the name of that one VN where they guy finds a massive subterranean society of pig-men who raise and slughter humans like cattle? It was really messed up.

>> No.11151136


Thanks a bunch, so the translation was only slightly off, though I wasn't sure. Thanks.

>> No.11151192

it really is too advanced for someone who cant even translate the title of a game

totono related:
miyuki is the biggest bitch ever holy fuck

>> No.11151208

I'm very interested in this.

>> No.11151215

shitty nukige #20591

you are welcome

>> No.11151216

Oh wow, I forgot about that until now. That was a long time ago.

You mean the one where you're on vacation with your family, visiting some ruins in the desert? Then you get lost while exploring a cave, yada yada yada

>> No.11151311

>miyuki is the biggest bitch ever holy fuck
At first she is, and then she becomes nice. She is a really good girl that support Shinichi in anything he does.

>> No.11151415
File: 206 KB, 638x480, Misu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soo hmmm Misuzu have H-scenes??

>> No.11151424


I dunno what game that is, but it's from Key so the H-Scenes are either non-existient or terrible.

>> No.11151473

yeah I know, but I like to destroy the purity of characters

>> No.11151478


How can you not even know Air? I swear to god, these kids who don't know shit about the medium but like to pretend they do by parroting what they've read on the internet.

>> No.11151484

There is joy in jerking it to bad ero.

>> No.11151519

Yes. Literally among the worst.

>> No.11152205

The protagonist of Totono is quite an annoying faggot. Thank god for Aoi and Miyuki being there to stir things up.

>> No.11152316

strangely enough, yutarou is the only character that I like so far

>> No.11152409

I just just can't get into Totono, Aoi is the worst denpa character I've ever seen and Miyuki is really irritating

>> No.11152419

The game doesn't really annoy me as much. People dissed the writing style but I find it easy to read since it doesn't drag out the narration scene too much, also all the scenes are relevant to the plot so it feels more engaging.

>> No.11152487

I don't think I ever wasted a thought on whether I like or don't like the characters in Totono. The characters and their personalities are basically completely irrelevant for the kind of weird game this is.

>> No.11152701

Oh egs

>> No.11152754

The game consists of infinite interactions with the heroines, how are the personalities irrelevant?
Just having an idea doesn't make a story

>> No.11152791

is that for totono?

>> No.11152862

Because only the first 2-3 hours play out like a normal eroge and you can finish the game in one long reading session, so to me it feels kind of pointless to contemplate how Miyuki is a bitch or how Aoi is retarded when all of that is turned meaningless within the time-span of a couple of hours anyway.

>> No.11152876

What's the point of having characters if they don't actually matter?

>> No.11152890


>> No.11152910

That's a weird question. Characters almost always matter as a vehicle to drive a story forward (can't really tell a compelling story about the adventures of a non-sentient brick) but depending on the plot they don't need to be especially relevant for anything.

>> No.11152914

Is she saying "Isn't there an even cg with the wind?"?

>> No.11152918

You're cute.

>> No.11152919

That birthday scene in Totono is just brutal. I don't even know why Yuutarou even agrees to be a part of that clusterfuck.

>> No.11152930

He's a good friend, makes sense for him to be there. Not sure how they convinced Haru to show up though.

>> No.11152938

I reached the first birthday scene and it's gotten so terribly dull without Aoi and her nonsense. Even though Shinichi and Miyuki is what their world is pushing for, there's something missing and even Shinichi can tell. I basically skipped through all of Miyuki's h-scene too so I hope there wasn't anything relevant there. The only thing of note I got from the entire scene was Miyuki saying "もし生まれ変わっても, 忘れない", which is pretty telling considering the whole meta aspect. I'm guessing the 'brutal' birthday scene you're talking about ties into her saying that?

>> No.11152945
File: 191 KB, 1023x576, totono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it's in Aoi's route.
Interestingly enough, if you replay the game and get to that part again, Miyuki acknowledges that they have sex before in the loop. The game is so meta it hurts.

>> No.11152948


>> No.11152962

Aoi isn't much better, she is one of the laziest designed denpa character I've seen.

>> No.11153004

How can I not love Miyuki after that end? Scared the shit outta me, especially when the game just shuts down suddenly.

>> No.11153042

ビーリ ビーリ ビーリ fag

>> No.11153053
File: 257 KB, 1280x720, nightmare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is goddamn terrifying.

>> No.11153140


why does that look like Sonico?

>> No.11153156
File: 102 KB, 692x383, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11153171

Just donated 30 bucks to Subahibi...

>> No.11153184

i'm playing kara no shoujo, someone told me it was like katawa shoujo but it's nothing like it
btw, why are you guys sage-ing?

>> No.11153200

Artist is the same. Tsuji Santa.

>> No.11153216


based, you're pretty cool too

>> No.11153224
File: 649 KB, 1030x605, QQ截图20130708055554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need help with totono:
how do I get her out? she just won't fucking go away

>> No.11153233

Kill her
on a serious note, offered it on AB, but is it worth a shot? Quite busy with Zutto Sukishite, not quite into yandere, that's why I ask before I'd even try.

>> No.11153234

still waiting for grisaia

>> No.11153235

She just left when I told her to.

>> No.11153240 [DELETED] 

Already said yesterday, Herkz is a lazy cunt, don't expect it until the end of the month, this is a statement DxS made. Everything is done, all waiting for Herkz.

>> No.11153289

based? based on what?

>> No.11153299

oh it worked now, NVM

>> No.11153317

Jesus, whose house is that?

>> No.11153318

Reading Demonbane and it's pretty so-so so far.

>> No.11153328
File: 89 KB, 806x625, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's pretty fun.

>> No.11153385

So, Dies Irae. Acta est Fabula or Amantes Amentes

>> No.11153398

>How can you not even know Air?

Maybe because I don't like nor care for Key games?

>by parroting what they've read on the internet.

Or maybe because I've read One. Stop being angry just because someone doesn't like your beloved company.

>> No.11153401

Amantes Amentes, it's the most complete one.

>> No.11153448

It stays mediocre throughout. I only completed the book's route and half of the rich girl's route before getting bored, it was a mistake to do the best route first....

>> No.11153469
File: 20 KB, 1265x192, ss (2013-07-08 at 04.52.46).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was able to reach herkz, just a few minutes ago.
He verified already what DxS said, probably end of the month for Grisaia no Kajitsu.
Take it easy.

>> No.11153484


Alright, that settles it, I wasn't really sure of the exact differences so I was doubting. Amantes Amentes it is. Thanks

>> No.11153490
File: 654 KB, 352x198, 1247402621742.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been re-reading Umineko since I stopped keeping up when Episode 6 was translated. I finished Episode 4 again today and god fucking damn I love this VN. 10/10. Too bad about the anime.

>> No.11153524
File: 879 KB, 794x598, 3525311253123616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have prevented this.

>> No.11153589

I want EOPs to leave.

>> No.11153593

Eroge only players?

>> No.11153598

Erotically opinionated people simulator?

>> No.11153613


Expertge only players

>> No.11153617

English Only Plebs

>> No.11153619

So I can only stay here if I am an amateur? But why

>> No.11153621 [SPOILER] 
File: 862 KB, 1030x605, QQ截图20130708081417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so really, what exactly is totono trying to say?
finished aoi's route, and alI I felt was that shimokura just fucking trolled me.

>> No.11153626

Go back eating Key-shit, fagenabler.
>N-no, tits, p-please, my virgindick cannot handle this

>> No.11153665

Oh well, I've finished Gekkou, Sumaga and Axanael, guess I can do Totono too.

>> No.11153671
File: 145 KB, 480x320, 無題2387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while, but I don't remember this in the PC version of Narcissu.
Did they add scenes for the PSP? Or just the third game in general?

>> No.11153677

Don't bully Shimokura

>> No.11153680

Not my fault if he can't write

>> No.11153685
File: 151 KB, 450x338, 20130420132804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan disagrees. Gaijin scum like you simply can't understand.

>> No.11153686

So you picked Aoi at the end? wtf what kind of monster would do that.

>> No.11153689

You mean stema-fags disagree.
Most of the 90+ reviews only rated one game
This guy for example >>11152701

2ch in general doesn't seem to care about it

>> No.11153691

>picking the intolerable bitch over the passable denpa girl

>> No.11153696

Don't quote.

>> No.11153702

>I don't like the game so the votes must be fake!!

Yeah, whatever faggot. Next thing you'll tell me Nitro+ invaded VNDB and twitter too. Stay deluded.

>> No.11153706

Since when did VNDB scores matter for anything?

>> No.11153708

Votes from people who only rated it are obviously fake, yeah. It's not like it started with Totono.
And who the fuck care about vndb or twitter?

>> No.11153714

There are plenty of votes with more than one rating, sperg.

>> No.11153717

Yeah and most of them gave it a 70-80, mostly praising the idea/concept

>> No.11153723

but how was the porn

the porn is very important in a porn game

>> No.11153725
File: 221 KB, 640x480, yuhpon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished Muramasa.

I don't know what to say, so much shit happened. What the fuck. I guess it's a fitting ending, though.

>> No.11153726

Oh yeah, rating aggregate site wars. Have fun you faggots.

>> No.11153789
File: 69 KB, 800x597, tono-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This route was so perfect, utterly loved it, incredibly good pacing to boot, it was never boring. Should have finished it yesterday when I did chapter 9, thought I had 3 chapters left instead of 2, but it was so sweet and well done and Tonoko a fantastic heroine with great chemistry with Tsukasa in a romantic way, something only Nire had managed so far successfully.
Only Shino to finish, I don't expect it to be as good, but I hope it delivers.

>> No.11153844

That was a blast from the past. Loved that game.

>> No.11153849

Can't progress in Totono. Ending up with Miyuki all the time. It was said in this thread that you end up with her first, however I still end up getting her ending on 2nd play after making Aoi related choices.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

>> No.11153882

New thread: >>11153878

>> No.11154179

>Hope that tsundere bitch gets what's coming to her
Yeah my dick

>> No.11154495

you cant actually read japanese can you
l ol

>> No.11154656

Ruri's route is easily the shittiest one since it's a rehash of Al's for most of it and even if I enjoyed hers once it picked up that doesn't mean I want to read it again immediately after finishing. It's an understandable choice to make them start out the same, but that doesn't mean it was a good one.

Try Leica's route if you ever get bored enough to pick it up again, Anon!

>> No.11155215

>Maybe because I don't like nor care for Key games?

It's one of the most influential eroge. You should at least be able to recognize it if you had a working knowledge of the medium's roots.

>Or maybe because I've read One. Stop being angry just because someone doesn't like your beloved company.

Playing one game created by staff from the company before they were even the company does not give you enough knowledge about the brand to make sweeping generalizations.

>> No.11156590

Let me make sure I have this right:

To unlock the Realta Nua epilogue for the Fate route in Fate/stay night, I have to get all five endings, plus all forty bad endings, and then play through Fate again.

Is this correct?
