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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1113368 No.1113368 [Reply] [Original]

My grandmother thinks Japan is full of "firhgteningly cruel human filth", and she does not approve of my weeaboo hobbies.

she's still hung up on the war obviously

How do I convince her the Japanese people have changed?

>> No.1113375

Show her your loli collection.

>> No.1113378

>How do I convince her the Japanese people have changed?

they haven't

>> No.1113379

tell her the nukes put them in their place

>> No.1113385

why do you care if she approves?

>> No.1113391

because I love her and don't want to disappoint her

>> No.1113392
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>> No.1113394

They haven't changed at all. Seriously.

>> No.1113398

Haha, my grandmother is exactly the same.

Good thing not even my parents know of my hobbies.

>> No.1113399

Didn't your grandfather smash your monitor last time?

>> No.1113401

Take her to Japan.

>> No.1113406

that must be someone else

my grandfather is dead

>> No.1113418

kill the japs but keep the porn

>> No.1113423

Just wait till she dies.

>> No.1113426

I'm your real grandfather

>> No.1113419

No. I'm pretty sure it was you.

>> No.1113427

Then we won't have any new fucked up porn!

>> No.1113431

>frighteningly cruel human filth

That sounds about right.

>> No.1113434

Make her watch some anime. Like Kyouran Kazoku Nikki, which will show her that Japan cares about a strong family unit.

>> No.1113438

But then she'll also find out that the Japanese are incredibly fucked up in the head.

>> No.1113465

euthanize her

>> No.1113472

>firhgteningly cruel human filth
Screams "JAPAN!" to me.

>> No.1113481

Why do you talk to your Grandmother about your hobbies...

>> No.1113500

But she's right? You can't really prove her wrong.

>> No.1113573

why, who do you talk to? your IRL friends?


>> No.1113809

Therein lies the problem.

>> No.1113834

>How do I convince her the Japanese people have changed?
They haven't. They'll try to massacre the chinese if they had the chance, and every one of them is a xenophobic racist. In my japanese class, this stuck up jap refuses to talk to us "inferior gaijin." He's pretty batshit insane, too. I saw him drawing a picture of japanese ace pilots bombing Pearl Harbor.

>> No.1113835
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She's right, you know.

>> No.1113863

Indeed she is. And fuck you.

>> No.1113878

I don't think your grandma is still alive, enjoy your corpse.

>> No.1113884

>enjoy your corpse
I see what you did there.

>> No.1113880

too bad she's still alive, cause i'd really enjoy her corpse.

>> No.1113926


Read that, and you'll know why she won't change her ways any time soon.

You should draw him a picture of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

>> No.1113949

Who the fuck says they have?
Fucking gooks would be killing millions of koreans and chinese (while the international community would secretly be cheering them on) if they could get away with it scott-free.

>> No.1113962

so, I love my grandmother too, but I know she's racist as hell and that doesn't mean I'm going to specifically seek out a white, blonde, blue-eyed girl to marry just because that's what she wants.

>> No.1113987

Aren't gooks Viets?

I know, I know, allrookthesame. But you know what I mean, don't you?

>> No.1113990
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My old McPappy's like "The Germans ain't that bad, hell I love the Nazis, but them Japs, hoo-doggy, they fucking make my skin crawl."

>> No.1114010


Gooks are Koreans. The US military only called the Vietnamese Gooks because a) the two wars were similar in political nature and b) they had nothing else to call them lol

>> No.1114020

The problem here is twofold. Your grandma will not open her heart to other possibilities for other kinds of people, and you depend on the approval of others. Therefore a vicious cycle will occur until one either enlightenment or a breaking point, perhaps both


>> No.1114031

Oh, so that's how it is? Thanks.

>> No.1114039

No, Koreans are Zerglings.

>> No.1114043

>>1114020 eBuddha

>> No.1114042

Problem easily solved. Point out that America is also full of "firhgteningly cruel human filth," then chop her head off to prove it.

>> No.1114061

-Civilized when killing people
-Their experiments on humans had good intentions
-Only killed 6 million Jews
-Did not particularly enjoy killing other people.
-Didn't look like the buck-toothed japs

-Barbaric and raped their victims
-Killed well-over 20 million Chinese and Korean people
-All they wanted to do was destroy and pillage other nations

I think your McPappy had good reason to think Nazis were better than the japs.

>> No.1114070

lol wat

>> No.1114084

Don't let yourself be influenced by jew propaganda.
The Germans only killed around 4 mil jews.
They should've gone the extra mile though.

>> No.1114091


Also, the Nazis had awesome uniforms. That alone ranks them higher than the Japs.

>> No.1114102

Nazis wanted to create more supermen by ethinc cleansing. The Japanese did it for shits and giggles.

Nor did the Nazis vivisect their PoWs.

>> No.1114126

So Japan was basically /b/? While Nazis were /fit/?

>> No.1114133

your mommy sent a nuclear bomb and kille millions of inocents and she was happy when she knew that, so I think your mom is a shitfuck

>> No.1114136

If you want to put it that way

>> No.1114141

We're talking about the OP's grandma.

Those nukes were well deserved.

>> No.1114142


>The Germans only killed around 4 mil jews.
>only killed around 4 mil jews.

Wow, you either don't quite understand numbers or you're a huge asshole.

>> No.1114151

Japan wasn't composed of myspace 16 year olds.

>> No.1114154

My grandfather, who was a WW2 vet, went to Japan once. Too bad he was a paratrooper in Europe during the war and didn't really give a shit.

He rode the bullet train and said the people were very polite.

>> No.1114156

Not as bad as killing 20 million chinks, weeaboo scum.

>> No.1114160

I think the latter is most appropriate.
I don't keep these people in my heart.

>> No.1114173

I pity your Grandpa, he has no idea that the nips hate him so much.

>> No.1114178

Fuck off moralfag/jew/nigger. Hitler was cool. He and his party only tried to make the world a better place for their people.
Unfortunately,he went all batshit and started with the whole world domination shit..that was rather stupid.

>> No.1114186

I'd shake his hand if I met him.

This is coming from a britfag, veterans don't get enough respect here.

>> No.1114182

You know, I couldn't care less if people hate me, as long as they act polite.
Submission is still submission.

>> No.1114196

His ideas were okay, at best. Pretty much everything past the Berlin Olympics was bad.

>> No.1114198


>> No.1114209

Why is this thread filled with people that spout bullshit like "NAZIS WERE EVIL BAWWWW!"

>> No.1114206

Not the one you're answering to, anyway, I don't approve of racial crap or anything, I've just got immense loathing for jews.
And retards.
And gypsies.
And homos.

>> No.1114223
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Probably they were scared shitless of the war-mongering white man that waged a war of aggression against Japan.

>> No.1114226

Well, since there's like no survival of the fittest any more with people, it kinda makes sense. But persecution and genocide are not the way to go about it.


>> No.1114227

It's not.

>> No.1114229

Go make yourself taller. It's the ideal body shape.

>> No.1114241

Well, natural selection has dissapeared, at least regarding humans in developped areas, we've got more of a "social selection" where the rich and powerful have the biggest chance of spreading their genes while giving them maximum survival chances.

Unfortunately, even this is countered by welfare, now any retard can have a kid and raise it with state's money.
The fact that his family is pathetic rarely is an incentive for the child to do any better.

Ambition is mostly dead in today's children.

So, let's castrate undeserving beings.

>> No.1114251


>> No.1114248

Sorry jew, I'm already tall enough.
Go take a shower or bake yourself something.

>> No.1114253

Yeah, anyway, I'm just going to stop posting in this thread now.

Just because I don't want to end up sounding like one of those 15 year olds who thinks like "Well, most of the world is stupid anyway, it'd be better of if all the retarded people died or got killed and we'd live in a utopia" or some shit like that.

>> No.1114265

Well, I posted that jokingly, the beginning's true though.

>> No.1114278

I figured.

But I just don't want things to start going that way anyway. Just in case, better safe than sorry and all that.

>> No.1114291

True true, this would degenerate way too fast.

>> No.1114307

20 million chinks dead and China is STILL overpopulated... I think Japan did them a favor...

>> No.1114333

Launch FREYA over Hong Kong!

>> No.1114340

But Hong Kong is a wannabe democrat.

Don't you mean shanghai.

>> No.1114352

>You should draw him a picture of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Listen to this man.

>> No.1114356

No. There are lots of chinks right now because of the olympics.
I just hope Jackie isn't there when it happens.

>> No.1114455

>Well, natural selection has dissapeared, at least regarding humans in developped areas, we've got more of a "social selection" where the rich and powerful have the biggest chance of spreading their genes while giving them maximum survival chances.

>Unfortunately, even this is countered by welfare, now any retard can have a kid and raise it with state's money.

Welfare in asia is minimal. You work for money or you die. People will do anything for money, which brings us to many other problems, however...

>> No.1114460

I wasn't referring to asia.

>> No.1114476

The actual generation and the next will also think it's bad.
Because it is.

>> No.1114470


We wait for their generation to die off.

Old Americans will never think Japan is good. They're biggots and facists.

BTW: related to pic, great movie. I'm glad Anon has watched it.

>> No.1114474


they haven't

>> No.1114488

GTFO /jp/.

DOOR NUMBER ONE: Killed 6,000,000 Jews, 12,000,000 overall.
DOOR NUMBER TWO: Has slanted eyes.

>> No.1114498

I hate people living in 1943.

I'm jealous that they can bend the space-time-continuum to accomodate their computers in such an era, and to send their information through six decades.

>> No.1114499


>> No.1114502


>> No.1114514

Oh hey Walter-chan, still a faggot I see?

>> No.1114517

No more or less than usual.

>> No.1114562
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>> No.1114574

lol internet

>> No.1114589

Find a Japanese person who admits that the rape of Nanking happened. By the time you have done this, she will be dead and your problem gone with her.

>> No.1114599

well call the morgue, my Japanese TA and I had a long discussion about it. They know it happened.

>> No.1114604

Japan apologized to China and South Korea for a past war many times, and Japan is a country
that loves peace most in the worlds now.
Please do not blame Japan indefinitely as the war crime country.

>> No.1114621

fuck the japanese, comin straight outta tokyo

>> No.1114629

Tell her to stop getting hung up over Nanking, if those bitches didn't want to be genocided, they would have defended themselves better. Stop being so post coloinal.

Also, the Nazis were fags, ethnic nationalism is pretty much the stupidest concept ever. There's a reason why all of those loser third world nations in Africa and the Middle East are pushing for it so hard, Stormfags. You guys are going to be shitting yourself when the inevitable single world government comes into being.

>> No.1114648

>stop getting hung up over the Holocaust, if those dirty jews didn't want to be genocided, they would have defended themselves better

>> No.1114666

I wish they hadn't changed.

>> No.1114667

var regexp = ["\u30EF\u30EB\u30C6\u30EB\u3061\u3083\u3093"];
var list=document.evaluate(
for(var i=0;i<list.snapshotLength;i++) {
var elem=list.snapshotItem(i);
for (var j in regexp){

>> No.1114693

shut it, jappo. GB2 raping chinks and taking korean land.

>> No.1114698

They do? For a historically ignorant country, that's pretty amazing.

>> No.1114709

i think the funny thing about japs is that they pride themselves on kung fu but they make automobiles and TVs

why not go back to being something more true to your roots. it's a shame that they have to lie to themselves to gain a foothold in the world

>> No.1114712

That's what everyone else thinks about you, Amerifags.

>> No.1114729
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>Their experiments on humans had good intentions
Oh God help me, I lol'd.

>> No.1114730

Why are amerikkans and euro trash (yes im grouping you tiny garbage countries together) so critical of other countries, like you even have the right to be.

That's not to say japan is any better though. You all should gtfo off this planet

>> No.1114736

Posting from Mars, amirite?

>> No.1114759
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>> No.1114764

Smeagol, who told you to wash my goddamn ship?

>> No.1114788
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>> No.1114807

Have you ever played Wolfenstein? Jesus.
