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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11140075 No.11140075 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we all just beat the shit out of each other until there's only one /jp/ left.
That one /jp/ can then rule over the entire board with the things only he or she deems good.

>> No.11140082

Why we are one of the boards with the least amount of users.

>> No.11140086

No fighting on holy ground

>> No.11140083

Because we beat the shit out of each other until there's only one /jp/ left.

>> No.11140090

There are only 3 guys here anyway.

>> No.11140102

Will we be using spellcard rules or will anything go?

>> No.11140113

I just won. NEET threads are back. Fuck everyone else.

>> No.11140115

Considering >>11140075 and >>11140086, we're going by Highlander rules.

>> No.11140130

I'm sure there's some douche who would just stay out of the fray while everyone else fought each other. Then when all the other /jp/sies had brought each other to the brink of death he'd step out of the shadows, gloating that there was nobody left with the power to stop him from ruling /jp/.

>> No.11140125

I don't want to kill any of you.

>> No.11140127

3 seems like a high number considering most of us are little girls.

>> No.11140137

Because we already did and I won and decided that /jp/ should be a free board as long as the inhabitants follow the rules and principles we established and uphold the /jp/ Constitution.

No kings or rulers, all /jp/ posters are created equally and may debate and choose amongst themselves what is good and should be discussed. I am no tyrant.

We the posters, in order to form a more perfect Japanese Culture Board, establish rules and guidelines, insure poster tranquility, provide for the common discussion, promote the creation of original content, and secure the blessings of otaku hobbies and interests to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this set of rules and sticky for the Otaku Culture Board of 4chan.

>> No.11140149
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>or she


>> No.11140157


>> No.11140162
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The attempt to make every poster equal was your first mistake.

You only open the door for another all /jp/ fight to the death.

When I win this battle I will force this board to become NOTHING but Touhou and there will be a massive Flanfly sticky as the first post of our new glorious board.

>> No.11140173

And then the other 50 people who did the same start /jp/ War 2: Electric Boogaloo.

>> No.11140179
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You guys are all a hundred years too early to defeat me!
Come, and I shall show you the way of the /jp/.

>> No.11140185

I'll fight you to prevent that from happening.
I demand liberty and justice on my Otaku Culture board, as this is a board full of people with a diverse set of interests and as long as they remain on topic and don't disturb others, they should be allowed to discuss other otaku interests both beyond and including Project Touhou.

>> No.11140190
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I'd destroy you nerds.

>> No.11140204
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Its only fair that I warn you, this is me

>> No.11140210

So how are we going to do this?

>> No.11140215

Karaoke contest.

>> No.11140220

In before some idolfag wins

>> No.11140222
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The choices for the fight location are an abandoned factory in Moscow or your house.

Get ready

>> No.11140218

But I want to be healer/white mage

>> No.11140229


I thought she was wearing a really slutty outfit but she's not...

>> No.11140238
File: 157 KB, 1024x768, 1367289393621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rule one once I win is that every thread must be lewd.

>> No.11140242

nooooo! you can't!

>> No.11140247

Winner is the new king of /jp/.

>> No.11140250


Why must we fight to the death? I don't want you guys to die.

>> No.11140253

I'll do that anyways

>> No.11140254


I want you to die! Forever!

>> No.11140256
File: 37 KB, 500x405, gt58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring it bitches. I'm a otherkin; I was basically an almighty demon lord of warfare.
Btw, this is not my final form.

>> No.11140255

It's okay anon. He could never beat me. And when -I- win, all lewdness will be permanently banned. /jp/ will be true to the blue.

>> No.11140267

But this time lewdness will be required.

I will use all my vast knowledge of Akido to see me through this fight.

>> No.11140264


I still don't wanna kill you. But that doesn't mean I won't beat the crap out of you.

>> No.11140271
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The only thing you beat is your pathetic weenie.

>> No.11140279 [DELETED] 
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/jp/ - Korea Culture


>> No.11140275

I just want to be lewd

>> No.11140284

Your lewdness is admirable, would suck.

>> No.11140285

Hell no, I am going to destroy you.

>> No.11140281
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Bring it, I'm trained in otacool warfare.

>> No.11140289


You're the only pathetic weenie I'm beating. I'll protect the smiles of /jp/ by defeating those that wish to kill others.

>> No.11140303
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That makes you my archnemesis.

>> No.11141562

But if there's only one /jp/ left there would be nobody to rule over.

>> No.11141576

Instead of fighting, /jp/ should get together and cuddle and have sex!

>> No.11141581


>> No.11141593

I imagine we would be starting anew with the sole /jp/ left as ruler.

Alternatively if there WAS just one /jp/ left all of the threads would be guaranteed to be good for that one /jp/

>> No.11141608
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This is horrible!

I'm going to defeat you all, and put an end to this war!

>> No.11141626
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I won guys, I killed everyone including you.

>> No.11141643

prove it

>> No.11141653

I'm fatter than the rest

I'm probably the fattest /jp/sie here...I'll be the last one standing, well sitting, but I'll be the last one because I'm bigger than the rest of you.

>> No.11141656

Are stands/servants allowed?

>> No.11141665


you think you can out fatNEET me?

>> No.11141685
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Fat fucks like you will be the first to go as the easiest, slowest targets.

You're pretty much screwed and you have nothing more to blame than your own disgusting eating habits.

When I win in MY /jp/ all fatties are getting permanently banned.

>> No.11141689
File: 23 KB, 1280x720, 1367525774272-1076121185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this truly what you desire?

>> No.11141698

I've eaten burgers bigger than you kid

>> No.11141701

I am Pride Fighting Championship otaku.

I will kill you

>> No.11141702

I want there to be at least 1 lewd tewi thread per day. Plz

>> No.11141720
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>Fat fucks like you will be the first to go as the easiest, slowest targets.

This is 100% true. An otaku brownshirts in frilly hats will start marching, home to home, rattling steel buckets on the ends of baseball bats, herding you, like the bunch of fat fucking seals you are, into cul de sacs. And then you'll be beaten to death. And then your murders will fight each other to the death on your body pile. And then every thread will be lewd.

>> No.11141725

Sudo ;_;

>> No.11141724

I would become a magical girl to save /jp/

>> No.11141727

Nah, all I want is four walls and adobe slabs for my girls.

>> No.11141813

Well we could fight to the death... or we can have a massive orgy! Whoever lasts the longest without passing out will become /jp/'s god!

>> No.11142053
File: 71 KB, 565x487, satori beep beep_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No way! Everyone ignore this deviant, it's just a whore trying to get us to sacrifice our wizard potential!

>> No.11142201

Shouldn't it be "ensure poster tranquility"?
