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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 40 KB, 285x400, Hayao-Miyazaki-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11135936 No.11135936 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, what do you guys think of Miyazaki's works ?

I just rewatched Spirited away and Princess Mononoke and wow, these are awesome.

>> No.11135951

I thought Ponyo was horrible. Mononoke was awesome though.

>> No.11135959

I like his works but I think he's kind of a dick.

>> No.11135961

They're swell adventure movies, right up there with classic Disney.

I just hope they don't become diluted and shallow, like most Western animated movies have.

>> No.11135967

>he's kind of a dick.

In what way? He seems like a nice enough fellow, and he cares about contemporary issues without shoving it down everyone's throats.

>> No.11135973

It always seemed to me like they put less frames into their movies than Disney.

>> No.11135975

I thought the first half of Ponyo was fun, then what the shit.

Felt liked an overly ambitious rushed amateur work, a great contrast when compared to his other overly polished turds.

>> No.11136008

Well I can't say for sure, but it always seems like Ghibli films have nicer keyframes but less frames overall than the old Disney films. Though that might just be because the tweens in old Disney films were a lot more fluid, whereas anime is generally stiff and more realistic.

I really wish The Thief and the Cobbler was finished properly. It has some of the coolest animation I've ever seen.

>> No.11136028

He verbally bullies otaku along with his fellow bully Ano.

>> No.11136035

Well, Kaze Tachinu is coming out this month. I hope it doesn't suck.

>> No.11136049

Considering the plot, I'd say that it could be an interesting movie. But it won't be awesome like Mononoke.

>> No.11136064

He's getting worse and more boring at storylines as he ages. He hasn't done a real action film since Monokae. He makes such sappy storylines now that lack the puch they use to have. Tales of the earth sea was suppose to be an action, but dragged on through almost nothing but dilauge. Ponyo and his other story based off of the borrowers was what really showed his age mentality of "oh life is so short; we really need to take it easy and rrapect the nature around us. No violence, no comotion let's just enjoy the afternoons while we can. Struggles are for the young to be burdened with". That was all I got. He aimed both of those movies toward a young age group and kids across America said it was boring as HELL too. Miyazakibis nothing but a guy who doesn't know how to dream or relate to young people anymore while loosing his vission to the oncoming worries of death. I am rather throuhg with his shit. Time to put dowm the reigns and give the young blood more leaway in creatimg storylines.

Up On Poppy Hill was his attempt to regain the insight to youths' spirit and he knows that. I doubt it'll be anuthing more than over enthusiactic kids coming together to prove themselves in a hard changing Japan that was cruel to adolesents at the time.

>> No.11136069

Get a load of that pretentious image

>> No.11136081 [DELETED] 

Not otaku culture, get this shit out of here.

>> No.11136114

Probably you should post there.

>> No.11136142

I never enjoyed his movies except that one silly bit in mononoke when the guy fires an arrow at a dude and the dude's head gets cut off, I laughed at that because it looked silly.

>> No.11136154
File: 155 KB, 1296x1170, DRAGON_SLAYER_046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard this guy calls himself a "feminist".

So he is among the very few people in Japan whose death will make me happy.

It's sad, but when a person goes beyond Hitler and Stalin my borders are truly crossed.

>> No.11136159

Only kids and people with the mental age of 12 can enjoy his works. He makes boring and dumbed down crap for children, while preaching about what REAL anime is like.
Only his death can save anime.

>> No.11136163

I really wish Japan's art directors of anime, live-action or otherwise would start to realize the shitty culture they live in instead of blaming the young for not willing to go through the shitty culture.

>> No.11136172

I'm forever angry at him for Grave of the Fireflies. What a piece of dung that was.

>> No.11136179

That was a Studio Ghibli film, but not a Miyazaki film.

And it was good, fuck your face.

>> No.11136197

Well, I wanted to know about /jp/ opinion. Anyway, sorry for the inconvenience.

I mean, Touhou threads are nice, but I wanted to talk about something else for once.

>> No.11136229

I agree. After I went and watched Grave of the Fire Flies I was really moved and thought that he was depicting how much of personal struggle the young boys went through as a generation trying understand what happend and taking care of those around you at any coat while having no real power to save them THEN I watched the interveiw with Miyazaki and contrary to my belief he had created the film almost as a shaming tool to the kids from the generation of the 80's and 90's saying "The really biggest point of this film was to show that money can't buy you everyrhing. This generation of kids are rather selfish and emotionleaa to think of money."

I was rather angery at him when he said this and made me think exactly what >>11135959 said about him being a dick. As he critizised that generation he himself was emotionless and ignoring the hardahips of changing times that HIS generation built the foundations of for money grubers. In reality that generation of Japanese felt sick of money and being the penny pinching underlings. He is rather aarogent I believe and I'm not so sure I would get along with him persoanally.

I hate to have a skewed look on him, but if he's going to keep on making such statments and movies he should be more inviting to let us and the public see his personality. It would definitly calm my nerves on his pretwntious attitude on me and other youths of today as well. Then again he won't do that, becausebthe Japanese aren't suppose to show emotion in life, thus he himself is just another hive minded asshole who fluants his power around thinking he has room to preach to us.

>> No.11136230

ESFP scum get out.
The whole movie was about:
>muh Hiroshima
>muh Nagasaki
>muh Tokyo firebombing
It insults the viewer's intelligence at every point possible.

>> No.11136245
File: 35 KB, 428x573, S7257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11136254

Grave of the Fireflies is NOT A MIYAZAKI FILM.

>> No.11136256

All his movies are the same.

>> No.11136274

No, really.
For me Grave of the Fireflies was about making people cry as they emphasized a lot on suffering. Well, it's hard to open your tearducts when everybody is acting like a prime retard for the sake of drama. It was forced and overdone.
I felt nothing when the little fucker died. I saw it coming from a mile away and I would have killed her fat ass myself.

>> No.11136280

He directed and wrote it with that partner of his. Just because there was another Art Team labled "Ghibli Film" and was financially backed by outsiders has nothing to do with the fact that he had the greatest influence on creating almost everything in that film. Anything produced in those days were in fact his films, just with others working on drawing scenes under his direct guidlines.

Please don't fool yourself with this man. If you didn't realize this before hand than I qyestion how much you really think you know of Miyazaki or Ghibli Studio.

>> No.11136278

Same shit.

>> No.11136327

Gonna need a citation for that, I'm afraid. IMDB, ANN, and Wikipedia all list Takahata as the sole director and screenplay writer.

>> No.11136333

How about you watch yhe dvd special features.

>> No.11136337

If you can point to a youtube video of the interview or some other internet-accessible source, fine. Otherwise it doesn't count as a citation.

>> No.11136340

It's his studio with his men. Are you trying to say he had no influence over it at all? Because that's just foolish. It had the same feel as his other works too.

I fukd you're mum 12 years ago, yet im not ur father on papper either.

>> No.11136344

Huuuuh. I am posting through my phone right now, so I can't. Can't you just foofle it? Can't you buy the DVD?

Not trying to be a jerk here either man. I am enjoying our discussion.

>> No.11136345

>Otherwise it doesn't count as a citation.
That's not how citations work.

>> No.11136348

>Are you trying to say he had no influence over it at all?
What is a strawman, alex?

>> No.11136356

Do you really think I'm going to track down a copy of the DVD in order to prove your point for you? It's way too easy to make bullshit claims and then make up a citation that you know will be too annoying for the other guy to check.

>> No.11136355

Ghibli = Miyazaki
Deal with it.

>> No.11136366

It's just hard when uplifting manga in Japan counts as "It's your fault everything sucks and you need to go out there and 'just do it' (and overused phrase that means nothing nowadays)."

>> No.11136378

It's a good movie, so either way it's worth it. Besides just youtube it man. I don't get what the big deal is by me telling you and you looking it up yourself. You can either do that or not believe me. It's not going to make a big differance in my life or /jp/ browsing if you believe me or not. Calm down. Jeez. Others here are agreeing with mw while saying the exact same thing as me. That counts shows I am at least onto something. Just because they agree doesn't mean I'm right and just because I don't give you a scource doesn't mean I am wrong either. Let's move this concersation along now ppease. We're just arguming cimantics now.

>> No.11136381

Ghibli fanboys are so annoying when they enter damage limitation mode.

>> No.11136393

I'm so sure. I don't even consider myself a fanboy. Like I said before I think he's rather annoying.

>> No.11136408
File: 36 KB, 1200x1200, itspikachu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't they made a *sci-fi dystopian horror anime* like some kind of sick cross between Ghost in the Shell, BLAME!, and Ergo Proxy?

>> No.11136415

Because here >>11136064

>> No.11136423
File: 255 KB, 1507x1262, nausicaa-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't a dystopia in the totalitarian sense, but Nausicaa?

>> No.11136438

By any chance have you been posting in the Godzilla threads lately?

>> No.11136437
File: 1.23 MB, 1183x960, 1372908904238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have to go DEEPER

>> No.11136451

Shit movie.

>> No.11136453

I saw thay thread if that's what you mean.

>> No.11136490

They have to go HOOPER

>> No.11136516

I've seen the movie. And if the interview you're citing is on Youtube, why not post a link and shut me up once and for all?

>Others here are agreeing with mw while saying the exact same thing as me. That counts shows I am at least onto something.
No, it doesn't.

>Just because they agree doesn't mean I'm right

>and just because I don't give you a scource doesn't mean I am wrong either
True, but you lose the argument if you can't provide a source for your claims. I'll give you credit for gesturing in the general direction of what you say is a source, but without an easier way to verify it I'm not going to believe it.

>> No.11136536

Liking Miyazaki is like liking Radiohead or Pink Floyd.

>> No.11136550

I can't provide it becuase I am on my cell phone.

>> No.11136566

who cares you fags stop arguing about some fuck who cant even make REAL DEAL anime

>> No.11136575

>liking good things is like liking other good things
Ok, no objections.

>> No.11136591
File: 31 KB, 500x213, giant warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only seen Nausicaa and it was a shit movie

I liked Anno's take on it better

>> No.11136597

Prometheus was shit because its production was hijacked by Hollywood execs.

>> No.11136600


That doesn't make it any less shit

>> No.11136611

He's more real deal than others. Muh moe snd Eva.Pretty luaghable. One of few anime I will watch is his. He needs new blood to take over studio ghibli now.

>> No.11136612

Meaning hipsters should avoid it?

I understand what you are saying but I'm curious what you are getting at. What does its popularity have to do with anything?

>> No.11136615

Spirited away is a film about ________.

>> No.11136622

i always thought it was weird how he shot down his kid(s?) who wanted to animate anime like their dad

>> No.11136621


>> No.11136635

Youre going to cut yourself with that edge m8

>> No.11136636

>like liking Radiohead or Pink Floyd
Come on, Piper at the Gates of Dawn is fucking awesome.

>> No.11136639

Cause he's a dick.

>> No.11136647

That barely counts. Syd Barret wrote that whole album except for 1 or 2 songs. Very different sound from the later albums

>> No.11136649

Hayao's son Goro directed that Earthsea Ghibli, and we all know how that one turned out.

If Miyazaki the elder though poorly of the attempts by Ghibli's producer et al. to groom his son as successor, he was right.

>> No.11136656

Too many hipsters in here. Miyazaki might be pretentious, but he has created great films and the only worthwhile anime to watch. I know you all think your weeaboish waifu shit anime is better, but it's not, deal with it.

>> No.11136657

In 2003, after winning an Oscar for his film Spirited Away, Hayao Miyazaki received LeGuin's approval but was busy directing Howl's Moving Castle. Studio Ghibli head Toshio Suzuki decided that Hayao's son Gorō Miyazaki, who was advising on the film, should be given his first directing job for the adaptation. Hayao was dissatisfied with the decision, thinking that Gorō lacked the necessary experience. They reportedly did not speak to one another during production of the film


>> No.11136658
File: 907 KB, 1280x692, chihiro_preview_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you fuck the ass out of Chihiro, /jp/?

>> No.11136674

I wonder if Goro and the rest of /jp/ have serious issues with their fathers. Typical Japanese father trying to suppress his son.

>> No.11136681

Spirited Away and the Nausicaa manga were good, not a fan of anything else he's done though.

>> No.11136687

For a disliker of otaku he sure knows how to put cute lolis in his movies.
Go on, count how many of his films have a shirtless or naked loli in them.

>> No.11136692

What the HELL do you mean? Anal prolapse?

>> No.11136693

I wonder what her feet smell like.

>> No.11136698

>the only worthwhile anime to watch
Mamoru Oshii says hi! Try watching Oshii's Patlabor 2: P2 is a masterpiece of theatrical anime which is a great antidote to the Moe crap you dislike. Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer is also an amazing Oshii film.

Limiting yourself to Miyazaki is almost as bad as being a weeaboo.

>> No.11136701

The same as your feet, I guess.

I still want to smell them for some reason. Why is that?

>> No.11136704

No, she is a retarded kid who probably picks her ridiculously small nose sometimes.


>> No.11136705

He knows exctlay what he's doing. He and every other middle aged Japanese man, who's wives have cold beds/hearts, can't hide their obsession for young little girls. Miyazaki has less of an ecscuse and just more of a perv (either that or he does it for profit in a sneaky way).

>> No.11136714

That scene reminds me of "Alice through the looking-glass".

>> No.11136723


You like sweaty neckbeard feet

>> No.11136727

>their obsession for young little girls
Why is he married, though? I would never marry a woman, they symbolize the little girl's death.

>> No.11136733

It's just your fetish showing anon. Critcal analysis of this subject relating to yourself will give you yor awnswer.

For me I like older women a few years older or tall girls with big noses.

>> No.11136734

Do loli feet really smell like neckbeard feet? I can't believe it.

Even if it's true, why do I want to smell the former but not the latter?

>> No.11136744

I've never seen my cousin picking her nose. You are full of shit.

Do you have a fetish for that or something?

>> No.11136740

I also like women. Why don't you like little girls too?

>> No.11136752

Isn't that fat man Porco Rosso?

>> No.11136756

Kids are attention whores. No wonder they all strip on cam so easily.

>> No.11136774

>The same as your feet, I guess.
Untrue. I have proof.

>> No.11136805
File: 423 KB, 960x720, peto creeper fgfdha_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was most likely in genuine love with her, but as she aged her true colors started to show in the shade of cash green. Japanese men have become obsessed with young girls because they see their pure hearts that once beated in their wives chests. Japanese men long for the spiritual tide and inner communication Japan once had. Japan had always had strict and burdensome social norms, but the men could always push through with the love of their wifes and Japanese aethstetic religious ways, but with both of those things gone in modern Japan they turn to young girls for their pure needs. Those pure needs turn into desire of possession of that pureness. How does one become pure in a lifeless land in Japan anymore? Bond with it. How does one bond with something, besides consumtio? The only other way is sex. Japanese men long so derely for loving purity they seek it in sexuality with pure yong maidens. In the end those same men are the ones correcting the girls' purity. A visious cycle that leads to death

>> No.11136819

Does he masturbate to Chihiro being forced to fart really loud by the witch?

>> No.11136821

Absolutely. Everything about her is cute as hell. I bet her anus is so tight, smooth, and perfect.

>> No.11136866

Like how young are we talking here? lolis are fragile gifts from God who can't fully grasp love yet. Their hearts and bodies are tobe protected from all harm, until they know themselves and decisions of love.

I'm 21. In my few years older than an 18 year old girl I am still plenty of ages wiser than her. She is too valnurable to me. So willing, when she doesn't even know herself or what love means. I date older women around the ages of 24 or 25 because for so long you were considered hot stuff for doing so, their developed bodies, my mature stature such women comment on in belief I am older, and my deep seeded childhood love for the heiram of significantly older girls toating me around as if I were their entire world.

>> No.11136873

I like Miyazaki's works. They have a great story and emotion.

>> No.11136881

...but he didn't direct that film.

>> No.11136883

I remember being in love with her when I was 10.

You should try to remember some of your crushes from elementary school, /jp/.

Remember what 9 year old girls were to you back then, when you were their age. They are more intimidating that way, but it's an interesting feeling. They are on your same level and social status, they are mysterious, their height is the same as yours, you can actually kiss them if you are lucky enough...

You should masturbate to those thoughts, /jp/. Imagine yourself as a 4th grade boy. It's a feeling like no other.

>> No.11136892

I happen to like tearjerkers, but I don't see how that makes me extroverted.

>> No.11136903

>how young are we talking here?

>lolis are fragile gifts from God
That's why I love them so much. Hugging one isn't nearly enough to satisfy my love. But I can only dream.

I'm not that interested in sex anyway. I often fantasize about being a boy and having a purely romantic relationship with a little girl.

>> No.11136929

Die scum.

>> No.11136937

I'd lick the little bit of sweat between her ass cheeks.

>> No.11136956

Don't tell me what to do, asshole.

>> No.11136976

They are way too intimidating, I'm scared!

>> No.11136992

You can have a purely romantic relationship with a little girl at your current age.

>> No.11137004

I doubt that.

Also, I don't like being so tall compared to a loli. I don't like how they treat me as an adult/fun older cousin either. I'd rather be a boy in their class and have them ask me about tomorrow's homework and stuff.

>> No.11137025

No, you can't sicko

>> No.11137054

Prove it.

>> No.11137078

Why not? What makes you think you can't?

>> No.11137389

Please respond.

>> No.11137539

Ghibli movies are better than Disney movies because they don't rape their good works with horrifyingly shitty sequels.

>> No.11137636

How does that effect the quality of the original in any way?

>> No.11139704


>> No.11139712

Because whether you like it or not, you sometimes can't avoid taking those into account or thinking about them.

Like Star Wars. Even before it was Disney, "Star Wars" was ruined. I used to think of Star Wars as a good trilogy of 70s/80s movies. That's what "Star Wars" conjured in my mind. Now Star Wars is a franchise with all the prequels and cartoons and stuff. There are young people to whom that's all Star Wars has ever been. The Phantom Menace and The Clone Wars IS "Star Wars" to them, so Star Wars has been ruined forever.

>> No.11139732

It's the same with franchises like Kingdom Hearts.

Once you know all the shitty plot twists introduced in KH2, you can't ignore them when you replay the first one.

Even if you deny KH2's existence, you still remember everything about it. In case you forget, the retarded fanbase will always be there to remind you about it. Every time you search for Kairi porn, KH2 Kairi will be there. It's hard to ignore.

>> No.11139746

What makes you thing you can?

>> No.11139761

Rewatched Princess Mononoke some time ago and I still liked it a lot.
I've watched Spirited Away with my mom a bunch of times and she liked it too.

>> No.11139800


>> No.11139802

I want to discuss good anime with /jp/.

I want to admire naked kids with /jp/.

/a/ and /b/ are full of retards.

>> No.11139838

My daughter and I can always watch the Miyazaki films together, and she's entranced by them every time.

>> No.11139847

>/a/ and /b/ are full of retards

That's why you want to bring them all here?

>> No.11139848

I've never been able to understand later iterations "ruining" an original franchise for me. The Star Wars I grew up with will always be awesome to me, regardless of the CGI shitfest that reared up in the 90s.

>> No.11139851

How old is she?

>> No.11139853


>> No.11139859


>> No.11139888

They're really shitty.
His movies are only popular because of "haha cooky japan!" or "its just like disney!"

He isn't creative or has done anything new and amazing.

He is exacly like the guy who made fractale, a big talker that hasn't made anything good. Actually, maybe he is more like ano(anus) the guy who made Evangelion. Made something that was really popular and people overanalyze it, then think you're a bigshot for getting lucky.

His cartoons are shit and he isn't any better than a shmuck who draws generic harem manga. Both things are just as shitty, only he does things that are socially acceptable and can be marketed fast to normies. A mcdonalds, he isnt that popular so I cant even call him that, he is like the wendy's of anime. Fast food crap.

>> No.11139893

For people those days, being a fan of something is a social experience. You don't just like things now. You go to a thing-related internet sites, dress in a thing-relevant clothes, meet other people who like the thing, finally it starts to serve as a modern substitute of tribe, religion and social life.

It's natural that falling apart with the "fandom", or at least its zeitgeist, becomes a personal tragedy.

>> No.11139902

These things also happened pre-Internet. Yes, there are websites now, but a lot of this is increased visibility of what's been going on since comic book conventions.

>> No.11139958

Good thing you're the only one who thinks that.

>> No.11140122

So... Can /jp/ actually fall in love with elementary school girls?

>> No.11140142

Moe fan, I take it? Have you even seen Miyazaki's early work (Lupin III series, Future Boy Conan series, 60's animation involvement (i.e. Horus Prince of the Sun), and Cagliostro)?

Sure, recent Ghibli work can draw parallels with big budget Disney but Miyazaki has done a metric fucking ton of other work.

>> No.11140212

While changing my daughter in front of the open closet door. She kept looking around me and laughing. I asked her what was so funny. She said, "the man." To which I replied, "what man?" She then pointed at the closet and said, "the man with the snake neck." I turn around and nothing was there. I'm afraid to look into the history of my house to see if anyone hung themselves in the closet. At least she wasn't scared.

>> No.11140325

Children continue to expand their vocabulary and develop more complex language. Their language use really doesn’t completely resemble adult language until they reach around age eleven. That’s when children are able to use what are called although-type sentences. Those are sentences that show a concession: Even though the man was tired, he kept working. Young children would be likely to say “The man was tired, but he kept working.”

>> No.11141380

I'm a Gundam fan. Moe is also shit, you can replace what I said there with harem manga and replace it with moe. It would still apply, Miyazaki makes shit.

>> No.11141392

Because I can think of nothing that would stop someone from going on a date with a loli.

>> No.11141394

How can you not?

>> No.11141395

bolis, fugggggggg :-DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.11141415

There's nothing that would make police stop you from dating a little girl. There's nothing wrong with just taking her on a date, holding hands, hugging, and maybe kissing once.

>> No.11141650

If you enjoy being around the loli and even take her on a date, her parents will hate you forever and will prevent you from talking with her ever again.

>> No.11141831

Basing your opinion on Howl's, Spirited Away, and other such contemporary Miyazaki, I'm sure (throw in Totoro, Mononoke, et al, if you wish).

Putting his Ghibli output aside, Miyazaki is still a damn good animator/storyteller as 70's output like Lupin III tv and Mirai Shonen Conan clearly shows (I'm sure you have never seen either). Miyazaki is more than Ghibli, and his ancient stuff alone justifies his stature.

You're a Gundam fan, right? Well, using your approach I could say that Gundam is shit based upon the silly nature of G Gundam, or the pretty boy pandering of Gundam Wing, while totally ignoring the original series and Zeta.

>> No.11141848

What's up with all the hate for moe? I feel like I'm on a different board.

>> No.11141904

newlords being epic

>> No.11141917

Why is this thread alloud?

>> No.11141948

Has this thread stopped being full of shit taste plebs yet?

>> No.11142016

No, faggot

>> No.11142036

I want to lick her armpits.

>> No.11142037

You're still here, so no.

>> No.11142050

Moe is the downfall of anime. Pandering to the tastes of the otaku fringe has done nothing to help an anime industry which is but a pale shadow of it's glory days in the 70s-80s-90s boom.

If anything, more stuff like Ghibli films and shows like Cowboy Bebop are called for to appeal to a more diverse demographic. The otaku ghetto is no place for anime to do it's death throes.

>> No.11142060

moe shows existing doesn't stop people from making non-moe shows.

And the industry does try to do shows that aren't moe, they just tend to be awful. See: Shingeki no Kyojin.

>> No.11142087

What's wrong with being pandered to?

>> No.11142107
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, 1372018824220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You probably meant to be on /a/. Happens all the time.

Miyazaki's works can be summarized in two phrases:


It gets old after a while, but at least he doesn't pander to dere-dere or tsundere lovers all the time.

>> No.11142115

So, you're basically saying that Moe is all anime is good for now? I rest my case: in the "Golden Age" anime was: Gundam, Urusei Yatsura, Macross, Patlabor (the Patlabor 2 movie is fucking amazing), Maison Ikkoku, Leiji Matsumoto-verse (the GE999 films + tv, Harlock, Yamato: fuck yeah!), Lain in the 90's and much, much more.

Such diversity is a wonderful thing, and the industry banking on the sure money of Moe will just keep anime from it's potential.

>> No.11142134

You forgot about the planes. Miyazaki likes flying. Miyazaki REALLY like flying (sort of like the way Mamoru Oshii like Basset Hounds).

>> No.11142155

>a bunch of sci fi and mecha

>> No.11142153

Why would you lick a cute prepubescent kid's armpits? L-Lewd!

>> No.11142162


Why do you post just to prove yourself an ignorant retard?

>> No.11142204

Maison Ikkoku =/= mecha or Scifi. I just listed a few shows off the top of my head, the list goes deeper...much deeper.

Shoujo? Rose of Versailles, Oniisama E (a masterpiece), Comedy/adventure? Lupin III, More shit like Ranma, Tokimeki Tonight, the list goes on...

>> No.11142212

That doesn't seem very likely.

Maybe he, like myself, wants to hear her giggles transition into sighs of pleasure.

>> No.11142292

>her giggles
I don't think Chihiro is that kind of girl. She would probably get angry at me.

>> No.11142294

If she'd laugh from having her ampits tickled, she'd laugh from having them licked.

>> No.11144213

How old is Chihiro anyway? 9-10?

>> No.11144232

I liked the part where they ate the instant noodles.
That was so detailed and great.

>> No.11144243

You both forgot Fist of the North Star.

>> No.11144261

I don't really have anything against the guy but,
Satoshi Kon > Miyazaki

>> No.11144969

Totoro, Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind, and Only Yesterday are the greatet.

>> No.11145027

You are dumb if you think all anime is about little girls. Stay deluded.

>> No.11145052


>> No.11145090

Aren't all Miyazaki movies about little girls too?

>> No.11145191

Ghibli movies aren't "weeaboo", so the answer is obviously no.

>> No.11145382

>Aren't all Miyazaki movies about little girls too?
Castle of Cagliostro is not about little girls, nor is much of Miyazaki's other work. Dig into his tv series work from the 1970's, and you will find diverse protagonists (i.e. Future Boy Conan).

>> No.11145417

miyazaki is a sh*t

>> No.11145443

Don't you mean s**t?

>> No.11145517

Why are little girls so great?

>> No.11145532

Woa, it really looks like him.

>> No.11145548

>people hate moe

>> No.11145894
File: 42 KB, 400x311, Hokuto-no-Ken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right. Hokuto no Ken is real man's anime.

>> No.11145898

They just are. It's a mystery of the universe.

>> No.11146076

Really enjoyed Ponyo the first 2 times, but after that it grew to be annoying. Same with Totoro. Still love Mononoke. Kiki was wonderful along with Castle of Cagliostro, Spirited Away. Howl's Moving Castle was meh. And I wasn't a big fan of Tales of Earthsea.
