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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11130501 No.11130501[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ do you enjoy roleplay ? I love playing as female and pretend I was her, or play as girl in a mmo.
too sad its also the only thing I would never tell anyone in real life

I mean, I'm a grown man, muscular having big hands a deep man voice and having a man job (mechanic)
I can't admit that I fantasize about being a girl

What about you ? did you do anything similar ?

>> No.11130505

why arent yous a neet yo?

>> No.11130511

I roleplay a man when really I'm a girl who is actually roleplaying a man

>> No.11130513

I pretend to be a girl in MMOs only because my character is a girl. But for some random reason people actually think that I'm also a girl in real life only because I tend to be kind and pacifist and maybe because I'm also avoiding the questin in-game.

I mean, what's the point? Do people really think they can get a girlfriend in MMOs or something?

>> No.11130515

"internet gfs" are apparently a think with low level normals

>> No.11130521


>> No.11130533

guys someone be my girlfriend please

>> No.11130536

That's redundant. Or are you roleplaying a man who is roleplaying a man?

>> No.11130538

Post pics.

>> No.11130541

what would I have to do

>> No.11130546

no way you will just bully me

I don't know I never had a girlfriend before

>> No.11130549

I think you are a fag. You are ok though.

I used to roleplay as male pirate in WoW rp servers. That was fucking awesome.

>> No.11130553
File: 591 KB, 1000x662, gehrazvin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys someone be my girlfriend please

>> No.11130561

I used to like to pretend to be a girl in WoW but everyone expects you to have a mic these days.

>> No.11130572

How did you get your job as a mechanic?

I would like to do something like that, I could hardly be considered a man because I'm frail and weak, but I think a job like that would be more fun than the usual ones and I could learn useful stuff.

>> No.11130626

Can one of you be my girlfriend?

>> No.11130640

I pretend to be an oldfag on /jp/

>> No.11130642

Kind of, although not really. I always act like how I usually would, but sometimes I play as a girl because they're cute and make comments about how cute I am and how I'd date cute girl me.

>> No.11130655

You look too young.

>> No.11130662

Its a normalfag heavy job
I hope you're a normalfag

>> No.11130665

I'm 28

>> No.11130672

You look like you're 15.

>> No.11130676

Not all of me looks 15 ;)

>> No.11130678

Prove it!

>> No.11130699

Just how cute ARE you?

>> No.11130711
File: 84 KB, 700x790, 235225671013353355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's sad, I used to do that a lot. It was a weird time in my life, pretending to be a girl online and playing around with boys online.

I feel bad for doing it tbh, since it was quite obvious that none of them were too old or desperate to know any better. But it did something to me, knowing that I was essentially /ss/ing a bunch of boys who were having squirmy orgasms to thoughts of fucking my lewd fake female self. I had to stop doing it when this one 16-year old stole his mom's credit card and bought me $200 worth of virtual goods. I know he was responsible for doing it but I felt like I led him on, and he was nice enough that I didn't want to see him seriously hurt himself, so I stopped.

Still, I miss those hoary days where I could pretend I was someone much better than the letdown I am now ;_;

>> No.11130718

The only part about you that lets me down is your use of emotes.

>> No.11130738

;_; is /jp/ heritage!

>> No.11130757

You're a faggot. Stop embarrassing me by letting my friends know that faggots like you exist on this board.

>> No.11130762

;_; is an accepted /jp/mote, and always has been.

>> No.11130759


Not very since I'm a guy and guys aren't cute.

>> No.11130765

Fuck off jewdick lover

>> No.11130771 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, [rori]_Hentai_Ouji_to_Warawanai_Neko_-_02_[1160B6B5].mkv_snapshot_07.57_[2013.04.21_18.59.09].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

futaba has a roleplay board, I think it would be nice if we had one

>> No.11130799

How would that even work.

>> No.11130807



>> No.11130826


>> No.11130831
File: 549 KB, 1020x1267, 31011930_big_p01261047466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an aside, even if I were to start doing it again, I doubt I'd be able to pull off the shy, lonely girl act that I used to. I'd probably just screw it all up by trying too hard, and I don't know what girls like these days anymore anyway, since it was six or seven years ago when I did all of my foolish roleplaying and I don't have a sister to help me cheat. I doubt that little girls act the same way that they do in my Chinese cartoons and VNs.

How do I become an easily rapeable little girl again, /jp/?

You and your friends need to become little girls and take it easy!

>> No.11130838


>> No.11130902

I have an online friend who I've been playing MMO's with for almost a decade. He uses a lot of cute emoticons, and I'm really shy and reserved, so people often mistake us for two girls playing together. He thinks it's hilarious, and since it's the only time people ever give me compliments for being cute and demure, I don't want to be rude and tell them they're wrong.

Once, a second in command asked me in guild chat if we were lesbians. I got really flustered, and my friend disconnected after falling on the power cord in a fit of laughter, so the guild leader demoted the guy for two weeks. I tried to apologize later, but he kept changing the subject.

Since that time, every now and then I get the feeling my friend is trying to purposefully recreate that. And if he is, he's pretty scary good at subtly playing a butch dyke, without being obnoxiously obvious about it.
Last I saw, he was over 200 pounds and had a full beard. Also, apart from playing MMORPGs, he's full normal.

I'm pretty sure you're in the clear, OP.

>> No.11130922
File: 88 KB, 795x828, 29187156_p4556470791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but he's living my dream...

>> No.11130957

I want to roleplay as /jp/'s wife!

>> No.11130967

Will the rumia poster be my online girlfriend please? I never talked to a girl before.

>> No.11130981
File: 220 KB, 700x743, 29361867_p2-2103755237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve much better than me.
