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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 46 KB, 285x608, explain this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11118415 No.11118415 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11118423

ZUN getting more confident in his drawing abilities so he's starting to draw breasts on his characters.

>> No.11118421

She's growing up, duh.

>> No.11118427

nice oven-mitt

>> No.11118428

She isn`t underage anymore

>> No.11118434

Whats up with her hands. One looks bigger than the other- Isn't that cancer?

>> No.11118437

I bet she started fucking village boys.

>> No.11118443

She's pregnant

>> No.11118447

Probably failed attempt at perspective.

>> No.11118452

Why doesn't ZUN just take an art class?

>> No.11118458

Slutty Reimu is the best.

>> No.11118460

Because he's a programmer and a composer, not a draftsman.

>> No.11118462

Such a bad artist. Do you know that you could have been ZUN with your current drawing skills? Holy moly I mean look he didn't even really gave a damn about it.
How old was he when he made Touhou?

>> No.11118464

I don't know what you're going on about. Except for the hands, Reimu looks great there.

>> No.11118465
File: 121 KB, 424x821, explainthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11118468

Now that I think about it... I'm giving him too much shit. Sorry.

>> No.11118466

A lot of people become rich and famous with almost no skills. That's how it is.

>> No.11118467

I want to rub Reimu's growing boobies

>> No.11118469

Reimu was born in 1994

>> No.11118476

Is ZUN rich?

>> No.11118481

I don't think he's rich, but I guess he's not really poor either.

>> No.11118486

Hands are really hard to draw. Fuck drawing hands.

>> No.11118503

Do you think he is a NEET?

Honestly. Do you think he is a NEET?

>> No.11118508

Of course not

>> No.11118513

I thought feet were more difficult and more delicious.

>> No.11118515

He's a game designer/producer and a composer, not a NEET.

>> No.11118517

Why we're NEETs then? Whats our propose in life?

>> No.11118524

To leech on other people's works and money, to argue about inane shit on /jp/ and to masturbate everyday to doujinshi

>> No.11118530

To seek enlightenment through truNEETism

>> No.11118540

Because he doesn't need to. People will just eat up anything he draws, no matter how much he fucks it up. No need to improve.

>> No.11118547

I don't think people play 2hu for the drawings.

>> No.11118898

NEET means not in education, employment or training, you can be the normalest of normals and still be NEET

>> No.11119154

Reimu is a girl. It's only natural to have breasts.

>> No.11119181

When did ZUN learn to draw hands?

>> No.11119363

are the char portraits higher res now or am i crazy?

>> No.11119426

prove it

>> No.11119474

Try telling the truNEET shitposters that.

>> No.11119743
File: 47 KB, 285x608, explain this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11119749

ZUN has gone mainstream.

>> No.11119750


>> No.11119766

looks like reimu has pissed her skirt

>> No.11119782

Lot of gray hairs... Need for diapers... She might be lot older than everyone thinks.

>> No.11119888

ZUN is getting Reimu ready to have a child.
Which will happen right after he and his wife have their first child, whenever that occurs.

>> No.11122668


>> No.11122711

>hand resting on abdomen
I think it's already happening

>> No.11122715

Do people here actually want every touhou to be a little girl?

Stop trivializing pedophilia.

>> No.11123800

who will be the father of raymoo's child?

>> No.11123829


>> No.11123980

he's a pretty shitty programmer

>> No.11124005

gr6 b7 m8.

>> No.11124008

>Do people here actually want every touhou to be a little girl?


>> No.11124030

b-but Marisa is a girl!

>> No.11124033

B-but Marisa is a girl!

>> No.11124051

B-but Mаrisa is a girl!

>> No.11124184


>> No.11124189


>> No.11124205
File: 1.92 MB, 2600x1650, Touhou Project- PC-98 to Windows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't that make her like 3 years old in SoEW?

>> No.11124245
File: 171 KB, 568x800, reimusarashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she must have quite a pair if they are noticeable even through her sarashi.

>> No.11124328

I don't think there is any danger of Reimu getting pregnant.
Yukari will find an orphan infant in the outside world and she and Ran will leave it in a basket outside the shrine.
Marisa though will be the on friend that drops everything to help Reimu raise the girl, thus becoming "papa"

>> No.11124337

ZUN says the PC98 games are no longer part of the story.

>> No.11124350

No he didn't.

>> No.11124448

YES, He did. Although someone has attempted to remove this from the Touhou Wiki, they couldn't erase the logs, that showed their alteration.

>> No.11124508

call me secondary, but I never notice to Sakuya's eyes aren't really blue.

>> No.11124551
File: 208 KB, 1020x1102, aerie-katie-cherry-bra[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called wearing a bra.

Flat girls use these to like they have something.

>> No.11124560

They are blue, gray and red.

>> No.11124567

They already are

>> No.11124583

All he says there is the newest game is the most correct. That could mean every game except the newest one isn't canon.
