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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 122 KB, 957x540, oy vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11108273 No.11108273[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dangan Ronpa now runs flawlessly on PPSSPP.


>> No.11108287

Is this the Something Awful translation?

I haven't paid much attention, can someone bring me up to speed?

>> No.11108293 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 426x600, Dirtyjewspellings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey

>> No.11108308
File: 106 KB, 490x424, jewish pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11108375

Good goy, support SA's translations.

>> No.11108384
File: 84 KB, 334x454, spike_sad_frog_face-(n1315543490590).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw old /jp/ would have gone nuts with the translation of this amazing game
>mfw new /jp/ doesn't cares

>> No.11108392

nah another team did the tl.

think the sa project is still going but w/e

>> No.11108402

So why were there two teams? Which came first? Is one unhappy with the other's translation?

>> No.11108405

One charges 10$ for a shitty LP.
The other one delivers a translation of the original PSP game for free

>> No.11108414

So is the LP just some screenshot or video with annotations, or are they translating the actual ROM?

>> No.11108419

Not even a video, its reading it on a forum with with voice clips and images.
It used to be free but now its under a paywall so i cant screenshot it.

>> No.11108429

PPSSPP crashes as soon as I start it. Does anyone know a fix for this? I use windows 7.

>> No.11108440

Also crashes as soon as i load the ISO, thats not flawless at all.

>> No.11108448

The paywall's only up at certain times. Check again later and it might be open.

>> No.11108451

learn japanese and join the new /jp/

>> No.11108452

You got the version OP linked? it's working fine with me

>> No.11108460

Is there a schedule for this?

Sometimes I can read threads, sometimes I can't.

Paying to post I can understand, but paying to read? Now that's just silly.

>> No.11108456

All 5 of you?

>> No.11108465

No idea. I've been considering buying an account just to lurk but yeah it seems kind of silly.

>> No.11108472

Why would you support those jews?
20$ to read a forum, thats just crazy.

>> No.11108469

Same, but a lot of the threads I'm interested in would also require the archives upgrade, which is an extra $10.

I don't think it's a lot of money, but god damn. It's not like I'm buying a book or something like that, it's a message board on the internet.

>> No.11108479


>> No.11108487

You don't need to buy a pass to use 4chan. You even get to post if you are willing to fill out the capcha like 90% of the userbase does.

>> No.11108488

4chan in the hands of those jews would be something like

10$ to be able to read the threads
10$ to post
1.99$ to be able to make a new thread
10$ for foolz access
4.99$ for catalog access

>> No.11108520

>10$ for foolz access

You're better off buying the Warosu DLC.

>> No.11109124

In all seriousness 4chan would be a lot better if you had to pay money to post/make threads.

>> No.11109133

It would be full of people who have so poor judgement, they would spend money on a something like 4chan. So it would be entirely filled with idiots instead of just mostly.

>> No.11109139

Considering this is a pseudo-SA thread, is there not a Toy/Figure board on their website? I've been lurking for a while and haven't found one yet.

>> No.11109141

is 10$ like your weekly allowance or something?

>> No.11109151

It's not that. It's just that too few people play VNs anymore.

All we have left are shitposters.

>> No.11109158

i shitposted on ur mom last nite

*fart noises*

>> No.11109159

Or maybe Danganronpa is just tumblrshit or /a/shit?

>> No.11109162

Does anyone have money to burn in this global economy? You have mostly unemployed/underemployed people. That and kids who stole their parent's credit card.

>> No.11109164

Yeah a visual novel belongs on the board for anime and manga.

>> No.11109171

It would also be kind of empty.

>> No.11109174

I didn't say anything about where it belongs, just saying the type of people the game attracts.

>> No.11109175

You know as well as I do /jp/ only goes nuts over things that have loli characters in them.

>> No.11109201

Dangan Ronpa attracts a quite fair crowd on tumblr.

>> No.11112936

That fcuking lint roller...I'm going insane.

>> No.11112937

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.11112944

I have the exact same problem as you.
I need to select the fucking cabinet but nope. I've fiddled around for hours already and there doesn't seem to be a fix for it.

>> No.11112966


Are you using PPSSPP too?

>> No.11112979

I searched around and apparently it has something to do with AMD graphics cards but I'm not entirely sure.

If you figure out how to use your ppsspp files in another emulator you might be able to get it to work but I haven't had any luck with it. Maybe I'm just incompetent though.

A lot of people seem to have that problem with the cabinet though or the pointer just being misaligned in general and selecting random objects.

>> No.11113051

someone post a screenshot of when monokuma says "that awkward moment when"

>> No.11113110

For those of you experiencing the lint roller problem, it's because you have an AMD card on your computer. This problem does not exist if you run it with Nvidia.

>That feel when no nvidia computer
>JPCSP crashes due to frames dropping to 1 during cutscenes
>Can't play this game

This fucking blows.

>> No.11113142
File: 36 KB, 367x376, 1371823303139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We can still watch the (probably) butchered anime adaptation..

>> No.11115851

so what are the problems with it currently?

I can click shit and all but sometimes the text pops out during the class trial which is pretty fucking important

>> No.11116066

Not true. They still have that item bug where you click one thing and it lands on a nother.

>> No.11116091

The point of the $10 SA lifetime subscription is to keep you from making an account and instantly saying something stupid that gets you banned.

The translation that is out right now has a lot of stupid shit like translating "Super High-School Level" as "Super Duper". Some bizarre choices aside though it's very well done.

>> No.11116132

>The point of the $10 SA lifetime subscription is to keep you from making an account and instantly saying something stupid that gets you banned.

Except $10 is nothing, which is why it has almost 180,000 members. At that point this no longer works as a filter, and their elitism is pointless.

It's like how smaller anonymous boards are great for discussion, but when they get to a certain size people stop giving a shit about etiquette (because they have safety in numbers).

The point of the $10 SA lifetime subscription is to earn money for Lowtax.

>> No.11116136

>Except $10 is nothing, which is why it has almost 180,000 members. At that point this no longer works as a filter, and their elitism is pointless.

he posts. on 4chan.

>The point of the $10 SA lifetime subscription is to earn money for Lowtax.

oh you're a clever one

>> No.11116186

So what's the deal with all this Something Awful dickriding on 4chan?

>> No.11116216

For those of you who are stuck during the first real investigation (AMD cards)
Here is the savefile:
2 shared com
wzVtBRd2 / SAVEDATA html

Instead of using the modded thing, I recommend downloading the latest PPSSPP from buildbot orphis net /ppsspp/
run the emulator once and close it
Then you must open ppsspp.ini find the line FramebuffersToMem and replace False by True.
Works great (except for AMD)

What I do for my AMD issue:
Have JPCSP installed an I run it whenever I'm stuck.
How to use your savefiles from PPSSPP with JPCSP?
copy paste in the right folder, configuration in JPCSP:
go to crypto in the config options and select Handle SAVEDATA in crypto mode.

A walkthrough for those who want it:
wiki fc2 com
/wiki/ (in Japanese)

Then 4chan antibot system is awful.

>> No.11116223

I have no voices in my game.

>> No.11116225

If PPSSPP: Settings, Audio, Download AC3, enable AC3

>> No.11116232

I've done that stuff with the savefiles but I can't get them to work with JPCSP?
I'm not really sure what I'm even doing wrong. Sorry for being incompetent.

>> No.11116237

What have you done exactly?
How about the crypto option?

>> No.11116239

Already have that selected.
I took my PPSSPP savefiles and copied it over to the JPCSP savefolder and enabled SAVEDATA in crypto mode.

I guess I might just be messing up with the savefiles..

>> No.11116249

What you are supposed to take from PPSSP:
And put that into JPCSP\ms0\PSP\SAVEDATA\NPJH50515DATKG0000
Play the game, and load normally

>> No.11116258

Done, but it still won't load my savedata. It just starts normally.
I really appreciate the help regardless though, thank you!

>> No.11116267

Can you try with the file I uploaded here >>11116216 ?
You should be able to load game...

>> No.11116281

I get this, sorry.

>> No.11116290

Are you loading with the emulator, or with the game?
You are supposed to load with the game.
If that's what you are doing then I don't know... Maybe because I run the 64bits one.

>> No.11116317

I'm not having any luck. Thank you a lot anyways.
I guess my only option is to watch the anime.

>> No.11116320

Doesn't work, have sounds and music, but no voices.

>> No.11116327

...so are they gonna hotfix this shit or just go LOL gl fgts

>> No.11116347

Why did you link an image like that on an image board?

>> No.11116372

>Is there a schedule for this?
I dunno what's the schedule for the paywall lift (some monthly date, maybe), but I believe the paywall getting up is based on bandwidth usage or lowtax's discretion. The DR threads are popular as fuck, so it doesn't help. The more people want to read it, the more often the paywall will be up.

>> No.11120736

Will there be a fix for AMD cards at some stage?

>> No.11120769

So, what's this PPSSPP? I always thought that JPCSP was the only PSP emulator that mattered.

>> No.11120777

PPSSPP has the advantage of not being JAVA, it works just fine even with slow computers

>> No.11120789

PPSSPP has a lot of potential, it's making progress very quickly. JPCSP has been a failure from the day it started, mostly because of the "J". It doesn't have the best interface or options either.

>> No.11120806

You're morons to believe Java is the reason the emulator is slow. Okay, it might have a longer start-up time because the JVM is huge, but he remaining slowness is because the programmers are imbeciles. The "Java is slow as fuck" meme hasn't been true for more than five years.

>> No.11120812

I'll admit that I'm not a /prog/ expert, and it might be that only morons use java? But everytime I have to run a java software it is always slower than any alternative.

>> No.11121565

The best way to enjoy Dangan Ronpa is to not play it.
The ending gave me cancer and I wish I hadn't wasted my time on this.

>> No.11121642

It's chapter 1 and my waifu candidate is already dead!

>> No.11121725


>> No.11122941

Is there a way to convert this fix to the android PPSSPP?

>> No.11123015

Very slightly slower - certainly not slower to the point where you'd notice it in most programming. Programs aren't slow because of Java. They'd be just as slow if the same person made it in a different language.

>> No.11123042

Why don't you keep your shit in the VNTS thread?

>> No.11123102

What does this have to do with ongoing translations?

>> No.11123182

Crashes right when loaded no matter what I do and no matter what emulator I try it on. Meanwhile there hasn't been a single other ISO of a game that hasn't worked for me yet on the newest version of PPSSPP. What the fuck ever, flawless my ass.

>> No.11127414

being AMD card is suffering

>> No.11127505

Yeah, last years best offers are Nvidia.

>> No.11127807


>The file you requested has been blocked for a violation of our Terms of Service.


>> No.11133716

>Instead of using the modded thing, I recommend downloading the latest PPSSPP from buildbot orphis net /ppsspp/
run the emulator once and close it
Then you must open ppsspp.ini find the line FramebuffersToMem and replace False by True.
Works great (except for AMD)

>> No.11133779

Anyone having the problem where you target one thing and it goes to another can download this build.

The whole game works fine for me with this build.

>> No.11133797

>>11133716 (except for AMD)
Hahaha. Why do developers hate AMD cards? When I was getting into JPCSP, it had exactly the same problems - half of the video options did not work with my AMD card, and every game would look glitched as hell.

>> No.11133807

Don't worry, I have a decent nvidia card and JPCSP was still fucking horrible.

>> No.11133844

Damn, I want to play this, but I have over 50 hours in my Valkyria II game with nowhere near the end and having Valkyria III next on the line.
Fuck you PPSSPP... just fuck you. Here goes my summer.

>> No.11134115
File: 805 KB, 785x1109, d764cd6a079edc5f860059e7231effa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this today.
It is actually pretty good unlike that shit that is umiunko. Everything actually make sense

>> No.11134161

Spoiler that shit, you faggot.

>> No.11134166

what is that? higanbanana?

>> No.11134193

The ending is just a teaser for Dangan Ronpa 2, go play it and you'll get your satisfying conclusion.

>> No.11134247

ETA till it is going to be translated?
If it took them 8months to translate part1, are we expecting another year for part2?

>> No.11134275


Never. AMD has piss poor OpenGL support which is causing the problems in the first place, and coding around that would take far too much effort for far too little reward.

>> No.11135047

The fix is right there
AMD cards can play perfectly fine using that build.

>> No.11135112


Next time don't pick a shitty waifu

>> No.11135148
File: 199 KB, 569x537, 1369944908878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this matter to me when I already have my psp modded?

>> No.11135212

>owning a PSP
Check your first world privilege CIS scum.

>> No.11135219

Who are you quoting? Why wouldn't I own one of the best handheld systems put out?

>> No.11135221

Since emulators eventually come out for handhelds, so it's a waste of money.

>> No.11135222

There a lossless OST or even a FLAC bgm rip for this?

Searching only brings up Dangan Ronpa 2

>> No.11135227

Not if I bought it years back.

>> No.11135232

Then it's more of a waste of money because you bought it before it went down in price.

>> No.11135248

Not completely if the economy was also better.

>> No.11135814

She told me she was pure.

>> No.11136485

>slut idol
Pick one.

>> No.11136494


>> No.11141882

I just finished it, does anyone know what the final movie in the gallery is?

>> No.11141944

Play the game again. use the capsule machine to draw Escape switch. Use that and the final movie will be unlocked

>> No.11141958

That's a lot of effort to get one movie, is it on youtube or nnd anywhere?

>> No.11141980

I was browsing some VNs on animebyt.es and this seemed vaguely interesting so I picked it up. Shame I won't get to play it for a bit, I'm not too sure where my PSP is.

>> No.11150184

The mediafire link died, can anyone upload the modded PPSSPP ver. again?

>> No.11150214

Any kind soul?

>> No.11150277


>> No.11150297

Much appreciated, thank you.

>> No.11150722

This thread is kind of dead, but one of the programmers has been working on a fix for both AMD and Nvidia. It lets you get past the lint roller section without even switching to the other emulator. The downside is the intro cutscene only gets around 3 frames per second but can easly be skipped by pressing start.

Heres the link to the download:

And the thread itself if you want to post results or just read it:

>> No.11150820

So what is the link for?
Where's this lint roller section?

>> No.11150914

The link is only for people interested in playing the game or people that have actually been reading the thread instead of skipping to the bottom.

>> No.11150941

Save me your bullshit, I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to play the game. I'm asking where is this lint roller section that PPSSPP can't deal with.

Would you be kind enough to answer? Or is that too much for you?

>> No.11150962

Pro tip Crtl+F lint

>> No.11150991

Doesn't help really, I know the problem exists but I don't know in which part of the game it is.

>> No.11157101

Just beat the game and godamn that was something else. I know NISA is doing a vita port of the first game, but I hope they do a translation of the second game for psp.

>> No.11157171

Did you play on an emulator?

>> No.11157188

Finished it from start to finish on PPSSPP with AMD card.
I'm not sure why this hasn't been posted in the thread already since it sums up a lot of the faq's here.

>> No.11157211

No hitches?

>> No.11157215

Just do exactly what it says under PPSSPP in the guide if your using ppsspp and you'll be fine.Only issue was text scrambling when you alt tab sometimes but pressing F2 to make a savestate usually fixes it.

>> No.11157231

Cheers mate.

>> No.11157416

IIRC there was no hope for people with intel chipset, still true or not?
(I had the same problems as AMD's)

>> No.11158388

>Everything actually make sense
Translation: "everything that doesn't make sense doesn't need to, it just happened anyway!"

>> No.11158391

I have an AMD card and I can't highlight anything.

What's the fix? Some anon posted a shit build that ran at 1 fps and didn't go past the company logo.

>> No.11158399

The "fix" is to play it on a real PSP.

>> No.11158405


funny guy

>> No.11158486

I had Issues with the other builds until i followed the pastebin and got my build from http://buildbot.orphis.net/ppsspp/.. Even look at the changelog,
>Revert part of 76c3f16b5cf238a8c6548d05e4873b9a2ef1f7b2, forcing allframebuffers to 512x512 just can't be the right thing to do and breaksDangan Ronpa badly.
That was changed two days ago and isn't even the most recent change.

>> No.11158718
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1200, 36670732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not up to hype.
play Ever 17+Ace attorney instead
also, ending is boring.

>> No.11158781

Yeah, but most people will hopefully have played those already

>> No.11160887

Are the sequels standalone or are the a continuation of the 1st game?

>> No.11161151

I use Intel HD, cant do the investigate.

"FramebuffersToMem = False" to "FramebuffersToMem = True"
and "FramebuffersCPUConvert = False" to "FramebuffersCPUConvert = True".

chrashed when loading the game....

>> No.11161179

The second isnt a full squeal but it can pretty much be treated as one as characters/plot tie over into the second game.

>> No.11161211

Integrated intel chipsets are having problems with FramebuffersToMem and FramebuffersCPUConvert combined with buffered rendering. I'm forced to read it on my tower.

>> No.11161235

Woooow the link's dead. Fucking mediafire is gay.

>> No.11161242

My first impressions are that it's a bit butchered, but I don't think it'll be bad, per se.

>> No.11161256

Why the hell is everyone so attached to PPSSPP? Why not buy a real PSP? They're really cheap nowadays.

>> No.11161249

The introductions were tad fast.

>> No.11161258

And they weren't even in the main entrance; they were in the gym. Gotta cut corners somewhere, I guess.

>> No.11161270

you buy you lose

>> No.11161305

That's what I like to know too. Guess these turds are too lazy to scrounge up $50 for a used system.

>> No.11161310

Because it feels like shit to buy something just to play one game. I bought my PSP just to play iM@S, Taiko and some VNs and I haven't used it ever since.

>> No.11161393

Too much work to turn it into the best portable emulator in the world?

>> No.11161431

I just finished the game and decided to watch the first episode and it left a really bad taste in my mouth.
If you actually played the game its more like a retelling. But comparing the anime on its own, everything felt extremely rushed. Characters felt like cardboard cutouts only saying 1 or 2 lines. They even skipped, obviously, important parts, like the whole thing in the gym and even the gold katana already being in the room. I feel that by skipping and rushing, nobody is going to be attached to any of the events or characters that lead up to the set pieces and the show will end up bombing.

>> No.11161445

Shit game - shit show. That is the way of life.

>> No.11161451

I actually enjoyed the game way more than I thought I would.

>> No.11161454

Why not just use a laptop? Why does it even need to be portable?

>> No.11161484

I played the game and wasn't blown away, but it was good. I agree that the anime doesn't do the game justice. They probably only made the anime to squeeze as much money out of the franchise as they can.

>> No.11161571

If that brings enough attention to the sequel for it to get a translation im fine with the anime being shit.
I'm not entirely sure if the people that translated the first game will do the second game, since they said on twitter that they would stop if they got any C&D, but kept going because they never received one and now NISA is actually making an official remake.

>> No.11161595

It was plenty popular in the west already

>> No.11162344
File: 1.27 MB, 2947x2239, 1373450708833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so perfect?

>> No.11162380

"Oy vey" should be restricted to Jews, or to people living in a community at least 30% Jewish. Is this translation otherwise full of Yiddish?

>> No.11162395

It's a quality translation. I remember the perfect dude saying bazinga at one point.

>> No.11162411
File: 106 KB, 850x477, b0042375_5095a3d937098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for DR2 translation.

>> No.11162415

The translation is done by /a/. They thought it was pretty funny to have a rich person implied to be a Jew.

There's also a line where one of the characters expresses something about "my sides".

>> No.11162418

i bought an SA account years ago so i'm glad i can finally use it for the dr2 lp.

i already read half the dr1 one but maybe i should play the game instead??

>> No.11162425

How the hell are you supposed to fit 6 chapters into 4 and a half hours when each chapter is at least that long?

That's the anime's problem. No matter what they do, they can't make a good adaptation out of it, unless they give it a huge number of episodes, which wasn't going to happen, and didn't happen. At best, the anime is going to be supplementary material for people who have already played the game. You can expect the same complains to be made about it as the persona 4 or devil survivor 2 anime, which are both by the same director.

>> No.11162436

This is all really shitty but my biggest gripe is that they decided to translate 超高校級 as Super Duper High School.
I have to wonder if they did all this shit on purpose just to annoy people.

>> No.11162523

Sion is that you?

>> No.11162588

I think picking this type of game for an anime was a poor choice. Im not saying don't make adaptations because they will never be 100%. The only reason the frantic moments in the game are frantic is because of everything that comes before it. The persona 4 anime, which wasn't amazing, still was able to pretty much follow the same plot while hitting all the key notes. I'm not even sure this show can hit all the plot points without making up a bunch of BS leads at the trials.

>> No.11162650


/v/ as well

i for one am autistic enough to stop posting about something i like just because of the retards such subjects may attract

>> No.11162670

oh boy i cant wait for all the tumblr newfriends

>> No.11162961
File: 105 KB, 960x544, screen00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's a 999 reference in there somewhere, and I've been curious if it was originally there or if it was added in

>> No.11164132
File: 224 KB, 1280x720, 1373499239254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11167700

I don't want to patch anything. Is there a pre-patched version?

>> No.11167720

Hey guys. tumblerite here. This is my first Visual Novel and I love it. Any others like it I could play?

>> No.11167727

It's really more like a point and click adventure.

>> No.11168493

one of the reason the emulators are better than original systems is what you can do with them, like higher resolution/size screen, filters, savestates and such.

compared to my monitor the psp screen is tiny, you can barely see stuff on it.

>> No.11168692

the patcher is dummy-proof you know

>> No.11168930
File: 173 KB, 596x649, 4d6e4e9a08e0def9e8922f16cd5c8709[1].jpg_193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anything about this game, but images of it's characters frequently turn up under the trap tag on boorus, so I'm interested. What kind of naughty sexgamebook is this?

>> No.11168955

The kind with no sexual content.

>> No.11168965

Why do they have a trap if you can't penetrate it? Are the developers just trying to cocktease?

>> No.11168977

That's in the DLC.

>> No.11169180
File: 24 KB, 320x320, 2380958-2380957-11_super_danganronpa_2_sayonara_zetsubou_gakuen_39[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can bet I'm angry. Prime example of what kind of attention whoring faggots fan translators usually are.
Why are they always so compelled into shoving their "lol so random xD" humor into everything? In this case they aren't even localizing jokes, just throwing references for no reason at all.

And people wonder why English reading players are called peasants.

>> No.11169310

How do the good translators handle jokes and word puns that only make sense in Japan and wouldn't translate to English?

>> No.11169334

In-jokes and unfunny internet culture references.

>> No.11169360

They aren't even localizing jokes here. Ishimaru does say "I can tell jokes too" but it's related to him saying something about doubting Naegi in the line before that. No 'Bazinga!' or any other type of 'funny word' was used.
There obviously wasn't anything related to jews or other wordplays with Togami's speech either.

And if there were actual jokes that wouldn't translate to English then internet references should be fucking last on your replacement list.

>> No.11171351

can't wait for the vita release

>> No.11171362

I'm scared to read the thread because of spoilers. What does the Vita version have over the PSP version? I wonder if I should wait for it.

>> No.11171423

There's a school mode, one where they lead a normal school life and no one gets killed.

>> No.11171456

Too bad I can't play the game because of Intel onboard graphics not compatible with it.

>> No.11171460

get a psp

>> No.11171502

Would you make love to Sakura?

>> No.11171505

she was pretty hot before she turned into female akuma.
