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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11100516 No.11100516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My mother is forcing me to find a job tomorrow and now I'm scared to go to bed because I don't want tomorrow to be.

>> No.11100520

My mom did that before, I just went to the movie theater and watched movies all day.

>> No.11100521

Tomorrow will be.

>> No.11100526

Just go and then walk out one day after you can't take anymore. I lasted 3 days at my last job before suddenly getting up and quietly walking out the door halfway through the shift.

Why do jobs require so much socializing

>> No.11100528

Just keep trying until you get an interview. Chances are you'll fail, but your mom will think you're trying hard and will probably stop bothering you about it for a while. It worked for me.

>> No.11100537

Commit sudoku.

>> No.11100540

Is this the NEET thread?

>> No.11100541

Why is it always moms? Do dad's just not care or was /jp/ raised in a single parent house hold?

>> No.11100544

I tried to kill myself the other day and mommy is already trying to get me to work.

>> No.11100550

No wonder theres so many fuck ups here.

>> No.11100545

My dad is a loser as well and my mother divorced him after my sister and me were done with basic education.

>> No.11100547

>was /jp/ raised in a single parent house hold?
I was.

>> No.11100551

I'm worried my mom is going to force me to get a job soon. She seems to be getting more and more insistent.

>> No.11100552

>was /jp/ raised in a single parent house hold?
This would explain so much.

>> No.11100555

Most of the shitty loser first worlders you see are the products of single mother homes.

Thanks feminism

>> No.11100557


>Do dad's just not care or was /jp/ raised in a single parent house hold?

What kind of stupid ass question ... why the hell do think /jp/ is full of grown men wishing they were little girls?

>> No.11100558

I want to run away sometimes

>> No.11100559

My mother wears the pants in the family

>> No.11100562

Mama's boy here. I'm incapable of doing anything on my own.

>> No.11100562,1 [INTERNAL] 

I sure love our mods. Things were getting interesting.

>> No.11100562,2 [INTERNAL] 

This was clearly off-topic.

>> No.11100562,3 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, you wouldn't want to interrupt the half a dozen Touhou imagedumps on the front page with some NEET content which of course has never ever belonged on /jp/.

>> No.11100562,4 [INTERNAL] 

Forget about touhou, let's blog about fat 3D girls in the chubby thread.

>> No.11100562,5 [INTERNAL] 

My goodness you are upset.

>> No.11100562,6 [INTERNAL] 

Well I think the arbitrary nature of the moderation on here is upsetting.

>> No.11100562,7 [INTERNAL] 

then get the fuck out

>> No.11100562,8 [INTERNAL] 

Get back to base, soldier!

>> No.11100562,9 [INTERNAL] 

die NEET scum

>> No.11100562,10 [INTERNAL] 

I had never had any beef with the NEET threads until people started kicking me out because I have a job.

>> No.11100562,11 [INTERNAL] 

Who the fuck invited you?

>> No.11100562,12 [INTERNAL] 

What are you doing in a NEET thread if you're not one?

>> No.11100562,13 [INTERNAL] 

Our reputation is bad enough, having a tripfag like you hang around would make it worse.

>> No.11100562,14 [INTERNAL] 

Are you retarded?

>> No.11100562,15 [INTERNAL] 

But all joking aside how can you prove that NEET threads have always been nothing but shitty blogging? Thankfully a bunch of people had the balls to call these threads out.

>> No.11100562,16 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,17 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,18 [INTERNAL] 

Hey, I'm just pointing out that it's stupid to complain about a rule-violating thread getting deleted. I was enjoying this thread until it was deleted.

>> No.11100562,19 [INTERNAL] 

We have this neat archive where you can look at what NEET threads were about.

>> No.11100562,20 [INTERNAL] 

What rule was it violating?

>> No.11100562,21 [INTERNAL] 

I know exactly what they were about. The staff weren't aware until a few months ago when they removed the rule because the /q/ crew snuck it in almost a year ago.

>> No.11100562,22 [INTERNAL] 

Check the rules. They edited out NEET from the /jp/ rules back in April and the staff were very vocal about their position on the threads.

>> No.11100562,23 [INTERNAL] 

I don't see anything in the rules that would prohibit NEET threads.

>> No.11100562,24 [INTERNAL] 

It's off topic.

>> No.11100562,25 [INTERNAL] 

>All images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, Vocaloid, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea)

How does being a NEET not fall under that?

>> No.11100562,26 [INTERNAL] 

What exactly does NEET fall under?

>> No.11100562,27 [INTERNAL] 

It doesn't belong on 4chan. It will scare off the normies.

>> No.11100562,28 [INTERNAL] 

Japanese niche interests and otaku paraphernalia at times.

>> No.11100562,29 [INTERNAL] 

But in all seriousness how does just proclaiming "I am a NEET and here is what I ate and did today" not blogging?

>> No.11100562,30 [INTERNAL] 

In all seriousness, how often do you see posts like that make up any significant part of NEET threads?

>> No.11100562,31 [INTERNAL] 

I really don't have to bring up specific examples. Blogging is blogging.

>> No.11100562,32 [INTERNAL] 

Gigs complaining about shitty posters, what a riot.

>> No.11100562,33 [INTERNAL] 

is this a serious question?

NEET threads were all about that

you can say you enjoyed the blogging, dude, it's okay

>> No.11100562,34 [INTERNAL] 

I'm using this thread now.

>> No.11100562,35 [INTERNAL] 


this is the new thread, fugger

>> No.11100562,36 [INTERNAL] 


I'm using this one anyway

>> No.11100562,37 [INTERNAL] 

No, you aren't.

>> No.11100562,38 [INTERNAL] 

you know it's true what they say
you're only neet for a day

>> No.11100562,39 [INTERNAL] 

Why are they both 2hu shit threads

>> No.11100562,40 [INTERNAL] 

I'm fuking hungry hurry up with my food mum!

>> No.11100562,41 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,42 [INTERNAL] 

My cock is hard as hell!!

>> No.11100562,43 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,44 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,45 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,46 [INTERNAL] 

kill la kill me

>> No.11100562,47 [INTERNAL] 

totori loves me and i love her

>> No.11100562,48 [INTERNAL] 

any wbros wanna die together

>> No.11100562,49 [INTERNAL] 

where do you live

>> No.11100562,50 [INTERNAL] 

it doesnt matter nobody here could possibly live in the same country as me

>> No.11100562,51 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,52 [INTERNAL] 

So I was on the couch in my living room at about 3:45 AM, listening to digital trips: sleep on the "lucid dream" selection. I was almost asleep. This wasy first time doing anything like this ya know trying to project and such. All the sudden I wake with a jolt and the creepy fucker was rubbing my leg. I said for him to get the hell away from me qnd he wouldn't, so I took a swing at him and he just vanished. Now my house has this creepy aura about ot like I'm being watched and I can't sleep. What now?

>> No.11100562,53 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,54 [INTERNAL] 

You slipped into the spirit realm while dozing off and now you're stuck between both worlds. I'm not sure what you can do.

>> No.11100562,55 [INTERNAL] 

tototri tototori i love you tototori ttoototootototototootori i love you

>> No.11100562,56 [INTERNAL] 

to to ri to to ri to to ri

>> No.11100562,57 [INTERNAL] 

My internet was out for half the day and it made me realize just how much I depend on my computer. I felt liberated but at the same time I felt like a doll with a lost soul inside.

>> No.11100562,58 [INTERNAL] 

god damnit im bored i guess ill make some cupcakes

>> No.11100562,59 [INTERNAL] 

>made me realize just how much I depend on my computer

compared to what?
other people?

is all the same.

>> No.11100562,60 [INTERNAL] 

This one time I was without Internet for a month or so and I just spent most of my time laying on the bed

>> No.11100562,61 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,62 [INTERNAL] 

im chink

>> No.11100562,63 [INTERNAL] 

It's really depressing me how fast time is passing should I start getting up earlier?

>> No.11100562,64 [INTERNAL] 

What is depressing about it?

>> No.11100562,65 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah dude, if you get up like at 9 or even 11 I guess it will feel like you have hella time throughout the day, but then you'll start getting depressed because your days are too long so be careful

>> No.11100562,66 [INTERNAL] 

Is being born human a curse? A host of religions out there are finally starting to make a whole lot of sense...

>> No.11100562,67 [INTERNAL] 

i literally hope you die you theist piece of shit

>> No.11100562,68 [INTERNAL] 

It is both a curse and a blessing depending on how you think of it

>> No.11100562,69 [INTERNAL] 

ya you get to see a ton of cute lolis but you cant hug them

>> No.11100562,70 [INTERNAL] 

You have a religion too. Probably video games

>> No.11100562,71 [INTERNAL] 

atheists are annoying little shitheads

>> No.11100562,72 [INTERNAL] 

Cool I'll try and go to sleep at 4 tonight and get up at noon

>> No.11100562,73 [INTERNAL] 

Being born as a non attractive non wealthy non intelligent male is a curse you would be better off never existing at all

>> No.11100562,74 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,75 [INTERNAL] 

Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA

>> No.11100562,76 [INTERNAL] 

For you.

>> No.11100562,77 [INTERNAL] 

big guy

>> No.11100562,78 [INTERNAL] 

The flight plan I just filed with the agency lists me, my men, Dr. Pavel here but only one of you.

>> No.11100562,79 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,80 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,81 [INTERNAL] 

>Four U's

Mother of god.

>> No.11100562,82 [INTERNAL] 

I can't find the fourth

>> No.11100562,83 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuck

>> No.11100562,84 [INTERNAL] 

haha tototri

>> No.11100562,85 [INTERNAL] 


this made me laugh

>> No.11100562,86 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,87 [INTERNAL] 

what is normie about the video?

>> No.11100562,88 [INTERNAL] 

go away normie

>> No.11100562,89 [INTERNAL] 


It's a video, retard.

>> No.11100562,90 [INTERNAL] 

normie norrmie rnorrmie normie

>> No.11100562,91 [INTERNAL] 

retard retard retard retard

>> No.11100562,92 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,93 [INTERNAL] 

oh fug look at me and my fuggin awesome normie youtuve video phurrhrrhrh pissss on me fuck

>> No.11100562,94 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,95 [INTERNAL] 

I wish totori autist would succeed at dying already

>> No.11100562,96 [INTERNAL] 

hryurrjrh im a rufkcing retard fuckckkcch pisss on me dififfufufuf dfug

>> No.11100562,97 [INTERNAL] 

stupid bitch

>> No.11100562,98 [INTERNAL] 

hrhhrurh stupid bitch huruhrhru shit on me piss hhahhruhrhrhrhrh

>> No.11100562,99 [INTERNAL] 

stupid bitch

>> No.11100562,100 [INTERNAL] 

do the people in the comments not realize that he bought those rat from a pet store? i had a pet snake once that i had to feed baby rats.

>> No.11100562,101 [INTERNAL] 

Did you fuck the snake

>> No.11100562,102 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,103 [INTERNAL] 


I thought he randomly found them

>> No.11100562,104 [INTERNAL] 

are you a retard

>> No.11100562,105 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,106 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,107 [INTERNAL] 

hrhrhrhrh im a fucking retardshutup fhjjghjrhrhr fuck my dicks piss jhhrhrhrhrhrhrh

>> No.11100562,108 [INTERNAL] 

hrhrhrhrh im hrhrhrhrh im a fucking retardshutup fhjjghjrhrhr fuck my dicks piss jhhrhrhrhrhrhrh retardshutup fhjjghjrhrhr fuck my dicks piss jhhrhrhrhrhrhrh

>> No.11100562,109 [INTERNAL] 

hrhhrhrhr fufckck ym dicks hrhrhhrhrh im fucking retarded hgrhrhhrhrhrhrh

>> No.11100562,110 [INTERNAL] 

Today I went to the edge of the city with the farms and fields and stuff and I saw at least 15 lolis riding bicycles.

>> No.11100562,111 [INTERNAL] 

Also I never got to eat and when I went to the gas station to get some gas and take a piss the guy out front just started talking to me and said he'd just throw the money on the pump for me and I never went in and didn't piss so I had to find somewhere else to piss?

Time to eat these peanut butter filled chocolate cupcakes for dinner

>> No.11100562,112 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,113 [INTERNAL] 

me too thanks

>> No.11100562,114 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,115 [INTERNAL] 


fuck off

>> No.11100562,116 [INTERNAL] 

I went to go pick up someone from work and we hung out and he was drinking in my car like 5-6 tall cans and he told me to pick up his friend so we did and then he was drinking too then we went some where else and it was like a motel and he told me to go in with him and I saw him and the other guy smoke meth and the other guy was smoking heroin I was real scared

>> No.11100562,117 [INTERNAL] 

holy shit you fucking retard

>> No.11100562,118 [INTERNAL] 

did you get laid

>> No.11100562,119 [INTERNAL] 

that guy is cooler than you?

>> No.11100562,120 [INTERNAL] 

in his dreams

>> No.11100562,121 [INTERNAL] 

How am I a retardd

>> No.11100562,122 [INTERNAL] 

monster girl generals are the modern day umineko threads

>> No.11100562,123 [INTERNAL] 

> I was real scared

So was your cousin when you raped her.

>> No.11100562,124 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't rape or hurt any of my cousins and they're not scared of me what the hell. When are you going to stop bullying me as a meme?

>> No.11100562,125 [INTERNAL] 

my old boss told me that heroin made girls wet

>> No.11100562,126 [INTERNAL] 

When you stop treating everyone here like shit

>> No.11100562,127 [INTERNAL] 

Woah hold on, wrong guy. I'm literally still here eating my cupcakes and watching Regular Car Reviews. I don't even have a car.

>> No.11100562,128 [INTERNAL] 

As soon as you kill yourself for the horrible things you did to your cousin

>> No.11100562,129 [INTERNAL] 

im in your computer right now

>> No.11100562,130 [INTERNAL] 

Which one is the real rapist?

>> No.11100562,131 [INTERNAL] 

well i can take a picture of the leftover cupcakes that i didnt fill

i used all of the filling meant for 12 cupcakes for 9

and then i ate those 9 cupcakes

>> No.11100562,132 [INTERNAL] 

>the safe space, Ms. Byron explained, was intended to give people who might find comments “troubling” or “triggering,” a place to recuperate. The room was equipped with cookies, coloring books, bubbles, Play-Doh, calming music, pillows, blankets and a video of frolicking puppies, as well as students and staff members trained to deal with trauma.

>> No.11100562,133 [INTERNAL] 

warosu is your safe place

>> No.11100562,134 [INTERNAL] 

Wait how do I treat people here like shit?

>> No.11100562,135 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,136 [INTERNAL] 

can someone answer pls i dont want to be mean to anyone

>> No.11100562,137 [INTERNAL] 

You always ignore me whenever I want to ask you something. You don't like me, I get it, but can you at least make up excuses instead of just ignoring me?

>> No.11100562,138 [INTERNAL] 

Literally raped his cousin.

>> No.11100562,139 [INTERNAL] 

If I ignore anyone I just probably don't see your posts. I don't go out of my way to ignore people like that...

>> No.11100562,140 [INTERNAL] 

You definitely ignored your cousin's screams and tears when you raped her.

>> No.11100562,141 [INTERNAL] 

Ok ill ask you again, can you please helpe with this http://ota-ch.com/jp/res/163409.html

>> No.11100562,142 [INTERNAL] 

I don't even know where to get those but I guess I'll look around after I'm done playing H1Z1

>> No.11100562,143 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,144 [INTERNAL] 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyTU4-o6O_M

>> No.11100562,145 [INTERNAL] 

i feel as if my brain is degenerating for lack of use these past years

>> No.11100562,146 [INTERNAL] 

hahahahahhahah ahahahhah

>> No.11100562,147 [INTERNAL] 

>Ms. El Rhazoui replied, somewhat irritably, “Being Charlie Hebdo means to die because of a drawing,” and not everyone has the guts to do that (although she didn’t use the word guts). She lives under constant threat, Ms. El Rhazoui said. The student answered that she felt threatened, too.
A few days later, a guest editorialist in the student newspaper took Ms. El Rhazoui to task. She had failed to ensure “that others felt safe enough to express dissenting opinions.” Ms. El Rhazoui’s “relative position of power,” the writer continued, had granted her a “free pass to make condescending attacks on a member of the university.” In a letter to the editor, the president and the vice president of the University of Chicago French Club, which had sponsored the talk, shot back, saying, “El Rhazoui is an immigrant, a woman, Arab, a human-rights activist who has known exile, and a journalist living in very real fear of death. She was invited to speak precisely because her right to do so is, quite literally, under threat.”

My younger cousin got into UChicago. Is she going to turn out like this?

>> No.11100562,148 [INTERNAL] 

wheelyfeely when you don't know which addon is blocking the thing you want to do on the internet page

>> No.11100562,149 [INTERNAL] 

I have no idea where to find these. I can get Japanese stuff, but that's about it. I have no idea where to look for rap/hiphop.

>> No.11100562,150 [INTERNAL] 

Why is it that I can easily taste when a food is GMO out the rear?

>> No.11100562,151 [INTERNAL] 

all food is gmo

>> No.11100562,152 [INTERNAL] 

Haha haha you fucking retard.

>> No.11100562,153 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,154 [INTERNAL] 

>falling for the GMO meme

>> No.11100562,155 [INTERNAL] 

Can anyone find this thread I need to help him

>> No.11100562,156 [INTERNAL] 

anyone want to watch me play h1z1

>> No.11100562,157 [INTERNAL] 

What do you do in it I watched before but didn't understand

>> No.11100562,158 [INTERNAL] 

no i dont

>> No.11100562,159 [INTERNAL] 

you're being rude

>> No.11100562,160 [INTERNAL] 

well its supposed to be a survival game where you scavenge for stuff and kill zombies, but the zombies are pretty shitty so people roam around fucking around with eachother

usually i get a car and pick people up and go off jumps with them

>> No.11100562,161 [INTERNAL] 

Ok sure but can you help me first with this http://merorin.com/jp/res/2309.html

>> No.11100562,162 [INTERNAL] 

holy fuck you fucking retard

>> No.11100562,163 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,164 [INTERNAL] 

odont feven fuggin talkj to me id ont even want to hear it righ tnow its not my fauckling fault everyone died on me gufgukginc hrist chfuckfucfk fuck totori wheare you please totori i need you now mroe thanf uckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

>> No.11100562,165 [INTERNAL] 

i dont know where to get that kind of stuff

>> No.11100562,166 [INTERNAL] 

I hear rutracker.org or kat.ph is good but get good qualities

>> No.11100562,167 [INTERNAL] 

Another shitty /jp/ spinoff?

>> No.11100562,168 [INTERNAL] 

Its a /gnfos/ spin off

>> No.11100562,169 [INTERNAL] 


ok playing h1z1

>> No.11100562,170 [INTERNAL] 

I just bought monster hunter 4. Does anyone want to play with me?

>> No.11100562,171 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,172 [INTERNAL] 

monsters live under my bed

>> No.11100562,173 [INTERNAL] 

nah, sounds like some weeb shit

>> No.11100562,174 [INTERNAL] 

god damnit nevermind streaming

twitch had a breech and forced users to change their password but i dont remember the email i used for my account so i cant get to the link to reset my password

they also changed the stream keys


>> No.11100562,175 [INTERNAL] 

fucking retard

>> No.11100562,176 [INTERNAL] 

LMAO must suck to be gaijin

>> No.11100562,177 [INTERNAL] 

Someone please help me with the music

>> No.11100562,178 [INTERNAL] 

Wow are the streams over forever

>> No.11100562,179 [INTERNAL] 

post some loli streams

>> No.11100562,180 [INTERNAL] 

feel when your dreaming aobut dying and totori comes to you tofr the first time and you know love for a second then you wake up and everything is terrible again but at least oyu have totori now that was me when i frist loved her

>> No.11100562,181 [INTERNAL] 

no hold on ill just make a new account

>> No.11100562,182 [INTERNAL] 

wait nevermind i found my email


ok streaming now

>> No.11100562,183 [INTERNAL] 

filthy paedo

>> No.11100562,184 [INTERNAL] 

holy shit what a retard

>> No.11100562,185 [INTERNAL] 

"Anthropologists have long known that when a tribe of people lose their feeling that their way of life is worth-while they may stop reproducing, or in large numbers simply lie down and die beside streams full of fish: food is not the primary nourishment of man."

What will become of us of the NEET tribe?

>> No.11100562,186 [INTERNAL] 

I googled that and the only thing to come up was some finnshit forum
Figures because it sounds like bullshit

>> No.11100562,187 [INTERNAL] 

Friend code?

>> No.11100562,188 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,189 [INTERNAL] 

Life will be much better in Heaven.

>> No.11100562,190 [INTERNAL] 

i cant get there everything is fucking terrible fufkcing terrible nothing is good just le md ei

>> No.11100562,191 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone can, through Christ.

>> No.11100562,192 [INTERNAL] 

i want to die let me die fuck

>> No.11100562,193 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not kidding.

>> No.11100562,194 [INTERNAL] 

i need to die

>> No.11100562,195 [INTERNAL] 

You will.

>> No.11100562,196 [INTERNAL] 

this other woman is a whore and milk is pure jlike in real life

>> No.11100562,197 [INTERNAL] 

Whoa where the heck did that come from

>> No.11100562,198 [INTERNAL] 

ti want to die

>> No.11100562,199 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,200 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,201 [INTERNAL] 

what other woman?

>> No.11100562,202 [INTERNAL] 

Posting inane stupid shit while we fool ourselves that we're better than this, I'm so tired of it all.

>> No.11100562,203 [INTERNAL] 

Wow why'd you brutally punch that guy to death at the spawn point

>> No.11100562,204 [INTERNAL] 

Was nietzche literally right about everything holy fuck

>> No.11100562,205 [INTERNAL] 

should i stream tetris

>> No.11100562,206 [INTERNAL] 

Play the japs

>> No.11100562,207 [INTERNAL] 

ill try but i really suck

>> No.11100562,208 [INTERNAL] 

never again

>> No.11100562,209 [INTERNAL] 

I missed it

>> No.11100562,210 [INTERNAL] 

I just visited the worldnews subreddit and it was full of disgusting pro-zionist propaganda

>> No.11100562,211 [INTERNAL] 

really? over the past few days ive seen stories about obama not being happy with netanyahu

did you check /r/todayilearned and see all the feminist stuff

>> No.11100562,212 [INTERNAL] 

should i buy a new 3ds or a vita?

>> No.11100562,213 [INTERNAL] 

I use my vita more

>> No.11100562,214 [INTERNAL] 

buy an hour with a prostitute, you pathetic virg

>> No.11100562,215 [INTERNAL] 

nah your mom charges too much

>> No.11100562,216 [INTERNAL] 

i think loli prostitutes are illegal

>> No.11100562,217 [INTERNAL] 

ooooooooh buurn

>> No.11100562,218 [INTERNAL] 

that phrase just gave me a boner fuck you im not a pedophile fuck you just fuck you

>> No.11100562,219 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,220 [INTERNAL] 

you arent a pedo but you got a boner when you thought of an 11 year old girl taking money to do lewd things? youre a pedophile?

>> No.11100562,221 [INTERNAL] 

any jizzaholics here

>> No.11100562,222 [INTERNAL] 

yeah just gone done jacking off whats up

>> No.11100562,223 [INTERNAL] 

hi i have a boner

>> No.11100562,224 [INTERNAL] 

help i have a boner

>> No.11100562,225 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,226 [INTERNAL] 

First homemade iced tea this year!

>> No.11100562,227 [INTERNAL] 

This is creepy

>> No.11100562,228 [INTERNAL] 

No, it was green tea...

>> No.11100562,229 [INTERNAL] 

That's not iced tea stop being a tryhard

>> No.11100562,230 [INTERNAL] 

im leechblocking this site peace out creeps

>> No.11100562,231 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't go

>> No.11100562,232 [INTERNAL] 

I started steeping it last night around 11PM at room temperatute and then when I went to bed at like 6AM I put it in the fridge and today I poured it over ice. It's iced tea!

>> No.11100562,233 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.11100562,234 [INTERNAL] 

leechblock can be easily disabled

use cold turkey you pussy

>> No.11100562,235 [INTERNAL] 

me too thanks

>> No.11100562,236 [INTERNAL] 

I don't have anything to do in the first place that warosu could be leeching from

>> No.11100562,237 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe get a hobby like drawing or making music.

>> No.11100562,238 [INTERNAL] 

or a job

>> No.11100562,239 [INTERNAL] 

Oh fuck Wal-Mart has a New 3DS XL bundle with a game for $220. There are only 7 games to choose from, but one of them is Majoras Mask which is the game I really want. I could even get Pokemon Y/X as well, but one of the games in the bundle can be Pokemon Omega/Alpha so I could get that instead and pick up Majoras Mask as well. Is there any reason to play the 3DS versions of Sapphire or Ruby if I already played them before? I guess what it really comes down to is Omega/Alpha vs Y/X.

>> No.11100562,240 [INTERNAL] 

Ayy homie I got a job but I'm still posting here saying fuck the free world

>> No.11100562,241 [INTERNAL] 


So people come home from work and don't know what to do with their free time off? What a horrible and confused life that must be.

>> No.11100562,242 [INTERNAL] 

I could go and get pussy like you McChad but I'm not some normie

>> No.11100562,243 [INTERNAL] 

If you're capable of getting it then you're a norm

>> No.11100562,244 [INTERNAL] 

I had sex once at age 14.

>> No.11100562,245 [INTERNAL] 

are we being raided?

>> No.11100562,246 [INTERNAL] 

your moms pussy is being raided

>> No.11100562,247 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone could get it with a couple bucks in their pocket and living near some motels

>> No.11100562,248 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,249 [INTERNAL] 

No, it's literally one guy.

>> No.11100562,250 [INTERNAL] 

Be fresh and clean shaven (even your pubic area).

>> No.11100562,251 [INTERNAL] 

Girls won't even know about your pubic area until you've already got them in the bed...

This normie is pissing me off a little

>> No.11100562,252 [INTERNAL] 

Woah apparently there's a flash cartridge that lets you play 3DS games on the N3DS

>> No.11100562,253 [INTERNAL] 

You're the norm here always thinking about sex.

>> No.11100562,254 [INTERNAL] 

Sex is up there with eating and drinking as part of basic biological functions. To not be curious about it would be stupid.

>> No.11100562,255 [INTERNAL] 

That guy won't understand because he's literally retarded.

>> No.11100562,256 [INTERNAL] 

Probably because you're black so you think with your dick. It's only natural for a primate such as yourself.

>> No.11100562,257 [INTERNAL] 

I think you're confusing someone else for me again.

>> No.11100562,258 [INTERNAL] 

hell yess dinner time

large fries
6 spicy nuggets
1/2lb double burg
chicken sandwich

>> No.11100562,259 [INTERNAL] 


Only at Wendys.

>> No.11100562,260 [INTERNAL] 

i like wendys because the mascot is a cute little girl and she sells burgers and i like little girls burgers?

>> No.11100562,261 [INTERNAL] 

I got sour patches watermelon, sam's choice thin crust hawain style, an lots of beverages but I think I'm goin to drink cranberry juice i also have sparkling cider and kiwi strawberry snapple the big bottle of 64 oz

>> No.11100562,262 [INTERNAL] 

im honk

>> No.11100562,263 [INTERNAL] 

kill yourself

>> No.11100562,264 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry hun but you cannot talk to people that way

>> No.11100562,265 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,266 [INTERNAL] 

does anyone have any good videos of model trains and big model train courses thanks

>> No.11100562,267 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,268 [INTERNAL] 

>they sound like chinese words

oh my fuggin christ

>> No.11100562,269 [INTERNAL] 

sweden yes

>> No.11100562,270 [INTERNAL] 

"Robert Hansen, a serial killer who was active in the early 1980s, would kidnap women and release them in Alaska’s Knik River Valley. He would then hunt them, armed with a knife and a Ruger Mini-14 rifle"

>> No.11100562,271 [INTERNAL] 

That's really cool

>> No.11100562,272 [INTERNAL] 

He gave them a fair chance so it's their own fault for dying

>> No.11100562,273 [INTERNAL] 

>e contacted Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Roy Hazelwood and requested help with a criminal psychological profile, based on the three recovered bodies. Hazelwood thought that the killer would be an experienced hunter with low self-esteem, have a history of being rejected by women and would feel compelled to keep "souvenirs" of his murders, such as a victim's jewelry. He also suggested that the assailant might stutter.

Wbros getting BTFO

>> No.11100562,274 [INTERNAL] 

How do women get kidnapped in the first place, you can't just be picked up and taken away

>> No.11100562,275 [INTERNAL] 

uh, you literally can

>> No.11100562,276 [INTERNAL] 

There is not a single iota of sympathy in my being for animals whatsoever. How do people find it in themselves to become animal rights activists and such? I even grew up with pets and I still possess zero compassion or interest in animals.

>> No.11100562,277 [INTERNAL] 


"No, Sir." Why "No, Sir"? Why do you think you would not do it again?
- Because they'd send me back to this place, Sir. "Because they would send me back to this place, Sir."
- A conditioned response indicating fear of reprisal. There's no moral sense at work here at all.
- In my experience psychopaths rarely show the least sign of inner change or development. "Vulpes pilum mutat, non mores", as they say.
- The leopard never changes his spots.
- Wolf, Sir.
- Did you speak, boy?
- Sorry, Sir, but vulpes means wolf, Sir. "Vulpes pilum mutat, non mores" means, literally...

...the wolf changes its fur but not its nature.


>> No.11100562,278 [INTERNAL] 

You're just retarded

>> No.11100562,279 [INTERNAL] 

*warosu howl of assembly*

>> No.11100562,280 [INTERNAL] 

Stop being so emotional. There are no arguments in favor of animals welfare other than those that involve pathos.

>> No.11100562,281 [INTERNAL] 

Stop talking like a fag

>> No.11100562,282 [INTERNAL] 

can anyone help me psease thanks

>> No.11100562,283 [INTERNAL] 

you wrang?

>> No.11100562,284 [INTERNAL] 

Motherfucker I tried calling Wal-Mart and asking about that bundle but they misunderstood and thought the system and game were in the same box and they said it expired even thought today was the first day the bundle went up and then my phone died god damnit mom why the hell dont you put the phone on the charger

if i had a 3ds i could play with lolis

>> No.11100562,285 [INTERNAL] 

sick fuck

>> No.11100562,286 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,287 [INTERNAL] 


these are cooler

>> No.11100562,288 [INTERNAL] 

Fatass detected

>> No.11100562,289 [INTERNAL] 

how can that be cooler its not even a train what the hell

>> No.11100562,290 [INTERNAL] 


>wbros playing with rc cars

>> No.11100562,291 [INTERNAL] 

the water aint real


>> No.11100562,292 [INTERNAL] 

what is that white stuff and why is there so much of it? they evern keep spraying well after the fire is out...

>> No.11100562,293 [INTERNAL] 

is this autism why isnt this trains

>> No.11100562,294 [INTERNAL] 

realistic remote controlled stuff is autism why not do something cool like go off jumps or fly a plane or something

>> No.11100562,295 [INTERNAL] 

i want to see trains not that autism stuff

>> No.11100562,296 [INTERNAL] 

that was good

>> No.11100562,297 [INTERNAL] 

>what is that white stuff and why is there so much of it

imagine a loli saying this

>> No.11100562,298 [INTERNAL] 

no, pedo

>> No.11100562,299 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,300 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,301 [INTERNAL] 

what is this weeb shit

>> No.11100562,302 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off

>> No.11100562,303 [INTERNAL] 

its actualy terrible

>> No.11100562,304 [INTERNAL] 

Because you're an outsider. Just like someone who doesn't listen to black metal will say burzum or whatever sucks shit. Get out of here

>> No.11100562,305 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,306 [INTERNAL] 

im someone else im defintely not an aoutsider that music is bad

>> No.11100562,307 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you

>> No.11100562,308 [INTERNAL] 

go backt o 4chan thanks

>> No.11100562,309 [INTERNAL] 

You go.

>> No.11100562,310 [INTERNAL] 

The first song is amazing

>> No.11100562,311 [INTERNAL] 

normie rnormie normie

>> No.11100562,312 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,313 [INTERNAL] 

You're freakin boring go back to sleep. Why the heck would you even reply to it if you don't like it

>> No.11100562,314 [INTERNAL] 

you replied to me first in another thread

>> No.11100562,315 [INTERNAL] 

I shouldn't have.

>> No.11100562,316 [INTERNAL] 

uhh could you please stop posting boring videos, *onegai*

>> No.11100562,317 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,318 [INTERNAL] 

You're shit

>> No.11100562,319 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,320 [INTERNAL] 

i bought a wii u now im going to play hyrule wariors on it and x

>> No.11100562,321 [INTERNAL] 

why are you so rude to me

>> No.11100562,322 [INTERNAL] 

Consolenorms don't belong here

>> No.11100562,323 [INTERNAL] 

Because you leave your room and stuff

>> No.11100562,324 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,325 [INTERNAL] 

There are a lot of spiderwebs under my computer desk crap

>> No.11100562,326 [INTERNAL] 

what the hell i wanted to just rtalka bout athe game im going to play and then you act like this this is what im dtalking about everytone treats me lkike shit i jujs wanted to be happy with you guys cause im goin to play wii u

>> No.11100562,327 [INTERNAL] 

I don't do that, you are mistakin me with someone else

>> No.11100562,328 [INTERNAL] 


Gosh you're pathetic but if you were a girl I'd forgive you and be your friend

>> No.11100562,329 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.11100562,330 [INTERNAL] 

I hate everything about this world I want everyone to die

>> No.11100562,331 [INTERNAL] 

wghat are you even talking about

>> No.11100562,332 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,333 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,334 [INTERNAL] 

I'm subtly owning you but I'll stop if you want

>> No.11100562,335 [INTERNAL] 

yeah whaetver you said kid

>> No.11100562,336 [INTERNAL] 

I usually get alone with you but you've been pissing me off lately sorry I'll try not to be as abrasive

>> No.11100562,337 [INTERNAL] 

that isnt me i stioll dont understand what your talking about who are you that you know me

>> No.11100562,338 [INTERNAL] 

Uh... I wanted to make some brownies but the recipe called for 1/3 cup of oil but we're out of oil so now I'm clarifying some butter to substitute but I'm not sure if I should just use regular melted butter of clarified. Would it be better to leave the fats in? Maybe I'll only take some of the solids out. I don't think they'll burn. I'm more concerned about the water in butter.

>> No.11100562,339 [INTERNAL] 

im on brownies ;)

>> No.11100562,340 [INTERNAL] 

shutt he fuck u shut the fuck up shut the fuck up

>> No.11100562,341 [INTERNAL] 

i made a farty

>> No.11100562,342 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,343 [INTERNAL] 

shit and gay

>> No.11100562,344 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,345 [INTERNAL] 

cute girls

>> No.11100562,346 [INTERNAL] 

girl in the first video is cute and girl in the third video with her hair down shows her panties and is cute

>> No.11100562,347 [INTERNAL] 

Uh so the phone's battery was charged enough and I decided to call Wal-Mart again and see what was going on with that N3DS bundle. I explained to the lady from my point of view, and I was able to get her to see the bundle online on a computer in her store, and she verified that she had the game and handheld in stock, but seemed unable to tell me if I could get the bundle price that I saw online.

I'm not an asshole for going to a store and asking for the bundle price, right? It's not like this is a limited edition bundle with a special N3DS. It's just a regular N3DS with a regular game.

>> No.11100562,348 [INTERNAL] 

You can probably price match it at another store like best buy

>> No.11100562,349 [INTERNAL] 


I like this. What do you call it?

>> No.11100562,350 [INTERNAL] 

I don't like BestBuy and I still don't know if I can get this bundle price in-store. If I can then there's no problem. If I can't then I'm calling up Fry's since they will actually match online prices.

>> No.11100562,351 [INTERNAL] 

Fry's is just a meme

>> No.11100562,352 [INTERNAL] 

I legitimately visit Fry's pretty often...

>> No.11100562,353 [INTERNAL] 

nice meme *tips frydora*

>> No.11100562,354 [INTERNAL] 

I wish all animal-loving normals would just drop dead.

>> No.11100562,355 [INTERNAL] 

This new gimmick sucks

>> No.11100562,356 [INTERNAL] 

No, I just hate animals and you're retarded if you disagree with me

>> No.11100562,357 [INTERNAL] 

im ok with animals like i dont like them or hate them

>> No.11100562,358 [INTERNAL] 

you fuck them

>> No.11100562,359 [INTERNAL] 

i eat them

>> No.11100562,360 [INTERNAL] 

i like when i can feel mypulse through my dick

>> No.11100562,361 [INTERNAL] 

Owning animals is kind of weird if you think about it, imagine is an alien race came to Earth and kept us as pet and walked us around on leashes, letting us poop on the lawn just because they were more intelligent. Though some of you subhumans would probably like being walked by a hot alien girl.

>> No.11100562,362 [INTERNAL] 

Honestly this sounds like the ideal life

>> No.11100562,363 [INTERNAL] 

Remind you of your parents?

>> No.11100562,364 [INTERNAL] 

That doesn't even make sense

>> No.11100562,365 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,366 [INTERNAL] 

I made a sandwish for breakfast

>> No.11100562,367 [INTERNAL] 

does eating it makes your wish come true

>> No.11100562,368 [INTERNAL] 

If I make money today then yes.

>> No.11100562,369 [INTERNAL] 

I heated up my leftover sams choice pizza from yesterday and got some snapple kiwi strawberry flavor but i was going to eat a cheesecake i bought yesterday too the variety kind with two slicces of each flavor but someone ate most of it and i got stuck with chocolate and the one with pink stuff on top it was ok i guess i wouldve liked to choose

>> No.11100562,370 [INTERNAL] 

There should be an alternative to 4chan where all would-be participants must first score higher than 120 on a mandatory IQ test before given the ability to post

>> No.11100562,371 [INTERNAL] 

It would be 10 times slower than /sci/.

>> No.11100562,372 [INTERNAL] 


If I remember Sams Choice is gross.

>> No.11100562,373 [INTERNAL] 

It was meh i shouldve got freschetta and i got thin crust to top it off..

>> No.11100562,374 [INTERNAL] 

Also you gotta be an enlightened atheist and feminist as well.

>> No.11100562,375 [INTERNAL] 

but then you will not be able to post

>> No.11100562,376 [INTERNAL] 

anyone know of any good seinen manga to read

>> No.11100562,377 [INTERNAL] 

It's weird having voices in your head but having no urge to act on their demands. It's kind of like white noise, only more irritating and distracting. I wonder what brought it on, I can't remember when it started, but it wasn't before I turned 18.

>> No.11100562,378 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,379 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off

>> No.11100562,380 [INTERNAL] 


God tier:
Children's anime (mostly for girls)
Slice of life (yuru yuri)
President tier:
long running shounen anime (hunter x hunter)
moe blob (kamisama no inai)
mecha anime (rinne)
Okay tier:
ecchi anime (toloveru)
harem anime (DxD)
meh tier:
anime that takes itself seriously
post apocalyptic plot anime
shoot me in the head anime:
shows like tokyo ghoul, mirai nikki, deadman wonderland, aldnoah.zero

>> No.11100562,381 [INTERNAL] 

oh I would put anything with magic elements in president tier a chance

>> No.11100562,382 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,383 [INTERNAL] 

Yuru Yuri is alright. Every other anime in existance is garbage tier.

>> No.11100562,384 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus Christ, I'm fucking retarded

>> No.11100562,385 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,386 [INTERNAL] 

you sure are :-/

>> No.11100562,387 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,388 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,389 [INTERNAL] 

why do people get so down on typos just chill

>> No.11100562,390 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,391 [INTERNAL] 

I had anothe dream where I cuddled with a loli. This time I kissed her on the cheek kind of near her mouth.

>> No.11100562,392 [INTERNAL] 

Man, every Wal-Mart I'm calling says it's online only. I guess it's time to call some other stores.

>> No.11100562,393 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,394 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck, Fys's said they wouldn't pricematch the bundle, but rather each item individually.

What's so hard about getting this? It's literally just a normal game and a normal N3DSXL, just sold together at a lower price.

>> No.11100562,395 [INTERNAL] 

Best Buy won't do it either. I guess I'll just buy it at full price at the local mom and pop videogame store that sells imports and wall scrolls and anime albums.

>> No.11100562,396 [INTERNAL] 

You're just going there to see their daughter

>> No.11100562,397 [INTERNAL] 

The only person ever there is a really old really short lady who herself looks like a videogame character.

>> No.11100562,398 [INTERNAL] 

feel when you forget to shake the ketchup bottle and a watery liquid gets on your food

hust FUCKING kill me already

>> No.11100562,399 [INTERNAL] 

you've gotta squirt it into the sink first little tip

>> No.11100562,400 [INTERNAL] 

known feel

>> No.11100562,401 [INTERNAL] 


why does the pokemon art give me a boner i want to fuck this girl?

>> No.11100562,402 [INTERNAL] 

thats literally a child you sick fuck

>> No.11100562,403 [INTERNAL] 

thats jsut vinager

>> No.11100562,404 [INTERNAL] 

Roxanne isn't a loli...

>> No.11100562,405 [INTERNAL] 

You're disgusting.

>> No.11100562,406 [INTERNAL] 

It's natural

>> No.11100562,407 [INTERNAL] 

I leave for one second and you guys are already raping children

>> No.11100562,408 [INTERNAL] 

im horny any single moms

>> No.11100562,409 [INTERNAL] 

so ive played tetris friends after playing tetris online poland and i find that my lpm increased

i can send around 55-60 lines per game now

>> No.11100562,410 [INTERNAL] 

Man, your whole anti-pedo stick is getting fucking old. You already ran that shit into the ground about a month ago, and now I'm seeing you post your dumb shit on the jay as well, are you really that starved for attention? Is this your attempt at forcing an epic new meme? Because it's not gonna work, dude, it's unfunny as HELL.

>> No.11100562,411 [INTERNAL] 

dont mind him hes the same tard who wants anime nirvana and browses /a/ and /r9k/ unironically

>> No.11100562,412 [INTERNAL] 

get a laod of this nerd

>> No.11100562,413 [INTERNAL] 

anti-pedo stick

>> No.11100562,414 [INTERNAL] 

what ever happened to the pedo meme?

>> No.11100562,415 [INTERNAL] 

it died with the cousin

>> No.11100562,416 [INTERNAL] 

alive and well

>> No.11100562,417 [INTERNAL] 

So nobody will do this bundle in an actual store, and I'm not going to wait until April 3rd to ge it shipped so I think I'm just going to go and buy the system only since they apparently have digital downloads now.

>> No.11100562,418 [INTERNAL] 

Call the manager and Fry's

>> No.11100562,419 [INTERNAL] 

Fry's was my second choice and the lady was really nice and sounded actually sorry that they couldn't price match what I was looking for.

>> No.11100562,420 [INTERNAL] 

Pedophiles have been statistically proven to be shorter, balder, fatter, and lesser intelligent than healthy straight white heterosexual males.

>> No.11100562,421 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,422 [INTERNAL] 

im a pedo and im only retarded im not fat or short or balled?

>> No.11100562,423 [INTERNAL] 

Science disagrees, you fat balding manlet.

>> No.11100562,424 [INTERNAL] 

im not?

>> No.11100562,425 [INTERNAL] 

not yet

>> No.11100562,426 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,427 [INTERNAL] 

There is no God but Allah and Muhammad, peace be upon him, is his messenger.

>> No.11100562,428 [INTERNAL] 

you think muhammad would have posted on the w since he was a pedobro?

>> No.11100562,429 [INTERNAL] 

anime fuckign sucks

>> No.11100562,430 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off brother

>> No.11100562,431 [INTERNAL] 

he's a troller be strong

>> No.11100562,432 [INTERNAL] 

you fuck off, animenormie

>> No.11100562,433 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,434 [INTERNAL] 

i have acne on my forehead?

>> No.11100562,435 [INTERNAL] 

you like mememe, we get it.

>> No.11100562,436 [INTERNAL] 

non virgins literally on the w makes me want to fucking heave god damn

>> No.11100562,437 [INTERNAL] 

they probably like to go to parties and "chill"

>> No.11100562,438 [INTERNAL] 

im the virginest

>> No.11100562,439 [INTERNAL] 

They probably have smartphones and go to cons too

>> No.11100562,440 [INTERNAL] 

people who don't like anime on the w make me want to fucking scream god damn

>> No.11100562,441 [INTERNAL] 

He was too alpha, had like 15 wives

>> No.11100562,442 [INTERNAL] 

It's just dickspammer lashing out

>> No.11100562,443 [INTERNAL] 

There is no excuse for watching cartoons after the age of 20.

>> No.11100562,444 [INTERNAL] 


If you have children (which none of us will except the norms here) you will be watching cartoons with them, retard.

>> No.11100562,445 [INTERNAL] 

That's not watching cartoons, that's spending time with your children. Which you will never know anything about because no woman would have kids with an adult man who watches cartoons.

>> No.11100562,446 [INTERNAL] 

I'm dating a girl with a son and I don't watch cartoons with him. I just put them on and sometimes he wants to play but I watch him from afar.

>> No.11100562,447 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,448 [INTERNAL] 

Whatever it's your life. I like cartoons so be it.

>> No.11100562,449 [INTERNAL] 

You're dating nobody.

>> No.11100562,450 [INTERNAL] 

yo holy shit lol

>> No.11100562,451 [INTERNAL] 

i got my n3ds

>> No.11100562,452 [INTERNAL] 

cool let's play

>> No.11100562,453 [INTERNAL] 

>it's your life
I don't remember purchasing it...

>> No.11100562,454 [INTERNAL] 

>dating a single mom
>raising another man's son after he came deep inside that pussy

God damn what a pathetic beta

>> No.11100562,455 [INTERNAL] 

it's the thinking man's fetish

>> No.11100562,456 [INTERNAL] 

I think he is just memeing the drive movie

>> No.11100562,457 [INTERNAL] 

uh wait can i change my user name after i set it once im not good at names

>> No.11100562,458 [INTERNAL] 

does anyone get extremely dizzy when you tilt your head to the right 45 degrees

>> No.11100562,459 [INTERNAL] 

oh that makes sense then

>> No.11100562,460 [INTERNAL] 

how do I find a hot single mom with a cute loli daughter?

>> No.11100562,461 [INTERNAL] 

Dating sites have a feature to filter out women without kids

>> No.11100562,462 [INTERNAL] 

Show me which

>> No.11100562,463 [INTERNAL] 

fuck my n3ds is one without an ips display

should i take it back

>> No.11100562,464 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,465 [INTERNAL] 

and the left hinge is pretty loose god damnit

>> No.11100562,466 [INTERNAL] 

I made $5 today so my wish did come true I guess.

>> No.11100562,467 [INTERNAL] 

And so the month comes to a near it seems the total amount of money I've made since the 4th of this month is $50. I believe that is pretty impressive for the 1st month and for just 1 product out there.

As for page hits it's ~2000 unique visitors.

>> No.11100562,468 [INTERNAL] 

I have really bad anxiety but when I imagine that I'm a prophet of God I suddenly have lots of confidence and could speak in front of many people.

>> No.11100562,469 [INTERNAL] 

Me too but instead I pretend everything that I say and do is ironic.

>> No.11100562,470 [INTERNAL] 


assuming you aren't joking, i know exactly what you mean. i have said some fucked up shit IRL and gotten away with it because of my confident voice (from being ironic).

>> No.11100562,471 [INTERNAL] 

I smell college normies

>> No.11100562,472 [INTERNAL] 

>talking to people in real life

Is this normal serious?

>> No.11100562,473 [INTERNAL] 

I can also pull this can of shit because i know how to smooth talk people, must be all that music and movies i've watched.

>> No.11100562,474 [INTERNAL] 

i can talk to people easily if im super happy all i need for that is to just get enough sleep

>> No.11100562,475 [INTERNAL] 

i pooped my panties won't someone help clean me up :3

>> No.11100562,476 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,477 [INTERNAL] 

sheesh you guys are just as hollow as normals i should probably stop coming here

>> No.11100562,478 [INTERNAL] 

what should my nintendo network id be

>> No.11100562,479 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,480 [INTERNAL] 

that would be too weird but i might make a mii with that name

>> No.11100562,481 [INTERNAL] 

I love watching the part when it's Cell's Kamehameha vs Gohan's Kamehameha and Gohan is about to give up but Goku starts talking to him and asks what's wrong and tells him that he isn't weak and that he's going to save everybody

Especially in Kai the music that plays when Goku starts talking is really good

>> No.11100562,482 [INTERNAL] 

I mean he starts talking to him from Otherworld because he died "for real" versus Cell.

>> No.11100562,483 [INTERNAL] 

which is a cooler name iusedtobeaghost or iusedtobearobot

>> No.11100562,484 [INTERNAL] 

Both suck

>> No.11100562,485 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,486 [INTERNAL] 

Oh fuck I got an email from my lawyer saying my arraignment was cancelled but that I now have a pretrial on the 30th of April... I'm probably going to jail right

>> No.11100562,487 [INTERNAL] 

You finally got arrested for raping your cousin. About time, you sick fuck.

>> No.11100562,488 [INTERNAL] 

I already picked iusedtobeaghost sorry I'm not good at names I literally spent like the last three hours trying to think of one because it was going to be tied to my email and would contain all my digital downloads.

On a side note this Pokemon game looks pretty damn amazing. I loved the GBA version so much, and this 3DS remake is really nice. Nice and bright, nice music, and the artwork is definitely as lewd as thost sprites were.

>> No.11100562,489 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, what happened to the gay neets site?

>> No.11100562,490 [INTERNAL] 

It took you 3 hours to come up with the name "iusedtobeaghost"?..

>> No.11100562,491 [INTERNAL] 

>show with a bunch of people
>constant scenes with the scrawny white guy next to the shirtless big black man

Do the Jews think they're being subtle with this brainwashing or what?

>> No.11100562,492 [INTERNAL] 

Blacks are just superior physical specimens in general

>> No.11100562,493 [INTERNAL] 

accept your fate cumskin women only want to breed with superior alpha males and those happen to be black men your white women literally worship bbc. accept it and maybe youll be honored with a little gift in your boyhole from a young black buck

>> No.11100562,494 [INTERNAL] 

What happened to the sonic racing meme?

>> No.11100562,495 [INTERNAL] 

Superior in the eyes of closeted homosexuals, but not women.


>> No.11100562,496 [INTERNAL] 

cuck a doodle doo

>> No.11100562,497 [INTERNAL] 

So I swapped my N3DS because the hinge felt too loose, and now this one has a weird shoulder button. The left one is wobbly and makes a loud clicking noise when pressed and it also sticks out past the body of the console.

I guess I'll send it in for repair since I can't return it.

>> No.11100562,498 [INTERNAL] 

Also I noticed in the artwork/portrait for the 'battle girl' in this Pokemon demo that she has a cameltoe.


I mean, just look at it. It can't be anything other than a cameltoe.

>> No.11100562,499 [INTERNAL] 

its her thigh

>> No.11100562,500 [INTERNAL] 

He's just a pedo who sees what he wants to see

>> No.11100562,501 [INTERNAL] 

no http://a.pomf.se/yycpba.jpg

>> No.11100562,502 [INTERNAL] 

i wish i could do that too life would be so much easier

>> No.11100562,503 [INTERNAL] 

hi everyone
long time no see

>> No.11100562,504 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody knows who you are, you're irrelevant.

>> No.11100562,505 [INTERNAL] 

You're projecting again...

>> No.11100562,506 [INTERNAL] 

who the hell

Do you think I am!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11100562,507 [INTERNAL] 

feel when your NEETbeard is itchy and full of dandruff so you cut it off with sizzy-wizzies

>> No.11100562,508 [INTERNAL] 

feel when cant grow beard

>> No.11100562,509 [INTERNAL] 

anyone want to talk

>> No.11100562,510 [INTERNAL] 

Whoa whose pathetic mouthbreathing dreg did you guys toast this time?

>> No.11100562,511 [INTERNAL] 

anyone wanna play quake live

>> No.11100562,512 [INTERNAL] 

who retard in here
where my retardbros at

>> No.11100562,513 [INTERNAL] 

this place has become very boring think I'm going to stop coming here

>> No.11100562,514 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah me but I don't like to use that word to call myself and I'm not into labels either

>> No.11100562,515 [INTERNAL] 

its not the same without janny

>> No.11100562,516 [INTERNAL] 


i have so many of these and i can't stop eating them
literally feels like i'm going to start bleeding soon

>> No.11100562,517 [INTERNAL] 

I unironically miss posters from gnfos and ota. We have nobody to shit on.

>> No.11100562,518 [INTERNAL] 

me and totori dont like this why i want me friends to stay polease

>> No.11100562,519 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, I've switched over to shitposting on GNFOS and Meromin instead.
Warosu gets pretty stagnant when there's nothing going on.

>> No.11100562,520 [INTERNAL] 

10 page essay due on monday but how about I just don't do it

My fortune cookie says to literally just be yourselef

>> No.11100562,521 [INTERNAL] 

but who are you?
who am I?

>> No.11100562,522 [INTERNAL] 

What's a good song to learn on guitar?

>> No.11100562,523 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know who you are, but I do not want to write a 10 page paper

>> No.11100562,524 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off fratboy

>> No.11100562,525 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,526 [INTERNAL] 

This is so inspiring

>> No.11100562,527 [INTERNAL] 

sieg heil dude

>> No.11100562,528 [INTERNAL] 

White people are devils

>> No.11100562,529 [INTERNAL] 

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.

>> No.11100562,530 [INTERNAL] 

the chinks are trying to ruin this it must stop

>> No.11100562,531 [INTERNAL] 

love this racism meme

>> No.11100562,532 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,533 [INTERNAL] 

is there any anime more autism than doggy days

>> No.11100562,534 [INTERNAL] 

dog days 4 when

>> No.11100562,535 [INTERNAL] 

ai mai mii

>> No.11100562,536 [INTERNAL] 

what's your favorite anime

>> No.11100562,537 [INTERNAL] 

does it hurt to die of cancer or do you just die

>> No.11100562,538 [INTERNAL] 

its very slow and very excruciating

>> No.11100562,539 [INTERNAL] 

My grandma stopped eating in order to hasten her death because it was so painful

>> No.11100562,540 [INTERNAL] 

why didn't she just shoot herself

>> No.11100562,541 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,542 [INTERNAL] 

can't you just ask a doctor to inject you with the death thing or is that not legal

>> No.11100562,543 [INTERNAL] 

whats the death thing

>> No.11100562,544 [INTERNAL] 

The death juice

>> No.11100562,545 [INTERNAL] 

whats ti made of

>> No.11100562,546 [INTERNAL] 

Concentrated death

>> No.11100562,547 [INTERNAL] 

Euthanasia is illegal in America

>> No.11100562,548 [INTERNAL] 

literally why

>> No.11100562,549 [INTERNAL] 

Probably so they can make money keeping you alive and in misery

>> No.11100562,550 [INTERNAL] 

where can i get?

>> No.11100562,551 [INTERNAL] 

for you

>> No.11100562,552 [INTERNAL] 

holy shit

>> No.11100562,553 [INTERNAL] 

I remember you

>> No.11100562,554 [INTERNAL] 

i lvoe totori

>> No.11100562,555 [INTERNAL] 

you haven't even begun to see my true power

>> No.11100562,556 [INTERNAL] 

i lvoe tototir a lot she makes me happy

>> No.11100562,557 [INTERNAL] 

whats the warosu preferred method of suicide?

>> No.11100562,558 [INTERNAL] 

Death by life.

>> No.11100562,559 [INTERNAL] 

Death by cucking

>> No.11100562,560 [INTERNAL] 

Death by snu snu

>> No.11100562,561 [INTERNAL] 

death by stupefaction

>> No.11100562,562 [INTERNAL] 

If it were her thigh wouldn't there be more of a crease? There's only a line right where her pussy is

>> No.11100562,563 [INTERNAL] 

tototir tottori ttotori

>> No.11100562,564 [INTERNAL] 

shut the fuck up already pedo god damn

>> No.11100562,565 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,566 [INTERNAL] 

I had a super fun dream last night. There was a group of lolis and a group of older people having a sleepover in a huge gigantic mansion and there were rumors that the place was haunted. So when night time came around, strange things started happening. Lights turned on and off, voices and footsteps were heard, windows rattled, ect. Some fell asleep while others stayed up afraid and eventually those who are awake decide to check out the house in the middle of the night to see what was really going on. So we grab a flashlight and decide to venture into the darkness of this giant house in search of ghosts. One by one over the night, people in this search party (mostly lolis) disappear. Eventually, during an especially intense moment that involved everyone running down a hallway, I tripped and was caught by this ghost thing. Or so I thought. Whatever caught me turned out to be just a regular person. In fact, it was one of the people who had said they were going to sleep. Turns out those who 'fell asleep' and disappeared weren't sleeping or missing at all, but instead were just playing a huge prank.

The dream ended there. It seems like it ended right as it was about to get more entertaining.

>> No.11100562,567 [INTERNAL] 

I had a nice dream about a girl and we were running from people and fighting aliens and then I woke up and wanted to die because life is cruel

>> No.11100562,568 [INTERNAL] 

my room smells like fart but i didnt fart at all what thehell is going on?????

>> No.11100562,569 [INTERNAL] 

are you fat because fat people smell like fart

>> No.11100562,570 [INTERNAL] 

im not a lard ass

>> No.11100562,571 [INTERNAL] 

fatty thighs fatty thighs

>> No.11100562,572 [INTERNAL] 

i saw a loli with a normal body and fatter thighs and i got a boner?

>> No.11100562,573 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis hate boners

>> No.11100562,574 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are curious about boners.

>> No.11100562,575 [INTERNAL] 

helpi cant stopjerkingoff

>> No.11100562,576 [INTERNAL] 

Castrate yourself and become free from desire.

>> No.11100562,577 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off retard

>> No.11100562,578 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,579 [INTERNAL] 

shut up

>> No.11100562,580 [INTERNAL] 

That meme when cut off my dick and meme it

>> No.11100562,581 [INTERNAL] 

Do it, you piece of shit.

>> No.11100562,582 [INTERNAL] 

The only male cat in my house is a cuck.

>> No.11100562,583 [INTERNAL] 

There's no reason not to get cucked. It provides pleasure for all involved.

>> No.11100562,584 [INTERNAL] 

Why do I always end up whimpering and twitching whenever I use an onahole? I can't even control my arms properly towards the end which of course just makes it worse.

>> No.11100562,585 [INTERNAL] 

God damn what a pussy

>> No.11100562,586 [INTERNAL] 

girls like that dont worry you wont be made fun of

>> No.11100562,587 [INTERNAL] 

asl bby?

>> No.11100562,588 [INTERNAL] 

Girls hate men who whimper and show weakness, it shows inferior beta genes

>> No.11100562,589 [INTERNAL] 

No way dude they like it.

>> No.11100562,590 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,591 [INTERNAL] 

Feel when so manly I beat my chest and my face turns cherry red when I'm getting laid.

>> No.11100562,592 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off norm

>> No.11100562,593 [INTERNAL] 

Prove it then.

>> No.11100562,594 [INTERNAL] 

I got chink food for dinner but I don't know if I should eat it after seeing a thread on /pol/ of chinks beating doggies indogmanly.

>> No.11100562,595 [INTERNAL] 

Stop supporting chink industries with your money, they sent it back home to the motherland to fund dog murder

>> No.11100562,596 [INTERNAL] 

God the chicken tastes awful. I'll just eat the cookie.

>> No.11100562,597 [INTERNAL] 

I was just at Walmart picking up Alpha Sapphire and I saw a loli and I got embarrassed and started looking around while walking past her this happens more often now and I don't know why

>> No.11100562,598 [INTERNAL] 

And my fortune says:

generosity and perfection are your assets - and they show

ah, sou...

>> No.11100562,599 [INTERNAL] 

my people are grateful for your patronage

>> No.11100562,600 [INTERNAL] 


i cummed to this?

>> No.11100562,601 [INTERNAL] 

>You need a gold account to see this image.

>> No.11100562,602 [INTERNAL] 

>gold account
the ever living fuck?

>> No.11100562,603 [INTERNAL] 

It's some pedophile pic that you need a firefox addon to view

>> No.11100562,604 [INTERNAL] 

Gonna trim my pubes brb

>> No.11100562,605 [INTERNAL] 


its like youre retarded

>> No.11100562,606 [INTERNAL] 

just click view original wholly hell

>> No.11100562,607 [INTERNAL] 

Pictures that include a naked girl and her feet for some reason turn me on a lot. I have no idea why. Especially when you can see her pussy/ass and her feet. I don't even have a foot fetish, but seeing a picture just like that turns me on a lot.

>> No.11100562,608 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself, pedo.

>> No.11100562,609 [INTERNAL] 

Pedo? The girl in that picture has developed hips and breasts.

>> No.11100562,610 [INTERNAL] 

Anko is in the 4th grade so yeah it's pedo.

>> No.11100562,611 [INTERNAL] 

12 year old girls can still be developed and have children of their own. It's completely natural to be attracted to young girls with breasts and hips.

>> No.11100562,612 [INTERNAL] 


when is this out FUCK im tired of waiting

>> No.11100562,613 [INTERNAL] 

No it isn't natural you freak.

>> No.11100562,614 [INTERNAL] 

How is it not natural? Wanting to impregnate a young girl is possibly the strongest, most natural, and most driving instict that men carry.

>> No.11100562,615 [INTERNAL] 


Children are meant to enjoy their childhood not get their wombs filled by age 10 by some nigger pedo motorcyclist who can't get a girl his age so tries to groom the naive.

>> No.11100562,616 [INTERNAL] 

If she's old enough to give birth and has features that grown women have, then she's old enough to be fucked and cummed inside. Along with those developed features, she will also develop a desire and need to be fucked. This is also completely normal. So why is something that two people want, that something which is completely normal and natural, wrong? How can it be wrong?

Tons of young teens have sex for this very reason.

>> No.11100562,617 [INTERNAL] 

id fuck a teenager and she would like it

>> No.11100562,618 [INTERNAL] 

Anime has really warped your mind dude. No normal kid in elementary school is having sex. Middle school maybe.

>> No.11100562,619 [INTERNAL] 

And if middle school they aren't seeking out 25+ year old bikenigger cock.

>> No.11100562,620 [INTERNAL] 

We're all talking about teens here or at the soonest preteens in puberty.

>> No.11100562,621 [INTERNAL] 


I was referring back to the tamako market pic. 4th graders are 10 years old.

>> No.11100562,622 [INTERNAL] 

4th graders don't have hips or developing breasts like that.

>> No.11100562,623 [INTERNAL] 

>4th graders don't have hips or developing breasts like that.

Having seen some 4th grade breasts in my younger years some girls already had jugs of a 16 year old girl.

>> No.11100562,624 [INTERNAL] 

i am a wolf in all aspects except physical

>> No.11100562,625 [INTERNAL] 

do you shit in the woods?

>> No.11100562,626 [INTERNAL] 

wearing a raincoat is flying around in a plane made of a raincoat

>> No.11100562,627 [INTERNAL] 

Why is DBZ on at 8 pm?

>> No.11100562,628 [INTERNAL] 

I do not wish to exist

>> No.11100562,629 [INTERNAL] 

Because it's a kids show that doesn't belong on toonami late run block, same with one piece and naruto.

>> No.11100562,630 [INTERNAL] 

but when you think of that you hurt your mind and you'll need a friend to talk you down

>> No.11100562,631 [INTERNAL] 

Cartoon network should just bring back something like miguzi and just air the big trio on there along with digimon and some other classics. It's suffering just seeing adventure time and the other cartoons that look exactly like it run all day as if that's all they can put on their channel.

>> No.11100562,632 [INTERNAL] 

Everything on toonami is a kid's show.

>> No.11100562,633 [INTERNAL] 

A group of us should kill ourselves at the same time it would become a creepy conspiracy story it would be funny

>> No.11100562,634 [INTERNAL] 

needing a friend to talk you down is food that comes from a pipe

>> No.11100562,635 [INTERNAL] 

kill la and deadman isn't

>> No.11100562,636 [INTERNAL] 

Where meet?
I wonder how many wbros have killed themselves in the past year already

>> No.11100562,637 [INTERNAL] 

oh they are airing SAO 2? When did that happen...

>> No.11100562,638 [INTERNAL] 

What's the point of Toonami anyway, like what's their demographic?
They aren't going for the nostalgic angle, and I don't imagine the young weeabs of today are watching it. I don't see them waiting a week to watch something they can find online in full or even watch it months/year earlier if they watch it subbed.

>> No.11100562,639 [INTERNAL] 

teenagers, kids, same thing

>> No.11100562,640 [INTERNAL] 

>some girls already had jugs of a 16 year old girl

It's completely natural to want to fuck girls like that.

>> No.11100562,641 [INTERNAL] 

only hardcore internet weebs watch shit subbed

>> No.11100562,642 [INTERNAL] 

but when you hate the food that comes from a pipe you will turn to drugs to help you sleep

>> No.11100562,643 [INTERNAL] 

Well they can still easily find full dubbed series online.

>> No.11100562,644 [INTERNAL] 

it's marketed at 10-12 year olds, manchild

>> No.11100562,645 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't you guys come out here? I know of lots of super creepy spots in the middle of the desert.

>> No.11100562,646 [INTERNAL] 

They aren't up that late

>> No.11100562,647 [INTERNAL] 

How do you plan on killing yourself in the middle of the desert

>> No.11100562,648 [INTERNAL] 

turning to drugs to help you sleep will only lead to sleep

>> No.11100562,649 [INTERNAL] 

10-12 are staying up until 3 am and have the patience to watch any of those 500 episode shows once a week?

>> No.11100562,650 [INTERNAL] 

It started off as an april fool prank and then people just demanded it to come back. There could be a point to Toonami if we could get more anime to have simultaneous dubs like what Space Dandy had going on.

It's just nice to see stuff on tv playing in the background that you can hear in your native language that you've watched before subbed while talking about it with other people online (something you couldn't have done in the past). Again Toonami has potential to be relevant if we can get more anime to get dubbed a few hours after it airs in Japan. We only got 2? anime to do that in history...do they just not see it as a good idea? Maybe it's expensive.

>> No.11100562,651 [INTERNAL] 

That's what would make it creepy. You could poison yourselves, or use a knife, or a gun, or any other normal method. Hanging yourself or jumping to your death would be especially creepy because trees and cliffs remain, whereas other methods are removed with the body.

>> No.11100562,652 [INTERNAL] 

No it's marketed at the older fans, normie.

>> No.11100562,653 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,654 [INTERNAL] 

Toonami has shit ratings. They can't even break 1m viewers on a show. Adult Swim had better anime viewer numbers pre-toonami.

>> No.11100562,655 [INTERNAL] 

and sleeping is a gateway drug to being awake being awake, being awake again

>> No.11100562,656 [INTERNAL] 

>it's so nice out here in the desert guys, come here
>shhh just come
Yeah I'm definitely not leaving my corpse unattended with a freak like you around

>> No.11100562,657 [INTERNAL] 

Wouldn't the older fans be torrenting their weeab interests?

>> No.11100562,658 [INTERNAL] 

You wouldn't understand, norm.No point in explaining it to you.

>> No.11100562,659 [INTERNAL] 

Older fans who don't actually like anime

>> No.11100562,660 [INTERNAL] 

I do not want to open my door, the world is too large

>> No.11100562,661 [INTERNAL] 

Norms would be the ones watching on tv.

>> No.11100562,662 [INTERNAL] 

The meme where we pretend to still watch anime is hilarious, every time I see it I laugh.

>> No.11100562,663 [INTERNAL] 


There are 1m ratings right there or do you just assume?

>> No.11100562,664 [INTERNAL] 

There are some really creepy places though.


Imagine if some wandering guy found a few bodies hanging from those trees or tucked away some place

Instant urban legend

>> No.11100562,665 [INTERNAL] 

being awake is swimming in a lake of the undead

>> No.11100562,666 [INTERNAL] 

the fact that Kill La Kill is airing after Naruto and before DBZ is mindblowing

all these shonen teenbros looking at my waifu is pretty upsetting

>> No.11100562,667 [INTERNAL] 

Norms don't watch tv at 12 in the morning for cartoons--those are not normal people.

bud step off my turf

>> No.11100562,668 [INTERNAL] 

and the undead are like a bunch of friends that demand constant attention

>> No.11100562,669 [INTERNAL] 

I got mistaken for a girl today

>> No.11100562,670 [INTERNAL] 

Only norms watch dubs. Weeabs don't and go on fits over the dub vs sub.

>> No.11100562,671 [INTERNAL] 

I see DBZ getting ratings and KLK doing okay. Everything else is doing shit.

>> No.11100562,672 [INTERNAL] 

Is this a copypasta or is there actually someone from /co/ here? If the later than that's disgusting.

>> No.11100562,673 [INTERNAL] 


I'm watching Red Data Girl dub because I couldn't understand shit in the sub no matter how much I payed attention. Dubs can be useful for the really confusing anime and sometimes I just want to put something on for background noise.

>> No.11100562,674 [INTERNAL] 

I think it's seanny boy

>> No.11100562,675 [INTERNAL] 

How great would it be to be a bird of prey?

>> No.11100562,676 [INTERNAL] 

I don't browse /co/ actively.

>> No.11100562,677 [INTERNAL] 

You might be retarded?

>> No.11100562,678 [INTERNAL] 


No, lots of people found it confusing. Stop using my retarded meme.

>> No.11100562,679 [INTERNAL] 

A bird of prey, wouldn't be

>> No.11100562,680 [INTERNAL] 

Who is "a lot of people", your normie friends?

>> No.11100562,681 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,682 [INTERNAL] 

Sean is at the kegger it's Saturday night

>> No.11100562,683 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone who watched the show and found it confusing, retard.

>> No.11100562,684 [INTERNAL] 

You've been consumed by your meme and become retarded

>> No.11100562,685 [INTERNAL] 

Such as...?

>> No.11100562,686 [INTERNAL] 

and once they have your attention they use it to ask for attention and once they have that attention they use it to ask for attention

>> No.11100562,687 [INTERNAL] 

"One day, timid 15 year old Izumiko decides to cut her bangs as her first step toward self change."
Is this one of those epic "deconstruction" anime or is it really this cliche?

>> No.11100562,688 [INTERNAL] 

Kill every last god damn kike

>> No.11100562,689 [INTERNAL] 

>hair cut = character development

Never seen this meme before.

>> No.11100562,690 [INTERNAL] 

Missing out on Hayami Saori's voice just to understand the show is ridiculous

>> No.11100562,691 [INTERNAL] 

It's a cute anime stop hating.

>> No.11100562,692 [INTERNAL] 

I love the epic /v/ meme where we point out cliches we notice from watching 5 series. Well done sirs.

>> No.11100562,693 [INTERNAL] 

Never been to /v/, wouldn't know norm.

>> No.11100562,694 [INTERNAL] 

Is this the equivalent of the /tv/ "it's a fun movie stop being a h8r"?

>> No.11100562,695 [INTERNAL] 


You smell of /v/ you probably are the same guy spamming warosu memes there. ORRRR it could be you bringing /v/ memes here.

>> No.11100562,696 [INTERNAL] 

How would a dub make something less confusing?
Can you just not read well?

>> No.11100562,697 [INTERNAL] 

what's wrong with a movie being fun

>> No.11100562,698 [INTERNAL] 

Again, I have never once been to /v/, but you seem to be a regular since you know what's being spammed there.

>> No.11100562,699 [INTERNAL] 

That's what's used to describe super hero movies when nothing else positive can be said about it.

>> No.11100562,700 [INTERNAL] 

So I can stare at izumikos cute face without having to read the text. There is a lot of talking in the show.

>> No.11100562,701 [INTERNAL] 

i don't think they're aiming for anything else

>> No.11100562,702 [INTERNAL] 

You've never, not ONCE been to /v/? What do you do in your spare time just sit there stare at the wall and contemplate suicide? Do you not just like any "nerdy" hobbies?

>> No.11100562,703 [INTERNAL] 

you really might be retarded

>> No.11100562,704 [INTERNAL] 

why are there so many teenbros on warosu?

>> No.11100562,705 [INTERNAL] 

Retardedly in love with izumiko. Oh same character designer who made totori...you hear that totori autist?

>> No.11100562,706 [INTERNAL] 

Oh man, a hair cut and removing the glasses. This show should have won the Japanese Oscar.

>> No.11100562,707 [INTERNAL] 

i was going to chat with lolis but then i figured i would enjoy playing pokemon more i named haruka haruka but i wasnt able to change brandons name

>> No.11100562,708 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you still trying to force this meme?

>> No.11100562,709 [INTERNAL] 

A shame it didn't.

>> No.11100562,710 [INTERNAL] 

I'd fuck Haruka's sweaty lolipussy. I bet it's really slippery.

>> No.11100562,711 [INTERNAL] 

I tried to watch Char's Counterattack yesterday but Amuro's voice was bothering me. It turned out it was the guy that did Harry Champ from Zoids.

>> No.11100562,712 [INTERNAL] 

/tv/ has a why do black people love dbz thread

>> No.11100562,713 [INTERNAL] 

I saw that

>> No.11100562,714 [INTERNAL] 

I've been really into birds lately.

>> No.11100562,715 [INTERNAL] 

My grandfather wrote an entire book on the bobwhite quail check it out sometime

>> No.11100562,716 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,717 [INTERNAL] 

ONly normals care about 3d voices I only listen to synthetic ones

>> No.11100562,718 [INTERNAL] 

Why can't you just talk about shows when they initially aired?

>> No.11100562,719 [INTERNAL] 

any /a/ bros here im posting right now ll

>> No.11100562,720 [INTERNAL] 

haven't logged on /a/ for a few months sorry

>> No.11100562,721 [INTERNAL] 

When is turn based combat going to make a comeback?

>> No.11100562,722 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think it's that uncommon

>> No.11100562,723 [INTERNAL] 

this guys from /a/

>> No.11100562,724 [INTERNAL] 

i went to /a/ and they anda homu thread but it was really boring so i came back.

>> No.11100562,725 [INTERNAL] 

Why are they still obsessed with that show?

>> No.11100562,726 [INTERNAL] 

2d is forever dumb normal

>> No.11100562,727 [INTERNAL] 

So are 3D shows.

>> No.11100562,728 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,729 [INTERNAL] 

It's true.

>> No.11100562,730 [INTERNAL] 

hi should i stream h1z1

>> No.11100562,731 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,732 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,733 [INTERNAL] 


ok streaming

>> No.11100562,734 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe for normal shiteaters. You should try getting some standards though

>> No.11100562,735 [INTERNAL] 

Do you really believe anyone thinks you're serious

>> No.11100562,736 [INTERNAL] 

Twitch and steam.
Why not throw facebook and tinder in there too?

>> No.11100562,737 [INTERNAL] 

you and your buddies sound like norms

>> No.11100562,738 [INTERNAL] 

Why do all normalfags sound the same?

>> No.11100562,739 [INTERNAL] 

hey dude
why not fire up some halo on your xbox with your bros next

>> No.11100562,740 [INTERNAL] 

You guys are being really rude to a valuable member of our community

>> No.11100562,741 [INTERNAL] 


hehe iine

>> No.11100562,742 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't it crazy how I'm both ugly and unintelligent? What are the odds

>> No.11100562,743 [INTERNAL] 

ugly, unintelligent, and unsociable
The perfect trifecta of subhumanism

You can either suffer for a lifetime or kill yourself early, hopefully taking some norms down with you

>> No.11100562,744 [INTERNAL] 

pretty high, judging by all you fuckers

>> No.11100562,745 [INTERNAL] 

assuming anything below 100 IQ is unintelligent and anything 5/10 and below with equal odds of each score is ugly then the chances are about 1 in 4

assuming anything below 115 IQ then is unintelligent then the chances are about 1 in 2.4

>> No.11100562,746 [INTERNAL] 

legal sex with 16 year old galactic idol hashimoto "the once in 1000 year talent" kanna-chan

>> No.11100562,747 [INTERNAL] 


Post evidence of these. Are you really as subhuman as you say?

>> No.11100562,748 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,749 [INTERNAL] 

My evidence is that I'm posting here

>> No.11100562,750 [INTERNAL] 

Does she actually do anything or do people only care about that one pic of her

>> No.11100562,751 [INTERNAL] 

she has some dancing videos and advertisements PLUS a cute picture of her on a bed that I j/o to

>> No.11100562,752 [INTERNAL] 

I'm posting here and I'm handsome and intelligent. So obviously posting on warosu doesn't make one a subhuman failure like you.

>> No.11100562,753 [INTERNAL] 

that's what they all say

>> No.11100562,754 [INTERNAL] 

ugly and stupid here my only claim to fame is being in the "warosubros" picture with some guy that killed himself

>> No.11100562,755 [INTERNAL] 

no way did the warosubro really kill himself?

>> No.11100562,756 [INTERNAL] 

He kept saying he was I don't know if he got the balls or not

>> No.11100562,757 [INTERNAL] 

brah cut ur hair, shave, and work out a little and u will be fine. there are plenty of ppl who are uglier than u or deformed.

and as for stupid... well i bet ur at least kind of smart, but u just dropped out of hs/college because of other stuff. ur at least smarter than niggers.

>> No.11100562,758 [INTERNAL] 

you look a lot less ugly there than in your "I will molest this young girl" picture

>> No.11100562,759 [INTERNAL] 

Don't "brah" and "just lift bro" me you damn normie

Getting a loli gf was the only thing I ever did right with my life

>> No.11100562,760 [INTERNAL] 

feel never be a rolling girl

>> No.11100562,761 [INTERNAL] 

just man up and be yourself

>> No.11100562,762 [INTERNAL] 

hehe be confident bro

>> No.11100562,763 [INTERNAL] 

i saw a cute girl who looked like a punk rock fan walking through the alley behind my house just now

>> No.11100562,764 [INTERNAL] 

You gonna rape her?

>> No.11100562,765 [INTERNAL] 

uh what should i stream now lemme piss first

>> No.11100562,766 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,767 [INTERNAL] 

how many streambros do we have anyway theres bikepedo and one other guy right

>> No.11100562,768 [INTERNAL] 

there was the doggy days stream and some guy who streamed huniepop

>> No.11100562,769 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,770 [INTERNAL] 

Why did Pokemon X/Y use France as inspiration for the region? I know France is popular with Christmas Cake OLs, but is is really that popular?

>> No.11100562,771 [INTERNAL] 

Who is the cutest x/y

>> No.11100562,772 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know I didn't like the look of the girl trainer and I don't like France so I bought Alpha Sapphire instead. Hoenn looks amazing on the 3DS and I loved Emerald's soundtrack, which sounds great updated. Plus Haruka wears spats and I like that.

>> No.11100562,773 [INTERNAL] 

Also I didn't realize how much stuff they've added to Pokemon over the years. The last handheld I owned was a DS and the only game I bought for it was Kirby Super Star Ultra. I didn't realize just how much more stuff they could do by adding internet functionality to a handheld. This thing is neat as hell.

>> No.11100562,774 [INTERNAL] 

I'm pathetic

>> No.11100562,775 [INTERNAL] 

You aren't even fit to wear human skin, pig

>> No.11100562,776 [INTERNAL] 

he didnt, he stopped coming here because of the chink and now browse r9k instead and probably gnfos too

>> No.11100562,777 [INTERNAL] 

you look a little like jim carrey, id hang with you

>> No.11100562,778 [INTERNAL] 

T's stream was the most amazing thing I've seen in the last decade. I wish he would come back to his old hunting grounds and stop wasting his talent on that gay blog site.

>> No.11100562,779 [INTERNAL] 

He just doesn't have what it takes anymore. It's time to put the old dog down.

>> No.11100562,780 [INTERNAL] 


this picture cracked me up
seeing this made me laugh the hardest that ive laughed all month

why the fuck is that dog so close
imagine sitting down to eat a pizza and seeing that fucker right there

>> No.11100562,781 [INTERNAL] 

...for good?

>> No.11100562,782 [INTERNAL] 

what's wrong with that guy's hair

>> No.11100562,783 [INTERNAL] 

i just woke up at 3pm but my mum is having a friend over and they're talking in the kitchen so i don't want to go for breakfast

>> No.11100562,784 [INTERNAL] 

I just realized that W's degradation parallels that of the art movements'; from the romanticizing of the good ol' days to post modern anything-goes inanity.

>> No.11100562,785 [INTERNAL] 

it reflects the current state of the world

>> No.11100562,786 [INTERNAL] 

That's just post-modern thinking.

>> No.11100562,787 [INTERNAL] 

shauna because she loves the MC

>> No.11100562,788 [INTERNAL] 

hex maniac is also cute

>> No.11100562,789 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that Haruka has a loli butt is just mindblowing.

>> No.11100562,790 [INTERNAL] 

what's really mindblowing is that there are norms everywhere just kissing and hugging and [b]FUCK[/i]ing and I'm just here being a complete loser who can't do any of those things because nobody would ever love me

>> No.11100562,791 [INTERNAL] 

fuck I messed up the tags


>> No.11100562,792 [INTERNAL] 

do not worry friend we all make mistakes

>> No.11100562,793 [INTERNAL] 

someone give me something to draw

>> No.11100562,794 [INTERNAL] 

feel when 25 year old teenager

>> No.11100562,795 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,796 [INTERNAL] 

feel when 26 tomorrow

>> No.11100562,797 [INTERNAL] 

god damn this button on my 3ds annoys the hell out of me

the r button, zr, and zl buttons all click nicely and have no play in them but then the l button has play in it, sticks out a bit farther from the system than the r button, and makes a much louder clicking noise

>> No.11100562,798 [INTERNAL] 

Done my best http://a.pomf.se/ickmqf.png

>> No.11100562,799 [INTERNAL] 

feel when VPN to stop government spying and now banned from all my favorite meme sites

>> No.11100562,800 [INTERNAL] 

What are you a registered sex offender?

>> No.11100562,801 [INTERNAL] 

no they're spying on everyone...

>> No.11100562,802 [INTERNAL] 


If you aren't part of ISIS, osama, bin laden, white house, 9/11, bomb, sticky bomb, child pornography, cheese pizza, CP Victoria, obama how do I join isis, SEO, google, recent, sex, rice cooker, jews

you have nothing to worry about

>> No.11100562,803 [INTERNAL] 

Waihopai, INFOSEC, Information Security, Information Warfare, IW, IS, Priavacy, Information Terrorism, Terrorism Defensive Information, Defense Information Warfare, Offensive Information, Offensive Information Warfare, National Information Infrastructure, InfoSec, Reno, Compsec, Computer Terrorism, Firewalls, Secure Internet Connections, ISS, Passwords, DefCon V, Hackers, Encryption, Espionage, USDOJ, NSA, CIA, S/Key, SSL, FBI, Secert Service, USSS, Defcon, Military, White House, Undercover, NCCS, Mayfly, PGP, PEM, RSA, Perl-RSA, MSNBC, bet, AOL, AOL TOS, CIS, CBOT, AIMSX, STARLAN, 3B2, BITNET, COSMOS, DATTA, E911, FCIC, HTCIA, IACIS, UT/RUS, JANET, JICC, ReMOB, LEETAC, UTU, VNET, BRLO, BZ, CANSLO, CBNRC, CIDA, JAVA, Active X, Compsec 97, LLC, DERA, Mavricks, Meta-hackers, ^?, Steve Case, Tools, Telex, Military Intelligence, Scully, Flame, Infowar, Bubba, Freeh, Archives, Sundevil, jack, Investigation, ISACA, NCSA, spook words, Verisign, Secure, ASIO, Lebed, ICE, NRO, Lexis-Nexis, NSCT, SCIF, FLiR, Lacrosse,

>> No.11100562,804 [INTERNAL] 

aoi kaze no hoooopuuuu

>> No.11100562,805 [INTERNAL] 

feel when you claim the post was a joke

>> No.11100562,806 [INTERNAL] 

too soon

>> No.11100562,807 [INTERNAL] 

that's what madthad said now he is in prison getting his boypussy stretched

>> No.11100562,808 [INTERNAL] 

isnt he on parole.

>> No.11100562,809 [INTERNAL] 

I think have you seen his recent pics? He just looks like an average negro now not autistic or niggerish but sort of leaning towards a nigger I guess prison straightened him out

>> No.11100562,810 [INTERNAL] 

MadThad got out like 3 years ago.

>> No.11100562,811 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,812 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,813 [INTERNAL] 

No he gets out 2017.

>> No.11100562,814 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,815 [INTERNAL] 

You do realize when the judge sentences someone they dont have to do the full amount? A bunch of factors come into play and the sentence is just a maximum thing

>> No.11100562,816 [INTERNAL] 

When he was on parole, he stopped taking his meds and said he was going to kill himself if the Feds didn't give him internet back. You can find some of his reports online.

>> No.11100562,817 [INTERNAL] 

im so boooooooooooored

>> No.11100562,818 [INTERNAL] 

feel when rat jew

>> No.11100562,819 [INTERNAL] 

my 3rd fav part of sunday is here! ownage pranks!

>> No.11100562,820 [INTERNAL] 

same here but they are having a birthday party, god dammit i just want to sleep.


>> No.11100562,821 [INTERNAL] 

Since when do normies use the term SHAB

>> No.11100562,822 [INTERNAL] 

me and tototir dont know what that means what is explain help

>> No.11100562,823 [INTERNAL] 

There used to be a 'friend of the family' that had a daughter. They were white of Germanic origin but she was in a relationship with a nigger. He kept going on about how he was a really nice guy and everything but in reality it was just a plain ol nigger. I called his daughter a race traitor once and he laughed hard but after the laughter subsided I could tell it was killing him inside.
Poor guy.

>> No.11100562,824 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,825 [INTERNAL] 

He probably thought you were a creep.

>> No.11100562,826 [INTERNAL] 

can youe xpalin it to me

>> No.11100562,827 [INTERNAL] 

i wish i had a giant robot then y life would suck alot less amnd tottori would liek that too to to ri

>> No.11100562,828 [INTERNAL] 

Dr. Pavel I'm

>> No.11100562,829 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,830 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,831 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,832 [INTERNAL] 

The flight plan I just filed with the agency lists me, my men, Dr. Pavel here but only one of you

>> No.11100562,833 [INTERNAL] 

whats your robo of choice

>> No.11100562,834 [INTERNAL] 

i liek the robots from the vietnam gundam show where theyre in a jungle and that was the one i like alot

>> No.11100562,835 [INTERNAL] 

feel no cute gf to bully

>> No.11100562,836 [INTERNAL] 

my friend said he had a dream about his smash bros. idol

what should I do

>> No.11100562,837 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking hell I didn't realise the technology was this far ahead.

Can't wait to get my robowife, it will be fucking amazing. She will play vidya. She will make the best sushi. She will sucky sucky. She will dance very well. However, their conversation will be approximately the same level as trying to talk to somebody with Down's Syndrome and that is much to close to actually talking to a woman so I'd prefer they be augmented so that she actually has a hard rational mind like Richard Dawkins and she can just sit at the computer and absorb cool fucking facts and tell me amazing facts about space while I rail her asshole which will be tighter than a 10 year old boy's fucking hell I can't wait

>> No.11100562,838 [INTERNAL] 

armored core

>> No.11100562,839 [INTERNAL] 

i had a dream that there was a bomb next to one of my favorite stores so i ran far away and watched it go off instead of calling the police

>> No.11100562,840 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,841 [INTERNAL] 

why did the old guy in death billiards smile at the end

did he go to the void or get reincarnated
and what about the other guy

>> No.11100562,842 [INTERNAL] 

what animes are you guys looking forward too this spring?

>> No.11100562,843 [INTERNAL] 

that robo feel when google gives you the captcha type that you hardly ever get right

>> No.11100562,844 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone know that kimochi when you need to p** but too lazy so you sit there for an hour needing p**?

>> No.11100562,845 [INTERNAL] 

Star vs the forces of evil.

>> No.11100562,846 [INTERNAL] 


post your results I want to see your retarded IQ

>> No.11100562,847 [INTERNAL] 


Mom always said I was brilliant...

>> No.11100562,848 [INTERNAL] 

I got 126.

>> No.11100562,849 [INTERNAL] 

You cheated thoough

>> No.11100562,850 [INTERNAL] 

I got 118 but I fucked up 3 answer for trying to go fast.

Is this test speed based?

>> No.11100562,851 [INTERNAL] 

also i guessed all the numbers questions.

>> No.11100562,852 [INTERNAL] 

I got 130 lmao
>two possible answer IQ test

>> No.11100562,853 [INTERNAL] 

i got 120 now, i guess this is my limit.

How do you awnser those questions with which one does not fit is and gives you some gemoetry images?

>> No.11100562,854 [INTERNAL] 

nuh uh I did not

>> No.11100562,855 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think it's timed.

>> No.11100562,856 [INTERNAL] 

I counted how many sides each had

>> No.11100562,857 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah the shapes are skewed boxes.

>> No.11100562,858 [INTERNAL] 

i got 116 but i guesssed like 5 questions

>> No.11100562,859 [INTERNAL] 

i got 130

>> No.11100562,860 [INTERNAL] 

um stop literally being retarded

you can't not get 134 on that one or you're dumber than /pol/

>> No.11100562,861 [INTERNAL] 

fuck you collegeboy

>> No.11100562,862 [INTERNAL] 

what is the max?

>> No.11100562,863 [INTERNAL] 

128 but I failed 10th grade and only graduated highschool because my teachers felt sorry for me

>> No.11100562,864 [INTERNAL] 

I told you I'm smart mom I'm in the top 3% of warosu's IQ test

>> No.11100562,865 [INTERNAL] 

hey id dropped out of high school okay?
not everyone is a dormnorm like you

>> No.11100562,866 [INTERNAL] 

What day was yesterday, if Monday is in two days?

as in monday was two days ago?

>> No.11100562,867 [INTERNAL] 

2 days from now I think the answer is friday

>> No.11100562,868 [INTERNAL] 

Two days from now is monday

>> No.11100562,869 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,870 [INTERNAL] 


how to

>> No.11100562,871 [INTERNAL] 

Smartest person on the W reporting in. I'm a high school dropout, what's your excuse?


>> No.11100562,872 [INTERNAL] 

It alternates between x 2 and + 4

>> No.11100562,873 [INTERNAL] 

x 2 + 4 x 2 + 4

>> No.11100562,874 [INTERNAL] 

proof that high school dropouts are the master race take that college norms

>> No.11100562,875 [INTERNAL] 

feel when you suddenly realize how many norms there are in here

>> No.11100562,876 [INTERNAL] 

norms are dumb

>> No.11100562,877 [INTERNAL] 

134 iq chink here

>> No.11100562,878 [INTERNAL] 

Well it makes sense that NEETs would be more intelligent than the toiling normos

>> No.11100562,879 [INTERNAL] 

i got 130

>> No.11100562,880 [INTERNAL] 

GUYS what are the right answers I got 132
correct mine:

First one
Second one
Second one
Second one

>> No.11100562,881 [INTERNAL] 

heh dormnorm

>> No.11100562,882 [INTERNAL] 

>First one
Second one
Second one
Second one


alsoi think the cake one is fork.

>> No.11100562,883 [INTERNAL] 

134 norm here

>> No.11100562,884 [INTERNAL] 

you got the 9th one wrong retardo

it's the circle with the star inside it

the max score is 134 and if you didn't get it you're literally a retarded dropout since it's just a feelgood norm test

>> No.11100562,885 [INTERNAL] 

uh it's the first because it's the only one with 5 sides you creep

>> No.11100562,886 [INTERNAL] 

how about the rest?

>> No.11100562,887 [INTERNAL] 

I typed out the the rest but I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and thinking you were only confused on the first since that's all you were greening, but you insist on being a complete fucking retard...

it's the second one since it's the only one cutting symmetrically
then it's the second since it's the only one that's not a rotated 7
then it's the second since it's literally the only one that fills out the cube properly

>> No.11100562,888 [INTERNAL] 

wow you guys are fuckingretards lol

>> No.11100562,889 [INTERNAL] 

i know i just need reassurance

>> No.11100562,890 [INTERNAL] 

i exchanged my 3ds and the new one still has shitty shoulder buttons but at least now they all make the same noise

>> No.11100562,891 [INTERNAL] 

should've gone to fry's

>> No.11100562,892 [INTERNAL] 

i dont even think i could have exchanged it at frys

>> No.11100562,893 [INTERNAL] 

fuck you...

>> No.11100562,894 [INTERNAL] 

also does anyone think its kind of hot how haruka does stretches when shes idle and how she bends over to talk to kids

>> No.11100562,895 [INTERNAL] 

why doesnt this test have harder questions i know my iq is way higher than this

>> No.11100562,896 [INTERNAL] 

her name is may you weeb

and you should be playing brendan

>> No.11100562,897 [INTERNAL] 

haruka is a cuter name

>> No.11100562,898 [INTERNAL] 

you shouldnt take online iq tests seriously

>> No.11100562,899 [INTERNAL] 

Brendan is a fratbro name it's Yuki

>> No.11100562,900 [INTERNAL] 

Post a screen.

>> No.11100562,901 [INTERNAL] 

Online IQ tests are designed to tell you you're a genius so you post their links on normbook, tumblr etc recommending it to others. Nobody would recommend a site that told them they're retard.

>> No.11100562,902 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,903 [INTERNAL] 

your iq must be really low

>> No.11100562,904 [INTERNAL] 

wearing a raincoat is flying around in a yellow rubber airplane made out of a raincoat

>> No.11100562,905 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,906 [INTERNAL] 

big dicks in my tiny boyhole

>> No.11100562,907 [INTERNAL] 

lmao I clicked all the wrong answers and still got 104 IQ

>> No.11100562,908 [INTERNAL] 

the lowest is 98 retard

you clicked the right answers for three that you thought were wrong

>> No.11100562,909 [INTERNAL] 

>lowest is 98

So if you get every answer wrong you're still smarter than the average shitskin

>> No.11100562,910 [INTERNAL] 

ya exactly

i want to fuck her

>> No.11100562,911 [INTERNAL] 

Having sex with women is degenerate.

>> No.11100562,912 [INTERNAL] 

shes not a woman shes a girl

>> No.11100562,913 [INTERNAL] 

I went to /a/ for the first time in years and there was a thread all about shota and that was pretty hot.

I don't remember there ever being threads like that.

>> No.11100562,914 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off pedophile.

>> No.11100562,915 [INTERNAL] 

>I went to /a/ for the first time in years

yeah sure u did teenbro

>> No.11100562,916 [INTERNAL] 

Uhh? I'm not a pedophile I didn't say anything about fucking little girls.

>> No.11100562,917 [INTERNAL] 

If you're into little boys you're also a pedophile though?..

Fucking moron.

>> No.11100562,918 [INTERNAL] 

reminder all pedophiles are also homosexual and vice versa

>> No.11100562,919 [INTERNAL] 

You're only mad because I'm not a straightnorm like you. It's homohphobia...

>> No.11100562,920 [INTERNAL] 

It's pedophilia regardless of gender. Also like traps and little boys means you're just a closeted heterosexuals. Real homosexuals like men who actually look like men.

>> No.11100562,921 [INTERNAL] 

There's literally no reason to be closeted heteronorm. I'm just not as hypergay as some

>> No.11100562,922 [INTERNAL] 

You want to be a unique special snowflake sexuality. Being into femininity means you're straight, being isn't masculinity means you're gay. If you're into femboys and traps you're just a straight guy with a fetish.

>> No.11100562,923 [INTERNAL] 

i still want to fuck haruka

>> No.11100562,924 [INTERNAL] 

My fetish is still being discriminated against due to homophobics perceiving it as gay.

>> No.11100562,925 [INTERNAL] 

Sounds like you just can't handle the banter.

>> No.11100562,926 [INTERNAL] 

Banter is part of heteronorm lad culture...

>> No.11100562,927 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu is all about the banter

>> No.11100562,928 [INTERNAL] 

actually the scientific term is owning

>> No.11100562,929 [INTERNAL] 

What are some reasons you guys don't kill yourselves?

I'm trying to convince myself to live but I can't come up with anything

>> No.11100562,930 [INTERNAL] 

i want to be owned by a big black bull

>> No.11100562,931 [INTERNAL] 

if you literally got several questions on that test wrong that's a good reason to kill yourself

>> No.11100562,932 [INTERNAL] 

Mom would be sad?

>> No.11100562,933 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,934 [INTERNAL] 

I've got none either

>> No.11100562,935 [INTERNAL] 

A few days ago when I was riding I passed a car on the way to the stop light and a bunch of lolis in the back were waving to me and it was nice.

>> No.11100562,936 [INTERNAL] 

You're never going to see another loli again when you go to jail for raping your cousin you sick fuck.

>> No.11100562,937 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe for a couple days, but deep down she would be relieved.

>> No.11100562,938 [INTERNAL] 

normies dont even listen to the radio?

the only thing on am radio is coast to coast and radio disney anyway

>> No.11100562,939 [INTERNAL] 

Uhm I never raped anyone

>> No.11100562,940 [INTERNAL] 

Save it for the judge.

>> No.11100562,941 [INTERNAL] 

that would be like losing

>> No.11100562,942 [INTERNAL] 

You're going to regret it when she loses her virginity to some other older guy

>> No.11100562,943 [INTERNAL] 

Look at your life, you already lost. LMMMMAAAAOOOO.

>> No.11100562,944 [INTERNAL] 

tell me about it, there is a party right now in my house and i want to sleep and piss.. good thing i have my piss bottles ready.

>> No.11100562,945 [INTERNAL] 

there is still some hope left like travelling to japan and r**e a few lolis

>> No.11100562,946 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,947 [INTERNAL] 

wanna be loli tomodachis

>> No.11100562,948 [INTERNAL] 

never be rolling girl...

>> No.11100562,949 [INTERNAL] 

*warosu howl of betrayal*

>> No.11100562,950 [INTERNAL] 

sure but not yet, i still have some things left to do, like waitinf for virtual reality lgfs

>> No.11100562,951 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,952 [INTERNAL] 

I only made $10 today whyyyyy life isn't fair!!!

>> No.11100562,953 [INTERNAL] 

bai bai...

>> No.11100562,954 [INTERNAL] 

If you still have hope you're a normalfag

>> No.11100562,955 [INTERNAL] 

*tips fbi*

>> No.11100562,956 [INTERNAL] 


suck my cock, dude

>> No.11100562,957 [INTERNAL] 

rolling girl...

>> No.11100562,958 [INTERNAL] 

i watched rolling girls ep1 a wehile ago but i was kinda confused and didnt really enjoy much of it did i miss out on something good.

>> No.11100562,959 [INTERNAL] 

bai bai...

>> No.11100562,960 [INTERNAL] 

feel when born too late to be a real life rolling girl in the blue hearts

>> No.11100562,961 [INTERNAL] 

I don't want to grow old

>> No.11100562,962 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,963 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I was a teenbro

>> No.11100562,964 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I was a preteenbro

>> No.11100562,965 [INTERNAL] 

Uh I just got back from the dollar store and there was an usually high amount of lolis for some reason. I picked up some snacks and drinks and left. I was surprised when I saw some Meiji stuff so I grabbed it


>> No.11100562,966 [INTERNAL] 

Stop bragging about how rich you are

>> No.11100562,967 [INTERNAL] 

that stuff cost like 9 bucks its a dollar store dude

>> No.11100562,968 [INTERNAL] 

>"mommy there is a strange man/lady...?"
>"don't make eye contact"

Does this cliché ever get dated?

>> No.11100562,969 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe I don't think it does. Maybe kids find it funny no matter the generation.

>> No.11100562,970 [INTERNAL] 

Stop raping kids and it will cease

>> No.11100562,971 [INTERNAL] 

I'm talking about in cartoons and tv shows.

>> No.11100562,972 [INTERNAL] 

It's a joke you autist

>> No.11100562,973 [INTERNAL] 


Yeah but an old joke.

>> No.11100562,974 [INTERNAL] 

I don't need to take this from you

>> No.11100562,975 [INTERNAL] 

I keep having fantasies about some sort of warp happening where I go back to highschool but I keep my body and mind so I can know what I know now and be able to beat up the mean Chads and get all the delicious virgin girls

>> No.11100562,976 [INTERNAL] 

And you go like every day

Everything I get has to be in bulk

>> No.11100562,977 [INTERNAL] 


Take my cock.

>> No.11100562,978 [INTERNAL] 

this is my second time there

>> No.11100562,979 [INTERNAL] 

I only ever masturbate to mental images of my hot middle school classmates anymore.

>> No.11100562,980 [INTERNAL] 

hey i just realized this third n3ds that i got has an ips display

i dont want to swap it back now even though the r button on this one has just a bit more freeplay than the l button

at least the shoulder buttons on this 3ds make the same noise and feel the same when actually pressed

>> No.11100562,981 [INTERNAL] 

>"Hey guys I just got back from the store shopping for snacks there was a little girl there I waited till her parents weren't looking and then rubbed my crotch against her it was pretty great. "

-You, every day

>> No.11100562,982 [INTERNAL] 

what no

>> No.11100562,983 [INTERNAL] 

what a sick freak

>> No.11100562,984 [INTERNAL] 

totori ttoori

>> No.11100562,985 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus dude how many are you going to go through

>> No.11100562,986 [INTERNAL] 

I hope you get thrown in jail you sick fucking freak.

>> No.11100562,987 [INTERNAL] 

how do i gain motivation to do things

>> No.11100562,988 [INTERNAL] 

you need to fidn someoen that loves you like totori loves me and i lvoe her so i get outside and do stuff and buy groceries for me and her and we spend time together just cause i love her and she lovers me which makes me happy

>> No.11100562,989 [INTERNAL] 

how do i gain motivation to find someonethat loves me

>> No.11100562,990 [INTERNAL] 

just start doing it while cursing.

>> No.11100562,991 [INTERNAL] 

you wil no when you find her that she loves you and you love her and everything is happy which is what happended to me when i met her and she came to me and helped me be

>> No.11100562,992 [INTERNAL] 

Eat a good breakfast and realize that if you don't do things you will be fired from your job and starve to death.

>> No.11100562,993 [INTERNAL] 

totori and me dont like stuff liek this

>> No.11100562,994 [INTERNAL] 

gettin' real sick of this totori meme

>> No.11100562,995 [INTERNAL] 

goi away trout

>> No.11100562,996 [INTERNAL] 

Well the first one had a very wobbly hinge so I returned it, and then the second one had one mismatched top button switch. The R, ZR, and ZL buttons had almost no freeplay in them and made a very quiet noise when pressed. The L button was the only one that had any amount of freeplay and it made a clicking noise when pressed similar to the X/Y/A/B buttons. This third one's top buttons all feel the same when pressed and make the same sound when pressed, which was the exact same sound as the L button on the one I returned. They also have more freeplay so I'm assuming the previous one's ZR, ZL, and R buttons were abnormal somehow. That one odd button was bugging me a lot.

The thing with the N3DSXLs is that some of them use IPS displays and some don't. IPS displays give you a wider viewing angle and supposedly have a bit better colors. With the Super Stable 3D thing in the New 3DS XL, it makes sense to have an IPS display if the device is advertised as being able to track your head to display a nice 3D image from angles instead of straight head-on viewing. Whether the newer ones come with IPS, or whether it's the older ones, I have no idea. The previous two I had did not have an IPS display so I feel pretty lucky that this one does so I'm sticking with it.

I know it's retarded to go through consoles like this but I don't buy or replace them often so I wanted to get one that I'd be happy with sorry

>> No.11100562,997 [INTERNAL] 

Have you ever been treated for schizophrenia?

>> No.11100562,998 [INTERNAL] 

i knew it trouty trout

>> No.11100562,999 [INTERNAL] 

Totori-guy has a self-constructed reality in which anyone who threatens him and his waifu is Trout.

>> No.11100562,1000 [INTERNAL] 

go away trout

>> No.11100562,1001 [INTERNAL] 

Wow wtf it is the one with the star indeed im autism

>> No.11100562,1002 [INTERNAL] 

What games are you getting for the 3ds? Are you going to hunt monsters with me?

>> No.11100562,1003 [INTERNAL] 

I've only got Pokemon Alpha Sapphire for now. I tried the Monster Hunter 4 demo because it seems popular but I couldn't really understand it. Like, it had me run from point to point and I didn't really get it. I've never played a Monster Hunter game before so maybe I'm missing something.

>> No.11100562,1004 [INTERNAL] 

Also why the hell does everything come with auto adjusting backlights now? I want my screen super bright all the time and I don't give a fuck if I'll be blind in 2 years because of it.

>> No.11100562,1005 [INTERNAL] 

i was playing kirby the other day iwtht totori na dhaving alot of fun ilike the music in it alot

>> No.11100562,1006 [INTERNAL] 

Hopefully it was Super Star Ultra...

>> No.11100562,1007 [INTERNAL] 

Half the time it's janitor as well, according to him. Poor kid is mental.

>> No.11100562,1008 [INTERNAL] 

i was playing with totori the other day

>> No.11100562,1009 [INTERNAL] 

no kirby 3ds it s realy fun

trout is the janitor dumb


>> No.11100562,1010 [INTERNAL] 

i played with totoris pussy last night it was really wet and slippery and smelled good

>> No.11100562,1011 [INTERNAL] 

any toasterbros here tonight my pc cant even run valkyria chronicles at 30fps

>> No.11100562,1012 [INTERNAL] 

I masturbated to a nice totori rape doujin.

>> No.11100562,1013 [INTERNAL] 

I like the one where Cecilia fucks the store guy

>> No.11100562,1014 [INTERNAL] 

where can i find a girl with a body like totori's to fuck

>> No.11100562,1015 [INTERNAL] 

If Totori existed she would never be in a relationship with totori-kun, he's a creep. Think of all the better males that are around whose dick she would hop on. Waifufags are so delusional, they're lucky their waifu doesn't actually exist, that way they can pretend she would actually talk to them.

>> No.11100562,1016 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis really like me though.

>> No.11100562,1017 [INTERNAL] 

Stop being a rude pervert goddamn you deserve your misery

>> No.11100562,1018 [INTERNAL] 

i just want to fuck a cute short girl with slim hips and small breasts whats your problem

>> No.11100562,1019 [INTERNAL] 

Does anyone know the name of that manga where the main character was a lizardman in the slums with a hot anime girl sidekick it was kinda cool

>> No.11100562,1020 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1021 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1022 [INTERNAL] 

ya thats the one thanks friend

>> No.11100562,1023 [INTERNAL] 

What is fgts.jp?

>> No.11100562,1024 [INTERNAL] 

i might get ORuby sometime in the future. Do you play battlespot doubles?

>> No.11100562,1025 [INTERNAL] 

an archive

>> No.11100562,1026 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1027 [INTERNAL] 

Is that like an online thing? I haven't gotten into that stuff yet I just got the game yesterday and I'm gonna play through the story first

>> No.11100562,1028 [INTERNAL] 

I regret watching that

>> No.11100562,1029 [INTERNAL] 

it doesnt even show for me i just see moots dumb face

>> No.11100562,1030 [INTERNAL] 

Oh yeah I forgot about the Umihara Kawase remake on 3DS

>> No.11100562,1031 [INTERNAL] 

troti mkeas mee fee lsoem typ eif wa

>> No.11100562,1032 [INTERNAL] 

no totori actually doesnt like weird people liek you that follow aroun dothers just to be mean to them but i guess thats why totori loves me and not you

>> No.11100562,1033 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, Battlespot is the default pokemon meta format. I prefer double battles to singles.

>> No.11100562,1034 [INTERNAL] 

Why do I keep making embarrassing posts that make me want to kill myself on the inside out of sheer embarrassment? Have I lost my dignity?

>> No.11100562,1035 [INTERNAL] 

its oaky we all do it sometimes its okay

>> No.11100562,1036 [INTERNAL] 

*cries on your shoulder*

>> No.11100562,1037 [INTERNAL] 

its okay i hope you feel better agbout it sorry

>> No.11100562,1038 [INTERNAL] 

thank you... *strokes your cock through your pants* m-maybe i can make you feel better now

>> No.11100562,1039 [INTERNAL] 

dont pretend to be me faggot

>> No.11100562,1040 [INTERNAL] 

You got owned.

>> No.11100562,1041 [INTERNAL] 

finally the party is over i can fucking eat
also my sleep schedule is ruined

>> No.11100562,1042 [INTERNAL] 

I got drunk this weekend or maybe it was buzzed? I was driving my someone around and he asked me to go somewhere so he can go get meth and I did at first but then I was tired of driving around and it was already 8:30 and I don't drive people around so late but he was my relative so I told him I was taking him home then he jumped out the car at a red light and he left 4 beers from an 18 pack he and his friend always throw empty beers can while I drive it's annoying I don't think I want to drive him around anymore

>> No.11100562,1043 [INTERNAL] 

me and tototri are taking some stuff from the same plae as i got the etizolam from hgaha its oing to be fun then im going toi sleep for along time

>> No.11100562,1044 [INTERNAL] 

Does anyone have Super Smash Bros?

>> No.11100562,1045 [INTERNAL] 



sometimes..... I think you guys are actually good people, deep down, below the pedo layers of irony.

>> No.11100562,1046 [INTERNAL] 

Most people here are awful narcissistic pieces of shit

>> No.11100562,1047 [INTERNAL] 

why is warosu full of normalshits?

>> No.11100562,1048 [INTERNAL] 

you probably leave your room

>> No.11100562,1049 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1050 [INTERNAL] 

This is what makes this place to great.. Is like looking at the mirror.

>> No.11100562,1051 [INTERNAL] 

does anyone play destiny should i play it on my ps4 thanks help m

>> No.11100562,1052 [INTERNAL] 

Most of them are 20-somethings caught in betanorm status.

Not very successful but still fitting in normalfag society. They may or may not be virgins, are probably attending college, and have a small group of fellow betanorm buddies.

>> No.11100562,1053 [INTERNAL] 

I hate all of you actually, you're all disgusting and are a constant reminder of the worst parts of myself.

>> No.11100562,1054 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah I have it we can play together my psn thing is haysuz

>> No.11100562,1055 [INTERNAL] 

I'm dancing and prancing around care to join me

>> No.11100562,1056 [INTERNAL] 

sorry i dont play with people who aren't white

>> No.11100562,1057 [INTERNAL] 

I never said I'm not white

>> No.11100562,1058 [INTERNAL] 

hayysuz isn't white he's a mexican

>> No.11100562,1059 [INTERNAL] 

Says who

>> No.11100562,1060 [INTERNAL] 

your DNA, hayysuz is what the spanish pronunciation of Jesus sounds like, your name

>> No.11100562,1061 [INTERNAL] 

That's not my name just a handle

>> No.11100562,1062 [INTERNAL] 

I played MH3U for a long time but I still literally hate MH4U because it's impossible to play on such a small screen with worse controls

>> No.11100562,1063 [INTERNAL] 

stop pretending, shitskin

>> No.11100562,1064 [INTERNAL] 

quick puush was hacked
change your exhentai password

>> No.11100562,1065 [INTERNAL] 

Should I change it if I never used that

>> No.11100562,1066 [INTERNAL] 

you never use exhentai? are yo ugay ur sumthing

>> No.11100562,1067 [INTERNAL] 

the fuck would they steal from your exhentai account?

>> No.11100562,1068 [INTERNAL] 

I mean puush?

>> No.11100562,1069 [INTERNAL] 

seriously why am I alive

>> No.11100562,1070 [INTERNAL] 

ascetic ideals

anime is your best bet. if not try christianity or something

>> No.11100562,1071 [INTERNAL] 

feel when you're not even a man since you're 5'8"

>> No.11100562,1072 [INTERNAL] 


literally why couldn't elliot-sama just kill them all in the Day of Retribution?

>> No.11100562,1073 [INTERNAL] 

elliot was legit retarded

>> No.11100562,1074 [INTERNAL] 

why do you still come here then are you cuck

>> No.11100562,1075 [INTERNAL] 

Is this true? I'm not though, maybe I should stop coming here.

>> No.11100562,1076 [INTERNAL] 

bai bai...

>> No.11100562,1077 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1078 [INTERNAL] 

because I need to go back to my tako planet?

>> No.11100562,1079 [INTERNAL] 

can you take me with you

>> No.11100562,1080 [INTERNAL] 

I want one

>> No.11100562,1081 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1082 [INTERNAL] 

because you raped your cousin and crashed a motorcycle into a fucking horse

>> No.11100562,1083 [INTERNAL] 

List of Ws who go on anti-norm rampages whenever someone mentions that they don't rape children:
-Cousin rapist
-The guy from the wbros pic who didn't kill himself

am I missing anyone?

>> No.11100562,1084 [INTERNAL] 

pplease ttotoriti plelsea jujst le meh ave a turn whrten the black man is fdone with yousy please pplase TOROTIROIR

>> No.11100562,1085 [INTERNAL] 

i dont go on anti norm rampages i literally dont even know what the hell that is

>> No.11100562,1086 [INTERNAL] 

Man, these Pokemon nurses in ORAS are cute as hell. The pink circle hair reminds me of Sherlock

>> No.11100562,1087 [INTERNAL] 

Your tiny dick will never be able to pleasure her like a big black cock can. She's going to get addicted to black bull cum in her tight little pussy.

>> No.11100562,1088 [INTERNAL] 

you're legally retarded so you probably fly into a rage and don't remember it later

>> No.11100562,1089 [INTERNAL] 

oh my god what if youre right

>> No.11100562,1090 [INTERNAL] 

neither of them died

>> No.11100562,1091 [INTERNAL] 

this turned me on, i want totori to be a slut for black cocks and let me clean up her pussy and lick it clean of black cum

>> No.11100562,1092 [INTERNAL] 

short, skinny anime babes addicted to black cock is the best

>> No.11100562,1093 [INTERNAL] 

totori needs to have her belly filled with halfbreed kids!!!

>> No.11100562,1094 [INTERNAL] 

cum is always white...

>> No.11100562,1095 [INTERNAL] 

How do you know? Are you familiar with the sight of nonwhite men ejaculating?

>> No.11100562,1096 [INTERNAL] 

yeah, i pimped your mom to some niggers 2 days ago

>> No.11100562,1097 [INTERNAL] 

And watched? I guess that officially makes you a cuck..

>> No.11100562,1098 [INTERNAL] 

no, your dad watched and filmed it

i watched the tape to see if it was good enough to distribute it but your mom's just too fucking ugly man, no one wants to watch that shit

>> No.11100562,1099 [INTERNAL] 

mine is red?

>> No.11100562,1100 [INTERNAL] 

>i watched the tape

So you admit to being a cuck?..

>> No.11100562,1101 [INTERNAL] 

are you a retard?..

>> No.11100562,1102 [INTERNAL] 

ii tenki da
ii tenki da
ii tenki da
noutenki da

>> No.11100562,1103 [INTERNAL] 


feminists. when will they learn?

>> No.11100562,1104 [INTERNAL] 

I just want a chubby pale virgin gf with giant tits to suck on is that too much to ask god damn

>> No.11100562,1105 [INTERNAL] 

It's time to DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNnnnn

make some money


>> No.11100562,1106 [INTERNAL] 

i told you we should work together

>> No.11100562,1107 [INTERNAL] 

any wbros wanna meet

>> No.11100562,1108 [INTERNAL] 

nah i dont meet up with fags

>> No.11100562,1109 [INTERNAL] 

Every time I work with people individually or in a group it always fails because they don't want to put in the hard work,sorry.

>> No.11100562,1110 [INTERNAL] 

i'll give you something hard to work on

*whips it out*

>> No.11100562,1111 [INTERNAL] 

I don't like math!!

>> No.11100562,1112 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1113 [INTERNAL] 

and every time you work by yourself you fail because...?

>> No.11100562,1114 [INTERNAL] 

I really just fucking hate normies

>> No.11100562,1115 [INTERNAL] 

I just fucking hate this world and the human worms feasting on its carcas

>> No.11100562,1116 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1117 [INTERNAL] 

feel when you run into normie who knew you in high school

>> No.11100562,1118 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1119 [INTERNAL] 


I'm doing pretty okay though.

>> No.11100562,1120 [INTERNAL] 

are you chink or jew?

>> No.11100562,1121 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1122 [INTERNAL] 


She's cute but she has no sex appeal.

>> No.11100562,1123 [INTERNAL] 

>no sex appeal
for you maybe

>> No.11100562,1124 [INTERNAL] 

>Daily reminder

>If you haven't fucked 10 women by age 25 you're behind

>And most women have had sex with 10 men
is this true

>> No.11100562,1125 [INTERNAL] 

literally hit the ground yesterday to hide when I saw someone from high school walk past my house

>> No.11100562,1126 [INTERNAL] 

>Robin Williams’ widow and adult children are expected to battle in San Francisco court Monday over the late actor’s estate.

>> No.11100562,1127 [INTERNAL] 

I've j/o'd to her at least 10 times so she does

>> No.11100562,1128 [INTERNAL] 

mom made tuna fish sandwiches WITHOUt the crust!! And a soda pop too!

>> No.11100562,1129 [INTERNAL] 

PLEASE someone post something jesus

>> No.11100562,1130 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1131 [INTERNAL] 

something jesus


>> No.11100562,1132 [INTERNAL] 

don't be a smartass I'm literally bored as hell and I refreshed 50 times with nothing

>> No.11100562,1133 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1134 [INTERNAL] 

sigh why is there literally a thread about un* on r9k

>> No.11100562,1135 [INTERNAL] 

FUCK I opened a can of salmon with a can opened and salmon juice squirted out at me

I literally would have opened this can months ago if my mom wasn't fucking retarded and first threw out the normal can opener because she got an electric one she hadn't even set up yet and then later threw out the electric one because she thought it was broken when it was just literally the parts that are supposed to be removable coming off

she literally hordes the most stupid shit like broken lamps and clocks everywhere but throws out actually useful asap FUCK MY LIFE

>> No.11100562,1136 [INTERNAL] 

i thought suicide anon left

>> No.11100562,1137 [INTERNAL] 

who told you that

>> No.11100562,1138 [INTERNAL] 

miria's snug cun-cun

>> No.11100562,1139 [INTERNAL] 

wrong thread

>> No.11100562,1140 [INTERNAL] 

I don't want to be homeless neet.

>> No.11100562,1141 [INTERNAL] 

me too

>> No.11100562,1142 [INTERNAL] 

I constantly want to post but can't due to VPN...

>> No.11100562,1143 [INTERNAL] 

my dreams have been very self-indulgent lately and i dont like it since it accentuates my dormant desires

>> No.11100562,1144 [INTERNAL] 

I just want someone to need me

>> No.11100562,1145 [INTERNAL] 

I'm becoming a fatneet and I like it
Somebody hug me

>> No.11100562,1146 [INTERNAL] 

I started running again, it feels good, like a large weight being taken off of your head and shoulders

>> No.11100562,1147 [INTERNAL] 

This is creepy, my mom made tuna fish for me too and chips.

>> No.11100562,1148 [INTERNAL] 

the last time i tried that was at least a year ago and people were looking at me awkwardly so i stopped. i really need to start exercising again though, been having loads of health-related problems

>> No.11100562,1149 [INTERNAL] 

but with crust

>> No.11100562,1150 [INTERNAL] 

I have a pretty large living room so I run indoors and watch TV at the same time

>> No.11100562,1151 [INTERNAL] 

oh yeah and I started again because I feel like I'm pre-diabetic or something

>> No.11100562,1152 [INTERNAL] 

i tried that too after the episode but my space is limited plus the airflow is bad and i actually enjoy the air outdoors but not people. my family have a history of diabetes too so im relatively worried and im not exactly eating healthy but i dont eat much sweet food so thats a plus. i think i might try doing jogging indoors again

>> No.11100562,1153 [INTERNAL] 

should i get mortal kombat x

>> No.11100562,1154 [INTERNAL] 

sorry weird people keep pretendign to be me for some reason id ont understand but ok i might buy it

>> No.11100562,1155 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1156 [INTERNAL] 

i got a bag of hermit bars from the grocer theyre pretty good

>> No.11100562,1157 [INTERNAL] 

what is that

>> No.11100562,1158 [INTERNAL] 

its a bar made from ginger bread and raisins and nuts

>> No.11100562,1159 [INTERNAL] 

Top warosu memer outed as swedecuck on gnfos

>> No.11100562,1160 [INTERNAL] 

reminder that everyone who hates chinks is actually a swedecuck cumskin

>> No.11100562,1161 [INTERNAL] 

i thought the chink hater was suicide anon

>> No.11100562,1162 [INTERNAL] 

im not 14 so i dont go on gnfos what happend

>> No.11100562,1163 [INTERNAL] 

We have one confirmed swedecuck who hates chinks, which is unusual for his diversity-loving kind. there could be more

>> No.11100562,1164 [INTERNAL] 

>the chink hater

everyone hates dog eating chinks

>> No.11100562,1165 [INTERNAL] 

how's your retarded mom doing?

>> No.11100562,1166 [INTERNAL] 

my mom isnt retarded what are you event alking about

>> No.11100562,1167 [INTERNAL] 

epic "I'll reveal who I am via my typo meme" reply

>> No.11100562,1168 [INTERNAL] 

excuse me

>> No.11100562,1169 [INTERNAL] 

I'm chink with 134 IQ

>> No.11100562,1170 [INTERNAL] 

what dooes that have to do with the other post

>> No.11100562,1171 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1172 [INTERNAL] 

i dont understand any of this post

>> No.11100562,1173 [INTERNAL] 

swedecuck cumskin damage control

>> No.11100562,1174 [INTERNAL] 

how new are you retards go back to your pens

>> No.11100562,1175 [INTERNAL] 

can you go back to gnfos

>> No.11100562,1176 [INTERNAL] 

blow it out your ass

>> No.11100562,1177 [INTERNAL] 

can you explain what is happening?

>> No.11100562,1178 [INTERNAL] 

no i dont get it

>> No.11100562,1179 [INTERNAL] 

never mind then not that its important

>> No.11100562,1180 [INTERNAL] 

every time i go to take a piss and unzip my pants it smells like harsh gnarly musky semen

>> No.11100562,1181 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1182 [INTERNAL] 

first suck me fuckin dick lads

>> No.11100562,1183 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1184 [INTERNAL] 

spilled herb vanilla deoderant juice all over the counter damn

>> No.11100562,1185 [INTERNAL] 

cool its back

>> No.11100562,1186 [INTERNAL] 

suck his >>12105378,2

>> No.11100562,1187 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1188 [INTERNAL] 

After feeling that ghost tickling me two nights, I discovered that I can tickle myself. I don't laugh as hard as when someone else does it, but my body twitches and pulls away from where the tickle is coming from.

>> No.11100562,1189 [INTERNAL] 

that picture on the bottom right makes me feel weird

>> No.11100562,1190 [INTERNAL] 

I kdf bro that's the one I usually j/o to

>> No.11100562,1191 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,1192 [INTERNAL] 

I want to fuck her a lot

>> No.11100562,1193 [INTERNAL] 

I like her hair and I like when she pulls it and I want to pull her hair like in the 4th picture

also i really like the first picture because it shows off her hips

>> No.11100562,1194 [INTERNAL] 

Why are nips so ugly lmao holy fk

>> No.11100562,1195 [INTERNAL] 

shes cute when she doesnt open her mouth that first pic is gross

>> No.11100562,1196 [INTERNAL] 

i think the focus of the first pic is hips

>> No.11100562,1197 [INTERNAL] 

>that first pic is gross
Yeah, she's fucking ugly. Literally Birdramon.

>> No.11100562,1198 [INTERNAL] 

is there a warosu approved brand of isopropyl or is any old stuff good enough

>> No.11100562,1199 [INTERNAL] 

i hope you die ;)

>> No.11100562,1200 [INTERNAL] 

>tfw the garbage men found my piss jugs and left them on the side of the road


>> No.11100562,1201 [INTERNAL] 

How hard is it to keep a website up holy FUCJK

>> No.11100562,1202 [INTERNAL] 

Why not just poor it over the grass? Then you can reuse the bottles!

>> No.11100562,1203 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck are you retarded?

Just dump them somewhere

>> No.11100562,1204 [INTERNAL] 

How can someone be so stupid.

>> No.11100562,1205 [INTERNAL] 

Now everybody knows you pis on bottles.

>> No.11100562,1206 [INTERNAL] 

i can't find my pajamas

>> No.11100562,1207 [INTERNAL] 

sleep naked

>> No.11100562,1208 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1209 [INTERNAL] 

Commit suicide.

>> No.11100562,1210 [INTERNAL] 

lolis love guys that sleep naked

>> No.11100562,1211 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis hate dicks

>> No.11100562,1212 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are puzzled and curious about big juicy veiny dicks

>> No.11100562,1213 [INTERNAL] 

Only black ones

>> No.11100562,1214 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1215 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1216 [INTERNAL] 

ayyyyy le mayo

>> No.11100562,1217 [INTERNAL] 

Immediately after I orgasm I want to kill myself

>> No.11100562,1218 [INTERNAL] 

Are you serious?

>> No.11100562,1219 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off

>> No.11100562,1220 [INTERNAL] 

lolis love to put their mouths on male penises

>> No.11100562,1221 [INTERNAL] 

You're a sick freak and I'm glad you and your dad are going to prison

>> No.11100562,1222 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1223 [INTERNAL] 

Uh... Real talk lolis are genuinely curious about penises. It's completely natural. Just think of how odd they are to them. Between a loli's legs there's not really a whole lot to see. No weird dangly bits or anything yet, just two smooth lips that meet right between her legs. Compare that to a penis that's just right there all the time. A penis that occasionally gets harder and bigger with balls right under it. On top of that if you rub it then stuff comes out. Lolis don't ejaculate or get erections as visible and obvious as guys do, and they don't have balls. All of that stuff is a natural curiosity for lolis.

>> No.11100562,1224 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis definitely do have balls

>> No.11100562,1225 [INTERNAL] 

They're not visible like they are on a guy though. Really any difference from their own bodies is going to be of slight interest to them out of normal childhood curiosity, but the difference of genitals is a different sort of curiosity altogether.

>> No.11100562,1226 [INTERNAL] 

No they're visible and hang really low

>> No.11100562,1227 [INTERNAL] 

god damn i love completely destroying people with cocky names in tetris

sorry winner69

>> No.11100562,1228 [INTERNAL] 

Sigismund SCHLOMO Freud says lolis are literally envious of boys for having dicks. The curiosity thing is just an early manifestation of penis envy.

>> No.11100562,1229 [INTERNAL] 

I was on /a/ while warosu was down. Mostly random unspecific threads. Pretty good I even got into the whole 3dpd meme and started reciting it in my head like some sort of mantra but I'm finding it hard to care now that I've had my fill of /a/ and le based warosu is back.

>> No.11100562,1230 [INTERNAL] 

Oh and I fucking spilled water on my computer and it short-circuited and I feel fucking hollow inside as a result. Luckily my mom had an ipad lying around so Im back in action for the time being but i still feel horrible because these things are unwieldy as fuck compared to a computer and all of my files are gone

>> No.11100562,1231 [INTERNAL] 

I may have to get a job soon to buy a new machine holy fuck im done for im just done for

>> No.11100562,1232 [INTERNAL] 

i spent the downtime reading experienceproject posts about masturbating

lots of "true" loli stories there

>> No.11100562,1233 [INTERNAL] 

I feel like i learned a little bit about myself through this whole ordeal but Im still going to kill myself if I dont get a new computer fast haha

>> No.11100562,1234 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1235 [INTERNAL] 

Uh should I masturbate or go to sleep it's 6am

>> No.11100562,1236 [INTERNAL] 

Also it just me or was /jp/ more sincere and genuine than /a/? 2009-2010 /jp/ is still the peak 2d board for that reason. On /a/ it just feels like youre talking to a bunch of mannequins

>> No.11100562,1237 [INTERNAL] 

thats probably because everyone on /a/ was trying to use memes as much as possible

>> No.11100562,1238 [INTERNAL] 

How so?

>> No.11100562,1239 [INTERNAL] 

They're both filled with dipshits who try too hard to adjust the way they post to fit in

>> No.11100562,1240 [INTERNAL] 

>it just feels like youre talking to a bunch of mannequins

What does that even mean?

>> No.11100562,1241 [INTERNAL] 

Oh God the Revival of F plot has been posted with some pretty good detail.

>> No.11100562,1242 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1243 [INTERNAL] 

I know that feelio

>> No.11100562,1244 [INTERNAL] 

Post it dude

>> No.11100562,1245 [INTERNAL] 

Im going to become an ascetic monk. Im really going to do it theres no other way to transcend this shit world...

>> No.11100562,1246 [INTERNAL] 


Movie Synopsis

>> No.11100562,1247 [INTERNAL] 

new anime season woooooooo

>> No.11100562,1248 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1249 [INTERNAL] 

And life, goes on...

>> No.11100562,1250 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1251 [INTERNAL] 

How the fuck did Piccolo lose to some random grunt

>> No.11100562,1252 [INTERNAL] 

>Historically, asceticism has involved fasting, exposing oneself to heat or cold, sleep deprivation, flagellation, and even self-mutilation.

Oh fuck never mind that's just masochistic.

>> No.11100562,1253 [INTERNAL] 

miria's snug cun-cun

>> No.11100562,1254 [INTERNAL] 

haha thought so faggot

>> No.11100562,1255 [INTERNAL] 

who has the snuggest cun
who has the smuggest cun

>> No.11100562,1256 [INTERNAL] 

"Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life."
--Jesus Christ, Lord & Saviour

Wbros good news you've all earned a place in heaven

>> No.11100562,1257 [INTERNAL] 

wow thanks Jesus

>> No.11100562,1258 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1259 [INTERNAL] 

When the four corners of this cocoon collide, you'll slip through the cracks, hoping that you'll survive.

>> No.11100562,1260 [INTERNAL] 

dear god why me why do I have to be the victim of being reaised in a single parent household

>> No.11100562,1261 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1262 [INTERNAL] 

know feelie holy shit

>> No.11100562,1263 [INTERNAL] 

when does is start i dont see any new anime?

>> No.11100562,1264 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1265 [INTERNAL] 


How awesome would it be if we knew for sure aliens existed? I wonder what this could be

>> No.11100562,1266 [INTERNAL] 

aliens probably do exist since theres 40 billion earth-like planets
i doubt they are have 4 limbs and are bipedal like we are though

>> No.11100562,1267 [INTERNAL] 

What if there is a copy of our planet and other yous living a different lifestyle?

>> No.11100562,1268 [INTERNAL] 

In my mind there's realistically no way they can't exist somewhere out there in some form. I want to know for sure that they do exist. I want something genuinely exciting regarding aliens to happen on a global scale. Things would never ever be the same once it's known that life exists in places other than Earth.

>> No.11100562,1269 [INTERNAL] 

uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa n aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aa aa aa aaa a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.11100562,1270 [INTERNAL] 

what if im gay

>> No.11100562,1271 [INTERNAL] 

What if Kendrick was white?

>> No.11100562,1272 [INTERNAL] 

what if before the big bang everything was one really big planet

>> No.11100562,1273 [INTERNAL] 

before the big bang there was absolutely nothing

>> No.11100562,1274 [INTERNAL] 

prove it

>> No.11100562,1275 [INTERNAL] 

How can nothing become something? When did nothing decide it was time to become something? Is that nothing sentient?

>> No.11100562,1276 [INTERNAL] 

You're such a dumb chink holy fk lmao

>> No.11100562,1277 [INTERNAL] 

hello is anyone there??

>> No.11100562,1278 [INTERNAL] 

im chink

>> No.11100562,1279 [INTERNAL] 


Normalfag simulator

>> No.11100562,1280 [INTERNAL] 

fugg guys my mom is gone and she barely left any food,
i only have like 2 steaks, 6 eggs and 3 chicken nuggets and some fries.

I don't know when she will come back


>> No.11100562,1281 [INTERNAL] 

I think I got raped I wasn't really paying attention

>> No.11100562,1282 [INTERNAL] 

That's a lot of food fatass

>> No.11100562,1283 [INTERNAL] 

let them eat cake

>> No.11100562,1284 [INTERNAL] 

Uh what happened at the end I skipped the last textbox

>> No.11100562,1285 [INTERNAL] 

mom said if i dont stop posting on anime sites shes gonna turn off my inet

>> No.11100562,1286 [INTERNAL] 

uh before the big bang everything existed in an incredibly dense tiny area

>> No.11100562,1287 [INTERNAL] 

no it didnt

>> No.11100562,1288 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1289 [INTERNAL] 

thats the accepted theory

>> No.11100562,1290 [INTERNAL] 


check out these nerds

>> No.11100562,1291 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1292 [INTERNAL] 

Do you chinks even know what quantum fluctuations are? lmao.

>> No.11100562,1293 [INTERNAL] 

i have a 134 iq

>> No.11100562,1294 [INTERNAL] 

You can't post here if your not atleast at Mensa level.

>> No.11100562,1295 [INTERNAL] 

m'I knihc

>> No.11100562,1296 [INTERNAL] 

wow me too

their not even real since its derived through probability

>> No.11100562,1297 [INTERNAL] 

uh so my friends cs team got a new sponsor and now hes getting around $1500/month salary to play cs and travel to tournaments and his team has houses in los angeles and poland

i wonder if hes getting a new computer or what because when i put together his computer in december he just put his old one (which was still better than mine right now) in the corner

would it be an asshole move to ask about buying the computer hes using now if he is getting a new one?

>> No.11100562,1298 [INTERNAL] 

Man you must be really autistic. And no, you can ask him about it with no worries.

>> No.11100562,1299 [INTERNAL] 

He's legally retarded since his aunt beat the shit out of him for raping her daughter

>> No.11100562,1300 [INTERNAL] 

im legally retarded?

>> No.11100562,1301 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1302 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1303 [INTERNAL] 

God is real, repent sinners.

>> No.11100562,1304 [INTERNAL] 

Any /a/bros here

>> No.11100562,1305 [INTERNAL] 

Any chinks here?

>> No.11100562,1306 [INTERNAL] 

im chink

>> No.11100562,1307 [INTERNAL] 

hey me and totori are back hjow is everyone tonight i was sleeping all day and i woke up a hour ago

>> No.11100562,1308 [INTERNAL] 

um im gonna play some pokemon sapphire

>> No.11100562,1309 [INTERNAL] 

that sounds like a lot of fun i hope you have fun

>> No.11100562,1310 [INTERNAL] 

anybody here still plays world of tanks?

>> No.11100562,1311 [INTERNAL] 

Totori is addicted to big black cocks, your tiny white penis can never properly satisfy her. Will you allow you to pleasure herself on a primal level by breeding with big black bulls while you watch? She'll let you lick her cunny after the bull lets out his thick load.

>> No.11100562,1312 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1313 [INTERNAL] 

you have alot of problems do you want to talk about it me and totori will listen and help if iw e can

>> No.11100562,1314 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1315 [INTERNAL] 

where can i find a girl with a body like totori's to fuck i want to fuck a skinny flat girl with a nice ass


>> No.11100562,1316 [INTERNAL] 

It's just the truth. A black man will be able to pleasure her 100x more than your tiny "penis" will ever be capable of. Women crave the power and domination of alpha males, it's in their DNA.

Will you put aside your selfish desires so Totori can be pleasured by a bull?

>> No.11100562,1317 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1318 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1319 [INTERNAL] 

This is Totori's future.


>> No.11100562,1320 [INTERNAL] 

you have problems

>> No.11100562,1321 [INTERNAL] 

can someone find me a dwonload for lonely yuri its called Kodoku ni Kiku Yuri in japanese please

>> No.11100562,1322 [INTERNAL] 

uh its completely normal and natural to be attracted to girls with the same body type as totori

>> No.11100562,1323 [INTERNAL] 

Just as it's natural for all females to crave the semen of big strong men. As blacks are the most physically impressive race, the majority of women have fantasies about being impregnated by a large black bull. You wouldn't deny Totori happiness simply out of jealous, would you? It's natural.

>> No.11100562,1324 [INTERNAL] 

im black and im literally the weakest man i know and this is even after retard strength is factored in

>> No.11100562,1325 [INTERNAL] 

>totorifreak is black


>> No.11100562,1326 [INTERNAL] 

uh the guy who lives with totori and the guy who wants to fuck a girl with the same body type as totori are two different people

>> No.11100562,1327 [INTERNAL] 

thanks we can be friends if you want on warosu

>> No.11100562,1328 [INTERNAL] 

they're both the pedonigger

>> No.11100562,1329 [INTERNAL] 

im playing pokemon and trying to think of a new nintendo network id since iusedtobeaghost wasnt cool or cute enough and someone is burning logs or something and it smells like smoke in my room

>> No.11100562,1330 [INTERNAL] 

nope not true

>> No.11100562,1331 [INTERNAL] 

White boys can't compete with black MEN.

>> No.11100562,1332 [INTERNAL] 

does anyone have any suggestions for a cute name for my network id

>> No.11100562,1333 [INTERNAL] 

please anyone

i had the same problem when picking a name for twitch

>> No.11100562,1334 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1335 [INTERNAL] 

hey tototori guy do u have fetish for men?

>> No.11100562,1336 [INTERNAL] 

He loves to clean up Totori's tight little hole after it gets filled up by an alpha black bull.

>> No.11100562,1337 [INTERNAL] 

someone took it already

what about berrybutter

>> No.11100562,1338 [INTERNAL] 

god someone took that too

>> No.11100562,1339 [INTERNAL] 

name it after your favorit pokemon ti think that would be a good one id name it flareon

>> No.11100562,1340 [INTERNAL] 

i want a cute name that a loli would like though

>> No.11100562,1341 [INTERNAL] 

so pokemon no little girls would like you anywy sso dont even bother

>> No.11100562,1342 [INTERNAL] 

god DAMN I'd lick her crazy kodomokid cunny clean


>> No.11100562,1343 [INTERNAL] 

any links to some crackhead whore getting fucked?

>> No.11100562,1344 [INTERNAL] 

Your mother used to record our sessions, check under the sink.

>> No.11100562,1345 [INTERNAL] 

please stop posting this girl she is not cute or attractive at all

>> No.11100562,1346 [INTERNAL] 

she's a goddess you're a nigger what do you know


>> No.11100562,1347 [INTERNAL] 

if youre going to post younger girls at least post cute ones

>> No.11100562,1348 [INTERNAL] 

I did she's in the video u dumb fucking NIG

>> No.11100562,1349 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like that radio signal story has picked up some traction and has been reported by some more outlets.

I desperately hope it's aliens.

>> No.11100562,1350 [INTERNAL] 

What stooooooooooory

>> No.11100562,1351 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1352 [INTERNAL] 

is marshmallowjuice cute?

>> No.11100562,1353 [INTERNAL] 

guys theres a new anime out

>> No.11100562,1354 [INTERNAL] 

Any /a/bro here

>> No.11100562,1355 [INTERNAL] 

no but i like anime

>> No.11100562,1356 [INTERNAL] 

why does hearing the wind whistling through the trees and against my window feel nostalgic

>> No.11100562,1357 [INTERNAL] 

you were molested as a child

>> No.11100562,1358 [INTERNAL] 

can i get money for that

>> No.11100562,1359 [INTERNAL] 

Why are dog owners always respectable people while cat owners are always creeps, degenerates, and failures at life with no friends?

>> No.11100562,1360 [INTERNAL] 

uh the only reputable source there makes it sound like nothing
>There are five fast radio bursts to be reported,” says Michael Kramer of Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy. “They do not fit the pattern.” Kramer is part of the team combing through data gathered by Australia’s Parkes Observatory, where all the fast radio bursts, except for one, have been spotted so far. “The paper is close to submission,” he says.

>> No.11100562,1361 [INTERNAL] 

dogs have to be walked so you have to go outside, a popular normie activity
cats are warosu's pet of choice

>> No.11100562,1362 [INTERNAL] 

maybe you can go to a therapist and cry and a lot and they will diagnose you with some made up disease like PTSD and you can get disability

it'll work TRUST ME

>> No.11100562,1363 [INTERNAL] 

my pet of choice is no pet because they are mendokusai*

*means un-neet

>> No.11100562,1364 [INTERNAL] 

>creeps, degenerates, and failures at life with no friends

I already covered the fact that they're the warosu pet of choice, retard..

>> No.11100562,1365 [INTERNAL] 

pets are for norms why would u want to clean up after an animal who isn't made for indoor living

let animals live in nature where they belong pet owners are creeps

>> No.11100562,1366 [INTERNAL] 

one day they'll have a diagnosis for the subhumanism that is warosu

I know there's something wrong with me...

>> No.11100562,1367 [INTERNAL] 

Depressive-pedophilic-avoidant low-functioning autisic spectrum disorder.

>> No.11100562,1368 [INTERNAL] 

There's already a term, it's called "raised by a single mother".

>> No.11100562,1369 [INTERNAL] 

i blame that and video games

>> No.11100562,1370 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1371 [INTERNAL] 

a spider just crawled through my armpit hair and scared the heck out of me

i think an egg sac opened near my bed or something because ive been seeing those tiny spiders all over my room lately

>> No.11100562,1372 [INTERNAL] 

the creepy crawlies

>> No.11100562,1373 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder if you guys are aware that normies are parodying us with the whole REEEEEEE thing, it might even get a full blown kym and 9gag attention till it finally spills over to facebook.

>> No.11100562,1374 [INTERNAL] 

actually the reee thing is a self-parody it isn't normies

>> No.11100562,1375 [INTERNAL] 

what is that reeeeeeeeeeee thing youre talking about

>> No.11100562,1376 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah I'm aware of NEETs browsing r/9k but reddit too?

>> No.11100562,1377 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1378 [INTERNAL] 

The follow-up expansion meme for 'sad frog': the biggest meme of 2015

>> No.11100562,1379 [INTERNAL] 

why should i care

>> No.11100562,1380 [INTERNAL] 

is this anzu

>> No.11100562,1381 [INTERNAL] 

can you guys go back to 4chan thanks

>> No.11100562,1382 [INTERNAL] 

women ruins everything. they will never understand what it actually feels like to be an outcast, because any time they want they could go out looking real nice and have the world bend over backwards for them.

>> No.11100562,1383 [INTERNAL] 

I think it's anzu

>> No.11100562,1384 [INTERNAL] 

uh guys im going to sleep can someone suggest some cute names for my nintendo network id thing please pleeasee

>> No.11100562,1385 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1386 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1387 [INTERNAL] 

sigh I left some antibacterial cream on my nose by mistake and now it's all dry and peeling

why can't I just be beautiful

>> No.11100562,1388 [INTERNAL] 

it secretly wasn't by mistake I didn't think it would do this

>> No.11100562,1389 [INTERNAL] 

I told myself I wouldn't get another onahole...

>> No.11100562,1390 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1391 [INTERNAL] 

control structures considered harmful

>> No.11100562,1392 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1393 [INTERNAL] 

who is this hot anime?

>> No.11100562,1394 [INTERNAL] 

to aru kagaku no railgun

>> No.11100562,1395 [INTERNAL] 

I just threw out 2/3rds of my belongings.

>> No.11100562,1396 [INTERNAL] 

Are you going to kill yourself again?

>> No.11100562,1397 [INTERNAL] 

I never killed myself.

It's spring cleaning. I've had enough of clutter that I don't use. I'm down to my PC, a duffel bag worth of clothing, and a few keepsakes. It feels liberating.

>> No.11100562,1398 [INTERNAL] 

why are chinks all so subhuman

>> No.11100562,1399 [INTERNAL] 

im not

>> No.11100562,1400 [INTERNAL] 

me neither

>> No.11100562,1401 [INTERNAL] 

yes you are, disgusting dog eating chinks

>> No.11100562,1402 [INTERNAL] 

hehe umad monolingual monocultural cumskin cuck

>> No.11100562,1403 [INTERNAL] 

dont you have a bathroom to shit all over yourself in

>> No.11100562,1404 [INTERNAL] 

feel when mudblood

>> No.11100562,1405 [INTERNAL] 

Kill every last shitskin on the W

>> No.11100562,1406 [INTERNAL] 

and chinks

>> No.11100562,1407 [INTERNAL] 

There are no whites on the W.

>> No.11100562,1408 [INTERNAL] 

leave chinks out of this

>> No.11100562,1409 [INTERNAL] 

i had a dream about laurab

>> No.11100562,1410 [INTERNAL] 

feel when my phone is still at the bottom of the pacific ocean

the other day I was looking for my bag and started getting mad since someone must have taken it but then I remembered I threw it off the cliff along with my phone and everything on me and all my clothes

I had that bag since I was 16 or earlier...

>> No.11100562,1411 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1412 [INTERNAL] 

I had a dream that a long, sharp tooth was growing out of my gums, right under my left canine
It was probably around 4cm long and the same thickness as the average tooth. It hurt whenever I touched it.
This was no regular tooth though, because whenever I closed my mouth it receded into my gums as if there was nothing there. If I opened my mouth in a way that would expose my gums it would extend to its maximum length as if it was a gross, biological sliding knife. If I did it slowly it protruded out of my gums slowly too.

>> No.11100562,1413 [INTERNAL] 

have you tried giving it a call?

>> No.11100562,1414 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't it nice having fewer possessions?

>> No.11100562,1415 [INTERNAL] 

FUCK I never thought of that until I got a new sim for a new phone and the phone company guy cancelled the old one

it would have been out of battery anyway come to think of it and I think it was probably out already but maybe not since I remember wiping all the data before I did it

feel when it cost me over $700 and was my first and so far only normphone

not really...

>> No.11100562,1416 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1417 [INTERNAL] 

You can work for me.

>> No.11100562,1418 [INTERNAL] 


Whats the work like?

>> No.11100562,1419 [INTERNAL] 

Lots of rubbing and sucking.

>> No.11100562,1420 [INTERNAL] 


I knew you'd say some gay shit. If I had a gun...

>> No.11100562,1421 [INTERNAL] 

sometimes i think about leaving everything behind and starting life anew in an isolated place in the wild

>> No.11100562,1422 [INTERNAL] 

know that feel I tried it once

I changed my name too and didn't tell anyone

>> No.11100562,1423 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry, maybe we can work something out, I need money too.

>> No.11100562,1424 [INTERNAL] 

what happened

>> No.11100562,1425 [INTERNAL] 


I think I'll just get a sales job since it's supposedly easy to get one as they say. And plus I'm already technically doing sales with the whole internet selling stuff.

>> No.11100562,1426 [INTERNAL] 

You're no fun. Go away. Normie.

>> No.11100562,1427 [INTERNAL] 

I don't want to end up like network126; he probably killed himself after not finding work.

>> No.11100562,1428 [INTERNAL] 


I have to get one or I'm out of my apartment this month. Fuck you.

>> No.11100562,1429 [INTERNAL] 

I literally just stayed at a backpacker hostel in another city for a couple of weeks then tried going off into the wild and walked all day for two days but it was shit. I was only about 30 miles out from the city and just caught a train back

if I was more determined I would have probably ended up like that supertramp guy that I didn't know about until I watched the movie when someone here mentioned it...

>> No.11100562,1430 [INTERNAL] 

Where's that retarded anime nirvana guy?

>> No.11100562,1431 [INTERNAL] 

What's wrong with anime nirvana?

>> No.11100562,1432 [INTERNAL] 

what's anime nirvana

>> No.11100562,1433 [INTERNAL] 

Any chinks here?

>> No.11100562,1434 [INTERNAL] 

nope to busy shitting and pissing all over themselves

>> No.11100562,1435 [INTERNAL] 

another word for gay

>> No.11100562,1436 [INTERNAL] 

i dont know some guy made it up a couple of weeks ago

>> No.11100562,1437 [INTERNAL] 

yeah im chink what's up

>> No.11100562,1438 [INTERNAL] 

feel when all the new animnes are garbage so far

>> No.11100562,1439 [INTERNAL] 

I vietnamese ama.

>> No.11100562,1440 [INTERNAL] 

feel when you havent finished last season shows

>> No.11100562,1441 [INTERNAL] 

I see Denpa Kyoushi, I didn't know that would get an anime.

>> No.11100562,1442 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1443 [INTERNAL] 

arent you disgusted with yourself

>> No.11100562,1444 [INTERNAL] 

that one didnt air yet i mean the ones that have subs are bad

>> No.11100562,1445 [INTERNAL] 

did it or didnt it air

because "bad subs" doesnt man that it didnt air you fucking idiot

>> No.11100562,1446 [INTERNAL] 

it didnt even air dont call me an idiot jerk....

>> No.11100562,1447 [INTERNAL] 

It airs tomorrow, dumbass.

>> No.11100562,1448 [INTERNAL] 

excuse me for not being hip and up to date with /a/ shit

>> No.11100562,1449 [INTERNAL] 

Nice retard excuse

>> No.11100562,1450 [INTERNAL] 

im not the one discussing anime on warosu whos the retard now

>> No.11100562,1451 [INTERNAL] 

guys stop fighting

>> No.11100562,1452 [INTERNAL] 

fuckign chinks

>> No.11100562,1453 [INTERNAL] 

i want /a/ to go

>> No.11100562,1454 [INTERNAL] 

chink from cali with IQ 150 here and I love my mom

>> No.11100562,1455 [INTERNAL] 

why are you so angry?

>> No.11100562,1456 [INTERNAL] 

suicide anon is chink?

>> No.11100562,1457 [INTERNAL] 

chinks are ruining the planet

>> No.11100562,1458 [INTERNAL] 

suicide anon hates chink

>> No.11100562,1459 [INTERNAL] 

He's retarded

>> No.11100562,1460 [INTERNAL] 

give a chink a soul and he would rule the world

>> No.11100562,1461 [INTERNAL] 

even chinks hate chinks look at hong kong dog eaters and mainland dog eaters

>> No.11100562,1462 [INTERNAL] 

why do they eat dogs?

>> No.11100562,1463 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1464 [INTERNAL] 

Last night I watched some porn and the girl was asian and she was the flattest girl I had ever seen, ever!

>> No.11100562,1465 [INTERNAL] 

so the cali chink is suicide anon's friend?

>> No.11100562,1466 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1467 [INTERNAL] 

post it

>> No.11100562,1468 [INTERNAL] 

i bet she ate a dog after

>> No.11100562,1469 [INTERNAL] 

do dogs taste good?

>> No.11100562,1470 [INTERNAL] 

they dont smell good so they must not taste good

>> No.11100562,1471 [INTERNAL] 

Smell is the most normalfag of senses

>> No.11100562,1472 [INTERNAL] 

pigs and cows and chicken dont smell good but they taste good

>> No.11100562,1473 [INTERNAL] 

Did someone bully you for smelling like shit?

>> No.11100562,1474 [INTERNAL] 

chickens smell good like eggs

>> No.11100562,1475 [INTERNAL] 

no only autism makes you sensitive to smells

>> No.11100562,1476 [INTERNAL] 

i dont like the smell of raw meat? especially beef it has a weird sweet smell?

>> No.11100562,1477 [INTERNAL] 

why dont you stream any more me and totori liekd watching

>> No.11100562,1478 [INTERNAL] 

guys my dick's been acting strange lately

>> No.11100562,1479 [INTERNAL] 

smell is the least normalfag if anything


>> No.11100562,1480 [INTERNAL] 

i still stream i streamed yesterday but nobody watched so i stopped

>> No.11100562,1481 [INTERNAL] 

it keeps making weird noises

>> No.11100562,1482 [INTERNAL] 

It wasn't working

>> No.11100562,1483 [INTERNAL] 

like what

>> No.11100562,1484 [INTERNAL] 

touch has to be the most normalfag for sure

>> No.11100562,1485 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know when I started masturbating. All my life I had sexual thoughts. I grew up in an overly religious household, and I hated it. Fantasizing about sex was something forbidden, sinful ... and therefore exciting. I was 9 years old when I first experimented with sex. It was with my 17 year old cousin. But the few times I played with him I didn't have an orgasm. He did big-time, but I didn't. I didn't even know what an orgasm was. I thought it was just something men have.

It was after that when I started penetrating myself with my fingers, then with larger, more phallic-shaped objects. It was mostly out of curiosity. I never knew what the big deal was. It never felt like anything good, mostly just like the kind of cramp you get just before a bout of diarrhea. Yet, a simple insertion of his penis into me would rapidly send my cousin into convulsions, twitches, quivers, and moans that appeared more like electrocution than fun. I couldn’t imagine a pleasure so intense that it looks like electrocution, but he was feeling it, and somehow it was being generated by something inside me.

So, using the same jar of Vaseline my cousin used, I would put my fingers inside me to see if they could feel that amazing pleasure … but all my fingers felt was the gushiness of guts. I could feel the structures of my insides, the worm-like convolutions that line the walls of my vagina, the bulbous orb of my cervix, the rubber band-like muscle through which I could squeeze my finger, and some other things in there that felt kinda like little pieces of Vaseline coated foam rubber. I tried moving my finger up and down along my vaginal walls hoping those mysterious slimy wormy things would do the same thing to my finger it did to my cousin’s penis. But all I felt was slimy wormy things.

At age 11 I had no clue that I was supposed to feel pleasure from something being inserted inside me. I just assumed that all the pleasure is felt by whatever is inserted. But my finger felt essentially nothing. I was confused. It usually took about 10 seconds for my cousin’s penis to orgasm. But even after one whole minute, my finger just felt like it was only going to get waterlogged.

>> No.11100562,1486 [INTERNAL] 

like a popping noise

>> No.11100562,1487 [INTERNAL] 

like what

>> No.11100562,1488 [INTERNAL] 

does it really only take 10 seconds to cum inside a loli

>> No.11100562,1489 [INTERNAL] 

I was just watching Black Bullet. What's up?

>> No.11100562,1490 [INTERNAL] 

oh i still want to watch every sonce and awhile

>> No.11100562,1491 [INTERNAL] 

Why do some girls have such killer bods that it makes you want to do something bad

>> No.11100562,1492 [INTERNAL] 

you just answered yourself

>> No.11100562,1493 [INTERNAL] 

high test

>> No.11100562,1494 [INTERNAL] 

mmm_open your legs wider and relax ,petal,'cause the last time we played doctor simon had barely penetrated your 10 year old kiddy-cunt when he filled it with creamy doctors milk!..simons been looking forward to seeing you today and now that schools out for the day,let's get naked and play 'simon says!'..Simon says: 1.take all your clothes off and lay on his bed..2.open up your legs and play with your kiddy-slit..3.let simon lick,suck and tongue your kiddy-slit and bum-bum..4.let simon finger your kiddy-crack and bum-bum..5.let simon rub his cock against your kiddy-crack and bum-bum.. simon says:..6.suck and tongue his nipples..7.lick under his arm-pits..8.lick,suck and tongue his nut-sacs and 'mangina'..9.suck and deep throat his cock.. simon says:..10.lay back 'n rub some spit on your kiddy-slit then use your hands to open yourself up..11.relax and let simons cock penetrate you all the way up to his ball-sacs..12.let simon fuck you slow and hard 'til he cums in you..13.let simon suck all his jism out of you and swallow it..14.let simon lick you 'til you spurt in his mouth!..simon says:..15.take a shower,then eat your ice-cream and candy..16.not to say a word to anyone about what you do here after school or he will plaster pornographic photographs of you around your school and the town of you sucking your daddy off naked while his friend holds you by the hips and dry humps you from behind in the mens toilets at the beach!..simons got some good cum-shots too petal so keep your mouth shut okay!..simon says..17.he will see you tomorrow after school,so don't be late!

>> No.11100562,1495 [INTERNAL] 

dont post gross stuff like this

>> No.11100562,1496 [INTERNAL] 

totori loves me and i love her totori love sme and i love her toot ori loves me and i love her totori mlvoes me and i lvoe her ltotori loves ma nd am vlaowe rher

>> No.11100562,1497 [INTERNAL] 

sorry should I stream tetris?

>> No.11100562,1498 [INTERNAL] 

are you good at tetris

>> No.11100562,1499 [INTERNAL] 


just jerked off to this and i wasnt looking at the one on the left
is it too late for me?

>> No.11100562,1500 [INTERNAL] 

I step out the house to buy milk for my mom and she cleans up my room and congratulates me for going outside like christ came a 2nd time.

>> No.11100562,1501 [INTERNAL] 

It's probably a joyous occasion to get you out of the house

>> No.11100562,1502 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1503 [INTERNAL] 

im bored

>> No.11100562,1504 [INTERNAL] 

Sour Patch Kids Berries are honestly one of the best candies I've ever eaten. They smell amazing and they're perfectly sour.

>> No.11100562,1505 [INTERNAL] 

kill yourself pedo

>> No.11100562,1506 [INTERNAL] 

what do you wanna do?

>> No.11100562,1507 [INTERNAL] 

They're delicious though. I wish my room smelled like them 24/7.

>> No.11100562,1508 [INTERNAL] 

How do I make my dick bigger?

>> No.11100562,1509 [INTERNAL] 

be a pedo

>> No.11100562,1510 [INTERNAL] 

omg ;)

>> No.11100562,1511 [INTERNAL] 

pedos have small dicks

>> No.11100562,1512 [INTERNAL] 

im a pedo? and my dick is just a bit big?

>> No.11100562,1513 [INTERNAL] 

only white pedos

>> No.11100562,1514 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1515 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1516 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1517 [INTERNAL] 


What if a loli sees this at the zoo?

>> No.11100562,1518 [INTERNAL] 


Why are there so many videos of this? It's like when I discovered that there was a huge amount of "powder fart" videos on YouTube.

>> No.11100562,1519 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis hate masturbators

>> No.11100562,1520 [INTERNAL] 

wrong again motherfucker

>> No.11100562,1521 [INTERNAL] 

hidoes anyone want to play smash

>> No.11100562,1522 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1523 [INTERNAL] 

Nah they're creeps

>> No.11100562,1524 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis aren't creeps.

>> No.11100562,1525 [INTERNAL] 

Masturbators are and they hate creeps

>> No.11100562,1526 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis love guys who make cum shoot out of their dicks.

>> No.11100562,1527 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1528 [INTERNAL] 

lolis like root beer

>> No.11100562,1529 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis love watching a guy's penis as he sleeps because it gets hard.

>> No.11100562,1530 [INTERNAL] 

ill pick jigglypuff if thats ok with u

>> No.11100562,1531 [INTERNAL] 

ok my id is iusedtobeaghost

>> No.11100562,1532 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1533 [INTERNAL] 

what stop lying thats me and i dont use that id anymore im still trying to think of a cute one

>> No.11100562,1534 [INTERNAL] 

ok tell me when your ready to play

>> No.11100562,1535 [INTERNAL] 

i dont have smash bros

should i stream h1z1

>> No.11100562,1536 [INTERNAL] 

time to make yourselves useful pedobros

>> No.11100562,1537 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1538 [INTERNAL] 

what movie...

>> No.11100562,1539 [INTERNAL] 

is there a place i can go and interact with lolis

>> No.11100562,1540 [INTERNAL] 

cousin's house

>> No.11100562,1541 [INTERNAL] 

is this warosu related?

>> No.11100562,1542 [INTERNAL] 

i might go to the arcade and set a high score in tetris

>> No.11100562,1543 [INTERNAL] 

why the fuck is the w so dead tonight

>> No.11100562,1544 [INTERNAL] 

It's normster weekend

>> No.11100562,1545 [INTERNAL] 

Was out with my bros, sorry man :)

>> No.11100562,1546 [INTERNAL] 

why are pedos so disgusting

>> No.11100562,1547 [INTERNAL] 

We're not?

>> No.11100562,1548 [INTERNAL] 

You are??

>> No.11100562,1549 [INTERNAL] 

somebody PLEASE post some shite threads on the jay

>> No.11100562,1550 [INTERNAL] 

miria's snug cun-cun

>> No.11100562,1551 [INTERNAL] 

puffy girl pussy behind cute pink panties

>> No.11100562,1552 [INTERNAL] 

squishy voluptuous mounds outlining sillken fabric

>> No.11100562,1553 [INTERNAL] 


so does north corea have a bunch of 13 year olds who are used only for sex?

>> No.11100562,1554 [INTERNAL] 

why live if I'll never be the dictator of millions of people who all have to give me their fertile teenage daughters by law

>> No.11100562,1555 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1556 [INTERNAL] 

feel when soon they'll engineer super-intelligent humans and you will be even stupider on average

>> No.11100562,1557 [INTERNAL] 

feel you have a nightmare of a real life scenario and you try to kill yourself in the dream to see if you are dreaming and thank kamisama when you wake up

>> No.11100562,1558 [INTERNAL] 

where is evryone

>> No.11100562,1559 [INTERNAL] 

honestly, i'm probably just too smart for this world really

>> No.11100562,1560 [INTERNAL] 

make a programming language that is very powerful and efficient but too hard for anyone but you to use

>> No.11100562,1561 [INTERNAL] 

If you had any social intelligence you wouldn't have failed to adapt to your surroundings

>> No.11100562,1562 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck did you just fucking say to me you imbecile? I'll have you know I scored higher on the SAT in the 7th grade than everyone else in my area, have won numerous debates with engineers, and have over 300 confirmed IQ points. I am trained in physics, and am the top philosopher in all of my state. You are nothing to me but just another ignoramus criticizing me. I will outsmart you with intelligence and maturity the likes of which has never been seen on this earth, take note you ass. You think you can get away with doubting my maturity online? As we speak I am contacting my professors and am tracing your IP, so prepare for the debate you cretin. The debate that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your intelligence. You'd be fucking dead if I wasn't a pacifist, kid. I understand any topic, any idea, better than you and I can debate you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s without preparing at all. Not only am I extensively trained in physics and philosphy, but I have access to the entire library of the American Pyschology Association and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ideas off the face of the continent. If only you could have known what type of bulletproof argument your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re about to learn about my moral and ethical code, you goddamn idiot. I will shit intelligence all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

ps im chink

>> No.11100562,1563 [INTERNAL] 

feel when stupid chink

>> No.11100562,1564 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1565 [INTERNAL] 

how small?

>> No.11100562,1566 [INTERNAL] 

7 inches ;(

>> No.11100562,1567 [INTERNAL] 

thats average

>> No.11100562,1568 [INTERNAL] 

how do you know have you seen a lot of cocks

>> No.11100562,1569 [INTERNAL] 

woah #whoa I was literally going to post the same thing but with a happy face

>> No.11100562,1570 [INTERNAL] 

yeah ive sucked a good amount in my lifetime

>> No.11100562,1571 [INTERNAL] 

how can you be happy about a microdick

>> No.11100562,1572 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself gay chink

>> No.11100562,1573 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Just a reminder that none of you are allowed on my site (http://gnfos.com/).).

>> No.11100562,1574 [INTERNAL] 

Just a reminder that none of you are allowed on my site ( http://gnfos.com/ ).

>> No.11100562,1575 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1576 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1577 [INTERNAL] 

The average is 7? I thought it was 4. This is very unsettling.

>> No.11100562,1578 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1579 [INTERNAL] 

http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48744838 dayum

>> No.11100562,1580 [INTERNAL] 

his art is actually good, shame they're all gay ass shit

>> No.11100562,1581 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,1582 [INTERNAL] 

>drive down to my old neighbourhood with gf and an old roommate buddy yesterday
>awkward 25th birthday with family
>awkwardly accept gifts and money
>parents awkwardly give me 60 dollars
>they say that its only a part of my gift
>they tell me they've literally scheduled plane flying lessons at a nearby air strip
>they are happy and excited to tell me this news
>force a smile and laugh, I don't know if this is ironic or not
>never expressed any interest in planes or flying them ever in my entire life
>just want to be the Driver
>dad tries to show me the website for the lessons
>tell him that I'm not interested in it but I appreciate the offer
>he looks at me dumbstruck
>says the lessons are already paid for
>they scheduled these lessons without consulting me first
>I get mad and ask how much he spent on this shit
>it was a lot
>parents spent a big amount of money on something they didn't even know if I wanted to do
just fucking kill me seriously

>> No.11100562,1583 [INTERNAL] 

I don't have any willingness

>> No.11100562,1584 [INTERNAL] 

いいさ いいさ

>> No.11100562,1585 [INTERNAL] 

aurora borealis comes in view
aurora comes in view

>> No.11100562,1586 [INTERNAL] 

i got 132

i'm LITERALLY the smartest person on the W >.>

>> No.11100562,1587 [INTERNAL] 

if you didn't get 134 you're a retard

>> No.11100562,1588 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1590 [INTERNAL] 

watch the flash tv show its cool

>> No.11100562,1591 [INTERNAL] 

This is how normalfag lives actually play out
Most of the time when normies fall into harder lives it's their own fault for getting tied up with drugs or something.

I can't help but be jealous.

>> No.11100562,1592 [INTERNAL] 

I get so angry when I see an amateur porn video with a cute average girl who just messes around with her boyfriend on cam. I don't even want a hot gf, just one who likes staying inside with me and likes to fugg when we're bored. Where did it all go wrong? Oh right, my birth..

>> No.11100562,1593 [INTERNAL] 

Uhm, a girl doesn't have to have sex just because YOU want it.

>> No.11100562,1594 [INTERNAL] 

Uh.. what are you even talking about?..

>> No.11100562,1595 [INTERNAL] 

You think just because YOU want sex that your girlfriend has to give it up.

>> No.11100562,1596 [INTERNAL] 

No I'm just angry because girls think I'm genetically inferior and so will never sleep with me and I did nothing to deserve this?

>> No.11100562,1597 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1598 [INTERNAL] 

are you chink?

>> No.11100562,1599 [INTERNAL] 

Do you guys listen to podcasts?

>> No.11100562,1600 [INTERNAL] 

Feel when the tiny number of girls that look interested in you run as fast as they can in the opposite direction once you open your mouth and show you're a sperg

>> No.11100562,1601 [INTERNAL] 

feel when no drivers license

feel when high school dropout

feel when never had a job

feel when no social skills and don't leave my room


>> No.11100562,1602 [INTERNAL] 

know the feel except the job one

>> No.11100562,1603 [INTERNAL] 

Good feel when there are losers on the W who are bigger failures than me.

>> No.11100562,1604 [INTERNAL] 

At least you didn't actually try and still failed

>> No.11100562,1605 [INTERNAL] 

only out of fear, I didn't even have the guts to try

>> No.11100562,1606 [INTERNAL] 

And there you go
You still have the potential to try and succeed

You don't have to wake up knowing that you did all you could but were still a failure

>> No.11100562,1607 [INTERNAL] 

It's a beautiful day.

>> No.11100562,1608 [INTERNAL] 

feel when 2:22 am

>> No.11100562,1609 [INTERNAL] 

god damn non-american scum...

>> No.11100562,1610 [INTERNAL] 

im not american either

>> No.11100562,1611 [INTERNAL] 

Aussie chink?

>> No.11100562,1612 [INTERNAL] 

>been using a random proxy for two weeks
>randomly becomes password protected

I take it they didn't like the content I was posting under their IP?..

>> No.11100562,1613 [INTERNAL] 

fukkatsu no「Feel」

>> No.11100562,1614 [INTERNAL] 

maybe I should buy a VPS with laundered bitcoin and access it through VPN so I can have an IP to post from that isn't banned

>> No.11100562,1615 [INTERNAL] 

feel when you're just sitting in hostel lobby at 3 AM waiting for the laundry to be done and then the norm running the counter starts chatting up a girl and being lewd and then they start saying you're listening and he says "yeah, he likes to listen doesn't he"

literally get a room it's not my fault...

>> No.11100562,1616 [INTERNAL] 

He knew you were a beta and wanted to humiliate you in front of the girl to display his dominance

>> No.11100562,1617 [INTERNAL] 

why do people do this ive had people look at me lik its my fault on the bus and i dont get it it is all i can listen to even if i dont want to god i fuycking hate normals

>> No.11100562,1618 [INTERNAL] 

feel when high school lesbians sit across from you on the train and do lewd stuff and you have to avert your eyes the entire time and they probably think you're a creep

>> No.11100562,1619 [INTERNAL] 

i hate peop[le like that its like ic ould bring my pillow of totori on the train and start doing that to but im not going to cause im not a fuckign asshole fucking inconsiderate

>> No.11100562,1620 [INTERNAL] 

i fucking hate people

>> No.11100562,1621 [INTERNAL] 

actually it's about ethics in hammer wielding

>> No.11100562,1622 [INTERNAL] 

whaty does that mean are construction workers inconsiderat

>> No.11100562,1623 [INTERNAL] 

it means http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v517/jetfire85/loki%202_zpsg1bzbkw4.jpg

>> No.11100562,1624 [INTERNAL] 

i dont get it thats like me saying i like the great cave offensive music in kirby super stars

>> No.11100562,1625 [INTERNAL] 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oL5QKNDT8g this one i mean

>> No.11100562,1626 [INTERNAL] 

why dont they make pince nez glasses anymore

>> No.11100562,1627 [INTERNAL] 

what is that

>> No.11100562,1628 [INTERNAL] 

its those cool ones that teddy wore

>> No.11100562,1629 [INTERNAL] 

oh cool cant you get them and look like a historial person

>> No.11100562,1630 [INTERNAL] 

do you like kirby

>> No.11100562,1631 [INTERNAL] 

i dont like kirby he is pink but i want those glasses but they dont make them

>> No.11100562,1632 [INTERNAL] 

they have to have them somewhere where do shakespeare actors and stuff get them

>> No.11100562,1633 [INTERNAL] 

im going to try and find them

>> No.11100562,1634 [INTERNAL] 

umm they are on ebay

>> No.11100562,1635 [INTERNAL] 

Why live if no fertile Nordic teen gf

>> No.11100562,1636 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1637 [INTERNAL] 

to impregnate and continue the Aryan race, duh..

>> No.11100562,1638 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1639 [INTERNAL] 

Why didn't Spyro ever develop an autistic fan base?

>> No.11100562,1640 [INTERNAL] 

just seemed realy random

i like spyro a bit h they are those skylanders arent they

>> No.11100562,1641 [INTERNAL] 

no consistent quality games

>> No.11100562,1642 [INTERNAL] 

can you stream

>> No.11100562,1643 [INTERNAL] 

It had 3 games on the psx.
Sonic only 3 games on the genesis.

>> No.11100562,1644 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1645 [INTERNAL] 

Did anyone have that Croc game for play station?

>> No.11100562,1646 [INTERNAL] 

sonic r unironically had great music

>> No.11100562,1647 [INTERNAL] 

didnt you watn to talk about glasses and kirby

>> No.11100562,1648 [INTERNAL] 

i want to watch sonic racing

>> No.11100562,1649 [INTERNAL] 

just so everyone knows this isn't an edit it's the original page from the comic

>> No.11100562,1650 [INTERNAL] 

it doesn't matter

now what happens

i will never

give up the fight

long as that voice inside

tells me to go on and fight

it doesn't matter whooooo

is wrong and who is right

>> No.11100562,1651 [INTERNAL] 

why i still dont uinderstand it

>> No.11100562,1652 [INTERNAL] 

why wouldnt it matter who is wrong and who is right that doesnt make sense

>> No.11100562,1653 [INTERNAL] 

it's hard to explain but in summary in means the writer is bad

>> No.11100562,1654 [INTERNAL] 

oh ok well thats ok with me then

>> No.11100562,1655 [INTERNAL] 

what should i eat i had a blt the other day so id ont want subway i could get groceries but i dont want ot talk to people right now

>> No.11100562,1656 [INTERNAL] 

Livin' in the city
You know you have to survive
(In the city) you have to keep the dream alive

>> No.11100562,1657 [INTERNAL] 

my friend won't watch the last two episodes of ghost in the shell arise with me even though he watched the first two because he says it's shit

even though he watches stuff like high school DxD and that new dungeon anime that I'm going to drop

what should I do

>> No.11100562,1658 [INTERNAL] 

can you help me with this >>11100562,1655

>> No.11100562,1659 [INTERNAL] 

you should help me deicde what to eat

>> No.11100562,1660 [INTERNAL] 

jesus stop memeing on everyone I'm trying to ask a serious question

for now I've told him I'm dropping the dungeon anime but he hasn't answered

>> No.11100562,1661 [INTERNAL] 

your post is the meme post with your what should i do thing i just want to get food what sohuld i eat

>> No.11100562,1662 [INTERNAL] 

stupid gnfos loser

>> No.11100562,1663 [INTERNAL] 

your post is the one about your imaginary tulpa or whatever. mine is a serious situation about someone who actually exists

he says he's not dropping the dungeon show even though he dropped arise

>> No.11100562,1664 [INTERNAL] 

no your post is all memes asshole id ont even know why oyu keep posting this i want to get food i exist and so my post is serious yours is a stupid meme post as always asshole

>> No.11100562,1665 [INTERNAL] 

fuckign meme asshole

>> No.11100562,1666 [INTERNAL] 

you're still saying blt after all this time even though I told you it's bmt twice and you would have probably said italien too if you had the chance. you're literally a meme

>> No.11100562,1667 [INTERNAL] 

i dont evne know what your talking about fuck you meme asshole your the meme you always have been every one of your posts is trying to do somethign epic even that hahaaha what should i do is a meme

>> No.11100562,1668 [INTERNAL] 

shouldnt you go off and post pictures of your dick again meme asshole or maybe epic younow posts that is so funny but no your not a meme at all just post videos of your bike and force stupid shit oh maybe is hould post sonic haha sonci racing nope not a meme sooooooonic nope not a meme at all keep saying other people arememes thoguh it makes alot of sense id ont even know what bmt stands for your probably just tryhing to do another stupid meme as usually

>> No.11100562,1669 [INTERNAL] 

it's not a meme I just want someone to sympathize with my situation where my friend has bad taste

you're the one who built up an entire meme about your imaginary friend and force intentional typos into every post. then you literally quoted two people telling them to pay attention to you

nobody cares about your italien blt or your tottotoir

>> No.11100562,1670 [INTERNAL] 

not everyone who dislikes your memery is cousin anon

>> No.11100562,1671 [INTERNAL] 

I thought totori and dickspammer were friends I don't want to see them fight like this

>> No.11100562,1672 [INTERNAL] 

im not friends with a retard that pforces stupid memes all the time now hes tryin to force a meme about people being memes and its stupid fuck that guy and fuck his stupid persona

>> No.11100562,1673 [INTERNAL] 

meme asshole eat shit and die fag

>> No.11100562,1674 [INTERNAL] 

you're the one with a literal SMT persona in your totoritiroi

>> No.11100562,1675 [INTERNAL] 

No one cares about your weeab friends either.

>> No.11100562,1676 [INTERNAL] 

I bet they care more about them than imaginary friends

>> No.11100562,1677 [INTERNAL] 

No, it's even more autistic.

>> No.11100562,1678 [INTERNAL] 

are you totori memeist stepping out of your forced typo persona for a moment to make it look like people approve

>> No.11100562,1679 [INTERNAL] 

no he isnt you fucking asshole meme i hope you die on your gbike you piece of shit i just wnted to post with people in peace and then i have you being a fuckijng retard i hope you die meme piece of shit

>> No.11100562,1680 [INTERNAL] 

Are you asking me a question?

>> No.11100562,1681 [INTERNAL] 

I already said I wasn't cousin anon

>> No.11100562,1682 [INTERNAL] 

Not as epic as the type like a retard meme.

>> No.11100562,1683 [INTERNAL] 

there's a difference between not using some punctuation and the type like a retard meme

if you want the latter you should look no further than "totori loves me and i love her totori love sme and i love her toot ori loves me and i love her totori mlvoes me and i lvoe her ltotori loves ma nd am vlaowe rher"

>> No.11100562,1684 [INTERNAL] 

i fucking hate you piece of shit now my fucking monitor is having problems cause displayport is shit fuck i want to fucking die i fucking fucking hate everything god fuckign dman it fuck you dickspammer oyu piece of shit

>> No.11100562,1685 [INTERNAL] 

They are the same level of memetardation.

>> No.11100562,1686 [INTERNAL] 

i only post like that when im really happy and want to tell everyone fucking hate you piece of shit die

>> No.11100562,1687 [INTERNAL] 

totoriqueer getting owned

>> No.11100562,1688 [INTERNAL] 

nope go away trout

>> No.11100562,1689 [INTERNAL] 

they are completely different

one is out of a lack of effort or because you don't want to seem too formal and one is an intentional effort to be retarded as a meme

>> No.11100562,1690 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1691 [INTERNAL] 

you are so fucking stupid that isnt even the thing id ont intentionaly do that at all im just posting and not correcting errors like i said before to you but your to dumb to remember

all i wanted wa sa nice place to chat with people and hang out and post and now i cant even do that because of fuckign assholes like everywhere else well fuck you to i know your just doing thsi to be epic im sure its some stupid gnfos stuff probably even have a thread up to come here and ruin things for me

>> No.11100562,1692 [INTERNAL] 

Who's this guy he looks like that AVGN cuck

>> No.11100562,1693 [INTERNAL] 

totoriqueer getting raped haha

what a fag

>> No.11100562,1694 [INTERNAL] 

Raped like the cousin

>> No.11100562,1695 [INTERNAL] 

lel first you blame trout then you blame /gnfos/ for everyone bullying you

maybe you're just a shitty, annoying person and everyone treats you appropriately? nah, that's impossible :^)

>> No.11100562,1696 [INTERNAL] 

totori is a meme stealer anywa

>> No.11100562,1697 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1698 [INTERNAL] 

stealing the no caps no punctuation running sentence talking like a child meme

>> No.11100562,1699 [INTERNAL] 

Is it a talent to be able to do something well without thinking about it?

What's it like to have talents?

>> No.11100562,1700 [INTERNAL] 

why do i even fucking bother just let me fucking die already not normal enough for warosu not normal enough for life fuckign everything sucks fuck

>> No.11100562,1701 [INTERNAL] 

its a beautiful day im gonna walk on the beach and take some field recordings i love life

>> No.11100562,1702 [INTERNAL] 

maybe stop pretending you have an imaginary girlfriend as a meme

>> No.11100562,1703 [INTERNAL] 


aww you were so close to a properly spelled post. queer.

>> No.11100562,1704 [INTERNAL] 

uhm what the hell is going on i was sleeping and i wake up and see posts about i had a fight? was i posting in my sleep or something? i went to bed like 11 hours ago and in my dream i went to the lake

>> No.11100562,1705 [INTERNAL] 

I had a dream that I bought a book for 250000 dollars about how to blow up stars in space by turning on a high powered lamp and aiming it at them

>> No.11100562,1706 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK this is some serious damage control LMAO

>> No.11100562,1707 [INTERNAL] 

that was a nice walk what a really nice day it was so windy i wonder what the recording sounds like

>> No.11100562,1708 [INTERNAL] 

I got some meth im going to snort later

>> No.11100562,1709 [INTERNAL] 

its not a meme this is life for me

im sorry i didnt mean to say mena stuff i was upset and i wasnt happy earlier anywas

>> No.11100562,1710 [INTERNAL] 

i decided to go for gorcery store instead of subway i think i can just buy a bunch of delicouse stuff

>> No.11100562,1711 [INTERNAL] 

Totori will never be fulfilled with that tiny penis, she needs you to rent her out to big-dicked black alpha males so she can feel some real pleasure and have her tight hole stretched.

>> No.11100562,1712 [INTERNAL] 

i dont even know whats going on

>> No.11100562,1713 [INTERNAL] 

I'm boycotting your stream until you apologize

>> No.11100562,1714 [INTERNAL] 

literally what did i do

i woke up, made the post in the loli thread about 11 being the best age, checked this thread and saw my name mentioned, made that post saying i was sleeping, and then went back to playing pokemon

youve got the wrong guy

>> No.11100562,1715 [INTERNAL] 

this wind screen didnt cut down the noise as much as i hoped but it was awfully windy so maybe on a less windy day it will work ok

>> No.11100562,1716 [INTERNAL] 


this is so spooky

>> No.11100562,1717 [INTERNAL] 

I want to suck a dick, any tips?

>> No.11100562,1718 [INTERNAL] 

laiens dont have human teeth

>> No.11100562,1719 [INTERNAL] 

ya they do i saw it in the video

>> No.11100562,1720 [INTERNAL] 

I had a dream that an eagle was attacking people, then it flew down on my shoulder. After it landed it turned into a chubby, blonde girl. The girl made me hold her hand and every time I would try to walk away she would pull me closer and say "You aren't trying to leave me, are you?". Then we walked away into the sunset.

>> No.11100562,1721 [INTERNAL] 

im sorry cdo you forgive me

>> No.11100562,1722 [INTERNAL] 

they dont i know aliens and theyn dont have human dteeth

>> No.11100562,1723 [INTERNAL] 

What happened to the alien radio signals

>> No.11100562,1724 [INTERNAL] 

aliens scare me and

>> No.11100562,1725 [INTERNAL] 

well nothing because nobody has figured anything out

>> No.11100562,1726 [INTERNAL] 

what if the aliens look like lolis

>> No.11100562,1727 [INTERNAL] 

I'm starting to think that using my fresh piss bottles as legwarmers is actually a really good idea. I wonder if I could disguise them in a towel or something and get my cousin to use one. It only lasts for about 10 minutes though. I might have to buy some kind of insulator when I go out later to see if I can keep the heat in longer.

>> No.11100562,1728 [INTERNAL] 

Rape wasn't enough for you? You're dangerous..

>> No.11100562,1729 [INTERNAL] 

Just tell her it's lemonade :)

>> No.11100562,1730 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1731 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1732 [INTERNAL] 

is my autism cute?

>> No.11100562,1733 [INTERNAL] 

give me ur number or i'll rape u;)

>> No.11100562,1734 [INTERNAL] 

That guy literally is not me dude god damnit not every single person with a loli cousin is me... I was helping my cousin put a chrome grill on his truck for like the past hour and a half anyway.

>> No.11100562,1735 [INTERNAL] 

I remember watching Darkness Falls as a preteenbro and it scared the heck out of me.
Gonna torrent it and see if it still holds up, it got some pretty nasty reviews though.

>> No.11100562,1736 [INTERNAL] 

i remember being scared of that movie to i dont like horror moves and that one scared me alot

>> No.11100562,1737 [INTERNAL] 

reached out a hand to try again
i'm floating in a beam of light with you
a beam of light with you

>> No.11100562,1738 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah I wrote that song

>> No.11100562,1739 [INTERNAL] 

woa can i have your autograph

>> No.11100562,1740 [INTERNAL] 

ever notice how cousin rapist takes back any posts with negative reactions by claiming they aren't him?

>> No.11100562,1741 [INTERNAL] 

wow this ron mueck guy is really good at sculpting


i cant believe all of these are fake i really like the big sleeping head

>> No.11100562,1742 [INTERNAL] 

He's sick in the head

>> No.11100562,1743 [INTERNAL] 

What do exclamation marks mean? What is an exclamation even supposed to mean? It seems to have different meanings across sociodialects. That's so weird.

>> No.11100562,1744 [INTERNAL] 

did you know & was once in the alphabet thats why people say double u ex why AND zee

>> No.11100562,1745 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck guys! They deleted the Wikipedia article for exclamation and forwarded it to ejaculation. Isn't it fishy that only women are socially allowed to use empathic sentences now? Is it the feminists conspiracy at work again?

It only leaks out of men in dregs like the dub and queers on the street. We gotta take back our ejaculations! They're oppressing our right to enthusiasm!

>> No.11100562,1746 [INTERNAL] 

wow wat a good fact

>> No.11100562,1747 [INTERNAL] 

I'm cooking spaghetti with no sauce/ Do you ever do this?

>> No.11100562,1748 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah just put cheese on it

>> No.11100562,1749 [INTERNAL] 

Shredded cheese or sliced cheese?

>> No.11100562,1750 [INTERNAL] 

Oh my god it's so good I toasted the herbs in olive oil for a couple of minutes then threw the spaghetti in the thin layer of oil and herbs and stirred it to coat it and put parm over it then now it's so tasty!

>> No.11100562,1751 [INTERNAL] 

That's really creepy eat normal food you weirdo

>> No.11100562,1752 [INTERNAL] 

Come here little boy!

>> No.11100562,1753 [INTERNAL] 

now this is memeing

>> No.11100562,1754 [INTERNAL] 

So many of my pixiv bookmarks have disappeared because artists deleting shit. Now I'll never know what was there.

>> No.11100562,1755 [INTERNAL] 

Im in a motel getting drunk and about to snort meth by myself bpught an 18 pack of budweiser and a 40

>> No.11100562,1756 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,1757 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah. I do butter, garlic, and parmesan.

>> No.11100562,1758 [INTERNAL] 

God dammit. I forgot it was Saturday and god damn Memenomi is on again.

>> No.11100562,1759 [INTERNAL] 

what memenomi?

>> No.11100562,1760 [INTERNAL] 

what is that just another epic meme you cam eup with memer

>> No.11100562,1761 [INTERNAL] 

Oh Toonami

More like Toonormie

>> No.11100562,1762 [INTERNAL] 

i dont understand

>> No.11100562,1763 [INTERNAL] 

Get a college education

>> No.11100562,1764 [INTERNAL] 

>1776 replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

This is fucking pathetic.......

>> No.11100562,1765 [INTERNAL] 

Look who came crawling back

>> No.11100562,1766 [INTERNAL] 

sad they arent posting on your shit board memer

>> No.11100562,1767 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not crawling.

>> No.11100562,1768 [INTERNAL] 

It's the exact opposite. All they do is shit it up and force me to log in to delete images of dicks and niggers and nigger's dicks.

>> No.11100562,1769 [INTERNAL] 

this is actualy more pathetic than trout posting on warosu go back to gnfos loser

>> No.11100562,1770 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I mattered

>> No.11100562,1771 [INTERNAL] 

It's funny because you have no idea who you're fucking with here. Is this your first day or something?

They usually talk about me within the first hour or two of orientation but I guess you were playing hookie or sleeping. Not your brightest decision, and likely your last.

>> No.11100562,1772 [INTERNAL] 

thats why its pathetic and in the first place half your persona is because of me as ive told you before oyu bipolar freak

>> No.11100562,1773 [INTERNAL] 

I've been trying to install Arch for two and a half hours while high.

>> No.11100562,1774 [INTERNAL] 

>They usually talk about me within the first hour or two of orientation

They talk about you in the sense of being 'that creepy retarded kid in high school' notorious, not 'internet celebrity hot topic' famous.

>> No.11100562,1775 [INTERNAL] 

Who are you?

That's right - nobody.

>> No.11100562,1776 [INTERNAL] 

Say that on my site so I can ban you.

>> No.11100562,1777 [INTERNAL] 

I know you've only been around since 2008 or so but having a persona isn't a good thing Trev-Trev.

>> No.11100562,1778 [INTERNAL] 

I know you're jealous of my 1776 GET but that's no excuse for lying. I've proven multiple times that I was on 4chan regularly in 2005.

Why don't you stop projecting your failures onto me and get on with your own life instead of desperately clinging to mine? It's what the Japanese call... how do you say...... "kimochi warui".

>> No.11100562,1779 [INTERNAL] 

Can we get a better T impersonator in here? This just won't cut it.

>> No.11100562,1780 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1781 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1782 [INTERNAL] 

goin 2 the store what size condomme should i buy?

>> No.11100562,1783 [INTERNAL] 

What if this guy made a hyper realistic loli? Would he get arrested?

>> No.11100562,1784 [INTERNAL] 

Why? Condoms make for horrible balloons.

>> No.11100562,1785 [INTERNAL] 

Definitely not. I think something like that is clearly covered as art considering these things probably take quite a while to make and clearly require an artistic mind to create. It's not like those CG movies that are illegal.

>> No.11100562,1786 [INTERNAL] 

i want to posh wank no matter what

>> No.11100562,1787 [INTERNAL] 

go be unfunny elsewhere

>> No.11100562,1788 [INTERNAL] 

You walk into my house and tell me to leave??

I suddenly know how Rodney Dangerfield feels. Fucking kids these days have no respect....

>> No.11100562,1789 [INTERNAL] 

tired and old, go away child

>> No.11100562,1790 [INTERNAL] 


T describes his life on national television.

>> No.11100562,1791 [INTERNAL] 

I sit down to pee

>> No.11100562,1792 [INTERNAL] 

I'm going to murder every last user of warosu.

Tell the cops, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.11100562,1793 [INTERNAL] 

uh does this mean theres two people killing me

>> No.11100562,1794 [INTERNAL] 

I'm gonna cave your skull in this summer

>> No.11100562,1795 [INTERNAL] 

I just got back and I got some cat food. When I fed my cats I took the water bowl on the side of the house and filled it up, then I sprayed down the vines on the side of the house and watched all the moths and bugs fly around. Either the water on the side of the wall or the water on the dirt smelled amazingly good. I miss that smell.

I also found a French Bakery in the next town with an attached crepe shop. Unfortunately they both close at 2PM so if I do visit one it'll have to be a special thing that I wake up early for.

>> No.11100562,1796 [INTERNAL] 

God damn why the fuck does this Pokemon artwork turn me on so much? A lot of the girl trainer artwork that shows up before each and every battle literally gives me a boner.


Also Haruka is cute?


I need to buy X/Y so I can enjoy more of these.

>> No.11100562,1797 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1798 [INTERNAL] 

guys what the fuck these condoms are literally really small god damnit i got the regular ones because someone was stocking the aisle right behind me and was probably watching me make my decision and motherfucker they had no magnum xls and regular magnums are not wider at the base at all they had no durex xls either there was just a pack of condoms that said "bigger at the base and longer" but there was like 6 in there and thats too many just to jerk off into

>> No.11100562,1799 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you buying condoms, normalshit?

>> No.11100562,1800 [INTERNAL] 

He said why in his post you stupid fucking asshole

>> No.11100562,1801 [INTERNAL] 

because i want to posh wank no matter what but i dont think these will be enjoyable to use at all

>> No.11100562,1802 [INTERNAL] 

Playing Pokemon just isn't the same as it was when I was a kid.. sigh.

>> No.11100562,1803 [INTERNAL] 

Condoms? Just get an onahole you dumb fuck.

>> No.11100562,1804 [INTERNAL] 

let's battle i'm iusedtobeaghost

>> No.11100562,1805 [INTERNAL] 

With these last games I've played (Emerald and Alpha Sappire) I've really, really enjoyed them. They're relaxing, they have nice music, and some of the dialog is pretty funny. The Trick Master in particular cracks me up, and seeing that Pokemon Collector (overweight man with square rimless glasses and a white button up shirt tucked into jeans) ogling a little girl's Pokemon is pretty funny too.

All in all I think these games are more enjoyable now than they used to be. They've come a very long way and made many improvements since Red and Blue. Even just all the details visible on the 3DS that weren't visible or possible on the GBC make it far more enjoyable. I can see how the Pokemon actually attacks, and I can see in detail the trainers since they're literally drawings now. I like it.

And of course the trainers are cute as hell

>> No.11100562,1806 [INTERNAL] 

i already have an onaholes

>> No.11100562,1807 [INTERNAL] 

skrelp is the best pokemon

>> No.11100562,1808 [INTERNAL] 

I like spoink

>> No.11100562,1809 [INTERNAL] 

thats a really lewd sounding name

>> No.11100562,1810 [INTERNAL] 

u probably want to fuck spoink u sick FUCK

>> No.11100562,1811 [INTERNAL] 

how come no one told me the yuruyuri ova was out?

>> No.11100562,1812 [INTERNAL] 

I found a loli spoink

>> No.11100562,1813 [INTERNAL] 

people on the W have good taste in anime

>> No.11100562,1814 [INTERNAL] 

shes brown but the inside of her pussy is pink

>> No.11100562,1815 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1816 [INTERNAL] 

i want to murder a loli and sex her cute corpse

>> No.11100562,1817 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis love being murdered

>> No.11100562,1818 [INTERNAL] 

I got a nice pocket knife and when I hold it I feel powerful and want to know what it's life to live in some ancient tribe and go to war and slice people to death

>> No.11100562,1819 [INTERNAL] 

Can you imagine how good it must feel to take someone's life away from them

>> No.11100562,1820 [INTERNAL] 

You must feel like a god

>> No.11100562,1821 [INTERNAL] 

I read the journals of some serial killers and they all say it feels amazing. You can erase all their life accomplishments, all their dreams and goals, with such a simple action. Everything they've ever done becomes nothing as their heart stops.

>> No.11100562,1822 [INTERNAL] 

you didn't include hex maniac...

>> No.11100562,1823 [INTERNAL] 

you guys are scaring me stop

>> No.11100562,1824 [INTERNAL] 

women love murders

all serial killers who never had gf suddenly get tons of fan mail from females once in prison

women are programmed to like violent men who take and do what they want

>> No.11100562,1825 [INTERNAL] 

arizona nigger murdered his cousin

>> No.11100562,1826 [INTERNAL] 

I heard even elliot-sama has female fans

>> No.11100562,1827 [INTERNAL] 

yuruyuri is good

>> No.11100562,1828 [INTERNAL] 

can't stop jerking off to this please help


>> No.11100562,1829 [INTERNAL] 

You pedophiles are fucking disgusting.

>> No.11100562,1830 [INTERNAL] 

sick fuck

>> No.11100562,1831 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1832 [INTERNAL] 

I'm surprised motherless doesn't take this down. It's a normalfag site nowadays, it used to be pretty underground and have tons of CP and bestiality.

Now that it gets so much traffic they had to make it normie friendly.

>> No.11100562,1833 [INTERNAL] 

kill yourself, cousin rapist

>> No.11100562,1834 [INTERNAL] 

she doesnt turn me on

>> No.11100562,1835 [INTERNAL] 

god damn this again? im literally sitting here in bed still playing pokemon i got to route 118 and met with steven and got latias and my mega watch thing and im going to sleep so stop blaming stuff on me when im literally sleeping?

>> No.11100562,1836 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1837 [INTERNAL] 

is a cute gf who calls me daddy and is super submissive too much to ask for fuck

>> No.11100562,1838 [INTERNAL] 

fucking creep

>> No.11100562,1839 [INTERNAL] 

how is it creepy, I just want a little cute gf who likes having her tight pussy filled with daddy's cock while she whimpers

>> No.11100562,1840 [INTERNAL] 

>go on omegle to find some cute girls
>"unmoderated section"
>first "stranger" im matched with is looping a CP gif of a baby

god fucking damint

>> No.11100562,1841 [INTERNAL] 

Enjoy getting raped in prison, kiddo.

>> No.11100562,1842 [INTERNAL] 

do hear
i want that power
go faster
without blue...
the beast..

>> No.11100562,1843 [INTERNAL] 

Share the gif?

>> No.11100562,1844 [INTERNAL] 

Why would I have saved it..

>> No.11100562,1845 [INTERNAL] 

To share?

>> No.11100562,1846 [INTERNAL] 

how do I get my sister's friends phone number? what excuse should I give? her phone has a password so I can't get it by stealing it..

>> No.11100562,1847 [INTERNAL] 

planning on raping another girl you sick fuck?..

>> No.11100562,1848 [INTERNAL] 

>going through my old emails
>sending girls nudes to their family members

Damn, I was a piece of shit..

>> No.11100562,1849 [INTERNAL] 

>not blackmailing them into sending you more nudes first


>> No.11100562,1850 [INTERNAL] 

You have to be a special kind of dumbass to think that section isn't moderated.

>> No.11100562,1851 [INTERNAL] 

I just clicked on it to see what it was and it automatically matched me with someone streaming CP.

>> No.11100562,1852 [INTERNAL] 

isn't omegle monitored by the nsa?

>> No.11100562,1853 [INTERNAL] 

The South will rise again

>> No.11100562,1854 [INTERNAL] 

kill every last yankee bastard

>> No.11100562,1855 [INTERNAL] 

And the FBI.

>> No.11100562,1856 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

And the FBI.

>> No.11100562,1857 [INTERNAL] 

I just jerked it and my orgasm wasn't very good

>> No.11100562,1858 [INTERNAL] 

like this trashcan meme

>> No.11100562,1859 [INTERNAL] 

You need to hold it in longer!

>> No.11100562,1860 [INTERNAL] 

if your fap sessions are under an hour you're a plebeian

>> No.11100562,1861 [INTERNAL] 

How long until we'll have real gladiator combat matches like they used to in Rome? As long as it's consenting adults what's the problem.

>> No.11100562,1862 [INTERNAL] 

Just got back from the motel still tired didnt sleep and i trew up and im still a little buzzed

>> No.11100562,1863 [INTERNAL] 

uh.. are u a normalfag

>> No.11100562,1864 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah im a normalgag cause i get drunk in motel rooms by myself fucking idiot teenshit

>> No.11100562,1865 [INTERNAL] 

why were u at a hotel..

>> No.11100562,1866 [INTERNAL] 

I still have a little meth left time to do a quick line

>> No.11100562,1867 [INTERNAL] 

It was a motel and to get drunk and do meth

>> No.11100562,1868 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1869 [INTERNAL] 

Why? Uhh cause im ashamed of my addiction but it isnt bad enough to the ooint where im sucking dick for drugs in some alley

>> No.11100562,1870 [INTERNAL] 

why not just do it in your room

>> No.11100562,1871 [INTERNAL] 

Mom gets mad she found my drugs before

>> No.11100562,1872 [INTERNAL] 

i want to do it in your room

>> No.11100562,1873 [INTERNAL] 

damn ur a pretty big failure

>> No.11100562,1874 [INTERNAL] 

fizzle when the W is dead because all the teenbros are celebrating easter with their families

god damn just likk me

>> No.11100562,1875 [INTERNAL] 


You just need to be craftier. Renting a hotel is expensive you could spend it on more dope.

>> No.11100562,1876 [INTERNAL] 

im still here

>> No.11100562,1877 [INTERNAL] 

When will it be MY turn for a gf

>> No.11100562,1878 [INTERNAL] 

when technology gets advanced enough to have hyper realistic androids will they have rights like we do

>> No.11100562,1879 [INTERNAL] 

I think they will get rights eventually just like niggers. It's clear they aren't people but we just can't help feeling bad even though we know they're subhuman.

>> No.11100562,1880 [INTERNAL] 

no point in living if I'll never be a hobbit and live in the shire

>> No.11100562,1881 [INTERNAL] 

why are there literal drugnorms on the W

>> No.11100562,1882 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1883 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1884 [INTERNAL] 

uh it's not clear they aren't people we don't even understand how consciousness works so we might create it without knowing

>> No.11100562,1885 [INTERNAL] 

just fucking kill me

>> No.11100562,1886 [INTERNAL] 

i've been playing hentaiverse i'm almost level 30

>> No.11100562,1887 [INTERNAL] 

hi im up and i had another loli dream

>> No.11100562,1888 [INTERNAL] 

You've been posting the entire time trying to rile people up

>> No.11100562,1889 [INTERNAL] 

uh no i havent i handcuffed myself to bed and had my cat undo the cuffs when i woke up?

>> No.11100562,1890 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,1891 [INTERNAL] 

feel when nanoha was never good

>> No.11100562,1892 [INTERNAL] 


why do gay people sound like such faggots

>> No.11100562,1893 [INTERNAL] 

alright time for more pokemon

>> No.11100562,1894 [INTERNAL] 



(I hope they notice me......)

>> No.11100562,1895 [INTERNAL] 

im chink

>> No.11100562,1896 [INTERNAL] 

queerNEET scum

>> No.11100562,1897 [INTERNAL] 

fizzle when stopped posted on gnfos and now its dead without me

had enough of teeboys desperate publicity stunts and attention whoring

>> No.11100562,1898 [INTERNAL] 

Holding a fresh piss bottle up to your face is one of the best feelings imaginable, right next to sex with underage white relatives.

>> No.11100562,1899 [INTERNAL] 

Just cruisin' the country on my motorcycle looking for cousins to fuck

>> No.11100562,1900 [INTERNAL] 

I can't understand the plots of ghost in the shell arise

>> No.11100562,1901 [INTERNAL] 

I want someone to try and rob me so I can kill them in self-defense with my new knife

>> No.11100562,1902 [INTERNAL] 

Go hunting you subhuman

no one misses you teenbro

>> No.11100562,1903 [INTERNAL] 

I was going to say typical american but you said knife not gun

>> No.11100562,1904 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you so confrontational

>> No.11100562,1905 [INTERNAL] 

free willy when nothing to eat in the fridge

>> No.11100562,1906 [INTERNAL] 

what kind of retarded wild animal could I kill just with a knife

>> No.11100562,1907 [INTERNAL] 

>someone from gnfos calling another person a teenbro


>> No.11100562,1908 [INTERNAL] 

a wild human

>> No.11100562,1909 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1910 [INTERNAL] 

I actually ride a lot in the outskirts/country because the air smells really good and it's prettier.

>> No.11100562,1911 [INTERNAL] 

i'm getting rekt by the final boss in pillars of eternity omg

>> No.11100562,1912 [INTERNAL] 

Can I run that game

>> No.11100562,1913 [INTERNAL] 

is pillars of eternity good I like paradox and play Victoria 2 a lot

>> No.11100562,1914 [INTERNAL] 

um probably, im playing on a 3 year old laptop

um its good i guess, but not like victoria, it's like baldurs gate

>> No.11100562,1915 [INTERNAL] 

Oh yeah?

>> No.11100562,1916 [INTERNAL] 

seriously why live at all after seeing this

>> No.11100562,1917 [INTERNAL] 

whats the problem

just choose to become gay like I did

>> No.11100562,1918 [INTERNAL] 

you aren't a true W if you don't have a desktop

>> No.11100562,1919 [INTERNAL] 

its just a number its not like getting someones number is a guarantee for anything you fucking retarde

>> No.11100562,1920 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK titanquest is on steam time to spend a week of my life playing this game 24/7. one of the only games I played as a kid that didn't make me want to quit and go play WoW

>> No.11100562,1921 [INTERNAL] 

>Buy Titan Quest Gold
>German low violence version only available with German language.


>> No.11100562,1922 [INTERNAL] 

it's so they don't start another world war

>> No.11100562,1923 [INTERNAL] 

stop it I know it's you trolling the thread I'm in

>> No.11100562,1924 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1925 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off trout

>> No.11100562,1926 [INTERNAL] 

i didnt say i dont have a desktop, i said im playing on a laptop are you are retarded?

>> No.11100562,1927 [INTERNAL] 

you aren't a true W if your most powerful machine isn't a desktop

>> No.11100562,1928 [INTERNAL] 

He raped his cousin, what did you expect?

>> No.11100562,1929 [INTERNAL] 

I don't mind the rape but I wish he'd quit harassing everyone

>> No.11100562,1930 [INTERNAL] 

I'm running into a lot of retards lately.

>> No.11100562,1931 [INTERNAL] 

get rid of some of the mirrors in your house lol

>> No.11100562,1932 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1933 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1934 [INTERNAL] 

gotta admit that was pretty funny

>> No.11100562,1935 [INTERNAL] 

I'm started to get aroused by horses whats wrong with me

>> No.11100562,1936 [INTERNAL] 

G-D clearly states in the Bible he wrote that bestiality is a sin

>> No.11100562,1937 [INTERNAL] 

god didnt write the bible retard

>> No.11100562,1938 [INTERNAL] 

Prove it, degenerate.

>> No.11100562,1939 [INTERNAL] 

God invented the word of man and thus is responsible for all written works

>> No.11100562,1940 [INTERNAL] 

accept Jesus as your Lord and savior or else be doomed to eternal hellfire, heathens

>> No.11100562,1941 [INTERNAL] 

um then if god made all man and gave him all a dick and rape urges why a man go to jail when he rape?

>> No.11100562,1942 [INTERNAL] 


Because rape is wrong and I hope the police finally locks you up.

>> No.11100562,1943 [INTERNAL] 

if god is responsible for the things he gives man then he is responsible for the rape too

>> No.11100562,1944 [INTERNAL] 

god is to blame for everyone on the w

>> No.11100562,1945 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus would have posted on the W

>If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.

>Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

>> No.11100562,1946 [INTERNAL] 

do you think jesus could piss wine

>> No.11100562,1947 [INTERNAL] 

only if you sucked his cock first

>> No.11100562,1948 [INTERNAL] 

does that mean even in death ill never be able to find peace from the likes of cousin rapist, totori autist and suicide loser?

>> No.11100562,1949 [INTERNAL] 

mom got me a chocolate bunny, gum, and some cream soda for easter

>> No.11100562,1950 [INTERNAL] 

I really want to jack off a stallion. I would use my mouth but I think it's too small. I want to feel horse cum all over my face.

>> No.11100562,1951 [INTERNAL] 

this is what happens when you take Jesus Christ our Lord out of the schools...

>> No.11100562,1952 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you lumping me in with those two? Other people are the ones trying force their lies about me into a meme. I'm not doing anything myself.

>> No.11100562,1953 [INTERNAL] 

You are my fire
The one desire
Believe when I say
I want it that way

>> No.11100562,1954 [INTERNAL] 

how do i become a wmeme

>> No.11100562,1955 [INTERNAL] 

Trust me kid, you don't want this life........


>> No.11100562,1956 [INTERNAL] 

step 1: force typos into your post
step 2: try to build up sympathy by saying you're going to kill yourself every day. make sure to never actually do it
step 3: give your meme suicides a reason behind them like all your family being dead, or your upstanding asian-american friend pointing out that you're a retard, or maybe to be with your imaginary tulpa friend
step 4: reply to people to force them to engage in your memery by methods such as "trigger words" or just beg them to pay attention to your posts
step 5: come up with a memetic catch phrase like "tototoritir" or "just fucking killme"

for an alternative method maybe you can slowly build yourself up with childish blog posts and photo spam of your dick, your room and all the epic locales at which you use your laptop

good luck!

>> No.11100562,1957 [INTERNAL] 

No but seriously I want to pleasure a stallion's big cock

>> No.11100562,1958 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1959 [INTERNAL] 

pillars of eternity is shit

>> No.11100562,1960 [INTERNAL] 

feel when one of your posts from circa 2009 got posted in 2015 but never really took off big time

why can't I be an obscure internet celebrity on a board with 10 posters?

>> No.11100562,1961 [INTERNAL] 

wrpgs are for dweebs

>> No.11100562,1962 [INTERNAL] 

I hate when a stranger engages in smalltalk with me because it's so rare it always catches me off guard and I end up saying something retarded

>> No.11100562,1963 [INTERNAL] 

guys i still cant think of a nintendo network id please help please

>> No.11100562,1964 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1965 [INTERNAL] 

feel when literally use "you too" all the time

>> No.11100562,1966 [INTERNAL] 

once I told my friend that I sometimes just stay in bed all day waiting for their chat window to come up on screen

why did I say that
they probably thought I was creep
I'm so fucking stupid

>> No.11100562,1967 [INTERNAL] 

Where are some places I can take a girl on a date?

>> No.11100562,1968 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1969 [INTERNAL] 

its sjw game with bad combat too

>> No.11100562,1970 [INTERNAL] 

my house you cuck

>> No.11100562,1971 [INTERNAL] 

how old is she

>> No.11100562,1972 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1973 [INTERNAL] 

Uh how is it a social justice game

>> No.11100562,1974 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I had a cute nine year old loli girlfriend who I could take to the crepe shop I found in the next town...

>> No.11100562,1975 [INTERNAL] 

i hope you rot in jail next to thad cousin fucker

>> No.11100562,1976 [INTERNAL] 

there was a line about a guy going home with a girl and finding out she's a man and the developers removed it and apologized for transphobia

>> No.11100562,1977 [INTERNAL] 

seriously what's the point in anything

why even try

I'll always just be a fucking penniless retard

>> No.11100562,1978 [INTERNAL] 

i guess your right

>> No.11100562,1979 [INTERNAL] 

im eating cookies for dinner haha?

>> No.11100562,1980 [INTERNAL] 

don't use haha it makes you look like a girl

>> No.11100562,1981 [INTERNAL] 

i want to seem cute haha?

>> No.11100562,1982 [INTERNAL] 

I feel much more comfortable as a woman in RPGs. It kills me knowing I'll never be impregnated by a strong alpha.

>> No.11100562,1983 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1984 [INTERNAL] 

it's not cute it makes you look like a slutty facebook girl

>> No.11100562,1985 [INTERNAL] 

i really want to lick a lolis butthole am i crazy

>> No.11100562,1986 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1987 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1988 [INTERNAL] 

god doesn't exist

>> No.11100562,1989 [INTERNAL] 

isopropyl alcohol are you there??

please tell me your still alive...

>> No.11100562,1990 [INTERNAL] 

haha haha

>> No.11100562,1991 [INTERNAL] 

i want to lick s lolis nipples

>> No.11100562,1992 [INTERNAL] 

fucking stop it isn't even funny

it really just looks like a facebook bitch posting

>> No.11100562,1993 [INTERNAL] 

i want to lick a lolis underdeveloped clit

>> No.11100562,1994 [INTERNAL] 

dude you need to chill out haha

>> No.11100562,1995 [INTERNAL] 

Reading stuff like this makes me feel weird...

>> No.11100562,1996 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,1997 [INTERNAL] 

I love you saten-san

>> No.11100562,1998 [INTERNAL] 

is haha posting a new meme?

>> No.11100562,1999 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2000 [INTERNAL] 

my favorite is a statement followed by a question mark haha?

and the question mark after the haha makes it seem like youre not sure if you want to laugh haha?

>> No.11100562,2001 [INTERNAL] 

if it is it really sucks 2015 was supposed to be warosu's best meme year
what happened to that guy that said he would make the best meme ever this year

>> No.11100562,2002 [INTERNAL] 

stop it asshole

>> No.11100562,2003 [INTERNAL] 

should i stream h1z1

>> No.11100562,2004 [INTERNAL] 

finally gonna do it tonight wish me luck bros

>> No.11100562,2005 [INTERNAL] 

loving the suicide meme

>> No.11100562,2006 [INTERNAL] 

thanks its some of my best work

>> No.11100562,2007 [INTERNAL] 

I think your "blame everything on trout and cousin anon" meme is your true magnum opus

the suicide thing is just stolen from suicide loser who in turn stole it from T

>> No.11100562,2008 [INTERNAL] 

If I had a horse it would be a huge stallion and jack him off daily to keep him satisfied

>> No.11100562,2009 [INTERNAL] 

pedophilia is fine but bestiality is fucking disgusting

>> No.11100562,2010 [INTERNAL] 

bestiality is disgusting but pedophilia is evil

>> No.11100562,2011 [INTERNAL] 

What about lolis doing things with animals?

>> No.11100562,2012 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, literally *everything* was stolen from me.

4chan/warosu is my ebaumsworld.

>> No.11100562,2013 [INTERNAL] 

im bored someone give me something to do

>> No.11100562,2014 [INTERNAL] 

suck a dick

>> No.11100562,2015 [INTERNAL] 

This isn't 2012, you're nobody now.

>> No.11100562,2016 [INTERNAL] 

This is such a shitty meme, give it up already.

>> No.11100562,2017 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2018 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2019 [INTERNAL] 

*sees the semen lodged in your throat and vomits*

>> No.11100562,2020 [INTERNAL] 

The year was 2020
He was a teenager like any other
Dreaming of his heroes and in love with a loli
But on a thunderous night along a ragged coast
A mysterious wolf came to him
Its power lighting his eyes blood-red

In a flash all was lost in the hellfire of twisted howls
When our hero emerged from the burning wreckage
He and the wolf had become one, their souls spliced forever
Leaving him to wonder the night alone
Invisible to everyone but her.

>> No.11100562,2021 [INTERNAL] 

You a Wolf's Rain otaku?

>> No.11100562,2022 [INTERNAL] 

I'm blocking this shithole forever.

>> No.11100562,2023 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor should have just quit after 2012 and not degraded himself like this.. he's ruined his legacy

>> No.11100562,2024 [INTERNAL] 

i watched like 5 episodes of this anime is it good should i finish it it seemed good

he needs the constant attention because his parents never showed him love

>> No.11100562,2025 [INTERNAL] 

My legacy has netted me $115 so far, it's looking just fine to me....

>> No.11100562,2026 [INTERNAL] 

just sent $116 to otamin

>> No.11100562,2027 [INTERNAL] 

My mom is now asking me how do I clear her internet history. God damn my mom is a retard, my brother is a retard, warosu is full of retards, this guy I've been arguing with all day is an utter retard...I'm sick and fucking tired of being around people of lower intelligence.

>> No.11100562,2028 [INTERNAL] 

Sure. And I'm not a biologist.

Try to make your lies less obvious.

>> No.11100562,2029 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not saying it in a joking manner.

>> No.11100562,2030 [INTERNAL] 

*tips fedora*

I know how you feel my brother. These subhuman cattle aren't worthy of our presence.

>> No.11100562,2031 [INTERNAL] 


You actually paid money to get a degree in a soft science? You're joking right?..

>> No.11100562,2032 [INTERNAL] 

That's like saying someone is of lower intelligence because you know how to use reddit and they don't, or like saying you're of lower intelligence because they know how to write in LISP and you don't.

>> No.11100562,2033 [INTERNAL] 

Say that on my website.

>> No.11100562,2034 [INTERNAL] 

No you see that's the thing. You try to instill some critical thinking to these retards and they STILL CANT GET THE PROCESS. I don't understand how people can be THIS FUCKING STUPID.

>> No.11100562,2035 [INTERNAL] 


You should see the paper I had to rewrite for my brother's college class. He writes like a fucking 4th grader:

I like dogs because reason number 1 they are soft reason number 2 they are cuddly reason number 3 they are protective. I will tell you why that is.

I like dogs because they are soft. Why are they soft because dogs have fur.....etc

Reason two that I like dogs is that they are cuddly. Cuddly dogs....etc..


In conclusion dogs are x y z and you should get a dog to!!!


>> No.11100562,2036 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody in college wrote that unless they're on a sports team, stop making shit up.

>> No.11100562,2037 [INTERNAL] 

and the grammar and the typos and the length of how long each sentence was

"Anon do you know how to clear the history on my firefox? History getting to big and I'm worried."

>> No.11100562,2038 [INTERNAL] 


Why on earth would I be making shit up? Now it's obviously not what he wrote (he did write about pets) but the format of the paper is typical 5th grade writing format. The "list 3 reasons" and explain your reason in each paragraph of the first sentence then in conclusion end it with the typical 5th grade closing. I just closed the paper and didn't save it less I would have posted the paper I'll go look for it then retype it.

>> No.11100562,2039 [INTERNAL] 

2nd of all it's college for retards which is community college

>> No.11100562,2040 [INTERNAL] 

3rd of all if it was a good paper I WOULDN'T BE FORCED TO REWRITE HIS PAPER FOR HIM because my mom even knew it was bad.

>> No.11100562,2041 [INTERNAL] 

Autism alert

He obviously didn't give a shit when he wrote it and just wanted to get it out of the way. He's not retarded - you are.

>> No.11100562,2042 [INTERNAL] 

is the literally retarded pedonigger seriously calling other people retarded?

>> No.11100562,2043 [INTERNAL] 


He didn't have to write about pets he could have written about any subject. He just can't write for shit. His posts on social media is ridden full of grammar mistakes and it shows in his college papers. That is no excuse for not wanting to write less than 1000 words.

>> No.11100562,2044 [INTERNAL] 


I probably write at least 5000 words minimum each day just posting on stupid sites like this.

>> No.11100562,2045 [INTERNAL] 

stop bragging, smartnormie

>> No.11100562,2046 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2047 [INTERNAL] 

im a fatneet chink

>> No.11100562,2048 [INTERNAL] 

>His posts on social media is ridden full of grammar mistakes

You meant riddled, dumbass.

Holy shit you people are stupid. No wonder I left....

>> No.11100562,2049 [INTERNAL] 

Look at that fucking disgusting normalshit orbiter all over my hime sama


>> No.11100562,2050 [INTERNAL] 

>... posts ... is

>> No.11100562,2051 [INTERNAL] 

I just picked whatever was in spell check first because I was typing at 100wpm in rage.

I knew you stupid itdiots would try to find some errors in the posts

>> No.11100562,2052 [INTERNAL] 

mnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyhjaee aneffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888eeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyya9weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee f

>> No.11100562,2053 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, riiiiiiiight......

>> No.11100562,2054 [INTERNAL] 

on the right
don't let the proportions confuse you, I'm not that tall it's just my family is incredibly short as all chinks are

>> No.11100562,2055 [INTERNAL] 

im chink

>> No.11100562,2056 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2057 [INTERNAL] 

what did i do now? ive been playing h1z1 ever since i asked if i should stream it and that was like two hours ago haha


>> No.11100562,2058 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2059 [INTERNAL] 

Is that a sweatpants material skirt?

>> No.11100562,2060 [INTERNAL] 

i really like writing but only about lolis

>> No.11100562,2061 [INTERNAL] 

sick fuck

>> No.11100562,2062 [INTERNAL] 

what's w's drink of choice.

>> No.11100562,2063 [INTERNAL] 


What other writing style is there lmao are you a liberal arts major. You know using verbose flowery language will just make the teachers laugh at you for trying too hard to seem smart instead of doing actual research.

>> No.11100562,2064 [INTERNAL] 

i shouldn't have eaten that entire chocolate bunny

>> No.11100562,2065 [INTERNAL] 

miria's snug cun-cun

>> No.11100562,2066 [INTERNAL] 

why live?

>> No.11100562,2067 [INTERNAL] 

I really need a new 140mm fan and some noise reducing stuff for all of my fans... Plus my CPU fan is really loud... It might be worth it to get a larger heatsink that allows access to a larger selection of quiet fans...

>> No.11100562,2068 [INTERNAL] 

I've never turned my fan up past 50% should I

>> No.11100562,2069 [INTERNAL] 

Oh boy, the nerds are talking about fucking FANS now....

This is exactly why you losers will never get a gf. You're boring as drywall and twice as dumb when it comes to girls. You might as well tattoo the letter L to your foreheads...

>> No.11100562,2070 [INTERNAL] 

i dont know if its not overheating or making a weird noise i guess not mines usually about at 50-60% but its a small fan so it has to spin faster to move a lot of air and its annoying

>> No.11100562,2071 [INTERNAL] 

Fans and girls, both something you'll never have


>> No.11100562,2072 [INTERNAL] 

I really hope these guys aren't serious. I'm tired of reporting hopelessly.


>> No.11100562,2073 [INTERNAL] 

The game is closing anyway so calm down autismo. I know a whole one new thread would probably give you an aneurysm.

>> No.11100562,2074 [INTERNAL] 

just saw an email I sent 5 years ago that said "we do not forgive we do not forget" unironically

just kill me

>> No.11100562,2075 [INTERNAL] 

Show By Rock!! might have been entertaining if it didn't switch to 3d cg animation

>> No.11100562,2076 [INTERNAL] 

There's nothing I hate in weeabdom more than Madoka.

>> No.11100562,2077 [INTERNAL] 

i thought of something witty to post in this thread last night buy i forgot now

>> No.11100562,2078 [INTERNAL] 

>dreaming about the W


>> No.11100562,2079 [INTERNAL] 

Mar I just wanna fly by until the sun sets.

>> No.11100562,2080 [INTERNAL] 

Whenever I mod I game I end up going overboard until I get a CTD error and the game is unplayable. Why am I even alive?

>> No.11100562,2081 [INTERNAL] 

feelio when me dad isnt answering

>> No.11100562,2082 [INTERNAL] 

The sun sets earlier the higher you go and up high it never sets. It's circumstantial. If we keep circling after the sun then tomorrow won't come. It'll come if you sit dead center and wait. Wait too long and you'll sink underground where the sun can't reach.

>> No.11100562,2083 [INTERNAL] 

dad WTFFFF answer the phone..

>> No.11100562,2084 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2085 [INTERNAL] 

Tread the mud, reach for the sun, catch the rays, and shine!

>> No.11100562,2086 [INTERNAL] 

Get in here single mother bros
How do you deal with the emotional problems

>> No.11100562,2087 [INTERNAL] 

hes dead kiddo

>> No.11100562,2088 [INTERNAL] 

How many of you get bennies for depression and live alone? Were you already on your own or do you qualify for housing? If I can't move out I'm better of just dying.

>> No.11100562,2089 [INTERNAL] 

don't take drugs for depression

>> No.11100562,2090 [INTERNAL] 

Professional medical advice from a qualified physician.

>> No.11100562,2091 [INTERNAL] 

i took drugs for depression once
now i'm dead

>> No.11100562,2092 [INTERNAL] 

Of course I won't take them, unless storing them up and taking them all at once can kill, which means getting housing.

Only jannies can post from the grave.

>> No.11100562,2093 [INTERNAL] 

shrinks aren't physicians either.

>> No.11100562,2094 [INTERNAL] 

People raised by single mothers either end up being trannys, serial killers, or professional athletes.

>> No.11100562,2095 [INTERNAL] 

Single motherhood will be the death of western society

>> No.11100562,2096 [INTERNAL] 

medication for "mental illness" is something pushed by pharmaceutical companies to make more money

that's why in the last couple generation suddenly everything is a mental illness

I read something that says 50% of people will experience some mental illness in their life

like WTF how is it a mental illness if the majority of people will have one in sometime in their lives

>> No.11100562,2097 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2098 [INTERNAL] 

Are you a subhuman?

>> No.11100562,2099 [INTERNAL] 

why are women such whores

>> No.11100562,2100 [INTERNAL] 

Because they don't need a husband to support them anymore so they think they're strong and independent. So the kid grows up without a dad because she doesn't need no man and sits in daycare all day alone getting bullied.


>> No.11100562,2101 [INTERNAL] 

kill all women

>> No.11100562,2102 [INTERNAL] 

fuckign women whore bitches

>> No.11100562,2103 [INTERNAL] 

women fuck everyone but me

>> No.11100562,2104 [INTERNAL] 

normie holocast when

>> No.11100562,2105 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2106 [INTERNAL] 

are you a slave

>> No.11100562,2107 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2108 [INTERNAL] 

to my dick

>> No.11100562,2109 [INTERNAL] 

isn't that literally master roshi and bubbles?

>> No.11100562,2110 [INTERNAL] 

me and dtotori are eating bacon chikcen sandwiches and drinking crush orange

>> No.11100562,2111 [INTERNAL] 

was hitler a normie

>> No.11100562,2112 [INTERNAL] 

probably not but he wasnt a neet god like us either

>> No.11100562,2113 [INTERNAL] 

No, Hitler was what happens when a NEET loser like us actually happens to become incredibly powerful.

That's why the normies go through such trouble to keep us down.

>> No.11100562,2114 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2115 [INTERNAL] 

what teh fuck man XD

>> No.11100562,2116 [INTERNAL] 

back when 4chan was good

>> No.11100562,2117 [INTERNAL] 

I hate moot so fucking much.

So fucking much.

All the jews as well.

>> No.11100562,2118 [INTERNAL] 

and the chinsk

>> No.11100562,2119 [INTERNAL] 

do lolis think rockets look like dicks

>> No.11100562,2120 [INTERNAL] 

lolis dont know what dicks look like?

>> No.11100562,2121 [INTERNAL] 

and then he sold the site to reddit

>> No.11100562,2122 [INTERNAL] 

reddit barely breaks even every month so I doubt they could buy 4chan

>> No.11100562,2123 [INTERNAL] 

you realize admins just tell you that so people donate money, right?

>> No.11100562,2124 [INTERNAL] 

my cousin chang told me he sold it to chinks

>> No.11100562,2125 [INTERNAL] 

you realize i dont give a fuck haha?

>> No.11100562,2126 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2127 [INTERNAL] 

"The good news is that there's no program named the 'dick pic' program. The bad news... they are still collecting everybody's information, including your dick pics," Snowden said while stifling a chuckle.

oh fguck

>> No.11100562,2128 [INTERNAL] 

if you're on 4chan, use addblock and look up the list of blockable items, you'll see something called zkcdn. the only other site with any reference to that is reddit


>> No.11100562,2129 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2130 [INTERNAL] 

you know zkcdn is Adzerk's content delivery network for delivering content ads

>> No.11100562,2131 [INTERNAL] 

i wouldnt say audi is owned by bugatti just because theyre both owned by volkswagen but that seems to be whats happening in that thread

even if 4chan and reddit are owned by the same company and not just using the same ad company it does not mean reddit owns 4chan

>> No.11100562,2132 [INTERNAL] 

why i cant loli girlfriend god damnit

>> No.11100562,2133 [INTERNAL] 

you're an uggo creep...

>> No.11100562,2134 [INTERNAL] 

I shot my bow for the first time today, you guys will see me in the Olympics soon.

>> No.11100562,2135 [INTERNAL] 

im not creep

>> No.11100562,2136 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2137 [INTERNAL] 

when a musician or developer whines about people stealing their music/game I purposely pirate it and wont buy it even if I enjoy it just to spite them

>> No.11100562,2138 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2139 [INTERNAL] 

i only buy dojin music because i like to imagine it makes the girls really happy but then i realize im not buying it directly from them and i get a bit sad

>> No.11100562,2140 [INTERNAL] 

no aryan gf just kill me fuck

>> No.11100562,2141 [INTERNAL] 

ur so cool dude

>> No.11100562,2142 [INTERNAL] 

I mowed the yard today and the neighbor's loli came out on her little razor scooter and watched me. I was wearing some old clothes that make me look bigger than I am. I know for a fact lolis like muscles so long as you aren't a freak.

I wonder if they warn their kids about me since we've lived here for years but never have visitors and never talk to anyone. I don't even like lolis so it's insulting to think about.

>> No.11100562,2143 [INTERNAL] 

lolis hate muscles they like femboys like justin bieber

>> No.11100562,2144 [INTERNAL] 

mental illnesses are a fabrication of the system so they can "heal" your or "help" you or "fix" you into good law-abiding wage slaves (and make you pay for it from your own money in the meantime)

>> No.11100562,2145 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis don't like muscles.

>> No.11100562,2146 [INTERNAL] 

The younger ones do it isn't until they start getting into puberty that they follow the girly trends.

>> No.11100562,2147 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis love muscles.

>> No.11100562,2148 [INTERNAL] 

now you get it. the nosology and pathology of mental illness are all hazy and inferred. shrinks aren't doctors, which is why they can't prescribe meds. psychiatrists are big pharm pawns who get paid by the pill.

>> No.11100562,2149 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis hate big dicks

>> No.11100562,2150 [INTERNAL] 

im normie

>> No.11100562,2151 [INTERNAL] 

forgot my pic

>> No.11100562,2152 [INTERNAL] 

Are u a gay

>> No.11100562,2153 [INTERNAL] 

Live and die for the white race.

>> No.11100562,2154 [INTERNAL] 

i'm starting to have trouble breathing because of how out of shape i am


>> No.11100562,2155 [INTERNAL] 

i'm starting to have tr,ouble breathing after fuckcing you in the ass fag

>> No.11100562,2156 [INTERNAL] 

what should we do?

>> No.11100562,2157 [INTERNAL] 

fuck you fucking gkoad;fgk

>> No.11100562,2158 [INTERNAL] 

yeah just chill out

>> No.11100562,2159 [INTERNAL] 

you're all retards

>> No.11100562,2160 [INTERNAL] 

nah i have a 134 IQ

>> No.11100562,2161 [INTERNAL] 


No you don't.

>> No.11100562,2162 [INTERNAL] 

i went to community college with the renonwed physicist James Alfonso

>> No.11100562,2163 [INTERNAL] 


College and community college is a waste of time.

>> No.11100562,2164 [INTERNAL] 

said the warosuboy

>> No.11100562,2165 [INTERNAL] 

he was going to publish his findings in a scientific journal but couldn't afford it so he was earning a degree in order to get a job

>> No.11100562,2166 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu is extremely talented, you pathetic filth.

>> No.11100562,2167 [INTERNAL] 

We're worthless

>> No.11100562,2168 [INTERNAL] 

All of my warosubros have jobs straight out of university, I don't know about you scum.

>> No.11100562,2169 [INTERNAL] 

Stop roleplaying

>> No.11100562,2170 [INTERNAL] 

Go back to highschool kid, you're done here.

>> No.11100562,2171 [INTERNAL] 

I dropped out

>> No.11100562,2172 [INTERNAL] 

Clearly? Shouldn't you be off sucking pony dick or something, queer.

>> No.11100562,2173 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2174 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah so hit the road faggot.

>> No.11100562,2175 [INTERNAL] 

me too and I had good grades

I just couldn't stand repeating routine everyday and the retards there pissed me off to no end. Some ass tried stealing my laptop and that was the last straw. They already stole my bike and itouch...fucking hated highschool.

>> No.11100562,2176 [INTERNAL] 

Holy nigger you're a fucking degen.

>> No.11100562,2177 [INTERNAL] 

it's pointless when you could be spending time on your hobbies instead

>> No.11100562,2178 [INTERNAL] 

I sent an application to be a cook for the military today I wonder what will happen

>> No.11100562,2179 [INTERNAL] 

they use the cooks for sexual release since they're seen as feminine

>> No.11100562,2180 [INTERNAL] 

Well that won't be anything different than him and his dad.

>> No.11100562,2181 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2182 [INTERNAL] 

They pressure you to stay in school until 18 then go to college when you could just drop out at 16 and go straight to university saving yourself 2 years. Most kids were afraid of dropping out thinking they'll be homeless bums or some shit. They got em good I tell you.

>> No.11100562,2183 [INTERNAL] 

if i work at a bakery will lolis like me

>> No.11100562,2184 [INTERNAL] 

my dream is to open a bakery but i don't know how to bake or run a business

>> No.11100562,2185 [INTERNAL] 

Worthless human trash.

>> No.11100562,2186 [INTERNAL] 

will you do it for me

>> No.11100562,2187 [INTERNAL] 

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.11100562,2188 [INTERNAL] 

I will hire cute employees from shiawase no pan to run my bakery.

>> No.11100562,2189 [INTERNAL] 

i made an oopsie

>> No.11100562,2190 [INTERNAL] 

Does this show have a lot of baking I thought it was a JRPG?

>> No.11100562,2191 [INTERNAL] 

a while back i started baking because i was hungry
i continued because it made me feel cute
then i kept at it because i wanted to make something lolis liked
now i do it because i like making stuff from scratch its almost like magic

but my autism took over so im stuck a ton of retarded and useless information about sweets and baking and desserts

>> No.11100562,2192 [INTERNAL] 

Have no idea I only watched the 1st ep then put it off on hold since then. If I remember it had barely anything to do with bread most of the time.

>> No.11100562,2193 [INTERNAL] 

if you say it it sounds like "shiawase nopan" as in no panties

>> No.11100562,2194 [INTERNAL] 

I'm really good at making pizza.

is that some kind of super power?

>> No.11100562,2195 [INTERNAL] 

what like real pizza or what

>> No.11100562,2196 [INTERNAL] 

What's fake pizza/

>> No.11100562,2197 [INTERNAL] 

like using one of those boboli premade crusts and sauce from a can or something i dont know

>> No.11100562,2198 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2199 [INTERNAL] 

I'm really good at eating pizza

>> No.11100562,2200 [INTERNAL] 

im eating pickles rihgt now and theyr e really good

>> No.11100562,2201 [INTERNAL] 

im going on a diet today im already real skinny but i want to get more skinnier

>> No.11100562,2202 [INTERNAL] 

pickles pickles pickles

>> No.11100562,2203 [INTERNAL] 

pickles are good for diets because they have no carbs

>> No.11100562,2204 [INTERNAL] 

i like pickles and eat them every day withg totorii aweirtoat4eirf aferjnria opa fjiaofawmkl;awfawe;'fja3faewfawm ';fawefmk

>> No.11100562,2205 [INTERNAL] 

my friends are here ;)

>> No.11100562,2206 [INTERNAL] 

the jews will never stop till every last one of us is dead...

>> No.11100562,2207 [INTERNAL] 

but you knew that, didn't you?

>> No.11100562,2208 [INTERNAL] 

guys im going to watch halo nightfall what should i exepct shoudl i watch interstalar instead

>> No.11100562,2209 [INTERNAL] 

help me guys pls plsl

>> No.11100562,2210 [INTERNAL] 

What sweets should I make over the summer? So far all I have down is castella in a wooden mold, chocolate pudding pie, cheesecake, flan, and creme puffs filled with custard. What else should I make?

>> No.11100562,2211 [INTERNAL] 

halo nightfall should i watch thanks

>> No.11100562,2212 [INTERNAL] 

can someone stream halo tah nks

>> No.11100562,2213 [INTERNAL] 

i bet you are also really good at sucking dicks.

>> No.11100562,2214 [INTERNAL] 

i bet you are really good at telling be about halo knightfall thanks

>> No.11100562,2215 [INTERNAL] 

I liked insterstellar watch that

>> No.11100562,2216 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2217 [INTERNAL] 

that little murph in interstellar is kinda cute don't you think?

>> No.11100562,2218 [INTERNAL] 

the jews will never stop will they

>> No.11100562,2219 [INTERNAL] 

not till every last one of us is suffering and miserable

>> No.11100562,2220 [INTERNAL] 

what a horrible time to be a live

>> No.11100562,2221 [INTERNAL] 

where are my warosu bros where

>> No.11100562,2222 [INTERNAL] 

im right here

>> No.11100562,2223 [INTERNAL] 

doing what

>> No.11100562,2224 [INTERNAL] 

shiawase no pan was a bad show with a creepy ed

I wanted to like it since saten but it really sucked

>> No.11100562,2225 [INTERNAL] 

Are there really chinks here or is it just a meme? Whenever I think of internet chinks I always picture them as college normies concerned with socializing and climbing ranks.

>> No.11100562,2226 [INTERNAL] 

yeah im chink what's up

>> No.11100562,2227 [INTERNAL] 


This is cute what are you talking about

>> No.11100562,2228 [INTERNAL] 

they're all normies who go to UC*A

>> No.11100562,2229 [INTERNAL] 

holy shit this is actually creepy

if they were lolis it would be super cute

>> No.11100562,2230 [INTERNAL] 

this one has the main creepy part edited out

in the TV they fixed it at like episode 7 or something

>> No.11100562,2231 [INTERNAL] 

murder all chinks

>> No.11100562,2232 [INTERNAL] 

this pirate crackdown is a go

*shits on himself*

>> No.11100562,2233 [INTERNAL] 

im chink

>> No.11100562,2234 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis aren't cute

>> No.11100562,2235 [INTERNAL] 

im cia

>> No.11100562,2236 [INTERNAL] 

W's made by whites for whites

>> No.11100562,2237 [INTERNAL] 

it's disturbing to think many of your w-bros might be chinks

>> No.11100562,2238 [INTERNAL] 

i hope there are none

>> No.11100562,2239 [INTERNAL] 

the normies took everything and left us to die

>> No.11100562,2240 [INTERNAL] 

Your eyes are always squinted
Does the world look strange to you?

>> No.11100562,2241 [INTERNAL] 

where's the stream at

>> No.11100562,2242 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2243 [INTERNAL] 

shouldi stream?

>> No.11100562,2244 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2245 [INTERNAL] 

where my wbros at BITCH

>> No.11100562,2246 [INTERNAL] 


ok streaming h1z1 again

>> No.11100562,2247 [INTERNAL] 

bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch

>> No.11100562,2248 [INTERNAL] 

no one f%cking cares

>> No.11100562,2249 [INTERNAL] 

yeah i'm the only person who watches your stream and hizi is for fags.

>> No.11100562,2250 [INTERNAL] 

whenever i stream tetris nobody watches

>> No.11100562,2251 [INTERNAL] 

I watch sometimes

>> No.11100562,2252 [INTERNAL] 

please respond

>> No.11100562,2253 [INTERNAL] 

honey cums

>> No.11100562,2254 [INTERNAL] 

drop the trip fagboi

>> No.11100562,2255 [INTERNAL] 

some women refused to serve faggots at her pizza place and leftist jews got buttmad, and so people opened a gofundme and she made a million dollars

degenerates btfo

>> No.11100562,2256 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2257 [INTERNAL] 

black people are funny

>> No.11100562,2258 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2259 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2260 [INTERNAL] 

uh the entire reason i use the trip when i post the stream is because some guy used to spam the link and say i was streaming when i wasnt and i didnt want anyone to be disappointed

>> No.11100562,2261 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2262 [INTERNAL] 

oh, haha

>> No.11100562,2263 [INTERNAL] 


(They can't just keep ignoring my attempts forever, right......?)

>> No.11100562,2264 [INTERNAL] 

Does anyone have little or no memory of their lives up until a few years ago? Everything of my childhood is one huge blank space.

>> No.11100562,2265 [INTERNAL] 

Don't change the subject, fuckface.

>> No.11100562,2266 [INTERNAL] 

its the matrix bro

>> No.11100562,2267 [INTERNAL] 

i want a gf with a slutty lewd embarrassingly sexualy body..

>> No.11100562,2268 [INTERNAL] 


I spent most of my teen years on the internet so any memory outside the internet whenever I recall becomes false memories. The only memories I can recall in my kid years was times when I found myself playing video games or any form of escapism. The memory of when I'm not staring at a screen becomes filler episodes full of false memory while the ones spent in a video game I can easily recall.

I can't remember anything I did previously before 2011 but only the anime I watched and 2011-2012 anime keeps popping up in my feed as rewatch like time stopped.

Then I'd think I could remember school events but when looking at my old classmates online profiles they don't look like anyone I've ever known in my life so why remember them? It's because I allocated and filtered all my remembering priority to the virtual lifestyle.

>> No.11100562,2269 [INTERNAL] 

*eats 45g of blackcurrant jam for the jar*

>> No.11100562,2270 [INTERNAL] 

That's it, kids.

I'm buying Warosu and permabanning each and every one of you blogging little shits.

>> No.11100562,2271 [INTERNAL] 

*eats the strawberry jam jar next*

>> No.11100562,2272 [INTERNAL] 


Now you can experience what it's like to be a Drivebro

>> No.11100562,2273 [INTERNAL] 

but what if i don't want to be a drivebro?

>> No.11100562,2274 [INTERNAL] 

Then you're probably a pussyfag steambro

>> No.11100562,2275 [INTERNAL] 

Have you considered that you weren't the owner of your body during that period?

>> No.11100562,2276 [INTERNAL] 

get a load of this creep

>> No.11100562,2277 [INTERNAL] 

Your consciousness is just a temporary visitor

>> No.11100562,2278 [INTERNAL] 

[wastes another day of his pathetic life]

>> No.11100562,2279 [INTERNAL] 

haha same

>> No.11100562,2280 [INTERNAL] 

I told you to stop that

>> No.11100562,2281 [INTERNAL] 

i'm just trying to be myself haha?

>> No.11100562,2282 [INTERNAL] 

two facebook memes in one post...

>> No.11100562,2283 [INTERNAL] 

when will I get to watch Fukkatsu no 「F」?

>> No.11100562,2284 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2285 [INTERNAL] 

Kill every last god damn pedophile

>> No.11100562,2286 [INTERNAL] 

Pedos are nice people

>> No.11100562,2287 [INTERNAL] 

They aren't people

>> No.11100562,2288 [INTERNAL] 

holy SHIT I just got a call from a place I applied to wtf I've never gotten a call back before

I didn't answer because I don't answer numbers I don't recognize

I guess I should call back later?

>> No.11100562,2289 [INTERNAL] 

Pedos are people

>> No.11100562,2290 [INTERNAL] 

If I had a button that would kill every single pedophile in the world in a brutally painful way, I'd press it twice

>> No.11100562,2291 [INTERNAL] 

>wanting a job


>> No.11100562,2292 [INTERNAL] 

doesnt make sense

>> No.11100562,2293 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2294 [INTERNAL] 

ya'll are retarded dumbasses

>> No.11100562,2295 [INTERNAL] 

>tfw my mom keeps telling me to get a job

>> No.11100562,2296 [INTERNAL] 

what if milk is warosuko

>> No.11100562,2297 [INTERNAL] 

I called back and I have an interview thursday

holy FUCK I've never had a job or interview before just kill me

>> No.11100562,2298 [INTERNAL] 


my mom isn't kicking me out it's just that she lost her job and now can't pay rent....

>> No.11100562,2299 [INTERNAL] 

haha poorfag

>> No.11100562,2300 [INTERNAL] 


It's easy to get interview it's hard to get get the offer.

>> No.11100562,2301 [INTERNAL] 

He's over the first hurdle
The initial application process pits you against hundreds of other people but they'll only interview a handful

>> No.11100562,2302 [INTERNAL] 

uhh this is the first interview i've ever gotten even mcdonalds didn't reply to me..

>> No.11100562,2303 [INTERNAL] 

Speak of a coincidence I got interview on Thursday. A bit toooooo easy but okay.

That's because MC dicks gets thousands of applications every week and they only hire minorities and blond chicks in college.

>> No.11100562,2304 [INTERNAL] 

>That's because MC dicks gets thousands of applications every week and they only hire minorities and blond chicks in college.

do you live in california because that's so accurate it's scary

>> No.11100562,2305 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,2306 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2307 [INTERNAL] 

i hate normies so god damn much

>> No.11100562,2308 [INTERNAL] 

only reason I need a job is to get my own apartment, whenever my mom is gone I feel so FREE. I could have just a mattress and a computer with no onther furniture

>> No.11100562,2309 [INTERNAL] 

having a job I can go out and buy fast food again--and from whatever fast food place no matter the price of the menu! Ah...burgs.

>> No.11100562,2310 [INTERNAL] 

what other positive things about having to slave away at a 9-5?

>> No.11100562,2311 [INTERNAL] 

fresh teenage puss

>> No.11100562,2312 [INTERNAL] 

I woke up earlier but I was still dreaming

>> No.11100562,2313 [INTERNAL] 


Call it

>> No.11100562,2314 [INTERNAL] 

lolis have embarrasingly sexual bodies

>> No.11100562,2315 [INTERNAL] 

im gonna have a mental breakdown over this job interview maybe this will be the catalyst for my suicide

>> No.11100562,2316 [INTERNAL] 

The developing body of a loli is a sign that her body wants to have sex and that's embarrassing.

>> No.11100562,2317 [INTERNAL] 

I got ANOTHER job interview but it's 20 miles away from me so I can't go.

>> No.11100562,2318 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2319 [INTERNAL] 


This is the blog thread, let me blog in peace.

>> No.11100562,2320 [INTERNAL] 

fucking creep

>> No.11100562,2321 [INTERNAL] 

shut the fuck up should i stream h1z1?

>> No.11100562,2322 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2323 [INTERNAL] 

nobody cares about your stream stop trying to be relevant

>> No.11100562,2324 [INTERNAL] 


yeah sure

>> No.11100562,2325 [INTERNAL] 

It's true and completely natural though.

>> No.11100562,2326 [INTERNAL] 

yeah post the link

>> No.11100562,2327 [INTERNAL] 

sick fuck

>> No.11100562,2328 [INTERNAL] 

Why are they constantly horny and lewd and wet?

>> No.11100562,2329 [INTERNAL] 

YES the big sale has begun. I'm ready for the swarm of monies to come in this month.

>> No.11100562,2330 [INTERNAL] 

wheres the stream

>> No.11100562,2331 [INTERNAL] 

holy fuck mewtwo is in smash holy fuuuckkk

>> No.11100562,2332 [INTERNAL] 

should I commit myself to a psych ward? what are they like, do I have to pay for it? living in a psych ward and NEETing it up everyday while getting cared for by people seems ideal

I can't fucking handle life I'm pathetic and just thinking about this job interview is going to make me go crazy this is exactly why I dropped out of high school I can't handle responsibility FUCK kill me

>> No.11100562,2333 [INTERNAL] 

if youre considered legally retarded and clinically insane you wont get in trouble for having a loli girlfriend

>> No.11100562,2334 [INTERNAL] 

ive been isolated for so long i kind of got deluded and forgot just how subhuman I am because i spend all day fantasizing with escapism, but now that I got a job offer i'm having a full breakdown fuck fuck UFCK FUCKC FUCK i need to get away

the thing is i think they will make me take pills if i go to the psych ward and i dont want to be a slave to the jews and their big pharma medication

>> No.11100562,2335 [INTERNAL] 

dont you go out every friday

>> No.11100562,2336 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2337 [INTERNAL] 

Love this meme where we pretend we're actually autistic losers, haha. But seriously I'm about to go out to the club so catch you guys later.

>> No.11100562,2338 [INTERNAL] 

dont you ride your motorcycle every friday

>> No.11100562,2339 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not a nigger..

>> No.11100562,2340 [INTERNAL] 

you live in arizona

>> No.11100562,2341 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2342 [INTERNAL] 

dont lie

>> No.11100562,2343 [INTERNAL] 

im qwhite

>> No.11100562,2344 [INTERNAL] 

i Kill GT tHere egs for Easter but Marsmallow i ATE too mnay I dont Know why A oh fcuk They Wee realy THOUGH tehMarshmallow was NCE ad Soft and i And swEet it Mdae me Hapy Gofod to Eat Tehm BUT HaveMde my cavity And chewy Now hurttoth and im Sad becosueand Are Stil A chsrIt Left and I cnat them jesus Me now

>> No.11100562,2345 [INTERNAL] 

the sale is literally raking in the MONEYYYYYYYYY

>> No.11100562,2346 [INTERNAL] 

fact: the average chink isn't as smart as me

>> No.11100562,2347 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2348 [INTERNAL] 

i stupid chink

>> No.11100562,2349 [INTERNAL] 

I can tell you all about them if you like since I've literally been to like 5 different ones

>> No.11100562,2350 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2351 [INTERNAL] 

Some chink started talking to me while paying at the counter a couple of days ago he was like "so you live around here?"

It caught me completely off guard so I kind of jerked and said "huh, what? No..."

>> No.11100562,2352 [INTERNAL] 

Please do.

1. How did you get in? Was it voluntary or involuntary?

2. What was it like inside?

3. Would you recommend it to others who have no alternatives?

4. Did you have to pay for it? I don't have insurance.

>> No.11100562,2353 [INTERNAL] 

Be careful.

>> No.11100562,2354 [INTERNAL] 

whites should fear the chink

>> No.11100562,2355 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,2356 [INTERNAL] 

asians are the ultimate cucks..

>> No.11100562,2357 [INTERNAL] 

are all girls like this

>> No.11100562,2358 [INTERNAL] 

chink genes are stronger and always prevail

>> No.11100562,2359 [INTERNAL] 

1. Three different ways.
-some men in black came and grabbed me and forced me into a car and took me there since I wasn't going to school. When I was 15 I was taken there since I was literally CRAZY!! and seeing things. Then when I was 16 I think I got forced again since I kept playing WoW. Then again a few times for trying to kill myself. It was involuntary each time

2. There's literally nothing to do. Some have a limited amount of books and movies and things but they're usually all shit. They don't like it when you stay in your room and if you're involuntary they will take this as a sign that you're still crazy so you have to socialize with people who have stuff like paranoid schizophrenia and tell you to work for their undercover TV show. Maybe you can play chess with the patients and they'll tell you about all the millions of secret rules they know since they're a 10x chess international grand wizard champion.

The good is good if you're like me and never get to eat cooked food but all the normies hate it since they're used to their traditional home normie cooking.. It's the same food they give in normal hospitals. There's all this gay stuff like arts and crafts in some that nobody wants to do. Some have gyms but they don't have free weights and if that documentary you guys were posting before is any indication it seems like they do that on purpose and the reason for that is they don't want people "bulking up".

3. No... they'll just kick you out anyway if there's nothing that makes you harmful to others or yourself. It's not a homeless shelter

4. I didn't have to pay for anything

>> No.11100562,2360 [INTERNAL] 

Only on the w are the people in mental hospitals "normies"

>> No.11100562,2361 [INTERNAL] 

phew I just rang and cancelled my dentist's appointment on friday I've been worried about that for weeks...

I hope they don't hate me now

>> No.11100562,2362 [INTERNAL] 

Uhm I've been to one of those things and that isn't the pshyward they send kids there who misbehave and make them take meds and have them interact with the other stubborn kids. You only get to go home if you act nice with the staff. You get free breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You have your own room (if you're lucky) or share a room with another stupid kid but you never get to hang out in your room unless it's bedtime.

And those programs are part of the hospital or near the hospital.

>> No.11100562,2363 [INTERNAL] 

There is also an adult program and it's practically the same for them. And yeah the food is amazingly delicious.

>> No.11100562,2364 [INTERNAL] 

Wait... Can I find cute girls to fuck as these retard nests?

>> No.11100562,2365 [INTERNAL] 

there are people in there who seem normal but are in there for meth

oh and they don't let you have all sorts of stuff like chargers and shoelaces so you don't hang yourself

you're not allowed to have sex on the ward..

>> No.11100562,2366 [INTERNAL] 

How will they know? What's the worst that can happen? Mom says I'm not allowed to poop in the tub but I still do it. Same thing.

>> No.11100562,2367 [INTERNAL] 


While I was there (and I went there twice) I ran into 2 people who knew me from school a girl and a boy. It was awkward when we both came out and went back to school.

And there was this really cute girl who looked like this girl I bullied in 4th and 5th grade. She was in for overdosing. I got to see her every night in her pajamas and we watched movies together....but you know that was years ago I didn't have those pedo thoughts I have today.

But I did find her cute.

>> No.11100562,2368 [INTERNAL] 

there are cameras and censors everywhere

>> No.11100562,2369 [INTERNAL] 

I mean sensors

>> No.11100562,2370 [INTERNAL] 

There is a big fukin fence around the place so it is pointless for the sensors on the doors.

>> No.11100562,2371 [INTERNAL] 

I bet the workers would watch and like it.

>> No.11100562,2372 [INTERNAL] 

mum's taking me to the welfare office tomorrow...

>> No.11100562,2373 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2374 [INTERNAL] 

Have you considered that she helped you realize you were a pedophile?

>> No.11100562,2375 [INTERNAL] 

I am NOT a pedophile.

ahh I remember she would sit in her chair with her legs up and her butt crack and panties would show...so cute. And she would rock the chair while talking to the other girls. She was exactly like the dweeb girl I bullied for fun.

>> No.11100562,2376 [INTERNAL] 

Uh dude I'm pretty sure you're a pedo. Don't worry, it's natural.

>> No.11100562,2377 [INTERNAL] 

what were you diagnosed with?

>> No.11100562,2378 [INTERNAL] 

Terminal Subhumanism.

>> No.11100562,2379 [INTERNAL] 


'internet' addiction you know WoW crack so ironically the same as you?

>> No.11100562,2380 [INTERNAL] 

i'm clean?

>> No.11100562,2381 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you making all this shit up? Does it get you off?

>> No.11100562,2382 [INTERNAL] 


nobody ever just removes WoW from their system

>> No.11100562,2383 [INTERNAL] 


I'm not making it up? I've been sent twice there because my dad didn't like me being inside all the time and started noticing I was a recluse hence why I'm on warosu present day. Well part of the reason anyway.

>> No.11100562,2384 [INTERNAL] 

feel when this was the reason for one of my admissions (the WoW one)

>> No.11100562,2385 [INTERNAL] 

How old was she? Is a psych ward a good place to meet lolis?

>> No.11100562,2386 [INTERNAL] 

they have separate wards for minors and adults and often men and women too

ugh, literally preying on mentally vulnerable underage girls...

>> No.11100562,2387 [INTERNAL] 

All people are mentally vulnerable.

>> No.11100562,2388 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis love psychos

>> No.11100562,2389 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2390 [INTERNAL] 

Dude god damnit I thought she would have been like 10 or 11. 14 is pretty old.

>> No.11100562,2391 [INTERNAL] 

Disgusting freak.

>> No.11100562,2392 [INTERNAL] 

Do you really think they would allow children near psychotic freaks?

>> No.11100562,2393 [INTERNAL] 

You're asking for logic from the single most degenerate group on the entire planet.

>> No.11100562,2394 [INTERNAL] 

The youngest you have to be is 12 I think for the age group. 12-17

Then I dunno if there is one for 6-11.

>> No.11100562,2395 [INTERNAL] 

Comic Market 88 : August 14th (Fryday) ~ 16th (Sunday), 2015 at the Tokyo Big Sight


Fry day fry daydfayryday

>> No.11100562,2396 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2397 [INTERNAL] 

well they don't dumbass

>> No.11100562,2398 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2399 [INTERNAL] 

oh, haha

>> No.11100562,2400 [INTERNAL] 

to tori

>> No.11100562,2401 [INTERNAL] 

not this again

>> No.11100562,2402 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2403 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2404 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2405 [INTERNAL] 

Habatake purinsesu fuwari hirari massugu yume he susume!!
Doryoku shitara Happy Come! Kiseki okose Go! Purinsesu Purikyua

>> No.11100562,2406 [INTERNAL] 

Egao ga hōseki ne onnanoko wa hime damon
Hāto kyunkyunkyun hashagu tobira akete yukō yo
Haretara "gokigen yo" tsuyoku, yasashiku, utsukushiku!
Uta wo runrunrun kanade haruka kanata mezasu yo

>> No.11100562,2407 [INTERNAL] 

Hajimete de fuan'na basho mo doresu kaete kimochi agete
"Se-no!" de ne fumidasu no

>> No.11100562,2408 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.11100562,2409 [INTERNAL] 

Shinjite purinsesu kirari pikari kagayaku ai wo tsukame!!
Yūki honki suteki mae muki ga kagi ne...
Habatake purinsesu hana wo, umi wo, hoshi wo otte doko made mo
Omoikiri ne Flying High! Hokori takaku Go! Purinsesu Purikyua

>> No.11100562,2410 [INTERNAL] 

do lolis like boners

do lolis get boners

>> No.11100562,2411 [INTERNAL] 

whats up

>> No.11100562,2412 [INTERNAL] 

not much u

>> No.11100562,2413 [INTERNAL] 

Ame demo “gokigen'yō” shiawase tōsenbo suru
Aku wa banbanban taosu watashi-tachi de itai ne

>> No.11100562,2414 [INTERNAL] 

Yami tomosu honō mitai atsui omoi ribon ni shite
Pīsufuru kanaeru no

>> No.11100562,2415 [INTERNAL] 

Ganbare purinsesu tokiri hiyari pinchi ni mo makenaide
Hitori janai issho ni! Te wo tori yukeru yo
Habatake purinsesu kibō, hikari tsunaide kō itsumademo
Namida tachi ni Say, Good Bye! Mirai terase Go! Purinsesu Purikyua

>> No.11100562,2416 [INTERNAL] 

yes i have researched a lot

>> No.11100562,2417 [INTERNAL] 

Shinjite purinsesu kirari pikari kagayaku ai wo tsukame!!
Yūki honki suteki maemuki ga kagi ne…!?
Habatake purinsesu fuwari hirari massugu yume he susume!!
Doryoku shitara Happy Come! Kiseki okose Go! Purinsesu Purikyua

>> No.11100562,2418 [INTERNAL] 

what kind of research

>> No.11100562,2419 [INTERNAL] 

any subhuman motorcyclists around?

>> No.11100562,2420 [INTERNAL] 

Ashita to memorī
Tsunagi au merodi
Shararan♪ Ohimesama ni natte
An・du・torowa Purikyua

>> No.11100562,2421 [INTERNAL] 

Tokimeku egao wa hōseki yori mo
Kirakira min'na no kokoro kazaru yo
Budō-kai maku yo agare

>> No.11100562,2422 [INTERNAL] 

Gōjasu! Pureshasu! Shall we dance! Akogare no Stage
Torebian! Tsuyoku, yasashiku, utsukushiku!
Yumemiru dakede sekai wa kawaru
Sono te de ashita no kagi wo akete

>> No.11100562,2423 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2424 [INTERNAL] 

Ohana no kawai sa umi no ōki-sa
Seiza no fushigi ya kibō no chikara
Sekai wa kiseki afure

>> No.11100562,2425 [INTERNAL] 

Gōjasu! Pureshasu! Take a chance! Mō nigenai wa
Torebian! Suteki muteki ni uruwashiku
Rettsu Go! Purinsesu Purikyua! Gomen asobase
Doresu de habatake niji no sora he

>> No.11100562,2426 [INTERNAL] 

Gōjasu! Pureshasu! Shall we dance! Akogare no Stage
Torebian! Tsuyoku, yasashiku, utsukushiku!
Yumemiru dakede sekai wa kawaru
Sono te de ashita no kagi wo akete
Shiawase afureru ai no kuni he

>> No.11100562,2427 [INTERNAL] 

Gokigen'yō… gokigen'yō…

>> No.11100562,2428 [INTERNAL] 


was gud

>> No.11100562,2429 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,2430 [INTERNAL] 

oh my fucking piss warosu the fuckign jews are making their move on me ftheyre fuckign coming for me fucking pisss fucking pissssssssssss agggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.11100562,2431 [INTERNAL] 

wtf I was supposed to get $9.50 not $2.50 from my own promotion. Sketchy motherfuckers.

>> No.11100562,2432 [INTERNAL] 

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh ;leeeeeeeeee fugggggggggggg le fugggggggggggggggggggggh the jewwwwwwwwwwws fuggggggggggggggg

>> No.11100562,2433 [INTERNAL] 

why is the internet so boring

>> No.11100562,2434 [INTERNAL] 

im jewish

>> No.11100562,2435 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2436 [INTERNAL] 

do you have gold

>> No.11100562,2437 [INTERNAL] 

my grandma gave me some gold jewelry

mayb someday

>> No.11100562,2438 [INTERNAL] 


remove adblock on all sites

then the internet becomes new york city

>> No.11100562,2439 [INTERNAL] 

My take?
Deep down inside, they were all serious about how much they would love to have a "waifu," and camouflaged the fact that they understood how absolutely ridiculous it would be socially by making it a "joke." Humor masked their true intentions, but the more they "joked" about it, the more comfortable they got. Once they had formed this new social scene/acceptance of it, they gave up on the the mask of humor and just do it completely openly now.

>> No.11100562,2440 [INTERNAL] 

sounds like a reddit post

>> No.11100562,2441 [INTERNAL] 

Hats off to you good sir *bows gracefully*

>> No.11100562,2442 [INTERNAL] 

yes it is precisely this irony that allows them to swallow their ideals, it lifts their fear to speak

>> No.11100562,2443 [INTERNAL] 

le irony maymay

>> No.11100562,2444 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2445 [INTERNAL] 

can you take your autism elsewhere thanks

>> No.11100562,2446 [INTERNAL] 

i live here

>> No.11100562,2447 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off retard

>> No.11100562,2448 [INTERNAL] 

where my chinkbros at

>> No.11100562,2449 [INTERNAL] 

you fuck off retard

>> No.11100562,2450 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2451 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2452 [INTERNAL] 

warosu exclusive on why cousin rapist and his fellow nigs love DBZ

>> No.11100562,2453 [INTERNAL] 

haha retards

>> No.11100562,2454 [INTERNAL] 

what would you guys say if I made a big steamin shite

>> No.11100562,2455 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2456 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2457 [INTERNAL] 

"go back to gnfos"

>> No.11100562,2458 [INTERNAL] 

that hurt my feelings

>> No.11100562,2459 [INTERNAL] 

Alright asshole, you got me sufficiently riled, let's go. You think your bullshit, "oh it's okay to be gay" is going to pacify someone? Fuck you, homosexuals all need to be killed for the sake of our race's fucking dignity, god damn it.

Anyway, the human penis is an organ. It is not a man, it is not a male. It comes with being a man, and so is a certainly male characteristic. If you like dicks attached to men, yeah you're a fucking queer.

However, if that penis was detached from the man, liking it wouldn't make you gay. It would mean purely that you like dicks and nothing else. Do you know why that isn't gay? Because you can't be gay without liking men- that is the fucking definition. Liking a bundle of human tissues isn't a sexuality.

So, if you attach the penis to a genuine girl, or something that looks like one, being attracted to such a thing only means that you prefer the female form, making you straight, and the sexual organ of the penis, which only means that you prefer that over the vagina. For some people, the penis itself is a symbol of dominance, and seeing that on a woman is a turn on for subs or femdom-enthusiasts. Just liking those things doesn't make you gay, right? So this wouldn't either, since you only like a female body and a part of a human body.

You like one male characteristic in liking dick. You don't like body hair, or large or defined muscles, or deep voices, other qualities of men. Just the one, and everything else is female. That doesn't make you gay, or even bi.

>> No.11100562,2460 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2461 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2462 [INTERNAL] 

Is Louis Theroux's Transgender Kids interesting?

>> No.11100562,2463 [INTERNAL] 

The fags are winning this war.

>> No.11100562,2464 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2465 [INTERNAL] 

I watched it

he should have rekt those transfreaks more with his questions

like asking why they can't give consent for sex but can consent to life-altering hormone stuff just because they like to pretend to be girls at 5 years old

>> No.11100562,2466 [INTERNAL] 

>why they can't give consent for sex

God damn are you serious? Not everyone constantly thinks about sex you fucking pedo

>> No.11100562,2467 [INTERNAL] 

I threw out half of the half of stuff that I didn't throw out. I'm giving the keepsakes to my brother.

Next will be habits.

I am going to become enlightened.

>> No.11100562,2468 [INTERNAL] 

The reality of the situation is that you're having an autistic breakdown destroying everything you own.

>> No.11100562,2469 [INTERNAL] 


i miss the time when i watched this for the first time on an /a/ stream in 2006

>> No.11100562,2470 [INTERNAL] 

I did not destroy it. I donated all of it. I have also been informed by several doctors that I am not autistic.

>> No.11100562,2471 [INTERNAL] 

Sure thing buddy, sure thing.

>> No.11100562,2472 [INTERNAL] 

Is it just me or did google make the captcha for noscript users significantly harder?

>> No.11100562,2473 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2474 [INTERNAL] 

The last few episodes of Durarara turned out to be really cool it was cool to see Shizuo be cool and save the loli and it was cool to see Mikado become a stone cold psychopath and to finally see Simon with his Russian friends doing shady stuff

>> No.11100562,2475 [INTERNAL] 

*takes a shit all over your face*

>> No.11100562,2476 [INTERNAL] 


Why can't a loli rub her face on my dick

>> No.11100562,2477 [INTERNAL] 

*rubs shit all over your face*

>> No.11100562,2478 [INTERNAL] 

wow thanks a lot mister

*drool dribbles across mouth and down some poop*

do it again maybe?

>> No.11100562,2479 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck, I think I bought the wrong version of Pokemon. Sapphire only has Team Aqua, and the admin who you fight all the time is some brown guy. Team Magma's admin who you fight in that game is a cute girl who is sticking her butt out. The female grunts are cute too.


All that's in Sapphire is this girl

And the female grunts aren't cute either! http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Team_Aqua_Grunt_%28Trainer_class%29

>> No.11100562,2480 [INTERNAL] 

I could have told you that because my friend had the same experience

I intentionally got the "wrong" one though because kyogre is better and I'm not a pedonig who can only think with his dick

>> No.11100562,2481 [INTERNAL] 

I got Sapphire because I like blue and I liked how the Pokemon on the cover looked... I wasn't prepared for this.

>> No.11100562,2482 [INTERNAL] 

I want a Bidoof so I can have an HM slave and someone in Kanagawa has one for trade and he named it VIPPER

oh boy

>> No.11100562,2483 [INTERNAL] 

feel when bought pokemon months ago but haven't played more than 5 minutes because you're too busy with posting feels on the W and all the other retarded stuff you waste your life on

>> No.11100562,2484 [INTERNAL] 

I want to fuck Mawile.

Mawile is a character, not a species. I want to fuck her. I want to fuck Mawile.

>> No.11100562,2485 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself furryfreak.

>> No.11100562,2486 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm plying Mawile has a hairy butt
>I'm plying Mawile

>> No.11100562,2487 [INTERNAL] 

So uh... I spent like the last half hour looking for a fucking Elgyem on Mt Pyre so I could trade it for a Mudkip and turns out it doesn't show up until after the whole Cave of Origin thing. God damnit.

>> No.11100562,2488 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck you got owned

>> No.11100562,2489 [INTERNAL] 

do lots of cute girls work at supermarkets? at least if I ace my interview tomorrow I might lose my virginity by meeting a cute coworker..

>> No.11100562,2490 [INTERNAL] 

Girls hate virgins

>> No.11100562,2491 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2492 [INTERNAL] 

Girls think it's creepy to be a virgin past 16, it means you're undesirable to other women and all females care about is what other females think.

>> No.11100562,2493 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis like going to the grocery store

>> No.11100562,2494 [INTERNAL] 

do they love grocery store employees who help them find yummy foods?

>> No.11100562,2495 [INTERNAL] 

oh fugg i just looked and the place i have an interview for tomorrow is open 24 hours PLEASE FUCKING GOD let me get the nighttime graveyard shift that way i wont have to do anything because barely anyone shops at the grocery store at 3 am. that would be amazing, i basically just babysit the store until the day shift people come in and wouldn't have to deal with people who trigger my anxiety

>> No.11100562,2496 [INTERNAL] 

24 hour grocery store? Is it a Winco?

>> No.11100562,2497 [INTERNAL] 

i literally cant stop laughing at "one weird trick" stuff

>> No.11100562,2498 [INTERNAL] 

its walmart but not a normal walmart this one only has groceries

i checked "available anytime" on my app so im guessing all the teenbros can't work graveyard because they have school, so im hoping that that's why they hired me. that would be amazing, ive always dreamed about working nights at some place and getting paid to do nothing.

>> No.11100562,2499 [INTERNAL] 

I'm in love..


>> No.11100562,2500 [INTERNAL] 

i would kiss her cunny

>> No.11100562,2501 [INTERNAL] 

wtf she's a cutter


>> No.11100562,2502 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that I will never rape a cute mentally ill girl is heartbreaking

>> No.11100562,2503 [INTERNAL] 


the so-called white man

>> No.11100562,2504 [INTERNAL] 

>and wouldn't have to deal with people who trigger my anxiety
Except the off chance of a night time burglar.

>> No.11100562,2505 [INTERNAL] 

who robs a grocery store

>> No.11100562,2506 [INTERNAL] 

So uh NASA says they'll find signs of life within 10 years. With the radio blast story in the news and now this, I wonder if they haven't already discovered life and are very slowly letting people realize it on their own.

>> No.11100562,2507 [INTERNAL] 

Hungry drug addicts? I don't know.

I'm just fearful of being at any shop with a low amount of others around at night, myself. Anyone could just walk in there and rape you and take all the money and eat all the grapes and no one would be around to help you.

>> No.11100562,2508 [INTERNAL] 

NASA is just clawing for money because no one cares about outer space anymore, since it's so hard to get there and there's nothing to do.

>> No.11100562,2509 [INTERNAL] 

I wouldn't mind getting murdered

>> No.11100562,2510 [INTERNAL] 

we only went to the moon to show the subhuman russians their place as our bitch

>> No.11100562,2511 [INTERNAL] 

Those are called neighborhood markets. Theres one close to me actually you wouldnt happen to be in southern cali?

>> No.11100562,2512 [INTERNAL] 

uhhhhhh yeah im in socal are u gonna murder me? what county do u live in

>> No.11100562,2513 [INTERNAL] 

are u the orange county guy who hits on milk

>> No.11100562,2514 [INTERNAL] 

Back off my girlfriend.

>> No.11100562,2515 [INTERNAL] 

no shes mine

>> No.11100562,2516 [INTERNAL] 

anyway ur not answering where u live but i live in LA county

>> No.11100562,2517 [INTERNAL] 

which is by the way the same county as milk she;'ll probably see me if she shops at walmart and ill f*ck her

>> No.11100562,2518 [INTERNAL] 

Stop saying C*lifornia it triggers me. Thanks.

>> No.11100562,2519 [INTERNAL] 

UGH DUDE?????????????? why do u ask something then not respnd

>> No.11100562,2520 [INTERNAL] 

you aren't going to get the job so just shut up about it until you get it (which you won't by the way)

>> No.11100562,2521 [INTERNAL] 

shut tne tFUCK UP!!!!!!!!

>> No.11100562,2522 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2523 [INTERNAL] 

I dont hit on milk...

>> No.11100562,2524 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2525 [INTERNAL] 

i see u constantly hitting on her and asking to meet up u lying b*tch..

>> No.11100562,2526 [INTERNAL] 

>If you get called for an interview, you can pretty much guarantee that you have the job unless you fail the drug test or are a complete idiot. The questions they ask are very easy. Nowadays expect to be employed as a Temp. A few months down the road, based upon your work ethic, you can expect to be hired on as part-time.

The job is already mine

>> No.11100562,2527 [INTERNAL] 

>you have the job unless you fail the drug test or are a complete idiot

guess you're out of luck

>> No.11100562,2528 [INTERNAL] 


It is easy to get interviews. I can get 2+ interviews per day.

>> No.11100562,2529 [INTERNAL] 

That's not nearly as many as your mother, she "interviews" multiple men a day.

>> No.11100562,2530 [INTERNAL] 


You can talk shit about my mommy but you still won't get the job because you were born retarded.

>> No.11100562,2531 [INTERNAL] 

I am going to get the job and be ROLLING in cash

>> No.11100562,2532 [INTERNAL] 

$9/hr isn't rolling in cash.

>> No.11100562,2533 [INTERNAL] 

well I guess it is better than $0

>> No.11100562,2534 [INTERNAL] 

I have no expenses so I'll have 20k to spend on whatever I wantttttttttttttttttttt

>> No.11100562,2535 [INTERNAL] 

He is going to be slaving away at the supermarket only making 20k and meanwhile I'll make literally the same income doing nothing passively though the internet by the end of the year on top of a real job that pays 30k. How hilarious is that.

>> No.11100562,2536 [INTERNAL] 

It's not hilarious. Everyone has to start somewhere, and everyone is worth something. 20k a year is enough to support himself and I bet he can also get government assistance on top of it so he can save more money.

>> No.11100562,2537 [INTERNAL] 

why can't I just die in my sleep already?

>> No.11100562,2538 [INTERNAL] 

This is the guy that bought into the internet ponzi scheme and convinced that it's going to pay off in the long run? LLLMMMMMMMMAAAAAAOOOOOOO

How much have you made so far?

>> No.11100562,2539 [INTERNAL] 

>And so the month comes to a near it seems the total amount of money I've made since the 4th of this month(March) is $50.

my sides

>> No.11100562,2540 [INTERNAL] 

$100 a month so far from just 1 item. On average it's $2.50 to $10 per sale. I plan to have 20 items up by the end of the year on all marketplaces. Projected will be $2k per month, it will happen and growth will continue to grow!

That's $2k I don't have to work for which means I'll just save it for early neet retirement. It isn't a ponzi scheme it actually works.

I did better than most people. Most people only get $20 or less their first month. And it wasn't $50 I was estimating but people bought last minute.

>> No.11100562,2541 [INTERNAL] 

So that guy spamming "MOOONNNNNNEEEEEEYYYYYYY" all the time has literally not even made 100$ yet in two months? How has he not killed himself? That's pathetic.

>> No.11100562,2542 [INTERNAL] 

this is a joke, right?

>> No.11100562,2543 [INTERNAL] 

You didn't give this "business" your working for any of your financial information, did you? I didn't think people on the W were this dumb..

>> No.11100562,2544 [INTERNAL] 


We'll see who haz rass raff when I make the monyyies I so desire.

>> No.11100562,2545 [INTERNAL] 


I gave them my paypal info and a fake real life identity but I guess that doesn't matter if my paypal has my real info linked to it.

>> No.11100562,2546 [INTERNAL] 

holy fuck..

>> No.11100562,2547 [INTERNAL] 

Also I have to have real name for checks.

>> No.11100562,2548 [INTERNAL] 

are all socal posters chink?

>> No.11100562,2549 [INTERNAL] 

What do you sell? Your asshole?

>> No.11100562,2550 [INTERNAL] 

ramen noodels imported straight from my country

>> No.11100562,2551 [INTERNAL] 

im chink

>> No.11100562,2552 [INTERNAL] 

This is the worst Shark Tank pitch ever.

>> No.11100562,2553 [INTERNAL] 

the white race will persevere

>> No.11100562,2554 [INTERNAL] 

are paul schrader's films any good?

>> No.11100562,2555 [INTERNAL] 

only if you're a pleb

>> No.11100562,2556 [INTERNAL] 

Sometimes I feel like I'm the Taxi Driver.

>> No.11100562,2557 [INTERNAL] 

Careful there edgelord

>> No.11100562,2558 [INTERNAL] 

how old was jodie foster then?

>> No.11100562,2559 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2560 [INTERNAL] 

anybody else want to die?

>> No.11100562,2561 [INTERNAL] 

A woman emailed me back about a seasonal cleaning job at some campsite.

I dropped out of college and had delusions about working three jobs dolla dolla to make money for a lefort, split osteotomy and genioplasty eventually but I won't even make back the dough I wasted this year alone.

just fucking kill me

>> No.11100562,2562 [INTERNAL] 

wtf does 'upbeat, energetic' even mean when people list jobs? Do they want me to be happy at all times and smile like a plastic doll at every person I encounter every single day? Christ.

>> No.11100562,2563 [INTERNAL] 

as long as there is anime, no.

>> No.11100562,2564 [INTERNAL] 

You don't need those surgeries you're perfect the way you are :)

>> No.11100562,2565 [INTERNAL] 

anime fucking sucks

>> No.11100562,2566 [INTERNAL] 

not as much as my life

>> No.11100562,2567 [INTERNAL] 

I got another interview offer again.

>> No.11100562,2568 [INTERNAL] 

gay cam sites are a booming industry that's no surprise

>> No.11100562,2569 [INTERNAL] 

I'm going to a carwash to turn in my resume. Maybe I can pretend to be Walter White and get cancer and yell at my boss for having funny eyebrows.

>> No.11100562,2570 [INTERNAL] 

I am so ugly I can't even think shoot me in the fucking mouth please fuck

"Reliable guy seeking a challenging position with your team. I am convinced that my personal qualities correspond perfectly to the structure, carefulness and flexibility demanded among the staff of your workplace."
rate me translated letter introduction it makes me sick

>> No.11100562,2571 [INTERNAL] 


This is the company. From the reviews it looks like a bad one so I may not go.

>> No.11100562,2572 [INTERNAL] 

post a pic, the wbros will judge

>> No.11100562,2573 [INTERNAL] 

I had a dream I was a camp counselor. The other counselors in my group were the guitar player from Rush and a busty Indian girl. We were the sky blue team and our rival was the orange team. We had to do various camp competitions like something out of an 80's movie.

>> No.11100562,2574 [INTERNAL] 

It's a seasonal cleaning job at a campsite you said? So it's probably for a children's summer camp. Are you a pedophile?..

>> No.11100562,2575 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,2576 [INTERNAL] 

that always makes me laugh

what does he mean by "so-called"

jesus I want to kill google and their literally impossible double captcha they give you when you don't like you

it's designed to keep humans out by frustrating them until they give up

>> No.11100562,2577 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2578 [INTERNAL] 

I don't even know who the fuck this retard is but I watch a video a couple months ago a Wbro posted, maybe you, where he was crying and revealing all his secrets.

>> No.11100562,2579 [INTERNAL] 

that was me who posted it and another guy at the same time which was creepy

>> No.11100562,2580 [INTERNAL] 

Haha, remember power rangers guys xD

>> No.11100562,2581 [INTERNAL] 

Who the fuck is this guy? Is this for real? LMAO

>> No.11100562,2582 [INTERNAL] 

so this guy raped a child and now he's trying to get people to feel bad for him by crying?

>> No.11100562,2583 [INTERNAL] 

Apparently, he fucked a 15 year old and now all his normie fans want him dead.

>> No.11100562,2584 [INTERNAL] 


No he just was sexting with a teen girl.

>> No.11100562,2585 [INTERNAL] 

she was 13, he's a registered sex offender

>> No.11100562,2586 [INTERNAL] 

what a fag hope he kills himself

>> No.11100562,2587 [INTERNAL] 

He put it to private but I download it. What goes on the internet stays on the internet.

>> No.11100562,2588 [INTERNAL] 

when will people learn

>> No.11100562,2589 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm not a pedophile!!!! Pedophiles are disgusting!!
That faggot deserves it for being a brainwashed fuck. He's no better than all the fucking normies asking for his head.

I fucking hate normies. Why did they make sex a taboo? What's the fucking point?

>> No.11100562,2590 [INTERNAL] 

bashur is clearly a creep

>> No.11100562,2591 [INTERNAL] 

How can you download a private video?

>> No.11100562,2592 [INTERNAL] 

it wasn't private a few minutes ago

>> No.11100562,2593 [INTERNAL] 

some uploaded it again


>> No.11100562,2594 [INTERNAL] 

that's me

>> No.11100562,2595 [INTERNAL] 

go back to /v/ kid

>> No.11100562,2596 [INTERNAL] 

What program do you use? I only download cute loli videos, so I always use Youtube HD Downloader for the perfect quality. But that shit doesn't work unless the video is still public.

>> No.11100562,2597 [INTERNAL] 


You wouldn't have found it if you wren't on /v/ too...
I just use a add-on and it downlaods the videos in seconds

>> No.11100562,2598 [INTERNAL] 

that's when they stock all the shelves retard. I hope you like heavy lifting

>> No.11100562,2599 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, that's fucking hilarious. I thought it was a joke video at first.

I can't wait until the day that normies can't fuck teenagers anymore. Their own prudishness will bite them in the ass. LMAO.

>> No.11100562,2600 [INTERNAL] 

whatever keeps me away from the norms

>> No.11100562,2601 [INTERNAL] 

Haven't you ever been to the store late at night?
That's when the freaks and niggers come out

>> No.11100562,2602 [INTERNAL] 

Can it download shit from Younow? I've already given up on that.

>> No.11100562,2603 [INTERNAL] 

no niggers where i live its too expensive

>> No.11100562,2604 [INTERNAL] 

who the fuck is this fag

>> No.11100562,2605 [INTERNAL] 

No but you can use camtasia recorder which is easy to set up.

>> No.11100562,2606 [INTERNAL] 

I can't watch this...

>> No.11100562,2607 [INTERNAL] 

I tried it once, but the video was like two hours long and the loli's channel was deleted halfway through. "Video not found". Fuck. I felt like fucking shit for days and deleted the first part because I didn't want to remember her cute face. I still feel awful whenever I think about it. She was perfect and now her videos are lost forever.

>> No.11100562,2608 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2609 [INTERNAL] 

I've just watched the transgender documentary, what the fuck is wrong with america?

>> No.11100562,2610 [INTERNAL] 

Jews are tricking young white men into sissydom so they are emasculated and can't fight for the white race in the coming race wars. People are waking up all across the world though, this madness will stop soon.


>> No.11100562,2611 [INTERNAL] 

feel when "crystal's" mommy desperately wants to pump him full of hormones but daddy won't let her

>> No.11100562,2612 [INTERNAL] 

feel when my parents beat me whenever I acted like a girl

>> No.11100562,2613 [INTERNAL] 

How can a person be so fucking mad after fucking a cute as hell 13 year old? It's literally impossible.

I feel bad for the little slut because they probably brainwashed her as usual.

>> No.11100562,2614 [INTERNAL] 

he didn't even fuck her lmao

just sexted her dick pics

>> No.11100562,2615 [INTERNAL] 

and straightened you out as a result

remember to thank them for your successful life

>> No.11100562,2616 [INTERNAL] 

Whoa, seriously? How do you know? Holy shit, normies are fucking insane. He still deserves it, though.

>> No.11100562,2617 [INTERNAL] 

>He still deserves it, though.
uh why

>> No.11100562,2618 [INTERNAL] 

He's clearly a subhuman

>> No.11100562,2619 [INTERNAL] 

How do you call normies that fuck young teens but aren't really pedos? And why do they always look so freaky, have anger issues and pathetic voices?

>> No.11100562,2620 [INTERNAL] 

why would you do that

>> No.11100562,2621 [INTERNAL] 

Because >>11100562,2589

>> No.11100562,2622 [INTERNAL] 

he should learn from cousin rapist to take it like a man and chill

>> No.11100562,2623 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2624 [INTERNAL] 

Because pedos are always creepy insecure losers who have to prey after children because they're the only females pedos aren't scared of. Pedos have been proven to have a lower IQ, higher average weight, lower average height, and lower average testosterone levels. This creep fits the bill.

>> No.11100562,2625 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2626 [INTERNAL] 

uh actually convicted pedophiles have been shown to have a lower IQ on average

>> No.11100562,2627 [INTERNAL] 

Nice damage control pedoboy.

>> No.11100562,2628 [INTERNAL] 

I never had imaginary friends as a kid. But I had an imaginary audience watching my entire life as a TV show. I never actually believed any of it, but it was fun to imagine their reactions to every change in my life. Some of them hated how edgy the show had become and missed the old seasons.

I had never heard of "The truman show" until a few years ago. I honestly don't know how I came up with all that shit by myself.

>> No.11100562,2629 [INTERNAL] 

you could literally run a study showing blond haired people have lower IQ by administering tests only to convicted felons with blond hair

it doesn't matter to me though since my IQ is above the average of any country or racial group

>> No.11100562,2630 [INTERNAL] 

>But I had an imaginary audience watching my entire life as a TV show.

I still feel like this constantly. Whenever I mess up in a video game I have to pause it and explain why I made the mistake to my "audience".

I know there not really there just like you but it doesn't help knowing that I still feel like I have to make them happy. What is this called

>> No.11100562,2631 [INTERNAL] 

So people like this retard are to blame for all the stereotypes and shit? I hope they find his house and beat the shit out of him. Fucking normies.

>> No.11100562,2632 [INTERNAL] 

Don't tell me you take online IQ tests seriously?..

>> No.11100562,2633 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2634 [INTERNAL] 

because I'm mentally ill

>> No.11100562,2635 [INTERNAL] 

>Testing individuals from a variety of referral sources inside and outside the criminal justice system as well as controls, these studies found associations between pedophilia and lower IQs,[75][76][77] poorer scores on memory tests,[76] greater rates of non-right-handedness,[75][76][78][79] greater rates of school grade failure over and above the IQ differences,[80] lesser physical height,[81] greater probability of having suffered childhood head injuries resulting in unconsciousness,[82][83] and several differences in MRI-detected brain structures

>A study analyzing the sexual fantasies of 200 heterosexual men by using the Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire exam determined that males with a pronounced degree of paraphilic interest (including pedophilia) had a greater number of older brothers, a high 2D:4D digit ratio (which would indicate excessive prenatal estrogen exposure), and an elevated probability of being left-handed, suggesting that disturbed hemispheric brain lateralization may play a role in deviant attractions

As you can see pedos are basically subhuman. The second study looked at general heterosexual men not just convicted rapist pedophiles, the younger the girls they were attracted to the lower testosterone levels and higher estrogen.

>> No.11100562,2636 [INTERNAL] 

I literally had an administered WAIS-IV test

don't get mad at me just because an average IQ of convicted pedophiles doesn't mean every pedophile is a retard. it doesn't even mean every convicted pedophile is a retard

>> No.11100562,2637 [INTERNAL] 

Now witness the angry reaction of the pedophile when confronted with his subhuman status and the full extent of his biological inferiority.

>> No.11100562,2638 [INTERNAL] 

the first paragraph is talking about convicted pedophiles who are still in prison and ones that aren't

the second literally says nothing about IQ

>> No.11100562,2639 [INTERNAL] 

if you assume you're a random sample of the population there's a 98% chance my IQ is higher than yours...

>> No.11100562,2640 [INTERNAL] 

Nope, they also studied men who reported attraction to young girls but didn't act one them. Majority of pedos don't act on their urges and go to therapy instead of pretending they aren't sick.

>> No.11100562,2641 [INTERNAL] 

god damn pedo freaks getting BTFO

>> No.11100562,2642 [INTERNAL] 


back to /sp/, normie

>> No.11100562,2643 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I had enough testosterone to grow a beard god damn just fucking kill me. I can only grow it above my mouth, a patch under my mouth, my chin and below my sideburns. Why couldn't I just have been born a high test alpha? FUCK

>> No.11100562,2644 [INTERNAL] 

>Nope, they also studied men who reported attraction to young girls but didn't act one them.
prove it
>Majority of pedos don't act on their urges and go to therapy instead of pretending they aren't sick.
literally unfalsifiable unless every pedo that doesn't do that gets convicted

>> No.11100562,2645 [INTERNAL] 

It's in the cited studies.

>> No.11100562,2646 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2647 [INTERNAL] 

prove it

>> No.11100562,2648 [INTERNAL] 

Ironically, real pedos usually have above average IQ. I'm a genius myself. (Laugh all you want, I don't care).

Also, real pedos have it easier when it comes to avoiding brainwashing because they immediately realize that almost everything they say on TV is fucking bullshit.

Why do you immediately assume that? Why are you even attacking that guy? Why the fuck do dumb people become so skeptical and mean when someone mentions IQ? It's really annoying.

>> No.11100562,2649 [INTERNAL] 

should I start smoking again?

>> No.11100562,2650 [INTERNAL] 

you have to be pretty retarded on average to tell anyone you're a pedophile anyway and that's their data set

they literally talk about "referrals" in the first study meaning they didn't just pick a random set of people

>> No.11100562,2651 [INTERNAL] 

That's what the citation is for, I thought you were smart.

>Ironically, real pedos usually have above average IQ. I'm a genius myself.


This is what pedo freaks actually tell themselves. You're just inferior and mentally stunted who preys after children because adults scare him.

>> No.11100562,2652 [INTERNAL] 

>try to claim it only registers people who got caught
>proven wrong
>now trying to claim it doesn't matter

Just give up, pedoboy.

>> No.11100562,2653 [INTERNAL] 

uh you're a dumbass that just read the wikipedia article and didn't look at the citations but you expect me to do it for you

>A sample of 473 male patients with pedophilia (assessed by the patients' sexual history
>sexual history

>This study investigated whether the previously observed association of pedophilia with lower IQs is an artifact of heterogeneity in referral source. The subjects were 832 adult male patients referred to a specialty clinic for evaluation of their sexual behavior.

>Quantitative reanalysis of aggregate data on IQ in sexual offenders

>> No.11100562,2654 [INTERNAL] 

there's literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile

>> No.11100562,2655 [INTERNAL] 

If you don't mind being fatter, shorter, dumber, and more beta than the average human, sure.

>> No.11100562,2656 [INTERNAL] 

studying only pedophiles who got caught performing pedophilia-related crimes would show a greater bias but taking only pedophile "patients" who receive treatment for their sexual history still produces a bias in that you only get those who are retarded enough to display their pedophilia in a harshly anti-pedo society

don't get mad at me just because your low IQ means you focus on getting points for technicality technicality while overlooking the underlying problem

>> No.11100562,2657 [INTERNAL] 

even if a sample of all male pedophiles showed that they were in fact all those things on average, that doesn't mean that every pedophile personally is

>> No.11100562,2658 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not a pedophile.

>> No.11100562,2659 [INTERNAL] 

will pedo freaks ever recover after getting owned this hard?

>> No.11100562,2660 [INTERNAL] 

you are a pido

get fucked pido scum-bag


>> No.11100562,2661 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2662 [INTERNAL] 

literally can't refute that they were all studies with biased samples and instead choose to restate the same thing in video form

he says in the video that he's talking about offenders

>> No.11100562,2663 [INTERNAL] 

So pedos are stupid manlets with brain problems I already had that figured from what I've seen here

>> No.11100562,2664 [INTERNAL] 

The evidence of all the pedophiles studied has consistently proven they have a lower IQ. If you think it's only convicted pedophiles that have a low IQ, go ahead and provide some evidence that shows that.

The dumber you are on average, the more likely you are to rate your intelligence above average. It's called the Dunning-Kruger effect.


>> No.11100562,2665 [INTERNAL] 

I like how this entire time you only disputed IQ. You're actually admitting that you're short, fat and beta and all the other things pedophiles are clinically proven to be. You only dispute IQ because that's the only piece of the data you don't match, and only because some psychologist took pity on you once and gave you a fake score.

Just accept that you were thoroughly owned.

>> No.11100562,2666 [INTERNAL] 

The dunning-kruger effect doesn't make you score higher on administered IQ tests

you literally ignored my post taking apart the sources because you can't think rationally

>> No.11100562,2667 [INTERNAL] 

Anecdotes don't trump science. All the evidence has consistently shown that pedophiles have a lower than average IQ. If you have evidence that shows it's only convicted pedophiles, lets see it. Otherwise, consider yourself an official member of the ownzone.

>> No.11100562,2668 [INTERNAL] 

>Are cute girls supposed to be sexy?
>Why is Sakura so cute? I want to kiss her butt.
Geniuses at work.
>I bet Tomoyo loves loli porn but isn't allowed to use the internet because she accidentally got her dad arrested.
>I bet Tomoyo masturbates to her own image in the mirror because she's a loli! Lewd!
>"They" be cute!
>I frickin' love "them"!
Genius at work.

>> No.11100562,2669 [INTERNAL] 

The results a single individual's testing do trump the average results of a set in their applicability to that individual

I literally displayed that every citation for the IQ point uses a heavily biased sample in >>11100562,2653 but you ignore it

>> No.11100562,2670 [INTERNAL] 

>anecdote: a short story about a real incident or person.

Hmmm, do I trust the stories of a pedophile or the actual scientific facts? Not a hard choice. Provide some evidence that only the convicted pedophiles that have a lower IQ, and not the rest. You can't.

Final Judgement: Pedos freaks OFFICIALLY owned to the stratosphere.

>> No.11100562,2671 [INTERNAL] 

he's gay

>> No.11100562,2672 [INTERNAL] 

Your point?

>> No.11100562,2673 [INTERNAL] 

uh I don't have to find evidence to counter claims that you don't have any evidence for to begin with. literally all the cited IQ studies rely on either the convicted, or retards who came out to therapists who may have felt the professional responsibility to report them, and almost certainly would have been disgusted by them

and claiming that every pedophile is a retard because of your assertion that they are on average is like saying all blacks are retarded because of averages, even though your president is black

literally a fundamental misunderstanding of averages.

>> No.11100562,2674 [INTERNAL] 

They deleted it. Why is that allowed?

>> No.11100562,2675 [INTERNAL] 

Pedofreaks are retarded?

>> No.11100562,2676 [INTERNAL] 

Correction: all the data we have on the intelligence of pedophiles shows a lower IQ. You claim this is because they are convicts, so provide some evidence that demonstrates this.

>is like saying all blacks are retarded because of averages, even though your president is black

But Obama is a stupid nigger as well, that proves my point.

>> No.11100562,2677 [INTERNAL] 

>Intelligent people should always be boring and serious as fuck, especially when they masturbate to anime girls

>> No.11100562,2678 [INTERNAL] 

I showed that the samples for the IQ claims that you didn't bother to check beyond your top notch wikipedia research were all biased, but you cling to the technicality that two of the three are biased in a way unrelated to convictions, because that was where I said the biases came from in my original claim

literally clinging to technicality for points because you don't understand the underlying assertion that the samples are biased.

>But Obama is a stupid nigger as well, that proves my point.

>> No.11100562,2679 [INTERNAL] 

Every single study that's been brought forward has demonstrated consistently a lower IQ than average, pedoboy. You keep claiming that it's not true and that it's only convicted pedophiles that have a lower IQ, yet you can't prove that.

Until you can provide some scientific evidence to back up your claims, the rest of us will refer to the pile of evidence that proves pedophiles are retarded subhumans.

>> No.11100562,2680 [INTERNAL] 

uh no, I keep claiming that as the samples are clearly biased as seen in >>11100562,2653, they can't be extrapolated to all pedophiles

one of the studies focuses on convicted pedophiles only. the other two focus on patients that admitted they're pedophiles to health professionals, something you only do if you're highly retarded. the point is that they're biased samples. what causes them to be biased is only a technicality

I literally pity you for needing to be told so many times

>> No.11100562,2681 [INTERNAL] 

pedos arent people

>> No.11100562,2682 [INTERNAL] 

Pedophilia is rampart in politics, Hollywood, and big business.
Those guys seem pretty smart.

>> No.11100562,2683 [INTERNAL] 

There's no need to keep repeating yourself, if you can't provide evidence to back up your statement you have my permission to leave the thread now. We've already established that all the evidence that exists has shown that I'm right and that pedos have a lower IQ.

You've claimed that it's biased and that most pedophiles don't have a lower IQ, yet you've failed to prove that. So once again, until you can provide some actual facts, you lose kiddo.


>> No.11100562,2684 [INTERNAL] 

God damn Subway is expensive. What happens to $5 foot longs? Every thing is like $7 now.

>> No.11100562,2685 [INTERNAL] 

uh, I don't need to provide evidence to counter a claim that you have no evidence for. you think your sample for a subset of people who made retarded decisions is evidence for the larger set when it isn't. this would be like if I said everyone with black skin is a doctor when my sample only included black skinned doctors...

you literally don't understand the scientific process at all

>> No.11100562,2686 [INTERNAL] 

>pitying brainwashed normies

>> No.11100562,2687 [INTERNAL] 

they're $6.55 canadian here thats roughly 5 burgers

>> No.11100562,2688 [INTERNAL] 

So I went to the car wash to turn in my resume should I have turned it into the employee? I feel that she wouldn't give it to the manager and just throw it away in the trash.

Also the lady running the cash resigster looked like the stereotypical "I'm pedicuring my nails" type of girl who was on her cell phone and had "what darling" type of voice. She had loads of green make-up on too. What does she have that I don't have about being "upbeat" and "energetic"?

>> No.11100562,2689 [INTERNAL] 

All the evidence already shows I'm right, pedophiles studied have a demonstrably lower IQ. If you have a theory on that it's only convicted pedos that have a lower IQ and not all pedophiles, prove it.

Otherwise, you're staying in the OWNEDZONE for good.

>> No.11100562,2690 [INTERNAL] 

how do pedo freaks get owned every day yet not kill themselves?

>> No.11100562,2691 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2692 [INTERNAL] 

>If you have a theory on that it's only convicted pedos that have a lower IQ and not all pedophiles
Your claim is that every single pedophile on earth has an IQ below average?

>> No.11100562,2693 [INTERNAL] 

I'm just putting the facts out there. Every study has consistently shown pedophiles have a lower IQ. If you're claiming that it's not all pedophiles and that it's only convicted pedophiles, lets see some proof, pedoboy.

>> No.11100562,2694 [INTERNAL] 

If that's your claim all that's needed to disprove you is one single pedophile with an average or above average IQ...

>> No.11100562,2695 [INTERNAL] 

Statistically if you're a pedophile you are on average going to be dumber than actual humans. That's just a fact.

>> No.11100562,2696 [INTERNAL] 

Why did that guy record and upload his breakdown? Shit's hilarious.

>> No.11100562,2697 [INTERNAL] 

so you literally back down from the "all pedophiles are retarded" claim you make in any other post if directly questioned on it

>> No.11100562,2698 [INTERNAL] 

Because it's just an act to get sympathy. Pedofreaks are incapable of most emotions.

>> No.11100562,2699 [INTERNAL] 

I mean, he actually watched his own video and still decided to upload it. What the hell is wrong with him?

>> No.11100562,2700 [INTERNAL] 

You're the one trying to move the goalposts. First you claimed that it wasn't true that pedophiles were statistically dumber on average, now you're trying to pretend you were just trying to say "n-not all pedophiles are dumb though it's just an average". Is this what they call a "damage control otaku"?

Face it kid, you aren't in my league. You're a perfect case for the average intelligence of pedophiles, far below average.

>> No.11100562,2701 [INTERNAL] 

he took it down now

>> No.11100562,2702 [INTERNAL] 

why are apartments so expensive FUCK the cheapest ones in my area are $1500 a month I just need a fucking box to live in a I don't care

>> No.11100562,2703 [INTERNAL] 

uh I've been saying both all along but your memory doesn't have the capacity to recall that

plus you proved relentlessly retarded on the first point so I may as well promote the second

>> No.11100562,2704 [INTERNAL] 

Dude $1500 is what my parents pay for a 3 bedroom apartment. Move to another county.

>> No.11100562,2705 [INTERNAL] 

well you can't probably just get up and move but still

>> No.11100562,2706 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK

these pedofreaks are getting absolutely DEMOLISHED

>> No.11100562,2707 [INTERNAL] 

california has high cost of living plus there's no black people around so that's a factor

>> No.11100562,2708 [INTERNAL] 

Cuckshinima is now removing this guys videos en masse unless you edit it in your style.

>> No.11100562,2709 [INTERNAL] 

they have every right to do so

>> No.11100562,2710 [INTERNAL] 

How retarded can you be to not only make a shitty video like that but then regret it and take it down and then sit there all day reporting everyone who reuploads it? Like does he plan on doing that for the rest of his life or what?

>> No.11100562,2711 [INTERNAL] 

I can't stop watching that fucking video. It's comedy gold. A popular youtuber breaking THE FUCK down because people are calling him a (gasp!) pedophile. Literally the worst thing you can call a normie.

It's a fucking masterpiece.

>> No.11100562,2712 [INTERNAL] 

pedos don't have rights

>> No.11100562,2713 [INTERNAL] 

He's not a normie. He's a pedophile. This is how they act when you call them out for what they are.

See: this thread

>> No.11100562,2714 [INTERNAL] 

He literally is a pedophile though and fits every scientifically proven stereotype of pedos. Short, fat, retarded, beta, low testosterone levels and creepy.

>> No.11100562,2715 [INTERNAL] 

He probably spent a good hour talking to himself "should I hit the publish button or should I not."

>> No.11100562,2716 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody should have the right to delete anything on the internet. If at least one person liked it, for whatever reason, it's immoral to make it disappear.

What if your favorite writer could magically destroy every single copy of every single book he ever wrote? What if your favorite loli actress could do the same with her movies? Terrible, just terrible. A nightmare.

>> No.11100562,2717 [INTERNAL] 

another reupload


>> No.11100562,2718 [INTERNAL] 

>The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet.
He's intentionally making use of this because he's an attention whore, like all ecelebrities.

He took it down and will keep taking videos down in order to make it more viral.

>> No.11100562,2719 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I was a pedo so I could get some angry normies to kill me.

>> No.11100562,2720 [INTERNAL] 

I think the video will viral on its own, doesn't need any fancy tricks. I also hate the word viral so this will be the last time I will use it.

>> No.11100562,2721 [INTERNAL] 

This retard has adware and recorded his screen instead of just saving the video directly.

>> No.11100562,2722 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe it counts as enough of an edit that Jewchinima can't take it down.

>> No.11100562,2723 [INTERNAL] 


what a retard it's 360p

>> No.11100562,2724 [INTERNAL] 

everyone with that haircut deserves pain

>> No.11100562,2725 [INTERNAL] 

no, it's too expensive

>> No.11100562,2726 [INTERNAL] 

I don't identify with any of that shit. I guess I'm not a pedophile anymore, normies have shat all over that fucking word. I literally flinch every time someone says it, because it's always some normie fuck saying things that make me want to murder someone.

We should replace it with a new word.

>> No.11100562,2727 [INTERNAL] 


is this that warosu guy who raped his cousin?..

>> No.11100562,2728 [INTERNAL] 

i want to get really strong and then grow a beard and gain weight so I look like a big fat strong guy

then I can get penis surgery to have a 10 inch cock

>> No.11100562,2729 [INTERNAL] 

we still have lolicon

>> No.11100562,2730 [INTERNAL] 

Get a load of this tranny logic.

Even if you don't "identify" with being a pedofreak, you are one, and you are all the things that come with being one. There's no cure for pedophilia either, so enjoy your subhumanism for life.

>> No.11100562,2731 [INTERNAL] 

In Japanese lolicon literally means pedophile.

>> No.11100562,2732 [INTERNAL] 

>Like does he plan on doing that for the rest of his life or what?
I think he'll just give up and kill himself within the next few days. I hope more normies follow his example. Self-hating normie pedos are the worst of the worst.

>> No.11100562,2733 [INTERNAL] 


I know but you can say it instead of pedophile. Or you can say hebephile since nobody ever says hebephile.

>> No.11100562,2734 [INTERNAL] 

Being a hebephile is normal, pedophilia isn't.

>> No.11100562,2735 [INTERNAL] 

I think he'll just make another minecraft video and pretend it never happened.

>> No.11100562,2736 [INTERNAL] 


It is not okay to stick your penis in a 13 year old.

>> No.11100562,2737 [INTERNAL] 

Puberty is the only objective way to determine readiness for sex. Pedophiles are people who want to fuck children before they are sexually mature(before puberty), and are by definition unnatural and defective.

>> No.11100562,2738 [INTERNAL] 

And besides the girl was 13/14 so him saying pedophile is the wrong term to begin with.

>> No.11100562,2739 [INTERNAL] 

someone link that thing where the crazy pedo is saying that somehow hackers put CP on his PC

>> No.11100562,2740 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2741 [INTERNAL] 

He reminds me of that guy from Unteralterbach. The one with the mohawk.

>> No.11100562,2742 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus that freak is a bad actor.

Another poster child for pedophile subhumanism.

>> No.11100562,2743 [INTERNAL] 


>I never knew my father

How come pedos always come from a single mom home and fail to mature into men, resulting in a beta effeminate creeps?

>> No.11100562,2744 [INTERNAL] 

whats with the black guy?

>> No.11100562,2745 [INTERNAL] 

That would be hilarious. Just imagine it. That guy is fucking crazy and unstable, he can't act for shit.

>> No.11100562,2746 [INTERNAL] 

he fakes his mental illness being worse than it is so he isn't found competent to stand trial. it said malingering on his file and the interview man asked him about it and this is his response after that

>> No.11100562,2747 [INTERNAL] 

Wait, is that the video where he confessed his "crime"? He was having a normal life and out of nowhere decided to tell people about it?

>> No.11100562,2748 [INTERNAL] 

No he got called out by another youtuber for being a sex offender so he wanted to "clear the air" with that video.

>> No.11100562,2749 [INTERNAL] 

You just answered your own question.

>> No.11100562,2750 [INTERNAL] 


hhahahahha he literally was in a school for retards LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

>> No.11100562,2751 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK

pedos confirmed for retards

>> No.11100562,2752 [INTERNAL] 

how is he 29 years old holy shit he looks like a 16 year old

>> No.11100562,2753 [INTERNAL] 

I literally want him to go fucking nuts and murder that guy for ruining his life before killing himself. Two birds with one shot.

>> No.11100562,2754 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2755 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2756 [INTERNAL] 

I love his Hitler haircut.

>> No.11100562,2757 [INTERNAL] 

anyone wanna fug?

>> No.11100562,2758 [INTERNAL] 

/fa/ recommended the hitler youth before it became cool

I wonder what they recommend nowadays, I haven't been there in years

>> No.11100562,2759 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2760 [INTERNAL] 

it was already cool in runway shows back then

>> No.11100562,2761 [INTERNAL] 

If this shit goes viral, he's definitelly gonna kill his actual, literal self.

>> No.11100562,2762 [INTERNAL] 

God, I hate that annoying fuck.

>> No.11100562,2763 [INTERNAL] 

this tweet is just saying his name....?

>> No.11100562,2764 [INTERNAL] 

who are these people even why do you guys know them even

>> No.11100562,2765 [INTERNAL] 

oh my god the audio of his video is pure golden you can remix it into anything

>> No.11100562,2766 [INTERNAL] 

but hes right

>> No.11100562,2767 [INTERNAL] 

how? is that the normie that got him called a rapist because he looked him up and found him on the sex offender's register?

he's just a normie looking to enforce normie rules on him and make sure all the normies know he's not one of them

>> No.11100562,2768 [INTERNAL] 

he just called him out for being a registered sex offender and then the kid had a mental breakdown and made a 40 minute video of his life story crying and making things up


>> No.11100562,2769 [INTERNAL] 


These lolis are fucking cute and lewd. That bitch and the beginning can go fuck herself. "Distressing thought", huh? Fuck you, bitch.

>> No.11100562,2770 [INTERNAL] 

God, pedos are subhuman. It brings me great joy to see pedos cry their crocodile tears when confronted with their subhuman status.

>> No.11100562,2771 [INTERNAL] 

He didn't do anything wrong and that freak deserved it, but he obviously hates people who like little girls and thinks pedophilia is a mental illness. Fucking piece of shit.

>> No.11100562,2772 [INTERNAL] 

Pedophilia is a mental illness.

>> No.11100562,2773 [INTERNAL] 

she chink

>> No.11100562,2774 [INTERNAL] 

fucking chink pretending to be white

>> No.11100562,2775 [INTERNAL] 

>Oh my god I have a migraine now
Fucking bitch, I want her dead. She's literally human garbage.

>> No.11100562,2776 [INTERNAL] 

mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct
mental illness is a construct

>> No.11100562,2777 [INTERNAL] 

Aren't most campsites seasonal? Out here during the driest months a lot of camp sites are closed to help minimize forest fires.

>> No.11100562,2778 [INTERNAL] 

I'm glad I'm never going to have children.

Kill yourselves, pedo freaks.

>> No.11100562,2779 [INTERNAL] 

It's biologically unnatural to want to have sex with a girl before puberty. No morality involved.

>> No.11100562,2780 [INTERNAL] 

nobody here didn't watch porn as a preteen

>> No.11100562,2781 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't.

>> No.11100562,2782 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2783 [INTERNAL] 

>that freak deserved it
That asshole didn't need to expose his past. He already served his sentence or whatever. What a sadistic, judgmental piece of crap.

I'm glad that faggot's life is over because he's a disgusting normie, but he didn't deserve that shit.

>> No.11100562,2784 [INTERNAL] 

if it's biologically unnatural then WHY DOES IT HAPPEN? literal fucking retarded nigger itt go eat yer tendies

>> No.11100562,2785 [INTERNAL] 

I kinda feel bad for him now.

>> No.11100562,2786 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck, she's fucking pretending to be "apalled". Do Americans really believe this?

>> No.11100562,2787 [INTERNAL] 

Pedophilia never occurs in humans, it's only been observed in patients exhibiting severe subhuman tendencies.

>> No.11100562,2788 [INTERNAL] 

le subhuman may may kill yourself

>> No.11100562,2789 [INTERNAL] 

im pedo

>> No.11100562,2790 [INTERNAL] 


I'm chinkpedo

>> No.11100562,2791 [INTERNAL] 

Subhuman detected

>> No.11100562,2792 [INTERNAL] 

this gives me a boner why

>> No.11100562,2793 [INTERNAL] 

she's not pretending, you fucking pedo

>> No.11100562,2794 [INTERNAL] 

Terminal subhumanism.

>> No.11100562,2795 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2796 [INTERNAL] 

You know this counts as CP right?

>> No.11100562,2797 [INTERNAL] 

wrong thread since somebody randomly bumped another one

>> No.11100562,2798 [INTERNAL] 

oh haha

>> No.11100562,2799 [INTERNAL] 

You realize you just admitted to viewing CP, right?

>> No.11100562,2800 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2801 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2802 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't just view it, I masturbated to it. You think I'm ashamed? I'm just tired of the "hebe" retards thinking they're not pedos for liking 11 year olds.

>> No.11100562,2803 [INTERNAL] 

Because that loli slut with baby teeth is literally talking about porn while smiling.

>> No.11100562,2804 [INTERNAL] 

why are blacks so alpha

>> No.11100562,2805 [INTERNAL] 

You'll never live this down

>> No.11100562,2806 [INTERNAL] 

Because you're a sick fuck

You too

>> No.11100562,2807 [INTERNAL] 

Children are h*t

>> No.11100562,2808 [INTERNAL] 

I agree. I hate how 11 year olds are considered "hebe" just because America is a shithole where lolis hit puberty too soon.

Get fucked, Americunts.

>> No.11100562,2809 [INTERNAL] 

im pedo

>> No.11100562,2810 [INTERNAL] 

is there anyone on warosu who unironically isn't a pedo

>> No.11100562,2811 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah what's up

>> No.11100562,2812 [INTERNAL] 

>The Hugos are the most prestigious award for science fiction and fantasy authors, and the nominees are chosen by popular vote. A bunch of people voted to snub SJW authors, and now the SJWs are chimping out and calling the group that did it, the Sad Puppies, racists and misogynists (except the authors they voted to nominate instead include women and niggers).

>> No.11100562,2813 [INTERNAL] 

why should i care

when will this meme end

>> No.11100562,2814 [INTERNAL] 

I tried to say purple just now but only "purpur" would come out

What the fuck am I retarded?

>> No.11100562,2815 [INTERNAL] 

that's how you pronounce it though

the l is silent

which is the main reason nothing rhymes with it

>> No.11100562,2816 [INTERNAL] 

uh im pretty sure the L is not silente...

>> No.11100562,2817 [INTERNAL] 

heh I know it isn't you just got trolled hard

>> No.11100562,2818 [INTERNAL] 

Ok, so that guy sent pictures of his tiny dick to a horny teenager a decade ago and became a registered sex offender. His life is over, he can't find a job and has been a hikikomori for years.

One day, he decided to make a Youtube channel to earn some money. But some dude found out about his past and decided to ruin his life again because he feels that the penalties for sending dick picks to a horny bitch are nowhere near severe enough.

Why are Americans so prude? I don't get it. That shit is a fucking cancer on society. This guy will eventually kill himself or shoot up a school or some crazy shit like that, when he could have been a perfectly functional person.

Fuck religions, fuck prude atheists, fuck Americans and fuck this crazy ass faggot piece of shit. Fuck everything.

>> No.11100562,2819 [INTERNAL] 

damn this is hot


>> No.11100562,2820 [INTERNAL] 

The victim-playing sack of deceptive shit deserves it.

>> No.11100562,2821 [INTERNAL] 

Because in America there's money to be made from anything that's not socially accepted or out of the ordinary.

>> No.11100562,2822 [INTERNAL] 

That doesn't change the fact that sex shouldn't be a fucking taboo that ruins people's lives and causes real harm.

Kids can't even get pregnant. Why the fuck can't they have sex or even touch each other without being taken to seven psychologists?

>> No.11100562,2823 [INTERNAL] 

Shut the fuck up you goddamn pedo.

>> No.11100562,2824 [INTERNAL] 

It's been 48 hours and the Canadian Armed Forces still hasn't responded to my application...
I guess because it's a small military it is pretty selective? Maybe I should have tried putting something down in the "physical exercise in the past 2 months" section...

>> No.11100562,2825 [INTERNAL] 

I'm four months sober and now I'm just sad, angry, and bored all of the time. Nothing I try alleviates any of that. Why? Why does life have to be like this? Why is everything so shit?

>> No.11100562,2826 [INTERNAL] 

le depression meme

>> No.11100562,2827 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not depressed. Reality is just shit.

>> No.11100562,2828 [INTERNAL] 

It's too late, every western country has already adopted American morals and culture. You can't escape.

>> No.11100562,2829 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off, degenerate.

>> No.11100562,2830 [INTERNAL] 

relax man smoke up man

>> No.11100562,2831 [INTERNAL] 

Before you ask, I'm from the US.

>> No.11100562,2832 [INTERNAL] 

virus do not click

>> No.11100562,2833 [INTERNAL] 

i want a loli girlfriend

>> No.11100562,2834 [INTERNAL] 

Good god i'm retarded.

>> No.11100562,2835 [INTERNAL] 

I can't understand what half the black gentlemen in this documentary are saying

>> No.11100562,2836 [INTERNAL] 

i want any girlfriend

>> No.11100562,2837 [INTERNAL] 

I'll be your girlfriend

>> No.11100562,2838 [INTERNAL] 

even if you had a girlfriend she would just dump you

>> No.11100562,2839 [INTERNAL] 

>i want a kid gf

>> No.11100562,2840 [INTERNAL] 

whats with the sudden surge of pedo activity on the w lately

>> No.11100562,2841 [INTERNAL] 

cool want to come over

>> No.11100562,2842 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2843 [INTERNAL] 

bikedickspammer invited his pedo friends to raid us

>> No.11100562,2844 [INTERNAL] 

uh there is literally nobody posting that here besides you

whoa re you quoting haha

>> No.11100562,2845 [INTERNAL] 

i dont have any pedo friends

>> No.11100562,2846 [INTERNAL] 

Stop lying you play that zombie game with other pedos all the time

>> No.11100562,2847 [INTERNAL] 

you're a worthless fucking pedo haha?

>> No.11100562,2848 [INTERNAL] 

wait, are you a girl

>> No.11100562,2849 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2850 [INTERNAL] 

why fucking live

>> No.11100562,2851 [INTERNAL] 

oh haha at least im not retarded? haha...?

>> No.11100562,2852 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody has pedo friends because real pedos don't look anything like the "pedos" people have in their minds.

>> No.11100562,2853 [INTERNAL] 

you cant be a girlfriend if you arent a girl thats part of the name of it

>> No.11100562,2854 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2855 [INTERNAL] 

just ignore my penis

>> No.11100562,2856 [INTERNAL] 

elliot is back!

>> No.11100562,2857 [INTERNAL] 

Hopefully he's more successful in his murders than Elliot

>> No.11100562,2858 [INTERNAL] 

lol hes black why would women want him

>> No.11100562,2859 [INTERNAL] 

is this a parody

>> No.11100562,2860 [INTERNAL] 

he could get a loli

>> No.11100562,2861 [INTERNAL] 

lolis hate negros

>> No.11100562,2862 [INTERNAL] 

lolis arent stretchy enough for black guys

>> No.11100562,2863 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis want a black dick in ther soft, round, pale, white kid butt.

>> No.11100562,2864 [INTERNAL] 

This cuck meme is old

>> No.11100562,2865 [INTERNAL] 

not as old as you

>> No.11100562,2866 [INTERNAL] 

ugh, when i think of a lolis pussy wrapped tightly around a dick it gives me a boner why?

>> No.11100562,2867 [INTERNAL] 

Uh.. that's not really an insult?

>> No.11100562,2868 [INTERNAL] 

it's a really sick burn

>> No.11100562,2869 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2870 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2871 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2872 [INTERNAL] 

No i dont i ask if she wants to hang out thats all

>> No.11100562,2873 [INTERNAL] 

Wonder Trade is pretty damn neat. Pokemon really had a lot to gain from becoming online enabled.

>> No.11100562,2874 [INTERNAL] 

Because lolis are so pure, cute and adorable. It's just mindblowing to see them doing something like that.

Imagine you are watching an episode of Winnie the Pooh. In their world, sex doesn't exist and people don't poop and curse words are literally nonexistent. And suddenly, Christopher Robin whips out his dick and fucks his loli gf in the ass in front of all the animals! And Pooh says "HOLY SHIIIIIIIIT" and that yellow rabbit bro finally snaps and stabs Tigger with a knife for blocking his view and generally being a fucking annoying asshole. It feels like magic because it's something that literally cannot happen in their world.

>> No.11100562,2875 [INTERNAL] 

Why the hell are lolis so cute anyway?

>> No.11100562,2876 [INTERNAL] 

you realize that you're casual if you use dirty pokemon that don't come from your own games, right?

>> No.11100562,2877 [INTERNAL] 

no cute black gf to roleplay slave master with

>> No.11100562,2878 [INTERNAL] 

What's wrong with getting a level one that's not wild in my game and training it?

Also some just just sent a level 100 Terrakion I wonder if this is a mistake

>> No.11100562,2879 [INTERNAL] 

I also find it hilarious that Pikachu is the only Pokemon who makes the same noise in the game as it does in the anime. It's literally the only Pokemon I've seen that actually says its own name.

>> No.11100562,2880 [INTERNAL] 

1. you didn't catch it and if you really wanted to be a normie you could "catch" all the pokemon in the game by just trading zigzagoons
2. you get the xp normieboost on top of the casualized exp share that you probably leave on

>> No.11100562,2881 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2882 [INTERNAL] 

>Christopher Robin whips out his dick and fucks his loli gf in the ass
He never had a loli gf in real life because his dad made him a character in that gay ass book and kids bullied the shit out of him. He hated his dad for ruining his life, the Pooh books haunted him well into his thirties and he died alone and miserable.

What a fucking autist LMAO.

>> No.11100562,2883 [INTERNAL] 

i dont understand what you mean what is normieboost and how do you catch a pokemon if you trade it i mean i dont catch fish if i buy them from the fish store........

>> No.11100562,2884 [INTERNAL] 

just continue being a dumbass casual then

>> No.11100562,2885 [INTERNAL] 

uh that doesnt explain anything haha?

>> No.11100562,2886 [INTERNAL] 

fuck you

>> No.11100562,2887 [INTERNAL] 

There's no way this story is real.

>> No.11100562,2888 [INTERNAL] 

did you ever see the real winnie the pooh characters theyre creepy


>> No.11100562,2889 [INTERNAL] 

someone post those ones of pooh owning piglet

>> No.11100562,2890 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2891 [INTERNAL] 

wheres christopher robin

>> No.11100562,2892 [INTERNAL] 

>write a gay ass book
>put your son as the main character
>die alone and hated by your only son
>regret the day your wife gave birth to that autistic prick

>> No.11100562,2893 [INTERNAL] 

That's his dad. There are pictures of Chris as an old man and it seems like he almost got over the Pooh trauma.

>> No.11100562,2894 [INTERNAL] 

Do lolis even like having penises in their vaginas?

>> No.11100562,2895 [INTERNAL] 

Their vaginas usually aren't developed enough for sex, that's why they usually user their buttholes

>> No.11100562,2896 [INTERNAL] 

They're forced to

>> No.11100562,2897 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis love to have consensual sex with adults on camera

>> No.11100562,2898 [INTERNAL] 

They don't. And there's no reason to fuck a loli in her pussy because butts are sexier and unused loli vaginas look good.

>> No.11100562,2899 [INTERNAL] 

loli vaginas are for licking

>> No.11100562,2900 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that actual, literal, real lolis have been forced to have anal sex on camera is just mindblowing. The fact that something like that has happened to at least one loli in this world is just so humiliating and shocking.

>> No.11100562,2901 [INTERNAL] 

Um how do you know what an unused loli vagina looks like?

>> No.11100562,2902 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know what it looks like, but I've noticed that unused adult vaginas look better than used ones.

>> No.11100562,2903 [INTERNAL] 

That doesn't actually matter. Some women just naturally have more disgusting vaginas than usual.

>> No.11100562,2904 [INTERNAL] 

I love how that guy's last words are "FFFFFFFF-". LMAO LMAO ROFLMAO LAMO

>> No.11100562,2905 [INTERNAL] 

u little shits

>> No.11100562,2906 [INTERNAL] 

slaughter all women like pigs and flay their skin

>> No.11100562,2907 [INTERNAL] 

just give me a super dark-skinned black gf like this please god


>> No.11100562,2908 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck!! She's blacker than the nose of a dog!!

>> No.11100562,2909 [INTERNAL] 

she's beautiful

>> No.11100562,2910 [INTERNAL] 

the wet and dripping pussy of a literal and actual underage hikarigirl kodomokid lolichild minorpreteen JS-chan-cosplaying 22 year old sober consenting woman above the age of consent!

>> No.11100562,2911 [INTERNAL] 

She's completely unappealing and unattractive?

>> No.11100562,2912 [INTERNAL] 

Some guy Wonder Traded a Flabebe and I kept it because the Floette it evolves into reminds me of a loli.

>> No.11100562,2913 [INTERNAL] 

god you're a pedofreak and a black gentleman and on top of all that you're a casual who doesn't know how to play pokemon properly

have you ever even caught them all without trading other people?

>> No.11100562,2914 [INTERNAL] 

But that's wrong? She's a goddess.

>> No.11100562,2915 [INTERNAL] 

I never asked for this...

>> No.11100562,2916 [INTERNAL] 


Also I never realized how closely Hoenn mirrors Kyushu. Mossdeep City with the rocket ship is definitely supposed to be Tanegashima, the actual island that Japan uses to launch rockets. This is neat.

>> No.11100562,2917 [INTERNAL] 


Here's another one of her, she's literally from Heaven.

>> No.11100562,2918 [INTERNAL] 

Bikenig's mom just called me, I've got good news.

He's been taken in for questioning regarding the disappearance of his cousin. He tried to escape but all the piss bottles made him lose control and crash into a horse.

>> No.11100562,2919 [INTERNAL] 

uh ive been posting here since i woke up four hours ago...

>> No.11100562,2920 [INTERNAL] 

She's not attractive at all if you're white

>> No.11100562,2921 [INTERNAL] 

You used your one phone call to post on warosu...

>> No.11100562,2922 [INTERNAL] 

im sitting here in my room drinking tea and playing pokemon and eating easter candy?

>> No.11100562,2923 [INTERNAL] 

le epic ? maymay

>> No.11100562,2924 [INTERNAL] 

should we help him

>> No.11100562,2925 [INTERNAL] 

send over a pack of cigs

>> No.11100562,2926 [INTERNAL] 

Dr Pavel I'm CIA

>> No.11100562,2927 [INTERNAL] 

uh i cant smoke i have asthma

>> No.11100562,2928 [INTERNAL] 

lol what a beta

>> No.11100562,2929 [INTERNAL] 

count all the bees in the hive

catch all the bees in the sky

>> No.11100562,2930 [INTERNAL] 

when will warosu get a dark theme it really hurts my eyes

>> No.11100562,2931 [INTERNAL] 

[wastes his entire day on imageboards]

>> No.11100562,2932 [INTERNAL] 

You're a big guy

>> No.11100562,2933 [INTERNAL] 

>playing that piece of shit
>playing nintendo garbage at all
Only the first two gens have appealing graphics, music and sound effects. Just entering a fucking house feels more satisfying that anything in the later gens. Just like the huge ass sword in the three GBC Zeldas feels so good when you hit shit with it. But the first two gens are still fucking terrible games because there's no special split. It wouldn't be so bad if Ghost wasn't physical and Dark special. It makes NO fucking sense. Gyarados can't bite for shit with his crap special attack. Hitmonchan's elemental punches are worthless. Sneasel can't use his stab. It makes no fucking sense. It should be reversed. The only reason ghost is physical is because lick was the only "normal" move of that type in the first gen. What a load of crap.

The rest of the games (gens 3 and up) have shit generic graphics, horrible sound, soulless sprites and are fucking unplayable because you can't just catch a random poke, train it and make it a beast anymore. You have to catch the "right one". Almost every fucking Rattata is an imperfect piece of shit that will NEVER reach its true potential thanks to the fucking nature system. It triggers my OCD even if you can beat the game with a random Magikarp. I feel like I'm wasting my time raising a random pokemon. I feel like I could have killed that thing in one hit but I didn't because my Rattata has a shitty nature and now I have to wait another turn to kill it. I have to go out of my fucking way to catch the correct Rattata. It feels awful. Don't even get me started on EVs. Holy shit. Why can't they just ask me where to put the fucking points on every level up? Why make it so fucking convoluted and annoying? Why do I have to go out of my way to fight specific shit just to make my pokemon as strong as it can possibly be? AND THE FUCKING IVS HOLY FUCKING CRAP. GO DIE IN A PIT.

Female Frillish is the cutest and loliest pokemon. Chikorita and Hoppip are cute too.

You guys should stop playing this crappy series. Showdown is alright, but it's still fucking boring.

Play Dragon Warrior Monsters on the GBC. Now THAT is a good monster raising game. Fun and free of convoluted garbage.

Also, stop playing Nintendo crap and play the best motherfucking series ever. Dragon Quest/Warrior.

Start with IV on the NES. Don't use cheat codes, the AI is pretty good if you just leave it on offensive most of the time. Best fucking game in the series and best fucking NES title ever, even better than SMB3. But they are all great games.

Then play I, II and III on the SNES. In that order.

There's a DS remake of V on the DS, but it's a casual piece of shit except for party chat. I love that goddamn feature so much. V is one of the best in the series and should be played on SNES or PS2. The latter has party chat too, so fuck the DS version.

Don't play IV DS, it's unsatisfying casual garbage and has a terrible fucking translation. It doesn't even have party chat because the translators are lazy assholes.

VI is alright. I love it, but most people think it's the weakest in the series. The SNES version has a buggy unfinished traslation and the DS version is perfectly translated except for the accent crap.

By the time you get to VII and VIII, you will know what to do.

IX is shit.

Play this fucking series ASAP. It's amazing and horribly underrated because casuals think it requires grinding. It shits all over FF and SMT. Fuck FF up the ass.

>> No.11100562,2934 [INTERNAL] 

Are you a retard? Give it a dark theme yourself.

>> No.11100562,2935 [INTERNAL] 

uh you realize that gen 1 and 2 still had IVs right? they just didn't work the same way

>> No.11100562,2936 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2937 [INTERNAL] 

he was a navy man

stationed in newport news

she was a high school queen with nothing real left to lose

>> No.11100562,2938 [INTERNAL] 

I'm white

>> No.11100562,2939 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2940 [INTERNAL] 

im jew where is money

>> No.11100562,2941 [INTERNAL] 

Okay, survey time. Would you rather fuck a traditional loli (9-11), or a preteen/young teen girl (12-14)?

>> No.11100562,2942 [INTERNAL] 

preteen if i was at gunbpoint but i prefer chubby 19 yos

>> No.11100562,2943 [INTERNAL] 

I would rather have sex with a 16-year-old girl as I wouldn't want to commit an illegal act.

>> No.11100562,2944 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2945 [INTERNAL] 

I know, but they weren't as noticeable. EVs were better too. It's the horrible nature system, along with the EV and IV shit, that fucks everything up and reminds me of how crap my mon is.

Play some Dragon Quest. Seriously. Unless you have ADD like most Americans and will just go from cutscene to cutscene without talking to NPCs and then complain that the story is shit.

>> No.11100562,2946 [INTERNAL] 

aint no hokey-ass autist finna tell C-dawg what to do

>> No.11100562,2947 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,2948 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2949 [INTERNAL] 

*high fives as he rides past you on his literal motorcycle*

>> No.11100562,2950 [INTERNAL] 

Only 10-11 is preteen. And preteens are still full loli.

>> No.11100562,2951 [INTERNAL] 

preteen literally means preteen so 12 is still preteen

>> No.11100562,2952 [INTERNAL] 

>i prefer 19 yos
You prefer old hags that have shat five thousand turds in their life?

>> No.11100562,2953 [INTERNAL] 

Preteen is anything before thirteen. That's literally what "pre" means.

>> No.11100562,2954 [INTERNAL] 

12 is tween and 13 is teen. None of that is preteen.

Maria is a an average loli. Hikari 02, Tomoyo and Sakura are delicious preteens.

>> No.11100562,2955 [INTERNAL] 

Preteens aren't lolis because they have hair.

>> No.11100562,2956 [INTERNAL] 

12 is between preteen and teen.

>> No.11100562,2957 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2958 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, you don't even know what a preteen is.

>> No.11100562,2959 [INTERNAL] 

how do you figure

>> No.11100562,2960 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2961 [INTERNAL] 

maria is 9...?

speaking of which I hope you are aware of much of a subhuman being attracted to a factually retarded 9 year old makes you

>> No.11100562,2962 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2963 [INTERNAL] 

In this case preteen is 12, and 12 year olds are hairy.

>> No.11100562,2964 [INTERNAL] 

Preteens are just taller and more intelligent lolis that can be flat but sometimes have small chest buds.

They don't have hair or periods, but they are kinda slutty.

Anything after elementary school is not preteen. Americans have a fucked up idea of what a preteen is because their lolis hit puberty earlier and I've heard that in some states elementary school only lasts five years. That's nuts!

>> No.11100562,2965 [INTERNAL] 

Maria is 9 and 9 is literally the oldest a loli can be without being considered a preteen.

You said it yourself. Preteens are prepubescent and 12 year olds can't be preteens because they have hair down there.

>> No.11100562,2966 [INTERNAL] 

people said i looked like the guy from blues clues

>> No.11100562,2967 [INTERNAL] 

but both the people in this situation would be two-faced...

>> No.11100562,2968 [INTERNAL] 

So why are you telling me something that I've said and agree with? Are you mistaking me for someone?

>> No.11100562,2969 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2970 [INTERNAL] 

Feelio when that hitler motherfucker's video is so hilarious that people think it's an april fool's joke.

>> No.11100562,2971 [INTERNAL] 

Who are you?

>> No.11100562,2972 [INTERNAL] 

a big guy

>> No.11100562,2973 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2974 [INTERNAL] 

who do you think i am if "i said it myself"? what the fuck are you even talking about? youre confusing

>> No.11100562,2975 [INTERNAL] 

uh what video

>> No.11100562,2976 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2977 [INTERNAL] 

look at cousin rapist coming up with all these arbitrary definitions so he can sort his pedophilic fetishes into neat little categories

>> No.11100562,2978 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2979 [INTERNAL] 

what a psycho

>> No.11100562,2980 [INTERNAL] 


why do you think im even posting about this? i asked the question and then went back to playing pokemon and tetris

>> No.11100562,2981 [INTERNAL] 

it means you look like an autistic weirdo who talks to himself

>> No.11100562,2982 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2983 [INTERNAL] 

god damnit my neighbors are outside and talking obnoxiously loud

>> No.11100562,2984 [INTERNAL] 

the literal, factual, inter-acta-tagical buttocks of a preteen maria childlolikiddogirl!

>> No.11100562,2985 [INTERNAL] 


Is this the guy?

>> No.11100562,2986 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2987 [INTERNAL] 

I replied to two different people. Which one are you?

>> No.11100562,2988 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2989 [INTERNAL] 

someone put the teenbros on a leash already

>> No.11100562,2990 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2991 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2992 [INTERNAL] 

Maria is not a preteen, holy shit!! She's a prepreteen!!

>> No.11100562,2993 [INTERNAL] 

memes are going ssjv

>> No.11100562,2994 [INTERNAL] 

Stop it you retard, jesus. You realize it's not funny at all, right? It just makes you look like a texting teenage normie girl.

>> No.11100562,2995 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,2996 [INTERNAL] 

holy f uck AUTISM fight

>> No.11100562,2997 [INTERNAL] 

fuck it youre really annoying

>> No.11100562,2998 [INTERNAL] 

>unlawfu transaction with minor
God damn, even the fucking police is prude as fuck and have to use euphemisms for everything.

>> No.11100562,2999 [INTERNAL] 

no haha?

>> No.11100562,3000 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3001 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3002 [INTERNAL] 

the pedos are memeing it up tonight

>> No.11100562,3003 [INTERNAL] 

The fuck, that says he was 27 when arrested, in his video he says he was 18. Typical fat lying piece of shit.

>> No.11100562,3004 [INTERNAL] 

I want to text a super adorable as hell cuteslut Hikari kodomo preteen loli kid child who is too dumb to understand sixth grade math and have her type like a total retard.

>> No.11100562,3005 [INTERNAL] 

Help 911, I'm being meme'd by pedos.

>> No.11100562,3006 [INTERNAL] 

uh that's him on the register he's 27 today

it's supposed to warn people about the current individual not tell them what age they were in the past

>> No.11100562,3007 [INTERNAL] 

No, he was actually an attractive 18 year old man in 2004. His profile says he's 27 because that's his current age. They just never changed his mugshot.

I love how fat and bald that jerk has become. He's pathetic.

>> No.11100562,3008 [INTERNAL] 

He's 29 today retard.

>> No.11100562,3009 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3010 [INTERNAL] 

then the screenshot is from 2 years ago?

>> No.11100562,3011 [INTERNAL] 

Bashur, please go.

>> No.11100562,3012 [INTERNAL] 

It's strange because they didn't out him for two years. What in the actual, literal hell?

>> No.11100562,3013 [INTERNAL] 

can you tell me what you guys are talking about thanks

>> No.11100562,3014 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3015 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3016 [INTERNAL] 

This will never get old

>> No.11100562,3017 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,3018 [INTERNAL] 

why did he do that and who is he why do you guys know him

>> No.11100562,3019 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3020 [INTERNAL] 

pedo gets told

>> No.11100562,3021 [INTERNAL] 

That's the video that caused his meltdown. That's why he kept yelling he's sick of being called a rapist. Can't wait for his new video responding to the breakdown.

>> No.11100562,3022 [INTERNAL] 

holy fuck swho are all you people who is this bashur guy fuck im having an anxiety attack where teh fuck are my warosu friends fuckfufkc where are you get rid of these youtube people

>> No.11100562,3023 [INTERNAL] 

this guy is a bigger faggot than the pedo

>> No.11100562,3024 [INTERNAL] 

Totori can't get enough black cock your little white boy penis will never satisfy her

>> No.11100562,3025 [INTERNAL] 

buttmad pedo

>> No.11100562,3026 [INTERNAL] 

fcuking help me fufck

>> No.11100562,3027 [INTERNAL] 


I wonder if he'll kill himself when the video goes viral.

>> No.11100562,3028 [INTERNAL] 

>I have a daughter bleh bleh bleh
Fuck you.

>> No.11100562,3029 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3030 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not a pedo

>> No.11100562,3031 [INTERNAL] 

This site just shows the age they were at the time.

So it's confirmed that the freak was 27 when he was saying he was 6 or whatever. As expected of a pedophile, all he can do is lie and put on the best act his subhuman IQ allows him to.

>> No.11100562,3032 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, that's pretty sad. This is what this prudish society can do to a man.

>> No.11100562,3033 [INTERNAL] 

A rapist like you could never understand.

>> No.11100562,3034 [INTERNAL] 

who the fuck are you people fucking get the fuck out of my fucking warosuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.11100562,3035 [INTERNAL] 

Please, stop insulting pedos. I just want to make fun of that guy with my warosubros.

>> No.11100562,3036 [INTERNAL] 

Pedophiles are disgusting subhuman freak.s

>> No.11100562,3037 [INTERNAL] 

Can you guys go back to /v/, please?

>> No.11100562,3038 [INTERNAL] 

I knew it, fucking retards saying that is his current age. He was legit 27 when he fucked a child.

Why are all pedos pathological liars ?

>> No.11100562,3039 [INTERNAL] 

There's no way he is 38 now.

>> No.11100562,3040 [INTERNAL] 

is that who they are fuck i dont even understand these posts

>> No.11100562,3041 [INTERNAL] 

Cute as hell loli kid childerinos!

>> No.11100562,3042 [INTERNAL] 

It happened two years ago dumbshit, not a decade. HE WAS LYING.

>> No.11100562,3043 [INTERNAL] 

getting meme'd by the pedos now getting meme'd by the /v/s too

>> No.11100562,3044 [INTERNAL] 

totori craves the cocks of black men only

>> No.11100562,3045 [INTERNAL] 

How did you even know this was from /v/?

Better go with them, you fucking crossie. Don't even try to feign innocence with me, punk.

>> No.11100562,3046 [INTERNAL] 

le legit ebonics meme

>> No.11100562,3047 [INTERNAL] 

help me help em help me fuck

>> No.11100562,3048 [INTERNAL] 

According to that site he would be 38 now, since it says it happened in 2004.

does he look 38 to you? the site is retarded and wrong

>> No.11100562,3049 [INTERNAL] 

are you going to help totori by finding her some nice black bulls to breed her tight teenage pussy and give her some black babies?

>> No.11100562,3050 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, because he posts video game commentaries?

>> No.11100562,3051 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off bashur fucking rapist

>> No.11100562,3052 [INTERNAL] 

did you want to talk or something you seem like you have lots of problms and thats ok

>> No.11100562,3053 [INTERNAL] 

totori's problem is your tiny white penis will never satisfy her properly. you're "sweet" but you don't have the masculine flair and sexual prowess she needs to be pleasured on a primal level.

>> No.11100562,3054 [INTERNAL] 

chink elliot

note that he's the least eloquent elliot discovered so far

>> No.11100562,3055 [INTERNAL] 

Elliot was a chink dumbshit

>> No.11100562,3056 [INTERNAL] 

how the fuck did you find this it has 9 views you faggot

>> No.11100562,3057 [INTERNAL] 

What about that bashurpedia article? It says that he spent 8 years as a hikikomori.

>> No.11100562,3058 [INTERNAL] 

Elliot was a chink and that's a native american, retard.

I can see why your chink friend hated you.

>> No.11100562,3059 [INTERNAL] 

Nice try, /v/ermin, but I won't fall for your reasonable logic.
Get out of my face.

>> No.11100562,3060 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3061 [INTERNAL] 

guys make them go polease

>> No.11100562,3062 [INTERNAL] 

>White wife/Black husband marriages show twice the divorce rate of White wife/White husband couples by the 10th year of marriage,[9] whereas Black wife/White husband marriages are 44% less likely to end in divorce than White wife/White husband couples over the same period.

Proof that white men were meant to breed black women. Look at this pure black empress.


>> No.11100562,3063 [INTERNAL] 

He's not a chink. In fact, he hates chinks just like you.

Is this your channel?

>> No.11100562,3064 [INTERNAL] 

That dude spent 8 years fucking a little girl in his room?


>> No.11100562,3065 [INTERNAL] 

nobody finds that attractive except you dude what the hell

>> No.11100562,3066 [INTERNAL] 

go away goa way goa way go away help me tototir atrwaefawjio

>> No.11100562,3067 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.11100562,3068 [INTERNAL] 

>implying lolis last 8 years
>implying lolis are lolis before six
>implying lolis are lolis after twelve

>> No.11100562,3069 [INTERNAL] 

does anyone get lightheaded sometimes and feel like they can't think

>> No.11100562,3070 [INTERNAL] 


ha I'm right he just uploaded another video like it never happened

>> No.11100562,3071 [INTERNAL] 



I'm pressing 4 with my loli cousin and she's laughing her butt off. She's a bit scared, though.

>> No.11100562,3072 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3073 [INTERNAL] 

">implying" is single-handedly my least favorite meme.

>> No.11100562,3074 [INTERNAL] 

Is this the style of video he usually does?

What a creepy fucking groomer pedo.

>> No.11100562,3075 [INTERNAL] 

That's prerecorded, I'm sure. I want to see a video recorded post-breakdown. He's fucking insane and literally incapable of faking his emotons. It will be hilarious to hear him laugh and crack jokes while failing at hiding his anger and sadness.

>> No.11100562,3076 [INTERNAL] 

fyuckckckcfu cufkckjcufkcufjkc piss fuckfufujckfu

>> No.11100562,3077 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3078 [INTERNAL] 

I just had a lapse in judgement for a second and forgot that elliot was half-chink. I would have known if I just thought for a second

and anyway he's an honorary non-chink to me

>> No.11100562,3079 [INTERNAL] 

fuycking help me fuckkkk

>> No.11100562,3080 [INTERNAL] 

totori is pregnant with a black baby, will you take responsibility?

>> No.11100562,3081 [INTERNAL] 

I'm trout

>> No.11100562,3082 [INTERNAL] 

Be careful. He might rape your cousin.

>> No.11100562,3083 [INTERNAL] 

totori doesnt understaand this kind of thing and id ont either why are you doing this

>> No.11100562,3084 [INTERNAL] 


im nig

>> No.11100562,3085 [INTERNAL] 

what do you mean press 4

>> No.11100562,3086 [INTERNAL] 

>The title should be: FEELIN' A 13 YEAR OLD


>> No.11100562,3087 [INTERNAL] 

Did you both press 4 at the same time? YOU LITERALLY TOUCHED HER FINGER YOU FUCKING PIDO

>> No.11100562,3088 [INTERNAL] 

this is making me feel old i dont undersatnd any of this

>> No.11100562,3089 [INTERNAL] 

just roll with the memes, kid

>> No.11100562,3090 [INTERNAL] 

>laughing her butt off
what does this mean? im autistic please help me? dos this mean that she laughed so hard that she farted so hard that her butt literall, physiclally actually fell offfff???? for rela?

>> No.11100562,3091 [INTERNAL] 

>feelerino when elliot has been rotting in his grave for a year and we are still here suffering

>> No.11100562,3092 [INTERNAL] 

can you just go meme in another thread until we're done

>> No.11100562,3093 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3094 [INTERNAL] 

aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what trghe fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk iim dyinnggggo ffufck

>> No.11100562,3095 [INTERNAL] 

seriously what kind of audience watches this?

wouldn't it all be grade school kids

>> No.11100562,3096 [INTERNAL] 

Let's all go visit his grave and hold a candle light vigil.

>> No.11100562,3097 [INTERNAL] 

ahhhhhhh leave warossu fcukfuck

>> No.11100562,3098 [INTERNAL] 

Only boys are dumb enough to watch that shit. Lolis master race.

>> No.11100562,3099 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3100 [INTERNAL] 

What is that? Why does it say logged? I'm scared.

>> No.11100562,3101 [INTERNAL] 

shit don't click this he hacked me

>> No.11100562,3102 [INTERNAL] 

There's no such thing as "half" in America. They're seen as full minority.

>> No.11100562,3103 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,3104 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3105 [INTERNAL] 

When you press 4, he turns into Hitler.

>> No.11100562,3106 [INTERNAL] 

you're fucked, pedos

>> No.11100562,3107 [INTERNAL] 

but the media attempted to portray him as white like with that hispanic guy

>> No.11100562,3108 [INTERNAL] 

I pressed 4 and it didn't do anything

>> No.11100562,3109 [INTERNAL] 

you have my axe

>> No.11100562,3110 [INTERNAL] 

Nah, she's safe. Press 9.

>> No.11100562,3111 [INTERNAL] 

Why did he upload his own breakdown? Didn't he realize that it would make him look like a total nutjob?

>> No.11100562,3112 [INTERNAL] 

who ar3e oyu people fuhfckj

>> No.11100562,3113 [INTERNAL] 

He sounds like an Ace Attorney villain.

>> No.11100562,3114 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuck do you mean press 4 and 9 it does nothing

>> No.11100562,3115 [INTERNAL] 

*munches on pb&j and drinks big glass of milk*

>> No.11100562,3116 [INTERNAL] 

That warosubro who reuploaded it for the first time should literally cut out all the funny parts and make 5 minute loops.

5 minutes of I'M TIIIIIIIIREEDDDDDD, hell yes!

Help turn this guy into a meme. If he kills himself, people may feel bad for him and slowly accept crazy pedos like him. If they accept him, they will have no problem with scholar pedos like us.

>> No.11100562,3117 [INTERNAL] 

guys fuck in my dicks

>> No.11100562,3118 [INTERNAL] 

I love how he turns into macho Hitler and literally a second later cries like a bitch, still looking like the Fuhrer.

>> No.11100562,3119 [INTERNAL] 

Guys what do I do

>> No.11100562,3120 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3121 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3122 [INTERNAL] 

pressing 4 does nothing at all

is this some kind of joke

>> No.11100562,3123 [INTERNAL] 

i know that feeel :(

>> No.11100562,3124 [INTERNAL] 

It's funny how he screamed like a madman for three minutes, dropping F bombs left and right, and literally nobody heard him because he still had to upload the video.

What if he died of a heart attack right before uploading it? So pathetic and humiliating, talking to himself with no audience Lewd!

>> No.11100562,3125 [INTERNAL] 

go back to /v/ :(

>> No.11100562,3126 [INTERNAL] 

My cousin loves you, anon.

>> No.11100562,3127 [INTERNAL] 

that guy is an even bigger memer than you, you can't get rid of him

>> No.11100562,3128 [INTERNAL] 

what are you talkling about he needs to go

>> No.11100562,3129 [INTERNAL] 

he literally makes 50% of the posts here

>> No.11100562,3130 [INTERNAL] 

let's ignore totoriqueer's existence and just talk about bashur

dude it's hilarious that bashur is a pedo. i love seeing these fucks get exposed and humiliated on koshertube!

>> No.11100562,3131 [INTERNAL] 

I literally and unironically feel flattered.

>> No.11100562,3132 [INTERNAL] 

look at this v shit

>> No.11100562,3133 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3134 [INTERNAL] 

haha yea it's pretty cash when those pedos get's whats coming to them but you know even when it's funny it's a bit fucked up, you know how he's been arrested & charged for this shit, and yet, he still gets a channel, like he can still reach out to kids and you don't know what kind of shit he has done like what if this didn't come to light. i dunno. maybe I'm thinking about it too much but meh

>> No.11100562,3135 [INTERNAL] 

link me dude
come on

>> No.11100562,3136 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3137 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3138 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself, Keem

>> No.11100562,3139 [INTERNAL] 

I'll see what I can do.

>> No.11100562,3140 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3141 [INTERNAL] 

I feel bad for his mom and for all the pedos, lolis and pets in the world.

I want both him and the other guy dead.

How does the W feel about this?

>> No.11100562,3142 [INTERNAL] 

le edgy

>> No.11100562,3143 [INTERNAL] 

w-was this a troll

>> No.11100562,3144 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3145 [INTERNAL] 


He had it coming.

>> No.11100562,3146 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3147 [INTERNAL] 

me and totori are right here

>> No.11100562,3148 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3149 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3150 [INTERNAL] 

My cousin watched this and she is crying now. You made a 9 year old loli cry. AND SHE PEED HERSELF IN FRONT OF ME! I WANTED TO LOOK AWAY, BUT I JUST WASN'T FAST ENOUGH! Her dignity and self-esteem... gone... You will PAY for this! Oooooooh you will.

>> No.11100562,3151 [INTERNAL] 

why do you just folow me around i dont undestand

>> No.11100562,3152 [INTERNAL] 

The w-boys have had too much sugar today...

>> No.11100562,3153 [INTERNAL] 

>feelerino when that nip slip will be lost forever if Fatler deletes his channel
That girl a cute and someone should save all her videos.

>> No.11100562,3154 [INTERNAL] 

Are you sure she's not crying because you raped her?

>> No.11100562,3155 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3156 [INTERNAL] 

Is there any way to download this? Fuck, that video is a goldmine.

>> No.11100562,3157 [INTERNAL] 

should i buy mortal kombat x or guilty gears xrd on my ps4 thanks

>> No.11100562,3158 [INTERNAL] 

Nevermind, I'm fucking blind.

>> No.11100562,3159 [INTERNAL] 

Abnd waterfalls of carameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel, prancing nugert in the meadow.............

>> No.11100562,3160 [INTERNAL] 

what nip slip?

>> No.11100562,3161 [INTERNAL] 

canb someone help me with this thanks

>> No.11100562,3162 [INTERNAL] 

he's just making stuff up like he did with pressing 4 and then with the suicide...

>> No.11100562,3163 [INTERNAL] 


Get in here! It's pure gold!

>I'm laughing my ass off thinking of the faces of million of kids as they watched this

>> No.11100562,3164 [INTERNAL] 

fuclking goalready fuuuuckkk me nad totori aree sick of yoou /v/kdis on our awarosu baordd!!!!

>> No.11100562,3165 [INTERNAL] 

>>11100562,3164i know that feel

>> No.11100562,3166 [INTERNAL] 

me and tototir are realyl hlapypaypayyp rphpapypapypy hapy right now happyhpaphpa tototiriu ttotoptitirot oori

>> No.11100562,3167 [INTERNAL] 

how many children have you raped today, /jp/?

>> No.11100562,3168 [INTERNAL] 

does loli h game count?

>> No.11100562,3169 [INTERNAL] 

i love totori and she loves me i love totori lvoes me totori love me and i love her

>> No.11100562,3170 [INTERNAL] 

tahsnk now me nad totroai are goana go drink somem jiusce and eat cfeackers

>> No.11100562,3171 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not lying this time. I think it happened at 6:46, but I'm not sure.

>> No.11100562,3172 [INTERNAL] 

have fun i guess i dont know what that means but me and totori are watchign amv hell

>> No.11100562,3173 [INTERNAL] 

fuck this normalshit

he deserves everything that's happening to him

>> No.11100562,3174 [INTERNAL] 

i wish there wa san mmo where everyone wa sa cat and couldnt talk to each other but could do cat things together in a house and just hang out that would be fun

>> No.11100562,3175 [INTERNAL] 

stfuuuu impstorer me nad teh real tortori are bdranking juicee and eatinasg cewarqkkers

>> No.11100562,3176 [INTERNAL] 

someone just kill totori autist

>> No.11100562,3177 [INTERNAL] 

what are you doing seriousl

>> No.11100562,3178 [INTERNAL] 

I almost pissed myself. Literally. That video is the funniest shit I've ever seen on the internet.

>> No.11100562,3179 [INTERNAL] 

mm tahht was isome good appel juice and sality carckers thaht i just ated wtuh totorai and i lvoe jher very mncuhh

>> No.11100562,3180 [INTERNAL] 

semen juice?

>> No.11100562,3181 [INTERNAL] 

i dont like salty crackers though and totori doesnt either who are you

>> No.11100562,3182 [INTERNAL] 

Quit talking to yourself, retard.

>> No.11100562,3183 [INTERNAL] 

why are you bulying me

>> No.11100562,3184 [INTERNAL] 

Stop bullying the retard, asshole.

>> No.11100562,3185 [INTERNAL] 

my sides my sides it uhurts

>> No.11100562,3186 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3187 [INTERNAL] 

Don't reply to me. I don't want to catch your idiocy.
No offense.

>> No.11100562,3188 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3189 [INTERNAL] 

just shut down warosu for a few months again

>> No.11100562,3190 [INTERNAL] 

why i want to talk to my friends

>> No.11100562,3191 [INTERNAL] 

should i stream h1z1

>> No.11100562,3192 [INTERNAL] 

should i buy guilty gear or mortal kombat x on my ps4

>> No.11100562,3193 [INTERNAL] 

if that version of guilty gear has bridget in it then get that

no brainer really haha

>> No.11100562,3194 [INTERNAL] 

i dont know i jus twant to play it but mortal kombat is new and looks fun

>> No.11100562,3195 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3196 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone's gay for Bridget haha

>> No.11100562,3197 [INTERNAL] 

oh, haha

>> No.11100562,3198 [INTERNAL] 

thanks for talking to me

>> No.11100562,3199 [INTERNAL] 


ok im streaming h1z1 anyway

>> No.11100562,3200 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3201 [INTERNAL] 

no one cares about this shitty game

>> No.11100562,3202 [INTERNAL] 

stream pokemon

>> No.11100562,3203 [INTERNAL] 

stream sonic

>> No.11100562,3204 [INTERNAL] 

okauy taht was a good episeid of mamv haell now meand toori are going t oawtch some mlp

>> No.11100562,3205 [INTERNAL] 

im at 1:17:50/1:25:01 of amv hell 6.666

>> No.11100562,3206 [INTERNAL] 

i can feel the end coming for me its only a matter of time totori well be together soon ill try agina nd make it to you this time im alrmost ready here it comes

>> No.11100562,3207 [INTERNAL] 

archive.moe isn't loading for me

but it works if I go to it through a proxy

did they ban me or something?

>> No.11100562,3208 [INTERNAL] 

Me too that's weird

I want to search something fuuuck

>> No.11100562,3209 [INTERNAL] 

no when they ban you it just stops you from posting

>> No.11100562,3210 [INTERNAL] 

me and totori are going to bed now nappy time napppy nap

>> No.11100562,3211 [INTERNAL] 

if I was a girl I could be milk

>> No.11100562,3212 [INTERNAL] 

if I was milk, I would let a bunch of wbros cum in my ass and pussy

>> No.11100562,3213 [INTERNAL] 

Milk has a hairy ass, pussy and armpits.

>> No.11100562,3214 [INTERNAL] 

Being a cute girl must be really exciting. She could literally post embarrassing naked pictures of herself on /jp/ if she felt like it. It would be really exciting and lewd to have your girl body exposed, your dignity ruined.

She should do that right now. What are you waiting for, milk? Just do it, what if you suddenly die without experiencing the ultimate pleasure?

>> No.11100562,3215 [INTERNAL] 

I doubt it.

>> No.11100562,3216 [INTERNAL] 

Why? Do you really think she's that slutty and unattractive?

>> No.11100562,3217 [INTERNAL] 

hairy girls are slutty and unattractive

>> No.11100562,3218 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know if they are slutty or pure, but they are attractive as fuck. Bald girls are lolis without any of the things that make lolis good.

>> No.11100562,3219 [INTERNAL] 

alright i got female ralts and mawile

>> No.11100562,3220 [INTERNAL] 

thats's sick

>> No.11100562,3221 [INTERNAL] 

the mawile was from さやき

>> No.11100562,3222 [INTERNAL] 

is he the warosu chink hater

>> No.11100562,3223 [INTERNAL] 

what girl from zetsubou sensei is your favorite

>> No.11100562,3224 [INTERNAL] 

since I started running two weeks ago I no longer get that thing where I remember a bad memory and have to make a loud noise to kill the pain

>> No.11100562,3225 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3226 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3227 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3228 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3229 [INTERNAL] 


I'm running late for my interview because my younger brother left my bike lock and key in his girlfriends car to have sex. I'm so fucking pissed at my retarded siblings man.

You ask me for MY bike lock so you can NOT lock your bike to get into a car and then take the bikelock into a car and forget about it? But somehow you return the chain? Without the lock? That's like returning a safe without the key. And he pretended he didn't know what happened to my lock and got uppity about it. Yeah lose things that aren't yours who cares, right?

>> No.11100562,3230 [INTERNAL] 

I have an interview today as well, good luck.

>> No.11100562,3231 [INTERNAL] 


yeah you too

>> No.11100562,3232 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you alternate between perfect grammar and lowercase?

>> No.11100562,3233 [INTERNAL] 


It's just my posting style.

>> No.11100562,3234 [INTERNAL] 

why are you posting here if you're late for your interview?

>> No.11100562,3235 [INTERNAL] 

ahhhhh me and tootori jsut woke up adn now werer going oto wathch some lets plasyssss il oveeee youuu totoieriiii

>> No.11100562,3236 [INTERNAL] 

frills when all the wbros are getting a job except you

>> No.11100562,3237 [INTERNAL] 

Alternatively I'm waiting for my other brother to drop me off and if not I'm leaving in a few.

>> No.11100562,3238 [INTERNAL] 

totori is with her black boyfriend who is making her cunny feel really nice

>> No.11100562,3239 [INTERNAL] 

gusy which lets plays shoudl i wahcht with toortir can soemntoen give me a ny suggestiongs please i wold pereferceabley liek somenthgni on nitnendo64 pelase and a thanky you

>> No.11100562,3240 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3241 [INTERNAL] 

i'm empty

>> No.11100562,3242 [INTERNAL] 

im hollow

>> No.11100562,3243 [INTERNAL] 

It'll get better when you turn 18

>> No.11100562,3244 [INTERNAL] 

thanks bro

>> No.11100562,3245 [INTERNAL] 

i'm 23 hah

just kill me

>> No.11100562,3246 [INTERNAL] 

I'm virg

>> No.11100562,3247 [INTERNAL] 

im making english muffins

>> No.11100562,3248 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3249 [INTERNAL] 

penis :^)

>> No.11100562,3250 [INTERNAL] 

I should start running

>> No.11100562,3251 [INTERNAL] 

my dick is hard

>> No.11100562,3252 [INTERNAL] 

please stick it in me

>> No.11100562,3253 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3254 [INTERNAL] 

I am an incomparable homo

>> No.11100562,3255 [INTERNAL] 

we know

>> No.11100562,3256 [INTERNAL] 

huhh iamn verydh beord right now obut jiat least i ihave totori with me ali love you totori foerverrrrr

>> No.11100562,3257 [INTERNAL] 

Cool. Archive.moe is working again.

>> No.11100562,3258 [INTERNAL] 

2008 was 10 years ago...

>> No.11100562,3259 [INTERNAL] 

Once again I make a fool out of myself at an interview. I truly am not a 'people oriented' person. Good that they didn't have interest in me as from the looks of it there were too many black women working there (as with the interviewer). I was already just sick of hearing their sassy voices talking on the telephone.

Maybe I should stop chasing these corporate jobs and work general labor where I can just cut grass and shit and not have to deal with this. Or give up all together and go on welfare. Why am I such a loser?


>> No.11100562,3260 [INTERNAL] 

kill yourself cousinfucker

>> No.11100562,3261 [INTERNAL] 

uhhhhh you got the wrong guy

>> No.11100562,3262 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3263 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3264 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3265 [INTERNAL] 

rolling girl...

>> No.11100562,3266 [INTERNAL] 

[lifts some heavy weights]

I hope I can get a gf one day

>> No.11100562,3267 [INTERNAL] 

i slept so long today my head hurts someone please kill me

>> No.11100562,3268 [INTERNAL] 

I keep having amazing dreams lately but then I wake up

>> No.11100562,3269 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3270 [INTERNAL] 


I want a big tits gf on the pill

>> No.11100562,3271 [INTERNAL] 

i got another lazy delivery man who didnt even bother buzzing my apartment
whats the point of ordering things online if i have to go outside and pick it up from the post office FUCK

>> No.11100562,3272 [INTERNAL] 

sometimes you get to see lolis at the post office

>> No.11100562,3273 [INTERNAL] 

uhh my uncle is coming over again he was here not even a week ago hes been a mechanic for 25 years and was arrested multiple times on various driving charges and told my mom he likes me god damnit why

>> No.11100562,3274 [INTERNAL] 

i f*cking aced my interview and they had me do a pee test to see if im a drug using subhuman and thats gonna clear BUT THE FUNNY THING IS HAHA i went to the social security office to get a new card and they said my number is wrong


>> No.11100562,3275 [INTERNAL] 

he thinks u have a cute butt and wants to plow u

>> No.11100562,3276 [INTERNAL] 

How do you not know your social security number? Are you a mexican?

>> No.11100562,3277 [INTERNAL] 

When I was training to be a lifeguard they had us do a urine test one day and just told us throughout the day that if we needed to go to the bathroom to tell them so we could get a test cup thing. Well, I didn't need to pee and at the end of the day they asked me for a sample because I hadn't given one, and they gave me a cup and had some random girl follow me to the bathroom. She stood outside the bathroom while I peed and it was really weird because I have a really shy bladded and she was the same age as me.

>> No.11100562,3278 [INTERNAL] 

do you think she had a taste

>> No.11100562,3279 [INTERNAL] 

oh haha

>> No.11100562,3280 [INTERNAL] 

it was the same for me except the person outside the door was a milf doctor

i dropped the cup in the toilet while it was still empty i bet thats gonna mess up my results HAHHAHAHABHHAHAHAH JUST UFKICIGN JKUIIKKLKLLLL MEMEMEMMEMEMEME

>> No.11100562,3281 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know mine that's a lot of numbers to memorize

>> No.11100562,3282 [INTERNAL] 

totori loves me and i love totor i we are going to marr y totor i

>> No.11100562,3283 [INTERNAL] 

God damn why are pedos so retarded? This just further validates their low IQ.

>> No.11100562,3284 [INTERNAL] 

she'll marry you for the emotional connection but she's going to satisfy herself with big black cocks on the side

>> No.11100562,3285 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think that guy's a pedo. I'm a pedo and if I had to get a job I'd pick some place with lolis.

>> No.11100562,3286 [INTERNAL] 

You better delete that post quick, kiddo..


>> No.11100562,3287 [INTERNAL] 

Ugh... You're one of those people huh... Listen, unlike what you hear on Facebook and TV there is literally nothing illegal or morally wrong about being a pedophile.

>> No.11100562,3288 [INTERNAL] 

It's not what God intended

>> No.11100562,3289 [INTERNAL] 

>I'd pick some place with lolis

You're done

>> No.11100562,3290 [INTERNAL] 

looks like premeditate sexual assault to me

people on to catch a predator god arrested for planning where to meet young girls

>> No.11100562,3291 [INTERNAL] 

nobody was ever charged on that show because its entrapment

>> No.11100562,3292 [INTERNAL] 

majority went to prison, a few got away if they didn't sent pictures of their big dicks to small girls

>> No.11100562,3293 [INTERNAL] 

Ugh, you're literally one of those people huh... The people on that show had weeks of back and forth chatting with decoys who got them to say some weird things, and then the person usually traveled with weapons and condoms and beer and stuff. It's completely different from saying that you want to work some place with lolis.

>> No.11100562,3294 [INTERNAL] 

God can suck the actual, literal dick of my actual, literal self.

>> No.11100562,3295 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm a pedophile(potential child rapist)
>I'm looking for employment at a place with small children(so I can rape them)

You'll be behind bars for a long long time, creepo.

>> No.11100562,3296 [INTERNAL] 

Thankfully my family is well off enough that I won't ever have to work. Thanks mom.

>> No.11100562,3297 [INTERNAL] 

>I-I was just being hypothetical

Damage control wont work this time. I screencapped your original post.

>> No.11100562,3298 [INTERNAL] 

Not allowing harmless pedos to interact with lolis in any way, shape or form will drive them insane.

You are a terrible person and I hope you get killed.

>> No.11100562,3299 [INTERNAL] 

Same IP, this pedoboy is really desperate.

>> No.11100562,3300 [INTERNAL] 

>harmless pedo


>> No.11100562,3301 [INTERNAL] 

You're the same retard from yesterday, aren't you? Nobody even said that. I bet you're the same guy who tries to force unfunny memes here too.

>> No.11100562,3302 [INTERNAL] 

Are you the pedo you got BTFO yesterday? Are you a masochist or something?

>> No.11100562,3303 [INTERNAL] 

>small children
This is so fucking annoying. There are more big children in any elementary school than small ones. Have you ever seen a school with only two grades?

>> No.11100562,3304 [INTERNAL] 

There you go again with those memes...

>> No.11100562,3305 [INTERNAL] 

You would know about the different types of children at elementary schools, wouldn't you, creep? I'll send in another tip requesting they monitor all the schools in your general area.

>> No.11100562,3306 [INTERNAL] 

I have to pick up my cousin from school sometimes and she tells me cute stories.

>> No.11100562,3307 [INTERNAL] 

Was this before or after you raped her?

>> No.11100562,3308 [INTERNAL] 

Wrong person again. I'm the guy who won't have to work, not the other one.

>> No.11100562,3309 [INTERNAL] 

You raped your cousin, you sick fuck.

>> No.11100562,3310 [INTERNAL] 

Wrong again.

>> No.11100562,3311 [INTERNAL] 

dooo dooo doo doo doo
doo doo doo doo doo dooo doo doo doo doo
doo doo doo

>> No.11100562,3312 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,3313 [INTERNAL] 


Literally you

>> No.11100562,3314 [INTERNAL] 

Uh... Me being called a rapist is like me being called gay, or fat, or short. None of them are true but if calling me names makes you feel better about yourself then go ahead and keep calling me names.

>> No.11100562,3315 [INTERNAL] 

At least you admit to having a low IQ

>> No.11100562,3316 [INTERNAL] 

im legally retarded haha

>> No.11100562,3317 [INTERNAL] 

How are we expected to believe anything you say if you're retarded

>> No.11100562,3318 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3319 [INTERNAL] 

my life is memes

>> No.11100562,3320 [INTERNAL] 

why is that i dont understand

>> No.11100562,3321 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a meme haha

>> No.11100562,3322 [INTERNAL] 

is school out for the teenlads already

>> No.11100562,3323 [INTERNAL] 

i forgot about that fuck

>> No.11100562,3324 [INTERNAL] 

any teens dtf

>> No.11100562,3325 [INTERNAL] 

die pedo

>> No.11100562,3326 [INTERNAL] 

teens are not pedo material im lookin for somethin like a chubby 19 yo

>> No.11100562,3327 [INTERNAL] 

Do lolis like memes? Why are they so dumb and normal?

>> No.11100562,3328 [INTERNAL] 

why are memes so popular with the norms anyways

>> No.11100562,3329 [INTERNAL] 

i never thought aobut that befroe why is that

>> No.11100562,3330 [INTERNAL] 

epic anti-meme meme

>> No.11100562,3331 [INTERNAL] 

im listenign to the metal gear solid 1 soundtrack

>> No.11100562,3332 [INTERNAL] 

haha nice meme music

>> No.11100562,3333 [INTERNAL] 

Short attention span.

>> No.11100562,3334 [INTERNAL] 

how is it meme music

>> No.11100562,3335 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that most lolis are norms saddens me. But I can't bring myself to hate them because they are so cute! I love flawed lolis, it just makes them cuter!

>> No.11100562,3336 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3337 [INTERNAL] 

what is wrong withy ou

>> No.11100562,3338 [INTERNAL] 

se nd h

>> No.11100562,3339 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3340 [INTERNAL] 

i love yuo

>> No.11100562,3341 [INTERNAL] 

subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected subhumans detected

>> No.11100562,3342 [INTERNAL] 

I like memes.

>> No.11100562,3343 [INTERNAL] 

Normies are a waste of space and should be killed. Loli normies deserve to get their butts fisted in front of every person they know.

Why are normies so killable?

>> No.11100562,3344 [INTERNAL] 

Because envy leads to rage>?

>> No.11100562,3345 [INTERNAL] 

The dark side of the force...

>> No.11100562,3346 [INTERNAL] 

what would be a good name for a sith lord

>> No.11100562,3347 [INTERNAL] 

xenoblade chronicles x...

>> No.11100562,3348 [INTERNAL] 

darth debbie

>> No.11100562,3349 [INTERNAL] 

darth tottori

>> No.11100562,3350 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis never deserve humiliation, even if they are evil normies and bullies.

I don't care about butt ugly lolis, but they are not worth humiliating because there's nothing sexy about them.

>> No.11100562,3351 [INTERNAL] 

hello this is chris Hansen from dateline nbc

>> No.11100562,3352 [INTERNAL] 

colonialism was great

>> No.11100562,3353 [INTERNAL] 

yeah every white man was given a dark slave girl to breed with. nowadays white women have all the power and prevent white men from retaking their natural place as the masters of the Earth and conquerors of women

>> No.11100562,3354 [INTERNAL] 

hello this is chris Hansen from dateline nbc.

>> No.11100562,3355 [INTERNAL] 

hello chris are you here to arrest cdickspammer

>> No.11100562,3356 [INTERNAL] 

i fucked youre haha

>> No.11100562,3357 [INTERNAL] 

my toilet chain broke so i have to use my hand to pull the plunger out from the back to flush it

>> No.11100562,3358 [INTERNAL] 

totori thinks thats gros

>> No.11100562,3359 [INTERNAL] 

totori loves black dick

>> No.11100562,3360 [INTERNAL] 

why do you always folow me arund

>> No.11100562,3361 [INTERNAL] 

I read that as totori chain

>> No.11100562,3362 [INTERNAL] 

uh this is the only thread that gets any posts

>> No.11100562,3363 [INTERNAL] 

thats why i raplied to him hahahaha i thought that to hahaha

>> No.11100562,3364 [INTERNAL] 

why will you not accept what totori has accepted: the fact that big, long manly black dick is superior in every facet compared to a tiny, unsatisfying white micropenis.

you cant cater to her needs, just face it already

>> No.11100562,3365 [INTERNAL] 

i dont get you at all your so crazy wow

>> No.11100562,3366 [INTERNAL] 

Facts aren't crazy, white boy.

>> No.11100562,3367 [INTERNAL] 

you are really weird seriosly

>> No.11100562,3368 [INTERNAL] 

totori is an intellectual who needs a stimulating debate partner

>> No.11100562,3369 [INTERNAL] 

I just got a 24 hour banned for using 'nigger' in place of something like douchebag, what the fuck? What fucking site am I browsing?

>> No.11100562,3370 [INTERNAL] 

she will get intellectually stimulated by a white boy but physically stimulated by a big black cock. the body needs pleasure as well.

>> No.11100562,3371 [INTERNAL] 

put your dick up to any black mans. its easily 3x maybe even 4 times the size. vaginas need to be filled up, which is something you just cant do for totori. I think its only right you give her what she needs: a big black dick

>> No.11100562,3372 [INTERNAL] 

ok deude go tell someone else that then id ont even want to hear it anymro

>> No.11100562,3373 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3374 [INTERNAL] 

ok whatevr you say guy i dont even wnat to hear it anymore go awy thanks

>> No.11100562,3375 [INTERNAL] 

stoppppp saying that toyotir likes black d*Ck because shes doesnt tliike that okay goshhhh fuck off alerydy

>> No.11100562,3376 [INTERNAL] 

Time to face the facts.


>> No.11100562,3377 [INTERNAL] 

I want them to bring back a chris han style show

>> No.11100562,3378 [INTERNAL] 

She desperately wants to feel her little pussy filled up to the brim and stretched. She wants to feel that ultimate pleasure. A tiny white penis like yours will never do the job.

>> No.11100562,3379 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3380 [INTERNAL] 

why are you so gay sreriously

>> No.11100562,3381 [INTERNAL] 

Her cute little moans as he puts his big strong manly black cock in that tight little hole and she moans out about how badly she wants him to cum inside her and give her a black child.

>> No.11100562,3382 [INTERNAL] 

how do you guys deal with swamp ass?

>> No.11100562,3383 [INTERNAL] 

by not being a disgusting subhuman freak

>> No.11100562,3384 [INTERNAL] 

what is that

>> No.11100562,3385 [INTERNAL] 

what do you think it is

>> No.11100562,3386 [INTERNAL] 

i dont know

>> No.11100562,3387 [INTERNAL] 

totori thinks you're gay because of your small white cock

>> No.11100562,3388 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3389 [INTERNAL] 

crazy person

>> No.11100562,3390 [INTERNAL] 

were going in deep now bfufkckf ufkccugfughg fugugghgghghgurggfjck

>> No.11100562,3391 [INTERNAL] 

sometimes i put my hoodie on just my head and not my arms then run around the house like a cape

>> No.11100562,3392 [INTERNAL] 

you guys are my only friends and totori thats it everything selse is terrible i just want it to end a

>> No.11100562,3393 [INTERNAL] 

i realy like this post thanks

>> No.11100562,3394 [INTERNAL] 

oh fuggg the rfgugugi fgugfkj fugugh ghgjkgj

>> No.11100562,3395 [INTERNAL] 

they fugign took everything from us why teh fucking chink ssss

>> No.11100562,3396 [INTERNAL] 

im jew

>> No.11100562,3397 [INTERNAL] 

yeah i'm chink what's up

>> No.11100562,3398 [INTERNAL] 

im kike

>> No.11100562,3399 [INTERNAL] 

reached out a hand to touch your face
you're slowly disappearing from my view
appearing from my view

>> No.11100562,3400 [INTERNAL] 

haha jus fucking kill me?

>> No.11100562,3401 [INTERNAL] 

thew jews come oat us from all sides how much longe rwill our freedom last

>> No.11100562,3402 [INTERNAL] 

there's literally nothing wrong with be ign a jew

>> No.11100562,3403 [INTERNAL] 

uh jews are very nice people

>> No.11100562,3404 [INTERNAL] 

stop it stop it

>> No.11100562,3405 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3406 [INTERNAL] 

im jew

>> No.11100562,3407 [INTERNAL] 

yeah except for the whole being a jew and that thing

>> No.11100562,3408 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3409 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3410 [INTERNAL] 

im kike

>> No.11100562,3411 [INTERNAL] 

totori has aids

>> No.11100562,3412 [INTERNAL] 

you have dog aids

>> No.11100562,3413 [INTERNAL] 

im scared to leave my room

>> No.11100562,3414 [INTERNAL] 

chink chink chinkk

>> No.11100562,3415 [INTERNAL] 

Who NEET here?

>> No.11100562,3416 [INTERNAL] 

kme me me im a neet haha

>> No.11100562,3417 [INTERNAL] 

can we get a new thread

>> No.11100562,3418 [INTERNAL] 

please make us a new one thanks thanks

>> No.11100562,3419 [INTERNAL] 

totoairi and tme want ot o eat a peanut but er and juelily sandwi ch we cill go maekf one falter ohh boy i liavoe peantu but era nd jelyl sandichs

>> No.11100562,3420 [INTERNAL] 

im actualy allergic to peanuts heres a fact you owuldn tknow im not allergic to the peanut oil just peanuts

>> No.11100562,3421 [INTERNAL] 

2008 was the best yeasr of my life why cant i go back in time

>> No.11100562,3422 [INTERNAL] 

she wants a bbc actually

>> No.11100562,3423 [INTERNAL] 

No one's talking to you, retard. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.11100562,3424 [INTERNAL] 

no one was talking to you i sthink

>> No.11100562,3425 [INTERNAL] 

totori loves bbcs

>> No.11100562,3426 [INTERNAL] 

are you a gay

>> No.11100562,3427 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3428 [INTERNAL] 


look dude shes having so much fun compared to a tiny white micropenis. that could be totori you know

>> No.11100562,3429 [INTERNAL] 

totori loves me no matter what your trying to do weirdo

>> No.11100562,3430 [INTERNAL] 

she cant love a man who cant sexually pleasure her. its scientific fact bro

>> No.11100562,3431 [INTERNAL] 

life was so much simpler in 2008

>> No.11100562,3432 [INTERNAL] 

yawwwn em nad toroi are becomign extermemly sleepy now so i tnkhi that we iwill go to seleep now goodn ight warosu

>> No.11100562,3433 [INTERNAL] 

i dont understand but im not going to bed yet

>> No.11100562,3434 [INTERNAL] 

oh nevermindi i get it your going to bed with your own totori

>> No.11100562,3435 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3436 [INTERNAL] 

are you hoping for a miracle, as the ice caps melt away

no use...

>> No.11100562,3437 [INTERNAL] 

you guys are my friends

>> No.11100562,3438 [INTERNAL] 

let me go back in time and make it not suck

>> No.11100562,3439 [INTERNAL] 

get in here fatNEETs

>> No.11100562,3440 [INTERNAL] 

where is everyone

>> No.11100562,3441 [INTERNAL] 

the jews took them to then

>> No.11100562,3442 [INTERNAL] 

took them to then what do you mean why

>> No.11100562,3443 [INTERNAL] 

Do lolies love meems or not?

>> No.11100562,3444 [INTERNAL] 

where is everyone

>> No.11100562,3445 [INTERNAL] 

you creeped everyone out

>> No.11100562,3446 [INTERNAL] 

nah id ont think so i wonder where they are

>> No.11100562,3447 [INTERNAL] 

hi my uncle was over and he kept talking about cars and stuff and talked about how he was one of the first toyota mechanics to be certified for prius and how he had to change all the metal zippers and buttons on his uniform to plastic and how he worked on some truck for an arabian prince and how the guy had it overnight delivered to dubai

he liked my bike though and thought the vtec was neat haha

>> No.11100562,3448 [INTERNAL] 

thank you for the story friend

>> No.11100562,3449 [INTERNAL] 

Uh... People with allergies to certain things can usually eat the oils from those items. People with peanut allergies will generally not have any reaction to peanut oil. It's not just you...

>> No.11100562,3450 [INTERNAL] 

i know what i was saying was that i was actualy allergicv cause i knew that thanks

>> No.11100562,3451 [INTERNAL] 

i wish i could just go to bed and wake up with totori id ont want to do this anymroe

>> No.11100562,3452 [INTERNAL] 

I went to bed last night convinced that I would wake up 8 years ago

It didn't work

>> No.11100562,3453 [INTERNAL] 

waking up 8 years ago would be a good start to

>> No.11100562,3454 [INTERNAL] 

im black and when i stand too long i feel the urge to squat? am i turning gay?

>> No.11100562,3455 [INTERNAL] 

I don't understand

>> No.11100562,3456 [INTERNAL] 

im goign to bed it its bed time now i think

>> No.11100562,3457 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3458 [INTERNAL] 

im chimp

>> No.11100562,3459 [INTERNAL] 

mommy i'm booooooored

>> No.11100562,3460 [INTERNAL] 

the ironic thing is that niggers were probably more free under the rule of the white man in comparison to the iron fist of darky warlords

>> No.11100562,3461 [INTERNAL] 

she needs the bbc

>> No.11100562,3462 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3463 [INTERNAL] 

Okay, so here's an updated list.

Chocolate Pudding pie
Small Flan
Creme puffs
Belgian Waffles

>> No.11100562,3464 [INTERNAL] 

honey cums

>> No.11100562,3465 [INTERNAL] 

End me

>> No.11100562,3466 [INTERNAL] 

uh what is honey cums castella has honey in it are they the same

>> No.11100562,3467 [INTERNAL] 

like a honey comb but a honey cum

>> No.11100562,3468 [INTERNAL] 

uh like just honey comb? i dont have bees...

>> No.11100562,3469 [INTERNAL] 

no honey cums

>> No.11100562,3470 [INTERNAL] 

ya but i dont know what you mean by honey comb haha?

>> No.11100562,3471 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3472 [INTERNAL] 

oh my god i did not know that houkago no pleiades was actually getting a series

ive waited so long for this
i can cry im literally so happy about this

>> No.11100562,3473 [INTERNAL] 

......... ( . ((
......... .\ =..\
. ___...\_'-..\
(_____))(. ....\---- Cool Story Bro!
(_____)) _

>> No.11100562,3474 [INTERNAL] 

i watched that and i still not sure what it was about

>> No.11100562,3475 [INTERNAL] 

(not the ona i mean the actual anime)

>> No.11100562,3476 [INTERNAL] 

being able to play musical instruments well seems like so much fun

>> No.11100562,3477 [INTERNAL] 

are you watching euphonium

>> No.11100562,3478 [INTERNAL] 

ok iam awkke now with totori awakek wtuh me nwo we are going oto eat ceral an wathcmroe amvhell wish us lucky thanksyou

>> No.11100562,3479 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3480 [INTERNAL] 

annie may

>> No.11100562,3481 [INTERNAL] 

you're a cutie

>> No.11100562,3482 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off

>> No.11100562,3483 [INTERNAL] 

umm why?

>> No.11100562,3484 [INTERNAL] 

I haven't listened to this song in so long, thanks for reminding me about it. I like Sirens of the Sea.

>> No.11100562,3485 [INTERNAL] 

kill yourself

>> No.11100562,3486 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3487 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3488 [INTERNAL] 

totori needs a bbc

>> No.11100562,3489 [INTERNAL] 

I automatically look down on any white person with a shitskin partner, it's like admitting they're too much of a failure to get a white gf/bf.

>> No.11100562,3490 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't a nigger gf better than no gf?

Nigger women treat me really nice I think there's an unspoken camaraderie between niggresses (who are the least desirable race/sex combo) and loser white nerds (who are just undesirable). That or maybe they just associate us with money.

>> No.11100562,3491 [INTERNAL] 

literal norm masters

>> No.11100562,3492 [INTERNAL] 


They only want you for money security and a half white child.

>> No.11100562,3493 [INTERNAL] 

anyway what's with all the norm posting please stop it

>> No.11100562,3494 [INTERNAL] 

whats good homies just got done fucking my bitch haha boutta smoke dis blunt haha haha

>> No.11100562,3495 [INTERNAL] 

Sweet I just picked up an eighth bout to hit the homie up to chill and bring some bitches we were gonna get a momo later thats whats up

>> No.11100562,3496 [INTERNAL] 

I had a dream where my friend was living with me but cucking me with this guy...

they said they were going to leave or something but I came home the next day and he was still there playing my n64 and he said he fucked her and first I talked to him for a bit then I got really mad and started beating him and breaking my n64 which he was using

why do I have to suffer like this

>> No.11100562,3497 [INTERNAL] 

was the n64 alright?

>> No.11100562,3498 [INTERNAL] 

I doubt it but it hardly works to begin with

>> No.11100562,3499 [INTERNAL] 

I had a playstation

>> No.11100562,3500 [INTERNAL] 

Older consoles seem to keep working past its age than the new consoles if you take care of them.

>> No.11100562,3501 [INTERNAL] 

This means that you have latent cuck fantasies that you're in denial about

>> No.11100562,3502 [INTERNAL] 

mom: I was doing so well! Went to college and everything...etc..until I had you children!
me: uh huh
mom: So aren't you going to get a girlfriend, marry and give me grandchildren?! Are you a faggot?
mom: That's what men do at your age! They get a nice girl and have kids! Are you telling me you aren't going to have kids?!
mom: I didn't raise a faggot! I know gays and lesbians are the thing these days but you aren't one of them!
me:.......I can't even take care of my--
brother: LOOOOL

>> No.11100562,3503 [INTERNAL] 

fat blonde bitch lady: You're 21 get out there and see the world man.
it's a great world outside!
curry indian man: /smiles internally
fat blonde bitch lady: You'll make lots of friends outside! Just take the medication and you'll feel a wholeeeeeeee lot better ;-)

>> No.11100562,3504 [INTERNAL] 

These norms don't understand. I don't have time to make the same foolish mistakes they're making.

>> No.11100562,3505 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3506 [INTERNAL] 

did u make this up

>> No.11100562,3507 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3508 [INTERNAL] 

schools out
time to post on warosu :)

>> No.11100562,3509 [INTERNAL] 

why is warosu so dead?

is everyone at work?

>> No.11100562,3510 [INTERNAL] 

im dying

>> No.11100562,3511 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3512 [INTERNAL] 

i was sleeping sorry haha

>> No.11100562,3513 [INTERNAL] 

oh okay haha?

>> No.11100562,3514 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3515 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3516 [INTERNAL] 

I want to scuk a BBC

>> No.11100562,3517 [INTERNAL] 

My nipples are literally always hard

>> No.11100562,3518 [INTERNAL] 

ktf bro except its my dick

>> No.11100562,3519 [INTERNAL] 

hey totori hows it going

>> No.11100562,3520 [INTERNAL] 

miria's snug cun-cun

>> No.11100562,3521 [INTERNAL] 

Would you stop? She's more than just an object for your sexual lust

>> No.11100562,3522 [INTERNAL] 

uh its rude to not appreciate what shes doing by bending over like that

>> No.11100562,3523 [INTERNAL] 

meme gang

>> No.11100562,3524 [INTERNAL] 

Gundam build fighter was really fun.

>> No.11100562,3525 [INTERNAL] 

Can any niggers here fuck me with their dirty black dicks? I want to be humiliated by fucking you savage, subhuman bulls.

>> No.11100562,3526 [INTERNAL] 


More dislikes than the last video. I can't wait for his girlfriend to make a video for him (my next prediction).

>> No.11100562,3527 [INTERNAL] 

another NEW new video

>> No.11100562,3528 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone know if I buy a new computer can i put all the memory or hard drive from my old one into that one

>> No.11100562,3529 [INTERNAL] 

thats right

>> No.11100562,3530 [INTERNAL] 

No it won't work

>> No.11100562,3531 [INTERNAL] 

Which one is it...

>> No.11100562,3532 [INTERNAL] 


literally warosu

>> No.11100562,3533 [INTERNAL] 

it will work
why wouldnt it work
its the same as swapping your keyboard with a different one

>> No.11100562,3534 [INTERNAL] 

So that's why dickspammer pedofreak had to start riding a motorbike instead

>> No.11100562,3535 [INTERNAL] 


That's that white bitches reaction? I would have just screamed rapist. Instead she speaks in a tone to get the whole cars attention.

>> No.11100562,3536 [INTERNAL] 

haahahah at :17 he cums on her

didn't notice first time I watched it

>> No.11100562,3537 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3538 [INTERNAL] 

Black men are beta

>> No.11100562,3539 [INTERNAL] 

it'll never work

>> No.11100562,3540 [INTERNAL] 

not with that attitude

>> No.11100562,3541 [INTERNAL] 

If your computer is older, it might not work with the newer parts. For instance if your hard drive is an IDE and your new motherboard only has SATA, then you'll have to get some sort of adapter. You may have issues with the power cable as well, if the old drive is running a 4 pin molex cable for the power.

Kind of the same for memory. If your old computer has DDR2 and your newer board only suppoers DDR3 or DDR4, you won't be able to even physically put it in.

>> No.11100562,3542 [INTERNAL] 

who let the nerd in

>> No.11100562,3543 [INTERNAL] 

dont bully my friend guy whoa re you even stop

>> No.11100562,3544 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3545 [INTERNAL] 

im chink

>> No.11100562,3546 [INTERNAL] 

ugh first im gay then im a pedo then im a rapist and now im a nerd haha

Literally just got back from Fry's too. I got a new 140mm top fan for my case. I asked if they had any 3 pin splitters but they were all out so I'll have to go back and get two so I can control all of my fans through software. On the way back I saw the police helicopter land at the police station and that was neat. Should I buy another Pokemon game or that Etrian Odyssey game with the loli dancer?

>> No.11100562,3547 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3548 [INTERNAL] 

you ruined her life

>> No.11100562,3549 [INTERNAL] 

how the f*ck do I win the civil war in victoria 2 as the confederates? fucking smug yankee normies are too powerful UGH.


>> No.11100562,3550 [INTERNAL] 

pls let me know

>> No.11100562,3551 [INTERNAL] 

what should ig o eat i dont know and i had mcdonalds and subway recently now i need food

>> No.11100562,3552 [INTERNAL] 

eat some loli pussy haha

>> No.11100562,3553 [INTERNAL] 

whats wrong withy ou

>> No.11100562,3554 [INTERNAL] 

I can't get enough big black cock in my tight cunny! Use me as your cum pig!

>> No.11100562,3555 [INTERNAL] 

really hoping bikeniggerpedorapist dies this weekend

>> No.11100562,3556 [INTERNAL] 

i dont he wasnt mad at me after i said those mean things cause this guy >>11100562,3554 was following me pretending to be him for som reason so hes a good guy

>> No.11100562,3557 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu would die with him

Just like the horse he killed

>> No.11100562,3558 [INTERNAL] 

nope theres a few other people that post just a s much im going to subway i guess

>> No.11100562,3559 [INTERNAL] 

to buy a italien B M T

>> No.11100562,3560 [INTERNAL] 

I bet you really want an african B B C

>> No.11100562,3561 [INTERNAL] 

i like
chicken pizziola

>> No.11100562,3562 [INTERNAL] 

Your small white dick can no longer satisfy me. I must have a big black dick to fill up my pussy and hit my pleasure areas. Sorry. ;)

>> No.11100562,3563 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3564 [INTERNAL] 

milk ignroed my question

girls always think they're better than me

>> No.11100562,3565 [INTERNAL] 

where can i find a girl with a totori body to fuck tonight

>> No.11100562,3566 [INTERNAL] 

milk finally responded to something I sent her

>please respond
>5 days ago

she ignores almost everything I send her even when it's not lewd or rude

>> No.11100562,3567 [INTERNAL] 

milk is a goddess

>> No.11100562,3568 [INTERNAL] 

milk ALWAYS answers my questions, like every single time
i dont know why

>> No.11100562,3569 [INTERNAL] 

milk is a doggess

>> No.11100562,3570 [INTERNAL] 

can you ask her why shes so lovely thanks

>> No.11100562,3571 [INTERNAL] 

milk has a hairy slimy cunt its gross

>> No.11100562,3572 [INTERNAL] 

I want to fuck milk's slimy slit

>> No.11100562,3573 [INTERNAL] 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cHrOT8PA14 guys watch tthis its really good i really like kon and for awhile i wanted to be a kon

>> No.11100562,3574 [INTERNAL] 

Looking for nigger bulls to breed my brand new, unused, young snatch. Mixed race mutts need not apply.

Seriously. I need to fuck a dirty nigger dick ASAP.

>> No.11100562,3575 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3576 [INTERNAL] 

are you gay

>> No.11100562,3577 [INTERNAL] 

there's nothing gay about wanting to get bred by a big, strong bull

>> No.11100562,3578 [INTERNAL] 

Ok lets see if it works

>> No.11100562,3579 [INTERNAL] 

thanks thanks

>> No.11100562,3580 [INTERNAL] 


i love this video

>> No.11100562,3581 [INTERNAL] 

cool i found a mesprit

>> No.11100562,3582 [INTERNAL] 

what is this

>> No.11100562,3583 [INTERNAL] 

totori certainly isn't, she can't get enough big black cock. she's addicted!

>> No.11100562,3584 [INTERNAL] 

a pocket monster my good man

>> No.11100562,3585 [INTERNAL] 

oh thanks

>> No.11100562,3586 [INTERNAL] 

just kidding freak

>> No.11100562,3587 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3588 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3589 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3590 [INTERNAL] 

can someone talk to me

>> No.11100562,3591 [INTERNAL] 

why dont you talk with a loli on younow

>> No.11100562,3592 [INTERNAL] 

they arent my friends and you guys are

>> No.11100562,3593 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis only care about themselves

>> No.11100562,3594 [INTERNAL] 

lolis are really friendly

>> No.11100562,3595 [INTERNAL] 

i just got a jpn slakoth named にーと


>> No.11100562,3596 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are bullies

>> No.11100562,3597 [INTERNAL] 

jksut fuckifng fuckckc gugfkging fuckk kckcign fuckckign

>> No.11100562,3598 [INTERNAL] 

they arent bullies theyre playful

>> No.11100562,3599 [INTERNAL] 

jsut jf fufcking post it fuckgi ngfg

>> No.11100562,3600 [INTERNAL] 

post what haha

>> No.11100562,3601 [INTERNAL] 

i like watchign docuemnatires of shows with people that age over 10 or 20 years during it cause its really great to watch them fall apart as the movie goes on :)

>> No.11100562,3602 [INTERNAL] 

does anyone here do sous vide


>> No.11100562,3603 [INTERNAL] 

honey cums

>> No.11100562,3604 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3605 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3606 [INTERNAL] 

You're missing out

>> No.11100562,3607 [INTERNAL] 

oh :(

>> No.11100562,3608 [INTERNAL] 

lol nice one

>> No.11100562,3609 [INTERNAL] 

should i stream h1z1

>> No.11100562,3610 [INTERNAL] 

i want to watch taht 4cchan soccer game and cheer for jp

>> No.11100562,3611 [INTERNAL] 

the fuckign jew s fuckign ffuck fuck pfuck

>> No.11100562,3612 [INTERNAL] 

I'm kindof busy

>> No.11100562,3613 [INTERNAL] 

fuckign video games fuck fuckfuck

>> No.11100562,3614 [INTERNAL] 

what's wrong I was about to fire up the ol ps2

>> No.11100562,3615 [INTERNAL] 

can you stream i want to watch

>> No.11100562,3616 [INTERNAL] 

wait do you want me to stream h1z1 cause that guys not me

>> No.11100562,3617 [INTERNAL] 

umm your friends kind of scare me but sure

>> No.11100562,3618 [INTERNAL] 


ok streaming

>> No.11100562,3619 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3620 [INTERNAL] 

i have to be nostalgic about early 4chan for a bi twatching videos and ill be there soon

>> No.11100562,3621 [INTERNAL] 

about what

>> No.11100562,3622 [INTERNAL] 

i dont know what ever you want to talk about i want to talk about something you want to talk about

>> No.11100562,3623 [INTERNAL] 

gay weed?

>> No.11100562,3624 [INTERNAL] 

ok explain it and we can talk about it

>> No.11100562,3625 [INTERNAL] 

I made it up sorry

>> No.11100562,3626 [INTERNAL] 

tell me about yourself

>> No.11100562,3627 [INTERNAL] 

things mostly got bad from the end of high school and then i went to university and managed to get a degree but ic ouldnt do anything with it and then my anxiety got worse and i shut myself in and now im really in debt and my life is falling apart by the day and i probably cant last much longer cause of the jews so im wasting away on warosu

>> No.11100562,3628 [INTERNAL] 

what is your degree

>> No.11100562,3629 [INTERNAL] 

I'm hallucinating every time I wake up, this isn't good. And the last dream was fucking creepy as hell.

>> No.11100562,3630 [INTERNAL] 

Hi trev.

>> No.11100562,3631 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3632 [INTERNAL] 

man now i just want to die again

>> No.11100562,3633 [INTERNAL] 

whats that

>> No.11100562,3634 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3635 [INTERNAL] 

greece and rome

explaining that made me realize how much id ont like being alive

>> No.11100562,3636 [INTERNAL] 

im sorry

>> No.11100562,3637 [INTERNAL] 

its ok

>> No.11100562,3638 [INTERNAL] 

why are shitskins allowed to live on Earth seriously doesn't make sense, imagine a world ruled by the white master race. a united white planet.

>> No.11100562,3639 [INTERNAL] 

i hope youll be ok

>> No.11100562,3640 [INTERNAL] 

ill be what ill be but thanks

>> No.11100562,3641 [INTERNAL] 

Is it too late to eat soup if I'm going to bed in 4 hours

>> No.11100562,3642 [INTERNAL] 

nah youll be what I say youll be

>> No.11100562,3643 [INTERNAL] 


It's never too late to take a cock up your ass.

>> No.11100562,3644 [INTERNAL] 

No i said soup not cock and i'm not putting it in my ass

>> No.11100562,3645 [INTERNAL] 


totori will put it in for you

>> No.11100562,3646 [INTERNAL] 

Ayyy w-bros. I'm looking for some nigger cock. LMK if you see any i can stuff in my pussy. Peace.

>> No.11100562,3647 [INTERNAL] 

ayyy girl where were u last nite
the boyz missed ur fine lil ass

had to settle for that white hoe and that was no good

>> No.11100562,3648 [INTERNAL] 

it's going to be a year since my friend stopped talking to me in a few months

what do you guys live for

>> No.11100562,3649 [INTERNAL] 

I'm waiting

>> No.11100562,3650 [INTERNAL] 

what for

>> No.11100562,3651 [INTERNAL] 

god i really want to fuck a girl with a totori body how can i do it please

>> No.11100562,3652 [INTERNAL] 


What the fuuuuuuck

>> No.11100562,3653 [INTERNAL] 

Don't use that archive.

>> No.11100562,3654 [INTERNAL] 

love the foolz erp meme

>> No.11100562,3655 [INTERNAL] 

Shut up nerd warosu sucks for everything other than posting

>> No.11100562,3656 [INTERNAL] 

explain how the other sites search is so shitty haha? why the site itself is just slow haha?

>> No.11100562,3657 [INTERNAL] 

Uh the search is what's so much better haha

>> No.11100562,3658 [INTERNAL] 

wrong again retard

>> No.11100562,3659 [INTERNAL] 

Nah, you're a retard

>> No.11100562,3660 [INTERNAL] 

jesus stop the haha meme it's seriously not funny

it's cousin rapist doing it too I bet

>> No.11100562,3661 [INTERNAL] 

It seriously is him

>> No.11100562,3662 [INTERNAL] 

prove it

>> No.11100562,3663 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3664 [INTERNAL] 

Now never question me again, scumbag

>> No.11100562,3665 [INTERNAL] 

go away

>> No.11100562,3666 [INTERNAL] 

the non-warosu one isnt loading for me?

>> No.11100562,3667 [INTERNAL] 

yeah it is

>> No.11100562,3668 [INTERNAL] 

oh wait it just took like 20 seconds to load haha i thought they banned me again?

>> No.11100562,3669 [INTERNAL] 

Speaking of which, why the hell does their archive even have a ban feature? It's like they had high hopes for their site but it ended up being used less than a site built without all the web 2.0 bullshit they built into it. On top of that, Warosu is filled with literal retards.

>> No.11100562,3670 [INTERNAL] 

literal retards haha

>> No.11100562,3671 [INTERNAL] 

The ban just stops you from posting

>> No.11100562,3672 [INTERNAL] 

oh haha

>> No.11100562,3673 [INTERNAL] 

i'm bored and there's still a few hours until bedtime

>> No.11100562,3674 [INTERNAL] 

i be on meme

>> No.11100562,3675 [INTERNAL] 

same im super bored and ic ould be up for a few more hours but i just took eitzolam and im going to bed for another 15 hours

>> No.11100562,3676 [INTERNAL] 

when im bored i usually touch my dick

>> No.11100562,3677 [INTERNAL] 

my cums have been kind of unsatisfying lately so I thought I should take a break

>> No.11100562,3678 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone calls Haruka a kid but if you look at her model in the Trainer ID where it shows the badges you'll see that she has small cute breasts. What kind of kid has little titties like that?

>> No.11100562,3679 [INTERNAL] 

mine have bee the best i get high on thc pills an dthen jack off

>> No.11100562,3680 [INTERNAL] 

maybe I should get one of those ADHD medicines that make you good at focusing

>> No.11100562,3681 [INTERNAL] 

How big are the loads

>> No.11100562,3682 [INTERNAL] 

great and it feels phenominal

>> No.11100562,3683 [INTERNAL] 

damn im fuckign addicted to FUNPOSTING

>> No.11100562,3684 [INTERNAL] 

sakura is so freakin sexy

>> No.11100562,3685 [INTERNAL] 

i'm talking about fsn sakura btw

>> No.11100562,3686 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah she knows how to please a man I like that you know

>> No.11100562,3687 [INTERNAL] 

uhh I'm talking about Card Captor Sakura

>> No.11100562,3688 [INTERNAL] 

From all this talk about loli butts now I'm starting to like the idea of touching and playing with a loli's butt

>> No.11100562,3689 [INTERNAL] 

don't listen to this guy he's trying to make me look like a pedo

>> No.11100562,3690 [INTERNAL] 

whats wrong with looking like a pedo

>> No.11100562,3691 [INTERNAL] 

afterschool shit time

>> No.11100562,3692 [INTERNAL] 

should i go to the arcade/amusement park tomorrow

>> No.11100562,3693 [INTERNAL] 

No just stay at home

>> No.11100562,3694 [INTERNAL] 

i could go to gameworks too

i dont think the arcade thats attached to a water park has its pools opened yet so if i went there i wouldnt see any lolis in bathing suits

>> No.11100562,3695 [INTERNAL] 

ya they just have the slides only tomorrow so it wont be worth it

>> No.11100562,3696 [INTERNAL] 


Oh boy, you can't make this stuff up. "Officials" round up students, divide them by gender, and tell them to pull down their pants to check their underwear for poop stains after the school staff continually found poop on the gym floor. It's kind of odd how they even have a picture of one of the students who had to pull down her pants. You know that someone looked at her butt and they probably saw her pussy too. That's lewd!

>> No.11100562,3697 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are shitting all over the floor

>> No.11100562,3698 [INTERNAL] 

What about the kids who don't wipe their ass or wipe poorly?

>> No.11100562,3699 [INTERNAL] 

tfw that kid up until like 8

>> No.11100562,3700 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't know how to wipe on my own until I was 10

>> No.11100562,3701 [INTERNAL] 

my mom wiped for me until I was 9

>> No.11100562,3702 [INTERNAL] 

Same it's kind of embarrassing in retrospect?

>> No.11100562,3703 [INTERNAL] 

yeah, I never had to do any chores or whatever and my mom even did extra stuff like wiping my butt lmao

>> No.11100562,3704 [INTERNAL] 

wow kindred spirits

>> No.11100562,3705 [INTERNAL] 

So uh Goku uses a new form of Super Saiyan in the new movie. Supposedly the name is "Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan".

His hair stands up like a normal Sauper Saiyan, but instead of it being yellow it's blue. I hope things are explained why the Super Saiyan God's hair is red but the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan's hair is blue.


>> No.11100562,3706 [INTERNAL] 

sorry i meant super not sauper

>> No.11100562,3707 [INTERNAL] 

just came for the 9th time in 24hrs to some loli gangbang pictures and already have the urge to go for another

>> No.11100562,3708 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11100562,3709 [INTERNAL] 

bashmeintheass removed his video after it reached 1200+ dislikes hahahaha

>> No.11100562,3710 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3711 [INTERNAL] 

I'm still on the prowl for dirty nigger dicks. I'm an interracial slut and I only fuck the lowest of the low.

>> No.11100562,3712 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3713 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3714 [INTERNAL] 

She's like 12.

>> No.11100562,3715 [INTERNAL] 

I want a gf with huge tits who lets me breastfeed

>> No.11100562,3716 [INTERNAL] 

>It's kind of odd how they even have a picture of one of the students who had to pull down her pants. You know that someone looked at her butt and they probably saw her pussy too.
That's just mindblowing! Oh, the humiliation!!! Look at her and laugh!!

>> No.11100562,3717 [INTERNAL] 

She's around Haruka's age and she had to do something so embarrassing! Lewd! The fact that this could happen to Haruka is just mindblowing! She's so cool, training pokemon and killing bad guys, but she's really just a kid! She should be ashamed of herself!

>> No.11100562,3718 [INTERNAL] 

how the h*ll do I find a cute pregnant girl who will let me drink from her breasts

>> No.11100562,3719 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3720 [INTERNAL] 

god fucking damn I want a chubby pregnant gf with gigantic lactating tits so bad

>> No.11100562,3721 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3722 [INTERNAL] 

so I can suck her giant tits and have a nice meal? pregnant women are literally goddesses

>> No.11100562,3723 [INTERNAL] 

I found my sister's friends profile on a fetish dating site maybe I could blackmail her into breastfeeding me, she just had a kid and has giant tits

not sure how to break the ice though

>> No.11100562,3724 [INTERNAL] 

also she has a boyfriend

>> No.11100562,3725 [INTERNAL] 


What are you doing stalking your sisters friend you creep don't you have anything better to do with your time.

>> No.11100562,3726 [INTERNAL] 

I wasn't stalking her actually.. I was just on the same site and she uploaded a picture of herself neck down with no face so people wouldn't recognize her but she has the same on her facebook and my sister is in it she just cropped it for this site

>> No.11100562,3727 [INTERNAL] 


i found that guys book

>> No.11100562,3728 [INTERNAL] 

I bet Haruka's butt smells amazing!

>> No.11100562,3729 [INTERNAL] 

butts smell like poop

>> No.11100562,3730 [INTERNAL] 

I don't care because she's really cute and I want to humiliate her.

>> No.11100562,3731 [INTERNAL] 

Why would you want to break perfection?

>> No.11100562,3732 [INTERNAL] 

they call me want me for me

>> No.11100562,3733 [INTERNAL] 

i think pregnant women are gods

>> No.11100562,3734 [INTERNAL] 

If you lick her butt, you are the one being humiliated. Haruka is stupid and doesn't realize how embarrassing it is to have an ass.

>> No.11100562,3735 [INTERNAL] 

i real ly liek this one morning everyone on wearsou

>> No.11100562,3736 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3737 [INTERNAL] 

hello :)

>> No.11100562,3738 [INTERNAL] 

I slept in my mom's bed until I was like 13 it's probably why I have such a fetish for shota/milf stuff and breastfeeding.

>> No.11100562,3739 [INTERNAL] 

>I slept in my mom's bed until I was like 13


>> No.11100562,3740 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3741 [INTERNAL] 

my mom made me massage her feet semi regularly as a kid im surprised i dont have a foot fetish

>> No.11100562,3742 [INTERNAL] 

maybe she had gross feet

>> No.11100562,3743 [INTERNAL] 

i wouldnt call them gross

>> No.11100562,3744 [INTERNAL] 

Have you ever tried masturbating while picturing yourself massaging and kissing the feet of a voluptuous woman?

>> No.11100562,3745 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3746 [INTERNAL] 

I want to get Haruka pregnant and watch her breasts swell

>> No.11100562,3747 [INTERNAL] 

She's too young

>> No.11100562,3748 [INTERNAL] 

who is haruka

>> No.11100562,3749 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3750 [INTERNAL] 

why do south americans eat them do they taste good

>> No.11100562,3751 [INTERNAL] 

theyre cute dont eat them please

>> No.11100562,3752 [INTERNAL] 

are they like rabbits rabbits are cute but they are dumb and they breed rapidly they are pests

>> No.11100562,3753 [INTERNAL] 

i had a bunnyrabbit once it always hid behind the couch and chewed on everything and pooped a lot

>> No.11100562,3754 [INTERNAL] 

guinea pigs are cute i hope theyre not like that rabbits are cute to thoguh

>> No.11100562,3755 [INTERNAL] 

Haruka is the kind of cuteslut that would make fart jokes without shame or fart in her enemies' faces to humiliate them. She would embrace the slight stink of her fart and use it to make her rival feel disgusted, instead of pretending to be a delicate princess that doesn't need to poop.

Haruka knows she is a just a normal, dirty human being and doesn't give a fuck. You can't possibly humiliate her. What a badass!

>> No.11100562,3756 [INTERNAL] 

are warosuneets like rabbits

>> No.11100562,3757 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off degenerate.

>> No.11100562,3758 [INTERNAL] 

The best pokemon trainer of all time.

>> No.11100562,3759 [INTERNAL] 

oh is that who were talking about id idnt knwo we were talking aobut pokemon i like dawn

>> No.11100562,3760 [INTERNAL] 

i want to train a pokemon trainer any tips?

>> No.11100562,3761 [INTERNAL] 

I want Haruka to be a sixth grader so bad, but those breasts keep reminding me of the fact that she is probably 12-13.

>> No.11100562,3762 [INTERNAL] 

You type like a loli. Are you Haruka?

>> No.11100562,3763 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,3764 [INTERNAL] 

Your cousin is pathetic.

>> No.11100562,3765 [INTERNAL] 

I would pay to see him murdered

>> No.11100562,3766 [INTERNAL] 

i never fucking said I was the victim

i never said i was the victim

i never fucking once said i was the fucking victim


>> No.11100562,3767 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that Haruka, Sakura, Hikari and most anime lolis are kids is just mindblowing. They seem so intelligent and mature, but I bet they are too lazy to type properly and adults see them as annoying little sluts. Pathetic! Lewd!

>> No.11100562,3768 [INTERNAL] 

I love how he says shit like "frickin'" at the beginning and gradually becomes more foul-mouthed.

>> No.11100562,3769 [INTERNAL] 

I can't decipher what he says between FUCK YOU and LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.

>> No.11100562,3770 [INTERNAL] 

"A A you all, who are attacking because T. Lee!"

The hell?

>> No.11100562,3771 [INTERNAL] 

Soooooooo another 17 year old girl victim. And he is dating a 17 year old (now 18) girl. He is most definitely a pedophile.


>> No.11100562,3772 [INTERNAL] 

That guy is a retard and an asshole. His whole point is that he shouldn't be allowed to have a Minecraft Youtube channel because kids watch his videos and he WILL try to rape one of them just because he is a pedo. He thinks that pedos are somehow less sane than the average person.

Fuck that faggot.

>> No.11100562,3773 [INTERNAL] 

id like a memeronni pizza to go thanks

>> No.11100562,3774 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3775 [INTERNAL] 

He's just saying it's creepy that someone who rapes children is now running a channel that attracts a largely child audience.

>> No.11100562,3776 [INTERNAL] 

Would Haruka try to gross me out with her sweaty loli feet because she hates me? That's so humiliating. She doesn't realize that she should be ashamed of her smelly feet. What a retard!!!

If I lived in that world, I wouldn't give a fuck about Pokemon. I'd spend my days with my cute cousin Haruka-chan!

>> No.11100562,3777 [INTERNAL] 

Imagine how easy it is for pewdiepie to get loli puss and can get away with it too.

>> No.11100562,3778 [INTERNAL] 

I want to rub Haruka no loli eyebrows.

Eyebrows are lewd because they are the only hairy part of a loli besides her head.

>> No.11100562,3779 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3780 [INTERNAL] 

>that loli in the comments
Do you think she's cute?

>> No.11100562,3781 [INTERNAL] 

Which haruka are you talking about?

>> No.11100562,3782 [INTERNAL] 

>ear infection
>no bf
>no friends
Probably a deformed fat fuck.

>> No.11100562,3783 [INTERNAL] 

She loves May Mays because she's a loli.

>> No.11100562,3784 [INTERNAL] 

shes cute on the inside

>> No.11100562,3785 [INTERNAL] 

I just realized rape was a social construct

>> No.11100562,3786 [INTERNAL] 

u little shits

>> No.11100562,3787 [INTERNAL] 

I get so jealous whenever I see alpha teenage boys with their young cute girlfriends. You just know he's slamming that tight fresh young puss whenever he wants and she loves it.

God fucking damn it.

>> No.11100562,3788 [INTERNAL] 

Cutest word ever.

>> No.11100562,3789 [INTERNAL] 

He doesn't enjoy it nearly as much as you would because alpha boys are fucking retards who can't even understand how absolutely mindblowing it is to fuck a cute girl.

They are pitiful.

Also, there are lots of normes who literally don't understand why hentai is hot. They always say the same shit: "I don't find cartoons attractive because they are not real/I have a girlfriend/I'm not a loser". It's insane.

>> No.11100562,3790 [INTERNAL] 

>He doesn't enjoy it nearly as much as you would because alpha boys are fucking retards who can't even understand how absolutely mindblowing it is to fuck a cute girl. They are pitiful.

You are just telling yourself that out of jealousy and can't admit they're better and do what you wish you could.

>> No.11100562,3791 [INTERNAL] 


But hentai anime 95% of the time is shit.

>> No.11100562,3792 [INTERNAL] 

>hentai anime
Who the fuck likes that shit?

>> No.11100562,3793 [INTERNAL] 

I want to squeeze Haruka no butt!

>> No.11100562,3794 [INTERNAL] 

People who don't cum in 2 minutes like you. Sometimes its nice to lay down, get comfortable and touch your dick until it spits hot milk.
Cant do that with images.

>> No.11100562,3795 [INTERNAL] 

is the "loli kodomokid butt humiliate lewd!!!" guy known under any other aliases or is that all he does

>> No.11100562,3796 [INTERNAL] 

He's Spanish

>> No.11100562,3797 [INTERNAL] 

Images don't move by themselves while you are trying to look at them. They are much better.

>Can't do that with images
You can't do anything with videos. Anime looks so lame and soulless.

>> No.11100562,3798 [INTERNAL] 

how do you know

>> No.11100562,3799 [INTERNAL] 

Whoa, who the hell are you? God?

>> No.11100562,3800 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3801 [INTERNAL] 

Soulless is the most nonsense criticism around. Good work.

>> No.11100562,3802 [INTERNAL] 

Is "passing wind" literally the most ridiculous euphemism?

>> No.11100562,3803 [INTERNAL] 

>17 year old child

16 is legal in many places

>> No.11100562,3804 [INTERNAL] 

this guy is literally such a tryhard norm

he repeats "17 year old child" like 15 times in the video

>> No.11100562,3805 [INTERNAL] 

Why does every language have a beautiful word for "little girl" except English? The word "girl" has a wide range of meanings and forces you to add the adjective "little". It's weird and ugly.

Do they really hate lolis that much?

>> No.11100562,3806 [INTERNAL] 

He had no right to outrage the modesty of those children

>> No.11100562,3807 [INTERNAL] 

there's no word for little sister either

>> No.11100562,3808 [INTERNAL] 

By the way, which loli word is the cutest?

"Niña" is adorable, but I'm probably biased. "Madchen" is really cute and beautiful. It sounds terrible, though.

"Loli" is 10/10, but it's a made up and doesn't count.

>> No.11100562,3809 [INTERNAL] 

I looked it up and only found pictures of adult women. What the fuck? German is just like English, what a disappointment.

>> No.11100562,3810 [INTERNAL] 

if people stopped using girl to refer to women there would be no problem

>> No.11100562,3811 [INTERNAL] 

People would still use girl to refer to teenagers.

>> No.11100562,3812 [INTERNAL] 

feel when try to use a knife to kill mouse trapped in mouse trap but still alive but it's too blunt and won't cut and instead just squishes where you cut it

>> No.11100562,3813 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3814 [INTERNAL] 

Loli is japanese.

>> No.11100562,3815 [INTERNAL] 

it just hadn't been sharpened in ages I guess

>> No.11100562,3816 [INTERNAL] 

there's a google plus exploit that lets you look at peoples private photos

basically you have a url and you switch the numbers around and get every photo taken on that date

tons of teen girls sending private nudes to their bfs

im jerkin it

>> No.11100562,3817 [INTERNAL] 


But the dude is 29 (30?).

>> No.11100562,3818 [INTERNAL] 

show me an example link

>> No.11100562,3819 [INTERNAL] 

>teen girl

ya ok.

you blew it kid

>> No.11100562,3820 [INTERNAL] 

it has nothing to do with actually using google plus. there's a thing with smartphones that automatically uploads any photo you take to your google account you're synced with if you don't disable it.

>> No.11100562,3821 [INTERNAL] 

google+ will crown king one day

>> No.11100562,3822 [INTERNAL] 

i want to fuck haruka hard

>> No.11100562,3823 [INTERNAL] 

yeah okay so post an example link or shutup

>> No.11100562,3824 [INTERNAL] 

heh just found some girl's profile where she had a bunch of her boyfriends pencil dick photos

>> No.11100562,3825 [INTERNAL] 

Why do people think there's something wrong with old geezers dating 18 year olds? They are both adults, where the fuck is the problem?

Hell, 60 year old men can't even SAY that they find 18 year olds attractive without people frowning at them. What the fuck? Why would their tastes change just because they are old?

I swear normies just want an excuse to hate others. They deserve to die.

>> No.11100562,3826 [INTERNAL] 

Before >>11100562,3817 says anything, I KNOW that the girl was 17. I'm only complaining because he seems to think that the "crime" is worse if the guy is old. Why?

>> No.11100562,3827 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm only complaining because he seems to think that the "crime" is worse if the guy is old. Why?

Because there's an extreme power difference between a teenager and a 30 year old. It's easy to exploit naivete.

>> No.11100562,3828 [INTERNAL] 

Be careful, warosubros. Your phone will automatically upload any picture to your account. Stop watching chaypee on your phone or you'll regret it.

>> No.11100562,3829 [INTERNAL] 

the difference in maturity

>> No.11100562,3830 [INTERNAL] 

i dont have a normphone because im not a normie

>> No.11100562,3831 [INTERNAL] 

I hate how normies assume that every pedo is a fucking psychopath like them.

Why are SO MANY normies evil, greedy and sadistic?

>> No.11100562,3832 [INTERNAL] 

You have to be a psychopath to function in society

>> No.11100562,3833 [INTERNAL] 

How is a mature 30 year old more evil than a brainless 20 year old?

>> No.11100562,3834 [INTERNAL] 

That's the thing, you don't have to be a psychopath. It doesn't matter, you could be the nicest guy in the world, it's irrelevant. You still have extreme power over naive teens as a 30+ year old adult and can easily get them to obey.

>> No.11100562,3835 [INTERNAL] 

1. He tried getting with a 13 year old at 20 years old.
2. He seduced a 17 year old girl to be his gf.
3. There is proof his old habits didn't die as he contacted another 17 year old in a sexual way, knowing she was 17.
4. If 3 is true then most definitely she and his gf weren't the only girls this disgusting sleaze contacted. Using his youtube channel as a funnel to contact underage girls (his fans) and meeting them at cons.
5. In his apology video he says he doesn't deserve to be around his fans and that he was such a social retard when in truth he this whole time knew it was the best way to meet underage girls.
6. He is more annoying than pewds and that's an accomplishment.
7. He's a fatty.

The guy deserves no sympathy and should be maimed by the nearest negro for manipulating the children that watch his videos. I truly hope he kills himself.

>> No.11100562,3836 [INTERNAL] 

if i knew a loli would she like me

>> No.11100562,3837 [INTERNAL] 

8. you give this much of a shit about some goddamn minecraft lets player no one over the age of 17 has ever heard about

lm f a o

>> No.11100562,3838 [INTERNAL] 

He makes content to appeal to children as to better be able to groom them into sex.

>> No.11100562,3839 [INTERNAL] 

This reminds me of dickspammer's streams. He's doing the same thing.

>> No.11100562,3840 [INTERNAL] 


And his change of voice is what's most sickening.
I give a shit because people are defending this low-life scum so he can get away with it in public. Nobody gets a free pass to be a pedo, especially that fattass.

>> No.11100562,3841 [INTERNAL] 

what kind of kid wants to hear guys talking about the stuff he talks about

>> No.11100562,3842 [INTERNAL] 

Most normies (80% maybe) are not full blown psychopaths, they are simply conditioned by society to think like one. They are brainwashed into thinking that this extreme level of greed and psychopathy is just "human nature" and that's why they never try to change their ways. That is their excuse.

>> No.11100562,3843 [INTERNAL] 

and all the super popular professional 'toy unboxers' probably fuck mad children too. Who cares the world is cold hold ya head playa

>> No.11100562,3844 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3845 [INTERNAL] 

uh he's not a pedo? 17 isn't pedo and is legal everywhere except SJW hellholes

plus I need a citation on the 13 year old thing

>> No.11100562,3846 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3847 [INTERNAL] 

people who watch unboxing videos confirmed for "slow" retards

I knew it

>> No.11100562,3848 [INTERNAL] 

17 is illegal here but it's legal to refuse business to anyone you don't like if they're gay or brown.

>> No.11100562,3849 [INTERNAL] 

There's literally nothing wrong with being a pedo

>> No.11100562,3850 [INTERNAL] 

They've been scientifically proven to have a lower IQ, lower average height, higher average weight, and less hair on their head.

>> No.11100562,3851 [INTERNAL] 

17 is not legal in Cali or FL unless they anywhere from 17 to 23. The age of consent in both states is 18. The guy is TWENTY EIGHT when he 'dated' her.

>> No.11100562,3852 [INTERNAL] 

You've been visited by le fedora of euphoria! Copy and paste this if you're one of the few real nice guys left tips fedora

>> No.11100562,3853 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, you're that guy.

>> No.11100562,3854 [INTERNAL] 

Facts don't change depending on who you're talking to.

>> No.11100562,3855 [INTERNAL] 

um the law doesn't dictate morality where I live 16 is legal no matter what age you are

even if it wasn't legal it wouldn't be pedophilia and saying it is makes you sound like a huge norm

are you sure you aren't a SJW? your "the guy was" phrasing makes me think you are. next you'll be saying "the dude's a creep"

>> No.11100562,3856 [INTERNAL] 

someone over 20 years old trying to rape children is pedophilia

>> No.11100562,3857 [INTERNAL] 

you guys know the stereotypical nerd who starts raving about his everquest character or w/e at a party and literally no one gives a shita bout anything hes saying?

you're that guy Mr. I love Minecraft Lets Plays

>> No.11100562,3858 [INTERNAL] 

>You still have extreme power over naive teens as a 30+ year old adult and can easily get them to obey.
I understand, but this shouldn't even be a problem to begin with. What's so terrible about naive girls being coerced into doing lewd things? If they regret it later, it should be just because they wasted their time.

I know sex is a big fucking deal, but there is no reason for it. Especially when there is literally no danger and the only problem is "shame". It's an artificial idea that has plagued our society for centuries, if not millennia.

Look at that faggot in the video, going fucking insane because people are calling him a pedo and asking for his head. Why does anyone have to suffer like this? What if he ends up killing himself or going on a rampage? Is this REALLY worth it? Isn't sex supposed to be enjoyable? Why do we put so many ridiculous, worthless rules on it?

>> No.11100562,3859 [INTERNAL] 

You're literally the only person posting those "facts" over and over.

>> No.11100562,3860 [INTERNAL] 

"trying to rape children" is just that drama turbonorm's claim. I haven't seen any evidence on what he actually did to get charged and what the ages were

just look at how he does those forced nodding motions as he listens to his 17 YEAR OLD CHILD!! guest... he's a robot

the fact remains that 17 isn't pedophilia and if he lived where I do it would be perfectly legal. plus I think a 17 year old is a good match for a minecraft-playing manchild

>> No.11100562,3861 [INTERNAL] 

Where you live has nothing to do where Chuck lives, retard.
>even if it wasn't legal it wouldn't be pedophilia and saying it is makes you sound like a huge norm
Hebephilia whatever you know what I mean but everyone says pedophilia because no one cares to make distinctions but pedophiles themselves.
>are you sure you aren't a SJW?
Likewise? Why are you defending this guy?

>> No.11100562,3862 [INTERNAL] 

>What's so terrible about naive girls being coerced into doing lewd things?

Pedophiles revealing their true nature.

>Why does anyone have to suffer like this? What if he ends up killing himself or going on a rampage?

Who cares? He's a fat turbonorm who uses his channel to groom children.

>> No.11100562,3863 [INTERNAL] 

yea bro I hate it when those nerds ruin a good all-american sick mad par-tay with all the hottest college bitches in the OC

just call me the BO$$ of warosu

>> No.11100562,3864 [INTERNAL] 

I want to be Haruka and have my pussy pumped full of sticky NEET semen.

>> No.11100562,3865 [INTERNAL] 

>Where you live has nothing to do where Chuck lives, retard.
where he lives should not dictate what's moral and what's not, you literal SJW. otherwise laws would never change

>Likewise? Why are you defending this guy?
uh the main characteristic of SJWs is attacking the evil enemy who doesn't tow the party line, not defending anyone except the imagined victims

>> No.11100562,3866 [INTERNAL] 

I only hate him because "he raped absolutely no one and therefore can't be a FUCKING PEDOPHILE!!!!".

He is just another ignorant normie piece of shit.

>> No.11100562,3867 [INTERNAL] 

>Why does anyone have to suffer like this?

Bitch can live off youtube in the comfort of his room and have fresh tight young puss at his doorstep at the age of 29 while he gets to molest kids at minecraft cons and gets away with it. All while putting on a "woe ways me" act. He deserves to be torched by the hands of God.

>> No.11100562,3868 [INTERNAL] 

im a pedo and im 6'1 and im 160lbs and im not bald haha?

>> No.11100562,3869 [INTERNAL] 

But you're dumb.

>> No.11100562,3870 [INTERNAL] 

I don't even know what SJW really means--I'm not up to date with your norm speak. So I thought it means a variation of "white knight" or some shit.

>> No.11100562,3871 [INTERNAL] 

ya? but so are a lot of people its not exclusive to pedofiles?

>> No.11100562,3872 [INTERNAL] 

Did your dad touch your dick when you were playing Minecraft or something?

>> No.11100562,3873 [INTERNAL] 

pedo freaks getting owned

>> No.11100562,3874 [INTERNAL] 

>and have fresh tight young puss at his doorstep at the age of 29
What's wrong with this and why are 29 year old men supposed to settle with old hags? Sounds like you are jealous of his luck and want him to suffer for no reason.

Also, are you seriously worried about some 17 year old slut?

>> No.11100562,3875 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3876 [INTERNAL] 

When is this not happening?

>> No.11100562,3877 [INTERNAL] 

she was 13 when he raped her

>> No.11100562,3878 [INTERNAL] 

When I was 17 I wanted to have sex but I never did and now I'm going to make sure nobody else can have sex.

>> No.11100562,3879 [INTERNAL] 

Best meme.

>> No.11100562,3880 [INTERNAL] 

im just saying a lot of people are retarded not just pedoes

>> No.11100562,3881 [INTERNAL] 

When I was 10 I wanted to fug a qt loley keed but I never did and now I'm going to make sure nobody else can fug qt loley keeds.

>> No.11100562,3882 [INTERNAL] 

If you've had sex kindly leave my archive.

>> No.11100562,3883 [INTERNAL] 

Hating pedos in any way, shape or form is a sign of retardation.

>> No.11100562,3884 [INTERNAL] 

I've had sex

>> No.11100562,3885 [INTERNAL] 

I just realized that instead of gimping my entire team and spreading HMs between them or trying to fit as many as possible on one Pokemon, I'll just have one slave for water HMs and one for all the others. This works out great because now Kyogre has room for moves other than Waterfall...

>> No.11100562,3886 [INTERNAL] 


Don't reply back to me with retardation you pedophile I have better things to be doing than trying to talk some logic to you (something your low IQ can't comprehend no matter how hard you try). 20-25 is hardly an old hag and the appropriate age group for a balding manchild who can't get a real job so he has to survive off of youtube money. He could be 35 and the woman 25 and that still would be appropriate.

But 28 and 17 is not and if you cannot see that then seek help. I could see that the age is just a happenstance but he tried getting with TWO girls who were underage. So is it truly love or is he attracted to the age and thought of tight young virgin pussy? He is a paedophile end of story.

>> No.11100562,3887 [INTERNAL] 

I masturbate a lot with an onahole can I stay? They're loli onaholes.

>> No.11100562,3888 [INTERNAL] 

sorry I forgot the 13 year old...THREE GIRLS

and most likey more

>> No.11100562,3889 [INTERNAL] 

>Don't reply back to me with retardation



>> No.11100562,3890 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3891 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I was a famous artist

>> No.11100562,3892 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not forgiving you. Cry more, normie.

>> No.11100562,3893 [INTERNAL] 

Leftism is a mental illness.

>> No.11100562,3894 [INTERNAL] 

Also my non-water HM slave is にーと

>> No.11100562,3895 [INTERNAL] 


I told you not to reply back to me, you creep.

>> No.11100562,3896 [INTERNAL] 

It's creepy that you're using someone else's pokemon

>> No.11100562,3897 [INTERNAL] 

you aren't playing pokemon correctly if you don't give your team 0 HM moves except maybe surf and then keep 2 HM slaves in your box that are separate from your party

giving your team HM moves is abusive and shows you don't really love them

>> No.11100562,3898 [INTERNAL] 

Did I literally not just say I was keeping HM slaves?

>> No.11100562,3899 [INTERNAL] 

I love the "ironic pedo hate" meme.

>> No.11100562,3900 [INTERNAL] 

your team has to be 6 without any slaves

slaves are on top of that and you only get them out sometimes when you need them. if you think that's inconvenient it's because you're not a true pokemon master who enjoys the great outdoors of the pokemon world

>> No.11100562,3901 [INTERNAL] 

Do I smell a pedo who is a little sore he got taken on a one way trip to the ownzone?

>> No.11100562,3902 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not a pedo.

>> No.11100562,3903 [INTERNAL] 

Damage control

>> No.11100562,3904 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3905 [INTERNAL] 

im steamin' feelin' tonight bros

>> No.11100562,3906 [INTERNAL] 

I have 6 without slaves come on you're not even trying.

>> No.11100562,3907 [INTERNAL] 

what HM moves do your 6 have all together

>> No.11100562,3908 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3909 [INTERNAL] 

only norms play pokemon

>> No.11100562,3910 [INTERNAL] 

i play it so i can see cute girls

>> No.11100562,3911 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3912 [INTERNAL] 

you pass this one but you're still not a real pokemon master since you use the dirty pokemon of others

>> No.11100562,3913 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off norm

>> No.11100562,3914 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3915 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not a norm, norm

>> No.11100562,3916 [INTERNAL] 

i cant even catch bidoof in hoenn

>> No.11100562,3917 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3918 [INTERNAL] 

breasts are heaven, how can anyone prefer ass to breasts they must be a nigger or something

to bury my face between two giant breasts and suck the milk and have a nice meal IS FUCKINFG HEAVEN

>> No.11100562,3919 [INTERNAL] 

then trade one from your own X or Y

>> No.11100562,3920 [INTERNAL] 

you are a literal norm

>> No.11100562,3921 [INTERNAL] 

you prefer breasts because you miss sucking on your moms

>> No.11100562,3922 [INTERNAL] 

literally a normie meme

>> No.11100562,3923 [INTERNAL] 

yeah I know I just want to feel that safety and security

why does liking big breasts make me norm im a virvggggggg

>> No.11100562,3924 [INTERNAL] 

men don't have virginities

>> No.11100562,3925 [INTERNAL] 

People who prefer arses tend to be hardcore degens who can't control their lust.
It's like comparing a fine dinner to a greasy burg with carbonated sugar to drink.

>> No.11100562,3926 [INTERNAL] 

i was reading that as humans began to stand upright and approach each other from the front, breasts started becoming more and more selected for. so basically breast lovers are more evolved and civilized while buttlovers are primitive creatures.

>> No.11100562,3927 [INTERNAL] 

but then i cant be a pokemon master?

>> No.11100562,3928 [INTERNAL] 

>tfw primitive degen

>> No.11100562,3929 [INTERNAL] 

yes you can as long as it's your game

>> No.11100562,3930 [INTERNAL] 

i dont know if i want to buy xy

>> No.11100562,3931 [INTERNAL] 

Do you think Haruka fucks Wally?

>> No.11100562,3932 [INTERNAL] 

FUCK I just got spoiled on the 復活の「F」 plot

why even live

>> No.11100562,3933 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3934 [INTERNAL] 

it will still be fun to watch

>> No.11100562,3935 [INTERNAL] 

Now this is degeneracy

>> No.11100562,3936 [INTERNAL] 

it would have been better

>> No.11100562,3937 [INTERNAL] 

lmao weeb

>> No.11100562,3938 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3939 [INTERNAL] 

I prefer ass to breasts because loli barely have breasts.

>> No.11100562,3940 [INTERNAL] 

Little loli titties are really cute and sensitive though.

>> No.11100562,3941 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3942 [INTERNAL] 

age of consent is 12 in half of Mexico

>> No.11100562,3943 [INTERNAL] 

I want to fuck a loli komodokid in her butthole

>> No.11100562,3944 [INTERNAL] 

are you black

>> No.11100562,3945 [INTERNAL] 

toastie roastie

>> No.11100562,3946 [INTERNAL] 

Super cute Hikari lolis with cute little titties usually have nice butts too. And butts are more lewd and humiliating than breasts.

>> No.11100562,3947 [INTERNAL] 

Murder is practically free in Mexico and Mexican normies are religious nutjobs ready to murder you for touching their underage daughter.

>> No.11100562,3948 [INTERNAL] 

They wont mind if you marry her. I'd be fine with finding some rural village and marrying a cute 12 year old latina to be my wife and taking care of the home and cooking for me. I'd need an income though.

>> No.11100562,3949 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3950 [INTERNAL] 

someone who lives in l*s an*e*es please go to the fukkatsu no F showing and camrip it

>> No.11100562,3951 [INTERNAL] 

why is milg gonna be there

>> No.11100562,3952 [INTERNAL] 

k i'm chink and i'll go

should i stream it?

>> No.11100562,3953 [INTERNAL] 

I'm going to find you and murder you, chinkboy.

>> No.11100562,3954 [INTERNAL] 

murder my ass with your dick?

>> No.11100562,3955 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3956 [INTERNAL] 

I want to save the actual, literal, loli kid ass of your lil' sis.

>> No.11100562,3957 [INTERNAL] 

Anal bleaching with milk!

>> No.11100562,3958 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,3959 [INTERNAL] 

I want my teeth to be anal bleached

>> No.11100562,3960 [INTERNAL] 

i can make my penis move is this a cool party trick

>> No.11100562,3961 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,3962 [INTERNAL] 

I can't watch videos like this sorry

>> No.11100562,3963 [INTERNAL] 

>He spent months messaging women in online sites, going out every Saturday (even though he hates to see all the couples together dancing) to meet girls, and only gets noticed maybe once or twice a month. Finally he connects with a girl, and manages to draw her short attention long enough, to have a conversation with her and set up a date. Its been years now at this point and he is absolutely determined to make this girl his GF. He buys an expensive black suit to look wealthy like how women put on makeup to look young, he combs his hair, and does the work of booking a reservation at a nice restaurant/movie.

>By the end of it however, the women didn't like him because, well he didn't meet his perfect expectations. She only likes "to date men who are 6'0''" and hes only 5'11''. Shame! That's okay for the girl though, she has a date next week!

>But the Man on the other hand, is left alone once again, to spend the next several years looking... for basically a reason to live... always getting older and always losing hope.

>There is a hell for people who ignore pain.

>>Uhh don't wanna be mean, but try being less if a repulsive loser and maybe this wouldn't be an identifiable situation for you? Jesus Christ this is a creepy comment
fucking normies

>> No.11100562,3964 [INTERNAL] 

christ those comments

>> No.11100562,3965 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3966 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3967 [INTERNAL] 

i want to fuck pan!

>> No.11100562,3968 [INTERNAL] 

you ok

>> No.11100562,3969 [INTERNAL] 

shes probably dead

>> No.11100562,3970 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3971 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,3972 [INTERNAL] 

I want a rikako gf

>> No.11100562,3973 [INTERNAL] 

I forgot how retarded Goku was as a kid.

>> No.11100562,3974 [INTERNAL] 

do you think trunks fucked pan all the time in space

if i had a loli like that just hanging around me i wouldnt even jerk my own dick off i would just fuck her constantly

>> No.11100562,3975 [INTERNAL] 

I often think about what it would be like to know a loli who likes casual sex and I wish I had a loli like that in my life. Does that make me a pedo?

>> No.11100562,3976 [INTERNAL] 

feel when overbite

>> No.11100562,3977 [INTERNAL] 

she wasn't a loli dumbshit

>> No.11100562,3978 [INTERNAL] 

she was short and flat and got mad when people treated her like a kid

that sounds like a loli to me

>> No.11100562,3979 [INTERNAL] 

my dentist when I was a kid always told me not to worry about it but now I have jaw problems because of it

I hope he's dead

>> No.11100562,3980 [INTERNAL] 

im like that too am i a loli?

>> No.11100562,3981 [INTERNAL] 

no because youre not a 9 year old girl

>> No.11100562,3982 [INTERNAL] 

im bored?

>> No.11100562,3983 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3984 [INTERNAL] 

ya me too

>> No.11100562,3985 [INTERNAL] 

are you?

>> No.11100562,3986 [INTERNAL] 

Me too want to go spam milk's ask.fm with questions? Last tile she revealed she made out with a stripper when I asked her something I'm not going to ask her to hang out with me anymore because she's just going to keep coming up with excuses

>> No.11100562,3987 [INTERNAL] 

milk ignored like 4 of my questions in a row

>> No.11100562,3988 [INTERNAL] 

i want to make a loli horny and make out with her...

>> No.11100562,3989 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis hate making out

>> No.11100562,3990 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3991 [INTERNAL] 

they really like it trust me

>> No.11100562,3992 [INTERNAL] 

No you're a compulsive liar

>> No.11100562,3993 [INTERNAL] 

suck suck on a big TITTY

>> No.11100562,3994 [INTERNAL] 

I just saw my sister's nipple it was pretty lewd her shirt twisted and it showed for a couple seconds. She's 19 and not a loli though.

>> No.11100562,3995 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,3996 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3997 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,3998 [INTERNAL] 

hyadain looks like a git

>> No.11100562,3999 [INTERNAL] 

Does she have a kik I'm 19 too

>> No.11100562,4000 [INTERNAL] 

Cool wish I had a sister to fuck

>> No.11100562,4001 [INTERNAL] 

im literally the weakest person on warosu

>> No.11100562,4002 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4003 [INTERNAL] 

it feels good knowing that I'm not the weakest person because I Lift

>> No.11100562,4004 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off norm

>> No.11100562,4005 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4006 [INTERNAL] 

I lift too I lift your mom onto my cock

>> No.11100562,4007 [INTERNAL] 

I hate c*l*ge normies and their spring break

>> No.11100562,4008 [INTERNAL] 

my mom is ugly and old so you don't want to do that...

>> No.11100562,4009 [INTERNAL] 

Western civilization needs to just die already

>> No.11100562,4010 [INTERNAL] 

i want to be the weakest because being weak is cute

>> No.11100562,4011 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4012 [INTERNAL] 

sometimes when my mom asks me to take out the garbage i cant because its too heavy i cant tilt the garbage bin back on its wheels because it weighs more than me

>> No.11100562,4013 [INTERNAL] 

This is what "the life" norms try to force on me to live. Fuck that.

>> No.11100562,4014 [INTERNAL] 


nice post, dude

>> No.11100562,4015 [INTERNAL] 

I don't take the garbage out the neighbors might see me

>> No.11100562,4016 [INTERNAL] 

i only do it in the middle of the night

>> No.11100562,4017 [INTERNAL] 

that's not my post if that's what you mean

>> No.11100562,4018 [INTERNAL] 

how heavy are you?

>> No.11100562,4019 [INTERNAL] 

Whats up buckos. I'm still searching for nigger cock to shove in my pussy. Let me know of if ya see any.

- Totori the interracial whore

>> No.11100562,4020 [INTERNAL] 

160 sometimes i have to jump up and push on the handles to get it back on its wheels but then when it goes over the curb it pulls me with it

>> No.11100562,4021 [INTERNAL] 

totori can't get enough




>> No.11100562,4022 [INTERNAL] 

I want to fuck a girl with a Totori body.

>> No.11100562,4023 [INTERNAL] 

im only about 120

>> No.11100562,4024 [INTERNAL] 

are there any other girls here?

>> No.11100562,4025 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4026 [INTERNAL] 

yeah im girl what's up

>> No.11100562,4027 [INTERNAL] 

right here

*flashes tits*

>> No.11100562,4028 [INTERNAL] 

im chick

>> No.11100562,4029 [INTERNAL] 

ugh one time a girl flashed me when i was eating a hotdog in front of a gas station

>> No.11100562,4030 [INTERNAL] 

did you show her your hotdog

>> No.11100562,4031 [INTERNAL] 

no i threw up cause im gay

>> No.11100562,4032 [INTERNAL] 

Post the video where the girl in the car flashes you

>> No.11100562,4033 [INTERNAL] 

no i got mad and threw the hotdog away and went home

>> No.11100562,4034 [INTERNAL] 

>wiping period blood prank
>kissing prank (gone sexual)
>epic car prank (on girlfriend xDDD)
>toilet paper prank
>shower prank
>girlfriend revenge prank
>GF commits suicide prank
>gay lesbo porn prank in library
>hot girl mouth to mouth prank
>winer prank
>dildo prank
>flashing girlfriends at the beach prank
>omegle boobs prank
>how to kiss hot sexy girl prank
>vaseline high five prank
>picking up gay guys prank
>I'm pregnant prank

Every God damn prank these days has to have sex undertones or about vlogging their boyfriend/girlfriend as if their bf/gf won't know they're pranking each other. Very few people know how to prank anymore.

>> No.11100562,4035 [INTERNAL] 

I like the pranks where the dumb white guys get assaulted by black people


>> No.11100562,4036 [INTERNAL] 

whats up with all the boyfriend/girlfriend and/or wife/husband prank videos?

>> No.11100562,4037 [INTERNAL] 

haha one of the guys last names in the credits of pokemon oras is dickhardt haha i didnt even know that was a real name

>> No.11100562,4038 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4039 [INTERNAL] 


That's what I'm wondering. And then there are weeks where every major prankster makes videos on the same topic as if they're all following some kind of bulletin board on some website.
Majority of the time it's fake. They pay them to act.

>> No.11100562,4040 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4041 [INTERNAL] 

warosu is unironically the most hetero male dominated website on the internet after gnfos

>> No.11100562,4042 [INTERNAL] 

le cloudflare face

>> No.11100562,4043 [INTERNAL] 

is that someone here

>> No.11100562,4044 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4045 [INTERNAL] 

it's back up

>> No.11100562,4046 [INTERNAL] 

phew almost pulled the trigger lol

>> No.11100562,4047 [INTERNAL] 

uh im not the guy who posts about totori haha

>> No.11100562,4048 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4049 [INTERNAL] 

Somone give me a nigger dick to suck or I'll go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

- Totori the interracial master

>> No.11100562,4050 [INTERNAL] 

hey should i stream h1z1

>> No.11100562,4051 [INTERNAL] 

can you stream your suicide

>> No.11100562,4052 [INTERNAL] 

after i get a lgf

>> No.11100562,4053 [INTERNAL] 

cool thanks

>> No.11100562,4054 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4055 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4056 [INTERNAL] 

haruka has a perfect body

>> No.11100562,4057 [INTERNAL] 

why go on seriously

>> No.11100562,4058 [INTERNAL] 

amami haruka desu

>> No.11100562,4059 [INTERNAL] 

it's seriously 2 or 3 months until it's been a year without my friend talking to me

they probably don't even think about me at all

>> No.11100562,4060 [INTERNAL] 

Why would you kill yourself when you get a loli gf?

>> No.11100562,4061 [INTERNAL] 

They dont fuck off

>> No.11100562,4062 [INTERNAL] 

you're just setting yourself up for heartbreak if you become friends with someone who has other friends

>> No.11100562,4063 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4064 [INTERNAL] 

uh to avoid being killed by the dad?

>> No.11100562,4065 [INTERNAL] 

I'm friends with a guy who seems to have thousands of friends even though I have none besides him ever since my other friend stopped talking to me

>> No.11100562,4066 [INTERNAL] 

Will this summer be the one when I get a cutegirlfriend?

>> No.11100562,4067 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4068 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4069 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4070 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4071 [INTERNAL] 

Why not?

>> No.11100562,4072 [INTERNAL] 

>tfw no 16yo gf

>> No.11100562,4073 [INTERNAL] 

go out with milk she has the mental age of a 16 year old due to severe alcohol abuse and FAS but her body is a like a 35 year olds but she makes up for it by cheating on you with guys she met at a con

>> No.11100562,4074 [INTERNAL] 

damn this kiddo is salty as fuck that milk owned him publicly LOL

>> No.11100562,4075 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4076 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4077 [INTERNAL] 

No that was me, but she didn't really own me.

>> No.11100562,4078 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4079 [INTERNAL] 

Virtual boobs on valves vr

>> No.11100562,4080 [INTERNAL] 

I know you aren't really laughing.

>> No.11100562,4081 [INTERNAL] 

fuck milk she just ignores me for no reason and replies to this underage teenbro


>> No.11100562,4082 [INTERNAL] 

i'm an orange county cali chink and milk loves me

>> No.11100562,4083 [INTERNAL] 

you're really pushing it...

>> No.11100562,4084 [INTERNAL] 

This is scary, machines are replacing humanity.

>> No.11100562,4085 [INTERNAL] 

beta uprising when?

>> No.11100562,4086 [INTERNAL] 

milk has been fucked over a thousand times...

>> No.11100562,4087 [INTERNAL] 

yet these hands will never hold anything

>> No.11100562,4088 [INTERNAL] 

women can't be trusted

even the prostitute I fucked was probably a flip pretending to be japanese

>> No.11100562,4089 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck? Is this real?

>> No.11100562,4090 [INTERNAL] 

Milk no swamp ass!

>> No.11100562,4091 [INTERNAL] 

Do lolis get swamp ass

>> No.11100562,4092 [INTERNAL] 

fucking norms in the comment section

>> No.11100562,4093 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think it's possible. Maybe super fat 13 year olds, but those are not lolis.

>> No.11100562,4094 [INTERNAL] 

A fat loli sounds hilarious

>> No.11100562,4095 [INTERNAL] 

I talked to a girl on omegle...

>> No.11100562,4096 [INTERNAL] 

Nope. That was me. I was just pretending to be a girl.

>> No.11100562,4097 [INTERNAL] 

What's the difference between dog cuteness and loli cuteness?

I really believe that cute girls are supposed to be sexy.

>> No.11100562,4098 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4099 [INTERNAL] 

but there was video with typing sounds and everything?

>> No.11100562,4100 [INTERNAL] 

Literally the best body type after slender preteens.

>> No.11100562,4101 [INTERNAL] 

check Amanda "Milk" Fouriner's ask.fm she's just another normie slut bitch why even fuckingb other FUCK FUVK HER

>> No.11100562,4102 [INTERNAL] 

>So whats gonna happen we hanging out or what
>I'm going to a party, see you shitlords.

>> No.11100562,4103 [INTERNAL] 

she's a fake she doesn't even drink milk

she's lactose intolerant like a chink

>> No.11100562,4104 [INTERNAL] 

now she's pretending to be "otakewl XDD" cause we called that bitch out fuck her im so fucking done with that fake bitch's bullshit

>> No.11100562,4105 [INTERNAL] 

What should I make tonight? Flan or biscuits and gravy?

>> No.11100562,4106 [INTERNAL] 

honey cums

>> No.11100562,4107 [INTERNAL] 

ill definitely be makeing cums tonight ;))

>> No.11100562,4108 [INTERNAL] 

I wanna make a rape tape with milk!!!!!

>> No.11100562,4109 [INTERNAL] 

I want to kill you.

>> No.11100562,4110 [INTERNAL] 

I think it's a little cute how milk is just a bit dense. Not ditsy like a barbie girl, just mildly below average in IQ.

>> No.11100562,4111 [INTERNAL] 

milk is smart!

>> No.11100562,4112 [INTERNAL] 

Do you think Steven fucks Haruka?

>> No.11100562,4113 [INTERNAL] 

what should I do

give me something to do please

>> No.11100562,4114 [INTERNAL] 

stream yourself jerking off

>> No.11100562,4115 [INTERNAL] 

I don't even have a webcam and that wouldn't be fun

>> No.11100562,4116 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah you do

>> No.11100562,4117 [INTERNAL] 

Uh not everybody here is me... I'm playing through the Delta Episode now

>> No.11100562,4118 [INTERNAL] 

At least that's what she thinks when she puts on glasses

>> No.11100562,4119 [INTERNAL] 

hey bikenigger, stream yourself jerking off

>> No.11100562,4120 [INTERNAL] 

molk is smarter than you

>> No.11100562,4121 [INTERNAL] 

That would be super weird! No thanks!

>> No.11100562,4122 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4123 [INTERNAL] 

you literally spammed your dick on /jp/ for years

>> No.11100562,4124 [INTERNAL] 

Uh no why?

>> No.11100562,4125 [INTERNAL] 

please haha?

>> No.11100562,4126 [INTERNAL] 

no its weird

>> No.11100562,4127 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4128 [INTERNAL] 

god fi fuckign love milk

>> No.11100562,4129 [INTERNAL] 

een after she revealed she was a huge normie slut bitch?

>> No.11100562,4130 [INTERNAL] 

milkg i is a goddess .

>> No.11100562,4131 [INTERNAL] 

i swear to god these battle girls all have cameltoes

>> No.11100562,4132 [INTERNAL] 

milk is a doggess.

>> No.11100562,4133 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis smell like wet dog

>> No.11100562,4134 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4135 [INTERNAL] 

Those women look creepy

>> No.11100562,4136 [INTERNAL] 

What's wrong with that guy? Is that nigbiker?

>> No.11100562,4137 [INTERNAL] 

I would have owned this spiky haired guy since I thought of it right away

then I could fuck bella

>> No.11100562,4138 [INTERNAL] 

Did anyone else watch Diggnation?

>> No.11100562,4139 [INTERNAL] 

That's him yeah

>> No.11100562,4140 [INTERNAL] 

He doesn't look like much of a nigger...

What's wrong with Bella

>> No.11100562,4141 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4142 [INTERNAL] 


These videos are fuckin hilarious.

>> No.11100562,4143 [INTERNAL] 

This guy seems genuinely monotone, but it's hilarious because it works perfect for his pranks.

>> No.11100562,4144 [INTERNAL] 


I'm literally a Potentate of the Rose

>> No.11100562,4145 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,4146 [INTERNAL] 

I never realized just how much blood tastes of iron

>> No.11100562,4147 [INTERNAL] 

miria's snug cun-cun

>> No.11100562,4148 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4149 [INTERNAL] 


How old is the second girl with the puffy blue jacket? She seems kind of young to be at a college.

>> No.11100562,4150 [INTERNAL] 

she seems like a nice girl i hope she's a virgin and will marry me

>> No.11100562,4151 [INTERNAL] 

if I don't get a good dose of memes from warosu at lest each day im doing to die

>> No.11100562,4152 [INTERNAL] 

She's pretty cute.

>> No.11100562,4153 [INTERNAL] 

stop linking all these videos with higher education students please

>> No.11100562,4154 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4155 [INTERNAL] 

Uh okay...


Here's one of you at a skatepark

>> No.11100562,4156 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4157 [INTERNAL] 


God damnit this would have been perfect if he didn't try to convince people that they knew him. It would be funny if people realized they didn't know him and he just said "yeah" or "oh" or "okay" and walked away like he did in the fishing for compliments video.

>> No.11100562,4158 [INTERNAL] 

Uh so earlier I got a call from my sister asking me if I wanted to go to this thing called "Escape The Room" where you pay to be locked in a room with clues in the room on how to escape and it sounded fun so I said I would go but I made the decision on the fly and I don't want to look uncool if she brings her friends or I can't figure it out...

>> No.11100562,4159 [INTERNAL] 

I just realized I've been telling all these r9k guys on omegle that I'm a handholdless kissless virgin when I'm actually not a virgin

I keep forgetting

>> No.11100562,4160 [INTERNAL] 

oh my god I want a fat dick in my slutty boypussy

>> No.11100562,4161 [INTERNAL] 

if I could just fucking rewind time by about 1.5 years

>> No.11100562,4162 [INTERNAL] 

just imagine a big alpha dick sliding in and out of your wet hole wbros

>> No.11100562,4163 [INTERNAL] 

fuckin normal

>> No.11100562,4164 [INTERNAL] 

It seems fun though and maybe I can get something to eat afterwards

>> No.11100562,4165 [INTERNAL] 

Hello friends, please recommend me some top quality anime movies :)

>> No.11100562,4166 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4167 [INTERNAL] 

fukkatsu no F

>> No.11100562,4168 [INTERNAL] 

Dragon Ball is for homosexuals :)

>> No.11100562,4169 [INTERNAL] 

actually ignoring girls who flash you is for homosexuals

>> No.11100562,4170 [INTERNAL] 

Please stop talking to me you disgusting fucking retard :)

>> No.11100562,4171 [INTERNAL] 

another facebook normie meme...

>> No.11100562,4172 [INTERNAL] 

Trust me, if that girl were a loli things would have been different. She was some random teenager though and she seemed pretty slutty.

>> No.11100562,4173 [INTERNAL] 

Are you describing yourself, you autistic fuck :)

>> No.11100562,4174 [INTERNAL] 

I'm talking about tagging aggressive posts with that normiecon at the end

typical normie meme

>> No.11100562,4175 [INTERNAL] 

God you fucking disgust me, freak.

>> No.11100562,4176 [INTERNAL] 

at least you stopped memeing

>> No.11100562,4177 [INTERNAL] 

what happened to the haha meme haha?

>> No.11100562,4178 [INTERNAL] 

I think I'm going to replace Floette with something else she seems kind of weak

>> No.11100562,4179 [INTERNAL] 

I need to be pounded by a muscular hunk

>> No.11100562,4180 [INTERNAL] 

You haven't, apparently.

>> No.11100562,4181 [INTERNAL] 

I just realized the "cuteslut lewd!!" stuff is just the sort of thing you'd find in a gelbooru comment


>> No.11100562,4182 [INTERNAL] 

That's how actual pedos write

>> No.11100562,4183 [INTERNAL] 

imagine a dominant man just fucking you senseless

oh my fucking god

>> No.11100562,4184 [INTERNAL] 

what's up

>> No.11100562,4185 [INTERNAL] 

what's up guys

>> No.11100562,4186 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4187 [INTERNAL] 

Does anyone else get really excited when they wake up and have something to eat or drink waiting for them? Whenever I wake up and remember that I have a snack waiting for me almost feels like waking up on Christmas morning and realizing that there's presents for you to open. Unfortunately I don't really have anything special set aside for tomorrow so I'll probably just sleep in.

>> No.11100562,4188 [INTERNAL] 

drinking mommies milk yum yum yum

>> No.11100562,4189 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I had a lolee couseen ;_;

>> No.11100562,4190 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4191 [INTERNAL] 

feel when your rori couszzen is almost a legal adbult

>> No.11100562,4192 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuck is U0001f606?

>> No.11100562,4193 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are trash.

>> No.11100562,4194 [INTERNAL] 


Your entire genepool is trash.

>> No.11100562,4195 [INTERNAL] 

Don't project :)

>> No.11100562,4196 [INTERNAL] 

Facts are facts.

>> No.11100562,4197 [INTERNAL] 

tfw when manlet

tfw will always be an eternal joke and forever a boy

>> No.11100562,4198 [INTERNAL] 

Make sure to get steril- oh wait, manlets will never reproduce anyway because women don't find them attractive.

>> No.11100562,4199 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4200 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4201 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4202 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4203 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4204 [INTERNAL] 

Every loli is the daughter of a normie fuck.

>> No.11100562,4205 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are tryhards.

>> No.11100562,4206 [INTERNAL] 

lolis are normies

>> No.11100562,4207 [INTERNAL] 

lolis are like tadpoles

>> No.11100562,4208 [INTERNAL] 

trashy genes

>> No.11100562,4209 [INTERNAL] 

are you a girl are you a chink

>> No.11100562,4210 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4211 [INTERNAL] 

stupid and swim around and easy to catch and just want to eat things and growup quick

>> No.11100562,4212 [INTERNAL] 


I'm a white girl.

>> No.11100562,4213 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4214 [INTERNAL] 

you said you were a boy haha?

>> No.11100562,4215 [INTERNAL] 


Is there such thing as a girllet? That is a diff person.

>> No.11100562,4216 [INTERNAL] 

oh haha

>> No.11100562,4217 [INTERNAL] 

so I had my first interview on thursday like i was saying and i think i did good and they just called me to "give me a job offer" DOES THIS MEAN I GOT THE JOB OR NOT?????? because im reading online that there are two interviews but ive only have one so im scared that theres a second interview while i get my job offer or something just fuckcindfgi KFILLL MEMMERMEMEM

>> No.11100562,4218 [INTERNAL] 


If your interview lasted only 5 minutes you didn't get the job.

>> No.11100562,4219 [INTERNAL] 

or 15 minutes

>> No.11100562,4220 [INTERNAL] 

hit the road dickspammer

>> No.11100562,4221 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4222 [INTERNAL] 

they just called me to come in for a job offer and im wondering if that means im hired or what is what im saying

>> No.11100562,4223 [INTERNAL] 

stop this bullying please ive never had a job before and im a high school dropout but i need this job so i can live on my own and be FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.11100562,4224 [INTERNAL] 

You'll know when you get there.

How are these losers who I helped get jobs get a job before me?

>> No.11100562,4225 [INTERNAL] 

its because its open 24 hours so norms can't work the graveyard shift but i have no friends so its fine for me i like being awake at night anyway theres no people outside to bully me

>> No.11100562,4226 [INTERNAL] 

It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless. You left behind a wife and two children. It was a painless death. The EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail. Your body was so utterly shattered you were better off, trust me.

And that's when you met me.

"What... what happened?" You asked. "Where am I?"

"You died," I said, matter-of-factly. No point mincing words.

"There was a... a truck and it was skidding..."

"Yup." I said

"I... I died?"

"Yup. But don't feel bad about it. Everyone dies." I said.

You looked around. There was nothingness. Just you and me. "What is this place?" You asked. "Is this the afterlife?"

"More or less," I said.

"Are you God?" You asked.

"Yup." I replied. "I'm God."

"My kids... my wife," you said.

"What about them?"

"Will they be alright?"

"That what I like to see," I said. "You just died and your main concern is for your family. That's good stuff right there."

You looked at me with fascination. To you, I didn't look like God. I just looked like some man. Some vague authority figure. More of a grammar school teacher than the almighty.

"Don't worry," I said. "They'll be fine. Your kids will remember you as perfect in every way. They didn't have time to grow contempt for you. Your wife will cry on the outside, but will be secretly relieved. To be fair, your marriage was falling apart. If it's any consolation, she'll feel very guilty for feeling relieved."

>> No.11100562,4227 [INTERNAL] 

"Oh," you said. "So what happens now? Do I go to heaven or hell or something?"

"Neither," I said. "You'll be reincarnated."

"Ah," you said. "So the Hindus were right."

"All the religions are right in their own way," I said. "Walk with me."

You followed along as we strolled in the void. "Where are we going?" "Nowhere in particular," I said. "It's just nice to walk while we talk."

"So what's the point, then?" You asked. "When I get reborn, I'll just be a blank slate, right? A baby. So all my experiences and everything I did in this life won't matter."

"Not so!" I said. "You have within you all the knowledge and experiences of all your past lives. You just don't remember them right now."

I stopped walking and took you by the shoulders. "Your soul is more magnificent, beautiful, and gigantic than you can possibly imagine. A human mind can only contain a tiny fraction of what you are. It's like sticking your finger in a glass of water to see if it's hot or cold. You put a tiny part or yourself into the vessel, and when you bring it back out, you've gained all the experiences it had."

"You've been a human for the last 34 years, so you haven't stretched out yet and felt the rest of your immense consciousness. If we hung out here for longer, you'd start remembering everything. But there's no point doing that between each life."

"How many times have I been reincarnated, then?"

"Oh, lots. Lots and lots. And into lots of different lives." I said. "This time around you'll be a Chinese girl in 540 A.D."

"Wait, what?" You stammered. "You're sending me back in time?"

"Well, I guess technically. Time, as you know it, only exists in your universe. Things are different where I come from."

"Where do you come from?" You pondered.

"Oh sure!" I explained. "I come from somewhere. Somewhere else. And there are others like me. I know you'll want to know what it's like there but you honestly won't understand."

"Oh." you said, a little let down. "But wait. If I get reincarnated to other places in time, could I have interacted with myself at some point?"

"Sure. Happens all the time. And with both lives only aware of their own timespan you don't even know it's happening."

"So what's the point of it all?"

>> No.11100562,4228 [INTERNAL] 

"Well it's a reasonable question." you persisted.

I looked in your eye. "The meaning of life, the reason I made this whole universe, is for you to mature."

"You mean mankind? You want us to mature?"

"No. just you. I made this whole universe for you. With each new life you grow and mature, and become a larger and greater intellect"

"Just me? What about everyone else?"

>> No.11100562,4229 [INTERNAL] 

"There is no one else," I said. "In this universe, there's just you, and me."

You stared blankly at me. "But all the people on earth..."

"All you. Different incarnations of you."

"Wait. I'm everyone!?"

"Now you're getting it." I said, with a congratulatory slap on the back.

"I'm every human who ever lived?"

"Or who will ever live, yes."

"I'm Abraham Lincoln?"

"And you're John Wilkes Booth, too." I added.

"I'm Hitler?" you said, appalled.

"And you're the millions he killed."

"I'm Jesus?"

"And you're everyone who followed him."

You fell silent.

>> No.11100562,4230 [INTERNAL] 

"Every time you victimized someone," I said, "You were victimizing yourself. Every act of kindness you've done, you've done to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was, or will be, experienced by you."

"Why?" You asked me. "Why do all this?"

"Because someday, you will become like me. Because that's what you are. You're one of my kind. You're my child."

"Whoa." you said, incredulous. "You mean I'm a god?"

"No. Not yet. You're a fetus. You're still growing. Once you've lived every human life throughout all time, you will have grown enough to be born."

"So the whole universe," you said. "It's just..."

"An egg of sorts." I answered. "Now its time for you to move on to your next life."

And with that, I sent you on your way.

>> No.11100562,4231 [INTERNAL] 

i had my cousin record me picking up a rabbit corpse and making it talk like a puppet and then 2 ladies came out and stared at us

>> No.11100562,4232 [INTERNAL] 

You should have skinned it and gotten a nice soft rabbit fur that's what I'm gonna do once I'm a better shot with my bow.

>> No.11100562,4233 [INTERNAL] 

someone post a meme pleeeasseee

>> No.11100562,4234 [INTERNAL] 

bowner :)

>> No.11100562,4235 [INTERNAL] 

I have one, but I only get to see her once a year.

>> No.11100562,4236 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,4237 [INTERNAL] 

I woke up and I saw my two year old sisters nails were painted i am so furious I want to beat mother so bad for painting her nails!! On the bright side she knows how to fist bump and high five so she keeps saying i fif and vump all morning

>> No.11100562,4238 [INTERNAL] 

Your mother is training her how to be a nice little whore so she can attract the nearest chad thundercock once she starts elementary school.

>> No.11100562,4239 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4240 [INTERNAL] 

Any black guys here? I'm horny.

>> No.11100562,4241 [INTERNAL] 

im nig

>> No.11100562,4242 [INTERNAL] 

mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga

>> No.11100562,4243 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4244 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sorry on the behalf of my...people.

>> No.11100562,4245 [INTERNAL] 

You aint reslly black cause you apologizing to that honkey fuck whites black power cuz

>> No.11100562,4246 [INTERNAL] 

when you text bae what you was tryna text your side girl like http://s3.favim.com/orig/41/funny-smile-suicide-Favim.com-348926.jpg

>> No.11100562,4247 [INTERNAL] 

Dam cuz i aint got no side chick bae b on top of her game u feel me haha

>> No.11100562,4248 [INTERNAL] 

It's frustrating how dead the W is on the weekends its proof you're all fucking norms hanging with your friends god fucking DAmN.

>> No.11100562,4249 [INTERNAL] 

im her but my head hurst and im just stiting here talkign totori

>> No.11100562,4250 [INTERNAL] 

I just woke up what's up

>> No.11100562,4251 [INTERNAL] 

i want to suck two cocks while a third goes in my pussy

>> No.11100562,4252 [INTERNAL] 

Can you losers stop talking about sex for just 1 hour?

>> No.11100562,4253 [INTERNAL] 

anyone have any memes

>> No.11100562,4254 [INTERNAL] 

*slaps your ass*

>> No.11100562,4255 [INTERNAL] 

Ya what u need

>> No.11100562,4256 [INTERNAL] 

w4m LF black bull to show me what it feels like to be fucked hard by a real man, tired of tiny white dicks

>> No.11100562,4257 [INTERNAL] 

looking for something really epic maybe making fun of chinks got anything like that maybe some feels

>> No.11100562,4258 [INTERNAL] 

uh that guy isnt me?

i was sleeping

>> No.11100562,4259 [INTERNAL] 

hit the road

>> No.11100562,4260 [INTERNAL] 

hit the road

>> No.11100562,4261 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4262 [INTERNAL] 

is this a new meme haha

>> No.11100562,4263 [INTERNAL] 

By hit the road we mean to literally crash on your motorbike and slam into the road, finally dying from being impaled by part of your bike.

>> No.11100562,4264 [INTERNAL] 

oh haha

>> No.11100562,4265 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.11100562,4266 [INTERNAL] 

so is h1z1 any good or do you have to be retard

>> No.11100562,4267 [INTERNAL] 

It's sad how women are incapable of reaching the enlightened virgin status like myself

>> No.11100562,4268 [INTERNAL] 

eww the second thing has a moustache what the fuck

>> No.11100562,4269 [INTERNAL] 

Do women normally have eyebrows like that? Everytime I see eyebrows like that I know it has to be some transgender shit.

>> No.11100562,4270 [INTERNAL] 

all the various the bugs and take a lot out of the game but the dev team is super active and always changing/adding stuff like handcuffs and a rape van

the various bugs do take a lot out of the game though

the coolest thing in the game to me is the cars

>> No.11100562,4271 [INTERNAL] 

Why does the rape van stand out to you? Did you rape your cousin inside of a van with handcuffs, so she wouldn't run away in horror?

>> No.11100562,4272 [INTERNAL] 

yupp haha

>> No.11100562,4273 [INTERNAL] 

we need to do something about cousin anon

>> No.11100562,4274 [INTERNAL] 

wasn't someone going to kill him this summer?

>> No.11100562,4275 [INTERNAL] 

I think it's time for a good old fashioned lynching

>> No.11100562,4276 [INTERNAL] 

its the first vehicle theyre adding after the originals and its the only vehicle that can carry more than 4 people

>> No.11100562,4277 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK

>> No.11100562,4278 [INTERNAL] 

Where can I find a girl with a Totori body

>> No.11100562,4279 [INTERNAL] 

so i went to walmart and they offered me a job as cashier and had me sign a thing saying i could do it AM I FUCKING HIRED???????????????????????????????????? they said they would call me for orientation so????

im making 9.50 an hour

>> No.11100562,4280 [INTERNAL] 

I thought you were going for the night stocking position you got fucked

>> No.11100562,4281 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4282 [INTERNAL] 

A literal retard with clear mental disabilities got a job before me, just end me.

>> No.11100562,4283 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4284 [INTERNAL] 

i applied for every job they had its still gonna be at night :))))))))))))))))))))


>> No.11100562,4285 [INTERNAL] 

guys should i spend 50$ on lego i kind a want to buy a bwing or a hoth rebel ship what do you guys htink

>> No.11100562,4286 [INTERNAL] 

try not being a nerd? lol f*cking loser

>> No.11100562,4287 [INTERNAL] 

why i want to build stuff and it sounds fun

>> No.11100562,4288 [INTERNAL] 

Wait you just walked into wal-mart and asked for a job?

>> No.11100562,4289 [INTERNAL] 

You're gonna deal with all the night freaks as a cashier

>> No.11100562,4290 [INTERNAL] 

Like these people

>> No.11100562,4291 [INTERNAL] 

no i applied online and had an interview thursday and after that i ahd a drug test for my peepee buit im not a deg*nerate so i passed and then this morning they called me in for a "job offer" and i just got back and i had to sign stuff and yeah

tjhen he said he would call to schedule orientation which is where they teach u how to work ur job

>> No.11100562,4292 [INTERNAL] 

thats cool if you were working in there would you tell me to buy lego or not tnanks

>> No.11100562,4293 [INTERNAL] 

Only because they're white they didn't shoot them right there and then.

>> No.11100562,4294 [INTERNAL] 

its just a grovcery store not a full walmart sory

>> No.11100562,4295 [INTERNAL] 

should i buy star wars lego for 50$

>> No.11100562,4296 [INTERNAL] 

ask ur mom

>> No.11100562,4297 [INTERNAL] 

He's working at a walmart "neighborhood market" branches in southern cali i already know which one and what his hours will be so i might go at night with some of my friends and mess with him and record it

>> No.11100562,4298 [INTERNAL] 

i cant and its my money anyways i kinda want ot build something and it sounds like fun

>> No.11100562,4299 [INTERNAL] 

which one i'll bring my chink friends

>> No.11100562,4300 [INTERNAL] 

um buy a lot of ball bearings and fireworks you can buiild cool things with that

>> No.11100562,4301 [INTERNAL] 

i cant do that im not tgalented enough

>> No.11100562,4302 [INTERNAL] 

ur in burbank where milk lives too? were getting married so b*ck off. shell come into walmart after a long day at work and then well go on a adte

>> No.11100562,4303 [INTERNAL] 

Why does all of warosu live in LA/Orange county its weird

>> No.11100562,4304 [INTERNAL] 

i live in az

>> No.11100562,4305 [INTERNAL] 

I was referring to everyone that matters

>> No.11100562,4306 [INTERNAL] 

god damn

>> No.11100562,4307 [INTERNAL] 

nobody lives there

don't talk about it

>> No.11100562,4308 [INTERNAL] 

Milg, walmart guy, some chink, and some other guy all live in LA/orange county they're gonna meetup and have gangbang milg

>> No.11100562,4309 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone found out where milk lived and we all moved here and itslots of chinks here so....

>> No.11100562,4310 [INTERNAL] 

dont talk about my wife like that lpease

>> No.11100562,4311 [INTERNAL] 

Milk is ugly as hell stop talking about that retard.

>> No.11100562,4312 [INTERNAL] 

New Maulville is awesome, way cooler than the Abandoned Ship.

>> No.11100562,4313 [INTERNAL] 

guys you accidentally stopped blogging hello

>> No.11100562,4314 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4315 [INTERNAL] 

what does part time mean compared to full time

>> No.11100562,4316 [INTERNAL] 

no it's literally like that stupid xy city and it sucks

>> No.11100562,4317 [INTERNAL] 

Mom got a lot of frozen items like the chilli's cheese ball thingys and chimichangas bean and cheese and pizza rolls and lean pockets cheese and spinach i think she wants to get me fat

>> No.11100562,4318 [INTERNAL] 

oh that's "new" maulville not new maulville

>> No.11100562,4319 [INTERNAL] 

can we have a new thread please guys

>> No.11100562,4320 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4321 [INTERNAL] 

Part time is less than 40 hours a week and has some disadvantages compared to full time. Part time ijobs sometimes are a sure thing they may reduce your hours too if they feel like it like 8 hours a week or something and put down you have at least 1 dependent include yourself so make it two so they dont take away as much taxes

>> No.11100562,4322 [INTERNAL] 

oh sorry i meant sea mauville

theres two girl trainers in a locked room and one of them just blushes when you talk to her and the other says shes teacher the blushing girl how to be a good trainer



>> No.11100562,4323 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4324 [INTERNAL] 

thanks friend

>> No.11100562,4325 [INTERNAL] 

uhhhhhh.... haha?

>> No.11100562,4326 [INTERNAL] 

can someone photoshop a picture of dickspammer with le JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP hair

>> No.11100562,4327 [INTERNAL] 

this would be epic

>> No.11100562,4328 [INTERNAL] 

me and totori are going to buy lego buy

>> No.11100562,4329 [INTERNAL] 

what the *FUCK* is sea mauville

>> No.11100562,4330 [INTERNAL] 

How did this nigger pass the walmart assessment test?

>> No.11100562,4331 [INTERNAL] 

uh its like an oil platform that was researching infinity energy and had something happen to it and it fell halfway into the ocean you find spiritomb there and you can read all the letters and look at the pictures of the workers its neat


>> No.11100562,4332 [INTERNAL] 

I know think of all the children he might prey on, disgusting.

>> No.11100562,4333 [INTERNAL] 

is totori guy black?

>> No.11100562,4334 [INTERNAL] 

im not a n*gger what the hell

>> No.11100562,4335 [INTERNAL] 

why the fuck did they take away abandoned ship...

>> No.11100562,4336 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,4337 [INTERNAL] 

im not a pedoph*le

im not that totori guy

>> No.11100562,4338 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck, women have it so easy. You just posted that a few hours ago and already have a bunch of guys who want to fuck an anime child. Tell them you're with dateline and Totori is underage.

>> No.11100562,4339 [INTERNAL] 

oh i thought totori guy was walmart guy

i knew someone who worked at walmart and now he plays cs go for a living haha

>> No.11100562,4340 [INTERNAL] 

dumb spics

>> No.11100562,4341 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4342 [INTERNAL] 

its not because its a girl
its because its craigslist

>> No.11100562,4343 [INTERNAL] 

I want to play pokemon but I'd have to get the 3DS from my brother and delete his save should I do it?

>> No.11100562,4344 [INTERNAL] 

On dating sites its the same way women don't message anyone first unless you're a 10/10 and t hey're fat and despertate they just sit and wait.

>> No.11100562,4345 [INTERNAL] 

Tell them you're looking for men

>> No.11100562,4346 [INTERNAL] 

why hasn't pokemon implemented multiple save files yet its like they're stuck in the 90s

>> No.11100562,4347 [INTERNAL] 

what lego should i buy

>> No.11100562,4348 [INTERNAL] 

i think one save file per cart is fine

>> No.11100562,4349 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4350 [INTERNAL] 

even the first Zelda had multiple saves

>> No.11100562,4351 [INTERNAL] 

So is anyone going to shop dickspammer, I might rewrite a doujinshi about him being ntr'd by his cousin.

>> No.11100562,4352 [INTERNAL] 

so what

>> No.11100562,4353 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4354 [INTERNAL] 

fill me up strong black men ;)

>> No.11100562,4355 [INTERNAL] 

sew buttons

>> No.11100562,4356 [INTERNAL] 

i really like alpha sapphire

>> No.11100562,4357 [INTERNAL] 

-totori autist
-cousin rapist
-yukkuri spmmer
-wallmart guy
-moneeeYYyY guy
-kodomokidbuttlolichildo guy
-suicide guy
-objective evidence that pedofreaks are subhuman guy
-black bull obsessed gay guy
-hi im chink guy
-tr*gger*d guy
-pokemon player guy
-guy who hates the pokemon player guy
-pls mglug stream i loveumilolggg guy
-haha hater guy
-DBZ sperg guy
-guy who thinks black women are attractive
-weight lifter normie

someone tell me which are the same please
since there can't be this many people on the W

>> No.11100562,4358 [INTERNAL] 

4 of those are me but I wont say which.

>> No.11100562,4359 [INTERNAL] 

3 of those are me but I wont say which.

>> No.11100562,4360 [INTERNAL] 

don't be a dick

>> No.11100562,4361 [INTERNAL] 

You didnt meantion me

>> No.11100562,4362 [INTERNAL] 

Cool. I made it on the list, I think.

>> No.11100562,4363 [INTERNAL] 

He was only listing the relevant people, spic.

>> No.11100562,4364 [INTERNAL] 

one of them is me

>> No.11100562,4365 [INTERNAL] 

how does totori autist have such a small microdick!!!

its amazing!!~

>> No.11100562,4366 [INTERNAL] 

All me.

>> No.11100562,4367 [INTERNAL] 

wait what do you mean by dbz sperg i think im the pokemon player but i really like dbz too and i post about it a lot?

>> No.11100562,4368 [INTERNAL] 

I know one of you intentionally sent me a pic of your penis and it has to be the only ni&&er here.

>> No.11100562,4369 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4370 [INTERNAL] 

feel when not relevant despite making 30% of posts

>> No.11100562,4371 [INTERNAL] 

I forgot the guy who just randomly posts lyrics in bold every few days

I'm thinking he's the same as DBZ sperg since they both abuse bbcode

>> No.11100562,4372 [INTERNAL] 

hold on it wasnt me im thinking about painting some yard furniture and getting some money and buying either pokemon x/y or some onaholes

maybe i could hold out and buy some shincha

or maybe i can just convince my mom to give me some more money when the shincha is harvested and get pokemon x/y

>> No.11100562,4373 [INTERNAL] 

the classic "hold on that wasn't me I was <blog>" meme

>> No.11100562,4374 [INTERNAL] 

why can't the autists here be this productive

>> No.11100562,4375 [INTERNAL] 

I post lyrics randomly too. And I'm also the one who posts ascii anime girls every now and then.

>> No.11100562,4376 [INTERNAL] 

its true though ahha

>> No.11100562,4377 [INTERNAL] 

We're not rich?

>> No.11100562,4378 [INTERNAL] 

im the one who posts pictures of the ascii anime girls for that one guy who cant see them properly

>> No.11100562,4379 [INTERNAL] 

He probably said that when he was caught raping

>> No.11100562,4380 [INTERNAL] 

Rapists are so fucking disgusting, especially if they're niggers. It's one thing if it's a white guy but if it's a nigger you have monkey sperm inside your vag, I would dump my girlfriend if that happened I'd never be able to look at her the same knowing she'd been fucked by a black man.

Am I mean?

>> No.11100562,4381 [INTERNAL] 

kill me...

>> No.11100562,4382 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4383 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck was I just spoiled of this weeks episode while waiting for subs via title. Damn it.

>> No.11100562,4384 [INTERNAL] 

what star wars lego

>> No.11100562,4385 [INTERNAL] 

no my little pony

>> No.11100562,4386 [INTERNAL] 

im not even on this list why am i so pathetic

>> No.11100562,4387 [INTERNAL] 

One day you'll get to hang with us big wolfs.

>> No.11100562,4388 [INTERNAL] 

>normies would never admit that super cute preteen lolis are more beautiful than that monster

>> No.11100562,4389 [INTERNAL] 

Stop responding to posts that aren't from the last 50

>> No.11100562,4390 [INTERNAL] 

make a new blog thread so I don't have to retard

>> No.11100562,4391 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4392 [INTERNAL] 

Someone stream lego lord of the rings

>> No.11100562,4393 [INTERNAL] 

After doing some research, I think I might have found out the address/apartments that milk lives at....

>> No.11100562,4394 [INTERNAL] 

The buttnakedness of a loli!

>> No.11100562,4395 [INTERNAL] 

why do lolis have such nice butts

>> No.11100562,4396 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4397 [INTERNAL] 

bred by big black bull

>> No.11100562,4398 [INTERNAL] 

I want to be reborn as an elementary school filled with hecka cute loleys.

>> No.11100562,4399 [INTERNAL] 

Who was handing out the ownage, the pedoniggers are throwing an autism fit.

>> No.11100562,4400 [INTERNAL] 

i got some guys hm slave shiny wailord in wonder trade

this pokemon cracks me up hes really big and has a funny face haha

>> No.11100562,4401 [INTERNAL] 

These men won't stop emailing me!

>> No.11100562,4402 [INTERNAL] 

http://a.pomf.se/pwxbgt.jpg almost perfect fit for totori


>> No.11100562,4403 [INTERNAL] 

Ayy niggas. I'm still on bae's black dick doe. Holla if you got a nigger dick.


>> No.11100562,4404 [INTERNAL] 


not posting penises becuz that would be 1) gay
2) saving other guys dicks to my hard drive

>> No.11100562,4405 [INTERNAL] 

is this like highschool where your ttotally not gay but youre talkign to guys anyways but its totally not cause of oyu beign gay

>> No.11100562,4406 [INTERNAL] 


Who the fuck does he think he is? Child pussy comes with a price quadruple four times over that offer, not $40.

>> No.11100562,4407 [INTERNAL] 


It's not gay as long as I don't roleplay with them.

>> No.11100562,4408 [INTERNAL] 

Couple of desperate fags gave me their numbers so I'm going to use google voice to text them see how it goes.

>> No.11100562,4409 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4410 [INTERNAL] 

uh im not asuka spammer

>> No.11100562,4411 [INTERNAL] 


holy shit how can whitey compete?

>> No.11100562,4412 [INTERNAL] 

It's either you or Trevor, and both of you are probably too retarded to tell whether or not it was you in the past

>> No.11100562,4413 [INTERNAL] 

le penis nigger ;-)

>> No.11100562,4414 [INTERNAL] 


I finally did it

>> No.11100562,4415 [INTERNAL] 

Begin stalking a little girl that you're eventually going to traumatize?

>> No.11100562,4416 [INTERNAL] 

You sick fuck.

>> No.11100562,4417 [INTERNAL] 

He's way too dumb to be Asuka spammer are you kidding me

>> No.11100562,4418 [INTERNAL] 

is it illegal to use another little girls photo for my trolling?

>> No.11100562,4419 [INTERNAL] 

maybe in yurop

>> No.11100562,4420 [INTERNAL] 

Hmmm I wonder if he flagged my post for removal because of the child? Anyway


>> No.11100562,4421 [INTERNAL] 

I used to make dating site profiles with teen girl pics and then flirt with older men and tell them I'm underage and ask if they're ok with it. They all were and sent me dick pics and wanting to fr*g. I would have made a great Dateline operator.

>> No.11100562,4422 [INTERNAL] 

Asuka spammer was dumb as fuck, half the shit that retard said was pure nonsense.

>> No.11100562,4423 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4424 [INTERNAL] 

Prove it

>> No.11100562,4425 [INTERNAL] 


There should be job openings for that. We're all naturals how to get inside the pedos mind.

>> No.11100562,4426 [INTERNAL] 

game of thrones premiere is tonight

>> No.11100562,4427 [INTERNAL] 

game of normies

>> No.11100562,4428 [INTERNAL] 

everyone on imageboards loved it then it became popular and now its cool to pretend to be above the rabble

>> No.11100562,4429 [INTERNAL] 

i dont understand what you just said game of n ormies

>> No.11100562,4430 [INTERNAL] 

so you're saying illiterate people hate game of thrones?

>> No.11100562,4431 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4432 [INTERNAL] 

Big black bulls cumming in my soft little girl pussy, filling me with a halfbreed child?

>> No.11100562,4433 [INTERNAL] 

totori you're such a lewd slut

>> No.11100562,4434 [INTERNAL] 

fuck yesssss time to eat hell yes pizza im going to eat until im so full

>> No.11100562,4435 [INTERNAL] 

oh man i wish i had pizza to we could have a pizza party on warosu

>> No.11100562,4436 [INTERNAL] 

Disgusting fatass piece of shit.

>> No.11100562,4437 [INTERNAL] 

dude what the hell dont talk to my friend like that fhat the hell mna

>> No.11100562,4438 [INTERNAL] 

im not fat dont call me that my family makes fun of me for being skinny so maybe i can get some fat from this pizza yesterday all i ate was cupcakes

>> No.11100562,4439 [INTERNAL] 

Lardbelly chunkosaurus.

>> No.11100562,4440 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4441 [INTERNAL] 

there ischeesy bread too oh hell yes

>> No.11100562,4442 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4443 [INTERNAL] 

Shut up or I'll shut you up

>> No.11100562,4444 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4445 [INTERNAL] 

totori totori ttori ttototri totori torrtortori

>> No.11100562,4446 [INTERNAL] 

totori loves BBC

>> No.11100562,4447 [INTERNAL] 

i like bbc too they have funny shows haha

>> No.11100562,4448 [INTERNAL] 

holy fuck

>> No.11100562,4449 [INTERNAL] 

hey did you know you can only be electrocuted once because electrocute is a mix of electric and execute

if electricity goes through you its just a shock or a jolt or a zap or anything other than electricute

>> No.11100562,4450 [INTERNAL] 

thanks for the knowledg

>> No.11100562,4451 [INTERNAL] 

bzzt :)

>> No.11100562,4452 [INTERNAL] 

should i get a slurpee tonight i really want a slurpee i want blue raspberry or cola........

>> No.11100562,4453 [INTERNAL] 

holy god damn cola what the hell

>> No.11100562,4454 [INTERNAL] 

haha i put my mariasa smug ass toho on my keyboard now its jlike shes loking at mne as i type and having fun hgahaha

>> No.11100562,4455 [INTERNAL] 

Hola muchachos. I'm looking for well hung minorities to give me a half breed. LMK if you have any leads.

-Totori, connoisseur of Le Nigger Dicks

>> No.11100562,4456 [INTERNAL] 

are you really so sad that you have to attention whore as "T" even when doing your means words agbout totori thing gross s

>> No.11100562,4457 [INTERNAL] 

if totori lived on my block i would have sex with her all the time she could come in through my window and i could use her as an onahole and she could be filled with cum and be happy and i would feel good and it would be great and then she could sneak out

>> No.11100562,4458 [INTERNAL] 

umm okay what are you doing are you serious

>> No.11100562,4459 [INTERNAL] 

what do you mean what am i doing im about to go get a drink from the gas station? ill get a slurpee later......

>> No.11100562,4460 [INTERNAL] 

why would you say mean things like that

>> No.11100562,4461 [INTERNAL] 

Any w-bros had that chance of hitting that 'girl on the block'?

>> No.11100562,4462 [INTERNAL] 

nmope not me

>> No.11100562,4463 [INTERNAL] 

slurp on this

*whips out dick*

>> No.11100562,4464 [INTERNAL] 

sjhees still looking at me and being smug as hell its awesome hahaha marisa marisa smarisa

>> No.11100562,4465 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4466 [INTERNAL] 

Cranberry is the worst juice.

>> No.11100562,4467 [INTERNAL] 

My neighbors across the street have two daughters. I think one's in her 20s and one's in her late teens. Every single time I see them they're both wearing stuff like short shorts or yoga pants and tight shirts to match. It's weird because the clothes are slutty but they're both mormon and I know at least one of them went to some sort of religious school.

No lolis on my block though.

>> No.11100562,4468 [INTERNAL] 

any good documentaries

>> No.11100562,4469 [INTERNAL] 

this thread is too long

>> No.11100562,4470 [INTERNAL] 

for you

>> No.11100562,4471 [INTERNAL] 

I want to play a game but it made my computer go up to 85 degrees

>> No.11100562,4472 [INTERNAL] 

start or find a new one

>> No.11100562,4473 [INTERNAL] 

cool dude tell me more stories pleas

>> No.11100562,4474 [INTERNAL] 

my dick is too long those condoms i got only roll about 2/3 the way down my dick and theyre tight enough that when i cum its almost all held back by the elastic ring

>> No.11100562,4475 [INTERNAL] 

Before my aunt cut off contact between herself, me, and her family (including my cousins), she and her husband both commented that it was weird that I hadn't had a girlfriend, and that I was constantly in my room. It somehow blew my uncle's mind that I hadn't had a girlfriend, and he just kept repeating that it was weird. My aunt kept accusing me of being a porn addict.

I don't think they suspect me of being a pedophile, at least. They might think I'm gay, or a porn addict, or a loser, but not a pedophile. That's good.

>> No.11100562,4476 [INTERNAL] 

My mom thinks I gay.

>> No.11100562,4477 [INTERNAL] 

is it a laptop? laptop processors can reach way higher temperatures than desktop laptops without being damaged my laptop sometimes gets to 90c

>> No.11100562,4478 [INTERNAL] 

shes right

>> No.11100562,4479 [INTERNAL] 

I don't get the little tip on condoms. They don't hold all the cum and then it goes down and covers your penis head.

>> No.11100562,4480 [INTERNAL] 

why did you bring up the part about her breaking off contact more stories

>> No.11100562,4481 [INTERNAL] 

It's not and I meant the gpu

It's in one of those desk cabinets so maybe I should take it out

>> No.11100562,4482 [INTERNAL] 

These comic book animated movies look edgy as fuck.

>> No.11100562,4483 [INTERNAL] 

i dunno someone else posted that

>> No.11100562,4484 [INTERNAL] 

oh it was a really specifci post to not be you

>> No.11100562,4485 [INTERNAL] 

totori autist has a microdick so someone has to satisfy her

>> No.11100562,4486 [INTERNAL] 

do you just follow me around all day

>> No.11100562,4487 [INTERNAL] 

What's up, my brethren. I'm just a dick carnivore looking for more nigger dick to consume a la candy. If ya know where I can score, leave me some tips.

Anyways, peace out.

- Totori, Nigger Dick Carnivore

>> No.11100562,4488 [INTERNAL] 

to catch a predator

>> No.11100562,4489 [INTERNAL] 

someone copied and pasted it from some other time haha

>> No.11100562,4490 [INTERNAL] 

stop posting this garbage

and i relaly think that youre gay

>> No.11100562,4491 [INTERNAL] 

oh can you stream

>> No.11100562,4492 [INTERNAL] 

I fuck totori a lot so its natural we'll be around each other

>> No.11100562,4493 [INTERNAL] 

im going to go watch lord of th erings the two towers bye for a bit

>> No.11100562,4494 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4495 [INTERNAL] 

What's this about?

>> No.11100562,4496 [INTERNAL] 

if i did it would be just me and it would probably be boring

>> No.11100562,4497 [INTERNAL] 

stories of warosu

>> No.11100562,4498 [INTERNAL] 

You used to do that all the time

What happened to your spirit

>> No.11100562,4499 [INTERNAL] 

cause i just started watching this i cant really get in to it you really need to watch the first movie fcause otherwise its jjust two nerds goin hiking in the two towers

>> No.11100562,4500 [INTERNAL] 

your friends are weird anyways

>> No.11100562,4501 [INTERNAL] 

stream sonic

>> No.11100562,4502 [INTERNAL] 

is this entire movie a meme like is lord of the rings a meme

>> No.11100562,4503 [INTERNAL] 

i can kinda see how trevor emphasizes with frodo theyre both really lame and have nothing decent to say at all

>> No.11100562,4504 [INTERNAL] 

well that was with sonic the last few times i streamed tetris nobody watched

>> No.11100562,4505 [INTERNAL] 

dude just streeeeeaaaaaammmmmmm

>> No.11100562,4506 [INTERNAL] 

do you think my marisa smug ass would want to have headphones to so she can hear

>> No.11100562,4507 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4508 [INTERNAL] 

stream sonic spinball

>> No.11100562,4509 [INTERNAL] 

yeah i liked sonic it more cause his weird frineds werent there

>> No.11100562,4510 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4511 [INTERNAL] 

this whoel movie i sa fucking meme lol fat dwarffalls over elf whta do your elf eyes ssee fucking stupid

>> No.11100562,4512 [INTERNAL] 

ok ill stream but itll just be tetris while i wonder trade i dont want to play sonic


>> No.11100562,4513 [INTERNAL] 

>totori autist watching loser nerd movies while real men bang totori with their BBC

well, we knew he was a effeminate beta failure anyway

>> No.11100562,4514 [INTERNAL] 

what are you talking about

>> No.11100562,4515 [INTERNAL] 

every fugging line in this movie is a meme just every single one

>> No.11100562,4516 [INTERNAL] 

is it working now

>> No.11100562,4517 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4518 [INTERNAL] 

where the fuyck is sonic

>> No.11100562,4519 [INTERNAL] 

He retired after being beaten by a brazillian

>> No.11100562,4520 [INTERNAL] 

oh man

>> No.11100562,4521 [INTERNAL] 

Can you college normies tell me how to be more normie I'm trying to suppress my sperginess. Don't say practice because I've done that more than you can imagine.

>> No.11100562,4522 [INTERNAL] 

just b yurself

>> No.11100562,4523 [INTERNAL] 

Just drop out

>> No.11100562,4524 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not in college if I was I'd be a normie and wouldn't have to deal with this

>> No.11100562,4525 [INTERNAL] 

What if you're beating lolis in tetris?

>> No.11100562,4526 [INTERNAL] 

i hope im playing against cute lolis sometimes instead of old guys all the time

>> No.11100562,4527 [INTERNAL] 

my penis is hard

>> No.11100562,4528 [INTERNAL] 

its not a documentary?

ive watched these

>> No.11100562,4529 [INTERNAL] 

i feel so bad for the horse that had seen enough of war thats just really sad

>> No.11100562,4530 [INTERNAL] 

It's easy really. Act quickly and decisively instead of thinking through decisions. Commit to those decisions. Follow your impulses confidently. Look at the bright side. Smile.

Illicit drugs may help.

>> No.11100562,4531 [INTERNAL] 

i want ot talk to someone

>> No.11100562,4532 [INTERNAL] 

what is aragorn smoking out of his pipe tobacco

>> No.11100562,4533 [INTERNAL] 

tobacco yeah

>> No.11100562,4534 [INTERNAL] 

i wasnt sure if it was tobacco or some elf magic

>> No.11100562,4535 [INTERNAL] 

how do you listen to this shitty weeb music?

>> No.11100562,4536 [INTERNAL] 

what do you want to talk about

>> No.11100562,4537 [INTERNAL] 

I look in the mirror and smile and it's awkward
All my pictures look like the smile could be wiped off and I'm really dying inside

I've seen other people that are the same

>> No.11100562,4538 [INTERNAL] 

aniem girls and why wtheyre so perfect

>> No.11100562,4539 [INTERNAL] 

hermit crabs

>> No.11100562,4540 [INTERNAL] 

show us

>> No.11100562,4541 [INTERNAL] 

Play sweets parade

>> No.11100562,4542 [INTERNAL] 

Looking in the mirror is indecisive. Do you want to change or do you want to look in the mirror? Here you are not making a decision. Maybe you should get rid of your mirrors. Decide to smile or decide not to smile, don't decide to think about it. Commit confidently once you've decided.

Intellectualization can be good but can also be damaging if habitualized toward the wrong thoughts.

>> No.11100562,4543 [INTERNAL] 

i dont have sweets parade on this hard drive but i can look it up

>> No.11100562,4544 [INTERNAL] 

im burnt out with tetris i get worse the longer i play

>> No.11100562,4545 [INTERNAL] 

Just do the Pepe pose.

>> No.11100562,4546 [INTERNAL] 

new thread pls

>> No.11100562,4547 [INTERNAL] 

thanks now I want sweets

>> No.11100562,4548 [INTERNAL] 

if the orcs killed all th ehumans at helms deep would they have gone down to the women and children and raped them

>> No.11100562,4549 [INTERNAL] 

me tummy is rumblin n gurglin hehe

>> No.11100562,4550 [INTERNAL] 

mine did tonight and it was loud enough to startle me at first until I realized it was me

>> No.11100562,4551 [INTERNAL] 

Did tolkien invent orc rape?

>> No.11100562,4552 [INTERNAL] 

im booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.11100562,4553 [INTERNAL] 

think about it those women down there were goign to be sex sluts for pigs

>> No.11100562,4554 [INTERNAL] 

Why are lolies so vain?

>> No.11100562,4555 [INTERNAL] 

what ghost pokemon should i have? sableye or banette or spiritomb? i think sableye looks the coolest but spiritombs pressure ability is really good

>> No.11100562,4556 [INTERNAL] 

The ice one.

>> No.11100562,4557 [INTERNAL] 

me tummy me tummy hehehehe

>> No.11100562,4558 [INTERNAL] 

she doesnt look cool though

>> No.11100562,4559 [INTERNAL] 

id have sex with gardevoir

>> No.11100562,4560 [INTERNAL] 

Misdreavus is cute

>> No.11100562,4561 [INTERNAL] 

also she has way more weaknesses than spiritomb

spiritomb is only weak to fairy attacks and hes also immune to psychic attacks

the ice ghost girl is only immune to the regular normal and fighting types and she picks up the ice weaknesses

>> No.11100562,4562 [INTERNAL] 

U can't spell gardevoir without edgar so ur gay

>> No.11100562,4563 [INTERNAL] 

don't be a try-hard

>> No.11100562,4564 [INTERNAL] 

what gardevoir is cute as hell

>> No.11100562,4565 [INTERNAL] 

if the ice girl was cute and looked like a loli i would go through the trouble of getting her but its not worth it because shes not cute

>> No.11100562,4566 [INTERNAL] 

go to fry's and trade pokemon with the employees they'll have a froslass you can use

>> No.11100562,4567 [INTERNAL] 

guys who is teh ice girl

>> No.11100562,4568 [INTERNAL] 

Those are the 3 shittiest ghosts.

>> No.11100562,4569 [INTERNAL] 

I want a planet pokemon to fuck my boypussy with its sepals.

>> No.11100562,4570 [INTERNAL] 

I used to trade pokemon with a loli named Andrea when Pokemon X came out. She was really cute and her profile said "hello im 9". I gave her a golden Magikarp equipped with a big nugget. She eventually evolved it and gave it back to me.

I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.11100562,4571 [INTERNAL] 

like a predator

>> No.11100562,4572 [INTERNAL] 

eww, spics

>> No.11100562,4573 [INTERNAL] 

I hated how you couldn't even communicate with other players to tell them what pokemon you are looking for. It was fucking retarded.

>> No.11100562,4574 [INTERNAL] 

cant you just put it in your profile?

>> No.11100562,4575 [INTERNAL] 

Andrea is a white name

>> No.11100562,4576 [INTERNAL] 

That's just awkward and clunky. Gamefreak has always been retarded.

>> No.11100562,4577 [INTERNAL] 

She was the one who raped me with her team of legendaries when I met her.

>> No.11100562,4578 [INTERNAL] 

wait whats this game chat thing? its disabled by default

>> No.11100562,4579 [INTERNAL] 

then you took it out on here in real life

>> No.11100562,4580 [INTERNAL] 

A game made by a literal aspie doesn't have a functioning social feature. I'm shocked.

>> No.11100562,4581 [INTERNAL] 

donuits and totori

>> No.11100562,4582 [INTERNAL] 

totori is shit go fuck yourself

>> No.11100562,4583 [INTERNAL] 

Why is System of a Down on the Mortal Kombat commercial? The kids won't know who that is.

>> No.11100562,4584 [INTERNAL] 

what's more pathetic: a real retard or pretending to be one all day on the internet?

>> No.11100562,4585 [INTERNAL] 

are they still around

>> No.11100562,4586 [INTERNAL] 

totori likes olvies alot so weve been eating them lately i like black and green ones but i really dont liek getting the stuffed ones and i ike pits in

>> No.11100562,4587 [INTERNAL] 

i'm the type of guy your mommy warned you about

>> No.11100562,4588 [INTERNAL] 

ok why

>> No.11100562,4589 [INTERNAL] 

once you see me it will be too late

>> No.11100562,4590 [INTERNAL] 

to late for what

>> No.11100562,4591 [INTERNAL] 

your life will be like raindrops in the wind

>> No.11100562,4592 [INTERNAL] 

uhhhh are you trying to do something here

>> No.11100562,4593 [INTERNAL] 

woah holey moley i was looking to see how well timer balls compared to ultra balls and i see a thread from 2005 mentioning tonberryking...


>> No.11100562,4594 [INTERNAL] 

He's got a japanese gf

>> No.11100562,4595 [INTERNAL] 

hehe, balls

>> No.11100562,4596 [INTERNAL] 

im going to bed this is stupid

>> No.11100562,4597 [INTERNAL] 

What's wrong

>> No.11100562,4598 [INTERNAL] 

can anyone give me somthing to do?

>> No.11100562,4599 [INTERNAL] 

kill yourself

>> No.11100562,4600 [INTERNAL] 

me tumbly still rumbly hehehe

>> No.11100562,4601 [INTERNAL] 

Are you a technohuman?

>> No.11100562,4602 [INTERNAL] 

shes not a loli though

>> No.11100562,4603 [INTERNAL] 

god damnit azelf i tried to catch it so i bought 100 ultra balls and taught terrakion false swipe and then i went to azelf and used false swipe then swapped terrakion for spiritomb and put it to sleep and tried catching it and i couldnt and i kept sleeping it and it kept trying to use moves but they were all immune on spiritomb and then it used struggle because it ran out of moves and it hurt itself and died fucking dumbass pokemon

>> No.11100562,4604 [INTERNAL] 

When will it start to get hot I want it to be really hot outside I want to wake up sweating I don't want to shiver when I go outside at night I want to wake up and have an immediate urge to drink iced tea and eat ice cream...

>> No.11100562,4605 [INTERNAL] 

Oh yeah I want the cicadas to start buzzing too those are the best days of summer

>> No.11100562,4606 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.11100562,4607 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4608 [INTERNAL] 


Hey hey you all... who are attacking "mecons-tantly"... LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!

>> No.11100562,4609 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4610 [INTERNAL] 

The last summer of a super cute sixth grader loli... ;_;

>> No.11100562,4611 [INTERNAL] 

Uh there's only one sixth grade summer

>> No.11100562,4612 [INTERNAL] 

>implying lolis like being lolis

>> No.11100562,4613 [INTERNAL] 

>implying implications

>> No.11100562,4614 [INTERNAL] 

Did he really imply that?

>> No.11100562,4615 [INTERNAL] 

I need a strong grass Pokemon

>> No.11100562,4616 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that super cute lolis with friends and a social life can even be imagined naked is just mindblowing. Humiliating! Lewd!

>> No.11100562,4617 [INTERNAL] 

I live in Korea. I wanna share an extremely humiliating enema experience I had when I was 12 in middle school. I used to have a serious symptom of constipation and one day I felt it's getting stuck up in my stomach real bad after school. My mom took me to an ER. I didn't realize I would be in the most humiliating situation in my entire life. To help you guys understand, in korea, in hospitals or anywhere else, parents' decisions are considered much more importantly than minors at any kind of situations. Back to the story, a young female nurse came to my bed and started talking to my mom. The patient was me!! But my free will was being ignored. They(nurses & my mom) decided to give me an enema. I'd never had an experience so I felt so scared and humiliated so I tried to resist and yell that I didn't want to. But it was too late and I was helpless. My arms,legs and waist were held tight by a couple of female nurses and a female nurse started rubbing vaseline on my butt hole with her finger. After the lubrication, she said to my mother "Her symptom is pretty severe, we need to insert 'two' into her." Jesus..I'm the patient and it's my butt hole!! Why do they keep deciding on it at will? For a couple of nurses were holding me so tight that I couldn't move, I gave up my dignity. The nurse finally started inserting enemas into my ass. Still the other nurses were holding me to make me obey and stay still. I felt like I was a prisoner or a slave..

>> No.11100562,4618 [INTERNAL] 

You could easily embarrass one of those super proud rich lolis just by mentioning the fact that she has a butt

>> No.11100562,4619 [INTERNAL] 

big fat nigger dicks

>> No.11100562,4620 [INTERNAL] 

i be on that meme type shit that yall cant stop

>> No.11100562,4621 [INTERNAL] 

how come people can say they want to be fucked senseless but i cant say that i want to fuck a loli senseless its not fair

>> No.11100562,4622 [INTERNAL] 

try to stop me

>> No.11100562,4623 [INTERNAL] 

im #memegang whatcha gonna do bitches

>> No.11100562,4624 [INTERNAL] 

When I was like 10 I threw out in class.

>> No.11100562,4625 [INTERNAL] 

bow bow bow im bussin at em

gotta get the memes up ya feel me unhhh unhhhh

>> No.11100562,4626 [INTERNAL] 

this is it is this it aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.11100562,4627 [INTERNAL] 

When I was like 11 I had a 'girlfriend' who was in my class and one day while the class was doing some project I decided to take off my sweater (it was the sort that you have to pull over your head) and one of my girlfriend's friends said something to her and when I finished taking off my sweater they were both looking at me and it made me feel really weird. I still don't know what they were looking at and both of them refused to tell me.

I still have and use that sweater, now that I think about it.

>> No.11100562,4628 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4629 [INTERNAL] 


Women of Reddit, when did you first notice that men were looking at you in a sexual way? How old were you and how did it make you feel?



>> No.11100562,4630 [INTERNAL] 

This is sort of like what happened to my sister! We were at a fair and eating frozen chocolate covered bananas. I was 17 and she was 12. This white guy walked up to her and goes "Wow, it looks like you're eating a big black dick! Ha! You look good eating dick" and then a black guy behind him goes "Wish it was mine!" What disturbs me the most about that is I was right there, eating one too, and while I looked young, I could have been legal. She at 12 looked more like she was 10, she was so young looking and they chose to prey on her instead of an adult-looking target.

god damn some of this shit is hilarious

>> No.11100562,4631 [INTERNAL] 

>I was 12. I remember I was doing yard work for a step-uncle when he would constantly casually make "Huh" sounds and stand directly behind me when I would pull weeds. Suspicions were confirmed when he took me to lunch at the mall and offered to buy me tiny dresses and low cut shirts. I stopped associating with my step family after that as that's all they ever did.


>> No.11100562,4632 [INTERNAL] 

She's probably just way uglier than her sister

>> No.11100562,4633 [INTERNAL] 

It just goes to show that every girl out there dislikes other girls getting more attention than themselves. It's pretty gross.

>> No.11100562,4634 [INTERNAL] 


Sabrina is a cutie

>> No.11100562,4635 [INTERNAL] 

you see that hat that one guy is wearing that looks like a crown? those are made from fedoras and people used to actually wear them its not just a cartoon thing

i wonder if theyll come back into fashion now that fedoras are really popular

>> No.11100562,4636 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4637 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4638 [INTERNAL] 

don't click on these they're sick!!

>> No.11100562,4639 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4640 [INTERNAL] 


literal buttchild

>> No.11100562,4641 [INTERNAL] 

yoooo what the fuck man

>> No.11100562,4642 [INTERNAL] 

reported, bye pedo nigger

enjoy your perma ban

>> No.11100562,4643 [INTERNAL] 

what the hell is wrong with you, pedonigger?

>> No.11100562,4644 [INTERNAL] 

that guy isnt even me im sitting here trying to catch deoxys hes a pain in the ass but spiritomb is immune to all of his attacks

>> No.11100562,4645 [INTERNAL] 

hell yes i got him it only took 30 ultra balls

fuck all other ghost pokemon spiritomb earned a spot in my team forever

>> No.11100562,4646 [INTERNAL] 

use master ball nerd

>> No.11100562,4647 [INTERNAL] 

i used it on kyogre i didnt know any better

>> No.11100562,4648 [INTERNAL] 

Wow what about the two birds?

>> No.11100562,4649 [INTERNAL] 

which ones? ill probably get another master ball by then or something or just catch them with ultra balls

>> No.11100562,4650 [INTERNAL] 

latios and latias

>> No.11100562,4651 [INTERNAL] 

you get one for free in the 3ds versions really early so it cant be that hard to just get the other

>> No.11100562,4652 [INTERNAL] 

that's cool I forgot there's a rayquaza too

I want to play pokemon now

>> No.11100562,4653 [INTERNAL] 

youre forced to catch rayquaza in the 3ds version too for the second story and if you knock him out he just comes back

>> No.11100562,4654 [INTERNAL] 

that's bullshit

>> No.11100562,4655 [INTERNAL] 

uh what the hell my internet went out and i assumed it would come back up on its own but after it was down for like an hour i restarted the modem and internet came back?

>> No.11100562,4656 [INTERNAL] 

im going to sleep ok bye

>> No.11100562,4657 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,4658 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4659 [INTERNAL] 

We had to reboot our central logging servers in your area and were forced to ghost your IP to reconnect to your modem.

If it happens again reboot your modem so it can reconnect to our centralized server, sorry for the inconvenience.

- Cox Communications

>> No.11100562,4660 [INTERNAL] 

ANOTHER VICTIM 16 year old girl and you're telling me this guy ISNT a pedo???


>> No.11100562,4661 [INTERNAL] 

This is depressing

>> No.11100562,4662 [INTERNAL] 

Feel when women go on the internet and say how they hate being looked at or "objectified" so I don't look at them and then they start laughing saying I'm gay.

>> No.11100562,4663 [INTERNAL] 

They only want you to look if you're worthy of them. If you're a creep just don't look.

>> No.11100562,4664 [INTERNAL] 

feels great to poop

>> No.11100562,4665 [INTERNAL] 


>Don't accept all you're hearing/reading about me as truth. I plan on sharing my side of the story, & hope you can wait for it before judging

>I'm not going to harm myself for those of you concerned about me.

>> No.11100562,4666 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.11100562,4667 [INTERNAL] 

He already shared his side of the story in a 45 minute video what else does he have to say?

>> No.11100562,4668 [INTERNAL] 

He's probably talking about his girlfriend dumping him yesterday after all the teenage girls coming out saying Bashur tried to groom them.

>> No.11100562,4669 [INTERNAL] 


I had a feeling she was going to dump him. Just what a 17 year old liked in a 28 year old fatty anyway? Women are weird.

>> No.11100562,4670 [INTERNAL] 

Women go for the highest status males in whatever community they're part of. If it's youtube, they want the guy with the most views/subs, if it's twitch they want the biggest streamers. Guys aren't any different, we want cute girls.

>> No.11100562,4671 [INTERNAL] 

>he will never fuck his qt gf again
Why even live?

>> No.11100562,4672 [INTERNAL] 

Are lolis this shallow too? Or is it a learned beahavior? I'm okay with it because the fact that there is something bad about lolis is just mindblowing. They are so perfect, but they are actually dumb sluts! Lewd!

>> No.11100562,4673 [INTERNAL] 

It's not any more shallow than liking cute girls.

>> No.11100562,4674 [INTERNAL] 


Girls are created to be cute.

>> No.11100562,4675 [INTERNAL] 

And men are created to be providers and compete with other men for resources, granting them access to fertile young girls and their eggs for reproduction.

>> No.11100562,4676 [INTERNAL] 


exactly right

>> No.11100562,4677 [INTERNAL] 

Therefore we should be having an existential crisis

>> No.11100562,4678 [INTERNAL] 

Ugly girls are the equivalent of awkward unemployed betas with no car or friends.

>> No.11100562,4679 [INTERNAL] 

>fertile young girls
But I'm only interested in girls who can't breed!

>> No.11100562,4680 [INTERNAL] 

am i allowed to post here

>> No.11100562,4681 [INTERNAL] 

Are you white?

>> No.11100562,4682 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11100562,4683 [INTERNAL] 

yea my man

>> No.11100562,4684 [INTERNAL] 

I don't believe you, Mexican.

>> No.11100562,4685 [INTERNAL] 

What about a broad shouldered, aryan blooded, midwestern farm girl? That seems like good breeding stock.

>> No.11100562,4686 [INTERNAL] 

im not mexican

>> No.11100562,4687 [INTERNAL] 

Elementary school girls are the perfect females and old men with white beards are the perfect males.

Sometimes I feel slightly attracted to old men with long, white beards. They seem so nice and intelligent. I'm not gay, btw. Young and middle aged men are retarded and look fucking disgusting.

I wish was an elementary school boy and had a really cute loli gf. I wish I was a loli with a cool grandpa who treats me like a princess. I wish I was a lesbian loli!

>> No.11100562,4688 [INTERNAL] 

you have no evidence of me being some dirty SPIC ok

>> No.11100562,4689 [INTERNAL] 


Hard shell or soft shell taco?

>> No.11100562,4690 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis smell like crayons!

>> No.11100562,4691 [INTERNAL] 

Ephraim sauntered, wiggling his buttock-augmentation. Life couldn't get any better. This, he knew, was due to an incontrovertible fact:

Naked asses are the final equalizer. Everyone's got an ass and, if honestly appraised, they all look ridiculous.

Imagine Saddam naked, awkwardly bending for the soap. Or Osama squatting in a humid cave. Don't seem so threatening now do they?

The ass has equalized.

But Ephraim thought he had the system beat. His logic; if all asses are ridiculous, then mine will be the most ridiculous of them all.

I will be King of all Asses.

A difficult point to argue.

>> No.11100562,4692 [INTERNAL] 

You are a mentally stunted boy who is attracted to girls of his equivalent mental age(lolis) and also have a lust for older men who represent your father figure.

>> No.11100562,4693 [INTERNAL] 

I don't lust for old geezers, I just think they look cool and attractive. I want to be like them.

>> No.11100562,4694 [INTERNAL] 

Just like a boy wants to be like his father one day.

>> No.11100562,4695 [INTERNAL] 

My father is not an old man. He is a disgusting middle aged normie with anger issues and hates pedos.

>> No.11100562,4696 [INTERNAL] 

That's why you're looking for male role models elsewhere.

>> No.11100562,4697 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not mentally stunted. I missed the chance to interact with lolis when I was a kid and now I can't stop thinking about them.

Lolis are cute.

>> No.11100562,4698 [INTERNAL] 

Is Unteralterbach even in Japanese? Those nips are missing out on great stuff!

>> No.11100562,4699 [INTERNAL] 

As if they have time to play some EOL trash when they get 100+ hentai game releases every month.

>> No.11100562,4700 [INTERNAL] 

Unteralterbach was 10x better than any loli VN out of Japan, kid.

>> No.11100562,4701 [INTERNAL] 


Your opinion.

>> No.11100562,4702 [INTERNAL] 

Objective fact, weeb.

>> No.11100562,4703 [INTERNAL] 


Just like how Katfailwa Shitjo was the greatest VN ever created and better than anything Japan has ever made, ever, right? You sound just like that crowd.

>> No.11100562,4704 [INTERNAL] 

No, Crapawa Shitjo wasn't crafted with superior German engineering.

>> No.11100562,4705 [INTERNAL] 

there are literal weeaboos here who cant enjoy something that wasnt made in japan

>> No.11100562,4706 [INTERNAL] 

KS was consumed entirely by weebs such as yourself.

>> No.11100562,4707 [INTERNAL] 

Japanese pedos are tired of anime lolis with no nose.

>> No.11100562,4708 [INTERNAL] 


Well a game based on real little girls who were abused is gross and I don't endorse it.

>> No.11100562,4709 [INTERNAL] 

I need a source other than out your ass on that please.
I never read a sentence of KS in my life.

>> No.11100562,4710 [INTERNAL] 

KS was a weeaboo game.

>> No.11100562,4711 [INTERNAL] 

Because you're a weeaboo.

>> No.11100562,4712 [INTERNAL] 


I'm fine with being a weeb than a literal peadophile.

>> No.11100562,4713 [INTERNAL] 

Untalterbach haters confirmed for anti-pedo norms.

>> No.11100562,4714 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4715 [INTERNAL] 


he knows

>> No.11100562,4716 [INTERNAL] 

Ban the Brits.

>> No.11100562,4717 [INTERNAL] 

I like saying paedophile instead of pedophile because it's more funnier.

>> No.11100562,4718 [INTERNAL] 

Who is this? Is he streaming currently? Link

>> No.11100562,4719 [INTERNAL] 

This "cute not pedo" shit among /a/ kids is amusing. They're such normalfags they can't admit that there's nothing wrong with being a pedophile so they have to convince themselves they're 2Dsexual when it comes to lolis.

Even though lolicon in Japanese literally means pedophile. So deluded.

>> No.11100562,4720 [INTERNAL] 


It seems you were taking the pedo meme a bit too seriously.

>> No.11100562,4721 [INTERNAL] 

There's literally nothing wrong with pedophilia.

>> No.11100562,4722 [INTERNAL] 

There's nothing wrong with pedophilia. There are lots of things wrong with pedophiles.

>> No.11100562,4723 [INTERNAL] 

Incorrect, pedophiles are highly evolved.

>> No.11100562,4724 [INTERNAL] 

Bashur doesn't seem highly evolved.

>> No.11100562,4725 [INTERNAL] 

He's homosexual

>> No.11100562,4726 [INTERNAL] 

can't be if he contacted 4 underage girls

>> No.11100562,4727 [INTERNAL] 

That fatty doesn't like kids, he likes 13 year olds. Checkmate, nerd.

>> No.11100562,4728 [INTERNAL] 

Why are lolis so likable?

>> No.11100562,4729 [INTERNAL] 

Because you have power over them unlike older women who intimidate you.

>> No.11100562,4730 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that adults have power over lolis is just mindblowing.

>> No.11100562,4731 [INTERNAL] 

lolis intimidate me

>> No.11100562,4732 [INTERNAL] 

kinmoza S2 is amazing

>> No.11100562,4733 [INTERNAL] 

ive been gone for the last 2-3 months what did i miss?

>> No.11100562,4734 [INTERNAL] 

he's bisexual

>> No.11100562,4735 [INTERNAL] 

cousin anon went to prison for rape and murder

>> No.11100562,4736 [INTERNAL] 

pedos getting btfo'd left and right

>> No.11100562,4737 [INTERNAL] 

my mom gets upset when she hears my playing Islamic nasheeds in my room

>> No.11100562,4738 [INTERNAL] 


they are really good tho

>> No.11100562,4739 [INTERNAL] 

I want to start a religion

>> No.11100562,4740 [INTERNAL] 

Literally cousin anon no fate!


>> No.11100562,4741 [INTERNAL] 


>real life Anne Marie
>muh dick

>> No.11100562,4742 [INTERNAL] 

>dat smile
>she has an ass
So humiliating!

>> No.11100562,4743 [INTERNAL] 

deep down lolis want to be fucked

>> No.11100562,4744 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4745 [INTERNAL] 

Is that your dad, bro?

>> No.11100562,4746 [INTERNAL] 

i want to start a cult and have followers f*ck

>> No.11100562,4747 [INTERNAL] 

you hsould start a loli cult

>> No.11100562,4748 [INTERNAL] 

>normies wouldn't kiss that loli
They are literally retarded.

>> No.11100562,4749 [INTERNAL] 

norms have pedos how could i attract normie subhuman followers with a loli cult

>> No.11100562,4750 [INTERNAL] 

any memers here

>> No.11100562,4751 [INTERNAL] 

i just want to be treated as a god and have followers why is that so fucking hard god damn

>> No.11100562,4752 [INTERNAL] 

ummm lol

>> No.11100562,4753 [INTERNAL] 

I would.

>> No.11100562,4754 [INTERNAL] 

chris hansen is launching a kickstarter for his new pedo busting show on wednesday

what are the odds someone from here might be on it

>> No.11100562,4755 [INTERNAL] 

It was already confirmed that dickspammer is going to be on it

>> No.11100562,4756 [INTERNAL] 

I roar and it rains crow feathers as my roar makes tornadoes and my cosmic flow rips space making black holes in the multiverse and every demon runs from me and I walk twards Claude with my rage rpping apart reality DO YOU THINK I TAKE KILLING MY FAMILY LIGHTLY!? With the wave of a finger i pull your body to me and even Death is afraid YOU HAVE PISSED ME OFF FOR THE LAST TIME!!! I rip in your chest and rip out your demon powers and I make a pitch black abyss and you hear screams and whales of torture and I rip you limb from limb and I feed you to the maggots and worms and zombies to eat your flesh away, with you feeling every bite and I close the abyss

>> No.11100562,4757 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,4758 [INTERNAL] 


Fuck off, normalshit.

>> No.11100562,4759 [INTERNAL] 

chill out, we fight together

>> No.11100562,4760 [INTERNAL] 

whaty kind of anime has a opening that long

>> No.11100562,4761 [INTERNAL] 

And then there's like 2 minutes of recaps

>> No.11100562,4762 [INTERNAL] 

gnfos jp

>> No.11100562,4763 [INTERNAL] 


Are you fucktarded?

>> No.11100562,4764 [INTERNAL] 

stop responding to old posts attention whore

>> No.11100562,4765 [INTERNAL] 

game of norms has 100,000 seeders wtf...

>> No.11100562,4766 [INTERNAL] 

will anyone give me a bulbasaur

>> No.11100562,4767 [INTERNAL] 

yeah one sec

my id is iusedtobeaghost

>> No.11100562,4768 [INTERNAL] 

imagine a man penetrating your sluthole

>> No.11100562,4769 [INTERNAL] 

it must feel so good

like how you feel when taking a shit but the whole time

>> No.11100562,4770 [INTERNAL] 

I bet it would feel really good.

>> No.11100562,4771 [INTERNAL] 

taking a shit is always painful for me

>> No.11100562,4772 [INTERNAL] 

literal subhumans

>> No.11100562,4773 [INTERNAL] 

Eat more fiber

>> No.11100562,4774 [INTERNAL] 

dont tell me what to do

>> No.11100562,4775 [INTERNAL] 

Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father!

>> No.11100562,4776 [INTERNAL] 

feel when your little brother is getting married and your older sister already has a daughter and you're just a literal permaloser

>> No.11100562,4777 [INTERNAL] 

You're the cool uncle

>> No.11100562,4778 [INTERNAL] 

*creepy pedo uncle

>> No.11100562,4779 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4780 [INTERNAL] 

Feel when no season 2.

>> No.11100562,4781 [INTERNAL] 

tell me what to post

>> No.11100562,4782 [INTERNAL] 

something about neets or butts or lolis

>> No.11100562,4783 [INTERNAL] 

or a NEET loli's butt

>> No.11100562,4784 [INTERNAL] 

NEET lolis are disgusting

>> No.11100562,4785 [INTERNAL] 

I love Sootopolis music oh god https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UJo2b_jrPs

>> No.11100562,4786 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,4787 [INTERNAL] 

why can't you do it?

>> No.11100562,4788 [INTERNAL] 

im gay

>> No.11100562,4789 [INTERNAL] 

That's the most disturbing thing I've ever seen. God, what is the obsession people have with making robots that are like us.

>> No.11100562,4790 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11100562,4791 [INTERNAL] 

I got a Charmander from Wonder Trade and I put it in the GTS for a Bulbasaur. That's a fair trade right? Low level Charmander for low level Bulbasaur. A lot of those people want Kyogre or Mew for their Bulbasaur...

>> No.11100562,4792 [INTERNAL] 

Your dad must be proud of you.

>> No.11100562,4793 [INTERNAL] 

You fucked up

>> No.11100562,4794 [INTERNAL] 

wait how i just want a venusaur because i have no grass pokemon on my team and mega venusaur is only weak to flying and psychic pokemon because he has an ability that lets him take 1/2 damage from fire and ice attacks so for a grass pokemon to take normal damage from fire and ice seems really good

>> No.11100562,4795 [INTERNAL] 

*shake my butt*

>> No.11100562,4796 [INTERNAL] 

What's a mega

>> No.11100562,4797 [INTERNAL] 

Dude! Nice!

>> No.11100562,4798 [INTERNAL] 

I might get ORAS in a few months. Will you still be playing then? I want to battle.

>> No.11100562,4799 [INTERNAL] 

its like super saiyan for pokemon they evolve for one battle and get a different ability and sometimes their type changes


>> No.11100562,4800 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4801 [INTERNAL] 

I'm tired of being the only person on the planet with no gf

>> No.11100562,4802 [INTERNAL] 

It's crazy how even the most disgusting guys from my childhood now have wives and kids

>> No.11100562,4803 [INTERNAL] 

If you're gonna get kids at least wait until you're 30. I see some dude I knew since elementary has a 5 year old which means he had a kid at age 16/17. Your 20s are for you to enjoy.

/turns off norm bot

>> No.11100562,4804 [INTERNAL] 

Konnichiwa bitches. Finna get dat nigger dick tonite fam. Shout out to all my niggas and hoes, you who you is.

- Totori, nasty-ass queen hoe

>> No.11100562,4805 [INTERNAL] 


Totori, you'll die of HIV soon.

>> No.11100562,4806 [INTERNAL] 

omggg ca nyou plerase just leave me alone
pleaseeeee what did i evnendo to you

>> No.11100562,4807 [INTERNAL] 

what did he do to yo u

>> No.11100562,4808 [INTERNAL] 

All of the ugly nerdy guys are now married, I hate it.
Like those screencaps of the guy on /mlp/ with the pony porn picture on his wall.

>> No.11100562,4809 [INTERNAL] 


We're having a milky party over at /gnfos/ and all the wolves are invited (to crash it).

Bring your claws.

>> No.11100562,4810 [INTERNAL] 

too much reading

>> No.11100562,4811 [INTERNAL] 

i fucking hate milk so much

>> No.11100562,4812 [INTERNAL] 

But having kids when you're that old gives them autism

>> No.11100562,4813 [INTERNAL] 

i hate fucking milk so much

>> No.11100562,4814 [INTERNAL] 

this is the wrong thread assholes

>> No.11100562,4815 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4816 [INTERNAL] 

My mom was 30 when she had me is that why I'm reetarded?

>> No.11100562,4817 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4818 [INTERNAL] 

which minami ke girl is your favorite? i like uchida the most

>> No.11100562,4819 [INTERNAL] 

Me too! She is so cute!

>> No.11100562,4820 [INTERNAL] 

me mom was almost 40, had been on pills without dad's knowledge until then

>> No.11100562,4821 [INTERNAL] 

My mom got sterilized but it didn't take

>> No.11100562,4822 [INTERNAL] 

I was an accident

>> No.11100562,4823 [INTERNAL] 

rolling girl...

>> No.11100562,4824 [INTERNAL] 

i want to fuck uchida oh goooood


>> No.11100562,4825 [INTERNAL] 


>tfw no wendy's gf

>> No.11100562,4826 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuck it doesnt even say where it is fuck this

>> No.11100562,4827 [INTERNAL] 

I LITERALLY almost threw up.

>> No.11100562,4828 [INTERNAL] 

Rassup Unclefuckers. It's the sleaziest whore on the block Totori here. Let me knew where I can score some nigger dick, because Mama's hungry for some chocolate pole. Heh.

-Totori, queen of interracial

>> No.11100562,4829 [INTERNAL] 

hi should i get a slurpee tonight

>> No.11100562,4830 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuyck

>> No.11100562,4831 [INTERNAL] 

slurp on this, pedonigger

*whips out dick*

>> No.11100562,4832 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4833 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4834 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4835 [INTERNAL] 

Why does her bird-like face look more natural and realistic than most robots?

>> No.11100562,4836 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11100562,4837 [INTERNAL] 

So.....does this work? In getting access to a loli that is.

>> No.11100562,4838 [INTERNAL] 

