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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 247 KB, 1366x768, onaholes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11097628 No.11097628 [Reply] [Original]

Onahole thread.

I can't waittt... Spent like $135, this shit better be good.

>> No.11097637

You could pay a whore with that money, I think.

>> No.11097642
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>Windows 7 English

>> No.11097646

What's wrong with Adblock? Or Windows 7?

>> No.11097654

What's wrong with Zune?

>> No.11097668

Whores have STDs and shit.

>> No.11097677

Whores aren't virgins though.

>> No.11097703

Who gives a fuck what he's using? And what's with the quotes?

>> No.11097797

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11097854

who quot

>> No.11097885
File: 251 KB, 1366x768, onahole2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So excited, hats off to the hard working couriers working late into the night for my onaholes.

>> No.11097893
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dammit stop avoiding my filter

>> No.11097894

>using filters in /jp/

>> No.11097901

I always filter idols, the fotm spam and ">jp" threads

>> No.11098001

Who are you qing?

>> No.11100276
File: 265 KB, 1366x768, ona3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening guys.

>> No.11100813

which ona did you get?

>> No.11100833

I got Seventeen Bordeaux, Rina, a few tengas, also got a Super Acme Max and PS Aile for a friend.

>> No.11100883
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ona - figs you can fug

>> No.11100899
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Ohhhh it has arrived...

>> No.11100900

Sup OP?

>> No.11100915
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Clearing I'm not using sage.

>> No.11100944

If you're not going to show a video of you using it on your penis then I'm not interested.

>> No.11100962
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They weren't very discreet, I think the courier knew what they were (listed as rubber toys, electical toys), he was giving me these ashamed looks...

>> No.11100968
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I'm probably going to save them for a special occasion.

>> No.11100978

The real WTF is using a laptop.

>> No.11100982
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2448, WP_001197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is normal, but taking them out of the box gave me the biggest boner. It's going to be hard to not use these.

>> No.11100992

Wait a sec, does that go in your ass?

Are you Gay?

>> No.11100986

What kind of lube am I suppose to use with these? Just any regular one from a seven-eleven?

>> No.11100991

What do you expect the people who make unboxing threads are like?

>> No.11101006

I really hate unboxing threads, but it's the only way I could think of to share the excitement, since no one else I know would appreciate onaholes.

They are for a friend of mine, she wanted those specific ones when we were at Japan, but she was too shy to take it to the counter.

>> No.11101015

>They are for a friend of mine
Sure thing, faggio.

>> No.11101042

Hey! I might like wearing tights and frilly dresses, but I don't like the dick.

>> No.11101046

You don't belong here.

>> No.11101130


Who cares about the meta shit! Just UNBOX THE BOX already!

>> No.11101136

>but I don't like the dick
yeah, you just like dildos in your butt

>> No.11101137
File: 42 KB, 660x410, onahole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exciting! I hope it will be in today’s post. Expect pictures in a few hours if it is!

>> No.11101141

Are there onaholes shaped after the vagina of 50 year old women?

>> No.11101149

kickstart it

>> No.11101224

It's already been done. I think its on en-nls.

>> No.11102569

It arrived about 5 hours ago but I have been too lazy so it has just been sitting in the corner. I will probably open it in a little while.

I'm very impressed with the delivery time, I ordered it by e-packet and it arrived in less than a week!

>> No.11102593

why don't you just fuck your friend?

>> No.11102597
File: 84 KB, 960x720, rainbow97741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try this

>> No.11102626

I'm not seeing that massive dildo on NLS.
How big is it, anyway? Can you link it to me?

>> No.11102627

>They are for a friend of mine
Your friend must have a massive cunt, how disgusting.
Why are you friends with somebody like that? She's a dildo slut.

>> No.11102628

Are you a girl?

>> No.11102629

I can be whatever you want me to be, babe.

>> No.11102640

Will you be my girlfriend please?

>> No.11102643

Sure. Can you tell your girlfriend where to find that dildo?

>> No.11102655

Of course, sweetie. Would you like me to buy it for you?


>> No.11102662

No thanks, it looks a little too big for me.

>> No.11102667

It's cute when you guys use extra letters in words like how OP said "waittttt"... Reminds me of how girls type.

>> No.11102692

If you think that's big then you're in for a surprise. ;)

>> No.11102888
File: 280 KB, 1333x1000, onahole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took several photos of the unboxing progress but nobody wants to see that anyway so here's what I got. I also got an NLS Rubber Hole but it was a plain white box so I left it out. The customs form had 'figure set' written on it.

Am I good to go with these now or do I have to wash it out before first use?

>> No.11103045

I personally wash them before first usage because of the talc and stuff. It's safe to skip that step, though; it's mostly for comfort, but i'd advise to do it, water will do unless they went heavy with the baby powder.

>> No.11103077

How clean does the water have to be for washing these out? Mine gets pumped up from a well without a filter so there is a pretty high concentration of iron, the water is literally a very slight shade of red.

I haven't had any trouble with it before other than slowly turning towels and stuff red over time, would it effect an onahole?

>> No.11103095

>the water is literally a very slight shade of red
Every time you wash your disgusting load out, you can pretend you just broke her hymen. Lucky.

>> No.11103101
File: 97 KB, 529x490, 20130627125244 0019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for someone who has purchased the Tomochi onahole of this set. If someone posts the working user/pass for the omake voice files for Tomochi, I'll post the info for the other two.

>> No.11103103

That's sound dangerous.

>> No.11103108

Does any of the Onaho sites sell used panties? I know that they sell lingerie, but I don't think I've seen any worn ones yet.

>> No.11103115

Doubtful, for health reasons. There's some "psuedo-used" panties being sold on NLS a while back. Basically just a pair of panties taken out of a package, roughed up and sprayed with shit smelling chemicals and then repackaged.

You're looking for a burusera shop, but I don't know of any online ones. There's a ring of sluts selling commissioned panties I know of as well, but it's bad enough to want 3D, I can't imagine being okay with disgusting western pigdogs.

>> No.11103126

>but it's bad enough to want 3D, I can't imagine being okay with disgusting western pigdogs.
I was just curious after seeing just how many onaholes get bundled with panties, I don't actually want them, that'd be disgusting.

>> No.11103135
File: 562 KB, 868x1228, 33382973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gross, why would you want the scent of 3dpd?
Buy a scent spray.
But I want to know where to get some colorful panties like in my chinese cartoons.
Not frilly enough, no stripes or ribbons in the online underwear catalogues I look at.

>> No.11103141

It's multiple people, telling others to quote properly. You should be thankful. And also /jp/ clearly isn't for you, filtering-kun

>> No.11103263

You seem really dedicated to this, I kind of want to help you. I can probably get it but I must say it does look really bad. How do the other two feel like?

>> No.11103268

kill yourself you retarded faggot

>> No.11103279
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>> No.11103905 [DELETED] 

well, don't go out of your way for me.
I think they're both above average, with Mahochi being the stronger stimulus over Hinachi.
But I like all the onaholes I get, so my opinion is biased in favor of whatever I got recently.

>> No.11103908

well, don't go out of your way for me.
I think they're both above average, with Mahochi being the stronger stimulus over Hinachi.
But I like all the onaholes I get, so my opinion is biased in favor of whatever I got recently.

>> No.11103937

I thought people could afford (fluoride free) running water if they could do as much as to maintain an internet connection. How do you even wash your clothes or use any water-dependent home appliance without ruining them?
Sounds dangerous; small aggregates of microparticles cutting through the flesh of your dick dangerous. Well I could be wrong, but I'd advocate being cautious.

> shit smelling chemicals
I have no problem with those chemicals and am quite satisfied with them personally.

You can probably find some on auctions website. A lot of people on 2chan bought used skirts and stuff this way. Don't know why you'd risk buying from an old hag though.

Tama toys sells lingerie, and it's cute.
And recently G-project marketed shimapan with a "scent spray" bottle to go along with them.

>> No.11103946

>Tama toys sells lingerie, and it's cute.
I have only used en-nls to buy my holes.
Where would I get the tama toys lingerie? I can't read japanese

>> No.11103966

Think my friend has that one, I'll ask him for you.

>> No.11103977


the pastebin has info on how to order from hotpowers if you don't know

>> No.11103990

Those smell like chemicals, if you want the real stuff then you gotta buy the real stuff. There are several places you can get them from. there are some Japs on MFC that sell used panties and you can watch them using them before or whatever you want.

>> No.11104029

Not him but I'd like to disagree.
www.hotpowers.jp/goods/a13-076.html (女子校生) is pretty good.

You speak like you have a lot of experience, but do you actually have any? Have you actually tried anything you're talking about even if only once?

>> No.11104135

My opinions are of course my own, but yes, I've tried several of these. Not the ones he linked but, going by my own experiences and from what I've read online I'm pretty confident when I say that those are not as good as the real thing. Besides, it's not as arousing if you know it's fake.

I'm sorry if I offended you, that was not my purpose.

>> No.11104671

Good to know.
No offence taken, just being overly cautious since it's summer.

>> No.11105588

>if you want the real stuff

The real stuff IS chemicals. Lactic acid is what primarily gives the vagina it's distinctive smell.

>> No.11105598

-Opera on windows

You're a funny guy OP.

>> No.11105608


What are you doing on /int/ and why are you acknowledging actually being Australian?

>> No.11105641

Your hand is not only free, it is infinitely better at milking your cock than any lump of plastic. Plus, you don't have to wait for delivery!

>> No.11105706
File: 385 KB, 299x329, 1368745711449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls respond

>> No.11105708

It's not massive.

Search for PS Aile.

>> No.11105716

its okay man once you grow up and stop living at home with your parents you can order your very own. I realize that you cant exactly ask to use your parents debit/credit card but don't worry things will get better.

>> No.11105718

Well, on that day, there was this big political thing going on, the girl prime minister got usurped and all that, but the guy everyone likes. I was just interested on if they will now be voting against the evil guy.

>> No.11105725

It's Opera 15, which uses the new Chromium Blink, so it's pretty much on par with Chrome 28+. You can even use Chrome extensions.

I actually like it quite a bit, because I really hated how Chrome tracked your most visited sites and stuff.

>> No.11105729

Also I use Zune because on my pc, it looks really good on my second monitor. Then I also got a Windows Phone, so it all works out. Zune is actually pretty good, it looks really pretty and sorts stuff well. My laptop can't fit full flac albums, so it's fine.

>> No.11105737

Please stop hitting on my girlfriend.

>> No.11106029

What the HECK is this stuff? I can't read gook.


>> No.11106064

it says "bathslime" in english, numbskull

>> No.11106083

>I recommend it.Their rigidity, and who, for those wanting to play in the bath is stimulating.Even the king and no other contact with the disgusting, the excitement level increases.It should be noted, but I do not know the effective warmth, lying and long Nobosemasu little body.So next season, when I use the bathtub to cool for a bit.Of course, to make good shake lumps, please.

go to reviews, you might make heads or tales of it.

>> No.11106142

water based. no silicon based.

>> No.11106149

That's en-nls for you. So awesome.

>> No.11106179

Any Canadians order onaholes before? How is customs when it comes to them?

>> No.11106182

they don't care

>> No.11106186

So if I decided to order one of the Secret Twin Tales onaholes I should be okay?

>> No.11106203

I'm actually not sure about the loli ones, but I really don't think they'll care. You could put in the comment box for them to remove loli packaging, after which it's just a sex toy- nothing they haven't seen before.

Also, Twin Tales break pretty fast. If you're interested in them it's best to buy a couple of them if your money allows.

>> No.11106210

normal onahole are no problem

you have to realize that loli is very illegal in canada and if they ever decide to randomly check and see a naked loli on a onahole box, you can get in a lot of trouble

with that being said, I import like 300bux worth of stuff from japan every 2 months and they've only checked my packages like twice (I had some loli hidden between pages of regular porn magazines in there, too)

it's up to you. prison is scary.

>> No.11106262

Same situation in AUS regarding loli, or anything referring to teen which could be considered as underage I believe.

>> No.11106271

With a STT, make sure you tell them to remove the little lotion bottle too. It's got a loli spread eagle and covered in spunk on the front of the bottle. I never used it anyway, but it made having the packaging removed pretty moot with it still in the box.

Better safe than sorry.

>> No.11106493

If you're gonna order from NLS, hotpowers can you request that they remove the outer packaging if you're getting some loli?

>> No.11106525

NLS has a comment box, so they can definitely do that.
Hotpowers I don't know. You could make an order and send them a mail before paying if they can remove the packaging before packing/sending. They are friendly people so they should do it unless it's against their policy.

>> No.11106574

So it seems hotpowers has alice in heaven in stock


What version is this? I understand AGM is Alice Good Material, but reading through archive people mention a ABS and I have no idea what that stands for and then there's test types etc.

I'm considering getting an Alice Dayo AGM from them so making sense of all these extra versions would help.

>> No.11106591
File: 24 KB, 600x350, 1-1367h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like the older, firmer non-AGM material, but at the price of the new AGM on alice-stage.com ...?
Anyway, the AGM is slightly bigger in all dimensions and softer, the to be released AGMv2 will be firmer and more stimulating than the AGMv1.

I had an AGMv1 'alice in the heaven' and really liked it, superb material. Unfortunately it broke, I suspect due to it being faulty. When it broke, I noticed there was a hidden 'stinger' at the end, pic related.

>> No.11106619 [DELETED] 

At last I got alice dayo from JSS (like others said, I didn't have issues with taxes). It's the second onahole I have now, first one was tsurupeta lab soft so now I can compare them at the least. Very soft, hands-free to some degree, longer and less stimulating than tsurupeta so now I can last a lot longer than several minutes (that's pathetic, I know). Quite nice.

>> No.11106621

I never had any kind of onahole and I am going to spend about $50-60 on one. Any recommendations? The market seems so unorganized of these things.

>> No.11106649

Top recommendations:

If you're in the US, get this in 'soft' firmness
and get some slick specialist while you're at it.

If you're in the EU I'd get these

For more exotic onaholes: the zero spiral in soft and ubujiru lotion (hotpowers ordering info in the pastebin)

finally you could get one of the alice onaholes, I think a proxy like japanshoppingservice.jp is still recommended until hotpowers stocks up on them.

Or you could look at the pastebin and do more resarch yourself, find something you like

>> No.11106654

another really great 'starter pack':

>> No.11106660

recommendations for saving money:

a single bordeaux will feel great for at least a couple of months

a couple of 'hug me' could last a year

'kashin' are virtually indestructible but don't feel amazing, still decent but rather so-so. #3 and #6 are best

>> No.11106706

I'm from EU and the I guess I take either the bordeaux, lolibox or the hug me.

I think I have to get a onahole with high friction / small tunnel since I am cut and this makes my dick a nonsensitive piece of meat, only the lower shaft is somewhat sensitive. I'm gonna browse some models on that website. Thanks for the links. I guess I buy the lube from the same shop since I would be embarressed buying it public and I don't leave the house anyway.

>> No.11106726

The recommendations above are mostly rated by how good they feel, a good part listed are pretty soft which might not be ideal for cut people,
it could be that it's no problem at all, but you might want to go for something quite stimulating.

lolibox and hug me should be good, but you might want to consider the R-20 over the bordeaux.
The bordeaux works better the bigger you are in width/girth, I've seen 'small' people complain that they don't like that model. Something to keep in mind.

>> No.11106773

How come you are cut?

>> No.11107213
File: 170 KB, 1496x1496, eruoh-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is NLS getting this?

>> No.11107247

The Bordeaux is kinda tight and has a hard material, I get friction burns no matter how much lube I use with that one.

>> No.11107272

Is the girl in the box noisy or difficult to clean at all? I don't want my room-mate finding out about it.

>> No.11107282

Why don't you get something less creepy? I'm sure she wouldn’t mind then.

>> No.11107293

How is girl in the box creepy

>> No.11107297

You're joking, right? It's moulded like a little girl with her hands tied behind her back.

>> No.11107301

How is it creepy? It's just a fucking onahole.

>I'm sure she wouldn’t mind then.
He. And what the fuck do you mean they wouldn't mind if it was "less creepy"?

>> No.11107320

You do realize the kind of thread you're in, and the board you're on

>> No.11107350

Can you guys recommend lube? Or are they all the same?

>> No.11107348

No wonder you want a pedohole, queer.


>> No.11107355

What kind of pathetic faggot would willingly live with a woman?
Trust me, I've lived with two before and they were both absolutely fucking disgusting.
I'd much rather live with a self-conscious jaypeer like I am now than I would with a woman.

>> No.11107395

You'll have to try them out a bit, I like the more firm ones, others like the runny ones.

But they're mostly the same.

>> No.11107402

>I asked them when they'll stock it, and they said they have no immediate plans to add it to the inventory.
>They told me they could order it specially for me for ¥2300. Maybe shoot them a mail.

don't know if linking to archive is frowned upon, but try looking up things over there sometime
ctrl+f pepe

thick lube like peaces or pepe is cheapest, decent
thin lube brings out more of the texture if that is what you're looking for. magic eyes' ubujiru lube, tomax' silky lube, american ones: slick specialist, liquid silk

>> No.11107449

I like to think that I'll be fucking a chicken when I get a girl in the box

>> No.11107934

What's special about these onahole lubes compared to say lube you can get at 7/11, like ones meant for sex?

>> No.11107954

That they're endorsed by onahole and they'll make more money if you buy it. It's like an apple product.

>> No.11107968

thick japanese lube is much thicker than 7/11 ones, thin japanese lube is much thinner.
general lube you can buy everywhere is pretty 'meh', dries out fast and expensive for what it is.

>they'll make more money if you buy it
because japanese lube is expensive, right? you seem very misinformed.

>> No.11107977

If you buy a companies product as opposed to another companies, that company will make more money.

I would know, I'm a professional money economist.

>> No.11107988

>general lube you can buy everywhere is pretty 'meh', dries out fast and expensive for what it is.
ID Glide doesn't, in fact that shit stays wet for so long that it's a fucking nightmare to clean it up if you spill it on anything.
Not that I'd recommend ID Glide for anything that isn't anal masturbation though, it's far too messy and sticky for regular/onahole masturbation.

>> No.11108015

Some lubes like Pepee and Peaces are incredibly thick and can be watered down to match whatever consistency is best for any given onahole. Plus the watering down means you get more out of each bottle, on top of the bottles being pretty large to begin with.

>> No.11108059
File: 14 KB, 290x220, 1_1335333241_2_UbN5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>(Sky) The bumpy body is good at stimulating your anus!

Perfect for OP

>> No.11108064



>> No.11108157

I actually got lavender. This is OP btw, though I don't plan on using it on myself.

>> No.11108163 [DELETED] 

Australia has some of the cleanest water in the world. I drink straight from the tap, I have no idea who >>11103077 is from though.


>> No.11108166

Australia has some of the cleanest water in the world. I drink straight from the tap, I have no idea where >>11103077 is from though.


>> No.11108211

So for NLS, do I just write "Please remove Onaho packaging" in the "Send Message Box" if I want them to just send the onahole?

>> No.11108276

You could probably do that, but I'm not sure how well they speak English. If you can write it in Japanese as well as English that'd probably be best. Kind of like some sort of Rosetta Stone.

>> No.11108326

I can't speak moon, I'm afraid.
I guess I'll just have to risk it.

>> No.11108490

Just put this: オナホのパッケージを外してください。宜しくお願いします。

Also, I kind of want to test the hard version of the 被虐のアリューネ (前) since I've been getting too many soft ones recently. Not sure how hard it is though, so maybe I should get the regular version instead.

>> No.11108507

Replace the last sentence with just "4649" and don't forget to sign it with "39wwww" so they know you're a "cool guy".

>> No.11108515

I'll try that, thank you.

>> No.11109079

>>11106574 >>11106591
It's "alice ageing skin" ie the base material for the "in the heaven". Only "alice in tyhe heaven" uses this material. It's shitty, and I wouldn't trust kigunyan's reviews because they're not worth much.
Which is a shame because the box art is the best ouf of the three.

They'll put the rest of the alice stage onahole next week; so that's when it'll be actually interesting to talk about it.
I don't think NLS will NOT sell a magic eyes onahole. They're just slow as hell.
Girl in box is a pain to dry, so yeah a pain to clean. It's worth it if you get a way to dry it simply. Think of it as a high-end onahole, albeit short; Before alice stage it was the top tier loli onahole, and it's still worth getting nowadays.
>don't know if linking to archive is frowned upon,
Only when it's
N-no thank you.

>> No.11109163

>Not sure how hard it is though

Some Japs opinion on it is "it's not that hard, and if you have to choose, go for this once because it's got a higher lifespan" .

As far as the difference between soft and normal is concerned, soft is just a little less elastic and a little more gelatineous-like, but there's no big difference. Noticeable but not big; so it shouldn't be stupidly hard.

>> No.11110607

Still saving up for a tsurupeta soft, I think I will be able to make a purchase at the end of July
Anyway, even though I saw a cleaning guide (>>10614842) made by a kind anon, I still have questions to ask: Should I get cornstarch/baby power to help maintaining surface smoothness? And Is it okay if I put the onahole in a locked box for extra security?

>> No.11112752

Just finished using an onahole for the first time and it was... underwhelming. I feel as if I was doing something wrong, it didn't feel all that good and even my orgasm was less than usual.

Is just plain water enough when cleaning it? I just ran some water into it and squeezed it out a few times, I didn't submerge it or use my fingers like the guide in >>11110607

What I was wondering is does water temperature matter and do I have to dry out the inside?

>> No.11112803

It's different than using your hand that's for sure, I usually get weaker orgasms (probably because I don't edge for as long) but I get way more exhausted when using onaholes and can't go again for at least an hour.

I clean mine with hot water, using my fingers to get all the lube out, then leave it with the hole facing down in the box and I haven't had any problems doing that.

>> No.11112915

Thanks for the advice, I will use my fingers next time. I'm going to try again tomorrow.

At the start I stuck it in as far as I could go and started moving it up and down but then I realised it felt much better near the entrance. I heard they are supposed to have a 'vacuum effect'? I couldn't figure that out.

My favourite parts were the nice smell of the lube and how soft it felt in my hand.

>> No.11112914

Can I use most ona holes by just thrusting my hips?

>> No.11112920

That would be tiring and inefficient

>> No.11112923

If you can set it somewhere where it won't move, yeah, sure, why not. It'd be like fugging :--D

>> No.11112924

Just like real sex!

>> No.11112930 [DELETED] 

Well, specifically for those large torso style ona holes like that puni. Seems like there wouldn't be any other way since I assume those weigh several kilograms.

>> No.11112959

I could only just make out your green text. Do you have a problem with Opera and Windows 7?

>> No.11113305

wedge it under your mattress or something

>> No.11113341

Is pepee lotion safe to ingest? The label is in chinese so I can't tell.

>> No.11114176

Now there's two onahole threads...

>> No.11114185


>> No.11114230


No idea but why would you want to anyway?

If you get some in your mouth just don't swallow.

>> No.11114253

neither are pocket pussies, they don't have hymens or bleed

>> No.11114318

now that you said it, is there any pseudo virgin onahole which you can get to break the hymen and It will bleed?

>> No.11114332

They exist I just don't remember where. It's a thing.

>> No.11114401

It's safe to eat...

>> No.11115274

Why would putting it in a box make it bad?

Cornstarch is organic, don't put that shit in there, ewww.

>> No.11125544 [DELETED] 

Anyone tried this?


Tought would order one for the heck of it.

>> No.11127383

Congrats on bumping a dead and shitty thread.
Hope no one replies to you :((
