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11091234 No.11091234[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about your sister /jp/.

>> No.11091239

I only have cousins.

>> No.11091240

You may start.

>> No.11091241

She is 30 and still pure. Does that make her a girl wizard??

>> No.11091243

I want to fuck her.

>> No.11091246

Only an older brother.
I care about him a lot and give him a manly handshake hug when I see him.

>> No.11091256

she is a sorceress

>> No.11091257

she's bound to be a christmas cake

>> No.11091265

I have a younger brother, not a sister.

>> No.11091266

She does some stupid things, but she's fairly responsible and it could be a lot worse. She isn't out hooking up with random guys or doing drugs, and she's on her way to becoming a cop. She cut ties with all her old friends after they turned into huge fuck-ups and got pregnant, I'm kind of proud of that.

>> No.11091272

have you fucked him

>> No.11091279

Would she arrest me if I stole her heart?

>> No.11091278

Older is a gross heroin addict. Younger is just a brat.

>> No.11091280

What the fuck? Are you gay or something?

>> No.11091281
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she watches Case Closed on youtube

>> No.11091288

No, I honestly wouldn't imagine doing that.

We fight a lot and he's normal but we're still on, overall, good terms.

>> No.11091297

I watch anime with her sometimes.
I'm glad she isn't normal enough to comment on all the loli and siscon themes in some of the shows we watch.

She also seems to like doujin horror games a lot.

>> No.11091300

I've seen a girl carry around a case closed manga. Where do you live anon?

>> No.11091303


>> No.11091307

I love her. At night she's very scared so she likes to climb on my bed and use my belly as a pillow. I rub her on the back gently and wait until she falls asleep. I bathe her every now and then and teach her about her sex organs, but I don't tell my parents because they would freak. I make her dependent on me by providing emotional support that no one else does. Slowly, I have made her subservient and obedient to me like a dog. When she is of proper breeding age I plan to impregnate her like one too.

>> No.11091308

Do identical twins have identical dicks?

>> No.11091312

You impregnate dogs?
That's fucking gross

>> No.11091314

I hate her!

>> No.11091318

enrolled in a university on the other side of the country, but visiting for the summer.

we were close as kids but now she only comes by during lulls in her curriculum, maybe two months out of the year. she was one of the few people i could talk with openly, so it was nice seeing her again. hopefully we'll make more plans to meet up before she leaves for the fall quarter.

>> No.11091334

I used to fist fight my older older sister when my mother wasn't home. She has three kids now and stopped being a bitch towards me. We agree on a few things now.

I don't dislike my younger older sister but I don't want to see her because my father might appear and I don't want to deal with him.

>> No.11091367

We used to smoke weed, buy clothes hang out with juveniles and make love to each other. Now she is psychiatrist with kid and I'm her patient.

>> No.11091376

She's 12, very outgoing and extroverted. Not the brightest but at least more socially tuned than my brother and me.

She likes me a lot but I'm not very interested with her since she fell too far on the normalfag spectrum. She's also at that age where her sluttiness will soon be blooming and I don't want to have to be there when she brings home Tyrone.

>> No.11091379
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>make love to each other.

Please tell me more.

>> No.11091400

You sure would love to hear, I know. But each time when I try to rewind makes me want to bite my tongue off and pour gasoline over myself and set myself on fire.

>> No.11091397

What if she brings home a nice southern gentleman?

>> No.11091398

>Now she is psychiatrist with kid and I'm her patient.

>> No.11091443

I don't understand her.

She's around 15, and she seems like she'd be a total slut. She spends all day on tumblr/texting her friends (and all of her friends bar 1 are total manipulative sluts who me and my parents hate more than the world) and hangs posters of every celebrity pretty-boy ever all around her room (she even has a cardboard cutout of one of the guys from One Direction), yet as far as I know, she has never dated a guy. She's pretty attractive and very petite, and wears some pretty silly things (nothing revealing, she probably gets her taste in fashion from watching stupid modeling shows all the damn time). Ironically her pajamas are her most revealing clothes. She even refuses to wear bikinis and will always wear one-piece swimsuits, even if she thinks all of her limited one-piece options are hideous and/or she has to shop in the kid's section. She does have a massive scar on her back from a surgery but one-piece swimsuits don't hide that so I don't see why that would affect her decision.

Is she like, a counterslut? Kind of like counterculture people?

>> No.11091498

There is one girl in my life who I think of as a sister. She's always cheerful and always seems to have something to tell me, and I really enjoy listening to her voice and what she has to say. Her laughter is one of the most joyous sounds I've ever heard come from any person and it's so joyful that it even makes me feel warm and happy inside.

I really fear for her future though. She's very very guillable, completely innocent. I hope nobody ruins her in any way. If I could be around her enough I could probably ensure this, but sadly I can't see her that often. Her mother told me that she thought the daughter was slow, so she has her in a charter school with extracurricular activities which she thinks will help her. To me she just seems like a completely normal girl so I feel sorry for her in that school.

I would say that I love her, but I can't be sure. She seems to never be very far from my thoughts no matter what I'm doing, but she's half my age. Sometimes I wonder these kinds of feeling for her are unhealthy for me in the long run.

>> No.11091530


She's probably a weirdo shut in like you.

>> No.11091542

who SISTER here

>> No.11091550

Come on, do it for your old pal Anon.

>> No.11091565
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>> No.11091568

i have a brother. he's very mean...

>> No.11091571
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did he fug you?

>> No.11091581

no but he used to hit me when we were growing up.

i used to have an incest fetish when i was younger but there's a difference between real and fake.

i wouldn't "fuck" my brother.

>> No.11091582

I have an older sister.
She's pretty cool, I guess, but we don't have much in common and we ended up drifting apart over the years. I kind of regret that now, but it can't really be helped. We're just too different.
