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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11088576 No.11088576 [Reply] [Original]

what do you do to kill boredom /jp/?

>> No.11088580


>> No.11088584
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i kill boredom

>> No.11088585


>> No.11088590


>> No.11088599

Speak to my friend
play animal crossing

>> No.11088605

Watch some movie I haven't seen in years. I just downloaded Constantine for that fact, this will be good to kill a bit of time.

>> No.11088613

That movie sucks.

>> No.11088625

I only saw it once back in the theater in 2005. I remember it having a APC soundtrack, and since I've recently started to listen to music I used too 7 years ago or so, I decided to watch it just for the hell of it.
Good or bad, it will definitely kill some time, dude.

>> No.11088635
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funpost on /ota/

>> No.11088637


>> No.11088638

yer mum

>> No.11088645

Fuck off gigs.

>> No.11088673

what's /ota/

>> No.11088695
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sorry no fr*cken faggot dweebs allowed

>> No.11088708

I prefer /lewd/ anyway

>> No.11088703


>> No.11088720

Who the FUCK is gigs?

>> No.11088816
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Ahahahahaha, advertising, I see~

>> No.11088953

why do you think I'm here, turbonerd?

>> No.11088996

get a job faggots

>> No.11089002
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>> No.11089029
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I don't know how people can stand to live without amphetamines.

They're the only thing that gives me enough motivation and energy to get out of bed and do anything. Everything is just so boring without them.

>> No.11089031
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I'm trying...

>> No.11089054

I went outside yesterday and saw a koala climbing into my backyard. I gave him some water and he followed me into the house. Now he's sleeping on my bed.

He's my best friend.

>> No.11089079
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Self-loath and worry about paying the next bill because I have no fuckin job, man.

I usually look at the catalogs of /a/, /g/, /r9k/, /pol/ and /sci/ while I do this.

Who xboarder here?

>> No.11089095
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What do Australians think of koalas and kangaroos?
Are they common?

I can't imagine going outside and seeing a koala.

>> No.11089097

I do things to try to kill boredom, but nothing works. Why aren't things fun anymore? Am I just a bitter old man now?

>> No.11089117
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>> No.11089166

How can you possibly be bored when you have the internet? I have zero friends and I can't recall ever being bored in years. Of course, weed, beer and cigs probably contribute to my entertainment, but there is literally a world of information to learn and people to interact with. Besides, I'm in my 5th year of undergrad so there's always schoolwork.

>> No.11089208

Kangaroos are not common at all outside of rural areas.

>> No.11089223


Koalas are really common in some areas. They usually just climb into your yard and wander around. Koala encounters are like this.


>> No.11089249


>but there is literally a world of information to learn and people to interact with

You probably think that way because of the cigarettes. Stimulants make you have that "The world is full of extremely interesting and I want to learn everything" feeling. People who are depressed and aren't taking some kind of stimulant will see the world of information that the internet has to offer and then either feel apathetic or intimidated.

>> No.11089266

If I tried to cuddle it, would it kill me?

>> No.11089293


Hugging a wild koala is dangerous since their claws are sharp and you might get scratched if he gets frightened by your hug. You wouldn't be seriously injured, but you would be bleeding quite a bit.


It's possible to cuddle a koala as long as it's trained since trained koala have adapted to being around humans and aren't as easily scared by being touched.

>> No.11089299

Probably mostly the weed.

>> No.11089301


I want a koala, they look so cute!

But fuck Australia. Giant spiders, giant bugs, deadly snakes. I remember an aussie anon once telling me browns get really common during some months.

>> No.11089347
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What type of dog is best at taking it easy?

I want an animal companion that I can hug and dogs have been man's best friend for thousands of years, but I don't want one of those dogs that are constantly barking, running around, and jumping on everything like they just honked a crack pipe.

I was thinking of a Saint Bernard because they seem to be big, calm, and friendly.

>> No.11089377

I just wasted 3 months traveling Europe and I've done nothing since I got back. I don't want to work, I don't want to go to school. Am I going to die like this? I can't do nothing forever. Save me.

>> No.11089379


Browse /jp/

Usually both at once.

>> No.11089386


Don't get a dog if you aren't willing to take it for frequent exercise.

>> No.11089387


How was Yurop?

>> No.11089398

Play Disgaea and similar games. Probably spent 1000+ hours on Disgaea 1, 3, 4 and Mugen Souls etc. Amazing games, and addictive timesinks.

>> No.11089399

Get 42 of them and make youtube videos like this.

>> No.11089411

It was nice. I went to 15 countries, walked all day and slept in hostels. Unfortunately it's only just a memory now and I'm back at square one. I'm thinking of going to Japan this fall...

>> No.11089420


Damn that's adorable.


I went to Japan recently.

It was pretty cool, I recommend it.

>> No.11089421


How much did it cost? How did you travel between countries? Was language a problem? Did you sex up any yuropean shemales?

>> No.11089428

$6k total. Used a rail pass and cheap flights. If you can speak English you won't have a problem. No shemale seckz.

>> No.11089433

I thought it was dead. What happened?

>> No.11089434
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Watch K-On

>> No.11089441
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I've had that on my computer for years and I've still never bothered watching it.

>> No.11089444

Or maybe a job... Should get me.

>> No.11089445

You should just delete it. Its garbage.

>> No.11089448
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>> No.11089450

I masturbate to the thought of a cute /jp/ and i jerking ourselves off nude and cumming on each other.

I get too lewd when I get bored...

>> No.11089460


I can't really answer your question, but do keep in mind that dogs need to be walked and groomed. They'll love you a ton, but you need to give back too for things they can't do themselves.

>> No.11089469

I play videogames or browse 4chan. On the chance I don't want to do either of those things I'll go smoke or go to sleep.

>> No.11089470

Delete everything in that screenshot.

>> No.11089480


It's a very relaxing show, but don't watch it expecting any substance or character development or a story or anything. It's like Seinfeld but not as funny and more cute.

>> No.11089486

It's not luke Seinfeld because as you said it's not funny. There sre ni jokes, no setups, no payoffs, not even references.

For me it's about the most blandly average a show can get.

Lucky Star for example actually has jokes written for it; refetences and such. It isn't cute girls cute things all the time. K-ON is just cute girls cute things.

>> No.11089492

>Lucky Star for example actually has jokes written for it; refetences and such

And they're shit.

Watch Otaku no Video for the same idea done right.

>> No.11089498

It made me laugh a lot. I don't know what you watched.

>> No.11089500

That's not the point. OnV isn't about cute girls and cute things; So it's not even relevant to the discussion.

>> No.11089502

Sounds like someone let /a/'s ridiculous bias towards shows stop them from coming up with their own opinion.

>> No.11089506

What? /a/ is shit and hates Lucky Star.

I never even said I disliked K-ON. Learn to read.

>> No.11089517

Lucky Star was premium content. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.11089523

check your privilege cisscum.
it was worse than your mums ability of giving birth to autonomous human beings.

>> No.11089527

I play video games.

>> No.11089535
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>> No.11089541

Does anyone else just browse 4chan like 18 hours a day?

I keep telling myself to go do something else but I just get distracted by this place again.

>> No.11089547

Pretty much, yes, keep myself starting tomorrow, every fucking day.

>> No.11089548

autogynophile freak

>> No.11089569

Of course. That's all I've done today.

>> No.11089571

I don't find myself bored. There's always something to do.

>> No.11089575

Can you give me an example of something you do, please?

>> No.11089577

Get a better grasp of the connotations behind words kid, if something is bland and average it may as well be terrible. With that attitude of yours, I guess I was right in calling you out for letting /a/ get to your head.

>> No.11089582


Yes. I don't know why either, I just hate this place. The only thing that cuts up the monotony is occasionally playing a video game.

>> No.11089588

I wish I still had the attention span for video games

>> No.11089589


>Get a better grasp of the connotations behind words kid, if something is bland and average it may as well be terrible.

No, it doesn't. Maybe idiots will think that bland and average mean bad, but to anybody with half a brain they'll know that it wasn't bad or good.

>> No.11089612


Hey, you.

You were right, dude.

I just finished watching the movie and it really sucked.

Man, how the HELL did I liked this shit back in 2005?
What the fuck have I been doing with my life, I don't even know who I am anymore.

>> No.11089613

I play games. I played Random Team Battle Brawl online all day. I'd like to play something new and exciting though.

>> No.11089634

Browse the internet, drink tea, make food, take pictures, go for a ride/drive, play games, masturbate, ect.

It doesn't sound like much but it's more than enough to stop me from ever being bored.

>> No.11089638

Video games. But playing the same thing for a long time is bad, so MMOs and any other game that I can't "finish" don't help. So I play mostly singleplayer, offline games. I usually finish a medium-length game in one or two weeks then move on to the next. I rarely play a game a second time, except if it has really good replay value.

>> No.11089642

Cool character, bad movie. Read Hellblazer instead.

>> No.11090394

Now I want to live in Australia

>> No.11090399

Anime, manga, amedora, alcohol and video games.

>> No.11090400

is this the NEET thread?

>> No.11090405

Thinking about how life is going nowhere and cry myself to sleep.

>> No.11090407

video games, mahjong, manga, anime, poker, jogging, football.

>> No.11090408


Thinly veiled.

>> No.11096986

I get more distraction than entertainment these days.
