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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11080069 No.11080069 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>11059864

Bokura no Eureka sold over 420k on its first day.

Gravure of Shimada will be featured in the 7/2 issue of Manga Action.

Takamina is Smurfette.

Odekake is in the middle of a camping 2-parter, which features 22 HKT members.

The episode of Nogidoko airing later today will be dedicated to little kids messing with the members, who will be trying to act as teachers.

>> No.11080077
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So, as I was saying,

Fucking slut.

The Girls Rule PV is fantastic though. Way too good for such a poor song.

Can't wait for the under single. When it comes to Nogizaka, they're usually lightyears superior to the side A.

Think they'll show it in this upcoming Nogidoko?

>> No.11080190
File: 70 KB, 480x720, Ito Nene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they're showing any new PV in today's episode it's going to be either 扇風機 or 他の星から. Either way it should be great. Also the unders have been talking about getting drenched during the filming of the PV, so let's see how the PV will look like.

>> No.11080193
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, 130622 SKE48 Suda Akari - Kanjani no Shiwake 8 (1280x720 H264).mkv_snapshot_27.15_[2013.06.23_13.04.03].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11080199
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I really hope she gets decent screentime in the new PV.

>> No.11080201
File: 847 KB, 1920x1080, passpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you losers still clinging on to this sinking ship? Embrace the future of the idol industry.

>> No.11080209

Say that when a relatively new subgroup of passpo sells over 420k singles in a single day.

'til then, the only group close to being the future of the industry outside AKB is Momoiro Clover.

>> No.11080215

Come on let's not be delusional, they're good but not that good

I hate how hard it is to follow Momoclo, I like their music and members a lot but they're not on tv nearly enough for me to be able to maintain an interest

>> No.11080217

That isn't MomoClo Z

>> No.11080224


I really don't understand why Idolchin was so short. It was great, but it only lasted 1 cour...

Though I guess that's what happens when you're part of the dust from Stardust.

>> No.11080235

She always looks so happy. It's soothing to look at her pictures.

>> No.11080238

I've seen a picture of her making a frown, she still looks happy though, it's because of her eyes.

>> No.11080242
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>> No.11080244

This is adorable.

>> No.11080246

She still makes me smile. Not as much as Kuumin though.

>> No.11080248
File: 211 KB, 800x1136, 7098908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of curiosity, what other idol groups do people in this thread listen to? Personally, I'm pretty fond of MomoClo, Passpo and LinQ.
I've always assumed that /jp/ is more into idols in general (rather than sticking purely to 48 groups) than other AKB forums, but I have no idea why I think that.

>> No.11080261

I only listen to SKE, NMB and NGZK singles.

I like watching MomoClo's live clips on Youtube.

But most of the time, I'm listening to Nicovideo streamers singing Vocaloid songs. Aki P's style of making songs are sometimes pretty redundant that I can't stand listening to a few songs without getting tired of it easily.

>> No.11080262

I actually own CDs from Sakura Gakuin, MoMoClo, AKB48, Perfume and Passpo. I listen to a couple more but not much more really.

>> No.11080267

Oh yeah, to add to >>11080261
I used to listen to Perfume up until Spring of Life was released.

>> No.11080277

Momoiro Clover, YuiKaori, Jun Togawa (well, she IS supposed to be an idol), BiS, Milky Holmes, Ogawa Mana, BabyMetal... from the top of my head.

The two 48 family groups I follow the most are HKT and Nogizaka.

... though I mostly listen to jazzcore and hardcore punk. And blues.

>> No.11080290

Oh, right, Fudanjuku/Nakano Fujo Sisters too.

I originally met them just as a side dish to Momoiro Clover in Idolchin, but I kinda got into them later, when they sang the EDs to Ginga e Kickoff.

>> No.11080291

I love Momoclo. Kanako's dimples are love.

>> No.11080297

Aside from AKB, I listen mostly to seiyuu-related idol groups (YuiKaori, StylipS, Sphere, Mizuki Nana, ANYTHING related with Hanazawa Kana, etc...).

Of course they are seiyuus more than idols, but they receive idol treatment so it's ok.

>> No.11080302

Shit taste confirmed.

>> No.11080304


>> No.11080325
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The Paruru/Hoshimina parallel is off, since at least Paruru's push worked. She gained popularity, got outside work as a result, sold out handshakes despite the saltiness and made senbatsu this year. Meanwhile Hoshimina's continuous ゴリ押し in the front row since the beginning has, unfortunately, gained her basically no fans. It's more of a Katorena situation, except the push was even stronger than Kato's.

And while talent-wise Hoshimina can dance and all that, you have to remember how skilled, enthusiastic, popular and so on the girls are being pushed aside for her, both in terms of Hachifukujin and in terms of senbatsu. To mention the example of girls never chosen for senbatsu, the most infamous example would be Eto Misa, but besides her Kashiwa, Kawago, Saitou Chiharu, Nakamoto, Higuchi, Yamato and Wada have never made senbatsu, and probably never will with the 2nd gen entering. Eto is far more popular than Hoshino, and at least Kashiwa and Himetan could also be well argued to have higher popularity... and mind you, in this case we're comparing front row of the entire group vs. never made senbatsu. For within-senbatsu girls pushed aside for her, Sayunyan's shichi/hachifukujin would be the prime example, but that's another story, a very sad one at that.

Of course Hoshimina didn't choose her position, but many fans see her as the face of the injustice in NGZK's management, which puzzled me at first but became quite understandable when you get more into the group. In those terms I can agree with the Paruru comparison, since after being pushed ahead of other girls she's similarly been seen as a face of injustice for the AKB management, though she still had more merit to back her push as she was one of the most popular girls of her own generation in the first place.

Also, the previous general was 67 so this should actually be general 68.

>> No.11080338

She even said she felt like a weight had been taken out of her shoulders during the Girls Rule senbatsu episode... before starting to cry, but hey.

>Also, the previous general was 67 so this should actually be general 68.
Eh, this can be 67.5, seeing as how the previous thread only lasted a couple of days.

>> No.11080346

SKE48 Team S song preview (volume is a bit low). Sounds nice, but I wonder what does it say.

MomoClo and the 48group as idols go, then I'm pretty much anison.

>> No.11080356

It was a thread with lots of posts though, and it's easier to follow & distinguish threads when they have their own numbers. No need to remake this or anything, I'd say let's consider this 68 and make 69 next for clarity's sake.

>> No.11080374

Juice=Juice. I avoid H!P these days since I can't stand Tsunku, but Kanatomo took my heart.

I also listen to Perfume, but I don't follow them as idols or anything.

>> No.11080404
File: 122 KB, 902x676, S2_2013_revival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that chorus is catchy.
It does make me a bit gloomy about the loss of the old team S though. I've never been that upset about AKB shuffles (I wasn't around for the first one) but losing my perfect team is tough.

>> No.11080408

What does jyuri mean?

>> No.11080418

My guess (which is how fans will probably interpret it and how the MV will probably be) is that it refers to Jurina (Team S' and SKE's ace, and also kissing monster).

Well, I think that the shuffle did better for SKE as a whole, even if it made Team S to be weaker.

>> No.11080432

They seem to pronounce it with an L in the song, so it could be Julie/July/something like that.

>> No.11080434

>even if it made Team S to be weaker.
Senbatsu of Utsukushii Inazuma:
Senbatsu of Choco no Dorei:

>> No.11080437

Look it at this way.

Look at the three girls on the 32nd single senbatsu from SKE.

They were originally from Team S, now they are one at each team.

>> No.11080452
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I'm sure it will help, but in another way I'll miss the flavour of the old teams. If they just copy the AKB style (S as star team, KII as more adult and E as lolis with an older leader like Yukirin/Rena) I'll be pissed.
I suppose watching NMB get away with no shuffle and just shifting Nana (despite having arguably more balance problems) is kind of annoying.
But yeah, I'm sure it will be beneficial for both individual members and the group as a whole, I'll just miss having a team with almost all my favourites.

>> No.11080453
File: 381 KB, 1440x1080, d1ba8c06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's such a great song, and the uniforms are my new favorite too.

Look at everyone's fierce expressions in this photo... I mean, everyone but Oba's.

>> No.11080465
File: 273 KB, 1160x1600, VLOW8v8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big news, friends! According to today's Nikkan Sports, Nogizaka's Hashimoto Nanamin is going to star in a getsuku drama.


>> No.11080551
File: 388 KB, 1000x1487, Tomochin (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching Sakura Kara no Tegami
>Suddenly last episode
>Previous episodes were all short
>51 minutes

So yeah, Tomochin was pretty cute in this. Image from last thread since I can't get enough of a young her.

>> No.11080569
File: 451 KB, 1116x1600, 5423423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been enjoying it? I found the short format really annoying.

>> No.11080576

Mayu was so much cuter back then ;_;

>> No.11080627
File: 723 KB, 1280x1881, 689798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've grown to like Mayuyu more as she gets older, probably due to her solo work.
I think senbatsu does need some more U18 members though, I don't like lolis much but it helps with the general group balance. Jurina being the only member in the top 16 who's still in school is crazy for an idol group.

>> No.11080676

Yes. I kept watching it because it was short.

>> No.11080688

It's hard on AKB, since the young ones have a hard time grabbing popularity from the ones that already have it, and the veterans are all over 18. And Jurina is under 18 for the simple reason that she started being 11 back in 2008.

>> No.11080716

That's true. The large idol group model does have its major drawbacks.
I've always been confused as to why they chose Paruru rather than picking a younger girl to push for the long term. Same with Yui to a lesser extent.
I suppose that the loli fans are all following HKT, but it does make me worry about AKB's future.

>> No.11080785

Higher base popularity -> more likely successful push
Reliability through experience (know a lot of songs, able to learn dances/melodies fast ect.)
Able to work after 8/9/whatever it was

They should start pushing younger girls in addition to YuiParu though.

>> No.11080908

Young members nowadays aren't nearly as hard-working as before.

>> No.11080934

In AKB? Overall, yeah.

In the sister groups? You're definitely wrong.

>> No.11080957

I think it'd be hard to keep up motivation when the chance of being pushed by management is really low if you're not the type of girl they're looking for. Take Shimada, she's arguably one of the hardest workers and she has nothing to show for it while Paruru, who has a pretty face, gets pushed (not that I'm bashing Paruru, more that you can't say her push is the result of hard work).
In the first few gens, senbatsu was much more fluid and popularity through theater shows could happen. These days though, you'd have to be lucky. Sister groups still have space in their senbatsu (and SKE has the chance made by the mass graduations) so of course the girls there work harder.

>> No.11080962


Name some hard working sister group members. You're likely to make a more convincing point instead of just throwing out words.

Jurina is also an idiot who needs to know some limits. She thinks she's "hard-working" but she's only causing trouble for everyone by not eating and working all day. She's as childish and stupid as ever basically.

>> No.11080970

>Name some hard working sister group members

Nao from HKT. Nojo from Nogizaka. Saya-nee from NMB. Nannan from SKE.

Don't know about mudniggers and chinks though.

>> No.11080975


I'm talking about young members. Shimada, although 20, is not young at all. Being in sister group is easier to be recognized, but I still don't see them working much harder.

You see people like Sakura being pushed and it makes me want to punch my screen because everything she does is so fucking lazy and retarded. Ego-chan from SKE also makes me want to bash my head on the table. Nobody young wants to take an ounce of responsibility anymore and it makes me miss the older generation.

>> No.11080978

>Ego-chan from SKE also makes me want to bash my head on the table
Hmm, haven't paid attention to her. Any examples/links?

>> No.11080985

And Kaotan, in her Sousenkyo speech, said that the KKS work even harder than full members.

>> No.11080988

I'm curious, how long have you been following AKB? I've only been around for a few years, so I wonder if old fans really thought that everyone was doing their best all the time pre-boom. I've read about Acchan, for example, being perceived as somewhat lazy and I can't imagine Tomochin would be taken to be much better. Members like Myao seemed to have a similiar attitude to the view you have of Sakura.
There seems to be general perception amongst fans that the older days were golden, but I'm not sure how true that really was. New fans just seem to jump on that bandwagon, and perpetuate the myth that they were saints.

>> No.11080997

>There seems to be general perception amongst fans that the older days were golden, but I'm not sure how true that really was. New fans just seem to jump on that bandwagon, and perpetuate the myth that they were saints.
Also, Acchan was perfect and Takamina is god.

>> No.11080993

I find Milky very hardworking, although off screen.

>> No.11081010


Not long, just ponytail to shushu time. And I don't find them as saints or anything like that. I find it that they take chance of every little screen time they have and every single moment to appeal to the fans. They actually realized how few screen time they have and still tried to appeal others from that little time.

Then you have people like Sakura who is being pushed at from all sides and having maximum exposure and she takes it for as granted. I mean it's not like I'm saying there is no hardworking younger members anymore. I'm saying the majority of the younger members are worthless crops.

>> No.11081022

It's a terrible thing to admit, but Takamina used to be my oshi before the documentaries came out. I loved the idea of her working hard without getting a crazy amount of thanks for it. The over-praising got so annoying though (on stage48, I wasn't really posting on /jp/ at the time), so I shifted oshi.
I still voted for her once and bought her single, but the fans ruined her for me.
Didn't Sakura manged to rank high without a single even being released? She wasn't even center. She must have done something to catch fans eyes.

>> No.11081044

>must have done something
Actually she's just cute. And that catches quite a lot of fans.

>> No.11081114
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>There seems to be general perception amongst fans that the older days were golden, but I'm not sure how true that really was.
This isn't exactly limited to AKB or even bands/artists in general. People always feel nostalgic about the good old days of fandom where everything feels fresh and new.

>> No.11081130
File: 186 KB, 1440x810, 130304-0217440760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god.

>> No.11081174

new sub?
Definitely need to get Type C of Utsukushii Inazuma.

>> No.11081189
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>> No.11081194
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>> No.11081204

New Nogidoko's out on nogibanana's channel.

>> No.11081205

Maachun is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.11081208

Paruru's salty personality is due to her being socially awkward so people get the feeling of, "Ah, she's just like me" and want to try to help her and support her. She was this way ever since she was a KKS so the person who dislikes being pushed into the center spotlight is none other than Paruru herself. While people get the impression that Hoshimina's salty personality is due to her thinking she's too good for fans. She feels more bossy than awkward which is a huge turnoff for fans. Of course who knows how true that is since her personality is so dull in variety. Paruru's ponkotsu moments, on the other hand, is fun to watch.

>> No.11081223 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11081228

Nope. Well, at least not of the 3rd season.

>> No.11081230
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>> No.11081233

That ending was unexpected. lol

>> No.11081240
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haha, wat

Wasn't the other kid supposed to be the troll? I'm dying here.

>> No.11081247
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It cool sometimes to see how far they've come since their young days.

>> No.11081252
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>> No.11081248
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>> No.11081320
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New PV?

>> No.11081326

>Fujie Reina, new PV
>next time, nemousu terebi original pv

>> No.11081332

Why am I so happy for this lately Reinyan push?

>> No.11081338

Because she's one of the nicest members and it's awesome to see good things happen to good people.

>> No.11081340

I agree. Plus it's nice to see old members still getting pushed, even if it's because agencies.

>> No.11081344
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they had to make a pv to promote a certain country.

>> No.11081370
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Takayama handled it best. She'd be a fucking awesome teacher.

Shiraishi... well, she was awkwardly funny.

... Sayuringo was fucking stoned.

Reika failed hard. She'd be a lousy teacher, and I don't even wanna picture her as a mother. Way more awkward than Shiraishi, and far from as funny.

Hashimoto... I don't even. I mean, it was funny as it gets, but she really told a kid that hard times when frustration would make him cry would come in heaps, and then she told a girl that this life might actually be hell. So I don't even, but oh, did I laugh.

All in all, great episode. And next episode will be better, with the girls going at each other's throats like when they decided who would sky dive.

>> No.11081390

Did anyone notice Hashimoto no longer has yaebas?

>> No.11081474

>... Sayuringo was fucking stoned.

Are there times when she isn't? I must have missed it then.

>> No.11081529

She's usually stoned. In this episode, she was FUCKING stoned.

I mean, sure, the thing about being the cutest girl in the whole space is as usual, but then she told them that the stars shine entirely for our sake. When confronted, she told them that the stars want to have friends and that's why they shine so hard. All the while going "yay!" and giggling like mad and speaking strong as hell kansai-ben.

She puffed something way stronger than usual this time, man.

>> No.11081542


Oh, Akicha.

>> No.11081554


The parade PV behind the scenes.

>> No.11081584
File: 58 KB, 599x885, BNcCf-2CAAEM4Tc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erepyon has fallen so much she has to do Ohori type events.

>> No.11081590

Yeah, I noticed it a while ago.

>> No.11081616

32nd single Koisuru Fortune Cookie


>> No.11081617

Must have been the nuclear radiation man. They have been silent about it lately, but thing like this subtly lets you know that it's getting worse. Bless you Sayuringo.

>> No.11081665

Is Nogizaka more lesbian than SKE?

>> No.11081671

I love Erepyon but its her fault.

>> No.11081672

No, they are the straightest group.

As if any group is gayer than SKE.

>> No.11081674

Is a nuclear reactor more radioactive than the sun?

>> No.11081695

No, there's some strong dykes in Nogizaka.

Like Yuttan, whose hobby is to molest the other girls. She's even gone under the skirt, according to... I'm not sure if it was Yumi-nee or Reika.

But yeah, for something to be more gay than SKE it would have to be a sheet of rock that formed in a crack in a pre-existing rock body painted in the colors of the rainbow.

>> No.11081696


probably. ske48 has only kataomoi finally under its belt but nogizaka have a lot of girl/girl theme pvs more than them

>> No.11081697

sun isn't radioactive at all, u baka.

>> No.11081698

>No, they are the straightest group.
That's not JKT

>> No.11081714

... not really...

Shakiism is supposed to be heterosexual, even if the male characters are played by girls. Then there's the clearly straight ones, like Namida ga Mada Kanashimi datta Koro and Girls Rule.

Wait. Is there really any Nogizaka PV that can compete with the blatant homosexuality from Kataomoi Finally? Not even the drama version of Oide Shampoo was as explicitly gay...

>> No.11081713

JKT is just the brownest group.

>> No.11081720

SKE has Pocky.

>> No.11081717

>sun isn't radioactive at all
I don't even.

>> No.11081722

Nuclear radiation general

>> No.11081797

SKE are full of ugly lesbians. How I wish they were the straight ones and Nogizaka be the gayest ones. Life would be perfect.

>> No.11081807


kataomoi finally was gay sure but subtext-wise nogizaka has more like guru guru curtain and that guitar song

>> No.11081813
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>> No.11081831

There was nothing gay about Oto ga Denai Guitar.

And sure, there's a tiny bit of subtext in Guru Guru Courtain and Oide Shampoo, and maybe even Ookami ni Kuchibue wo, but until they go full gay like Kataomoi Finally, SKE has the advantage.

And there was also that SKE DVD special where they got couples to play the pocky game, and some of the couples went full french kiss.

>> No.11081830

It's been such a long time since I see that picture that I no longer can tell who is who.

>> No.11081860


SKE pls

>> No.11082156
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>> No.11082165
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>> No.11082231
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It's Kitarie's B-day.

>> No.11082330
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Someone else, too.
'Scuse the ant picture.

>> No.11082364
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>> No.11082372
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>> No.11082376
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>> No.11082434

nobody recognized the guy in this pv? he got rejected by kitarie

>> No.11082527
File: 160 KB, 1280x1024, Erepyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of Erepyons carrier? Since she has her drama and PVs I thought it was doing good.

>> No.11082658

I don't know what happen to her. She was popular among fans and then she decided to "study abroad". I would like to think that she's one of the members asked to graduate since they're in a relationship.

>> No.11082665

She decided to have a boyfriend and then she decided to graduate.

>> No.11082674

There are two theories, if I'm not mistaken. The first one is about her parents not liking how much she was making as part of the group, and forcing her to quit. The second one, more or less implied by TGSK, is that there was a scandal that they managed to keep locked behind doors, but they had to kick Erepyon (or, in TGSK's words, "some popular members") out.

>> No.11082684

Why would he need to kick out popular members for having boyfriends? I mean those who haven't been on the front pages of the tabloids.

>> No.11082694
File: 104 KB, 853x480, [Akihabara48Fans] AKB48 - Aitakatta.mp4_snapshot_00.34_[2013.05.14_12.45.37].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> is that there was a scandal
Apparently she never left Japan

>> No.11082701

It's just a BS reason she thought up. She just wanted to quit. Since she was one of the most popular members, she probably though she could do better without AKB.

>> No.11082832

I think she's doing alright for as far as ex-members go. Her latest single only sold something like 6000 copies, but she could be doing much worse.

>> No.11082913

That's also my theory.

On another topic, Is there any news on Maachan?

>> No.11083016
File: 67 KB, 498x500, maimai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far the only AKB48元メンバー that is
still successful is 大島 麻衣(Oshima Mai).

She has been and still is in a lot of Photo shoots, CM's, and TV programs.

>> No.11083034

Her and Mariko are still friends, don't know anything else though.

>> No.11083031
File: 458 KB, 408x230, GIF Other (8).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were Maachan and Mariko close, sempai?

>> No.11083112
File: 17 KB, 218x291, we know titans before the attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. They're pretty close.

>> No.11083120

I forgot to reply. I guess she's still in school(I hope).

>> No.11083157
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Mocchi being stunningly gorgeous as usual.

>> No.11083163
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>> No.11083168
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>> No.11083170

Acchan is still successful.

>> No.11083175

I've been following AKB for 5 years now with Mayu as my oshi. But lately Sayanee has just been perfect in every way; she's funny, smart beautiful and one of those few girls you could genuinely imagine getting along with in real life. I've never ever come this close to oshihening and never thought I would after meeting Mayu in person. Says a lot about my shitty life that this matters so much to me probably.

Snap me out of it /jp/ I know in my heart of hearts that I don't want this, give me reasons that Sayanee is shitty and that I'm not missing out for not following her.

>> No.11083176
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>> No.11083191

Just be a MD and have an oshi for every sister group.

>> No.11083200

Tell me more about meeting Mayuyu. Apparently she's really laidback in person.

>> No.11083243

It's OK to Oshihen just don't forget what you've learned from Mayu. Don't forget your love for her.
I'm too stubborn to Oshihen until she graduates. I learned alot from her and will always support her.

>> No.11083259

you mean somewhat successful. She hasnt really had a stable gig ever since she left the group. She has been on variety shows here and there but either as a guest or the shows eventually got cancelled.

its only been almost a year since she has left so its impossible to say she really is successfully yet. She could still fade into obscurity within a few years so we have to just wait and see

>> No.11083261

Post more, guys!

>> No.11083265

You want the fat version or the thin version?

>> No.11083271

Sayanee is into K-pop.
<<Her favorite group from her YT page.

>> No.11083273
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, wuuuuuuuuut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like you, I was full on Mayuyu until Sayanee came to town.

>give me reasons that Sayanee is shitty
She keeps stealing other member's fanbase?

Also, in before her antis troll this thread apart.

>> No.11083279

Is that really her YT page or just some Sayanee fan who also happens to like K-pop?

>> No.11083287

Both. Fat first.

>> No.11083288
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>> No.11083304
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>> No.11083311
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>> No.11083325

Acchan is never going to disappear. She has a single coming out and enough acting work to keep her busy.
Takamina barely got her single after such a long time, second single if you count Otage lullaby. Yuko doesn't appear in as much stuff as I would like her too but I'm guessing that's just Idol work getting in the way.

If any one has seen Ushijima the Loan Shark movie, how was it?

>> No.11083351
File: 818 KB, 200x356, mf8ipiK8P.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which species of bird would you be to get close to Churi?

>> No.11083361
File: 40 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mo8d7b4jzO1rykecdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls stop bullying paruru

>> No.11083362
File: 45 KB, 449x450, I&#039;m gonna kill my safe for saving this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the pic. We don't know for sure.

>> No.11083375

do not insult boyfriend they are perfect angels

>> No.11083391
File: 485 KB, 145x131, maachan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maachan and Yuuko

>> No.11083438
File: 89 KB, 900x1200, 2ec739a2c356f595bc0db3dd82720f36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them.

>> No.11083500
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>> No.11083502
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>> No.11083538

How slutty are Wakatsuki and Hashimoto? I have heard bad things about them and various people calling them harlots but I never really looked into them.

>> No.11083700
File: 361 KB, 1280x941, tumblr_mnqkclggV51stmp6fo1_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any kind anon give me a working proxy to access the Nogizaka Youtube channel, I tried about 100 different ones in the last hour and none of them worked.

>> No.11083782

>Nogizaka Youtube channel

>> No.11083790 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 700x467, WM Movie - BlackBird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not being a Blackbird.

>> No.11083829

I've heard a lot of people say AKB is a stepping stone into the entertainment world. Seems like it's actually all downhill once they leave the group though.
Mai left when the group was much less popular and did fairly well, though I imagine she would have fared better if she graduated much later.
I wonder what will happen to Acchan in a year or two.

>> No.11083851

>Nogizaka Youtube channel
Nogizaka*Youtube = boring in square

>> No.11083857


At least they're part of the entertainment world.

>> No.11083878

Say what you will about Hoshimina /jp/. i find her very cute and would like to hold hands with her.

>> No.11083913
File: 873 KB, 1280x1702, 34234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acchan has a good agency and name recognition, so I think she'll be okay.
Other members though, I'm not entirely sure how much AKB helps if it stops them from doing work in the field they're interested in while they're still young.It's not like the general public can name more than the top 10 members (and Sayaka) so it can't help that way. I wonder if having the ex-AKB member tag will help members in their careers or not, if Aki-P's school concept works out maybe it will be like a badge showing reliability or something.

>> No.11083919

You're saying that like Aki-P gives a fuck about their future. He just wants money.

>> No.11083961

I think he does genuinely care about his favourites, but probably not the general members who he never spends time with.

>> No.11083965

Agreed. Afterall, he graduated all of the SDN girls. And we saw how he was towards Meetan.

>> No.11083982
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>> No.11083985 [DELETED] 

He generally cares about making Jurina his next wife now that that Onyanko whore is getting old.

>> No.11083989

He genuinely cares about making Jurina his next wife now that that Onyanko whore is getting old.

>> No.11083992

I don't get it. Please respond in sentences or atleast make it comprehensible.

Is there a Nogidoko playlist in dailymotion? Can somebody provide me a link?

>> No.11084028 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11084045
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>> No.11084058

I heard she had a rich fan last year and that was why she ranked where she did.

>> No.11084084
File: 213 KB, 1481x1481, 71Z+75tENYL._AA1481_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Aki-P have anything to do with that? It's the girls' individual agencies that must provide a stepping stone for them by helping them build a career that projects outward, outside of the group and their simple collective activities. The problem is that some don't care about that (hard to tell which before joining), or already have their own preferences focusing their efforts on some members and leaving the rest behind. But, overall, I feel that each of these companies are doing their fair share of work anyway.

>> No.11084105
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>> No.11084126
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>> No.11084132
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>> No.11084148
File: 91 KB, 960x722, 7da78eb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acchan at the red carpet event for the MTV Video Music Awards Japan.

>> No.11084164

What's up with the pic spam?

I love her more now.
I'm about to Oshihen

>> No.11084401

Her channel is connected to her G+ account

>> No.11084431

Nana is mean.

>> No.11084476


There's nothing on her channel. Where are people getting that she like filthy Coreans?

>> No.11084505

It wasn't private before. She had a playlist full of korean boy bands.

>> No.11084531
File: 212 KB, 480x640, jphip60687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys never talk about my oshimen in these threads

>> No.11084534
File: 322 KB, 1260x1260, 81Eb-XpAxBL._AA1260_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She switched the browsing history to private after the news got around, I guess to avoid any unwanted attention.

>> No.11084536

She was talked about earlier.

>> No.11084563

ALRIGHT SCUMBAGS im about to fill you in right quick

which of you SCUMBAGS voted for SASSHIHARA RINO as #1 this senbatsu because you broke THE ONLY RULE OF FIGHTCLUB...

SASSHI LEFT A BOYS HOUSE AND YOU VOTE HER FIRST? she should be banned to SNE48 to make her REPENT on dating a boy not to mention SHES NOT FUNNY, UNTALENTED, AND NOT EVEN CUTE 3/10 at best

JURINA IS FUCKING BEST MATSUI this is a fact if you disagree i will fite you

pretty pissed off at early voting YOKOYAMA AND SHIMAZAKI were 7 AND 8 but at senbatsu they polled 12 and 13 THESE TWO GIRLS ARE THE NEXT NEW GEN

if your oshimen is a member NOT from the first 5 gens you are clearly doing it wrong or have mental damage these are the pro-tier A team allstars of akb, shinoda, takamina, sayaka akimoto even down to miho any of the young brats dont count

if your oshimen is either yuko oshima or mayu watanabe you won the game and did it right

if you like a girl that IS NOT from SKE or AKB with exception of SNE or JKT for AKI TAKAJO or MIYAZAWA SAE you simply did it wrong

if MAJISUKA GAUKEN IS NOT your favorite akb show (akbingo ill accept) you did it absolutlely god damn WRONG

if you DONT watch JANKENPON or SENBATSU tournaments you are missing EVERYTHING IMPORTANT in this world

sidenote* akb should ABSORB members from MORNING MUSUME when they graduate and vice versa

AI TAKAHASHI is a humble princess RESPECT IT

finally, if your favorite girl band is CHINESE OR KOREAN >kill yourself

>> No.11084564
File: 152 KB, 450x547, namennayo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking K-pop

Is she a zainichi or are she just dreaming of the band members making out?

>> No.11084605

Well she does have an interest in BL. So I guess that's an option.

>> No.11084612

She's a fujoshi and would probably ship you with a guy near you.

>> No.11084699

She loves their music and also their fanservice
She favorited some kpop songs and a few videos of them kissing

>> No.11084709

nogizaka46 is participating in the next janken tournament
we might finally have a hoshino minami & paruru double center

>> No.11084715

when is date of janken this year

month day year

>> No.11084718

also yfw when i have an INSIDER who is planned to get me some autographs in SEPTEMBER

>> No.11084733

Why the hell is...

>> No.11084738

They're desperate for more popularity. Their handshake events are a depressing thing.

>> No.11084748


i dont even know who they are and they depress me

>> No.11084804


Is this true? If yes, I want to see Jurina try and kiss Hoshimina.

>> No.11084820
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not recognizing the future queens of japan idols

>> No.11084845



i want to see some kawaii shit like paruru or yokoyama or kuromochi not some dyke

>> No.11084886
File: 987 KB, 245x184, ske48.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just embrace it.

>> No.11084890

she can do better though bc she has some shit taste
>liking B1A4

>> No.11084899


ew god no

>> No.11084924

Liking K-pop at all should be reason enough for anybody to oshihen away from her.

>> No.11084932

korea is called PLASTIC SURGERYLAND for a reason

>> No.11084936

So if Nogizaka is entering Janken Tournament then are they finally being absorbed by the 48 family? About damn time.

>> No.11084959


What do you have against Kpop? Even Acchan liked 2pm. Not to mention Mayuyu and her back-up dancers aka Watarirouka went to a SJJD concert. They even blogged about it. Get that stick out of your ass.

>> No.11084966
File: 168 KB, 1500x1500, 81F9dVa-huL._AA1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you remember that Mayuzaka collaboration thing they had last year?

>> No.11084968
File: 144 KB, 1500x1500, 715KOtSsspL._AA1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11084982

>Acchan liked 2pm

Acchan also likes Twilight, for that matter.

>> No.11084975


Was that Nogizaka? I'm sorry I thought they were a group created for the eternal goddess herself. Forgive me.

>> No.11085002


This pv made me notice Nogizaka. My only concern of them joining the AKB family is the danger of their PVs downgrading.

>> No.11085026

That's awesome. I'm starting to like Hoshino. I want to make her my little sister or maybe more than that but I know it will not happen so I'll just spend my life hoping she will be happy with the man she will meet in the future.

>> No.11085037


>the man

not Ikoma Rina

>> No.11085063

Mai has been part of Picaru show for a full season.
She is a regular in London Hearts.
Also has a lot of other radio shows and TV appearances.

Aachan on the other hand is popular due to her being the face of AKB48 and everyone knows her. Look back at the early show they did called Downtown DX. AKB48 had 3 girls as guest and they always put Mai in front of Mariko and and the other girl.

If Aachan graduated before AKB48's popularity and at the same time as Mai, which one would fair better? Aachan isn't even all that great.

>> No.11085068

I forgot to state that I'm new to Nogizaka and I just started taking an interest on Hoshino.

>> No.11085080

Its Acchan. I'm sorry. I know its a douche-y move but its bothering me.

>> No.11085104


>> No.11085114



>> No.11085121

A lot of people get interested in her because of her looks at the start. It's a common phase at the beginning of getting into Nogizaka, don't worry.

>> No.11085122


>> No.11085178


Hoshino is the Mayuyu of Nogizaka46 in the sense that they're both pretty faces. But then you start following them and realize that they're boring as fuck. Even Sasshi or Paruru is more interesting than Mayuyu - which is saying a lot. Hoshimina on the other hand is just a little prick. I got into AKB because of Mayuyu and then changed my oshi after realizing that Mayuyu is talentless. Same goes for Hoshimina. At this point I'm not sure who is more useless but they're as interesting as my daed toenail.

>> No.11085208

Wrong kind of shitposting, bro.


>> No.11085202

あ! すみませんホワイトピッグさん ,
日本語 Pronunciationです。



>> No.11085253
File: 409 KB, 1279x1807, 1kz5i4ao29u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow, it's impossible to take people who write "Aachan" instead of "Acchan" seriously.

>> No.11085261

agree with everything except the thing about morning musume

>> No.11085268

someone who interned and was on the set during the gingham check video said the girls liked watching 2pm concert vids during break time

>> No.11085272


>> No.11085295

Ok. This is what you wrote Aachan - あーちゃん what I'm saying is that its should be あっちゃん - Acchan. Very different pronounciation. Also, I'm asian.

>> No.11085298

While not MM, they have taken former H!P girls before such Yamada Nana.

Some of their MM audition rejects but current AKB members include: Meru, Yukirin, Umeda, and Airin.

>> No.11085305

Suuchan also got rejected.

>> No.11085313

Eh, there's probably a ton more I'm forgetting. Oh well.

>> No.11085320
File: 475 KB, 700x1050, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acchan = >>11085253
Aachan = pic related

>> No.11085317

i think her appeal is much higher with japanese men then western

>> No.11085318

plz stop bullying paruru

>> No.11085327

It will never stop. The only thing that we can do is love Paruru more than they hate her.

>> No.11085336

It's late night in Murrika, right?

As an European who usually posts in the day/evening here (night/morning in the Americas), I can really feel the difference compared to usual...

>> No.11085341

Trace it back, this is what I reponded to.
>Aachan on the other hand is popular due to her being the face of AKB48

>> No.11085346

What's the difference?

>> No.11085367

I can't really capture it in words all that well, but the thread is somehow less calm and a whole lot more incomprehensible compared to the European day/evening.

>> No.11085401
File: 320 KB, 1483x1483, 81cl1gMfV0L._AA1483_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are you talking about that shit Ręddit thread someone wrote many months back, it made no sense at all and was probably just making stuff up.

>> No.11085407

idk, i wouldnt doubt it, japanese girls love korean guys

>> No.11085421

maachan looks so white you cant even tell she has asian blood in her

>> No.11085428
File: 57 KB, 360x395, suzukiayane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about?

It's just a fact that Acchan is the common nickname for AKB48's Maeda Atsuko, while Aachan is the common nickname for Perfume's Nishiwaki Ayaka. Just search Google Images for あっちゃん vs. あーちゃん and you will see that Aachan = Perfume, one reason why western fans should really stop confusing these.

If you need another reason, we now even have an あーちゃん in 48 (or well, 46) family, pic related.

>> No.11085439

why would it be a problem? many members like kpop groups such as kara , members even met them and were very friendly together

>> No.11085444


Which unit do you think has the best version of Kuroi Tenshi?

>> No.11085451
File: 9 KB, 220x264, bys2bbx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, sorry to break your hearts everyone, but it seems Jo might have a boyfriend these days. Along with rumours a couple of purikura have come out, but the other one barely looks like. I'll let you judge this one yourself.

>> No.11085455

remember that video where she nasically lusted after robert pattinsons dick? #THIRSTYHOE

>> No.11085461

That's fine. She graduated so no idol worries.

>> No.11085469

good for her

>> No.11085471
File: 13 KB, 240x240, SKE48高柳明音松井玲奈木本花音_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, I've been meaning to ask the same of /jp/.

For me, Renatamu, Non and Churi.

>> No.11085473
File: 17 KB, 280x326, 149pq1i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wants that white dick so bad

>> No.11085479

what a lucky fag, he has no idea who she is

>> No.11085476

justin biber is kawaii as fuck

>> No.11085483

Maybe if you haven't seen him lately.

>> No.11085484


>> No.11085490

where ma bieber otakus at?

>> No.11085496

The janken tournament is probably the most rigged thing in AKB. You know if Nogizaka will be participating they will end up with a few members in the single.

>> No.11085521

Well, since she said she'd reaudition in a few years when she's done with school, so a lot of her fans who had their hopes up for that are sad about this.

If she really does have a boyfriend, I wouldn't say that's automatically a good thing for her. A pure girl like Jo might be lead into painful relationships if she can't recognise whether a person genuinely loves her or just finds her celebrity background curious enough to prey on her. If she is in a relationship, I hope it's with someone decent and deserving.

>> No.11085530
File: 256 KB, 1500x1500, 71DtLvckq7L._AA1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have no idea on what occasion she got to met Bieber. There's also another photo of him posing with Mariko and he look even more like a kid besides her.

>> No.11085531

jo's pretty average looking in i doubt he even knows she was an akb member if hes a normalfag

>> No.11085533

Koisuru no Fortune Cookie?? wtf

>> No.11085538

edit: no "no" but still wtf

>> No.11085539

he has a horrid fashion sense but he grew up to be really handsome

>> No.11085545

While that could be a problem, idols in Japan goes to regular schools during the day anyway. If anything, being an idol makes the girls hate you (see: Tomochin). People already know that some of the current idols had boyfriends but chose to ignore it. You can have a boyfriend before or after your idol career but not during.

>> No.11085621

Tough question...but going by personal bias, the one with Juri, Manatsu and Yagi

>> No.11085627

Ok. I think you're confused. The gentleman that I was having a conversation with referred to Maeda Atsuko as Aachan and I corrected him saying that it was suppose to be Acchan. He then replied in japanese calling me whitepig that the pronunciation of あっちゃん is Aachan not Acchan. Now to your post, you said "What are you talking about?" you most probably did not read what I posted, so if you don't mind I would like you to reread it again and if you do mind or let's say you find this reply a bit too much for you then I would like to inform you that this would be the last time I would talk about this matter with. Thank you very much.

>> No.11085644
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, 1372057179331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11085640

That's photoshopped. It was an april fools prank from a forum.

>> No.11085650
File: 219 KB, 1440x810, ee69e51c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11085654
File: 46 KB, 250x375, 14615_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11085665

I like how they made Acchan look taller even though she's way shorter than Taylor Swift.

>> No.11085668


>> No.11085698

The question "what are you talking about" in contexts such as these doesn't literally refer to "what is the subject of this conversation", but "why on earth would I need to trace back to anything when adding a separate, new point into the conversation at hand?"

You really struggle with English, don't you?

>> No.11085720
File: 210 KB, 650x650, 7361d12d-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11085750

I'm sorry. I didn't know that there are some other meaning to the phrase "what are you talking about?" than the literal meaning. Who would have thought that it also meant "why on earth would I need to trace back to anything when adding a separate, new point into the conversation at hand?" Would it be safe to say that you butted in to the conversation without knowing what I was talking about or what the subject was and just assumed that there is nobody had nickname Aachan?

>> No.11085756

Love how the "ka" is tiny at the end (笑)

In English it'd read something like:
"(huge letters) NOGIZAKA PARTICIPATING IN AKB JANKEN TAIKAI (in tiny letters) could happen"

>> No.11085768

Oh, it's not really happening then.

>> No.11085801

Wakatsuki was fucking a 27 year old guy when she was 15. She also got plastic surgery.

Hashimoto used to hang out with, or maybe even used to be herself, yankees.

And let's not forget the 2nd generation slut: Nishikawa wasn't only part of the cursed 8th generation of AKB KKS, but she got kicked out before the rest due to a purikura-related scandal. What we know about Wakatsuki and Hashimoto also comes from purikuras, and the info posted by those who uploaded said purikuras to the internet.

>> No.11085816

You don't seem to comprehend basic English and your own posts are basically unintelligible, so there's no point in discussing this with you any further. Try to learn basic vocabulary and expressions, since it seems you have trouble following very simple arguments in English. I'm not going to explain it to you another time, since it'd probably fly over your head once again.

I can still give you a hint, though: no one ever implied there was no one with the nickname Aachan.

>> No.11085837

I thought daytime Euro time was supposed to be the calm time.

>> No.11085854

Then why did you start replying with people with the nickname Aachan?

>> No.11085924

Yeah, it's apparently a wild idea of one writer. Haven't read the article, but according to 2ch Tokyo Sports does this kind of stuff a lot so they aren't surprised.

The things I'd do to get paid for writing speculations about idols...

>> No.11086041

And why is that? I have seen more western fans of her than Japanese fans

>> No.11086060

I would like to dedicate my triumph over this man >>11085816 to the oppressed, maltreated and abused. To the man whom I bashed across the room for making nonsensical replies (>>11085320 , >>11085428 ), I would like to thank you because without you, I wouldn't have had this very important moment in life.

>> No.11086091
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>> No.11086094
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>> No.11086097
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>> No.11086098

Fuck off with your posts arguing over language. At least the other guy had the sense to sage all their replies because it is OFF TOPIC.

>> No.11086101
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>> No.11086104
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>> No.11086142


3D Gravure pls ;~;

>> No.11086172

Yep. It seems the moment all the Westerners are asleep these threads turn to complete shit.

>> No.11086226

Acchan has shit taste.

>> No.11086280


Haachan: "to be honest, I preferred the old AKB"

>> No.11086282

Thanks so much for all the replies to my post. I thought people would tell me to go away so I got nervous and shut my computer down

Probably a decent compromise, still feels kind of wrong to me though, also I'm on a reasonably tight budget so buying stuff from all the girls is hard

She's great. I think it's a big advantage being white because you become something different and special in the line. The first time I went round I was more nervous than I can remember myself being in a long time. I spluttered out that I was from the UK and that I'd followed her for years and then it was pretty much over. I over thought it too much and just seeing her made me even more pathetic than I normally am.

The second time was fantastic though, when I walked into the booth her eyes lit up in recognition and she asked me if I was the English guy. She was so calming and made me feel completely at ease this time, I asked her to wish me luck in the job I was applying for and she did.

I think that single moment of recognition and the smile that came on her face (however fake it might be) could well be the best moment of my life.

Thanks, I'll remember. I think I just need to keep away from NMB stuff for a while

ew, gross. I would have thought a girl as clever as her would have better taste

I admire that though, she's her own person into her own things.

>> No.11086306

Honestly, I think it's fine to do oshihen to a less supported member when your current oshi is at their height and doesn't need your support as much anymore.

>> No.11086316

I would be fucking embarrassed after making a post like this.

>> No.11086343


One of the best things I've ever seen AKB related

>> No.11086368
File: 122 KB, 600x800, Q0qD5Og.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyawaki Sakura is the perfect antidepressant.


>> No.11086386

Agreed. When these country bumpkins are together, they do amazing things.

>> No.11086427

Sayuringo is quite a lot like Sasshi.

They don't dance well, they don't sing well, they only do variety in which they are pretty funny.

>> No.11086435

Makes the girls hate you (Tomochin)

It might seem that she's probably too absorbed by her fame as well if she's actually hated by her classmates.

>> No.11086449

She's not been in school for years now, obviously. This was ages ago when AKB was still new and unpopular.

>> No.11086451
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, namida.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck antidepressant. I'll have a side order of tears with my heartbreak, please.

>> No.11086473

If they were still unpopular by then when she was hated, probably meant she felt all high and mighty while she was still in school.

>> No.11086520

Go fuck yourself mate Yuki was hated too as well during junior high, being hated doesn't mean you're obnoxious sometimes it means people around you are cunts.

>> No.11086575

Dunno if it was said, but SKE48 announced the Senshuuraku for the current stages and the Shonichi for the new ones.

The outcome of the voting will not be revealed until the shonichi.

Team S 3rd Stage [Seifuku no Me] Senshuuraku 10 July 2013
Team E 2nd Stage [Saka Agari] Senshuuraku 11 July 2013
Team KII 3rd Stage [Ramune no Nomikata] Senshuuraku 12 July 2013

New Team S Shonichi 23 July 2013
New Team E Shonichi 24 July 2013
New Team KII Shonichi 25 July 2013

>> No.11086586

Some people would dislike you yes, but it won't happen if you're still down to earth.

I've had a classmate who was a child actor in the Philippines, and yet he wasn't hated since he's still the same from prior to showbiz.

>> No.11086588

Hirari (Hirata Rina) will debut in Team K on the 30th. Unit will be revealed at the stage performance.

>> No.11086602

So your logic is that because one of your friends who was famous wasn't bullied, all bullied people in entertainment are at fault?

When even the most friendly, humble and down-to-earth among us are sometimes subject to bullying, that seems like an unjustified generalisation. Honestly, it just sounds like you dislike Tomochin and are trying to rationalise the idea that it must be her fault.

>> No.11086648

Get the fuck out of /jp/ fucking shitskin.

>> No.11086739

We already know who's going to be in it.
AKB rap unit:

>> No.11086744

Yes, I don't like her, just because she exudes an air of smugness compared to other idols.

This is AKB, with the perception of "idols you can meet". You'd even know that Oshima Yuko probably had a normal life even before AKB in which she was a child star.

I'm Fil/Jap, get the fuck out of AKB you weaboo

>> No.11086786

Wow, she really said that? I'm guessing she's graduating soon so she's being honest.

>> No.11086802

mai oshima?
get fucked pleb

mai is retarded and gay

>> No.11086814


master akb list to catch you up on alot of important facts

also i dont know about you 90skidsbrats but i like hata shagawa i thought she was super cute kinda pissed she graduated after 3 years she was a darkhorse

>> No.11086950


This man has the logic of a fruitfly.

>> No.11086958

your experience makes me wanna meet yuko so bad, im confident she would be just as cool

>> No.11086962

since you have a sense of shame you wouldnt post it in the first place

>> No.11086975


>> No.11087006

Mokyu mokyu

>> No.11087020

Well, at least she's still working in the entertainment biz.

>> No.11087182


>'AKB48 34th Single Senbatsu Janken Tournament' on September 18th at Nippon Budokan.

>> No.11087408


Nogi vs HKT

>> No.11087457

Have you guys already heard the MV shooting recording for Koisuru Fortune Cookie? What did you think of it?

Personally I think my opinion in the end will depend on how they make the girls sing it (from what I heard the recording had 仮歌), but I did like the sound of it for the most part. The male back vocals were odd, though.

Some people are calling it "KFC" for short, by the way.

>> No.11087474

If only I can get the Amina center song without the Sasshi center song...

>> No.11087481
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>> No.11087484

When did Paruru become Filipino?

>> No.11087490

That's not really an opinion of the song, is it?

>> No.11087492

Yeah it is. My opinion is that I don't want it.

>> No.11087511

Penguins are Filipinos? Thought they are Alaskan all this time.

>> No.11087516

I don't see what you mean.

Also, just got this from somewhere, and I got curious as well. Whose voice(s) can you immediately recognize in a AKB song?

For me, it's Takamina, Yui, Nyannyan in AKB, Sayanee in NMB and Rena for SKE.

>> No.11087525

Forgot Mayu, her voice is very recognizable.

>> No.11087528

>Northern hemisphere

>> No.11087557

The song as in the music from the previews/leaks. Not Sasshi being center, but the song, the music to the degree it has become available by now.

I don't get how anyone can have the energy to whine about her being center at this point. Get over it and do something productive with that fervour.

>> No.11087562

How about you get over my whining about Sasshi?

>> No.11087578

This thread has been so incredibly shitty these past couple of days, and it's cancers like you that are killing it. Crawl back to wherever you came from.

>> No.11087591

Right because having a different opinion and not buying everything that Aki-P poops out means cancer. Why don't you crawl back to hugland tumblr if you can't take it?

>> No.11087609

Wanting us to cry about one fucking girl you don't like being center for one single the rest of our existences instead of having fruitful conversations on various topics != not buying everything Aki-P makes.

So grow up or fuck off, cancer. I will not respond to you anymore.

>> No.11087618
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>> No.11087615
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>> No.11087625

Who's wanting you to cry about it. I stated that *I* don't want it. That doesn't stop you from getting it, retard.


>> No.11087799

>Yeah it is. My opinion is that I don't want it.
>My opinion is that I don't want it.
>Opinion is that I don't want it.

I didn't know one sentence can contain this amount of stupid in it.

>> No.11087839

What fucking difference does it make?
You are in an AKB General thread, so you fucking know who Anon is talking about.

It's clearly on topic, as it pertained to the naming of an ex-member. While it might not be of taste to some, it can be ignored.

But yet you are here, not only on 4chan but on an idol thread.

The thing is the AKB family was very warmly receptive of Kpop girl/boy groups.

However the Kpop groups only did this for publicity and to get more record sales. This was during a heated political dispute over the Takeshima islands. The Kpop groups unfortunately never gave AKB48 acknowledgement.

Oh! she looks かわいい! as fuck here.

>> No.11087841
File: 25 KB, 280x340, NReina2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever think about the members that graduated early, so you never got to know them? I think I just found some gold.


>> No.11087862

Takamina, Jurina, Acchan and Kojiharu are the ones I can recognize instantly. I struggle with the others, but those are the ones I like and they have easily recognizable voices in my opinion.

>> No.11087882

Just out of interest how many people here have actually been to the AKB theatre?

>> No.11087885

Until your sentence that is.

>> No.11087905
File: 39 KB, 357x635, 81969f32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highly doubt many have.
Have you? Is it worth it?

I'll be in Japan in about 3 weeks.
Is it hard to get tickets or can I just show up?
Most of the popular members, do they still perform there? or not?

>Pic related.
my 推しメン and waifu!

>> No.11087907

Probably very few if you don't live in Japan. AKB got rid of the gaijin tickets and even then, they had some weird ass rules that gave priority to the first-time goers and they wouldn't tell you when you got them until near the time of the show but had to show them that you'll be in Japan for a month or something.

HKT tickets are probably the easiest to get now since they aren't really that popular.

>> No.11087912

Gussan? I think her graduation announcement was rather sudden during the end of one of their theater performance it shocked some of her fellow Old Team B members.

>> No.11087919


But it's really hard and the popular members don't perform that often.

>> No.11087934

Yeah, at least a couple of months ago HKT KKS shows had empty places when MeruMio weren't there. That's your best bet, along with NMB KKS shows.

>> No.11087935


It's basically random chance if you get a ticket or not.

>> No.11087995

Speaking of members that graduated "prematurely", Tsukina's case still kinda ticked me off. I don't know what's wrong with that girl. She almost debuted with MomoClo, but pulled out early. Got into SKE, and basically the the 3rd in hierarchy behind WMatsui, even above Kuumin at the time, got nice attention from the management, but she graduated early yet again.

Well, at least it seems she's doing okay on her own. Probably got a good reason for both cases. At least SKE got Non to cater to their lolicon fanbase to make up for the loss of Tsukina.

>> No.11088020
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I'm still waiting for Kaoru to reconsider her graduation and join back AKB. She had everything laid out for her and even as a KKS she enjoyed one of the most massive gori-pushes in history. It wasn't very well-advised to give up her career shortly after being promoted to Team K.

>> No.11088026

She did it for health reasons. The schedules were grueling for her. She's chillin' as a model now.

>> No.11088034

She graduated for health reasons. I was sad that she had to leave, but it'd be worse if she sacrificed her body for AKB.

>> No.11088061 [DELETED] 


See her here.

>> No.11088076
File: 63 KB, 640x891, imgs37123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many other members who had to go on a hiatus for health reasons, like Umechan when she had a sprained ankle or Jurina. Doesn't seem a good enough reason to quit AKB altogether after everything the management has done for you. Surely they would've granted her a few months of rest if she asked.

>> No.11088081
File: 513 KB, 1200x1600, kira_kira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least she realized her dream

>> No.11088093

Dude, she fainted when she didn't rank. I don't think she's a healthy as you make her out to be.

>> No.11088102

She had a lot of absences before she left, including longer ones. Her fans were really worried with her continuous sickness/weakness as well. She tried very hard to make it possible, but her body just couldn't take it. It'd be pretty unreasonable to think she should stay under those conditions.

>> No.11088128

I have but luckily I have a Japanese penpal who sorted out all of that side for me. He thought I was a bit weird for wanting to go but I was willing to put up with that. Yeah he says it's a really finicky system even when you have a Japanese adress and I certainly wouldn't have been able to do it without some assistance from someone who knew what they were doing.

It was pretty good, I applied for a whole pile of stuff and got (old) Team A and Team 4, both were fantastic, getting to see it all so close was definitely surreal. I'd recommend it to anyone who can manage it. There was another white guy there from Sweden who I chatted to who was pretty cool which was nice.

>> No.11088203

Cool. Out of curiosity, which members where in the shows you saw?

Many who go to theater say they get a new impression of some girls, like girls who never stood out to them really shining in the shows. Did you have any experiences like that? Did seeing the girls live change your impression of them?

I wish I can go some day. I'll definitely try to get to at least some of their events when I go to Japan, but being a student, it'll take before I can afford going there...

>> No.11088554
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>> No.11088567 [DELETED] 


>> No.11088575

That is a bad picture.

>> No.11088581


Why is Tomochin so damn friendly with Paruru?

>> No.11088597


Oshima Ryoka:
"I want to do a theater show~ as a regular member you have so much free time~"

>> No.11088622

Tomochin has always been friendly with her juniors.

>> No.11088629
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>> No.11088636
File: 449 KB, 1401x941, Snap5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic discass

>> No.11088653

Paruru also loves her a lot. I think it happened during an interview. Paruru doesn't have any idea how to start talking so Tomochin would go "What about Paruru?", "You like Melon pan, right?" or something similar.

>> No.11088671

It might be an old shirt. I remember that those 4 were living together so it might be from that.

>> No.11088674

where can i get these shirts?

>> No.11088683

i thought tickets were actually easier to get for gaijin than for most japanese people? i applied for the lottery during the holiday season not realizing that they would be busy with kohaku and what not

>> No.11088694
File: 67 KB, 1024x768, Other (71).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paruru is the next Tomochin.

>> No.11088699

Nakanishi used to live with them?

>> No.11088704

Team H is rather difficult to get into. It's easy to get into KKS performances, but I'm sure the same could be said about other group's KKS performances as well.

>> No.11088713

That fat dude in drag made whatever it is they were eating unappealing.

>> No.11088725
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I like it but everybody has their own preferences.

>> No.11088728

I will next year. That is my goal. Unless Murashige graduates or something, then I won't bother.

>> No.11088735
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>> No.11088764
File: 89 KB, 721x517, 8fhgMuto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's just that the four of them used to live together inside the same apartment back when they were still AKB KKS. They eventually came to develop a strong bond and went by the name of Chihou-gumi due to the fact that they all came from rural places. I guess this is just a shirt they printed to celebrate those times.

>> No.11088772

hey buddy thats matsuko deluxe youre talking about

>> No.11088788

Did Nakanishi give a reason why she went with SKE? Better job prospects?

>> No.11088805

That was really nice. Thank you. Too bad I wasn't into them before it was too late.

>> No.11088902


>> No.11088944

I think she was sent there by Aki-p. I think SKE was kind of a top secret. So they made Nishishi graduate and then a few months later she becomes SKE 1st gen.

>> No.11089057

What happened to the Odekake guy's channel on youtube just now? All the videos are private? I was just in the middle of watching an episode, too...

>> No.11089126

Why don't you just download them?

>> No.11089197
File: 314 KB, 905x1200, B006VXACLM.09._SCRMZZZZZZ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11089217

My connection isn't too bad, but the upload speed is very slow so I have to seed for a really long time to make up for any downloads ratio-wise. I also like being able to watch them spontaneously instead of having to wait 1-2 hours for the torrent (even more if it's a new episode and my ratio is bad). This is for variety shows specifically though, I do download stuff like concert DVDs, documentaries etc.

>> No.11089231

Well, you can't really rely on Youtube too much for that kind of stuff. Videos frequently go private, get deleted by the uploader, or removed by Youtube. They are pretty strict about the copyright stuff.

>> No.11089796


i have an INSIDER whos going to be there and getting my autographs


>> No.11089813


i got news from a citizen that JURINA is back in thei hospital still no idea on the cause but im pretty scared shitless worrying about her

>> No.11089815


You can shave your beard with that.

>> No.11089818

Goddamnit, mai IMOUTO!

>> No.11089832
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>> No.11089848

i really liked paruru she was hilarious on the comedy show
same with yokoyama but after paruru won the janken i really started to get behind her pretty pissed that kojima and takahashi somehow still made it in top 10 of senbatsu when early poll put them 10-20 range bumping paru and yoko to 12 and 13

>> No.11089850


this pisses me off THEY ALWAYS fucking RENA AND JURINA


they are TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE you dont always have the need to do photos/tv with both of them ffs

>> No.11089857
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>> No.11089918
File: 825 KB, 1280x895, nanlynuRu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what song is that playing in the background and why is it my first time hearing it?

>> No.11089925

Renai Higaitodoke its from Kitagawa Kenji single.

>> No.11089955

Is there a Milky version of that pic?

>> No.11090129
File: 168 KB, 1496x1496, 71JHf2ojCpL._AA1496_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so. By the way, it's from the NMB calendar if you're interested.

Thanks, will check it out at once.

>> No.11090131
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>> No.11090143

Is there more of that photoset?

>> No.11090222 [SPOILER] 
File: 201 KB, 1039x1039, 71alVKoV8wL._AA1039_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

>> No.11090256

His beard is purple. Is he Prince?

>> No.11090282
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>> No.11090325

Is that all that citizen said? Maybe she's ok and is just visiting someone. yeah.

>> No.11090490

I just saw the Geinin movie trailer.

I'm actually really excited for it.

>> No.11090569
File: 146 KB, 435x340, Screen Shot 0025-06-25 at 1.29.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im starting to warm up to sasshi

>> No.11090749 [DELETED] 


>> No.11090842 [DELETED] 
File: 761 KB, 1280x1004, image-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Odekake guy makes videos private after a couple of days to avoid his channel getting deleted.

He used to leave each episode for a whole week in his previous two channels (or maybe four, considering the channel names), but there's a reason why those are his "previous" channels. SMJ fucking HATES digital distribution.

You can, however, see all the episodes in a vimeo album named "nogidoko". They come a little later than the youtube dude (around monday or thursday). The only downside is that you either go with shit quality (240p or 360p) or HD (1080p). There's no point in between (so if you're into 480p or 720p, tough luck).

The dude also uploaded some other stuff, like the MON special, or some of the PVs.

If you use it and want to download the episodes, I recommend viewtube.

>> No.11090868

DDL it then:

gee, how embarrassing. I just got up, so I thought he meant Nogidoko when he said Odekake, and hence the previous, long post I deleted.

>> No.11090985

Suicide is always an option.

>> No.11091023

Why do you hate Sasshi? I'm just curious.

>> No.11091050

Idols are there to be idolized. They're a fantasy riding on purity.

An idol isn't really a singer, a dancer, an actress or a variety personality. An idol isn't even the mash-up of said... professions. An idol is (at least supposed to be) an unattainable object of admiration. A goddess. That's why they're called, you know, "idols".

Dirty sluts are no idols.

>> No.11091095

in creating akb48 akimoto revolutionized the concept of idol by making them 会える amongst other things. the concept of idol is continually evolving.

>> No.11091108

What's the difference between Sasshi and Yuuko? If you are saying Sasshi is a slut because she has had sex, it's not like Yuuko is a virgin either.

>> No.11091112

No, no.

AKB are "idols you can meet", not "idols you can fuck".

Thing is, idols are dedicated to their fan following. They're not dedicated to one single person (or a group of people, like those who regularly visit Miichan's pants).

They are supposed to be unattainable in the sense of... they can't be yours. They can't be anybody's. Again, like a goddess.

Dirty sluts are no goddesses... unless you count some african or greek ones, but hey, even if those dirty sluts ARE goddesses, they aren't idols.

Sasshi is fine as a variety personality. Another mediocre comedian from the barrage of japanese geinin personalities. But she doesn't deserve to be called an idol, and she doesn't deserve the #1 spot in AKB.

This is the answer to your question. This is why I hate Sasshi.

Now, a question for you: Do you hate Miichan?

>> No.11091115

The Yuko thing is barely a rumor. If it were proven to be true, I'd hate her as well, sad as that would be. She wouldn't deserve to be called an idol.

>> No.11091127

i dont think she deserves to be number 1 either, but she made a mistake and paid for it. so i think fans have to accept that. i never liked miichan so i didnt really care

>> No.11091132

If you don't think she has had sex at least once in her life by this point, then you are crazy.

>> No.11091161

>she made a mistake and paid for it

She just got more work. She works on stuff in both Fukuoka and Tokyo - she has a house in each city. She also got a couple of dozens of girls who all adore her.

She didn't pay for shit. Though it wasn't as shameless as Miichan.

I can't prove it, and until it gets proven, I choose to remain "crazy".

Going back to my original post, idols are a fantasy riding on purity. If I didn't live the fantasy, having this hobby would be ass backwards retarded. But when the fantasy gets shattered, nothing but hate - should - arise.

And speaking of which, I hate Sasshi and Miichan, but more than anything, I hate the fans they have left. Miichan used to be my #3, but even if she had been in my #1 spot, what she did was unforgivable. Same with Sasshi, though I didn't really ever give a shit about her - I only got this mad at her when she stole that center from Yuko and Mayu.

>> No.11091270
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more Katayama into thiz tread

>> No.11091273
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>> No.11091274
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>> No.11091276

Katayama? That's Sasshi.

>> No.11091277
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>> No.11091282
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>> No.11091284
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>> No.11091287

Knew thread guys. We're on the very bottom now.

>> No.11091293
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>> No.11091290
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>> No.11091294
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That is suppose to be New*.

>> No.11091296
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>> No.11091302
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>> No.11091310
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>> No.11091309
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>> No.11091329

処女厨 are all like that, leave em alone in their world

>> No.11091374

Hey now there is nothing wrong with only supporting virgin idols. But there is a difference between a guy who believes his 16 year old oshi to be a virgin, and a guy who believes his 24 year old oshi is a virgin. It is just weird to me the people that complain the centre of AKB is a non-virgin now and that Yuuko should've won, when Yuuko is most likely a non-virgin too, she just simply hasn't been caught yet.

>> No.11091405

New thread:

>> No.11091441

So I got curious about Hoshimina and why you guys hate her. Now I like her and I find out that she's no longer in the senbatsu. FFFFFUUUU

>> No.11091463

When it comes to girls who've joined past their first year of high school in general, I really doubt most girls as pretty as 48 girls would not have romantic or sexual experiences. Yuuko, Mariko, Sayanee, you name it, and most fans of these girls accept that too. Girls who have really always aimed for an idol career could be an exception, though.

Personally though, I don't really care for purity. I dislike Miichan though, since she broke the rules blatantly at the top of her career and made herself the victim in the eyes of the media at the cost of 48 group's reputation. I just don't follow idols with the fantasy of popping their cherry or something.

What? Hoshimina is senbatsu, silly boy.

>> No.11091460

People don't like her because, despite her attitude (she's not the most noticeably hardworking member by far), she was in the center for 4/6 singles.

Basically, the same as Paruru, though unlike Paruru, Hoshimina can actually sing and dance.

>> No.11091464

Snebatsu != center trio position

>> No.11091473

Sorry for all the thoughs by the way. I should never post the first thing in the morning without drinking coffee first.

>> No.11091577

Chihougumi are such a fun bunch.

>> No.11092032
File: 515 KB, 1366x768, DEATH IS APPROACHING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11092353

what the fuck JKT48 got Team KIII

>> No.11092793

Good grief.

>> No.11093007


Is the site still up? I remember the 'shops being really awful
