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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 41 KB, 576x768, BNTO2kTCcAA2slT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11073105 No.11073105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the matter, jannie? Are you lactose intolerant?

>> No.11073109

milk is a girl!

>> No.11073116


She should try taking a photo with an actual camera sometime and not pointed at the mirror.

>> No.11073114

ids lacdose indolerand begause ids milg i got id :DDDDDD

>> No.11073123

lol because her name is milk

>> No.11073124

Black hair doesn't suit her at all.

>> No.11073121


>> No.11073128

It seemed like an impulse thing. I thought she wanted to dye her hair pink.

>> No.11073126

But of its high res you can see even more of her flaws

>> No.11073129

Does milk's poop taste like pocky and ramen?
I want her to poop on my face until I pass out.
Perhaps a little aphyxiation will help her relax her bowels.
Better not go overboard with the rope though, wouldn't want to wake up with a limp corpse on top of me.

>> No.11073137


>> No.11073132
File: 25 KB, 294x194, finnish snowniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11073133
File: 12 KB, 192x205, 13666581148875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No hair style would suit her.

>> No.11073145


>> No.11073139

i wish she shows more cleavage

>> No.11073142

3DPD amirite br/a/h?

>> No.11073143

Are you saying she should go bald?

>> No.11073144
File: 344 KB, 616x464, milkareyoueventrying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11073151

Remember when I said milk looked pretty with black hair?

I was wrong

>> No.11073147

I've had girlfriends before, I'm just saying milk is ugly and no matter what she does she will always be ugly.

>> No.11073148

*tips fedora*

>> No.11073149

milk is ten times cuter than that slut

>> No.11073162
File: 247 KB, 1551x1001, siztradox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself.

>> No.11073163

She needs more views!

>> No.11073164

You mean the real heroes of /jp/.

>> No.11073152

milkfans are the real shitposters of /jp/.

>> No.11073158


>> No.11073160


>> No.11073166


>> No.11073167

I liked it better when it was a joke. People seem to actually be serious about this bitch now.

>> No.11073170

Goddamn, I could really use a cock in my ass right now.

>> No.11073172

That tripcode is public.

>> No.11073175

How about putting that one stuck in your mouth.

>> No.11073176


I'm sure shes waiting to marry a husband before giving up her card like a true maiden. Unlike your insecure net "idol" afraid of taking high res pics of herself and fucked plenty of black guys.

>> No.11073177


>> No.11073179

Looks like you got some bad information, bruh bruh. That ain't me.

>> No.11073183
File: 40 KB, 390x483, 1367538611321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you.

>> No.11073188

Don't kid yourself.

And milk is a virgin.

>> No.11073189

Why are you two impersonating me?

>> No.11073190

Why would she buy a camera just to take epic twitter selfies?

>> No.11073200

Yes, that's what I said.

>> No.11073193


>> No.11073195

>milk is a virgin

>> No.11073196

I want to be milk-chan's personal toilet.

>> No.11073197

Kill yourself.

>> No.11073205


my little /jp/sie can't be this much in denial

>> No.11073201

Why the fuck are YOU impersonating ME? Don't even bother answering. I've already reported you to the FBI for hacking my tripcode.

>> No.11073203

Go back to MAL to spout some epic warosumemes in Komeiji's blog, subhuman.

>> No.11073211

Komeiji is still around? Crazy.

>> No.11073207


>> No.11073208

Milk is a virgin in the nose, every orifice is fucked dirty.

>> No.11073209
File: 38 KB, 320x320, 1371617766628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do me a favor and keep posting with my tripcode, I like your posts.

>> No.11073217

You couldn't be more of a little sheep.

>> No.11073223

I'm surprised he hasn't killed himself.

>> No.11073224

Hmm, who should I believe? The actual person saying she's still a virgin, or the shitposting anon who is obviously bitter...

>> No.11073227

You should think for yourself, instead of of being a fucking idiot.

>> No.11073226

I have fucked over ten thousand women.

>> No.11073233
File: 332 KB, 1200x1600, virgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11073231

Just me or Milk looks like fucking Tokiko in this picture?

>> No.11073239
File: 331 KB, 1200x1600, skidmarks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11073234

I am, and I choose to listen to milk herself and not what some asshole anon tells me.

>> No.11073236

>I choose to listen to milk herself
That's not thinking for yourself.

>> No.11073240

No you haven't.

>> No.11073241

This is a milk thread, please don't post that ugly slut.

>> No.11073242

Yeah, a girl has NEVER lied about being a virgin or being with other guys. Why would he ever do that?

>> No.11073252

Right here.

>> No.11073247


>> No.11073248

holy FUCK that faggot shitstra got owned so hard

>> No.11073249

Okay, fine, I choose to think for myself and believe that milk is a virgin, because I have no reason not to.

>> No.11073250


>> No.11073259

Well statistically, shes more likely to have had sex than remain a virgin.

>> No.11073255

I want to make tea out of milk's tampons.

>> No.11073257


It's okay anon. Just know you always have Hayley chan to admire; shes much younger, cuter, has a hyaku pasento voice, and not a attention whore.

>> No.11073260


Yeah right, bub. I can't smell virgin pussy from 500 miles away and you're not even a girl.

>> No.11073261

Take this ugly tranny to >>>/lgbt/

>> No.11073263

I hope we get a new video in the next few days.

>> No.11073264
File: 343 KB, 1200x1600, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11073268

You think I would lie about that? People wouldn't lie about that.

>> No.11073270

Imagine being pathetic enough to spam your own pictures on /jp/.

>> No.11073279

>Why would he (sic) ever do that?
Exactly. She has no reason to lie.

>> No.11073273

These threads makes me want to go back to /a/ again. (Even though I already go there for the DJTs)

>> No.11073274

Now imagine me on a horse, backwards.

>> No.11073276
File: 310 KB, 466x575, 1356359611012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11073281

If a girl and her boyfriend have lived together for years, then then obviously have fucked at least once.

This is merely pointing out the obvious.

>> No.11073282


message her your support

>> No.11073286

I bet this faggot thinks he looks pretty.

>> No.11073287

Go back to >>>/a/, kid.

>> No.11073288

Milk has a really sexy midriff. Why must she tempt me so?
What is up with her nose though?

>> No.11073287,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is this real? Has anyone called him yet, I am tempted..

>> No.11073289

Nice trip, loser.

>> No.11073291

It just looks that way relative to her other facial features, a result of her FAS.

>> No.11073292

Look at this newfag trip thinking he knows anything.

>> No.11073296

I think you mean /soc/

or possibly /lgbt/, given that milk's so obviously a guy

>> No.11073298


So she had a long-term boyfriend? That like right there breaks the whole net idol definition by a large margin.

>> No.11073303

>>being this mad

>> No.11073307

>not a attention whore
Then why the fuck is she posting videos of herself blogging on YouTube.

>> No.11073308

Epic green newbie.

>> No.11073309

Why are you impersonating gigs, again?

>> No.11073313

She's very passionate about her hobbies. Please don't call her an attention whore.

>> No.11073314

We won't miss you.

>> No.11073316

So is milk. Only difference is that milk is actually attractive and not plain looking.

>> No.11073317


Look at this guy trying to throw back leftovers, look at him and laugh! She only has one video and is asking to see a concert. Perfectly nothing wrong with that. Other boards on 4chan do crowdfunding to get stuff that they want.

>> No.11073322

>So is milk.

>> No.11073326

>being so new that you don't know that gigs' gimmick is copying ZUN!bar's gimmicks

>> No.11073323

>asking to see a concert
How is that not attention whoring? Look at me guys, I'm a cute girl, please buy me this thing tee hee!

Disgusting. At least milk doesn't beg people for shit.

>> No.11073333

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11073327

Milk also doesn't actually like otaku related things.

>> No.11073329

It must be opposite day.

>> No.11073331


Milk sticks her whishlist on her tumblur...tell me how that isn't begging.

>> No.11073337

Then what is that Amazon wishlist for, which people have bought her stuff off of in the past.

>> No.11073336

Yeah, that's why she has all those figures, plays video games, watches anime, and dresses up as her favorite characters.


>> No.11073336,1 [INTERNAL] 

>no one talking about those fine ass milky titties

>> No.11073342

And whenever someone mentions buying something from it for her, she asks them not to.

>> No.11073344

Is this sarcasm? I'm autistic and have trouble noticing sarcasm most of the time.

>> No.11073346
File: 63 KB, 920x459, doll feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you make your posts as bad as possible just so you get attention

>> No.11073347

Why are shitposting threads the fastest?

>> No.11073343

Thats she parades them around, because shes a cock sucking attention whore.


>> No.11073355
File: 45 KB, 480x360, pf8014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're answering your own question

>> No.11073349

That's because she's a fucking leech of of her boyfriend

>> No.11073350

Up until they actually buy her something from it, as in the past.

So naive, why don't you just go and kill yourself?

>> No.11073351


Name her favorite characters pls. From looking at her wishlist it looks to me as shes just a poser and doesn't have a particular franchise shes into.

>> No.11073352

>implying he is not !bar


The truth hurts.

>> No.11073354

Wait, there are actual people that like this girl unironically?

>> No.11073364

Yes, just like the last fifty times this question has been asked.

>> No.11073360

Who the fuck would want attention from the type of faggots on /jp/? She has those things because she likes them.


>> No.11073362

Please stop slandering my otaku goddess. Don't you have anything better to do?

>> No.11073365

Sure she does, nah I think its more likely that shes an attention whore, she does attend conventions after all.

>> No.11073372

How can you even be this retarded, kill yourself back to /a/ or gaia, wherever the fuck you came from subhuman.

>> No.11073366

What do you expect from a bunch of bitter virgins who hate women?

Yeah, cause everyone who attends conventions is an attention whore. Do you even think before you post?

>> No.11073367

You are gullible. That's an old schiol mental trick manipulators use to appear humble and non assertive. If you are less assertive people are more inclined to help you.

>> No.11073369


Touhou because it's /jp/ related :DDD

That doesn't count

>> No.11073370


>> No.11073375

How doesn't it count you mouthbreather?

>> No.11073376


No, I particularly hate milk.

>> No.11073383

Hey gal, maybe you should head back to >>>/cgl/

>> No.11073384


Maybe try scooting your chair away from the monitor and think about it for a second, nimrod.

>> No.11073381

Yes they are. That's why they carry cameras and out on a lot of makeup, you stupid slut. Now get on your knees and suck my otaku dicl, filthy pig whore.

>> No.11073382

I like milk threads unironically.

>> No.11073385


>> No.11073387

My favorite character is Touhou.

>> No.11073389

Oh no someone hates a woman, he must be a bitter virgin. Nice one dumbass, stop posting before you embarrass yourself further.

>> No.11073390

Read that as "you're an embarrassment to your father"

>> No.11073391

Fuck off you virgin weeaboo faggot, enjoy your loneliness for the rest of your life.

>> No.11073391,1 [INTERNAL] 

>>hates a woman
>>not "hates a person"

And this is why we can tell you're a bitter virgin :)

>> No.11073391,2 [INTERNAL] 

Nice job, we totally owned that whore.

>> No.11073391,3 [INTERNAL] 

we owned this SHIT out this spammer xDD

Nice one /b/ros! Friday is our night tonight!!

>> No.11073391,4 [INTERNAL] 

Thank you, janitor.

>> No.11073391,5 [INTERNAL] 

Dumb slut got wrecked.

>> No.11073391,6 [INTERNAL] 


epic ownage

>> No.11073391,7 [INTERNAL] 

you linked the wrong post brah >>11073366

>> No.11073391,8 [INTERNAL] 

Heh, that will teach her.

>> No.11073391,9 [INTERNAL] 

Women are incapable of learning anything other than sucking dick.

>> No.11073391,10 [INTERNAL] 

Obviously not, Siztra is a Euroshit.
