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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11067018 No.11067018[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is /cgl/ so obsessed with dressing like a rozen maiden?

Why is /jp/ out of all places the second home for /cgl/?

>> No.11067023

Joke's on you I don't dress

>> No.11067032

Define "like a rozen maiden."

>> No.11067048

Because Rozen Maiden features Victorian type clothing.

>Why is /jp/ out of all places the second home for /cgl/

Seriously? Most people consider this a board for all things Japanese. A lot of CP'ers (heheh) are secondary turds that want to dress as touhous. Last but not least, they recognize the fact that many of us would do cartwheels for a chance to suck the dick of a cosplaying trap in lolita fashion

>> No.11067053


>> No.11067060

They talk about dressing in "lolita" 24/7

There's 3 threads up about it right now

"lolita" from what I can gather is dressing in needlessly extravagant fluffy dresses during everyday activities such as grocery shopping

Then they turn around and greentext how everyone is giving them weird looks every time they go outside

>> No.11067056
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>> No.11067058

>Why is /jp/ out of all places the second home for /cgl/?
It isn't.

>> No.11067063
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Is this a desu thread?

>> No.11067072

Why does /cgl/ - Cosplay and EGL talk about dressing up in lolita?

Damn, I don't know.

>> No.11067075


lol this, also "creeper" threads that would make any male feminist a misogynist in seconds.

>> No.11067083

Is there even anyone from /cgl/ that comes on /jp/? As far as I know they don't even like anime and only do it as a hobby + they hate nerds

>> No.11067085

>Why is /cgl/ so obsessed with dressing like a rozen maiden?

Man, who isn't into this? Frills and bonnets are fucking great.

>> No.11067095

Also I think moot secretly shitposts anonymously on /jp/

>> No.11067100

Yeah right

>> No.11067101

Nah moot hates us, he only goes to /fit/ and /sp/ nowadays

>> No.11067107
File: 344 KB, 683x1024, u wud fug dis anime jus admit it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>le board culture milk shitpost

>> No.11067115

>moot hates us
That's why he shitposts here.

What is hilarious is that moot said he was going to delete /sp/ a few years ago because of low quality of the threads.

milk please go

>> No.11067116

>epic greentext wow ;)
>meme arrows le epic i 'm col guys see i can meme arrows

>> No.11067118

You will never dress like cute touhou and shoot cute danmakus.

>> No.11067120

milk doesn't browse or post on /cgl/.

>> No.11067122

I'll just wear a dress and go on a shooting spree in a mall

>> No.11067128

There's a hole

>> No.11067131


>le dem bitches dont wanna hearr bout dis
>epic rebuttal
>tilts fedora

>> No.11067132

Nice try, milk.


>> No.11067133


like this comment if u wud put ur dik in dat hole and fug

>> No.11067134
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I know this is a BAIT THREAD but I will respond anyway.
For the most part there are people on /cgl/ who cosplay things because they are a fan of it, but a large majority treat it like fashion/arts and crafts popularity contest.

As for /jp/ some how magically becoming the second home of /cgl/ is extremely far from the truth due to most of /cgl/ dislike of /jp/ on board topics and discussions and /jp/ dislike of cosplaying attention whores.

>> No.11067141

That would actually be pretty awesome.

>> No.11067153

>>11067122 is already under arrest

>> No.11067154

>and /jp/ dislike of cosplaying attention whores.
Unless they‘re truNIHONJIN of course, then you can discuss them at length. Same for porn actresses.

>> No.11067165

thanks opamba

>> No.11067170
File: 74 KB, 240x240, kurumi_16619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /jp/ dislike of cosplaying attention whores.
I bet you think the average person on /jp/ hates 3D.


>> No.11067176

Yeah. That was pretty stupid.

brb, assassinating all UN delegates

>> No.11067177


I don't hate 3D, but that doesn't mean that I tolerate cosplaying attention whores.


>> No.11067178


>> No.11067180

That was a trap.
Get the fuck out, normal, before I call the /jp/ police.

>> No.11067184

You actually took that seriously?

>I don't hate 3D
Get the fuck out.


>> No.11067187
File: 68 KB, 486x410, bb9f5ae0e70dc5935e9a6c7cfb26549d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how I said attention whores anon read incontext.

>> No.11067190

You're trying so hard to fit in, it's actually kind of sad to watch. You go back to /a/ with your ``3DPD'' garbage.

>> No.11067191

That's correct though

>> No.11067201


i'm the average person on /jp/. the other day a girl talked to me for the first time in years asking me where the bookstore was on campus, i thought i was striking up a conversation but when i told her about how i wanted to get my masters her tone instantly got all weird and the conversation immediately died. so i relapsed on heroin for the first time in a year and a half because i realized that no one gives a shit about my stupid plans and they just want to talk to cool guys who talk about how stupid the teachers are. i hate 3D alot.

>> No.11067198

Filthy normie scum.

>> No.11067200
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The joke is on you, because you all fell for my ruse.

>> No.11067204

You said in between barely choked back sobs.

>> No.11067205
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>> No.11067207

Because everyone thinks they can be a hardcore weeb by coming to /jp/

>> No.11067208

First step: denial.

>> No.11067212

The idol guys presumably like 3D and they're as /jp/ as just about anyone else here.

>> No.11067214

After I came on /jp/ my blood turned blue and I instantly learned Japanese

>> No.11067218

Oh god he found out our cover, everyone retreat.

>> No.11067222

The idol folk have always been looked down upon. It's why we force their shit to be condensed.

>> No.11067223

Just like the visual novel nerds?

>> No.11067229

No, that's condensed because the majority of the board prefers shitposting over discussing on-topic material.

>> No.11067231

>It's why we force their shit to be condensed.

You're deluded if you think you are exerting any constriction.

>> No.11067246

Try and step out of your ghettos and the /jp/ legion will have you thrown out of this board.

>> No.11067250
File: 9 KB, 250x187, 1354337550426s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know that feel

>> No.11067249

>/jp/ legion

EPIC as HELL terminology /b/ro

>> No.11067257

>The idol folk have always been looked down upon
But it used to be much worse. Nowadays most people either don't care or grudgingly accept them.

They earned their place and now they're a part of /jp/.

>> No.11067273

That's because they're nihonjin, not some insufferable western normal who espouses anime culture but drops their panties at the first sight of a sports-watching, basketball shorts wearing alpha.

>> No.11067278
File: 340 KB, 918x532, slamdunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it's a 2D sports-watching, basketball shorts wearing alpha?

>> No.11067301

Don't get me wrong, I hate this /cgl/ "net idol" crap too, but I've come to respect the actual idolfags.

The kig guys too. I still think they're a little weird, but they're a good bunch at heart.

>> No.11067310

Modern sports are just the gladiatorial arena diluted into homoerotic spectacles under the guise of competition. I have seen the future of competitive entertainment, and in it, there is no place for tights wearing gym gorillas.

>> No.11067314

Who cares if they are good people or not.

Kig is an unholy obscenity that should be stricken from the face of the earth. Is nothing sacred anymore? If you want to have your cake and eat it too you can go fuck yourself. In the ass. With a cactus. And poison

>> No.11067317

We were never in disagreement.
