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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11048901 No.11048901 [Reply] [Original]

No one posted any flat-chest goodness in a while, let's do it!

>> No.11048902

That's pretty obviously not a flat chest.

>> No.11048913

Is this ironic?

>> No.11048921

I wish those stripes were wider. They are too narrow to excite me.

>> No.11048916

Tamako is looking very disproportionate in that picture. I would still rape her, though, had I the chance.

>> No.11048923
File: 208 KB, 1200x862, loli2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's better

>> No.11048931
File: 218 KB, 800x1000, 17397491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you like most about loli, /jp/?

>> No.11048948

How easy they are to dispose of afterwards.

>> No.11048952
File: 198 KB, 738x1024, 2_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stripes..

>> No.11048958

Pretending to be one on the internet.

>> No.11048962

I had to seriously think about this for a while and there's no way it's unironic.

>> No.11048963
File: 234 KB, 533x1126, 18151006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to act like a loli on the internet. If people think I am one, then it's nice I guess. It's not my intent though.

>> No.11048965

Please do not start another thread there are already other threads for this.

>> No.11048966

What is your intent for acting like a loli?

>> No.11048969
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>> No.11048973

Probably to fuel the delusion of being a little girl, revealing pain for mere seconds, but bring joy to our lives.

It's why the rest of us do it.

>> No.11048978

Sounds like cocaine.

>> No.11048982

I want to put it in all of these.

>> No.11048994

Unlike you I actually AM a girl so cut it out please, it's creepy.

>> No.11048995

This is not jp related. This should be in /c/. Tired of this shit.

>> No.11048992

I'm going to do it everywhere starting now, including /jp/.

>> No.11048993

To seem cute and cheerful.

>> No.11049007
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>> No.11049004

And /jp/ is supposed to take it easy.
Tired of you nerds that have a stick up their ass.

>> No.11049010

Fuck you then, faggot. Run back to /b/ and try your best to die in a fucking fire along the way.

>> No.11049018

Loli is /jp/ related.

>> No.11049028

Condense your fucking loli threads, there are already 3 of them on the front page.

>> No.11049036

Condense all touhou threads.
Condense all idol threads.
Condense all random threads.
Condense all of /jp/ into one thread b

>> No.11049040

All of these are good suggestions but the last.

>> No.11049048

abduting them

>> No.11049290

How? Then shota is too? Then I'll shit up this board with 3 different shota threads just like you lolifags.

>> No.11049296


No, faggot, you have your own board for your gay bullshit.

>> No.11049300

I think that might backfire on you.

>> No.11049331

>I'll shit up this board with 3 different shota threads just like you lolifags.

Assuming you don't change IPs and the threads aren't deleted, won't this take around eight hours to accomplish? Anyway be my guest. I don't think there's much interest in shota on /jp/ though.

>> No.11049417


Still warmly waiting for shota thread.

>> No.11049425

Guys think about your family. What would they think if they saw you right now. As you are sitting on your seamen covered swirly chair, think. What if your family is standing right behind you, as you look at your screen.
Imagine your grandfather behind you, crying into his hands as he pities what you have become. Because that is what is what will happen if they find out.
People like you need help, go to a therapists, or talk with a very close friend. You don't want to finally break and rape a real little girl.
And if you don't stop that is what is going to happen, you will hurt a little girl.
I'll give you an example, so you can picture how easily you could fall into the trap.
>Your walking home after a hard day of work, walking down main street after dark
>No one is out except you, and a few street lamps
>All of a sudden it happens, a drunken father opens the door to his house and throws a 10 year old out the door yelling "You bitch, stop crying you cunt."
>He closes the door, and you see in the light of a street lamp, a little girl only in her jammies, tears going down her face
>She is smoking hot (in your eyes) 10/10 body, 10.10 face, nice everything.
>Next thing you know, you are assfucking this girl after you drag her to the nearest alleyway.
>Then you leave her there crying, asking for mercy.
>You look back on last time, and see this girl covered in your semen, in the fetal position.
That is what can, and will happen if you don't stop. So please just stop.Think.

>> No.11049431


Gr8 b8 m8.

>> No.11049434

Don't talk to me, fag.

>> No.11049459
File: 27 KB, 785x420, 1370780158173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even 4chan related.

>> No.11049479

You care about what moot and the mods say? How much of a normie could you possibly be? Pedophilia is /jp/ culture.

>> No.11049486

>Pedophilia is /jp/ culture.

jesus christ... I just wanted to talk about my PVC figures.

I'm outta here

>> No.11049494

Good riddance

How can you be deep enough to own figures and still give a fuck about people being attracted to 'underage' drawings?

>> No.11049495


>> No.11049522

What a fucking normie. Fucking faggot.

>> No.11049531
File: 136 KB, 543x800, 1334131162485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11049539
File: 407 KB, 2103x1600, 1337200261360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11049534
File: 1.21 MB, 1500x1125, 1335934690167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11049542

Take it easy. It should hardly be surprising at this point. I like to think that moot just says and does these things so he doesn't look any worse to the general public.

>> No.11049546
File: 439 KB, 1600x2103, 1337200261360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's annoying.

>> No.11049575

I would just like to make the distinction that lolicon artwork is /jp/ culture.

Actual 3D pedo is only an ancillary related activity.

No judgment - people who give a fuck about this shit are faaaaaaaaaaaaags.

>> No.11049581
File: 59 KB, 548x800, kobato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic, here's some nice Kobato with phallic symbol here.

>> No.11049590

Kobato's smooth and soft shoulders and armpits.

>> No.11049609

needs more butter

>> No.11049657

This is too lewd you can see her little nipple

>> No.11049672


What a weenie.

>> No.11049676

3D == Pig Disgusting.
2D == Godly.

To confuse the two is to embrace heresy.

>> No.11049692

Hahaha disregard that I suck cocks. A loli is a loli, it doesn't matter if she's drawn or not.

>> No.11049687
File: 2.11 MB, 2400x3200, 1339065677649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry.

>> No.11049694

That's even worse you can see her privates!

>> No.11049701 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 443x450, little-girl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you cuddle with this cute girl and keep her warm?

>> No.11049711

Cocaine is fun!

>> No.11049713

I'd love to. Her hair looks really smooth too. Do you think she would mind if I ran my fingers through it? Is that too weird?

>> No.11049718

>Is that too weird?
NO, it's totally common but it's not cool according to society so you should refrain from doing so.

>> No.11049719
File: 1.90 MB, 368x340, 1342089123427.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small girls like being petted.

>> No.11049726 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 800x1200, 1367035183647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an adult male, so I would probably be too scared to.

>> No.11049731

Do they really?

>> No.11049745

Reminds me of beckii.

>> No.11049740

link to the /ss/ thread?

>> No.11049776


>> No.11049782

I am confused.

>> No.11049787


>> No.11049788

I'm not, it was a trap!!!

>> No.11049789 [DELETED] 
File: 779 KB, 1024x768, 1365925971288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11049790


>> No.11049797
File: 96 KB, 558x927, ss (2013-05-26 at 10.27.23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11049798


>Google is working on new technology that would effectively purge all images of child pornography and abuse from most of the web.
>Google hopes the new database is operational in less than a year.

Take that, pedos.

>> No.11049801

8 master race

>> No.11049802

i dont want to be raped in prison for liking lolis

>> No.11049800
File: 13 KB, 275x300, fbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11049804

Pedophiles are too ugly to rape, you'll just be murdered. Even killers hate pedos, everyone has to feel morally superior somehow.

>> No.11049806

raep time, call your buddies and bring the lube m8 because this was all a big b8!

Google is the rapist!

>> No.11049810

It's going to be difficult for you normalfriends to feel superior to "pedophiles" when you're being arrested for looking up music downloads and tentacle porn en masse.

Enjoy being good little proles for the coming digital tyranny. I'm sure it's worth the hypocritical, fake moral superiority you're feeling right now.

>> No.11049814

This. There's nothing wrong with pedophilia.

>> No.11049819

Disregard that, I suck little boys dicks.

>> No.11049824

It's only wrong if it becomes 3D, and that's because it's 3D.

Your interests are unappealing, bad-fake-kun.

>> No.11049825

I don't download music and tentacle porn will never be banned since it's not sick pedophilia.

>> No.11049828 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 533x800, XYN74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11049829


My wine bottles are empty and the denpa music if bringing me down, halp me /jp/ what can I do now?

>> No.11049839

>inb4 404

>> No.11049840

People who hate pedophilia hate freedom.

Christians - 0
Pedophiles - 1

>> No.11049852

Catholic priests are Christians

Christians - 9001
Pedophiles - infinite

/end christian v pedo

>> No.11049864

>It's only wrong if it becomes 3D, and that's because it's 3D.

I want /a/ to leave.

>> No.11049871

You're acting like 90% of /jp/ doesn't feel the same way.

gb2/idol thread

>> No.11049878


>> No.11049883

All you have to do is simply lurk to discover your assumption about /jp/ is completely wrong.

>> No.11049882

Begone, heretic. Take your /b/-level camwhores with you.

>> No.11049892


You guys need to take it easy. Who cares who's into what? This thread is for posting lolis

>> No.11049895

And also using a public trip to try to force your opinion doesn't really help your case.

Most people here don't care if lolis are drawn or actual people.

>> No.11049912

Apparently other boards think a loli isn't a little girl, and then they get mad when you post what you think is loli.

>> No.11049910

what kind of normie gets upset about 3D loli

>> No.11049922


There are normies who are into 3DCP, and otaku who are not. The lines aren't so black and white.

>> No.11049925

I don't see anyone posting CP here.

>> No.11049928


No, but that's what I assumed you meant. Sorry.

>> No.11049941

dont let it happen again nerd

>> No.11049942 [DELETED] 

I think of people who have a fixation 3D loli as either those who either have it because no females of any other age would be willing to give them attention.

Then there's the that young girls become teenagers become women, and the notion that you'll simply stop being attracted after a few years is off-putting. Yes, this is the case in real life too, because men and women who hit fifty aren't looking great, but the expectation is by then that you're getting on in years too and your relationship should be stable enough to survive without constantly having a fire under it.

>> No.11049944

would you love a little sister like this?

>> No.11049950

When I see someone who have a fixation 3D loli I instinctively assume it's because no decent females of any other age would be willing to give them attention.

There's also the issue that young girls become teenagers become women, and the notion that you'll simply stop being attracted to her after a few years is off-putting. Yes, this is the case for normal society people too, because men and women who hit fifty aren't looking great, but the expectation is by then that you will getting on in years too, and your relationship should be stable enough to survive without constantly having a fire under it.

>> No.11049951

No, I want someone younger and cuter.

>> No.11049962

shes a bit too lewd for me. if she was a more timid and shy girl id like her

>> No.11049957


No because she's 3 years older than me now

>> No.11049968

Thanks for proving you're new.

>> No.11049973

I've never seen a happy couple in their 50's.

>> No.11049975

Sorry gramps, I've been on the jay since 2009/

>> No.11049981

>it's because no decent females of any other age would be willing to give them attention.

Is this projecting?

>> No.11049986

Thanks for proving you're new.

>> No.11049990

No problem.

>> No.11049995

My parents and some of their friends are getting along well enough. Although unhappy families tend to hide it from the world, so maybe not everything is as it seems.

Now that I think about it, there might be some of that.

>> No.11049998

>it's because no decent females of any other age would be willing to give them attention.
...Or maybe it's because they're a pedophile?

>> No.11050043

If we're going by the strict definition, "people who just absolutely not interested in the female form of adults," then it can't be helped. You're in for a miserable ride.

I suspect that some of it is conditioned aversion rather than intrinsic, though. Like the way a lot of normal people are averse to futa and loli, not because it's not sexually arousing, but because that's a way they learned to think.

>> No.11050053

In what way do you imagine people are conditioned to be adverse to futanari, something they'd never even think of until they experienced anime/manga?

>> No.11050060

Because they instantly think dicks=gay.

>> No.11050064

It's not explicit conditioning against, just something arises as a side effect of people's general dislike for gay porn, tranny porn, and fetish communities.

>> No.11050066

It's actually because it's sexually arousing to go against societies rules for most people. It goes back to tribal times and before when men were fornicating with the women of the alpha male. Chimps have been proven to do the same behavior, and even the female goes along with it. Being rebels is in our blood.

>> No.11050069


I think this is the most accurate.

>> No.11050096

>"people who just absolutely not interested in the female form of adults,"
What is that supposed to mean? Not every pedophile is exclusively into children. If they are, it's the result of their paraphilia. How these paraphilias develop we're not sure of yet. Some say it's due to an immature personality and a desire for power in relationships. I think it's because lolis are sexy.

>I suspect that some of it is conditioned aversion rather than intrinsic, though.
Conditioned to the point to break the law repeatedly and require chemical castration? No way. The system generally conditions AGAINST pedophilia. Normal life reinforces normal relationships and punishes abnormal ones.

>> No.11050111
File: 68 KB, 726x489, 131847994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11050119

me in the middle

>> No.11050120

So you're saying they're trained to dislike gay porn, something they wouldn't normally look at anyway, unless it got in their way of looking for non-gay porn?

>> No.11050126

>Some say it's due to an immature personality and a desire for power in relationships.

What about people who want to be the submissive one in a relationship with a loli?

>> No.11050131

>What is that supposed to mean? Not every pedophile is exclusively into children.
It either has to be exclusive or primary, from what I've read. If you like everything you don't qualify.

>The system generally conditions AGAINST pedophilia. Normal life reinforces normal relationships and punishes abnormal ones.
It's obviously not normal system operation. But a lot of people here have been conditioned to hate bitches and whores (ie, adult women), or attached themselves to deviant communities years ago. So I think some of it is there.

>> No.11050142

im an alpha male

>> No.11050148

Jesus was a rebel.

>> No.11050182

Why do loli threads always turn into constant bickering about the morality of pedophilia?

>> No.11050185

Me on the left.

>> No.11050186

It depends on whether or not this relationship is "play". If they really want to be submissive, it's still immaturity, but toward extreme infantilism I would say.

>But a lot of people here have been conditioned to hate bitches and whores (ie, adult women), or attached themselves to deviant communities years ago. So I think some of it is there.
I'm sure there's overlap, but correlation is not causation. It could be that people who are attracted to childlike traits have an innate aversion to adult women (who have lost their childlike innocence) rather than due to rejection. Perhaps there's a unifying syndrome that precipitates both patterns.

Also, an aversion to adults does not necessitate an attraction to children, which is why it's likely not (at least wholly) conditioned. Whatever it is, people don't "learn" to be pedophiles. Similar to how homosexuals don't "learn" to be gay. That's just the way their sexuality is. If it was that simple, I doubt anyone would put themselves at such risk. Pedophiles are outright murdered in prisons.

>> No.11050190

because trolls know they can get a rise out of people who like loli

>> No.11050191


>loli threads

This has been going on as long as humans have cared to record. This goes beyond the internet and the modern world.

>> No.11050199


>> No.11050212

Only in the past 100 years has pedophilia been seen as a problem.

>> No.11050215

>Pedophiles are outright murdered in prisons.
Is this even true? And I don't mean in high security you-aren't-part-of-this-gang-and-you're-dead prisons.

>> No.11050224

It would be very, very difficult to fuck your neighbor's twelve-year-old daughter and get away with it in medieval times anywhere.

>> No.11050227


Not always murdered, but they are treated as the worst of the worst by inmates.

Source: My Father just got out of prison three months ago; I asked him about it myself. (He was in for 5 years)

>> No.11050231

Nobody really cares if you get raped in jail, but pedophiles are usually kept in entire separate sections of the jail keep other inmates from always murdering them.

>> No.11050234

Looks like we have a medieval times expert right here.

>> No.11050241

I have a PhD in Medieval Studies. Don't fuck with me.

>> No.11050245

There are still two other loli threads available for discussion.

>> No.11050248

What is the best way of acquiring a loli in the 9th century?

>> No.11050276

It would be difficult to fuck your neighbor's daughter without her father's permission despite whatever age faggot in the olden days.

>> No.11050278

Have land. Basically the same back then as it is now.

>> No.11050288

Possible options are fathering one, acquiring one through war rape or kidnapping. If you are nobility, you can have a politically favorable marriage arranged or just take a unnatural fancy to some of your servants' children.

>> No.11050312

Why does the girl in the image have large breasts when the subject field says "Loli thread"?

>> No.11050378

I think OP was trying to start some sort of anime thread given the response of >>11048916

>> No.11050393

Lolis can be more than flat! (No) Breasts are not the only indicator of a loli!

>> No.11050403
File: 562 KB, 1115x1600, Kemomimi_Onsen_059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolis can have boobs too, nerd. What are you, from Australia where the only defining trait of an adult is whether or not they have huge tits?

>> No.11050414

She isn't proportioned like a loli either.

>> No.11050418

a loli is a prepubescent girl
girls start growing tits in puberty
a girl with tits is not a loli

>> No.11050421

So midgets are lolis too?

>> No.11050424

I'll agree with this man

>> No.11050430

When you are using an art style where everyone is drawn like a child, secondary sexual characteristics are the only indication of adulthood.

>> No.11050433
File: 284 KB, 1256x1248, 1296265506059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a loli is a prepubescent girl
So all them anime about 5th and 6th graders aren't loli anime?

The ichigo marshmallow girls aren't lolis either because they're the same age and most likely bleed?

Lolita isn't a loli?

>> No.11050439

That guy is like the size of three grown men.

>> No.11050450

It's pointless when you have practically everyone heroine have a body that looks like there are perpetually stuck in adolescence anyway. If you are going to have actual child characters, you might as well make them look very childish.

>> No.11050458

If you define loli as exclusively short and flat chested women, then a flat midget would be a loli to you.

>> No.11050464

is she wearing fucking crocs

>> No.11050466

No he's normal, the girls are just tiny.

>> No.11050476


Forgot links. Lee is kinda borderline sometimes.


>> No.11050486

As long as they don't have hips or genital hair.

>> No.11050488

Isn't that toddlercon?

>> No.11050503
File: 513 KB, 1115x1600, Kemomimi_Onsen_195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do toddlers have boobs?

>> No.11050538
File: 438 KB, 1000x750, 5e68e94bcf9e2b71eb0cfad4e0793c63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nature (and porn) has some oddities like that.
and they're delicious

>> No.11050539
File: 412 KB, 918x1280, 51c99645c868953ce83541797cb3e804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a problem with the official footwear of lolis?

>> No.11050591


The original lolita that the whole complex alludes to was post-pubescent

>> No.11050620
File: 239 KB, 604x800, 1352776549999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean post-pre-pubescent, or just pubescent, not post-pubescent.

But yeah. In all manga, anime, lolis are between like 9 and 12, maybe up to 14, like pic related. They may not show full development but they aren't usually prepubescent.

>> No.11050638
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take this, you nOObs.

>> No.11050639

She was just entering adolescence if I remember correctly. That's the kind of girl he was into.

>> No.11050875
File: 364 KB, 1000x800, 20849342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there actually any way I can get a little girl to bully me?

>> No.11050888

I'd imagine that'd be tough. Unless you've got a bossy little sister.

>> No.11050906

my little sister made fun of me for being a virgin

>> No.11050914

Isn't that an indirect way of asking to be fucked?

>> No.11050957

I do not have any loli sisters. I have other loli relatives though, but I don't think any of them would ever make fun of me unless there was an actual reason or other people were doing it teasingly.

>> No.11051165

Is it?

>> No.11051197


I'm technically Christian, and I LOVE loli. I'm way the hell undecided about religion at the moment, but I'm pretty sure the bible doesn't say "thou shall not get turned on by super-fucking-cute girls", so fuck it. I'll do what I want.

>> No.11051223

It is in ero manga. I've read a few where the girl insults a guy for being a virgin, he gets angry and rapes her, turns out she's a virgin too, then when he starts to feel bad she tells him she loved him all along and was hoping for that to happen.

So yeah, 99% sure she wants anon to fuck her.

>> No.11051252


I wish this would happen to me.

>> No.11051265

Tamako is like 17 years old at the end of the anime, though. How is that loli?

>> No.11051457

It can happen!

>> No.11051463
File: 648 KB, 842x1115, 1370867256073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

science pls

>> No.11051471
File: 340 KB, 850x531, loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

☆☆I just took this photo of myself for you silly boys~

>> No.11051476


Where are your wings?

>> No.11051485
File: 23 KB, 300x300, water-wings_48710_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11053331

No, just normal crocs.

>> No.11053813
File: 405 KB, 841x600, 7ffb746ba549691b629ae127e355f7230a98b93e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11053819
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>> No.11053822
File: 119 KB, 585x800, fffe41dcf3c0fec40d05e38b100e55e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11053833

She's pretty cute. Is she from that new Hentai Cat anime?

>> No.11053838


>> No.11053865

is it worth watching just for the cuteness?

story from what ive heard sounds retarded.

>> No.11053873

>186 posts and 28 image replies omitted

>> No.11053900


>> No.11053902
File: 29 KB, 523x496, 1371405910638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't watch anime for the plot.

>> No.11053916

Is it wrong to like sexy lolis?

>> No.11053932

Too late. I do.

Oh but i'm a fujoshi so i have an excuse.

>> No.11053935

Woooow, I've never talked to a fujoshi before

>> No.11053936

It's cute and it has sexy lewd parts.

>> No.11053946

yeah youre right. I guess I'll watch it for that and to get more out of doujins that will come out for it.

>> No.11053947

D-does that m-mean you read d-d-doujinshi were th-the g-g-g-guys p-put their d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dicksintheother'sbutt?

>> No.11053949

I wish I was a frumpy fujoshi, so I could walk up to little shotas and ask them "hey kid wanna /ss/?"

>> No.11053952

Not at all.

>> No.11053958
File: 500 KB, 480x270, 1371321040598.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W....What!!! ?

>> No.11053960

They do more than just sex, like caressing and dating and holding hands and flirting and being adorable in so many ways. :3

>> No.11053962

I wish I was a cute shota so a frumpy fujoshi could walk to up to me and ask "hey kid wanna /ss/?"

>> No.11053963

Ever read yaoi? A lot of its pretty hot. I want to be a boy fujoshi. A fushonen?

>> No.11053965

ufufu, looks like I've taken your talked-to-a-fujoshi virginity!

>> No.11053976

Yaoi is great to read; I tend to read it and get immersed for hours on end when I do, but I don't regard it more highly than any of my other interests. And it's embarrassing to fangirl over it so.

>> No.11053977
File: 102 KB, 238x623, 1371441950803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11053978

A fudanshi.

>> No.11053980

I wouldn't add "fu", since "fu" is from "fujin" which is "woman" or "lady". but it's great that you like BL!

>> No.11053985

That pic is all kinds of cute.

>> No.11053990

Are you a cute fujoshi?

You can watch me and my boyfriend having sex if you like. Maybe you could even give us tips? Sorry if I offend you but I heard fujoshi are really into this kind of thing.

>> No.11053988

why dont fujoshi read yuri more?

imo its much much cuter.

>> No.11053994

I heard the majority of Saki fans are girls. Are they all fujoshi?

>> No.11053992

I love yuri too, more or less equally to yaoi. I love the Madoka anime so much.

>> No.11053997

also this is the best site.


>> No.11053995

Most fujoshi would rather read about two dicks rubbing against each other, but there are fujoshi who prefer yuri.

>> No.11054002
File: 579 KB, 1126x1601, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great artist.

>> No.11054007


>> No.11054013

Not even. I like reading about how they meet and build a relationship and go through a lot of hardships and such

>> No.11054024


I only liked that one story about the schoolgirl with the glasses because she was hiding a belly piercing under her skirt.

It was pretty hot when she revealed it.

>> No.11054117

idk I'm not sure how I feel about watching real people doing that.

>> No.11054135

Well it's less that i like watching it since it feels kind of 'canned', and more that i like reading it

>> No.11054195

What does canned mean?

We're both shy so it might be difficult to do if you watch. Usually it's very lovey dovey with lots of kissing and hugging and I would be embarrased to do that in front of someone.

>> No.11054581

I've noticed a large increase in fujoshi posters lately. I kinda like it.

>> No.11054661
File: 361 KB, 647x703, 104918241277369011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I masturbated to Rumia today.

>> No.11054798

How was it?

>> No.11054850

I wish there were an increase of loli posters.

>> No.11054862

I think by canned, I mean, at least with adult videos or H stuff, they focus too much on the adult/ero parts and it's kind of boring and mechanical. So I don't really like that kind of thing.

And yeah it's embarrassing having people watching. When I'm in a room with friends who are together and they start becoming intimate, or when I see people in public start petting it makes me kind of awkward and I drift away from them. I never even kissed or petted in public back when I dated.

It's kind of a private thing so I understand the feeling.

>> No.11054973

What's wrong with being new? You were new once as well.
Remember, words cause harm.

>> No.11055337

My cousin's over for the night but she doesn't really seem keen on talking about space this time. Seems very keen on eating fudge pops though.

>> No.11060034
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>> No.11060038

you think she'd be up for talking about why your dick is in her tonight?????

>> No.11060055

She'll wreck your cum factory.

>> No.11060060

That's completely uncalled for. We ended up returning to the subject earlier today. She always starts off with, 'About our space conversation,' and then asks me something related as if it's some sort of unending conversation that's been spanning several few months so far.

Also while she was around the house today she was in her bathing suit saying she wished someone would go swimming with her. She never did get to go swimming.

>> No.11060108
File: 217 KB, 845x1200, yozora-mikazuki armpit fetish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat chest best chest

>> No.11060116

>Also while she was around the house today she was in her bathing suit saying she wished someone would go swimming with her. She never did get to go swimming.
..Are you for real? Have you no pride as a man?
I take my cousins swimming every week, and if you somehow did not know this already, a wet loli in a bathing suit, surrounded by many other lolies in bathing suits, is a sight glorious enough to behold that there is literally no good reason for you to have avoided this chance.

Nowadays they even sell swimming trunks for the erectionally eager, if that's your problem.

>> No.11060130

Something came up, family emergency. I don't like taking my shirt off anyway, I have no swimming trunks, and I'm sure my parents would have thought that it was odd that the only time I've gone swimming in the past five years is with my younger cousin.

>> No.11060160
File: 342 KB, 1024x768, 5185245907294115329748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something came up, family emergency.
>I don't like taking my shirt off anyway
>I have no swimming trunks
Excuses, excuses, and more excuses. Ignore your family like you always do, buy the trunks on your way to the beach, and keep your mind on the prize.
>I'm sure my parents would have thought that it was odd that the only time I've gone swimming in the past five years is with my younger cousin.
Yeah, real odd that the only reason you spent some time with your younger cousin swimming, was because your younger cousin wanted to. Seeing as how you appear to get along with her anyway, unless you've given them reason to believe you're a rapist paedophile, no one should think going to the beach of all things is too strange. It's summer, it's what everybody else is doing.

And seriously, dude.
Bathing suits.

Think about it.

>> No.11060182

>Bathing suits.
>Think about it.
so many lewd toughts

>> No.11060185

There's no beach, only a pool in the backyard. Regardless of lolis I'd jump at the opportunity to swim at a beach or something similar.

>> No.11060200

So let me get this straight: You avoided an opportunity to splash around in water with a little girl you like and who is comfortable around you, when you wouldn't have even needed to to have a transport or be around other people?
Because you don't like being without your shirt?

I don't even know what to say to you, anymore.

>> No.11060209

Swimming is for fags

>> No.11060213

No, the first reason was the most important. There was an actual emergency and we went to the hospital.

>> No.11060218

who cares go post about it on myspace

>> No.11060222

op is NOT flatchested!!!

>> No.11060223

Are you calling him fat?
He may be a flaming homosexual, but there's no need to get personal, here.

>> No.11062851

oh so you're fat

>> No.11062871

I'm really not fat I just don't like taking my shirt off.

>> No.11062946

dude you seem to have a few emotional problems
nobody can think up a senerio like that just on the top of their head

>> No.11062993

do you have that thing where there's a dent in your chest?

>> No.11063161

God damnit guys. There's nothing wrong with me I just don't like taking off my shirt.

>> No.11063213

Everyone has things they dislike doing, but consider this: Perhaps finding the courage to take your shirt off is the next step in achieving satori.

Just consider it.

>> No.11063299

I don't either. I'm surprised people here don't understand.

>> No.11063324
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>> No.11063442
File: 540 KB, 800x686, 200411271277369011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolis are for protecting, not sexing. A true lolicon protects little girls from the darkness!

>> No.11063450

Lolis are also for hugging and cuddling and for playing games with.

>> No.11063456

And maybe kissing their little feet, if they want you to.

>> No.11063462

and balls deep fucking

>> No.11063467

Fuck off and die pedophile.

>> No.11063479


>> No.11063509

Only in a platonic manner, the way a brother would entertain his sister. I do not mean to lecture, but simply to clarify what some might twist into a sexual activity.

We will meet in the Thunderdome.

>> No.11063516

I don't even know how you can sexually hug someone.

>> No.11063518

with your dick in one of their orifices

>> No.11063523 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 600x800, 1363836820697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.

>> No.11063531

Squeeze a bit too much and grab the ass, for example

>> No.11063536

This is really lewd and is definitely not what I imagine a hug to look like. I mean, if you're fully clothed and hugging a loli who is also fully clothed, I'm struggling to think of how it can be sexual.

>> No.11063540

Oh okay, I guess the ass grabbing makes sense. Nobody here does that with lolis right? Grabbing and touching and poking and pinching their butts I mean.

>> No.11063538
File: 245 KB, 638x808, get out717989972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11063543

You can have sex with clothes on

>> No.11063572

How the HECK was that NSFW, janny?

It was just two people hugging.

>> No.11064875

Yeah but it's not like it can happen accidentally, especially when the loli is so small.

>> No.11064893

Did anyone here try to make themself a pedophile as a joke or kind of 'fuck you' to society, during their formative years, only to realize with dismay that you actually conditioned yourself into becoming a genuine pedophile and can't change it?

>> No.11064923

No, what the hell

>> No.11064930


>> No.11064942

Who the HELL is stupid enough to search through the regular internet for cp

>> No.11065032

You're all sorts of retard.

>> No.11065072

Who cares if she's a 5 year old

>> No.11065631

I think I may have done that, but I'm uncertain if it's not just my anxiety speaking.
