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11037257 No.11037257 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11037259

2 2hus shoot heroin needles at eachother

>> No.11037264

Jewish people arrived and they caused an incident.

>> No.11037265


>> No.11037267

Reimu doesn't want to do shit today. Youkai cause some incident just to spite Reimu. Yukari tells Reimu to get off her lazy ass and go take care of things. Reimu beats the crap out of everyone who gets in her way before beating the crap out of whoever caused the mess in the first place. She then invites them over for tea. Marisa steals some shit. The end.

>> No.11037273

It rained and Reimu's feet got wet. Reimu goes to investigate source and finds out it's 2hu versions of the norse gods.

>> No.11037291

every 2hu plot evar

>> No.11037301
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An incident! Gensokyo has been taken over by music! Everyone is either singing music, performing music, dancing to music, or listening to music. It's up to the heroines to get to the center of this problem.

The Prismrivers show up as a stage 1 boss, and Choujuu Gigaku appears in a single boss stage. New 2hus are based on female versions of dead musical legends like Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix, and Freddie Mercury.

Damn I should write for Hollywood.

>> No.11037306

where is the twist

>> No.11037310

Touhou doesn't have twists.

>> No.11037318

An incident happens which kills the border and Gensokyo becomes integrated with the outside world again. What's going to happen now?

>> No.11037324

An incident happens.
Reimu, Marisa and the Stage 5 Boss from a few games ago set out on a quest to solve the incident.
After the incident is solved, the final boss and the Stage 5 boss go to Hakurei Shrine and have tea with Reimu.

>> No.11037326

It turns out to all be an illusion created by the youkai of unoriginal ideas.

>> No.11037332


>Freddie Mercury.

How do we make a Freddie 2hu without a mustache though ?

>> No.11037333

The minor groups of Gensokyo are rioting. Each stage has a new kind of enemy.

Stage 1 are worthless scrub youkai.
Stage 2 are items turned into tsukumogami
Stage 3 are dolls
Stage 4 are fairly strong fairies
Stage 5 are humans
Stage 6 are ghosts

>> No.11037334

Modern human adventurers start raiding youkai for xp and loot.

>> No.11037343
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Enjoy demon souls but without a nexus to respawn.

>> No.11037348
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I don't know, but I started work on the Hendrix 2hu.

This is really good!! I should send this to ZUN. What's his email?

>> No.11037351

Good. It'll be like the better From games where if you fail, you start from the beginning.

>> No.11037371
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And the forever hungry old one is Yuyuko I guess.

>> No.11037404

>an original character does something selfish that affects the world
>Raymoo, Marisa and (randomly chosen third) go stop them
The original character is a male

>> No.11037408

I don't see the problem.

>> No.11037452

That's fine and all, but I can't tell who are you supposed to be quoting!

>> No.11037665

>My dad works for ZUN

>> No.11037685

Rinnosuke rapes Reimu, you play as Marisa on a quest for revenge against what was once your greatest friend and tutor.

With voice acting.

>> No.11037733

Somewhere in Europe, there exists a rough equivalent to Gensokyo where all these fairytale hags and boogeymen of old are stashed. It is accessed by a fairy mound instead of a shrine, and its queen is a fairy noble of the old school, Lovecraftian force of nature sort. One day, she and Yukari decide to swap around their "champions" (i.e. random saps they picked on a whim) and have them investigate in the other wonderland.

Quite soon, a knight and princess are busy rampaging through Gensokyo and trying to vanquish vile demons that claim to be gods, while Reimu and Marisa have to contend with swarms of hobs and a true, honest-to-goodness Western dragon for a boss. The two parties meet up on the Extra stage and have to fight some loli from Mount Meru, the Indian haven for supernatural creatures, who wanted to get in on the fun but couldn't arrive in time.

>> No.11037844

What if it happend the other way around?

Reimu is having tea with youkai who don't like her tea. They go on a rampage and Reimu stops them. Then she goes on not doing anything.

>> No.11037914 [SPOILER] 
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Suddenly it starts snowing in Gensokyo, but it doesn't stop for 10 days, and the "snow" is really sticky. Reimu just stands under the snow with her mouth open and taking all the donations, so Marisa tries to go find out what the incident is, however her broom is all sticky from the snow and thus can't fly.

Instead Youmu read best heroine 2hu goes on a mission to save Gensokyo and fights through many youkai to come to a dirty back alley in a seedy part of Gensokyo.

Youmu finds Sanae puking her guts out, which Youmu quickly puts out of her misery with a slice of her katana.

Turns out that the "snow" was really semen that Sanae had swallowed in the last 4 hours (prior to the start of the incident) but suddenly started puking it up, causing the "snowstorm" because she had eaten a 100 year old, diseased hotdog she found on the ground simply because it looked like a penis. Needless to say, this made her sick and caused her to puke up all the semen she had swallowed from about 1000 guys in 4 hours.

>> No.11037935
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>> No.11037948
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Wrong reaction image, dude.

>> No.11038010

That was most likely his face as he typed it. He was probably just internally screaming.

>> No.11038017

You better not read that Mystia romance self-insert OC that was posted the other day.

>> No.11038387

Marisa, Yukari and Seiga each notice strangeness in their magic, so they set out to see what's wrong. Meanwhile, Reimu's gone missing. The three of them head to a magical forest, where the flow of magic seems to be disrupted.

Right away, they encounter some youkai who've also noticed the weakening of magic. Alice has been demoted to a mere stage 1 boss, and she comments on how she's felt her youkai side fading just recently. There's also a new bear youkai who boasts about how strong she is, but as a stage 2 boss she's defeated rather easily, much to her surprise.

The stage 3 boss at the center of the forest is a human biologist who's somehow entered Gensokyo and had an increase in magic powers. As such, she's discovered the ability to manipulate nature. She uses nature- and animal-themed danmaku in a defensive way. However, she loses since she's new to magic and fighting in a foreign realm. Noticing she's now helpless, she steps into a flying vehicle and zooms off towards the borderlands of Gensokyo. Naturally, the protagonists follow her.

>> No.11038389

She appears almost immediately again in stage 4, where she notices she's being followed. The midboss fight is actually a chase scene, and she's fighting from inside the flying device, using its laser technology to drop traps at the player while they're also fighting against the usual critters. After losing again, she's in awe of how powerful magic can be over both nature and technology, even when weakened.

Then, another human appears as the stage 4 boss, but she's a physicist with the newfound magical power to manipulate light. She uses reflecting prisms and other physics phenomena in her danmaku. Her final spell card is a beam of condensed sun energy similar to Master Spark, which the characters make a note of. She says she's only interested in the research of magic, but had to fight to defend herself, and partly because she wanted to try out the results of her research.

She also explains that the border of Gensokyo and our world has been weakened to the point where magically attuned people from our world manage to enter Gensokyo. This gives the characters the idea of entering the border into our world to see what's wrong.

However, there's a guardian waiting for them at the border in stage 5. It's another human with magic powers, this time a mathematician with very elaborate and complex danmaku. She eventually loses after a harsh fight, but tells them they don't know what they're doing and they shouldn't enter our world, because they'd ruin her master's plan. The characters then comment about this being just mutual hospitality and do so anyway.

So, stage 6 takes place in our world, somewhere above Japan. The final boss is a god of thunder who decided to give the best of humans a way to research magic by opening the border to Gensokyo.

>> No.11038397

Marisa disagrees because an open border causes youkai to flood Earth, having become bored with the lack of scaring in Gensokyo, and she feels sympathy for the humans.
Yukari disagrees because the way humans leech from the magical stream of Gensokyo disrupts Gensokyo's harmony and her magical powers.
Seiga disagrees because she sees humans as ultimately self-destructive and thus unworthy of magic.

And then you fight among the clouds against her electricity-themed danmaku with Japan looming below you.

You win and the thunder god has a teatime talk with other Gensokyo gods about the compatibility of humans and magic. Humans are stripped of magic and it looks like everything's back to normal.


Reimu's still missing, and the thunder god informs you she saw her in our world. The border is still briefly left open so you can go fetch her back. And thus begins the Extra stage.

The Extra stage midboss is that bear youkai from stage 2, who's had her powers back after humans stopped leeching the magic stream, and entered our world to see what the fuss is all about. After that, you face Reimu, who's been protecting humans from the youkai invasion in our world. However, she doesn't want to return to Gensokyo, so you fight her to change her mind.

She returns, realizing there's no need to protect humans here anymore if the border will be closed. So they return back and drink some more tea.


>> No.11038396

Yukari = Maribel = Marisa = Sakuya = Eirin = Yukari

>> No.11038431

I can guarantee you that if I started this thread with "ITT: Touhou fan fiction", the janitor would have deleted it.

>> No.11038450

"Touhou 15: Elemental Osmosis"?

>> No.11038459

super natural osmosis ~ eastern gift from the skies

>> No.11038726

I kinda want to make this, might be cool if instead of spells you'd only have weapon powerups or something (since magic is weaker).

>> No.11038730

I want an underwater game with each of the three fairies as a shot option.

>> No.11038907
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Excuse me, Anon, I'm going to steal your idea and make a game with it.

>> No.11038928

>Turns out that the "snow" was really semen that Sanae had swallowed in the last 4 hours
>causing the "snowstorm" because she had eaten a 100 year old, diseased hotdog she found on the ground simply because it looked like a penis


Now you owe me medical treatment for the damage caused by the explosion of my sides!


Jokes aside, I'll pay a million dollars to the Anon that implements this game on Danmakufu

>> No.11039006

take my fucking money

>> No.11040222

I'm all for a game with the three fairies, but why underwater? What would the fairies be doing underwater? How would they be breathing?

>> No.11041648

Maybe Gensokyo gets it's own CBGB-type club?

>> No.11041674
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2 2hus rub their hot tea cups against each other's.

Someone please make this real.

>> No.11041679
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CBGB's closed several years ago, so it wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination to say that, because it lives on as a legend in the minds of many punks across the world, it gets transported to Gensokyo, where Choujuu Gigaku converts it into a punk-themed buddhist temple.

All the nameless fairies have mohawks, of course.

>> No.11041683

It should be Reimu going ton the rampage because she's analdevestated that someone dissed her skills of the chai.

>> No.11041687

It looks like Kyouko needs a new guitarist.

>> No.11041691

A story about Suika's childhood. According to the wiki oni are generally jolly and love to drink, feast, and compete with humans in any kind of contest, from simple physical fighting to drinking games. Long ago, when an oni found a human that they liked, they tempted that human into challenging them in any way the human desired. Should the human lose, they were abducted. Because normal humans were nowhere near an oni's level of ability, humans resorted to sneaky underhanded tactics in order to beat the oni. Tired of being tricked and killed all the time, the oni swore off humans forever and left for a place beyond human reach, or so the legend says. It was later on revealed in Subterranean Animism that the oni have taken refuge underground.

>> No.11041694

Anons still can't figure how to let someone know a post was funny without using "my sides"?

>> No.11041706

And that could mean a Lux Interior Touhou.

>> No.11042166
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>> No.11042187
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On an completely unrelated note, I'm waiting warmly for スリーフェアリーズ.

>> No.11042197

Where's this from?

>> No.11042216

Hirasaka's latest doujinshi.

>> No.11042227

Ah, I should have known. The title wasn't giving me anything but I was looking in the wrong places.

>> No.11043590
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I support this fully
